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Missing medication


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We are half way through a two week Caribbean cruise. My husband is to have shoulder surgery five days after our return. Our doctor gave us a prescription for pain Meds to bring with us just in case he had problems. I had the pain meds in with our daily vitamins and honestly I forgot about them. Tonight as I was reorganizing our vitamins I realized that they had not been put in the safe... I looked at the bottle and after counting realized 18 of the 30 are missing! I am so upset about this but hate to accuse anyone. I know I should have put them in the safe but the thought of someone going through my things to find them has me very upset. What would you do?

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We are half way through a two week Caribbean cruise. My husband is to have shoulder surgery five days after our return. Our doctor gave us a prescription for pain Meds to bring with us just in case he had problems. I had the pain meds in with our daily vitamins and honestly I forgot about them. Tonight as I was reorganizing our vitamins I realized that they had not been put in the safe... I looked at the bottle and after counting realized 18 of the 30 are missing! I am so upset about this but hate to accuse anyone. I know I should have put them in the safe but the thought of someone going through my things to find them has me very upset. What would you do?


If you have your prescription go and see the ships doctor. He may have the meds on board, failing that try a pharmacist when you next get to a port. The pharmacist may be able to give you the 12 tabs you need.

I would be very careful about accusing the crew simply because you may have made a mistake in your counting.


As a matter of course we always take an extra weeks supply of all our meds in case we get held up, miss a flight or some such.


Failing that if you speak with the doctor on board there may be some over the counter meds that he can provide as a substitute.

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We are half way through a two week Caribbean cruise. My husband is to have shoulder surgery five days after our return. Our doctor gave us a prescription for pain Meds to bring with us just in case he had problems. I had the pain meds in with our daily vitamins and honestly I forgot about them. Tonight as I was reorganizing our vitamins I realized that they had not been put in the safe... I looked at the bottle and after counting realized 18 of the 30 are missing! I am so upset about this but hate to accuse anyone. I know I should have put them in the safe but the thought of someone going through my things to find them has me very upset. What would you do?



I find this very disturbing. Firstly... was this prescription in its original bottle? Has your husband taken any of these pills since the prescription was filled? How certain are you of the pill count? Does the bottle specifically state "30" count?


If you can be certain of the above questions, and you feel that pills are missing SINCE you boarded (and not before, ie, hotel stay), then perhaps a discussion with the hotel manager is warranted. You have a genuine concern here, and it shouldn't be take lightly.


Please let us know how this progresses?

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Before accusing anyone, did you count the pills when the prescription was filled and/or when you packed it? I routinely count prescription pills now after once discovering 20, not 30, pills in a bottle I had just filled, and another time finding 90, not 30, in the bottle (and that one was a narcotic!). Be very sure before you place blame.

Beyond that advice, we now ALWAYS keep prescriptions where no one else can access them - don't want to tempt anyone, whether it's household help, grandkids, casual visitors. Sad, but a fact of life that prescription meds are like gold to many people.

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Before accusing anyone, did you count the pills when the prescription was filled and/or when you packed it? I routinely count prescription pills now after once discovering 20, not 30, pills in a bottle I had just filled, and another time finding 90, not 30, in the bottle (and that one was a narcotic!). Be very sure before you place blame.


Beyond that advice, we now ALWAYS keep prescriptions where no one else can access them - don't want to tempt anyone, whether it's household help, grandkids, casual visitors. Sad, but a fact of life that prescription meds are like gold to many people.



Yes- always count the pills in a newly filled script!



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I find this very disturbing. Firstly... was this prescription in its original bottle? Has your husband taken any of these pills since the prescription was filled? How certain are you of the pill count? Does the bottle specifically state "30" count?


If you can be certain of the above questions, and you feel that pills are missing SINCE you boarded (and not before, ie, hotel stay), then perhaps a discussion with the hotel manager is warranted. You have a genuine concern here, and it shouldn't be take lightly.


Please let us know how this progresses?



The one and only time prior to boarding that this prescription was out of our hands was when our luggage was stored with the hotel bellman. Because of that I don't feel I should accuse anyone on board (even though they had much much easier access). The pills are in original bottle, I am positive of the count and no pills have been taken by my husband.



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If you have your prescription go and see the ships doctor. He may have the meds on board, failing that try a pharmacist when you next get to a port. The pharmacist may be able to give you the 12 tabs you need.


I would be very careful about accusing the crew simply because you may have made a mistake in your counting.




As a matter of course we always take an extra weeks supply of all our meds in case we get held up, miss a flight or some such.




Failing that if you speak with the doctor on board there may be some over the counter meds that he can provide as a substitute.



This is not medication that my husband needs UNLESS his shoulder pain gets out of control. We only filled and brought the medication "just in case"



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I am positive of the count and no pills have been taken by my husband.


This is not medication that my husband needs UNLESS his shoulder pain gets out of control. We only filled and brought the medication "just in case"


Well then, if your husband hasn't taken any and presumably doesn't need to at this point, I would do nothing because it seems unlikely that you'll need more than the 12, if that, which remain.

As for figuring out what happened to the other 18, you yourself said you were positive of the count but since the hotel bellman had your luggage for a period of time you don't feel like you should accuse anyone onboard. Barring that, there really is nothing else to do. Too late to accuse the bellman and you agree it's unlikely he took them, no proof to accuse anyone onboard, and you're sure of the count so no point accusing the pharmacist or pharmacy tech for shorting you to begin with. Not sure what other suggestion could be made to solve the mystery. :confused:

Any chance your husband HAS taken them but is telling you otherwise because he doesn't want you worrying that he's in pain? Or that he gave them to a friend prior to departing? Wouldn't be the first time someone with a scrip for Rx meds handed them off to a friend. ;)

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i'm so sorry that this is putting a cloud over your vacation. i know i would *HATE* how this would make me feel. and because of how i would feel, i would probably set up a little test if i could.


if i had another pill that looked similar, i would put 12 of them into the prescription bottle and leave it right where it has been, and then keep an eye on it to see if any other pills disappear. i would also keep track of how i placed the bottle to see if it is moved. if nothing happens to it, then you have a good idea that the bellman at the hotel took the pills. if the bottle is tampered with, you will know that also.


or, you can decide that is doesn't matter, that you will be more careful in the future, and not give it another thought.


i hope you husband's surgery goes smoothly and that his pain is permanently gone!

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To answer the OP's original question --- I would do nothing in your case except make sure the pills and any valuables are secured in the safe going forward. The only time I would go to the authorities on the ship would be if I were absolutely positive when the item disappeared --- I had counted the pills that AM, for instance. An accusation can make a lot of trouble for a crew member who may be unjustly suspected. And this should be a reminder to others --- narcotics should be treated as other valuables and locked away.

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I would feel uncomfortable about accusing anyone at this point...no proof; but would try to be around as much as possible when the staff is in the stateroom...also uncomfortable to have the same cabin and staff now that thrre is mistrust..but it could easily have the bellman...


we keep all meds, cameras, tech stuff and jewelry in carry ons which we keep with us unless placed in hotel or ship,s safe...


please enjoy remainder of your cruise!

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....or, you can decide that is doesn't matter, that you will be more careful in the future, and not give it another thought.


i hope you husband's surgery goes smoothly and that his pain is permanently gone!


This is probably your best option. Although the natural inclination is to try and do something about this, doing nothing would probably result in your enjoying the rest of the cruise the most. Anything further than this would probably be a hassle for you with little likelihood of a response that would make you feel better about the situation.


You have enough to worry about with the upcoming surgery so just enjoy your cruise, relax and try not to let this bother you.

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The only problem with the safe for medication (as I see it anyway) is that their safe feels very warm from being on top of the mini-fridge. I always leave mine in a suitcase, fearing that the heat will change them. Any thoughts on that from those who know more?

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The one and only time prior to boarding that this prescription was out of our hands was when our luggage was stored with the hotel bellman. Because of that I don't feel I should accuse anyone on board (even though they had much much easier access). The pills are in original bottle, I am positive of the count and no pills have been taken by my husband.



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Thank you for clarifying the situation. I have to agree with you that doing nothing (at this point) seems to be your best option. I am sorry this has marred some of your cruise... hoping the rest is good.

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Did you check luggage to fly, and did you confirm possession after the flight? It sounds like these were prescription pain meds, which are often a hot target due to high amounts of abuse. I would hesitate to accuse anyone, but also could be difficult to get replaced if narcotics.


One thing to try to look for is tylenol with codeine (Codeine/acetaminophen or co-codamol), which I don't think all countries regulate as tightly as it is here. Last I heard, (~10 years back) it was over the counter in Canada. If you find some, DO make sure to discard the bottle before coming disembarking, just to avoid any risk of problems with having it without a prescription in the US though.

Edited by jb008
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It's good that your husband is not at any healthrisk for the missing pills.


Are these narcotics?



I think you should mention it to the Hotel Manager. I would also be very clear that you are NOT accusing anyone and that the pills could have gone missing at the hotel.


The reason I think it is important to mention is that if they are narcotics, then there could be some street value associated with the drugs, and they also could have been stolen by someone who has a potential addiction.


By telling the Hotel manager that you don't know when or where the pills were stolen you are not assigning any blame. But there is also the possibility that was either of the two who have daily access to your cabin, and potentially there may have been other allegations on prior sailings. If this is truly an isolated incident then the Hotel Manager has reason to believe that the pills could have been stolen prior to you boarding. However, if on an earlier sailing, there was another accusation of stolen pills, then it gives the hotel manager reason to investigate further.


On a side note, I have repeatedly seen cabins left open for cleaning while the room steward leaves to grab supplies and the door is kept open with a weighted door stop. I've often wondered about thefts that might occur if someone were to enter your room.

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I would mention it to the hotel manager, in a non accusatory way.


"I just wanted to let you know, that I have discovered some missing pain medicine from my pill bottle. I can't be sure if it is missing form my hotel stay the flight or the ship, but just in case you've had any other people comment about medicines missing, I thought you should know".


And expect nothing in return other than a "thank you we will look into it, we are sorry you are having this issue".


Perhaps there has been another comment about a particular steward, and this could bring that complaint into line for the ship staff to properly investigate.


From working at a hotel, often a first theft complaint we would get against a staff member, there was really nothing we could do, no proof - just he-said she-said. A second complaint, we would begin to watch that person very carefully to set up a trap and see what happens.

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To the OP: so sorry that you had this un-nerving experience. :( As someone who travels with and ever-growing list of meds, I would be a wreck if I discovered any of my meds were missing! But, I agree with others: if the luggage with your meds was in the hands of anyone else, prior to boarding -- it would be very difficult to prove that a cruise-line employee was responsible for any loss.


I'm lucky to have an old-fashioned, lock-able Samsonite "train case". It holds all of my valuables and medication, and I never let it out of my sight -- at any point on a trip. My DH jokes that I'd handcuff it to my wrist, if I could. ;) In the cabin (or hotel room), I usually keep the train case locked, with the meds inside -- rather than putting them in the safe. :cool:

Edited by wwcruisers
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A couple of rules regarding prescription medicines.


ALWAYS carry them with you in carry on luggage or purse. Never check or put in a bag that does not go with you. ALWAYS bring a list of all medications and strengths with a copy of the prescription if they are unusual or narcotics. Remember that medications are often easily obtained outside the USA from a pharmacy - but only with the original bottle. Pain medication like codine is over the counter in almost every country EXCEPT the USA.


I have never heard of a room steward taking pills, but any prescriptions I do not take regularly - those brought "just in case" like for digestive problems - should be stowed away. In your case asking to speak with the hotel manager is appropriate.

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I would mention it to the hotel manager, in a non accusatory way.


"I just wanted to let you know, that I have discovered some missing pain medicine from my pill bottle. I can't be sure if it is missing form my hotel stay the flight or the ship, but just in case you've had any other people comment about medicines missing, I thought you should know".


And expect nothing in return other than a "thank you we will look into it, we are sorry you are having this issue".


Perhaps there has been another comment about a particular steward, and this could bring that complaint into line for the ship staff to properly investigate.


From working at a hotel, often a first theft complaint we would get against a staff member, there was really nothing we could do, no proof - just he-said she-said. A second complaint, we would begin to watch that person very carefully to set up a trap and see what happens.


I would counsel against this option because by its very nature it casts dispersion on the cabin staff, which maybe completely unfounded. By now the cruise should be almost finished and I hope that hubby hasn't had to take his meds. Other than being ultra careful with ones meds there is not a lot more than can be said

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I would counsel against this option because by its very nature it casts dispersion on the cabin staff, which maybe completely unfounded. By now the cruise should be almost finished and I hope that hubby hasn't had to take his meds. Other than being ultra careful with ones meds there is not a lot more than can be said


Speaking as a former Assistant General Manager for Marriott hotels, although we always present a face to the guest they "are always right" In reality we soothe them, then take a pragmatic approach to such concerns. We don't just go automatically accuse anyone of anything, we know people are forgetful, make mistakes, lose things, etc.


We know our staff fairly well to know if one may be subject to anything such as this. We have suspicions.....when a guest confirms a suspicion, we then can act on it, and determine if fact or fiction. But if no one ever tells us about such issues, we never know for sure and have no way to protect future guests from such matters. Then people end up on these sites instead of doing something proactive about it.


If a staff member is going to steal random pills one time, they will repeat the behavior. If we get one complaint and no more, likely the event never happened. If we get 2 over time, then we can pretty much be assured there is something going on with that staff member.

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Maybe I am dense but considering the crew gets free medical service on the ship what would he need with pain meds? I would be more worried if, as the OP states, that since the pills were kept with all their vitamins that either one of them took the pain meds by mistake instead of the vitamins.


"I had the pain meds in with our daily vitamins and honestly I forgot about them. Tonight as I was reorganizing our vitamins I realized that they had not been put in the safe.."

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Maybe I am dense but considering the crew gets free medical service on the ship what would he need with pain meds?


Pain meds sell for $20 to $30 a pill on the "black market" depending on the brand of the pill.

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If the pain meds were narcotics, and given that narcotics are controlled substances in most jurisdictions, I would notify the Hotel Manager of the incident. There is no need to accuse anyone or to lay blame, just to describe the incident of discovering your meds missing.

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