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Senior deals


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2 hours ago, supermom2u said:

Does anyone know if there are senior prices on cruise ships such as shore excursions?  Also what age is considered a senior citizen on a cruise.  Thanks

Honestly, your question is not truly specific enough.

However, I can tell you that Norwegian (NCL) does NOT offer any "Senior" discount.  Other cruise lines might.


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Not aware of any senior deals on cruises.   If you are retired it is easier to find general or last minute deals because you are not limited by sailing dates. Maybe you might  find shore excursions deals from independent shore excursions but probably not. As seniors ( over 75) who cruise a lot we  usually prefer the ship tours for the security provided. Don't know about the specialty restaurants as we only cruise on small ships where they are included for everyone. 

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I have never seen senior discounts on shore excursions or specialty dining.  I have seen discounts on Carnival for seniors.  Most times it is for a guarantee room which we don't book.  One time back in 2012 we got a senior discount on the Magic for a cruise just a month away that allowed us to choose our room.  Remember when doing a check of prices to put a check in the box for senior rates.  On Carnival 1 person in the cabin has to be 55 or older to get that rate.  I believe other cruise lines have a similar box to check.  But usually there are no discounts available.

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55+ seems to be the age for Seniors, I've seen a few discounts on different lines, but it usually turns out that other specials on offer are better/cheaper than the 'senior rate.'  Never seen it offered on Spa/Specialty Dining/Drinks Package/Excursions.  The cruise lines know where they really make their money and it's not on the cabins themselves, so no skin off their nose if they offer 'special' rates for seniors in cabins.  They just assume they will make up any shortfall on the extras.  It doesn't hurt to tick the 55+ box though, and sometimes there are deals for Canadian cruisers or if you are from a particular state, or a teacher, or police/emerg. services/ first responder, or in the military. 

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  • 2 months later...

You might find something on a short cruise that is not selling as an inducement to fill berths nearer sailing.  However, since the ships sail relatively full, highly unlikely.  


And why would they offer "deals" to such a large portion of their client base who buys their product without the deals?

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  • 6 months later...

In 20 plus cruises, various cruise lines, most booked inside the final payment window, we have only one real senior rate.  On a last minute RCI Australian cruise booked with the RCI call center in Australia. 


When the agent pulled up our profile, saw our ages, he offered a senior cabin rate two cabins down from what we had selected.  The difference....$300 AUD less money PLUS included gratuities for the 21 day cruise.  We jumped at it.  Never had any other real senior discounts.


Our custom of late booking or booking last minute could be the reason.

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  • 1 year later...

Just a guess, but maybe cruise lines don't necessarily want to attract seniors.  It could be that seniors don't gamble as much, don't drink as much, don't excursion as much, and generally spend less money on board.  Also, a cruise that is branded as senior, or gets a reputation for being an old folks cruise, scares away the younger crowd, which means fewer cabins sold, less profit, etc. 

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