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Riviera Trans-Atlantic April 2015


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Nancy - it was the Hogpenny Bar on Burnaby Street which runs from Front Street uphill towards the bus station. Bar is right off Front Street.


Oh my I cannot believe that place is still there

We have not been to Bermuda since the 70's & went there back then ;)


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There are NO productions shows this cruise...due to 1) ship is going to dry dock after this or 2) because of the NCL merger everyone has to audition again to be hired or 3) all the scenery was taken off in MIA because of dry dock or ??? ...take your pick...we have heard all 3 reasons..DH not a happy camper as he loves the shows!

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Can't say I miss them because we usually forget to go! However I do think that given the absence of "mini production shows" more lecturers (whom I generally find very interesting) could have been added to our TA crossing...


Last night we tossed about a bit. Being in the stern there was a fair amount of vibration and I thought it wasn't a bad idea to have something to hold on to. Over the course of today things have calmed down. Wind dropped this afternoon and this evening the seas are probably slight to moderate. Still movement of course but we are on a ship at sea!


Today Ken and I experienced our first ever "Grand Buffet" - a day late (should apparently have been on Easter Sunday but we were in port and people were off getting soaked on excursions!) It reminded us of the Palm Court at the Plaza in NY. String quartet playing, Grand Dining Room and its lovely ambiance and lots of nice food. Very impressive.


This afternoon I took another cooking class and decided it would be my last. (I was scheduled for two more). I find the teachers somewhat disorganised. They try to get too many dishes into the time allotted and the class runs over. There seems to be too much attention paid to getting something for students to eat rather than teaching techniques. And today's class - on fish - was described as teaching one how to select, filet etc and then cook fish. I thought that since it was scheduled for the day after we left Bermuda we would have lots of "raw material" to work with. Instead we cooked salmon, halibut etc. with no need to filet or skin anything. So I concluded that what I was looking / hoping for after reading the course description was not what most other participants wanted. And have cancelled the rest of my classes. I do realise that "pitching" a course to people with very varied backgrounds in cooking (or anything for that matter) is hard. But the chefs do need to be more organised. They need to attempt fewer dishes and to allow more "hands on" participation. That is my opinion, based on what I know and what I expected. Others were probably thrilled with the course. I wasn't.


Tonight's dinner was at Polo for the second time. Ken had the Prime Rib (for the second time) and thought it excellent. he also had the crabcakes. Same opinion! I "branched out". Had the Timbale of hearts of palm with remoulade to start with (divine and I asked for the recipe which I was told would be forthcoming!) and then a simple filet of beef and Béarnaise sauce. It melted in the mouth and the Béarnaise was ... Béarnaise. Excellent. We also had a superb Malbec from the "wine by the glass" list. (We have the drinks package...) Really great food, great service and we are looking forward to eating there again.


Tonight - another time change and then tomorrow another great sea day. And calmer seas if our Captain is to be believed (which I am sure he is!)

Edited by Hambagahle
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Continue to enjoy your posts, thankee.



Tonight - another time change and then tomorrow another great sea day. And calmer seas if our Captain is to be believed (which I am sure he is!)


Cruising is the best way to beat jet lag!

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I have been reading this with interest and delight. Thank you.


Your comments about the cookery class has made me re consider taking one in September.

The food seems make you more than happy, as it did us on our only O cruise to date. That's good!


You report of the new immigration system was of interest, the last time we entered Miami (airport) the line took 21/2 hours. Not funny after an 8 hour flight. This sounds better, but I can see the problem of not getting the passport stamped to prove you have left the U S!

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Cruising is the best way to beat jet lag!



It is, but I decided that I like cruising Westward better than Eastward as we would gain an hour on most days rather than lose one hour as we do now :D

We had a nice get-together with some CC members to talk about iPads and I think we all learned something new - at least I know I did.

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It is, but I decided that I like cruising Westward better than Eastward as we would gain an hour on most days rather than lose one hour as we do now :D

We had a nice get-together with some CC members to talk about iPads and I think we all learned something new - at least I know I did.

Cruising eastward is the only thing to which I'm not looking forward on the world cruise. We'll lose approximately 16 hours, get 24 back in a rush at the intn'l date line, and then lose the other 8 before we get back to Miami. Maybe I'll try to sleep 24 hours in the "extra" day ;).

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I had another cooking class yesterday afternoon - on Fish. According to the course description we would learn how to select fish, filet it etc and then learn some cooking methods. We did do several cooking methods - pan sautéing, steaming, seviche etc - but nothing was said or explained about the actual preparation of the various fish which was disappointing to me. So I decided to "bag" the cooking classes and I turned in my remaining two reservations to Destination Services. All in all I found the two classes I took to be disappointing and not entirely on topic. Plus they tried to do too much in the way of dishes and not enough in the way of technique. Others however seemed to be enjoying themselves so that at least is good!


Last night (Monday) we had dinner at Polo. Ken had the roast beef for the second time and loved it. I "branched out" and for my main course had a filet mignon with Béarnaise sauce. Both his beef and my filet were as tender as could be and perfectly cooked. My starter however was perhaps the "star of the show" ! I had the hearts of palm, finely sliced and shaped into a timbale and with a remoulade sauce which was slightly spicy as it is meant to be. Topped with a thinly sliced skinned tomato, so it looked like a mille feuille. It was beautiful to look at and wonderful to eat. The bottom layer were still slightly crunchy courgettes so you got a variety of textures and a blast of flavour from the remoulade. Absolutely great and I recommend it to anyone eating at Polo.


Today we had another time change and got up late. Lunch arrived before we knew it and we totally forgot about the CC lunch in the GDR until we were sitting in the Terrace Café eating a lovely fettucine! Quel horreur! We speedily finished our pasta and tore downstairs where we found two seats left and had lunch with a very understanding couple!! So at least we made it to the lunch... quite embarrassing really!!


This evening we are at Jacques again and looking forward to it!


Weather today was mixed. It isn't cold - maybe 19° - but cloudy and breezy. Hopefully we will get some sun tomorrow. We did get some last evening and enjoyed sitting on the terrace looking at the wake and the sunset with a glass of chardonnay...

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Today we had another time change and got up late. Lunch arrived before we knew it and we totally forgot about the CC lunch in the GDR until we were sitting in the Terrace Café eating a lovely fettucine! Quel horreur! We speedily finished our pasta and tore downstairs where we found two seats left and had lunch with a very understanding couple!! So at least we made it to the lunch... quite embarrassing really!!


Aw, I understand. On our recent cruise we couldn't remember anything so devoted were we to relaxing.

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On the 11th is the birthday of the General Manager of your cruise Damien Lacroix. We have cruised with him and found him to be not only a great professional but also a fantastic person.


Please give him a "happy birthday" on our behalf.


Paco and Maria Elena

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Sorry to ask again but how are the seas? If the Caribbean is a 1 and storm tossed is a 10. Thanks for your help


What month & day??? ;)



You cannot predict the weather nor the sea conditions just go prepared

Edited by LHT28
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Sorry to ask again but how are the seas? If the Caribbean is a 1 and storm tossed is a 10. Thanks for your help


Since the Caribbean can be as storm tossed as the Atlantic, seems you are saying 1 and 10 are identical so it would be impossible to learn anything from any number provided.


And, asking about weather conditions on one cruise and trying to interpolate on that cruise to yours is completely impossible.

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Sorry should have been more clear but since this is a thread about an April crossing I did not think to be specific. April weather as we are on this exact cruise next year. I am completely clear on predicting weather (our local guys can't predict this evening)but was trying to see is my DW can take the seas as she has motion problems if it is rough for several days.

Edited by wrl001
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Sorry should have been more clear but since this is a thread about an April crossing I did not think to be specific. April weather as we are on this exact cruise next year. I am completely clear on predicting weather (our local guys can't predict this evening)but was trying to see is my DW can take the seas as she has motion problems if it is rough for several days.

I too suffer from sea sickness, even the slightest motion is uncomfortable :(

On my last cruise I used a prescription patch, placed behind the ear. It is the only product that has worked for me...I have tried everything. I recommend your DW bring some just to be on the safe side. Have a great crossing.

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Sorry to ask again but how are the seas? If the Caribbean is a 1 and storm tossed is a 10. Thanks for your help


In all my years of cruising including several Trans Atlantics and one long voyage Southampton to Port Elizabeth in the distant past the worst weather I have ever experienced has occured in the Caribbean. Once coming out of the Canal and heading north to Key West - we were tossed front and back and side to side for a day. Then on our last cruise off Honduras the wind was so high and the seas so rough we could not dock at Roatan. On the Atlantic I have been lucky so far - perhaps the roughest was on this cruise, the night we left Bermuda. And that was by no means rough... just choppy.


some of the crew say that they have experienced very rough seas on the Atlantic and I am sure this is true...I have just been lucky!!

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Just had one of those "internet at sea" moments when I wrote a relative long post about ship's activities over the last couple of days and it disappeared into thin air! So I will be brief in its replacement!!


I was really busy yesterday so didn't post. The dinner the evening before was at Jacques and was superb. Started with the "Melted Goats cheese Soufflé" which was fantastic. Delicious flavour and a great souffle. Then we had the roast chicken which was perfectly done. I think roasting chicken well is not easy so "chapeau" as we say. We also had a problem on arrival with our table - I was squished up against a column. Our lovely waiter, Natalya, sorted this out in no time flat and told me that the service would make up for the inconvenience. Which indeed it did! She did a superb job and we loved the meal. Dessert was "ho hum" - only crèpes Suzette! (Just joking, it was yummy).


Lunch was at Waves yesterday and we had a hamburger which was moist and really good. We seldom eat hamburgers so this was a treat! Then more Trivia - our team came second so more O points!


We invited 2 other couples for dinner in our suite and our lovely butler, Sandeep pulled out all the stops to create a lovely evening for us all. We had some starters from Red Ginger as an amuse-bouche. Then ordered from the GDR for the real starter and the main course. All beautifully served and delicious. Finally Sandeep proposed Crèpes Suzette and everyone applauded. And like the evening before, they were excellent. To top things off the clouds parted and the sun came out in time to give us a lovely sunset. Which we photographed...


Overnight there was a medical emergency and we had to change course to go north towards the Azores. Early this am there was a medivac by helicopter. We know nothing further than this. We are now speeding along, back on course for Funchal. We heard nothing and slept through the entire thing though some people did say they heard the helicopter. Hopefully the person is OK.


This morning at 1015 we had another Muster drill (haven't done that twice before so I suppose this is a new SOLAS rule). We had lunch in the GDR and tried their "Flavours of the World" which is a lazy susan with dishes from one country or region. Today was Asia and it was superbe. Tempura shrimp, sushi, wakame salad and Vietnamese spring rolls deep fried.


we went to a lecture which was supposed to be on the History of Portugal and Madeira. Don Klein, the speaker, announced he would instead speak on Madeira. All he did was to put up slides and read the text to us. (Anyone could have done that!) Topic was interesting but delivery was - boring! So we left. In a while we will be off to Trivia and then to dinner in Red Ginger preceeded I hope by champagne on the terrace watching a lovely sunset. We'll see...:)

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Just a brief note about our dinner invitation from Riviera Food and Beverage Director Anatoli Makaev last night. Originally set for the Grand Dining Room, the venue was changed to Toscana at seven pm. SWMbI (Misty) and I were the first to arrive graciously escorted to the door by our butler Evo. From there Anatoli himself brought us to our glittering table. We shared our table with two other lovely (Canadian) couples and I had the pleasant experience of having Riviera Cruise Director Leslie Jon at my other side at table. The setting, complete with name cards was amazing. The restaurant manager, our table captain and waiters were in frequent presence always addressing us as Mr. or Mrs. Price that it left me in awe. (I cain't hardly remember anyone callin' me thet since the last time ah set in supplication fer a house mortgage. An even then ah suspect the feller's lip curled in pronouncing the 'Mr' title.)


Each course exceeded the one before and the three wines served complimented the cuisine perfectly. Conversation flowed convivially throughout. While Leslie had to eventually excuse himself eventually to do his morning broadcast (He passes on the secret that if you see him in a coat and tie on his morning show, he's actually shot it the night before). Anatoli graciously stayed with us until the vacuums started up. All in all an incredible evening with wonderful friends and memories made.


Note: Anatoli Makaev will remain on Riviera through 2016 where he has been since Riviera launched. If you have the chance to speak with him be sure to ask to see his pictures of his lovely wife and heartbreakingly beautiful young daughter.


It jus' don't git no better then this!



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Thanks DaisyUK!! and JMBobB - the southern accent doesn't fool me anymore!! Glad the Toscana evening was fun. We are there tonight with Damien laCroix. I suppose a late evening means we'll miss some of the golf...


Red Ginger last night was lovely again. We did just what we had done the first time - ordered mostly starters and shared them. The Duck and Watermelon salad was wonderful and the Caramelised Tiger Prawns so good I could have made a meal of them alone. And the presentation was so beautiful it was a shame to eat them. But we sacrificed ourselves! Our waiter, Khongchai, took care of us well. So did our wine steward - we have the "package" and he remembered this from last time. Asked us which wine we wanted (Hoffman 401K Chardonnay) and just kept pouring it!! I wish I had enough skill to photograph the presentation of the dishes. It is quite extraordinary.


At dinner we had a long discussion as to why Red Ginger is such a success and why "Latitudes" on the Regent Mariner and Voyager wasn't. Finally we came to two conclusions: As we remember the Latitudes menu there just wasn't all that much choice and also the cooking simply wasn't as good. Level of spices not right etc. If anyone else has other opinions I would love to hear them!


The only thing(s) we could do without at Red Ginger are the tea menu (we don't drink tea at dinner...) and the choice of chopsticks. We usually do use chopsticks for sushi and sahimi but have given up using them for everything else. We just do as the Thais do and use spoon and fork or knife and fork - whatever.


The Masters Golf started last night and the Sky Sports channel on the TV on board isn't the golf channel (4 on Sky) so we resorted to watching it on Sky Go on my iPad. The picture came and went a bit but often was really clear and it was great to be able to see it. Since Sky starts their broadcast at about 1900 UK time it fits in not too badly with the shipboard routine.


This morning we had the "Country Fair" - there was a huge turnout by both passengers and crew and everyone had a great time. I think that the Boutique staff should get a gold star - some of them were in the pool catching balls in buckets for an hour with an outside temperature of about 16° and a relatively stiff breeze not to say wind! We amassed lots of tickets but won nothing. But had a wonderful time for an hour anyway.


Lunch in the Terrace had a lot of Greek things - spanokopita etc. - and they were excellent. They also had some slow cooked beef short ribs which were melt in the mouth. I would like the recipe for those!!


Tonight we will dine at Toscana with GM Damien LaCroix so I hope we have as nice an evening as JMBobB and Misty did yesterday. Tomorrow we are due on Pilot Station at 0700 and to dock in Funchal at 0800. Our plans are to go to the Mercado and then up on the télécabine to the Botanical Garden. Also to have a cappucino at the café near the cathedral where they make superbe ones...



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