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Rude Guests on the Eclipse

Chicago Boy

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Hawaiidan -- LOVE your rat-statistics! I just want to know at point will they start deserting a sinking ship? :eek: ;)


I also think that the size of ship (and total number of pax) makes a huge difference. Although I love the newer ships, I see much more rudeness on them, than on their smaller counterparts. I compare it to living in a small town. If you cut someone off (or flip them off) in traffic, there's almost a karmic guarantee that you will see them again soon -- at the post office, the bank, or in line at the grocery store. Keeps folks polite and honest. :cool:

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Also, those younger folks, who are the product of our dysfunctional public education system, both high school and university, will not be any better when they are elders unless there is a significant change in our way of life.


I blame the lawyers who have proven that bad behavior, whether in the classroom or in society, has insufficient consequences to deter it.

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I remember that Rat Study......it was done in the 70's I believe. I saw some videos of them at different times.........the end of the study was not pretty.

I agree with the comment about disposable income and manners. I know wealthy people who are rude and vile and I know many who are great folks. Same with the very poor.....some good, some bad. Money just doesn't seem to matter when it comes to manners and attitude.

Just my observations............................YMMV

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I too was on this cruise. Evidently since it is a "down week" between the holidays, they marketed heavily to several Florida retirement villages. One (Bellagio-- a high end retirement community in Boca Raton) sent 15 buses and several others sent buses in lesser numbers. I'd honestly say the median age was well into the 80's so it's difficult to say that "it's the parents" because I'd say they've had enough time gone by to overcome poor parenting.


I did hear several "younger" (40-60) folks apologizing to the staff for the general rudeness that was going on. In my observation it was the older (75 plus) crowd who were the rudest. They'd as soon plow over you w their MYRIAD of scooters than go around you. And I'm sorry but the voices .... maybe they were all hard of hearing because the constant negativity was SO LOUD..


OI-VING.... get me the chay-uh. Not THAT chay-uh. Shelly needs a tawl-uh chay-uh.

(Irving get me the chair. Not That chair. Shelly needs a taller chair)


MOI-TY.... bring me the CAWFEE. I should sit heyuh awl day waiting for cawfee? I'm gonna write THE LETTAH. No sense cawling about this... ya need to write the lettah (they had to wait 10 min for Select dining.... hence THE LETT-AH.)


It was as if a huge, loud, rude, abrasive and negative blanket had been thrown over the cruise.

They had to send a care flight helicopter out at one point to evacuate someone who was ill, and I was tempted to stow away.


But funny story, the cruise director was asked by a bunch of the Brooklyn Bellagio people (that's what their t-shirts said) to take a picture of them. SO they gathered together and the CD said "Say CAW-FEE". POIFECT!!

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Good grief...you must have had to make extra visits to the Molecular Bar after that. Thankfully we only heard the same things in very small doses the following week. And to think that people used to complain about Celebrity selling cheap cruises to Puerto Ricans on the Summit!!

Was that CD Mike ...sounds like him....that guy was a hoot:p

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I too was on this cruise. Evidently since it is a "down week" between the holidays, they marketed heavily to several Florida retirement villages. One (Bellagio-- a high end retirement community in Boca Raton) sent 15 buses and several others sent buses in lesser numbers. I'd honestly say the median age was well into the 80's so it's difficult to say that "it's the parents" because I'd say they've had enough time gone by to overcome poor parenting.


I did hear several "younger" (40-60) folks apologizing to the staff for the general rudeness that was going on. In my observation it was the older (75 plus) crowd who were the rudest. They'd as soon plow over you w their MYRIAD of scooters than go around you. And I'm sorry but the voices .... maybe they were all hard of hearing because the constant negativity was SO LOUD..


OI-VING.... get me the chay-uh. Not THAT chay-uh. Shelly needs a tawl-uh chay-uh.

(Irving get me the chair. Not That chair. Shelly needs a taller chair)


MOI-TY.... bring me the CAWFEE. I should sit heyuh awl day waiting for cawfee? I'm gonna write THE LETTAH. No sense cawling about this... ya need to write the lettah (they had to wait 10 min for Select dining.... hence THE LETT-AH.)


It was as if a huge, loud, rude, abrasive and negative blanket had been thrown over the cruise.

They had to send a care flight helicopter out at one point to evacuate someone who was ill, and I was tempted to stow away.


But funny story, the cruise director was asked by a bunch of the Brooklyn Bellagio people (that's what their t-shirts said) to take a picture of them. SO they gathered together and the CD said "Say CAW-FEE". POIFECT!!


LOL...please tell me the Solstice cruise was nothing like this one Sr! I heard the LETT-AH at embarkation when it wasn't going as fast as it was felt it should be. Seabreeze had me laughing over a conversation about frog legs being *derty* the whole week....we actually had to start laughing about all the negativity because it was everywhere and it seriously was getting very old! Then there was the conversation my hubby overheard at guest relations because of that certain someone's wife (well known to you and I for sure!) who was *dissed* by someone at the guest relations desk (one of many things witnessed, why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:)....funny, every encounter I had there was met with a smiling face and a willing attitude!:)


My absolute favorite part of the week was when I got on the elevator at 11 along with a TA. Another guy, his wife and another woman were on. That guy looked at the TA and said *what do you think of the ship?* The TA replied, stating that he had been in seminars and hadn't seen much of it. He turned the question back to the guy and said *More importantly, what do YOU think of it?*. OMGosh, the guy launched into a diatribe....the staterooms were designed terrible, they had bad service in the dining room, they didn't like the food.....I just couldn't take it any longer. I got off a floor before I was suppose to and announced *I just bought 2 cruise credits* as I was exiting. The elevator got very quiet....I continued my journey down the steps.


I think the saddest part for me of all of this was seeing an employee having chest pains over total nonsense. It's a vacation for Heaven's sake! Maybe they were making a vacation out of making ppl's lives miserable.


I wrote out about seven comment cards.....all positive. My cruise was wonderful, thanks to great people like you.....I hope we are able to cruise again sometime!

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Well as for rude passengers- I suppose the crew know´s that in matter of days or maybe a week, they have new passengers and got rid of the nasty ones. Ah for some elders in their walkers- sometimes one get´s a strong desire- do open one of the gates on prommenade deck and push them a little further to have a nice little swim..!

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I think Islandgirl and I both noticed the "I should be served first. I should be served faster. I should get special treatment and don't need to abide by the rules" kind of attitude. And on this PARTICULAR cruise (I can't speak to every cruise) it was the over 70 group that loudly (hard of hearing) made their demands (not requests) known. A real sense of entitlement (as in someone thinking their wife deserves extra special recognition).


But for those reading this thread, I have found this abysmal behavior to be an exception to the passengers I've come across in the past. The large group that was a marketing target were, for a large part, just not very nice people. I even asked a few of the crew how they tolerated it and the answer was universally "I just smile and say YES SIR or YES MA'AM and then go about doing what I need to do as if they'd never spoken to me." I must give major props to the crew/staff who showed such grace under pressure.


After the Eclipse, I got on the Solstice which was in week 5 of noro. Lines lines lines. I kept thinking if the group from the Eclipse had to "put up" with all that "inconvenience" they'd be writing lots of "lettahs".

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I too was on this cruise. Evidently since it is a "down week" between the holidays, they marketed heavily to several Florida retirement villages. One (Bellagio-- a high end retirement community in Boca Raton) sent 15 buses and several others sent buses in lesser numbers. I'd honestly say the median age was well into the 80's so it's difficult to say that "it's the parents" because I'd say they've had enough time gone by to overcome poor parenting.


I did hear several "younger" (40-60) folks apologizing to the staff for the general rudeness that was going on. In my observation it was the older (75 plus) crowd who were the rudest. They'd as soon plow over you w their MYRIAD of scooters than go around you. And I'm sorry but the voices .... maybe they were all hard of hearing because the constant negativity was SO LOUD..


OI-VING.... get me the chay-uh. Not THAT chay-uh. Shelly needs a tawl-uh chay-uh.

(Irving get me the chair. Not That chair. Shelly needs a taller chair)


MOI-TY.... bring me the CAWFEE. I should sit heyuh awl day waiting for cawfee? I'm gonna write THE LETTAH. No sense cawling about this... ya need to write the lettah (they had to wait 10 min for Select dining.... hence THE LETT-AH.)


It was as if a huge, loud, rude, abrasive and negative blanket had been thrown over the cruise.

They had to send a care flight helicopter out at one point to evacuate someone who was ill, and I was tempted to stow away.


But funny story, the cruise director was asked by a bunch of the Brooklyn Bellagio people (that's what their t-shirts said) to take a picture of them. SO they gathered together and the CD said "Say CAW-FEE". POIFECT!!


LOL! That is hilarious! We were on a HAL ship a couple years ago which was filled with mostly old folks from New York or former New Yorkers who had retired to Florida. Ive known plenty of New Yorkers who are lovely people, but this was not them! I could not believe how angry and mean they were to each other and the crew. The kvetching by these ungrateful pain in the asses was unbearable. It could have happened on any line, but my wife refuses to sail on HAL after that experience.

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I think Islandgirl and I both noticed the "I should be served first. I should be served faster. I should get special treatment and don't need to abide by the rules" kind of attitude. And on this PARTICULAR cruise (I can't speak to every cruise) it was the over 70 group that loudly (hard of hearing) made their demands (not requests) known. A real sense of entitlement (as in someone thinking their wife deserves extra special recognition).


I have a friend who has told me to let him know if he ever gets like this in later life and I have agreed to do that as long as he reciprocates;) The more I cruise the more I realise the only bad things on a cruise are some of the fellow "guests". Conversely if you have a nice bunch of people onboard that can be a huge plus.



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How true, I think if these types of demanding passengers travel on their own they are mildly annoying but you can avoid them.....when they hunt in packs aaagh


DH and I have promised each other if we show any signs of behaviour like this on a cruise then its yellow card, next offence end of cruising for the guilty party - the other of course can keep cruising.


I have seen a group like this on a cruise out of LA, it actually was a great trip, we had a ball with the crew who went out of their way to look after the "nicer" passengers. As Victor Meldrew would have said about some of the behaviour of these other guests "I don't believe it"

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How true, I think if these types of demanding passengers travel on their own they are mildly annoying but you can avoid them.....when they hunt in packs aaagh


Last month while on the Allure My wife, grandson and me were having lunch in Giovanni's. This is a pay Italian restaurant, It was the last day and we wanted to something different.The restaurant has outside seating in Central Park that is roped off from the walkways. The restaurant is located directly across the Park Cafe which is a free restaurant with great sandwiches.


While sitting outside enjoying our meal an elderly man with a sandwich and a bag of chips stepped over the ropes and into the seating area to find a table a few down from us.. I thought maybe he was a little absent minded and gave him the benefit of the doubt. One minute later he yelled over to his friend and his wife and they all came and sat in the restaurant area. I over heard them laughing and talking saying jokingly, "I never saw any signs". My grandson asked me if they were supposed to sit there. I told him some people do not follow rules. Needless to say he was confused a little bit.


As we were leaving I did talk to the head waiter and he apologized and told me he should have booted them. Maybe the older couples thought they were just having fun but they showed my grandson some bad examples.





Hello Phil-I see you are still cruising Celebrity.

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Just my opinion' date=' lol!


You disagree? Do you think poorer people are ruder than wealthier people? Why?[/quote']




After 28 years as a 9-1-1 dispatcher , it has been my observation they both can be pretty demanding an entitled .


The rich love to throw their name and fancy address and who they know , and who their husband/father /whatever is to get what they want. They have been catered to all their lives they just seem to expect it. Of course we will divert the police car going to the domestic violence call straight to your house because your neighbor is playing his radio too loud. :(


Your poor (more so those who have lived their whole lives on the public dole) are so used to everything handed to them with a city, state or federal seal on it. They just figure make a phone call and someone comes running and takes care of it for free .

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I too was on this cruise. Evidently since it is a "down week" between the holidays, they marketed heavily to several Florida retirement villages. One (Bellagio-- a high end retirement community in Boca Raton) sent 15 buses and several others sent buses in lesser numbers. I'd honestly say the median age was well into the 80's so it's difficult to say that "it's the parents" because I'd say they've had enough time gone by to overcome poor parenting.


I did hear several "younger" (40-60) folks apologizing to the staff for the general rudeness that was going on. In my observation it was the older (75 plus) crowd who were the rudest. They'd as soon plow over you w their MYRIAD of scooters than go around you. And I'm sorry but the voices .... maybe they were all hard of hearing because the constant negativity was SO LOUD..


OI-VING.... get me the chay-uh. Not THAT chay-uh. Shelly needs a tawl-uh chay-uh.

(Irving get me the chair. Not That chair. Shelly needs a taller chair)


MOI-TY.... bring me the CAWFEE. I should sit heyuh awl day waiting for cawfee? I'm gonna write THE LETTAH. No sense cawling about this... ya need to write the lettah (they had to wait 10 min for Select dining.... hence THE LETT-AH.)


It was as if a huge, loud, rude, abrasive and negative blanket had been thrown over the cruise.

They had to send a care flight helicopter out at one point to evacuate someone who was ill, and I was tempted to stow away.


But funny story, the cruise director was asked by a bunch of the Brooklyn Bellagio people (that's what their t-shirts said) to take a picture of them. SO they gathered together and the CD said "Say CAW-FEE". POIFECT!!


What a bunch of @holes!



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I too was on this cruise. Evidently since it is a "down week" between the holidays, they marketed heavily to several Florida retirement villages. One (Bellagio-- a high end retirement community in Boca Raton) sent 15 buses and several others sent buses in lesser numbers. I'd honestly say the median age was well into the 80's so it's difficult to say that "it's the parents" because I'd say they've had enough time gone by to overcome poor parenting.


I did hear several "younger" (40-60) folks apologizing to the staff for the general rudeness that was going on. In my observation it was the older (75 plus) crowd who were the rudest. They'd as soon plow over you w their MYRIAD of scooters than go around you. And I'm sorry but the voices .... maybe they were all hard of hearing because the constant negativity was SO LOUD..


OI-VING.... get me the chay-uh. Not THAT chay-uh. Shelly needs a tawl-uh chay-uh.

(Irving get me the chair. Not That chair. Shelly needs a taller chair)


MOI-TY.... bring me the CAWFEE. I should sit heyuh awl day waiting for cawfee? I'm gonna write THE LETTAH. No sense cawling about this... ya need to write the lettah (they had to wait 10 min for Select dining.... hence THE LETT-AH.)


It was as if a huge, loud, rude, abrasive and negative blanket had been thrown over the cruise.

They had to send a care flight helicopter out at one point to evacuate someone who was ill, and I was tempted to stow away.


But funny story, the cruise director was asked by a bunch of the Brooklyn Bellagio people (that's what their t-shirts said) to take a picture of them. SO they gathered together and the CD said "Say CAW-FEE". POIFECT!!







Beautiful :)



My Mom is from Brooklyn (Italian) although has lived in Connecticut over 50 years . And now lives in Del Rey Beach FL (Not too far from Boca) so I know there types all too well.

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This thread reminds me of a T/A several years ago on Galaxy - Rome to Baltimore. We noticed the first day a large group that fits the profile being discussed here - loud and demanding! We had second seating and had a very nice table for eight. The second night, the dining room doors were 15 minutes late in opening. We asked our waiter why the delay. The answer was "there were so many people asking to change tables after the first night that it took that long to get them all accomadated."

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Hello auggiemom,


We were on your cruise, too. Unfortunately, we weren't able to make the get togethers based upon timing, etc. My husband and I were also discussing the rude people we encountered on this cruise. Especially the family that went to the library, came to the pool deck with about ten books, placed them on deck chairs early in the morning, and then didn't show up until around noon. We were also disappointed with parents taking diaper-aged children in the pools and hottubs. Unfortunately, several of the cruisers on our trip were definitely in the "me first" state of mind and actions. :(


That type of behavior - saving deck chairs with books until noon - should not be tolerated.. Simply point it out to the Hotel Director early in the cruise and he/she will stop it in its tracks... and this will last for the duration of that cruise.. It works...trust me.




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I have to admit that I have been looking forward to Seniors sumation of the Eclipse Dec 3 cruise and she did not disappoint! (as usual!) Juniors was on the money as well.

My father and I have been laughing about "The Lettah" since you mentioned it on board. We have both wrote "Lettahs", however they are positive and thankful of the excellent service that we received.

We enjoy Celebrity very much and will not let this past trip impact our future plans. Perhaps we need to contact the Travel Agents in South Florida and see what "specials" are running before we book in the future?


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I was on the Dec 3rd, Eclipse sailing as well. At one point I was held hostage on an elevator by 4 ladies (loosely), not one of them over 5 feet tall. I was at the back of the elevator and needed to get out but they totally ignored my "excuse me, please." request. Mabye I should have yelled "outta my way!". I ended up having to go all the way down and back up again. They had no idea where they were going and I think they were just riding the elevator.

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