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Recent concierge lounge experience

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I find it hilarious when some of the oldster cruisers in the CL and DL look at the young twenty somethings when they come in to the CL or DL and order drinks.


Get over it. My three twenty somethings are D+. They earned the points by sailing with us in their own balcony or suite cabins and have a right to be in there as long as Royal allows/provides access for their C & A level.


I guess I just don't understand this....why would anyone look at young adults in their 20's if they were in the CL? I don't understand why it would even be out of place.


It just wouldn't occur to me that you need to be "X" years old to have a spot in the lounge.


What am I missing?


I guess I never look at anyone and wonder how/why they got access....it just doesn't cross my mind that they belong or don't belong. That's for staff to deal with, not passengers.

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Greatest thing about my sailing on the Independence last week was that I no longer had to visit the Dreaded Den of Obnoxious Entitlement, aka the Lounge, to get a complimentary drink.


During the same hours, we could grab a free glass of wine or beer or whatever from other bars around the ship. It was fantastic. No more having to hold my tongue while those around me tried to out-do each other with their self-aggrandizement and puffery.


Can you elaborate on this comment? Oh my....how my DH would love not having to go to the CL with me to have a drink (he doesn't drink, but will begrudgingly accompany me now and again).

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I've never been concerned about whether or not a fellow guest in the D Lounge had earned the right to be there. I'm on vacation and I'm not the hall monitor. I'm much more interested in meeting new people from around the world. A free drink is nice but give me a break...it's only a drink.


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What if she'd said yes?:D




And I don't think that regurgitating that the CL is primarily for suite guests make it any more true, either, so we will have to agree to disagree. The right to vote used to be exclusively male, and I've never heard it suggested that men have priority over women at the polls (after all, we could mail in our ballots). OK, that was an imperfect analogy, but I hope you get my point, which is that times and policies change and pointing to the past as the way it's "supposed" to be isn't really constructive.


And Concierges who say that need further training, IMO. If one has access to the CL, one is entitled to all of the services of the Concierge working there. I know that Concierges will only email full suite guests prior to their cruises and that those who leave daily voicemails only leave them for their full suite guests. Because it seems to be a fleetwide practice (at least it's been that way for the ships we've been on), I have to think that there is an internal policy memo somewhere that allows them to make some distinction between "classes" of guests.


But if I ask a Concierge to do something that is within his or her job description (e.g., make a reservation or troubleshoot something for me), I expect it to be done without any resistance whether I am in a full suite or not.


Fair enough ;)

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JaxieWaxie, your not really selling this to me and I'm guessing it's not what RCI had in mind for their fun loyalty programme :(


LOL - sorry, about that. The free drinks and the rest of the program are great! Unfortunately, loud-mouth elitists have tended to rule that roost whenever I've been on board. Not fun!

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Can you elaborate on this comment? Oh my....how my DH would love not having to go to the CL with me to have a drink (he doesn't drink, but will begrudgingly accompany me now and again).


Here's a screenshot from the letter in the stateroom:


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I guess I just don't understand this....why would anyone look at young adults in their 20's if they were in the CL? I don't understand why it would even be out of place.


It just wouldn't occur to me that you need to be "X" years old to have a spot in the lounge.


What am I missing?


I guess I never look at anyone and wonder how/why they got access....it just doesn't cross my mind that they belong or don't belong. That's for staff to deal with, not passengers.


I was knighted a diamond member at the ripe old age of 26. My wife was bumped from gold to diamond overnight after we were married (the nerve! )


We sailed in a GS on the Allure last year, and we had this same reaction in the CL. It was a nice place to get breakfast since our room was on deck 11, but conversations seemed to halt when we walked in, as our elder guests looked at us like we were a different species.


We didn't talk to anyone except for a lady who had her hands full walking into the lounge. As I reached for my 14k gold seapass to get the door for her, she gave me the "oh, you're able to get in here?" I can't translate her tone nor the look on her face, but she was certainly not too pleasant.


We actually preferred the DL onboard the Allure due to its location near the Royal Promenade.


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We've had great CL experiences so far, although we only made D+ last year. I've not seen any of the snobbery yet, just the same nice folks we've seen in the DL and DE (Diamond Event).


On Indy we actually only went into the CL a handful of times, the DL and VCL were vastly better locations to enjoy cocktails.


In contrast, on BR last month we mostly used the CL since it has an actual bar, which I prefer over sitting at a table.


So really I just go by which location is better, and which crowd is more lively. I loved that they used the entire VCL in December on BR. The bar was rotating each night, and the crowd was fun. It was actually a party, as opposed to just a gathering


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I have seen these type of people before, when we started to use the CL it was because we had a suite (we are now D+) And I have meet many of these types and they were most often to be the guests who got to D+ with 3 day cruises inside rooms. I think and have said before the CL should be for suite guest only and D and D+ members moved to the DL


Interesting. I was still a 'lowly' Gold the first time I booked a suite and got to use the CL and the evening reception. Thankfully, I never met anyone like that woman. But, it is people like her with attitudes like hers that will not make me feel sorry when D+ is relegated to the Diamond lounge. (I am halfway between D and D+)

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I guess the reason people are startled to see younger folk in the lounges is that, essentially, to reach d+ means you have taken 25 7-night cruises with rci (or fewer if in a suite, or if before the credit.to.point changeover)... and since many people consider themselves fortunate to cruise once a year, amassing that number of cruises means that the young person in question either acquired their status from their parents before they turned 18, sailed frequently in a suite, or sailed several times per year. Lucky them!! :-)


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LOL - sorry, about that. The free drinks and the rest of the program are great! Unfortunately, loud-mouth elitists have tended to rule that roost whenever I've been on board. Not fun!


no problem :)


I'm really quite looking forward to being a suite 'gatecrasher' in the lounge, I've got a four year old as well so I'm going to be really popular lol


Seriously though RCI must be dismayed at how this appears to be playing out, a loyalty programme that is supposed to be fun and engaging seems to have gone completely pear shaped judging by some of the posts here.

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I appreciate my perks. They save me lots of money and give me a nice setting for happy hour. I am not the CL or DL police. That job is with the Concierge. I operate under the assumption that those in the lounge have every right to be there. Do people sneak people in? Sure. I don't advocate it, but don't care much either. My only comment about young people in the lounge is that it must be boring hanging out with the old fogies. If you see us in there, come sit with us. We are young at heart, and love meeting people. I simply ignore anyone who does not present a welcoming demeanor. And I sure don't have to prove I belong to anyone (except the Concierge). But it is sometimes pretty comical to watch the judgemental and entitled. I wonder if they know how much we laugh at their behavior? :)



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My hubby and I are D+ and love going into the CL. We have had grand suites and inside cabins and still enjoy the CL. It is a wonderful perk and we have been ignored by the pinnacle club members (once they find out we are lowly D+). We even heard them complaining that another pinnacle members grandson was wearing a pinnacle pin and that there was no way he / she earned it. REALLY?? What is he talking from you ?? Talk about petty, just because you have cruise 1200 nights with RCCL it doesnt make anyone better. My hubby and I are thrilled with the perks and we remember that RCCL doesnt have to give us anything, but it does to keep us loyal.


Stop being petty people, enjoy the CL, enjoy the chats that you have with others and remember, Everyone has paid to be in that CL one way or another, either it be by buying a GS or above for spending over 175 night with RCCL.


Its a vacation people .....

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It takes *ALL* kinds, doesn't it? I would say it is how one reacts to any given situation, just as life in general.


We haven't been on a cruise in 20 years....and we are setting sail this Saturday. Family of 4 (2 teens) and my mother in law. We booked a suite, so we could spend as much family time together. Grandma rarely sees her grandchildren.....we will all be in the CL and will enjoy the perk. I'll post back when I return to comment about how we handled any *drama*.....my middle school daughter is very familiar with this concept, lol~ We are going to have a fantastic time no matter what, because that is just how this family rolls! :) :) :)

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One of the first posters said that the CL was first for suite guests. It was, and the D+ have the PRIVILEGE of going thee. If they want a lounge where they can go because they are D+ they should go to the DL.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk. Please excuse any typographical errors.

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We have had positive experiences in the CL. After this next cruise we will be D+. I wonder if there is a shadow class pecking order of suite guests, D, D+ and D+ in a suite? ;)

We only had one negative experience and that was in the Diamond lounge where one person was 'saving' 12 seats for his friends and we could not sit down...

I posted once before that we have seen the opposite behavior in the CL. Once the seats fill up, I have seen many other CL guests move over and make room for other chairs to be brought in so later arriving guests could sit down and join the conversation. We have met many wonderful people in the CL (suite and non suite guests) and I think you will find that there are many times the positive encounters to the negative. Sorry this one happened to you; hopefully it is the exception.


We also find that most people are open and welcoming. We have been diamond members for just two cruises and have only been to the DL once because we cruise with my brother, who is not Diamond yet. We just go to a bar, usually. He pushed us to go one night before dinner and we did. It was crowded and there was one table for 4 with one woman at it. I asked if the seats were saved or if we could sit down. She graciously said the seats were saved for us and to please join her. We had a nice time talking with her before dinner.


The rude people always come to mind, but there are many good people who more than balance them out.

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I appreciate my perks. They save me lots of money and give me a nice setting for happy hour. I am not the CL or DL police. That job is with the Concierge. I operate under the assumption that those in the lounge have every right to be there. Do people sneak people in? Sure. I don't advocate it, but don't care much either. My only comment about young people in the lounge is that it must be boring hanging out with the old fogies. If you see us in there, come sit with us. We are young at heart, and love meeting people. I simply ignore anyone who does not present a welcoming demeanor. And I sure don't have to prove I belong to anyone (except the Concierge). But it is sometimes pretty comical to watch the judgemental and entitled. I wonder if they know how much we laugh at their behavior? :)



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I think this probably explains something I noticed on our one and only RCI cruise (on Indy, in a GS) that didn't occur to me until reading this thread. The 2nd night of the cruise we (myself, DW and DD) wanted to stop by the CL before dinner and introduce ourselves to the concierge and perhaps have a drink. As we walked up to the door of the CL and I was about to swipe my gold card in the reader, the door opened from the inside and a crewperson pushing a cart came out. We waited for him to pass then walked in the open door. We noticed the concierge was at his desk on the phone and the CL was packed (I mean SRO) so we walked toward the back to see if we could get a drink. As we walked through we noticed a number of people (some wearing C&A loyalty pins) giving us a skeptical, kind of "what are THEY doing in here?" sort of look. There was no bartender at the rear of the CL so we went back up front to the concierge's desk to wait for him to finish his phone call. As we waited, it seemed like there were more somewhat disapproving glances from the guests at the front of the CL. When the concierge finished his phone call, we introduced ourselves and thanked him for emailing us a week earlier and inquired about the bridge tour. We then left the CL and went to a less crowed bar for our pre-dinner cocktails. So, I can now somewhat understand the odd looks we got upon entering: because we did not use a card to enter (and I had put my gold card back in my pocket), the ones that actually saw us walk in must have assumed we were lounge crashers! :eek:

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If someone (not Concierge/Crew member) tried to validate my presence by asking for my room or to see my Seapass I probably wouldn't even respond to them because they are 100% Grade A Certified Wackjobs of which nothing good can come.


Amen! Well said!! I am just a lowly Gold Member and doubt that I will ever make it to D or D+, much less P. But, if that ever happens, I could not imagine having the **** to ask someone to see their card to prove that they have the right to be in the Lounge. :eek:


I am constantly amazed at some of the stories I read here. I know that most of these are the exceptions and I SERIOUSLY hope that I never run into these people. I don't know if I could keep from responding in kind.


Good heavens!

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I guess the reason people are startled to see younger folk in the lounges is that, essentially, to reach d+ means you have taken 25 7-night cruises with rci (or fewer if in a suite, or if before the credit.to.point changeover)... and since many people consider themselves fortunate to cruise once a year, amassing that number of cruises means that the young person in question either acquired their status from their parents before they turned 18, sailed frequently in a suite, or sailed several times per year. Lucky them!! :-)


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EmpressofPurple: It's funny you mention that. My wife and I are 30 and 31 respectively. We've had a few folks who just assumed we were in the CL because we were in a GS. They weren't being rude, most just don't figure we're D+. Some have asked if we "inherited", then they laugh when we joke that our parents would like to inherit our C&A level! :D


To the OP: Fortunately the vast majority of C&A members we meet are friendly and fun loving. Like us, they really appreciate the past-guest perks and wouldn't think of complaining about anything in the CL or DL. I even go out of my way to put on my surveys how much we enjoy the C&A perks, and how I hope they don't drastically change them again.


We've made lots of friends in those cocktail parties and cruise with them frequently. I think Royal does it right by getting all the past guests together frequently, it builds a camaraderie you don't see on most cruise lines. That keeps folks coming back again and again.


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I guess I just don't understand this....why would anyone look at young adults in their 20's if they were in the CL? I don't understand why it would even be out of place.


It just wouldn't occur to me that you need to be "X" years old to have a spot in the lounge.


What am I missing?




I completely agree with this. My sons (early 20's) have been drinking in the Diamond event/lounge since they were 18 - you can do this in the Med. Never once have they received any 'looks' - quite the opposite in fact, people seem pleased to see some young folks and to chat to them. They became D prior to being 18 due to our status but are both now D in their own right (before someone criticises the fact that kids get privileges due to parents status ;))


I've been following this thread with disbelief at some of the posts. We're D+ and have never experienced any of the sort of behaviour described, whether in the CL or DL. But then I'm there to enjoy a few drinks, chat to people who want to chat and just enjoy myself. I don't pay much attention to other people in the lounge otherwise.


Whilst there are clearly rude people in the lounges (as anywhere else on the ship) there also seem to be some really touchy people who are easily affronted by people who frankly they shouldn't give a d*** about.

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Whilst there are clearly rude people in the lounges (as anywhere else on the ship) there also seem to be some really touchy people who are easily affronted by people who frankly they shouldn't give a d*** about.


Yes, yes!


"You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do."


I think I've officially become the quote lady. lolol

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My hubby and I are D+ and love going into the CL. We have had grand suites and inside cabins and still enjoy the CL. It is a wonderful perk ..........we are thrilled with the perks and we remember that RCCL doesnt have to give us anything, but it does to keep us loyal.


Stop being petty people, enjoy the CL, enjoy the chats that you have with others and remember, Everyone has paid to be in that CL one way or another, either it be by buying a GS or above for spending over 175 night with RCCL.


Its a vacation people .....




This thread, and the many others with similar content blow me away.


I love the CL. It is one of my favorite things about cruising. We spend a lot of time there. I often travel in a three generation group. My 88yo Dad always has someone to chat to, as do we all. He spends most of his days on the ship in the CL. My 23 yo DD has a brilliant time. No one looks down at her. Often we travel in a suite (but all three are D+) - when it's just DD and myself its often an inside or O.V.


We have many many wonderful people who we are still in contact with. I have never seen the 'behaviour' that everyone else seems to see. Sure, I have chatted with people that I may not strike up a lasting friendship with - but that would be due to opinions etc NEVER to do with Suite v C&A. I have never seen the Concierge treat anyone differently based on room or level.


Maybe I haven't seen this as we don't get huge numbers of C&A in Australia (although i have done Hawaii to Aust with 60 C&A and 50 Suite people). Or maybe it's because Aussie's just don't care and would laugh and shrug it off. or Maybe I'm just blind and don't see it.


Either way, I love the CL. And will continue to love the CL. I will continue to chat to anyone and everyone. And will continue to chuckle about rude or entitled people wherever I meet them - CL, grocery shop, petrol station etc.


As Astona said... lighten up and enjoy your holiday. WE ARE SO LUCKY!!!!!!

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I know I mentioned this earlier and got some disagreement, but I am amazed that anyone in the CL "looks down" on someone in a GS. Again, the CL is a perk granted to D+, but is really there for Suite occupants. When the CL's became too crowded, they didn't kick out GS occupants, but Diamond level. It is a perk provided for the suites. GS and above get "gold cards." D+ do not. Yes, I love the perk and take full advantage of it. But again, when the CL's get too crowded, it'll be D+ that will now start going to the Diamond Lounge, not the GS occupants.

The interesting aspect of the whole "attitude" thing is that the only reason a D+ is in there is because he or she cruised enough to earn the points. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with any sort of "prestige." They aren't the social elite, but only people who were lucky enough to cruise frequently. RCI recognizes this loyalty and rewards it. That's all. We earned many of our points in JS's. It was a cheaper way to earn them. Not much more than a balcony, but double points. We didn't do it for that reason, we did it because we like the extra space in the cabin. And we only upgraded when it was affordable. We have done more than one JS for less than $800 per person. But the result was D+ level. Again, I can't imagine why the ability for me to cruise often enough to become D+ should be a reason that I should place myself in a superior position to someone in an expensive suite. Or someone on his first cruise in the cheapest inside cabin. Cruising is fun. That's why I do it. Royal Caribbean is my line of choice, and, luckily, has the best loyalty program at sea. A double win.

Interesting, I am an airline pilot, and there are frequent fliers that are the same. They fell that they are more "entitled" to First Class than some who pay full price. They treat the Flight Attendants like servants, and other passengers like peons. Probably the same people. :)

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I know I mentioned this earlier and got some disagreement, but I am amazed that anyone in the CL "looks down" on someone in a GS. Again, the CL is a perk granted to D+, but is really there for Suite occupants. When the CL's became too crowded, they didn't kick out GS occupants, but Diamond level. It is a perk provided for the suites. GS and above get "gold cards." D+ do not. Yes, I love the perk and take full advantage of it. But again, when the CL's get too crowded, it'll be D+ that will now start going to the Diamond Lounge, not the GS occupants.

The interesting aspect of the whole "attitude" thing is that the only reason a D+ is in there is because he or she cruised enough to earn the points. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with any sort of "prestige." They aren't the social elite, but only people who were lucky enough to cruise frequently. RCI recognizes this loyalty and rewards it. That's all. We earned many of our points in JS's. It was a cheaper way to earn them. Not much more than a balcony, but double points. We didn't do it for that reason, we did it because we like the extra space in the cabin. And we only upgraded when it was affordable. We have done more than one JS for less than $800 per person. But the result was D+ level. Again, I can't imagine why the ability for me to cruise often enough to become D+ should be a reason that I should place myself in a superior position to someone in an expensive suite. Or someone on his first cruise in the cheapest inside cabin. Cruising is fun. That's why I do it. Royal Caribbean is my line of choice, and, luckily, has the best loyalty program at sea. A double win.

Interesting, I am an airline pilot, and there are frequent fliers that are the same. They fell that they are more "entitled" to First Class than some who pay full price. They treat the Flight Attendants like servants, and other passengers like peons. Probably the same people. :)


What I always focus on is what you wrote in your message that I fully quote above -- "Cruising is fun. That's why I do it. Royal Caribbean is my line of choice, and, luckily, has the best loyalty program at sea. A double win."


DH and I are Diamonds, not D+; and the Diamond lounge/events attract many people who have 'entitlement' issues and I have never been able to understand that mindset. Enjoy the experience, REMEMBER, 'cruising is fun' and fun for everyone on the ship....and let's keep it that way.....more smiles and laughter. There are enough 'aggravating things' that you left AT HOME, for a few days -- don't create any more while on vacation.

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