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Posts posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  F1 was on this morning, glad I made DH check the F1 channel.  He thought the season started back next week, but there was too much chatter on googly news, so we woke exactly at 9, ran down the hall and got DH and we got to watch the race.


    It has been cooler, but starting today temps will begin to rise again.  @StLouisCruisers it will feel like TX when you get back tomorrow.


    Speaking of tomorrow, safe travels @Cruising Terri, have fun with your visits and hoping for non invasive help with your shoulder.


    @rafinmdRoy thank you for the recommendation.  I was able to get DH  an on line "shrink" to talk with through his oncologist, but for some reason this doc while,  he says I am a saint *, has no recommendation for me.  I meet a lot of people at the Winshiip center who's doctors say that when one part of a couple is sick/has cancer it means that their partner does too.  But DH has decided not to pursue Dr's at Winship but to stay with Northside, and they cant get an appointment for a dementia diagnosis for a year.  My doc is too young to understand any sort of problems that older folks suffer through, so if you know anyone who is studying to be a doc-tell them that they should become a specialist in "older" / senior patients. 


    * I am currently nowhere near being a Saint.



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  2. It's not 11 yet, I finally made it back here.  Of course by the time i hit send it will be past 11.

    This entire post will be stream of consciousness, apologies in advance


    regarding yesterday...I know its a new day


    Cuban sandwiches are wonderful when the bread is fresh and crispy and the pickle slice inside is a good pickle.  remembering to  add mustard not mayo helps too.  If you have a Publix near you, then go to the sandwich deli area and have them make one for you.  They do have them repackaged, but the bread is no longer crunchy.


    @Cruising TerriYou went to your DH's doc to talk about what is going to be happening in the future.  The problem with any disease that affects the brain, is neither you,  your doc, nor your DH knows when or to what degree he will no longer be able to function on his own.  Perhaps he didnt want to go, is that he doesnt want to know what will happen in the future. It is not a pleasant vision, what will you do if it's something that he needs to do to get out of the house, and you cant make him move.  When my DH had his 'Incident" two weeks ago, I couldnt get him out of a car that was heating up to 110 quickly!  DH is currently doing better, but has to be monitored all the time.  And with me working, cooking, and helping with his health care I find that I dont remember to do everything when they should be done.  It will take a toll on you.  So get him used to having someone come in and give you a  break, just getting the break will help.


    My traveling friends are already having issues.  The wife has dementia, and is now incontinent, but refuses to wear pads, or depends, her hubby says its a real "poop" show at their house, but  he like you, doesnt want to put her in care.  But he has to plan every day that he is not available, or has to go into to work to have one of her daughters stay with her.  He has not mentioned the situation to the doctor, because he is afraid that he might have to place her somewhere.  But she used to turn the stove on, and forget about what she was doing.  Because we don't see her but every 3 or 4 months, we notice the changes immediately, but he who sees her every day does not.  He says now all she does is sit in her jammies and robe, and watches TV.  


    When DH left the hospital two weeks ago, he wrapped up everything that wasn't tied down in

    bed pads put them in a plastic bag and brought them home.  They have remained in the car, and he asked me today what i was doing with them.  I told him what he did and of course he didn't remember it, but without unwrapping that package, I can tell you that he brought home scissors, tape, bandages, and whatever is wrapped in those pads, is VERY heavy.  And he has taken to calling me one of the cats names, and not mine.  It does not get easier.  Work is my escape.  


    If you have the resources, then start getting someone in at least every other day, so that you can get him used to having someone there, so that you can at least not feel rushed doing the things that need to be done. I do worry about you.


    The last two days have been nice, high 80's ;low in the 60's at night.  Really getting used to sleeping on the sofa with the fan blowing on me.


    Momma Munchkin is using her litter box, she is skipping meals but will eat Bumble Bee tuna, and she cries because she is still in heat!  Arghh how long will this last! ? Its not that she can get pregnant, but she is glued together and kitty "rape" by the two neutered males is not something she needs.  We got the window open in her room, and she is enjoying spending her day in the window sill.


    I had a Harvey Wallbanger once, my college house mother made one for me, but since I drank it after spending an afternoon in a bar drinking tequila sunrises, it just reminded me of something you would drink when you wanted to settle your stomach, and I never had another one.



    Views from a swimming hole outside of Seattle-BFF enjoyed the swim, but when I saw plastic bottles at the bottom, I was not going to swim with garbage.  Lovely spot near the airport.










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  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  I woke early, tummy wasnt happy, went back to sleep, slept until 8:45, fed cats, caught up on posts today and now I am off to work.  I will catch up with you all I hope before 11 at night, like yesterday.


    I had the largest sale for our group in Orlando last night.- 2K.  and then another dale fright afterwards, and then nothing.  Oh well, it was a good sales day.  Hugs to all

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  4. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  Too much coffee, worked too late, and then I could not sleep.  It helps when there is a snuggling cat, but Furnan do climbed on my head, and then bit me, and started to bite and pull my hair out, I popped him twice and he moved on.  What are these cats thinking?  Finally at about 2 am, a small kitten (Quiffy) wrapped herself around my ankle and I finally fell asleep, but DH got up early looking for his pain meds, so 5 hours sleep, and an 8 hour work day ahead. I did have two sales yesterday, and one sale on Monday, so at least I am redeeming myself.


    Off to check Munchie's litter box, walk the dog, and start working.  





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  5. I try to get the trash down to the street, and the litter boxes cleaned when it is still daylight, and I am not running around like a crazy person while I am supposed to be at work.  Momma Munchkin came home yesterday at 3, she has piddled one time since then.  If there is nothing in the litter box tomorrow morning, she goes either back to the vet or emergency care. 


    @Haljo1935 prayers for your kitty. 


    When we took Munchie in yesterday, I had to sign a do not resuscitate form, I cant afford more.

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  6. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  It's 72, says its sunny , yup and I have no idea how warm it will get today.  I like to read all the posts, before I post, and I had the pleasure of OllieBearArosa on the desk with me, his little paws wrapped around my arm, while he was trying to bite my elbow.  I couldnt have responded for 3 pages, if I wanted to.  I would not turn my Ollie away...his little claws are like needles, but his teeth chewing on me was done with love, so no pain there.


    @MISTER 67 I have never felt that this wonderful thread was for just people who cruised HAL. I stalked this thread for a while, because I wanted information regarding HAL, and when I realized that no one was going to jump down my internet throat for asking questions I apologized for being HAL ignorant and jumped right in.  What I found here, is what I find every day that I come here, a group of friends who have cruising, love of travel, land or sea, food, pets, in common.  I found a group of compassionate people who care for each other, those who are going through rough times, that sometimes don't have a physical person in front of them to talk to.  People who are going through great times, and want to share.  People who are faced every day with something, and we read, we laugh, we cry and we hold each other in our hearts.  And that is the Daily.  Not a HAL club, so please don't leave.  


    Well our afternoon raccoon has been coming by for 4 days now.  He is getting used to me telling him that he is not a cat, and instead of running away and going to the side  yard, he now just cowers under the dead car, until I come back in the house, and goes back to investigating the porch and car port.  The cats only make a statement to him when I go out and tell him he's not a cat.  Cats could care less.


    I checked in on Momma Munchkin this morning, she ate her breakfast, and she has managed to get in the window ledge on her own. I took off the collar last night, we shall see how she does.  They wanted to leave that collar on her for 7 days, it was way too big for her, and way too tight.  And she is still too sore to move, but it might have to go back on in a couple of days. When she becomes more aware.


    When the mosquitos were mentioned, I really didn't think about celebrating them, but being aware of them and the diseases they can give you. Last month our county announced that there had been 20 cases of dengue fever.


    Dengue (DENG-gey) fever is a mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Mild dengue fever causes a high fever and flu-like symptoms. The severe form of dengue fever, also called dengue hemorrhagic fever, can cause serious bleeding, a sudden drop in blood pressure (shock) and death.

    Millions of cases of dengue infection occur worldwide each year"



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  7. Welcome to @trivia addict, @sterling2 and @Uncle Diluvian!  This is the most wonderful place to be on in the entire universe.Except for the Starship Enterprise.  


    The kittens deal with seperation from their mother in different ways.  The little female is fine (plus she is a vampire besides being a cat, the little solid black one keeps sticking his paw under her door, and Turnip is attacking everyone, and every thing.


    Tigger (not her child) sits outside her door and cries.  Who knew,  Kitty love.She was in heat when she went in for her surgery, and even though he is neutered, I think he has memories....

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  8. OH no, now the computer says very humid.!


    Years ago DH and I watched a program called departures.  It was a travelogue about 2 young Canadians who traveled the globe, for one one year, and photographed and filmed (so actually there were 3 of them) their travels, I loved this show, it actually ran for 3 seasons,  I have been thinking about ordering it, but I asked DH If he could find it , so it turns out its on Roku.  And we started watching Saturday night, they drove across Canada, and went to Petra Jordan.  Then we watched all day yesterday, as they traveled to Japan, New Zealand, The Cook Islands, India, Ascension Island, and then we went to bed. Between shows, I made a quiche to munch off of this week, I vacuumed the living room and dining room (our office area).


    When the year was over, one went back to work, along with the filmographer, and the one who had the hardest time "missing Home" when they started the adventure, decided that he had not seen enough of the world, and stayed in Europe.  He called his friend, and said, hey come back over, there is still so much to see, and they meet up in Spain, and start year 2, which is more insightful than year one, and I noticed when D brought it up, there were 3 seasons.  I dont remember 3, so perhaps they kept traveling?


    I see so many scenes that I have seen since I became a Dailyites, that you all post, it's like when I see them now, I say, of that's so and such place, and  so and so posted pictures, and DH thinks I am losing it.  LOL.  But your pictures do make me feel like I have done the traveling.


    The show was released back in 08, and that's when I watched it, before I even became a cruise "junky".

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