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Goodbye NCL and Possibly Cruising Altogether Rant One

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2 hours ago, MajSteve said:

From now on I am going to rent a nice cabin in a remote state park and relax on my own terms and my own schedule.

Ned Beatty's character (Bobby) had the same thought in Deliverance.  

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43 minutes ago, Catchum said:

My point was that I choose to enjoy my experience. If other people don't enjoy their trip for whatever reason that does not invalidate my enjoyment. I'm sorry that the ship running out of a beverage you don't drink spoilt your Mediterranean Cruise.

I had a great cruise.  As I said, I rarely drink Guinness, so its absence didn't impact me.  Actually, the entertainment level of the cruise was quite enhanced by observing the antics of the hundreds of other passengers who were so distraught about missing out on their Guinness. 

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59 minutes ago, Menocchio said:

Was Guiness day something NCL was promoting, or is it a fake holiday Guiness made up that NCL was supposed to know about?


I mean, still bad form to run out of anything that early. But really bad form to run out of the star attraction of your own party. 

I'm not defending either NCL or the disappointed passengers, but just saying that NCL might have done a better job of studying the demographics of the passengers on that particular cruise and provisioning appropriately.  After all, they do stock up extra hot dogs and soda on cruises that have lots of kids on board.  They probably have the statistics down to a fine science about how much Bratwurst to stock when there's a travel group from Chicago, etc., etc.  It would be like sailing in late November with a predominately American crowd and not stocking extra turkeys. 


Yes, the "Guinness Day" celebration probably was made up by the folks at the brewery in order to sell more beer, but apparently it is a semi-official holiday well known and widely celebrated in the UK.  NCL knew in advance that the cruise included an inordinately large percentage of folks from the UK, so it truly is unfortunate that the ship was not provisioned with an extra lading of Guinness beer.  Watching those folks go bonkers over NCL's running out of their favorite beer, however, was a sight to behold.

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1 hour ago, Sailing12Away said:

Do a quick google search on "Arthur's Day" for more info. I think it officially has been discontinued, but it wasn't an NCL thing, more of a local Irish passenger thing.

And there were tons of Irish folks on our cruise, literally tons of them.

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I'm conflicted....


On the one hand, I get the whole "Scooters are everywhere" scenario.  No issue if they're stored in the cabins.  Quite another when they're left abandoned in the aisles blocking the room stewards and everyone just trying to get by.


The rest is just proof that some don't appreciate cruising the way others do.


Resorts?  You are not going to escape the speedos and bikini thongs there, either. If anything, they'll be more prevalent. 


The lines?  There are bars in abundance on a cruise ship.  It befuddles me when I hear "I waited 20 minutes for a drink".  Who's to blame for that?  Again, if you can't get a drink at one bar, there's another 75 feet away in either direction.  Go to where there is no line.  Same for the buffet.  How long do you have to wait in line for something you want?  2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes?  Tops.


Pricing?  I've made these comparisons, before.


Go to any city, any resort...even a cabin in the Smokies....to get a decent place to stay, you're talking at LEAST $200/nite....most probably more.  That doesn't include the resort fees, the parking fees (if any)...it does not include 3 meals/day.  It does not include drinks (FAS).  It does not include ANY entertainment.  Plus, you're stuck in a single space.  Even the "Sandal's" type of all inclusive keeps you as a captive audience on their grounds.


I have done family vacations in the Smoky MOUNTAINS and rented a cabin.  It was fine, for the first 2 nites.  Past that, you can only play so much HillBilly Golf, eat so much taffy, and take a tour or "Ripley's Believe it or Not" (which by the way, are all extra cost).


Dropping the OP's $2k on a cruise includes all of the entertainment, eats, drinks and usually docks in an exotic locale to explore...spending nothing or as much as your heart desires in doing so.


Cruising isn't for everyone.  No issue if it's not the OP's cup of tea.  At least he tried it.  Didn't like it.  That's OK!  Don't agree with the reasons, but we're all different.  I know people who don't understand my fascination with cruising, either.


Just an aside, I'm a Home Audio hobbyist.  I set up my own multichannel Home Theater, I have a vintage stereo system that I totally refurbished on my own.


There was an Audio Show in Schaumburg, IL last week that I attended.  Just looked at what I spent.


3 nites @~$250/nite + $25/nite resort fee (not sure how they get Shaumburg as being a resort.


Food (3 meals/day, not crazy expensive but not McDonalds) ~$125/day


Parking was $25/day at the exposition center=$75


None of that includes the gas to get there and back (from Cincinnati), nor the meals on the way there and back, again.




just looked up a 5 nite cruise next month to the Caribbean on NCL...including FAS (drinks, Specialty dining, some internet and some excursion credits.


OceanView cabin, for 2, all in with FAS included.



$1,275 to stain in Schaumburg or 3 nites or $1,100 for me and the GF to sail in the Caribbean, drinks, food, entertainment included.  


We'll choose the Caribbean every time.






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Sorry, Major Steve, but no salutes for you on this thread.


Sure, you have a couple of legit gripes on how things went with your cruise 9aside form the weather).

But you say the service was very good, the food was quite good and the entertainment was very good (para phasing a bit with the adjectives).

It seems you're not tolerant enough to sail on a large and full cruise ship.

Nothing is perfection.

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1 hour ago, The Traveling Man said:

I'm not defending either NCL or the disappointed passengers, but just saying that NCL might have done a better job of studying the demographics of the passengers on that particular cruise and provisioning appropriately.  After all, they do stock up extra hot dogs and soda on cruises that have lots of kids on board.  They probably have the statistics down to a fine science about how much Bratwurst to stock when there's a travel group from Chicago, etc., etc.  It would be like sailing in late November with a predominately American crowd and not stocking extra turkeys. 


Yes, the "Guinness Day" celebration probably was made up by the folks at the brewery in order to sell more beer, but apparently it is a semi-official holiday well known and widely celebrated in the UK.  NCL knew in advance that the cruise included an inordinately large percentage of folks from the UK, so it truly is unfortunate that the ship was not provisioned with an extra lading of Guinness beer.  Watching those folks go bonkers over NCL's running out of their favorite beer, however, was a sight to behold.

It sounds like lots of people were just looking for a reason to complain.


I live in the UK and I probably drink more Guinness than any other beer. I've never heard of "Guinness Day" and it certainly isn't a big thing here.


In a pub in the UK I'd guess that the proportion of people drinking Guinness is usually significantly lower than 5%. For every pint of Guinness that is served they will pour much more lager, wine or spirits.


Guinness is certainly more commonly drunk in Ireland, and if the cruise line were promoting Guinness Day then they should have made sure they didn't run out before then, but all those upset people were probably only going to have a Guinness because of the advertising of the specified day.

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2 hours ago, JimR24 said:

Ned Beatty's character (Bobby) had the same thought in Deliverance.  

As I read that the music from Deliverance started running though my head.

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5 hours ago, MajSteve said:

This is the OP of the thread. I find it amazing that people are so mundanely satisfied with poor service. Horrible embarkation, passengers passing out from heat in the 2.5 hours in the sun with no water stations provided: no problem. Slow and lackluster service; no problem. Long lines for supposed reservation times: no problem. Poor NCL takes my money and pretends they are doing everything they can to improve the situation but don't, no problem. If you ain't Haven class, you ain't nobody; no problem. If you spent a couple of thousand dollars on anything else that had so many problems, you would be raising hell about it. But folks seem all too ready to forgive a cruise line for a shoddy product. And I am getting tired of being, "classed". From airlines and their "preferred" classes of boarding the plane to seats on the transfer busses. If you do not prefer Salsa dancing and rap music, don't bother to sit out by the pool.  And please: Will passengers begin to show some courtesy and consideration? From the electric scooter drivers who seem to think that the corridors and table seatings were created just for them and their beeping little horns to the pushy people cutting into the buffet lines to the drunks in the hot tubs and the 80 year old men trying to look like Hulk Hogan in their Speedos and muscle shirts to the elderly women wearing thong bathing suits to the "studs" wearing cowboy hats who have never set foot on a farm or ranch. No, you don't look cute; you look silly and out of place. Somewhat like Walmart on Friday night. From now on I am going to rent a nice cabin in a remote state park and relax on my own terms and my own schedule. Goodbye cruising.

Now this qualifies as a “rant”.  

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5 hours ago, Capitan Obvious said:


A tip to save some time: Every time you post in your own thread, this shows op.jpg.fd0354a131776ed441cfe281bde8ebfa.jpg to indicate that you are the OP. Saying so is just repetitive.


Not on all devices. 

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I go with the idea that everyone's cruise experience is valid. If MajSteve is done, then that's valid. It's extremely possible for people on the same cruise to have entirely different experiences. And NCL in particular has some quirks that can catch people unawares.

I was in a Studio cabin on the Escape and had an exhilarating time (even with being stuck in the harbor during a storm and missing Halifax) and the crew was so nice to me. Other people getting off the same cruise said the only good thing about it was leaving. Both my experience and theirs were valid.


A long and chaotic embarkation can put a damper on the cruise, especially in the heat. That is shoddy and I would probably be miffed, too. 


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3 hours ago, Ellis1138 said:

I go with the idea that everyone's cruise experience is valid.


If people here are annoyed by complainers, is that also valid?


...asking for a friend.

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11 hours ago, Ellis1138 said:

I go with the idea that everyone's cruise experience is valid. If MajSteve is done, then that's valid. It's extremely possible for people on the same cruise to have entirely different experiences. And NCL in particular has some quirks that can catch people unawares.

I was in a Studio cabin on the Escape and had an exhilarating time (even with being stuck in the harbor during a storm and missing Halifax) and the crew was so nice to me. Other people getting off the same cruise said the only good thing about it was leaving. Both my experience and theirs were valid.


A long and chaotic embarkation can put a damper on the cruise, especially in the heat. That is shoddy and I would probably be miffed, too. 


As long as it is actually their experience as opposed to I heard that....


We once had a cruise with a hurricane that kept us out of Fort Lauderdale for 2 days. I later was in a cruise discussion group and someone posted how he heard that it was awful and people were throwing up all over the place. Well, I was there, and that is not what was happening. There was a rough day when the Captain took us closer to land so passengers could get cell reception to make calls to their families, their airlines, their TAs, etc., but it was never like the person who was not there but only heard said it was.


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Yes, I would hope the people complaining were actually on the cruise itself. It's valid to be bothered by people complaining (or complaining about the complaining), but it's all down to us as an individual to make the best of whatever happens... or to decide to be miserable.

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People can view the same cruise differently.  Just as in life, some people view things with a "glass half full" attitude while others are "glass half empty".  The OP is very obviously a half-empty person who is generally pessimistic and negative and will find every thing to complain about.  There are lots of these types of people on every cruise.  Of course he should have the right to post his opinion, but others can also share their experiences and discuss as to why they don't agree with him.


The one thing I do agree with him is about the scooters.  There were a lot of scooters on our cruise.  Most are very kind people.  However, there was one lady in particular that I came to recognize.  Every time I saw her, her jaw was clenched and set and she had this look in her eyes like she was in the Monaco Grand Prix.  When you see her on the opposite site of the room, watch out.  Because she was going at full speed and didn't care whose toes she was going to run over.  She was an anomaly, but I do understand the context of OP's comment.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah...the whole..."I heard people muttering they would never sail (pick any cruise line) again" are particularly suspect.


I personally said I'd never sail NCL, again.  Happened right during the restart.  Being an avid cruiser, I was packed and ready to go once NCL announced their plans and the prerequisites to cruise, again.  Got all the shots.  Got a stack of COVID tests to take with me.  Got tested by my Doc....all clear.


NCL was going to sail out of San Juan.  I booked.  Didn't happen.  Alright......Restart was bumpy.  I'm a forgiving guy.  Happened again.  Little miffed, but accepted it.  Then, after they assured those of us who had booked (and I think the ship was going to be at 40% capacity) that we would guaranteed, absolutely, positively cruise the 3rd time.  We didn't.  Not sure why.  But, I was PO'd.


Took the opportunity to sail Celebrity instead, which I throughly enjoyed (today their fares have gone up so much I don't even look at them any more).


NCL threw some pretty hefty discounts at me (in particular, a New England/Canada 7-nite Breakaway sailing in a Balcony Cabin for about $700....ALL IN WITH FAS.


LOVED that cruise...one of my top 5. 


OK...nothing brings me back like a GOOD DEAL.  


As others have said, any vacation, land, sea, air....it is what you make of it.  You want to be grumpy?  You want to whine?  Those are all your choices.  YOU decide!


Things you can't control....WEATHER!  Particularly, in the Atlantic, or in the Caribbean during Hurricane season (which you'll find the best deals, usually), the beginning or end of Alaska sailing season....weather will most likely impact your cruise.  Not something the cruise line can control.

Edited by graphicguy
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45 minutes ago, graphicguy said:

Yeah...the whole..."I heard people muttering they would never sail (pick any cruise line) again" are particularly suspect.

I'm suspect as all heck! And, NCL knows it!! We all know that even though I'm disillusioned with NCL right now, find me the right deal, and I'll be back. To be fair, I don't think I ever said I'll never cruise NCL before, but I'm sure you've seen my posts berating NCL, whining, moaning, etc...and at the end of the day, I'll go back for more.

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I was on this same cruise, and shared some of the same frustrations, and some slightly different.  Random observations below:


  • Weather was as expected for April in the middle of the Atlantic (I guess I didn't expect warm)
  • My embarkation wasn't that long - however, if we had arrived to the port even 15-30 minutes later the time to get checked in and aboard would likely have increased significantly based on the size of the lines behind us.
  • Despite all of the negative reviews I've seen of the 'odd' cabin/bathroom layout that wasn't an issue for us.

The ship was extremely crowded, and to me, lacks adequate public space and completely lacks adequate staffing in bars.  I don't cruise as often as many on here, but I've never been on another ship where it was nearly impossible to find a seat, much less find a seat and then have a server notice you and offer a drink.  Not faulting the staff - they couldn't possibly have served the number of people waiting in any timely manner.  Perhaps weather drove people indoors that might be at the pool in warm weather, but mostly my observation applies to evenings. 

  • Shakers/Maltings are butted right up against each other, and at night it seemed like there was another dueling music show between the band in Maltings and the piano guy in Shakers.  The best place to sit at/near a bar that we found was the bar between Cagney's and Moderno.  The husband/wife bartending duo there was great!  Best drinks on the ship too.
  • I haven't been able to find original deck plans, but can't help but wonder if the refurb to the ship that 'enhanced' the Haven stole much needed public space from the rest of the ship.
  • La Cucina is in an odd place reached through the buffet?  Not much ambience there.
  • Mostly the food was very good.  Really the exception was the complimentary Chinese restaurant.  Food was a combination of hot (what was touching the hot plate) and cold (what wasn't touching the plate), and lacked sauce and flavor.  Overall, all 6 of us thought it was terrible.
  • There was very little space to play games - we mostly had to camp at a table in the buffet (along with lots of other people who also seemed to find this was the only place with a table and where you could hear each other)
  • Yes, it was disappointing to miss Gibralter, but it happens. It might have been better for the captain to let us know it was a possibility before that morning to set expectations.
  • I don't think its fair to paint all NCL or other cruise line's ships with the same brush - The Epic just wasn't a great layout for the number of passengers it hold, for this type of an itinerary.  I wouldn't sail on it again, but have no regrets for the price we paid.
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Well, it seems to me that the OP has a couple of legitimate concerns.  The long wait at embarkation with no water available (may not be NCL's fault, but somebody should address for safety), the overworked staff, and pushy/rude passengers can damper a good time.  But labeling passengers "exotic" and making fun of their hats and swimwear (I'm assuming they were at or near a pool in their speedos and bikinis)  is just mean (and smacks of intolerance and ageism).   

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23 hours ago, MajSteve said:

This is the OP of the thread. I find it amazing that people are so mundanely satisfied with poor service. Horrible embarkation, passengers passing out from heat in the 2.5 hours in the sun with no water stations provided: no problem. Slow and lackluster service; no problem. Long lines for supposed reservation times: no problem. Poor NCL takes my money and pretends they are doing everything they can to improve the situation but don't, no problem. If you ain't Haven class, you ain't nobody; no problem. If you spent a couple of thousand dollars on anything else that had so many problems, you would be raising hell about it. But folks seem all too ready to forgive a cruise line for a shoddy product. And I am getting tired of being, "classed". From airlines and their "preferred" classes of boarding the plane to seats on the transfer busses. If you do not prefer Salsa dancing and rap music, don't bother to sit out by the pool.  And please: Will passengers begin to show some courtesy and consideration? From the electric scooter drivers who seem to think that the corridors and table seatings were created just for them and their beeping little horns to the pushy people cutting into the buffet lines to the drunks in the hot tubs and the 80 year old men trying to look like Hulk Hogan in their Speedos and muscle shirts to the elderly women wearing thong bathing suits to the "studs" wearing cowboy hats who have never set foot on a farm or ranch. No, you don't look cute; you look silly and out of place. Somewhat like Walmart on Friday night. From now on I am going to rent a nice cabin in a remote state park and relax on my own terms and my own schedule. Goodbye cruising.

I was on this cruise..however, I really think we were on a different cruise. 


I experienced very little of what you experienced. It appears that you were a solo traveler from the photos you shared of your food. I was also a solo traveler on this cruise. 


I also had the drink package. The only line I experienced for drinks was abut 4pm in the afternoon at O'Sheehan's. The longest time I spent in line was 10 minutes, which I had a great conversation with the person behind me. Otherwise, I had no problems with getting drinks. Raymond, the studio lounge bartender, was awesome. (Also, with the drink package, you had get 2 drinks at once.) 


Regarding other lines, there were long lines for when the dining room opened for supper...but waiting 30-45 minutes, the line was non-existent. I'm not platinum nor did I notice a huge amount of platinum and above surpassing me for seating. 


The food was delicious on this cruise--I do agree about the dining room steak! I do also agree that the embarkation process was not the greatest. I waited for about an hour, showing up to port at my embarkation time. Rooms were ready at 2:30pm--I remember this as I specifically looked at my watch during the announcement. My two pieces of luggage were delivered by 5pm, as I moved them into my room before heading to the solo lounge for drinks. 


And what people wear on a cruise does not bother me. I don't care if somebody wears a speedo--you do you. I can turn my head and I dont have to look at them. Nobody is forcing you to look at them. 


Regarding the gift shop--have you never been on a repositioning cruise? I laugh at the wrong cruise merchandise in the gift shops...and look for deals lol. What shops have in a gift shop does not make or break a cruise. (It's all made in china and will probably eventually end up in a thrift store anyway!) 


Also, Im a big reader on cruises. On this cruise, yes, the weather was not the greatest. I routinely found comfortable seating by the martini or whiskey bars. 


Only issue I had on this cruise was the premium internet kicking me off when I tried to work in the afternoons. That's it. Otherwise, it was immensely enjoyable and relaxing. 

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51 minutes ago, WilsCM said:


  • I haven't been able to find original deck plans, but can't help but wonder if the refurb to the ship that 'enhanced' the Haven stole much needed public space from the rest of the ship.

Now, why would you think the Haven 'stole' public space?

Those in the Haven are also 'public'.

Do suites 'steal' space from other cabins?

Please explain.

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