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Live from the 2022 Grand Africa


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You might want to see if you can get the tylenol or paracetamol from the ship's doctor. There have been cases of contaminated paracetamol in Africa recently. I think it was only children's liquid paracetamol that was affected but it may be best not to take any chances. 

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On 12/3/2022 at 10:00 PM, Gail & Marty sailing away said:

How is COVID on the ship? Do any guest wear mask our crew members??


I heard yesterday (through the grapevine, so take it for what that is worth) that we were down to just a handful of cases among passengers and none with the crew.  Almost all the crew wear masks and about half of the passengers.

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On 12/3/2022 at 10:12 PM, zelker said:

@Scrapnana  DH and I have found relief for lower back pain/sciatica using Advil Dual.  It’s a combo of Ibuprofen and Tylenol, take 2 every 8 hrs as needed.  Don’t know if you’ll be able to find any before the ship gets to FLL but something to keep an eye out for.  Hopefully you’re also doing some stretching.  Good luck. 

I will put that on my FLL shopping list.  Thanks!

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A Change of Plans - Takoradi, Ghana - December 4


My main mission today was to find some Tylenol/Paracetamol but I ended up not having to do that.  Shirley, from the trivia team, read my blog post from yesterday and called me this morning that she had extra-strength Tylenol that she could give me - she even brought it to me!  I am now alternating between naproxen and Tylenol about every 4-5 hours.  The pain is not all gone but after 15-20 hobbling steps I can walk fairly normally until I sit down or stop and then I have to repeat the process.  I even did a half lap around the deck today.  By the way, two of the LRADs are back out on the Promenade deck.  They are covered, and we haven't been warned of any problems, but I am wondering why they are back.  


For the first time this cruise that I can remember, we actually had vendors on the pier selling local craft items.  This used to be very common but not this cruise.  There were eight tents set up with paintings, wood carvings, woven baskets, clothes, a few pieces of fabric, and numerous small souvenir items.  The people were all very nice, spoke enough English to communicate, and priced everything in US dollars.  There was some haggling but most of the prices were very reasonable.  I picked up a few souvenirs for friends and family.  


We will be back here in March on the GWV and I may take the shuttle to the hotel just to take some pictures.  We were warned a few times not to take any pictures in the port area (which is why I don't have a picture of the vendors) or we would be fined.  Therefore, I did not take any pictures off the deck as I normally do when I don't get off the ship.  I checked out the four excursions for March (which ranged from $200 for visit to a cocoa farm - to $400 to help paint a school for the deaf and blind) and none of them sounded any more interesting than they did for this cruise.  I may hear from someone that they did something exciting and change my mind but am not expecting it.


After lunch in the Lido, I knit for a while in the Crow's Nest and had a long talk with one of my Sit and Stitch friends and then had a Coke Zero during Happy Hour.


None of us at dinner had excursions today so we talked about the few things we did do (go out on the dock and shop, mostly).  The show tonight was Pianist Ian Von Memerty and his wife, Vivienne.  They were presenters on South Africa's "Strictly Come Dancing" (like "Dancing With the Stars" in the US) for many years.


I have a tour in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire tomorrow that meets at 7am - ugh!  It is the last tour I have booked for this cruise as I have been to all but one of the ports before.  


Early night for me tonight!


7pm trivia - I had 8 out of 18 and the winning team had 14.

1.  What was the first nation set up with the help of the United Nations?

2.  What musical is based on a book by Gregory Maguire?

3.  What popular Christmas song was written during the Cuban Missile Crisi with a plea for peace?

4.  In what country were the 1998 Winter Olympics held?

5.  According to Aztec Mythology, how many levels of heaven are there?

6.  What British delicacy is known at "Trotters"?

7.  What is the southernmost city in the world?




1.  Libya

2.  Wicked

3.  Do You Hear What I Hear?

4.  Japan

5.  13

6.  pig's feet

7.  Ushuaia

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8 minutes ago, Scrapnana said:

I heard yesterday (through the grapevine, so take it for what that is worth) that we were down to just a handful of cases among passengers and none with the crew.  Almost all the crew wear masks and about half of the passengers.

Thanks I guess the same will happen on the World Cruise.

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On 12/4/2022 at 7:38 PM, Sea42 said:

I just wanted to thank you for the trivia questions. Everyday my husband and I play against each other using your posted questions. It's fun and as a bonus, it helped me on Jeopardy recently😁

Glad you like the trivia.  I have some friends that do the same as you and your husband.  Never hurts to learn new things (or remember things you thought you had forgotten!).

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Have You Ever Had Drinks With Your Cardiologist’s Mother? – December 6


When I had my last EKG, my doctor and I were talking and he asked me if I had any travel plans.  I told him I was cruising in October and he said his mother was taking a cruise around Africa in October.  I asked him what cruise line and he said it was Holland America.  Sure enough, we were on the same cruise.  All cruise I kept thinking I would bump into her but never did, so I sent her a note last week.  Turns out she was in quarantine for Covid and we decided to get together to celebrate upon her release.  This afternoon we got together for drinks (to toast our freedom) and talk.  We had a lot in common – we both were teachers, love cats, like strawberry daiquiris, and of course, enjoy cruising.  We talked for an hour and a half (and each had two daiquiris).


My leg is still giving me fits and my friend Judy (Bob) had an extra walking stick and lent it to me.  It has really helped because I don’t lean when walking so my side and lower back does not hurt as much. 


Other than these, the day was fairly typical. 


Tonight was a “Dressy Night” with a special menu (I did not take any pictures – it was much like the previous ones).  The show was vocalist Rebecca Kelly who does comedy as well as singing.



Another sea day tomorrow. 

1pm trivia - We had 15 out of 18 and four teams tied with 16

1.  Stinky Tofu is the national dish of which country?

2.  What body part is tested using the Snellen Chart?

3.  What clothing item did Einstein rarely wear?

4.  What mode of transportation has an envelope, a burner, and a basket?

5.  What article of clothing shares a name with a nuclear test site?





1.  Taiwan

2.  eyes

3.  socks

4.  hot air balloon

5.  bikini



4pm trivia - We had 10 out of 18 and the winning team had 13

1.  According to Billboard, who was the top selling artist of the 1970s?

2.  In the original Pac-Man, the ghosts were named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and what?

3.  In Star Trek, Spock and Kirk are shown playing chess three times.  Who won all three?

4.  Three dogs are on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Rin-Tin-Tin, Lassie, and which other?

5.  In which musical would you find Professor Harold Hill?




1.  Elton John

2.  Clyde

3.  Kirk (he cheated)

4.  Strongheart

5.  The Music Man

7 pm trivia was Tri-Bond Trivia - We were given three words and we had to tell what tied them together.  I did terribly (I am blaming it on the two daiquiris).  One team got all 20 correct.


1.  fisherman, broken arm, movie

2.  auto racing, baby bottle, Einstein

3.  eyes, eggs, laundry

4.  baby, goose, speed

5.  toilets, eyes, trash cans





1.  cast

2.  formula

3.  white

4.  bump

5.  lids

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Not a Real Exciting Day - December 7


Today was another very quiet, not much out-of-the-ordinary day.  The only different thing I did was to eat at 5 pm (not my usual 7:30) and I ate with my friend, Janet, who I met on the 2019 Grand South America.  We don't run into each other very often, so it was nice to have time to sit and talk.  I went to the 7pm show afterwards which was a presentation by the Singers and Dancers.  


I made it an early night because I am still having pain walking.  I have not had a lap around the deck in a few days.  Friends have been giving suggestions for exercises, medicines, etc.  and bringing me things to try.  I appreciate all the concern.  


I have a 4.5-hour tour tomorrow but about half of it is a panoramic drive around the city.  If I am still really bad after tomorrow, I will probably go back to the Medical Center to see if they have something more powerful to give me.  



1pm trivia - We had 12 out of 17 and the winning team had 16 

1.  Which country grows the most fruit?

2.  Where in your jeans would you find the initials YKK?

3.  How many laps is the Monaco Grand Prix?

4.  How many toes does an ostrich have on each foot?

5.  What soft drink uses the slogan, "Obey Your Thirst"?





1.  China

2.  zipper

3.  78

4.  2

5.  Sprite



4pm trivia - This was "Grade School Trivia" - We had 10 out of 18 and four teams had 14

1.  Rip Van Winkle fell asleep in which New York mountains?

2. Winnie the Pooh lived in what forest?

3.  Who composed "Stars and Stripes Forever"?

4.  Is an oboe a member of the brass or wind family?

5.  Write 34 in Roman Numerals.




1.  Catskills

2.  Hundred Acre Wood

3.  Sousa

4.  wind



Dakar, Senegal tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, Scrapnana said:


4pm trivia - This was "Grade School Trivia" - We had 10 out of 18 and four teams had 14

1.  Rip Van Winkle fell asleep in which New York mountains?

2. Winnie the Pooh lived in what forest?

3.  Who composed "Stars and Stripes Forever"?

4.  Is an oboe a member of the brass or wind family?

5.  Write 34 in Roman Numerals.




1.  Catskills

2.  Hundred Acre Wood

3.  Sousa

4.  wind




I got all the grade-school ones [that you posted] right!! - a first for me.

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On 12/4/2022 at 5:32 PM, Scrapnana said:

A Change of Plans - Takoradi, Ghana - December 4


My main mission today was to find some Tylenol/Paracetamol but I ended up not having to do that.  Shirley, from the trivia team, read my blog post from yesterday and called me this morning that she had extra-strength Tylenol that she could give me - she even brought it to me!  I am now alternating between naproxen and Tylenol about every 4-5 hours.  The pain is not all gone but after 15-20 hobbling steps I can walk fairly normally until I sit down or stop and then I have to repeat the process.  I even did a half lap around the deck today.  By the way, two of the LRADs are back out on the Promenade deck.  They are covered, and we haven't been warned of any problems, but I am wondering why they are back.  


For the first time this cruise that I can remember, we actually had vendors on the pier selling local craft items.  This used to be very common but not this cruise.  There were eight tents set up with paintings, wood carvings, woven baskets, clothes, a few pieces of fabric, and numerous small souvenir items.  The people were all very nice, spoke enough English to communicate, and priced everything in US dollars.  There was some haggling but most of the prices were very reasonable.  I picked up a few souvenirs for friends and family.  


We will be back here in March on the GWV and I may take the shuttle to the hotel just to take some pictures.  We were warned a few times not to take any pictures in the port area (which is why I don't have a picture of the vendors) or we would be fined.  Therefore, I did not take any pictures off the deck as I normally do when I don't get off the ship.  I checked out the four excursions for March (which ranged from $200 for visit to a cocoa farm - to $400 to help paint a school for the deaf and blind) and none of them sounded any more interesting than they did for this cruise.  I may hear from someone that they did something exciting and change my mind but am not expecting it.


After lunch in the Lido, I knit for a while in the Crow's Nest and had a long talk with one of my Sit and Stitch friends and then had a Coke Zero during Happy Hour.


None of us at dinner had excursions today so we talked about the few things we did do (go out on the dock and shop, mostly).  The show tonight was Pianist Ian Von Memerty and his wife, Vivienne.  They were presenters on South Africa's "Strictly Come Dancing" (like "Dancing With the Stars" in the US) for many years.


I have a tour in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire tomorrow that meets at 7am - ugh!  It is the last tour I have booked for this cruise as I have been to all but one of the ports before.  


Early night for me tonight!


7pm trivia - I had 8 out of 18 and the winning team had 14.

1.  What was the first nation set up with the help of the United Nations?

2.  What musical is based on a book by Gregory Maguire?

3.  What popular Christmas song was written during the Cuban Missile Crisi with a plea for peace?

4.  In what country were the 1998 Winter Olympics held?

5.  According to Aztec Mythology, how many levels of heaven are there?

6.  What British delicacy is known at "Trotters"?

7.  What is the southernmost city in the world?




1.  Libya

2.  Wicked

3.  Do You Hear What I Hear?

4.  Japan

5.  13

6.  pig's feet

7.  Ushuaia

Did you actually get to Ivory Coast?   Most cruise ships recently ( Regent, Azamara) have had to cancel this port... Perhaps they just opened???

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On 12/4/2022 at 5:29 PM, Scrapnana said:

I heard yesterday (through the grapevine, so take it for what that is worth) that we were down to just a handful of cases among passengers and none with the crew.  Almost all the crew wear masks and about half of the passengers.


Scrapnana, you have been on many, many Grand Voyages.  In your opinion, has this first, post-pandemic Grand Africa voyage been changed or diluted by the pandemic?  In other words, has it actually been a "Grand Voyage" as we remember them from pre-pandemic days?

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11 hours ago, Tampa Girl said:


Scrapnana, you have been on many, many Grand Voyages.  In your opinion, has this first, post-pandemic Grand Africa voyage been changed or diluted by the pandemic?  In other words, has it actually been a "Grand Voyage" as we remember them from pre-pandemic days?

It is definitely not a pre-pandemic "Grand".  Cutbacks abound.  I started compiling a list of what I have seen that's different with some input from friends.  I will post it at the end of the cruise.

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A Day in Dakar - December 8


The last time I was in Senegal, I did a tour of Goree Island famous for being the last place in Africa thousands of slaves would ever see.  Since I saw nothing of the city, I decided to do the 4.5 hour "Highlights of Dakar" tour. 


I woke up to a little less pain in my leg than the last few days which was a blessing.  Since my tour was not due back until 2:30, I had two pancakes (which actually became 1.5 since one side of one pancake was overdone and I cut it off).  I met Judy (doctor's mom - are you having trouble keeping up with all the Judys?) in the World Stage so we could be on the same bus.  


We started with a panoramic ride around the city seeing the Presidential Palace (Dakar is the capital city), Place de l'Independence, the railroad station, and numerous government buildings.  We then had time to visit the Roman Catholic Cathedral that was very modern inside.


Street after street of small stalls or items just laid out on the sidewalk were passed on our way to the sand painting demonstration and bathroom stop.  A number of people purchased items (I bought one back in 2018).  After that we headed out of town to the African Renaissance Monument.  This is the tallest free-standing statue in Africa at 171 feet.  It is controversial in part because of its cost and it was built by a North Korean company.  We also saw the Marmelles Lighthouse built in 1864 and the Mosque of the Divinity on the way back into the city.


Our last stop was at the Artisan's Market where Judy and I did a little shopping and met a number of cute kitties.  It took about an hour to get back to the ship because of the traffic so our tour ended up being six hours.


I was wiped out (and my leg was really hurting) so I had a Coke Zero and then got ready for dinner with Judy (Lee) and Rich in the Pinnacle Grill.  As a 5* Mariner, I get two free meals in the Pinnacle per cruise.  The meal was delicious and I will post pictures tomorrow.  


There was no show (another movie instead) and we gain back another hour tonight.  This was our last port on the African mainland and we have one sea day before getting to Cape Verde.

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22 hours ago, DS said:

Did you actually get to Ivory Coast?   Most cruise ships recently ( Regent, Azamara) have had to cancel this port... Perhaps they just opened???

Sorry, I totally missed posting this.  Yes, we did make the Ivory Coast.


First tour in weeks! - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - December 5


Today I had the third of the tours I booked through Across Africa, set up on our Cruise Critic Roll Call.  It was called Abidjan Round Experience.  Originally, we were supposed to go to the Mosque du Plateau, St. Paul's Cathedral, Centre Artisanal de Ville, the Civilization Museum, the zoo, and have lunch.  It was decided a few weeks ago that we would not go to the zoo because it was in poor condition.  Yesterday it was decided that we would not stop for lunch because the ship's original arrival/departure times had changed and we needed to get back earlier.


We met at 7:00 in the Ocean Bar but it took about an hour and a half until we were cleared by health inspectors and immigration inspectors.  We were watching the dock as people were finally able to get off but the buses had not yet arrived.  We finally left the ship about 8:50 and ours was one of the first vehicles to arrive.  We were told to bring our passports and Covid cards but nobody checked them.  There were 16 in our group and instead of two vans, we had a large (about 40 seat) bus for all of us with amazing air conditioning. 


As we left the port area, our guide told us that Abidjan port was used to import/export goods for neighboring land-locked countries like Mali and Burkina Faso. We headed through the city of over 6 million, which although not the political capital, is the economic capital and largest city in the country.  


Our first destination was to the Banco National Forest which was somewhat of a surprise since it was not on the itinerary but I think maybe it was substituted for the zoo.  Honestly, it wasn't very interesting and was very hot and humid.  My leg gave me fits all day (I seem to have alternate good and bad days) so I didn't get off when the guide gave us five minutes to get off and look around (nobody needed any more).


We then went to the Museum of Civilizations.  I hobbled around for a bit and took some pictures.  All of the explanations for the artifacts were in French (the official language) and my high school French was not up to translating more than a word or two.


We mutually agreed to skip the Mosque although we did drive by it on our way to St. Paul's Cathedral.  Again, I did not get off the bus but those that went inside said it was beautiful with stained-glass windows of African animals.


The final stop was to the artisans' market.  I enjoyed looking around (and buying a few souvenirs for friends) until I caught my leg on a rough piece of wood and scraped off a few inches of skin and bled copiously.  A very nice young man from one of the booths rushed over with tissues and brought me a chair to sit in while I sopped up the blood.  Since I tend to do this much too frequently, I had a whole supply of various sizes of band-aids with me to put on once the bleeding stopped.


We were back to the ship earlier than the itinerary called for but I don't think anyone was upset.  There was time to have lunch on the ship which is what I did.


All aboard was 3:30 but the last HAL tour bus from the Ivorian Cocoa Farm did not roll in until 4:07 (I was out on the deck waiting for sail-away).  It did not take long for us to depart after that and we were off the dock by 4:25. I watched for about a half hour as we turned and sailed out of the lagoon and then started working on the blog and today's pictures (there are quite a few!).


I did not go to 7pm trivia because the pictures were uploading at a steady pace.  


Tonight was "Orange Night" in celebration of Holland America's heritage.  On December 5 in the Netherlands, gifts are exchanged on St. Nicholas' Eve.  For the first time I had something orange to wear (a shawl, of course).  


After dinner I went to the show which was another performance by CH2 and then up to the Crow's Nest to check out the Orange Party.  Lots of drinking, dancing, orange wigs, hats, shirts, dresses, etc.  Everyone was having a good time.

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1 hour ago, Scrapnana said:

It is definitely not a pre-pandemic "Grand".  Cutbacks abound.  I started compiling a list of what I have seen that's different with some input from friends.  I will post it at the end of the cruise.

I always enjoy your posts. I have been thinking this "Grand" has not been as "Grand" as in the past, so I look forward to your comments. 

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3 hours ago, Scrapnana said:

Sorry, I totally missed posting this.  Yes, we did make the Ivory Coast.


First tour in weeks! - Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire - December 5


Today I had the third of the tours I booked through Across Africa, set up on our Cruise Critic Roll Call.  It was called Abidjan Round Experience.  Originally, we were supposed to go to the Mosque du Plateau, St. Paul's Cathedral, Centre Artisanal de Ville, the Civilization Museum, the zoo, and have lunch.  It was decided a few weeks ago that we would not go to the zoo because it was in poor condition.  Yesterday it was decided that we would not stop for lunch because the ship's original arrival/departure times had changed and we needed to get back earlier.


We met at 7:00 in the Ocean Bar but it took about an hour and a half until we were cleared by health inspectors and immigration inspectors.  We were watching the dock as people were finally able to get off but the buses had not yet arrived.  We finally left the ship about 8:50 and ours was one of the first vehicles to arrive.  We were told to bring our passports and Covid cards but nobody checked them.  There were 16 in our group and instead of two vans, we had a large (about 40 seat) bus for all of us with amazing air conditioning. 


As we left the port area, our guide told us that Abidjan port was used to import/export goods for neighboring land-locked countries like Mali and Burkina Faso. We headed through the city of over 6 million, which although not the political capital, is the economic capital and largest city in the country.  


Our first destination was to the Banco National Forest which was somewhat of a surprise since it was not on the itinerary but I think maybe it was substituted for the zoo.  Honestly, it wasn't very interesting and was very hot and humid.  My leg gave me fits all day (I seem to have alternate good and bad days) so I didn't get off when the guide gave us five minutes to get off and look around (nobody needed any more).


We then went to the Museum of Civilizations.  I hobbled around for a bit and took some pictures.  All of the explanations for the artifacts were in French (the official language) and my high school French was not up to translating more than a word or two.


We mutually agreed to skip the Mosque although we did drive by it on our way to St. Paul's Cathedral.  Again, I did not get off the bus but those that went inside said it was beautiful with stained-glass windows of African animals.


The final stop was to the artisans' market.  I enjoyed looking around (and buying a few souvenirs for friends) until I caught my leg on a rough piece of wood and scraped off a few inches of skin and bled copiously.  A very nice young man from one of the booths rushed over with tissues and brought me a chair to sit in while I sopped up the blood.  Since I tend to do this much too frequently, I had a whole supply of various sizes of band-aids with me to put on once the bleeding stopped.


We were back to the ship earlier than the itinerary called for but I don't think anyone was upset.  There was time to have lunch on the ship which is what I did.


All aboard was 3:30 but the last HAL tour bus from the Ivorian Cocoa Farm did not roll in until 4:07 (I was out on the deck waiting for sail-away).  It did not take long for us to depart after that and we were off the dock by 4:25. I watched for about a half hour as we turned and sailed out of the lagoon and then started working on the blog and today's pictures (there are quite a few!).


I did not go to 7pm trivia because the pictures were uploading at a steady pace.  


Tonight was "Orange Night" in celebration of Holland America's heritage.  On December 5 in the Netherlands, gifts are exchanged on St. Nicholas' Eve.  For the first time I had something orange to wear (a shawl, of course).  


After dinner I went to the show which was another performance by CH2 and then up to the Crow's Nest to check out the Orange Party.  Lots of drinking, dancing, orange wigs, hats, shirts, dresses, etc.  Everyone was having a good time.

Thanks!    Sound like a extensive, if slow starting day.   We are currently scheduled to be there in March on Azamara ( although the Azamara Nov cruise did not make it), so your news is good news!

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15 hours ago, Scrapnana said:

It is definitely not a pre-pandemic "Grand".  Cutbacks abound.  I started compiling a list of what I have seen that's different with some input from friends.  I will post it at the end of the cruise.


Thanks, Scrapnana, I will look forward to reading it.  

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@Scrapnana I am not a doctor, therapist or ortho but have similar issues with lower back and legs, especially initially after sitting and gets better after a "lubricating" walk. The pills help with "medicating" pain, but not solving the issue. Before you get home to see what might be the problem, I suggest speaking with the fitness instructor and possibly doing some stretches to relieve tightness. For relieving sciatica, arthritis and bursitis in hips, etc we do these stretches: figure 4, clam shells, pigeon (90' pose), bridges, etc. Also (lightly) sitting/rolling over a tennis ball or foam roller to relive tight glutes may help. I have some compression in L5 which causes sciatica and I do modified cobra pose, lay on stomach leaning on elbow and lightly elongate the spine as you rise up on elbows, not too far but just enough to feel stretches, not pain. Hold 5 mins, once a day. Hopefully they can help in fitness center. 

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Reova is spot on.  I suffer from sciatica also, pretty bad, sometimes in which I get a stabbing pain and tingling/numbness in my feet.  I recently saw a spine specialist after having an MRI.  He said it was stenosis L4/L5 from aging.  He indicated that I should not have surgery and recommended an epidural steriod injection.  This does not solve the problem but provides relief for 2 to 4 months (you can get a shot 3 times per year).  In addition, I recently got a Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) device called NeuroMD.  It works on your core and lower back and strengthens and stabilizes the lower back.  After using the devices, you do 6 different exercises to complement the treatment.  I have attached a copy of the exercises for your information.  I would recommend that you try these exercises to see if they help you.

Sciatica Exercises.pdf

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1 hour ago, Scrapnana said:


Thanks to you both.  I am going to try these starting tonight.

Just do them slow as far as you can before (and stop if) pain. If done daily, it becomes routine (like not eating breakfast 😄) and you build up to going further. Planks are good also to strengthen core (which helps support back) but no one liked planks. 😢 you can read a book during planks but you can't knit. (Yet) 🤪

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On 11/26/2022 at 3:10 AM, Ken the cruiser said:

 2 ports in Madagascar we’ll be visiting. Was yellow fever vaccines even mentioned as a requirement? I was reading they do have a malaria endemic going on in Madagascar though.

You can easily google if Madagascar requires YF, off hand, I believe it's no.


FYI Azamara passengers HAD to have the YF vaccination. They sailed from Lisbon, some islands, Western African countries, to Cape Town, South Africa. Many did not board and 23 disembarked in Gran Canaria. Those that are not vaccinated, other option, is so stay on board the ship until Namibia and South Africa. South Africa Health Authority will NOT accept the YF waiver. Who knows if this will change in the future. 


@ScrapnanaScrapnana, I'm really enjoying your posts.


It's great to see that you went to Angola, Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal. The same Azamara ship (and other ships) lost most of these ports. Could someone ask on your ship, why you could dock and other ships couldn't?

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47 minutes ago, SFtraveller said:

You can easily google if Madagascar requires YF, off hand, I believe it's no.


FYI Azamara passengers HAD to have the YF vaccination. They sailed from Lisbon, some islands, Western African countries, to Cape Town, South Africa. Many did not board and 23 disembarked in Gran Canaria. Those that are not vaccinated, other option, is so stay on board the ship until Namibia and South Africa. South Africa Health Authority will NOT accept the YF waiver. Who knows if this will change in the future. 


As it turns out as our next stop on our NCL Jade cruise is Nosy Be, Madagascar, no YF vaccines or waivers are required to go ashore. 

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8 hours ago, SFtraveller said:

You can easily google if Madagascar requires YF, off hand, I believe it's no.


FYI Azamara passengers HAD to have the YF vaccination. They sailed from Lisbon, some islands, Western African countries, to Cape Town, South Africa. Many did not board and 23 disembarked in Gran Canaria. Those that are not vaccinated, other option, is so stay on board the ship until Namibia and South Africa. South Africa Health Authority will NOT accept the YF waiver. Who knows if this will change in the future. 



This should clarify the yellow fever vaccination/exemption.  You CAN enter with an exemption letter.


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