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8-8-19 Thursday Weigh-In.....WHY?


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Why is it so easy to gain and so hard to lose

Why is it we think we've done good... we gain

Why is it when we haven't been as good... we lose

Why is it sometime we only lose a 1/2 pound should of been more

Why is it when we gain it's 3 pounds

Why do we sometimes have a :whoosh" (big weight loss overnight)

Why do some people lose very fast

Why do others lose very slow

Why does exercise really help some to lose inches fast

Why does it take other forever to lose inches

Why does exercising help some to lose faster

Why does exercising not help others



You know we will never know why.

We just keep doing our best...DAY BY DAY

WE will lose WE will lose

Just can't give up..We know we will lose no matter how Fast or how Slow

Remember we're doing this for our health..eating healthy and trying to lose weight 

This is something we have to do for the rest of our lives


We're human so we have our very good days but sometimes not as good

We have to understand that and not give up if having bad days or weeks

Always have to get back on track eating right for our health and weight loss


We're on here to help each other no matter if some have a 100 or 20 pounds to lose

Some are at goal or near goal we're so happy for you..don't leave us we need you.. you need us

Coming in here keeps us accountable, helps us to try each week to eat healthy and lose weight

Just think if not coming in here you might not be losing as good as your are

Just think if not coming in here you could be gaining....if you are having a bad time 

Just think if not coming in here your gains could be Bigger (  because you wouldn't be aware)

Just think if coming in and just staying the same..that's a win..your not gaining 


So all of you that are here each week....Thank You...Stay

To the ones that were here and left...Come Back

To the ones who read our posts each week ..Come Join Us!

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Thank Belle!!!  


My family went to see Lion King on Sunday (there were 10 of us) ... my "kids" saw the original as kids!  I cried through the movie .. great memories.  Then we all went out to dinner and celebrated 2 birthdays ... I had a great time.  (I did eat a handful of popcorn).


Today I am down 1# for a total of 28 ... still up 2# from June ... It's so slow ... but its getting there!!!   Hope everyone has had a wonderful week.  Jan

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Belle, wow, lots of good thoughts. I ask myself those questions all the time.


I lost 1 lb. despite too much eating out, go figure. That's the other of the 2 lbs. I gained 2 weeks. In a good weight place for my cruise on Monday. 


Jan, good loss and total. You are doing well keeping it off. Yeah!👍


Have a good day. Diana

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Hey all..this is a quicker one. Only down .8. I have 43 days. I have been reading a lot about bloating and lectin. I am going to go lectin-free for 14 days and see what happens. No legumes (beans, peas, lentils and peanuts), no squash, no nightshades (eggplant, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes), no fruit (some seasonal is ok), no grain (if a must white flour instead of wheat). NO CORN, NO MEAT FROM CORN FED, NO A1milk. Guess lots of spinach salads, sweet potatoes and broccoli! 

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Hello All Here Now And To Those Coming In Later


Stayed the same but was down Wed. so I guess going food shopping

and eating out for dinner isn't a good idea the day before weigh-in . Not a good Combo!  You Think?:classic_rolleyes:


Good to see you four in here today....

JAN...Good loss this week  Glad you had a good time at the movie with family.
DIANA...Good loss too. Bon Voyage this Monday. Have a good time in Alaska.

JENNY...You had a loss, don't say only!  Good luck on your lectin free for 14 days.
MAI TAI...That small gain is almost like a stayed the same to me.


Hope you all have a good Friday and Weekend.

Edited by Belle
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I am new here. Love the post. I started on Monday and have lost 3 lbs. Hoping to lose 20 by my cruise in February.

Congrats on the losses and to those that did not lose better luck next week. Each day is a chance to make better choices.



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Cruises42...Thanks.  Great loss for the week. Know you want Diana to have a good time but when she comes back...

 then your turn!:classic_smile:


Kim Welcome.  Great loss so far. You will lose more weight by your Feb. cruise if you keep on track with eating right.

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Jan_in_Maine - congrats on the 1 lb loss.


winewanderer - congrats on the 1 lb loss and have a great cruise.


JennyB1977 - congrats on the 0.8 lb loss, I don't know how you keep up with all the         information you do.  I'm impressed and jealous.


INeedAMaiTai - 0.2lb after a big loss the week before? I think that is nothing to worry     about (I'd actually be thrilled).  I'm not really sure what is in a MaiTai - is it good?


Belle - Stayed the same.  Do the happy dance.  Just think if that day before weigh in last  week affected you, next week should look better.


cruise42 - 2lb? WOW.  Congratulations


bolt - welcome.  Glad to have you join.  Good deal on weight loss so far and good luck in  future.


Well, I went to my brothers for 10 days.  Knew I would gain weight.  I weighed yesterday (Thursday) and my weight was up 8lb from 2 weeks prior.  This was down 4lb from the total 12lb I weighed when I got back, so the water weight is gone I think.  8lb in 2 weeks.  I've done worse, but I was hoping for better.  Having problems getting back on the diet trail.  I drank Pepsi while at my brother's and have had headaches every day trying to quit, so by 3 or 4pm I'm breaking down and drinking a MountainDew and there goes low carb for the day.  Oh well, I'll get back to it.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can........





Edited by Jasonmom
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Congrats losers. Jasonmom, oops on the gain. family/social events are so difficult. You'll get if off.


Thanks for the well wishes for my cruise. I won't be on CC after now. Too busy. Have to get haircuts, pack, etc.


Ok, everyone take care. I will check in when we're back Tues. 8/27.


Best, Diana

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Belle, those are questions we have all asked ourselves during our weight loss journey.   Thanks for posting them.


Congrats to all the losers.   


Diana, have an awesome cruise.


I weighed in yesterday, but didn't have a chance to post.  I am down 2.4 lbs.  I am .02 away from final goal weight.  So, almost all the weight that I gained on my cruise is gone.  I was pleasantly surprised because we have had a big birthday party and a wedding to go to since I came home.   I didn't drink at all so I know that helps a lot.  I am mostly a water drinker with an occasional martini or glass of wine.


Have a good weekend, all.


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Good morning everyone! I'm back from my week at the lake. I didn't want to but I did weight myself and I'm up 2.4 pounds.. not too bad, considering there were lots of treats and beverages that were not diet friendly. I did get out and walk 5Km a couple days, kayaked, swam, stained a deck and did some other yard work so I guess it all helped. Back to rigid low-carb as of today.  51 days until my cruise and I now have 17.5 pounds to lose. Back to my Jillian Michaels routine on Monday! 


Belle - thank you for your insightful opening! I find dining out usually makes me gain - water retention mostly due to extra salt. I rarely use salt at home. Sounds like you were definitely making progress though as of Wednesday so good luck for a nice loss next week. 


Jan and Diana - congrats on your losses this week! Yay!


INeedAMaiTai - Hope you have a great week this week! Are you exercising at all? I find that when I work out for the first bit, I hold onto water - muscle inflammation. And after the muscles settle down, the weight starts to really drop. 


JennyB - contrats on .8 - it's practically a pound! I will have to do some research on lectin... I don't eat a lot of corn but do eat a ton of peppers.


Cruises42  and Bolt - Wow!!  congrats on great losses! keep it up!


JasonMom - Welcome back! Glad you had a great time at your brothers. Keep at the low carb and I'm sure that weight will start to drop again. With regard to the head-aches - Is it the caffeine you are craving or sugar? I would suggest having tea or iced tea instead of the Soda for caffeine. I found sparkling naturally flavored waters at Safeway and I drink those when I crave something cold and bubbly. They are not sweet and no caffeine, calories, or anything artificial. 

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3 hours ago, Jasonmom said:


INeedAMaiTai - 0.2lb after a big loss the week before? I think that is nothing to worry     about (I'd actually be thrilled).  I'm not really sure what is in a MaiTai - is it good?


Absolutely delish!!!  Depending on the type, it is some tropical juices, white rum, all blended with a float of dark rum on top!

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Had my annual physical today. Doctor is sending me to physical therapy for my knees. I don't speak of it often but they ACHE. She also wrote me a prescription for anti-inflammatory and I am going to see an Orthopedic Surgeon or a rheumatologist. Anyway, walking only for at least 10 days 😞 

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Hi all! Congrats on the losses!


I didn't log in last week, and then kept forgetting to check on this topic. I was down 1.2 pounds last week (baseball game cheat) and this Thursday I was down 2.6 pounds. I have officially hit 25 pounds! Only 47 more to go for my final goal, but I'm not worried about that right now. We sail in 23 days and one of my formal dresses zips up, and the other will be here on Tuesday. I went ahead and bought two sizes because we are so close - I didn't want to deal with returns and reorders this close to our travel date.  I took the kids to the waterpark yesterday, and while my bathing suit fit when dry, it felt really baggy once it got wet. Guess I should see what I can find on clearance before there are only sweaters in the store! 🤣

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Congrats Melmar on your success!! 


JennyB - sorry to hear about your knees. 😞 Hoping the meds help with the ache


Hope you all are having a lovely weekend! I failed miserably at my low carb plan yesterday - ate a bagel (I know!) and Sushi for dinner. But today is a new day! 



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Afternoon All..Hope your enjoying your weekend.  I've been having a "Lazy Hazy Day of Summer".

Except not hazy but is lazy!:classic_smile: Been watching movies all weekend. Just got in the mood. 

I did do a little work.:classic_tongue:


Jenny sorry your having trouble with your knees. Hope your getting some relief with pills


Melmar your doing great on the loss's. Great clothes fit and are looser. 


Robin what's nice everyday is a new day since WE all go off plan at times.


Well everyone keep up doing whatever is making you happy this weekend.

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@Jasonmom if the caffeine is the problem you might want to try OTC migraine medicines (many contain caffeine) or caffeine pills if they still make them (I remember no-doz years ago in college).


@JennyB1977 hoping you get joint relief soon.  PT helped with my hips, so maybe it will help your knees.  If you have access to a pool that might be good for non-weight bearing/low-impact exercise too.  I've heard from friends with RA that humidity helps their joints some.  My personal trainer has started taking CBD oil for his knees with some relief - maybe check with your doctor if the anti-inflammatory doesn't work or has more side effects that negate the positives.


Great losses for many of you!  I'll see on Thursday, but overall I've been doing well with diet.  We had a picnic last night and there were only 3 desserts brought so not too much temptation and lots of fruits and veggies.  Dad had good protein options when I visited last week so that shouldn't have derailed much either.  Lots of driving though, so not much exercise.  I'm busy getting kids ready for high school and college, so not much room for cardio this week either.  Still feeling very run down with mild stomach issues, but can put one foot in front of the other and keep going so it could be worse.


Have a great week all 🙂 

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Thanks everyone! The lectin free should help also since it "can" lead to inflammation. I use a heating pad each night while vegging. After two full days they feel okay today. We shall see. Lunch today is a grassfed organic beef patty with mild cheddar and broccoli 🙂 


I love this thread/forum. It's nice to have such positivity and helpfulness in the world!

Edited by JennyB1977
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Hi all!


Have had a busy week so didn't check in.


Belle ~ a lot of "whys" from a wise woman! Thanks.


I was down 0.2 lbs Thursday. Today I was looking through my old calendars where I pretty much keep a diary, & see I am now 10 lbs more than I was 5 years ago!!😢 I'm 22 lbs more than I was 12 years ago & where I want to be but apparently not enough to stop eating so much!!

Hoping for good results for all on Thursday!


~ Jo ~ 😊



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Good Afternoon Everyone.


Pac sorry yourv notbfeeling well when have so much going on.


Jenny hope your feeling better that the diet is helping.


Jo I know the weight is such a hassle for everyone. It's so hard.


Hope everyone has a good Tues. and Wed. ..weigh-in on Thursday!


I have to be good. I haven't been doing as well as I should and tomorrow

is Bunco (food) Lunch out (food) then cards with more food and drink.

Weigh-in next day...Woe is me!:classic_ohmy: Plus having a heat wave, almost 100's for a few days!

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