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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. Well, the dog food remark won't really help when you talk to someone, because nobody will believe you. Where do you dine normally? Free cruise and you are ticked off? This must be a joke.you are familiar with kraft Mac n cheese and hungry man frozen dinners for comparison purposes. Got it. Well done.
  2. Yes, that's the pits. Drove us to any other restaurant but there. Can't hear yourself think with the noise, although maybe I should consider that a blessing once in awhile.
  3. Incredibly sad situation for Israel. Prayers for all.
  4. I must be comatose because I never paid attention to the fact of an additional entrée. Well, I don't eat pork cheeks, so not all is lost haha. I must have been drinking. I hope so. Usually the fine recommended wines on the ship. Lol.
  5. Sorry weird add of 24th. Whatever that means. Savor the moment?
  6. Oh, I forgot. It's orange!!! I actually like a little less bling to my presence on a cruise ship. Kinda like blending in . Like I am an aging starlet or something lol. 24th
  7. The best part is that it has a zipper. I got two on my back to back in Feb., but I haven't used the bags since, sad to say. I know I will, someday. I seem to have collected millions of canvas totes for trips to the market and don't need the zipper then. The really great thing about Club Orange is the small dining room with great staff. I didn't even use it for an upgrade and we are already priority boarding, but I really love the quiet little place to dine on the ship. Makes for fine dining, in my opinion. Of course, on the ship, it's all fine dining to me.
  8. Like many of you, I always loved the wide promenade decks with the napping lounge chairs. Oh,, they are wonderful to lounge around and view the ocean and read, but ultimately they are the best kept secret for a fine mid-day nap.
  9. My very favorite cabin steward was on NS last Feb. and he was an older gentleman. We were in an Oceanview cabin on Main deck. He never asked us what we wanted. He just did the 2x daily. Loved him...yes, he received a gift from us cash. What a love he was.
  10. First of all, I am so excited for you on your cruise!! I would bring them, what's the hassle. We are getting behind on our covid shots and not wanting them either with all the side effects sorry. We had them. And had covid 2x. But, enjoy your fun time ahead! We are probably going to book a European trip tomorrow and I know I am in heaven tonite!!!
  11. I can't help you on that but anyone dear to you is easily referenced by D to start.. For dear. I call them beloved but that's me. My small circle.
  12. If he has no time to help you, don't you think that's a form of passive aggression? He doesn't sound very nice.
  13. It's happened to us and we've been able to get a cabin switch, if the ship is not sold out. Otherwise, some OBC has been given to us. I've never been unhappy, so I figure we were probably treated well enough. Their job is generally to keep you happy or they will lose your business.
  14. I do a little gamble on these paid upgrades. I don't take the first one, since I generally receive another, much better, offer a week or so later. This depends on how well the ship is selling. Once, I declined all offers and got placed in the upgrade for free. My lucky day! I wouldn't count on it again but it was fun while it lasted.
  15. You are all wonderful. Thank you!
  16. This is so ridiculous . I am way too sensitive.
  17. Ok..I am really sorry if I have been kind of not nice to anyone here. Like yesterday. I am a mushy lovey person really and apologize for being less than loving. You guys are the best. I get saucy and shouldnt.
  18. Our drink card gets hit hard for coffee and water. But, in the late afternoon, we always go to the same bar, Seaview, and so we aren't asked for separate cards. Sometimes, though, it might be good to use separate cards if you drink alot, so one card doesn't go over and you get charged for the over. We don't so it's not an issue. But, I've given this thought. Lol.
  19. Thanks for such a great review. It's really been fun and informative.
  20. Most fish caught at sea by commercial fishermen is flash frozen. They can be at sea for awhile, so this makes sense. We eat a ton of fish and I fail to see where the taste is affected. We also fish, as a matter of course, on our personal vessel, albin, and I don't see a huge difference. Enjoy the fish!
  21. No, I made a mistake here. Your original fare comes into play, not the new one.
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