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The "What If" and "Just in Case" blues


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  • 3 weeks later...
My biggest problem when packing is What If and Just in Case. I'm trying to pack light and I usually end up with 2 or 3 plastic bags full of this stuff....band aids, liquid bandage, stretchy elbow and knee braces, moleskin, extra toothbrush, small flashlight, and on and on. I usually never use anything or at most one or two things....but What If I need something else. Anyone else have the What If blues? How do you handle this?

I'm not a big "just in case" person; I've traveled enough to know that "just in case" rarely happens. I have good lists that I've created over the years -- lists that reflect our actual needs.


What I do bring "just in case": A soft red pencil case that holds a dozen bandaids (I buy the type with neosporin already in them for travel) and a pill organizer that holds a few basic OTC meds: Motion sickness meds, Tylenol, Sinus meds, etc. I write on the pill with a Sharpie "Tylenol, 2 every 4", etc. the case also contains eye drops, tweezers and nail clippers. That's pretty much everything we bring "just in case" -- I think the biggest "take away" I'd share is, Bring just a few of each item, not the whole package.


Oh, and we do bring a couple extra days of my husband's prescription meds "just in case" we are delayed somehow. He packs those in individual day ziplocks, so they take very little space -- but without those, he would be in trouble, and they cannot be purchased just anywhere.


If I had a bad knee, yeah, I'd bring the knee brace. I would not bring it "just in case". I don't bother with flashlights, duct tape, etc. -- an extra toothbrush? why? -- and I've lived 50 years without being sorry.

Edited by MrsPete
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My biggest problem when packing is What If and Just in Case. I'm trying to pack light and I usually end up with 2 or 3 plastic bags full of this stuff....band aids, liquid bandage, stretchy elbow and knee braces, moleskin, extra toothbrush, small flashlight, and on and on. I usually never use anything or at most one or two things....but What If I need something else. Anyone else have the What If blues? How do you handle this?


I don't pack entire pill bottles; they take up too much room. Instead I get meds that come in a foil blisterpack. For things I take every day, I take just enough for the length of the cruise. If it's "just in case" item like immodium, I only take 1-2 days worth. If I end up needing more, I can get it from the ship's store or from any pharmacy in port. As long as you aren't traveling deep into the 3rd world, you should be able to find just about anything you need. I have bought cold medicine in an airport in Mexico, allergy medicine in Italy, a car charger for an iphone in Italy, blister tape in the Caribbean etc.

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What is and just in case..


I feel like i just arrived home! 😂


I have never really travelled with anything but bandaids and headache tablets and super strong sinus relief. But that changed for first cruise. But I only take items for things i know that i have the possibility of experiencing.


I cruise south pacific and reacting badly to mozzies i pack all the necessaries in case i get bitten. My friend who gets slight itch from a mozzie bite and thats it, didn't even pack insect repellant. She however packed meds for indigestion in case it occurred. I have never had it in my life so it didn't make it to the 'what if' bag.


I think the best is to know the things that do affect you and only pack the what ifs for thosr situations. Like me always taking a cardi whenever we go out to dinner in summer when nobody else knows. I know i feel the cold and never know what air-conditioning will be like so pack that insurance, while my friends don't. Last cruise actually, I didn't pack enough cardis or ones warm enough for MDR so i will ammend that this time just in case on this ship the MDR is just as cool.


Since i started running my what ifs has grown though. .. anti-inflammatories, heat pack, ice packs, massage balls, strapping tape... i know i am injury prone so take what i might need to ensure my holiday is comfortable for me and my travel companions should a running injury sneak up on me while away.


- and oh to be one of those people who can get away with generic soaps/bodywashes/shampoo/conditioner/moisturisers in hotels and on ships. So much space to be saved for an extra pair of running shoes (just in case ....)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm traveling 7 days with kids. I am packing the house [emoji85] I ordered a first aid kit with bandaids, gauze, tweezers, alcohol swabs, ibuprophen, the works. That way everything is there in one place and I'm not piecing it together. I am adding bottles of tums, Imodium, off, Benadryl, etc. if it's in my Rx cabinet it is coming.


I will personally need a jacket and sweat pants [emoji23]



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I now tend to plan for what would I need in the moment, not the week. So I pack a couple of different OTC meds (in small ziplock bags that are about 1 inch by 2 inches), a few throat lozenges, fold up scissors (I use these a lot and they are surprisingly good), a mini sized permanent ink marker, a couple of the key chain sized mini flashlights with a strong beam, can opener, mini sewing kit, band aids, and believe it or not, I still have about half the space left!




Can opener? Aside from the obvious, what do you do with a can opener, especially on a cruise?



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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought that I would need two to three changes of clothes per day for my first cruise, and ended up lugging 2 suitcases to Florida. That was for myself on a 7 day girlfriend cruise. Back then, the airlines didn't charge for luggage.


I learned over time that I could get along with less than half of what I brought, and only bring 1 suitcase, and 1 carryon now.

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I am a habitual over packer and when it comes to the what ifs and maybe's I have found that I am really bad here. Although I have had others with us that have come to my cabin and asked for several things just in case I had them and I usually do.

Since we are flying to Italy in November I am having to rethink all of my packing.

I will still have my what if's bag but it is going to be much smaller and only what we would need for a day.

We are driving our RV to Miami for the flight so I don't have to worry about taking any what ifs there because all that is packed in the RV already. We will be staying in Florida for a month after the cruise since we have another cruise a month later, so we will be gone from home for a total of 3 months.

We are flying in early so I can purchase everything I need at the Military exchange on base where we will be staying in Italy before our cruise so that is going to help.

I am just going to have to pair my clothing down from 2 large suitcases and a carry-on each to only 1 suitcase and a carry-on each.

Being from Arizona we don't really get to cold in the winter so that is where my challenge is going to be packing for winter there and summer in the Caribbean since this cruise is a TA.

This is going to be quite an experience.

Good evening everyone,


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we are flying to Italy in November....We are driving our RV to Miami for the flight....We will be staying in Florida for a month after the cruise since we have another cruise a month later, so we will be gone from home for a total of 3 months.


I am just going to have to pair my clothing down from 2 large suitcases and a carry-on each to only 1 suitcase and a carry-on each.

Being from Arizona we don't really get to cold in the winter so that is where my challenge is going to be packing for winter there and summer in the Caribbean


Laundry and layers. Depending on where you'll be in Italy, it may or may not be all that cold. Twice I've spend a week in Tuscany in October and barely needed a lightweight sweater or jacket. Pack lightweight layers that can be worn alone when it's warmer or paired together when it's chillier. You could also keep more of your summer/Caribbean clothes in your RV, and just take the warmer clothes to Italy. Unpack and repack in your RV when you go on your Carib cruise, and leave the warmer stuff behind in the RV during the cruise. No need to schlep everything around each day for the entire 3 months! You'll have to do laundry regardless, so just plan to do it a little more frequently and you can pack even less.

Sounds like a wonderful 3 months!

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I keep a toiletry pouch packed at all time with travel sizes of essentials so it's always ready to go. I bring a few meds and first aid items "just in case" -the item I have used the most is bandaids -usually they are for foot blisters or to prevent shoe friction.



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I am also a member of the "what if" club. Trying to find band aids in Barcelona was quite the adventure many years ago!


I am also the "Ziploc bag queen". I put small amounts of things we might need in Ziploc bags and stuff them into my DH's size 13 shoes. It gives me that extra piece of mind without using up extra space in the suitcase.

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I keep all of my what ifs packed in a bag, so I just have to put it in the suitcase. Running around foreign countries trying to find OTC pills in another language is not fun. I've had to darn socks on many cruises, so I always have a sewing kit too. Even with packing 2 sets of converter plugs I've had to purchase 2 others while traveling, so now every time I do foreign travel, they all come with me. I even bring dressy flats in case I can't wear my heels on formal nights. One of my what ifs is extra luggage to help balance weight overage and to carry home purchases...I bring an empty carry-on for this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have learned the hard way to always travel with an ACE bandage (compression wrap). I tend to be somewhat clumsy and have sprained my ankle in Egypt and thought I sprained it (but it turned out to be broken once I got home and went to the doctor) in Norway. The compression bandage saved me both times and enabled me to keep walking. Other than that, I take bandaids and Tylenol or Advil. That's about it.

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I totally suffer from both of these ailments. I get all packed, and then I inevitably stuff in a bunch of stuff that I might need "just in case"


my next cruise is in November, and I'm really REALLY going to try to stick to my packing list and not pack any of the other stuff.

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I pack my multivitamin, a small pack of band aids, indigestion pills, one of those tiny sewing kits and lots of codeine ... I have a chronic pain issue and codeine is illegal in quite a few of the places we travel to so I have my own pharmacy worth of stash 😇😀 ... I've probably used the sewing kit once as with the band aids but I couldn't live without multivitamins.


I stopped packing just in case clothing over the past couple of years but I never leave home without plenty of gym kit ... I work on the basis that pretty much everywhere has shops

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I recently got this on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Outdoor-Portable-First-Aid-Pouch-Medicine-Bag-Emergency-Travel-Organizer-Bags-/222404924288?var=&hash=item33c85dd380:m:mK1-mCvsDHVogDo9VRPEbGA


Very nice and compact - and I fill it with a 'few' of each of the meds/OTC I might need e.g. tums, benadryl, sinus meds, bandaids, pepto bismol, dramamine, etc. Definitely want to have access to meds if and when needed - readily available and can be 'refilled' as required :)

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I am a bit paranoid about traveling with medication outside of it's original container, even OTC meds, so I bring the entire pack and bottle of everything we need! I bring Imodium, Bonine, band aids, neosporin, Tylenol, kids Advil, after sun, all of our prescription meds and vitamins, and yet it all fits into a 8x10x3 zip up bag. The prescription meds stay in my purse because I can't be without mine at all, but they go into the bag once on board. I keep them all together in case we have to leave in a hurry.


I do struggle with the clothes though. There were so many things I didn't wear last time. I brought two outfits a day for my kids and they didn't wear them all.

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I am a bit paranoid about traveling with medication outside of it's original container, even OTC meds, so I bring the entire pack and bottle of everything we need! I bring Imodium, Bonine, band aids, neosporin, Tylenol, kids Advil, after sun, all of our prescription meds and vitamins, and yet it all fits into a 8x10x3 zip up bag. The prescription meds stay in my purse because I can't be without mine at all, but they go into the bag once on board. I keep them all together in case we have to leave in a hurry.


I do struggle with the clothes though. There were so many things I didn't wear last time. I brought two outfits a day for my kids and they didn't wear them all.


I'm the opposite, I have a suppressed immune system, and I take a very large handful of vitamins everyday. I take a large weekly meds container, with my pills broken down into daily doses, and the TSA has never even blinked at it.

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I never worry about medication in the US. I do worry when I travel overseas - but not excessively:p A couple of things (like Ambien, which is controlled in places like Singapore, where we started a trip last fall) I keep in their original bottles, with a prescription.Well, for SIN, we had paperwork submitted by the doctor ahead of time....http://www.hsa.gov.sg/content/hsa/en/Health_Products_Regulation/Consumer_Information/Personal_Import_Regulations/bringing_personal_medication_into_Singapore.html


So what we do depends on where we'll be traveling.....

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I've always kept a plastic shoebox packed as our "traveling medicine cabinet". My sons watched in horror as I put it together to keep in our camper. The first thing that went in was duct tape and tampons. They're now grown men and keep those 2 things in their tool boxes. When my youngest son nearly cut his finger off a few years ago, he showed up to the hospital with a tampon (or 2) taped to his hand. When the doctor commented on it he told him that his Moma had taught him to always be prepared.


On a daily basis I keep a small clear cosmetic bag in my purse that has what I consider my basic survival kit. Tylenol, Benedryl, a couple of bandaids, a pony tail type hair band, nail clippers, tweezers, a nail file, an extra ink pen, chap stick, a couple of individually packaged handiwipes, a small hand sanitizer, a number of sealed packs of Dairy Relief (I'm lactose intolerant), a small bottle of tums, an eyeglass case with a pair of prescription sunglasses and a small tube of moisturizer with an SPF of 30. And yes there's a tampon as well as a bit of duct tape wrapped around the Tylenol bottle.


It works for me.

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I've always kept a plastic shoebox packed as our "traveling medicine cabinet". My sons watched in horror as I put it together to keep in our camper. The first thing that went in was duct tape and tampons. They're now grown men and keep those 2 things in their tool boxes. When my youngest son nearly cut his finger off a few years ago, he showed up to the hospital with a tampon (or 2) taped to his hand. When the doctor commented on it he told him that his Moma had taught him to always be prepared.


On a daily basis I keep a small clear cosmetic bag in my purse that has what I consider my basic survival kit. Tylenol, Benedryl, a couple of bandaids, a pony tail type hair band, nail clippers, tweezers, a nail file, an extra ink pen, chap stick, a couple of individually packaged handiwipes, a small hand sanitizer, a number of sealed packs of Dairy Relief (I'm lactose intolerant), a small bottle of tums, an eyeglass case with a pair of prescription sunglasses and a small tube of moisturizer with an SPF of 30. And yes there's a tampon as well as a bit of duct tape wrapped around the Tylenol bottle.


It works for me.


Reminds me off the time my dad fell through a glass greenhouse and turned up at the hospital with sanitary towels taped to his arms ...they even had wings :D

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  • 1 year later...

Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Immodium. Antacid tablets. Bandaids. These are the only "what-ifs" I have really ever needed, and I need them frequently. I bring them in a ziplock bag on every trip I take.

I also bring a tiny sewing kit.

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I do the same thing, but I just carry small quantities. I even have gotten to the point I carry "what ifs" for my travel companions.


I carry a very small first aid kit (contains things that if I needed them I would want it RIGHT THEN not *to have to go *find a store or sundry shop) I also carry brand new small inserts for shoes (in case my feet hurt or start rubbing in my shoe) I have never used them but my friend has :)


a tiny flashlight super bright but very very small. A petite sewing kit about the size of half a credit card.


A small amount of duct tape wrapped *around a pencil.


Disinfectant wipes, tissue, small amount of soap (like those Soap sheets), swim suit, hand sanitizer, compression travel socks, disinfectant spray, rubber gloves (my mom started me with that...I thought she was crazy..but I actually used them I was really glad I had them :( ) extra quart size zip Lock bags, a collapsible tote bag with zipper, a sarong, *extra luggage locks, zip ties...I could go on :D


Everything in my what ifs *I have wished I had traveling (so the next time I shoved it in my bag) or it is something someone who was with me used (I should make them carry their own stuff :))


Most of the stuff I leave in my luggage and just Check it before my trip to see if it is expired or if I need more.


All of these thing together are smaller than a brick (although may weigh as much lol)


I have never once said "I wish I didn't bring that....." I think the key is to carry a small amount to get you through in case you really need it. (All the above mentioned items go in my carry on)


My problem sometimes are the clothes...the last Minute clothes that get shoved in, literally TEN MINUTES before I leave for the airport....maybe it will be colder than I think...maybe it will be warmer than I think....what is one more pair if gloves...lol


That's what I need my lists for...and to make sure I don't pack at the last minute...




So, I have to ask: what did you use the rubber gloves for?

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