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Silversea Water Cooler: Part 3, Welcome!

Host Dan

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So agree about the rapid and successful response by the police in London. However politicians are now trying to make political capital over cuts etc which I believe is crass and insensitive. I read this morning that at least one of the attackers was born here in Watford. Nothing to do with immigration. He lived here presumably having gone through our education system, used our NHS and lived in social housing in Barking. He had taken full advantage of our system of supporting and caring for our citizens and it's still not enough. I have my own set of religious beliefs but fail to understand how in the name of God they reach these perverted ideals.



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G'Day All.........


Jeff..had to giggle at your concert commentary....whilst it was a wonderful thing to do I struggled with the artists....and the music....I guess our parents had the same problem back in the 50's/ 60's......remember my Dad telling me that Elvis was a greasy haired lout.. while l drooled 😝 by today's standards he was very conservative!


I have great admiration for our emergency services and the response on Saturday is to be highly praised.

Piers Morgan made a good point to Cressida this morning when he asked her about the rest of the country with very limited resources...and this is the worry....would our rural/county forces be able to respond so rapidly.


Perfectionist....The Ivy is one of my favourites haunts in town along with a couple of others.....glad you enjoyed.


A very wet day here in Wales....I stocked up from the local farm shop yesterday so a comfort lunch of Chicken & Leek pie today with hand cut fries followed by a home trifle twist of victoria sponge, fruit, custard and ice cream.


S ☺️

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Sad news abroad this weekend. Prayers for all.

Welcome Lois!

Trying to keep up here. Seems there isn't a lot of time these days. Summers are busy.

Socks is doing well.

No cooking this week. Eating up leftovers to prepare for going away this weekend.




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Just booked an overnight getaway for our anniversary on Saturday. We debated going somewhere further away (like Montreal) but between residual jetlag from the Europe trip, and working all last week/weekend, a 30 minute drive was far enough for us. It will be fun to have a mini-vacation close to home for a change!


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Soapy, about time all Chief Constables are the final arbiter of how many police should now receive firearms training and be armed. We are in different times and we must change with them.


Shots good to hear Socks is doing well!


Happy anniversary for Saturday Chris and JP!



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Congratulations, JP and Chris!! Anniversary # ? A short and nearby getaway is a practical celebration. Enjoy!


Shots, I get you re your business... Just this morning I complied with the jury summons and thought I would be spending the week in the courthouse discharging my duty... my number was called and I sat through the lengthy procedure, but, alas, I was dismissed. I wonder why ??? I was not asked any question! Now I will be getting busy with other things.

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22 years. Not a milestone number so we will keep it low-key. Plus the old cat needs to have an eye kept on her these days so one night away without a sitter is plenty long.


I know on our 10th we got together in the Finger Lakes with all of my siblings for a day of wine tasting and a nice group dinner. We spent our 15th on a Silversea cruise, on the Black Sea. We celebrated our 20th with dinner on the beach in Zanzibar, with our travel group after a great African Safari through Rwanda and Tanzania. It was an amazing setting, and they played music and we danced on the beach afterwards.


Methinks I'd better get planning for #25 now, because the bar has been set progressively higher! This will take a few years to figure out!

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Good Morning Coolers, from a wet and rainy Blighty. :)


As it is extremely quiet, but having nothing much to say I thought nothing much is better than nothing at all, so I thought I'd say nothing much anyway!:D


I think wifey and I have been together out of marriage and then in marriage for around forty eight years or so and that is enough harm to wish on any female. Thinking about anniversaries, I have in a way always sort of hated them because I'm scared of upsetting and not following protocols and fullfilling expectations of some sort. I feel rightly or wrongly that you must tell your partner that you love them several times a day and that in a way, an anniversary is seen as a celbration of a year since the last one, whereas if we are doing what we should be doing in marriage every day then we should celebrate every single day as an anniversary. I think if you are blessed enough in having someone who doesn't realise what a bad deal they got, is good enough and if two people both feel they got a good deal, then that is good enough to last you for a lifetime. So that leads me to say that we do not celebrate anniversaies in any way at all other than how we do so every day. I make her food, try to make her laugh for all the right reasons and try hard not to do too much harm.


Blighty is recovering from Manchester and London I feel extremely well. I think if anything there is a feeling of pride that we take these things in our stride and that London in particular is a place that is of every flavour and colour and all come and are made welcome. I think there is if anything a feeling of anger towards those that don't recognise that the healthily minded amongst us have everything in common and virtually no difference. Here for just a lifetimes span, to enjoy the experience and then depart hopefully with a pain free and glorious journey and to be remembered by those that we leave behind who we have loved and been loved by with fondness and good memories. Nobody in my view has the ability to make themselves happy. Only others can make us happy and it follows therefore that all of us have the ability to make others happy. Sadly, all of us therefore have the ability to make others unhappy and to many, whether trivially on places like the net, or maximally with bombs, vans and knives seem to think that in making others unhappy somehow or other they will make themsleves happier and gain some sort of self-fullfilment.


Anyway, in true Cooler tradition I have managed to say an awfuil little in far too many words, other than to say how much I appreciate just chatting to and hearing from other e-friends and virtual family around the cooler who share both important and unimportant, joys and news and in a way it does fill a little gap that seems to me special, idiosyncratic, quirky, unpredicatable and therefore possibly in a very small world unique.


Anyway, the Armagnac beckons.




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This coming July we'll have been married for 37 years. Food is always a key element in our celebration. On our 35th, we had great food in Athens. This year will be at home, but I'm sure DD will prepare a feast. I'm all for celebrations, no matter how simple!

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We made 50 years last year and took a Tuscan Villa for us, our 4 children and partners and 8 grandchildren. It was a special magical time with great memories. We are over 51 years now and definitely getting slower.


Do I dare bring up the British Election? I am a keen follower of politics and my antenna still say we are on course for a May victory. DH agrees but thinks it will be much tighter than me. Not one for frequenting betting shops we have had a wager between us. I reckon a majority of 60-70 seats. He says 20. If I lose I have to make him his hearts desire, a homemade steak and kidney pudding. If I win he comes with me on something I want to do with good grace.




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Love all the talk of everybody's celebrations. We think similarly to Jeff in that every day is a celebration of sorts. But the upshot of that is that we don't buy gifts for each other on these occasions. We still celebrate the day as a special occasion.


We prefer to do something memorable so we have great memories, and not more stuff. Unfortunately that usually involves food...so it stays with you for a while! ;)


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DH and I are celebrating one and a half years this weekend! It was actually last weekend, but we were both still under the weather. Going to visit the North country and take in the Michigan Food and Wine!

Happy celebrations to everyone! We must remain focused on the good things in life during these times.



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Happy Anniversary JP and Chris....have a fun time....it's always good to celebrate!


Spins..have you seen that the Spirit is back doing the crossing in 2019....sure to be booking that one!


Been one of those mish mash days....took the old four wheels in for her annual MOT....and shock horror...she failed so I've had to leave the poor wench there until tomorrow for a full makeover. The kids keep trying to get me to buy something new but l actually love the old gal....sometimes feel like Maggie Smith as The Lady in the Van 😉😄


It's been a very wet and windy day and my poor petunias have suffered....will we ever get a decent summer!


Hope Mrs J enjoys her day in town tomorrow Jeffers......what's on your lunch menu?


S 😊

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Soapy, about time all Chief Constables are the final arbiter of how many police should now receive firearms training and be armed. We are in different times and we must change with them.




Couldn't agree more Jeff.....but since the new force commissioners came along their hands are tied somewhat.

I do now believe that more officers should be armed but this of course could cause more controversy if they become trigger happy so very difficult to strike that happy medium.

Our smaller rural forces already struggle...PCSO's are more visible on the streets these days but have no power of arrest....yet Special Constables who are volunteers have that power.....the whole establishment needs to be sorted...too many Chiefs and not enough Indians!

Will Mrs May come good.....l really don't know Jeff.....

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Couldn't agree more Jeff.....but since the new force commissioners came along their hands are tied somewhat.

I do now believe that more officers should be armed but this of course could cause more controversy if they become trigger happy so very difficult to strike that happy medium.

Our smaller rural forces already struggle...PCSO's are more visible on the streets these days but have no power of arrest....yet Special Constables who are volunteers have that power.....the whole establishment needs to be sorted...too many Chiefs and not enough Indians!

Will Mrs May come good.....l really don't know Jeff.....


We have to stop the litigation circuit when split second best of faith decisions taken by highly trained firearms officers are taken through the court system and minutely analysed with all the wisdom of hindsight and often on stumped up murder charges.


With the advent of explosives on terrorists the decision is less than a second and police MUST NOT hesitate and sadly this is a price we have to pay. Less innocent people will lose their lives than if police are in fear of subsequent prosecution, except if they were clearly wrong.


We must also take off the brakes that was placed on "stop and search" and Asian and other minority communities must understand that this is a price that has to be paid for all our safety.

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WOW, all of you have been married for many years........I am at the opposite end of the Spectrum. I was married many,

many years ago for a very (very) short period of time. I have been divorced since 1985. Never re-married......and that

is ok.......I don't really think I am meant to have a mate. Been on my own for so long......it is the way it is.

I have a good job (been with the same company going on 26 years) own my condo (no mortgage:D) and overall have

a pretty good life.....love to cruise:)........oh, I have no kids or pets.........


Happy Anniversary to all of you who have them coming up:)

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Everyone's idea of a perfect life is different. I suspect that many having read your posts of solo cruising might have wrongly presumed you were widdowed but you are solo through it sounds choice and circumstance.


These days it seems few marriages last and those that have them have had to work hard. Every couple has their own secrets as to what preserves marriages.

I guess the upsides for you is you do exactly what you want when you want.

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Hi Jeff:).....that would be true......pretty much (although work gets in the way sometimes) LOL......I don't have anyone

to answer to except me:D.........

Sometimes life throws you lemons....you have to make lemonade;)

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Good Day All......


Another solo here Lois! Hubby number one for twenty five years and hubby two for fifteen years so l didn't do too bad 😉 l do have a lovely daughter though who's a treasure and my gorgeous black lab who is great company and doesn't answer me back!

I have the same attitude as in one has to make the most of what we have and I'm both happy and very lucky being a lady of leisure with my two or three cruises a year to enjoy.


The Silver Whisper called into Liverpool for the first time this week and will be in again next week.....a bit sad that l can't make it over for lunch as its only forty minutes away but can't change plans....😩


The old jalopy is back home having enjoyed her makeover....she's running very well so we are all pleased and it's great to have wheels again.


So, polling day beckons tomorrow......it's going to be an interesting one this time.....even the prediction polls can't get it right at the moment.......


Happy Day


S 😊

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Do I dare bring up the British Election? I am a keen follower of politics and my antenna still say we are on course for a May victory. DH agrees but thinks it will be much tighter than me. Not one for frequenting betting shops we have had a wager between us. I reckon a majority of 60-70 seats. He says 20. If I lose I have to make him his hearts desire, a homemade steak and kidney pudding. If I win he comes with me on something I want to do with good grace.



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The fact that no one on this side has answered probably gives a clue. It is the wierdest of times. The vote is tommorow but no one apart from TV is really talking about it. And I don't think anyone is that bothered anymore. I think there has been more politics than any of us can stomach. The agendas are also mishmashed. Normally it's a topic or two and everyone sets out their stalls. This time it's a vote about Brexit "in" or "out ie another refenrendum plus who should negotiate plus should the agreement be a further referendum etc etc, Theresa May, Corbyn, Scottish Nationalism, security, immigration, pensioner rights, student fees, NHS, inheritance issues, care in old age issues, where do UKIP voters now put their "X" and we're all fed up with voting on things anyway so it might be a lower than normal turnout. The politicos don't need the population anymore as they are content to just squabble amongst themselves as though the rest of us do not exist.


It may sound odd but I think we're all bored with it all and many don't really mind who governs as long as they leave us alone. It is an odd time. Even though many now use postal votes, it may be a low turnout particularly amongst the older age bands including pensioners who might have previously been relied on to vote conservative, but might not be able to face doing so this time but won't vote for anyone else.


In summary, there are more variables at play than at any time I can remember.

Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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