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Posts posted by marshhawk

  1. @kazuThose flowers are beautiful!  I do hope that the nurse can do something for you, and I agree with @dfish its been going on for far too long. ( I personally would sue the salon, but I hope that you let then know the problems they caused!)


    @LambKnuckles I don't eat lamb either.  How can I , when I grew up with Lambchops.  Sherry Lewis took a food source from me. Thank goodness I never saw a "beef" puppet. I liked the story of your Howard. A determined man, and I hope your years with him were filled with joy.


    @smitty34877I am sorry that Tana is not being able to beat this fever.  I know that nurses come, but is there a doctor that comes to see her, knowing how difficult it is to get her out and about?

    I worry about you and all the responsibilities that you handle every day.  I am so glad you are getting the extra help this weekend.  Your family sounds so grounded.  Hoping the grandson is enjoying his summer job.  Hugs being sent your way.

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  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  Its sunny and warm, and going to get hotter in hotlanta, but my computer wants to give me baseball information, not the temps this morning..wait! 73! What worries me, is that it hasnt rained here in more than two weeks, and we are desperate! 


    The kittens all survived their first night in the house, I did leave the porch door cracked a bit so that they could,  if they forgot where the litter boxes were in the house, get to theirs. I went to bed last night with the kittens and Munchkin romping around in the den, and the "boys" were out on the porch, Tazi slept between DH  and I, and I slept for a whole 4 hours in a row!  I think what happens is that my brain thinks about all it has to do in 24 hours, and just adds something new to the calendar and that is what wakes me up.  That and the fact that I always have the responsibility of making sure I am up to walk the darn dog. 


    You know that feeling when you are almost asleep, and you think dream that you are falling and it wakes you up?  Sort of like a full body twitch?  Well I used to do that, and now I just have a brain twitch, I am almost asleep and I hear a loud crash.  It took a while to figure out that the crash was my brain making the noise.


    I got a text from my boss, that we will be closed from July 4th through the 7th. DH found out his next surgery is on the 12th, and there are appointments with doctors pretty much every day from next Monday to the 15th.  Hours will be a bit short for me for the next two weeks.


    I like eggplant, when it is baked in tomato sauce and smothered  in cheese.  I also like Thai eggplant, but not many restaurants use it. 


    Between shifts yesterday I ordered our Atlanta Master Chorale season tickets, I made dinner, salmon,  baked squash and asparagus with Hollandaise and I reserved our hotel rooms for the first night of our journey.  We are going to stop in Gainesville FL, on the first night, and stop at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens on the way to Cedar Key.


    Charles and Ann,  our traveling friends, are going to stop in Tallahassee and stay with Ann's sister on the way down, and meet up with us at Firefly. 


    I am so looking forward to this vacation, I know I need it, each of us in our own little cottage that backs up to a swamp.  The travelers have recently been asking me about alligators and snakes.  Hmmmm. 










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  3. Thought I would share my disaster from yesterday, I gave Munchkin flea meds, the kind you open up and put on the back of the cats neck. but it didnt look like any thing was in it, and it split apart when I applied it to her neck, so I pulled the packet open, and darn if it didn't fling flea med liquid in my eye,  OMG!  dont ever to that.  I am such a klutz.  


    burned like hades, but i know i wont get fleas in my eye now.

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  4. Thank you all for the pictures of Oslo, with all those museum, I know I need to go!  Well all the kittens are in, including momma Munchkin-Bob wouldnt stop growling and went to the back room, Furnando is taking it in stride, ignoring them all, and Tigger played with the babies, until he got worn out.


    And now off to work!  Split shift today. Working  until 11 pm.

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  5. and because I dont like to type too big, back to the story-

    last year our trash and water service decided to go with trash cans that are 65 gallons, so that they could do trash pick up once a week instead of two.  And they ordered these nifty trash trucks that the driver operated that would pick up the can, and empty the contents into the top of the truck.  Service complete with just one employee.  But for the last month, I have noticed that we are back to two guys on the back of the truck, picking up the cans and dumping them in the back of the truck.  So there are 3 employees, on each truck.  If the trash is not in the can, it wont get picked up.  Now I understand that when there was just the one guy, but really? there are 3 guys.  We do not exceed the can, but the nursing home across from us does, the family with 7 does, and the trash just lays there.  Then they pick it up after the trash guys are gone, throw it into the trash can, and haul it back up to the house until the next week.


    I gotta tell you for two elderly somewhat feeble people taking the trash down the hill to the street  when it is full, is very hard! After my fall last month doing the trash, my left leg is still not right, and the ankle swells every day.  I want my tiny trash can back (i'll take two) 45 gallons was a lot easier to deal with. 


    We had to go out last night and get paper towels (how did neither of us know we were out?) So we had dinner out and then shopped. 


    What did our moms do without paper towels?  Laundry I guess.





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  6. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  Once again sleep came, and I was awake within an hour, repeat, repeat, repeat, so I slept until 8.  I wish i could fall asleep and stay asleep for at least 6 hours.  Pain and leg cramps finally threw me out of bed.  


    @1ANGELCAT I am so glad that TT came home safe and sound.  I was hoping for last night, so that you would not have to worry,  but this morning is good, and I hope TT was reprimanded harshly with love and hugs and lots of smooches this morning.


    @LambKnucklesCannibal!  I had to laugh, my  stage name in the 80's was Catfish Brown, I wouldn't eat catfish telling people it was cannibalistic of me to eat my own kind.  There is a local band in town named Catfish Brown now.  Not me.


    My problem with the "flitch" was umm... what was it?  I understand the giving of a flitch of bacon, that @grapau27 mentioned, but what was the quantity of the "fltich"-this is what I found 


    a piece of meat consisting of the side of a pig, made into bacon = preserved meat


    And of course now because I copied that, my print font has changed.  Oh well.





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  7. Baby furbabies did well at the vets.  They were seen by the vet PA.  They were weighed, all were over 2 pounds, they got their vaccines and  their flea meds (kitten variety) and they go back in 3 weeks.  When we got home I put all the big boys in the back and closed the doors to the den, kitchen and laundry room.  I took out one kitten at a time, put the flea meds on them and set them free. And off they went to play in Tiggers tube toy.   The PA did discover that Ollie had a hernia. Near the belly button.  Said it may play a roll in his health, but was not more forthcoming than that. Odd because Collard Greens has a hernia too.  Now I really wonder who his daddy is.


    But then DH opened the door, he cant remember why, and I turned around and saw Furnando standing in the kitchen just watching 4 furbabies running around.  He was dumbfounded. And i put him back out, but then I noticed Tigger, the fiercest of the indoorians, chasing after the kittens.  What he didnt expect was that three of them turned on him, and chased him behind the wood burning stove.  He tried to get out on the other side, and Turnip had other ideas.  He got up on his hind legs and pounced on Tigger, in a forward leap with all his claws out on the front paws, and Tigger didnt know what to do. IT took two of us, to pick him up and get him out, but I really dont think he would have hurt them.  Its just that they now all had flea meds, the porch was swept and flea spray put down, and I vacuumed that up..  Nice clean room, all the bedding has been washed, the outside of the porch sprayed down too.  And where are they all sleeping ? On the floor, not on the nice soft blankets. Ahh, Kittens.  We have decided that as of tomorrow, the porch will be reopened for all, and the kittens can come into the house, full time. I am tired of air conditioning the outside world.


    Tonight might be my last good nights sleep for a long time, and I dont sleep well anyway.

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  8. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  I will always celebrate Garfield!



    Its cloudy and somewhat cool in Atlanta today.  HIghs in the 80's and flipping back this weekend, they say to high 90's.  Growing up in NJ in the 50's and 60's we did not have air conditioning.  The house was cooled with a huge attic fan, so windows and bedroom doors were open at night, And when it got too hot, I would sleep on the porch.  When my grandfather moved in and moved to the upstairs (attic) bedroom we got air conditioning, but did not have to use it often.  I think that the North East must feel uncomfortable this summer.  


    We have to take the fur babies to the vet this morning for their first vaccine.  Now the little monsters have fleas and they need to be de flead.  I am hoping they weigh enough for flea meds.  (they have to weigh at least 2 pounds).  Pretty sure that one of them does. Not sure about the other 3.  Turnip seems to be growing at a faster rate than the other ones. Otherwise its flea baths, and combing.  And I guess moving them to a room inside the house.  They all scream at me when it's breakfast and dinner time.  And they are trying to escape all the time. It will take two of us to get them into the carrier today, and there is a lot of road work on the way to the vets. Should be fun.


    We finished Bridgerton a little after midnight.  I cried. DH pretended to watch it, but every time I looked over,  he had his magnifying glass out trying to read the directions on his drone.  He is amazed at how many things that thing can do.  So am I actually.  I got it at more than half off, and it seems to be a pretty amazing "toy".


    DH's new vascular doc said that another surgery is planned, perhaps two.  The first one to go back into the leg, and see what is going on, and if they can fix the block, they will at that time. If they cannot, they will have to do a bypass which is major surgery and he will have to be in the hospital for 3-4 days following, with a much longer recuperation time.  He told DH that he has to get up and walk for 20 minutes four times a week.  I told DH that since it is so hot, that mall walking is in his future, that and the fact that there are benches in the mall, and if he need to sit, he can sit.  But he must walk the full 20 minutes.  This will not only help him now, but will help him post surgery.  Its summer, so walking should be done in morning.




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  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  It's 78 degrees and the computer says "clear". I opened the shades in the den, and while it is not sunny yet, the hummingbirds were on the flowers.  Quite a treat to see this early in the morning. 


    Yesterday my boss commented that I have been "rocking it" since my return, and he hoped that I was going to stay long enough for the Design Your own 5 sales.  How long was I going to stay?

    I told him forever.  I explained that I had learned that while I need the money (for cruises and medical bills) that more than 30-35 hours a week was no longer in my cards. I got a thumbs up. Of course I can still be kidnapped, but I doubt that will happen.


    Must fix breakfast -have a wonderful day!



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  10. Just checking in.  Long day, need to sleep -up early to get DH to another doc regarding the artery clogged in his leg. No rest for the weary, as Donna is off tomorrow but still wants me to walk the dog, after the appointment, as she is off to play pool.  She has left the late night Tuesdays for the seniors league-she says the music in the jukebox is much better with her fellow seniors. Have to pick up DH's meds from his dr's office (they give him for free) and then work.


    Tonight was Massaman shrimp curry, I finally found it at the Farmers market, bought 3 cans, and now DH says it is too spicy for him.  To me it's curry heaven.


    Half the pens on the desk are missing.  Tigger is making a collection.

    @1ANGELCATI really wish there was an "ahh" button.  Too cute.


    Sweet dreams every one, no matter if you are kidnapping cats or not.🙀

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  11. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! It's hot in hotlanta.  79 now, but last night at 11:30 it was 84, so I know we are in for more this week!  Ick I hate hot.


    DH forgot to get his car inspected (yes I nagged, and Im the one who drives it) but he never scheduled any time to do it, so late as usual, and we need to get it inspected, and pay the tag cost, need to walk the dog, get my second shingles shot, pick up some groceries, and then go to work. 


    I too slept late, but that is because I didnt sleep well, and decided to just continue sleeping this morning.  I kept hearing things out on the porch, and checked in on the kittens twice, (might have been @dfishkidnapping them.🙀 .)


    We let them in yesterday and they tore around the den until they wore themselves out, and then they all crashed.  I fed them early and put them back out on the porch.


    I love rootbeer, especially with two scoops of vanilla ice cream in it.

    @rafinmd I hope you are feeling better today.

    @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David yesterday. With the recent food porn you have presented, I thought you might be on a cruise.

    @Cruzin TerriTake it easy, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water. Hope you feel better soon.

    @StLouisCruisersHappy CC anniversary.  I never really thought about when I joined up, but it's the same day that @smitty34877 did, just two years earlier.

    @JazzyV I hope that you and @Denise T can both stay cool, and I am so happy that you are getting more sleep!


    Two years ago when Bridgerton started on Netflix, DH said it was the stupidest show on the tube, but I binged watched year one, and only saw two from year 2, but last night I binged watched 4 episodes of year 3, and forced myself to go to bed.  And DH watched!  Not sure if he pays attention, but he said he liked it.


    He ahs been busy playing with his birthday present-the drone. So far he has crashed it into the street, (needed some repair) the bushes in the front of the house, the neighbors driveway, and last night told me that he sent it across the street to Donna's house, but then he couldn't see it and let it crash again.  It does have a home button, you press it, and it comes back to you.  Not sure he remembers where that button is.


    Have a great day everyone!



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  12. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Happy Fathers day to all the Dads and Cat Dads, and Dog Dads. DH loves to go out and sit with the new batch of fur babies. I know our heart strings will be pulled as they move away and go to new homes. He too is feeling that it would be hard to let our Turnip leave.  Too cute. That kitten is way too cute.!


    Last nights birthday dinner was interesting to say the least.  DH was surprised that Debbie and Donna were there,  but once he got into his food, he ate and shut down any socializing with his table mates.  The other problem was that the restaurant was the most crowded I had ever seen it, and the noise level made it impossible to hear each other.  Which is pretty bad because 4 out of 6 (and I am one of the 4) have hearing problems. 


    I like the quote, it made me think that what you put into life, you get back in life.  If you are a negative thinker, then life is a negative thing.  If you are a joyful person, then you find joy in life. Sometimes we have to re arrange our thinking, and while my mid childhood years were full of terror, once apart from those who caused it, i found joy in living.  I sometimes in my head revisit the bad parts, and  while I cant forget and sometimes admit I cant forgive, I now understand what created the mess, and then find something to be joyful for.


    I did become close to my father after my mom passed away.  We "hung out" together and "girl watched".  He really did want another chance at romance at the end of his life, but sadly that never happened.  But I do have fond memories of him and the adventures he took us on.  Sometimes we just cant see the forest for the trees.


    One of my fondest memories of adventures with Dad, was when we lived in France, he would take my brother and I on road trips in the countryside. If he heard motors from motorcycles in the fields, he would park the car, and we would walk to find the motocross racing.  This is what gave me the love of racing.


    @Cruzin TerriI am sorry that your cold turned out to be Covid.  Coast to coast, I am talking with more people who have it.  Again.  @StLouisCruisers not sure if you were vaccinated against RSV, but you might want to ask the medical department if they have a test.  DH and I still mask up when we go shopping, doctors offices, or any place with a crowd.  And I guess this is the new way of life.  I hope the two of you start feeling better soon.




    I hope that you all have a wonderful day, stay cool, drink plenty of water, and take care of yourselves. 

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  13. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! It is very hot and humid today and we are warned to spend as little amount of time outside because we are in day 4 of Orange alert.  But right now, I have the windows open for the cats to get fresh air.  


    It is also nice to know the job situation has taken care of itself. However my last day in Cincinnati ended rather weirdly.  I called boss # 2 from job #1 who is boss # 1 on job # 2 to ask a question, and he said that I was supposed to be working on his campaign at the same time I was going to be working on the other campaign.  He said "you told Mark you were working 12-5" and I said yes on his time, but my hours were 3-8.  I told him that I had suggested that on our last day we work an earlier shift, that he said he would ask you, but I never heard back.so I stayed with my regular shift 3-8 which in California time is 12-5.  He said something to the effect that he couldnt understand that Mark would get that confused, and I was correct that working an earlier shift on our last day would allow for call backs.  In my humble opinion, too much boss and too little brain.

    They are too busy being scared to ask questions of each other, that it seems easier to take it out on the peons.


    I have been to Ketchikan twice, both times the sun shone, and the day was beautiful.  In May of 23 we toured Misty Fjords by boat.  This is a cone left from a volcano.  The guide told us it was the most photographed place in the Fjords.






    Lots of long thin waterfalls






    calm clear waters, and very tall cliffs








    mist from a waterfall,




    @catmando and our BFF




    from our first trip, I think was back in 16 or 17- a great bench













     the tunnel that goes under the hill in town



    and a flower for the garden club.  Alaska is beautiful!



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  14. Andrew said I could work up to but not more than 40 hours a week if I wanted to.  He doesn't want to share me.  He did tell me once I would always be welcome to work for CTG in LA, and Hollywood Bowl, so I guess I will just have to get used to taking April off.  And it seems that I really do have a "home".  Too bad the best hours are past my bedtime.


    I also joined back as a patron of the museum that I used to be able to go to for free.  The High Museum of Art. I will only work 2 hours this Friday coming up,(after my dr's appt) and then Fridays will be off!  Yay!  Now we belong to 2 museums, and in the fall the free Friday concerts will start back up at Emory University.  Chuck is getting me a late birthday gift of the science museum. So, Science, Antiquities and Art, and throw in the free music. And the chorale group we buy a season package for, and our county symphony, and I have a life that is not just work!


    By the way, Georgia is too hot.  I got transferred here a day before my friend and I were going to order our cross country skis-45 years ago. In those 45 years, I would have been able to use the skis 4 times.  I miss snow, and cold.  And right now we are 10 degrees above where we are supposed to be.  I dont even go out for the mail until the sun has set, and thank goodness the dog doesnt mind being walked in the shade in the mornings.Its like menopause 24/7 for years here.  I dont know why hot doesnt bother me when I am in Mexico on a beach, floating in the water....time for another kiddy pool.


    The kittens get their vaccines next week, and then the vet will let them in the house where the "boys" are.  I do want to get Tiggers claws clipped before we move the kids in.  He looks at them as if they are toys.  Bob still growls through the screen at them, and they back up, and Furnando could care less so we will introduce him to them first.  I told him he could have his own kitten...DH says "we are not keeping three kittens" but i think it would break my heart to let Turnip go.  Better to have them inside and know love, than be an outside cat in this neighborhood.  And the girl that wanted one for her mom, doesnt need one now, and the girl who wanted the black one, only wanted him if his eyes stayed blue.  They didn't.  And of course we will get Munchkin spayed and move her in too. 


    @NickelpennyThank you, that was the cartoon I wanted to send my boss.  I have a copy on my wall(work station) . You are an angel!






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  15. @StLouisCruisers You are right, it was his fault.  He didnt want to actually "work".  I asked him a general question, and he said he wouldnt answer it unless I provided the customer #.  Well, I had already been asked the same question by 3 people, so I figured it would come up again, and wanted to know what i should say.


    I'm glad that the relatives are basically doing their own cruise.  Get well!  

    Off to walk the dog, and get the errands run.

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  16. Good Friday Morning Dailyties!  TGIF! I worked until 10 last night, but I did that because people asked me to call so I tagged on another hour of one of the campaigns.  However of the 4 people who wanted a call back, only had one sale, one only wanted one show (and it turns out that he lied to me when he told me the reason I had to call at night) and the "would have been" big sales that had me jumping through hoops?  They didnt bother to answer.


    My "report to" boss called yesterday, (he's the one I go to when I need a job, and he finds me a campaign to work on). Since my Ohio campaign ends today, he let me know what was coming up  Turns out he will be mentoring my Ohio boss in new campaigns on the East coast, which would work well for me, but after my review from the Ohio boss, I'm not so sure that he would want me again. And if Andrew (Cailfornia) will let me work 25-30 hours, I wont need another job.  And there is the rub. I angered Andrew yesterday  So not sure he will allow me more than the minimum of 20 hours.  I did do 2650.00 in sales yesterday. ( In 3 hours)  I'd keep me.  Guess today is the day I start recreating my life again.


    Good news, Scottie called Chuck yesterday.  He didnt know what he was doing when he had the stroke, but DH said he sounded good, like his normal self. He is still in the hospital but they have him doing PT and I guess he will stay in there and then maybe move to a nursing facility.  DH never asks questions.


    Aqueducts, this country needs them.  We are about to go into Orange zone for air quality. @StLouisCruisersstay cool while you can!  Its going to feel like 100+ with the humidity, but no rain here.


    @Cruzin TerriGlad you made it back to Jacksonville, be safe on the drive home.


    @NickelpennyI have a favor to ask-Is it possible for you to resubmit the cartoon about being introverted?  Or do you remember what day it was, I need to copy it and send it to one of my bosses.


    DH and I are going out for an early lunch at our favorite taco place.  But first we need to pick up cat food.  Feeding 13 is getting out of hand, and the kittens are very happy when they see me in the morning.









    I hope you all have a wonderful, happy, joyful day!

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  17. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I'm thinking that during Plato's time, there wasnt heavy metal music. Ah romance....


    @dfishRadisihes related to cabbage?  I would have thought carrots. or Turnips.  I envy you your hot temperatures, as ours will be going up to 97 or higher this weekend.  They said with the humidity it will feel like more than 100.  Thank goodness that the air conditioner man came yesterday. 


    This morning the view out the window is cloudy (no rain in the forecast) with hummingbirds. I did open the windows, in the front of the house, and the 3 "boys" are in the window sills and cat basket checking out the flight patterns.


    Today is another day where someone has to stay home and wait.  Home Depot told DH on Tuesday that they will send someone out today to pick up the old laundry stuff (which should have been taken away on Saturday) and to replace the hose that was too short.  I have been able to do laundry, but I wish the machine was in the place for the washer, and not flush against a wall, sideways in the "mud" room.  But they didnt give us an estimate on what time someone will be here, so I need to go out and run a few errands before I "go" to work.


    My vein and heart doc called yesterday to tell me that my appointment on Friday has been changed.  She asked if I was having problems with my leg, and I said, it was tingly and twitchy and she said, ok, your appointment has been changed for a month out. This morning I got a call from Emory that my lung doc has scheduled my next CT scan without contrast.  And that got scheduled for July.and just looking at next week and I have an appointment to get to or get DH to every day but thursday.  The older we get the busier we are. 


    When we lived overseas in the early 60' we often went to Brugge, and I would eat my weight in chocolate and get sick as a dog.  You would think it would break me of the chocolate addiction, it didn't.  I just switched to dark chocolate, doing much better...LOL.


    Speaking of flight patterns, I checked Miami Airport, delays are only 15 minutes, arriving and departing today, so as along as @Cruzin Terri has a break between flights, she should be OK.


    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and thank you all for the well wishes for DH's birthday yesterday. He really did appreciate  them. 





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