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Have you encounted inconsiderate cruisers, and what to do


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What absolute lack of proper home training. I'm sure their parents are tickled pink. Ridiculous. I love our former First Lady, however, when they go low, I somehow find a way to meet them there (I'm working on it). I would have done like you and asked them politely to step to the side so that we can see. If I got a "piss off"....that whole scenario would have changed. But you handled it well. You can't change stupid. I'm sorry that incident upset you and hope the rest of your cruise was enjoyable.

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I wish the cruise lines had more authority to fix this, but there's really no way.

You'd be surprised how well financial incentives work - the threat of the $250 fine works wonders. The trick is to get ship staff involved, more than just the steward.

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Your on vacation, you have to let it roll off. Your dealing with people from all walks of life. Some care and some do not. Manners and etiquette are different around the world. I hate the inconsideration but I take this quote to heart, "Never argue with idiots, they will take you down to their level and then beat you with experience"

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My husband encountered some rude folks from another part of the world where he had just finished working. They were all on a flight out of said country to amEuropean country. This couple was slowly cutting everyone in some sort of line, so my husband expressed his displeasure in their own cultural way, which made them stop what they were doing. Thatbstory amused me because he is definitely exceedingly more patient and nice than I am.


To answer the question of how these people continually get away with this type of behavior, it's exactly as many have already stated. Most of us either are not confrontational or we aren't confrontational on vacation in particular. Some folks tend to lose their minds on vacation. I'd rather let bad behavior go than risk a physical altercation, possibly cutting my vacation short. There are scenarios in which I would step in for someone else, though.

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I'm sure, all who cruise have encountered inconsiderate and just plain rude cruisers. So what does one do about it--ignore then, stand your ground etc.




Should be an interesting topic, I thought I'd reply before reading any of your replies. One thing I do is right about them when I get back in my cruise critic review. :evilsmile: I have a bad temper, something I really have to work at on land, but when I am on a cruise vacation I am Mr Mellow and super tolerant. My job is stressful, so I need to relax on a cruise. If you were to look at my profile and threads I've created and look for my reviews you will find mention of several incidents and people I've mentioned. They were funny then and still funny when I read them later.


So many times people don't realize they are being rude, maybe it can be classified as thoughtless like some of my favorites.



When the Coke Freestyle machines were new, I expected more problems from novice users than I actually saw, but there were a few. I walked up to a machine at the same time as another man, In my unusual sea politeness I left him go first. He put up his cup and it said REFILLS UNAVAILABLE FOR 2 minutes and 20 seconds. I just assumed he would stand aside and let me go, that is what I would have done. no, he pulled his cup back and kept trying every time the message cleared. I was a little angry, but I made note for my review and tried to talk him into realizing he was stupid, but it was to no avail.


Back in 2014 Royal tried a brief experiment with letting cruisers get their own towels from the station on the pool deck. Again, I arrived at the same time as another man and I let him go first. He took every towel on the counter (around 10). This time I didn't say anything, but I do have a fierce look and he sheepishly handed me two.


Another time people don't realize what they are doing that I classify as thoughtless, anytime they get lost or not sure where to go, its a high traffic area/choke point. I always step aside and think.


Off to enjoy what should be an amusing thread.

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It is not just on a cruise ship that you encounter rude or thoughtless or inconsiderate people. You will encounter them in supermarkets, queues, cinema, in the street! There was a time when I would have confronted some one but now I don’t. I work in law enforcement and know how unstable or quick to react some people are. There are some violent people out there.


Better to move on than risk it.



I certainly recognize the validity of your assertion and give great respect for it coming from a Law Enforcement professional and on a cruise I would completely agree, but in real life backing down for the fear of violence creates bullies that think they can get away with all the time and that person will push someone else too far. No single right answer.


One cruiser way back in 09 was going to get violent with me, but his wife probably saved him some pain and trouble for me. I was in a chair in the solarium next to my wife when a guy accused me of taking his chair. I tried rationalization that I had been in this chair for an hour. Making a long story short, as he started to try to pull me out of my chair, his wife spoke up, "Honey, over here!" He had come back to the solarium from the opposite direction he had left and was confused. Had he pulled on my arm, he would have went down and I would have had explaining to do and possible consequences.

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I certainly recognize the validity of your assertion and give great respect for it coming from a Law Enforcement professional and on a cruise I would completely agree, but in real life backing down for the fear of violence creates bullies that think they can get away with all the time and that person will push someone else too far. No single right asnwer.

I agree with all the points.

Bullys are chancers that bully while they think they can get away with it.

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You must not go to a lot of concerts..this happens at every concert I have ever attended (MANY) in my lifetime. ;p



Like me, he must be getting old. I've quit going to concerts for many reasons, but I like to sit and watch/listen, I don't dance. I've I paid premium prices for front row seats and people come from the back to get in front of me, I'd be p1ssed. That's why I quit going, except for seeing Olivia Newton John 2 weeks ago. I actually almost booked Carnival to see her. :eek:

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The elevator shoehorns who decide they can fit onto an already full elevator are the people I feel are rude. When there is no place to move back except too close to someone else and they step onto the three inch space available, I wish an alarm would go off so they would back off and wait for an elevator with space for them.


When an elevator is full, it is full, and additional people should not try to compress everyone else just to avoid waiting for another elevator. It is especially rude if there are two, three or four people who want to squeeze on. It is such a relief if someone gets off on the next floor. I actually should get off.


I hate being trapped on an overly full elevators, but I never say anything to the shoehorn who happily squeezes on. :rolleyes:


I agree with you but sometimes the opposite happens when there is lots of room in the lift and some people refuse to move further in to let anyone else into the lift.


As a tall guy, people sometimes forget I can see over most people's heads. I've encountered the *squish to the front to keep more people from getting on* a LOT on cruise ships. A lot more than I find truly full elevators.


I am not shy at all about being an elevator shoehorn on those occasions. If the elevator is full, it is full. However, a lot of times people can't seem to grasp the fact that they don't get a 3' buffer of space on an elevator. You have to squeeze in. As long as people fit without touching or stepping on each other, you go.


A full elevator isn't a half dozen people.


I also don't believe in taking the elevator when you don't have to. I have a tricky knee that bugs me (and I don't need bugged on my vacation) if I go more than 2 or so floors UP on stairs. However, we'll go down a half dozen flights on the stairs. If it's more than 2 up, I'm almost always taking the elevator.


Inconsiderate people suck. On my last cruise I was shocked one morning that every single lounge chair in the Solarium had a towel and/or a book and not a single person was occupying any of them. From 7am till I left at 9:30 there was no movement! Went back around 11:30 and would you believe NOTHING had moved.

To me this is the MOST inconsiderate thing that people do on the ship because it’s done so deliberately!

What frustrates me even more is that the cruise staff does NOTHING to help or prevent the situation despite their “clear” never enforced policy. (Is it that difficult to pick up an abandoned towel that hasn’t been touched for hours?) so you either get frustrated and walk away or get into a confrontation... either way you lose!


You can't let this happen. I've posted numerous times about just getting the attendant to take them away. I will say that being a big male I don't tend to get a lot of people talking back to me. I understand that others may feel more intimidated by that move. I love asking them to ID the items on the chair and when they say it was a blue towel, I point at another random one and say "OH, your chair is over there! I see a blue towel on it!"

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Like me, he must be getting old. I've quit going to concerts for many reasons, but I like to sit and watch/listen, I don't dance. I've I paid premium prices for front row seats and people come from the back to get in front of me, I'd be p1ssed. That's why I quit going, except for seeing Olivia Newton John 2 weeks ago. I actually almost booked Carnival to see her. :eek:


She loves you. She honestly loves you.

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I feel for you, but I think you did the right thing by walking away. There are way too many crazy people in this world, and had you retaliated, the outcome could have become nasty. :cool:


I agree. However it is sad that those types of situations arise.

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Thank you for every post. It was informative, and fun to read different points of view.


Personally I have been finding the boards frustrating recently, reading many unkind posts, I was losing interest in cruise critic.


This post made me remember why I used to love coming on to cruise critic boards.


thank you again for all the great observations and ideas, an kind words.

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May have been mentioned, but my Monster Big is Late night talking laughing in the cabin/balcony next to you.

W/O a good night sleep, I feel like I`ve lost part of the next day and by extension part of my vacation.

It`s happened a few times and always resolved with approaching them in a courteous manor and ask that they tone it down. Generally they were not aware and no more problems.

EXCEPT one trip about 7 years ago. It was on Carnival Glory and the 2 couples were in their mid to late 20s.They would come back to the cabin liquored up and want to continue the party and noise-room and balc. The 1st time I knocked on their door and nicely asked that they keep it down after 11 or party up on deck. They said ...Sure. Next night same thing but louder. I called security and that stopped it. Next night same thing, but security never came.I went to the FO and voiced my concern about the lack of security`s efforts and nothing happened.

SOOO-Being early risers, this cabin would get a 5AM wake up call on the next sea day. 1/2 hour later another call. So on and so on-They Finally took the hint- We Were Plat on CCL and have not sailed Carnival since!

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Not necessarily rude behavior, but rather an odd encounter.

The setup: on Quantum I was walking around 270 during the mid-afternoon shooting video. (No shows or video screens playing - I was shooting some "stock footage" of the space.) The camera bag on my back was open, so I put it down on an unoccupied table near the bar area. As I sat, I decided to consolidate some equipment I was carrying.

The encounter: suddenly I hear, "Excuse me, excuse me, EXCUSE ME."

I look around and an older gentleman is approaching ME. At this point I'm somewhat bewildered. He says, "My wife and I were coming down to move to these seats." He motions towards the seat and table area I'm sitting in.

My retort was that of confusion, "You're talking about the sitting area I'm in?"

He answers, "Yah, we saw them open and came down here to move into them before you sat down."

Still confused I asked, "So, you want me to move because you saw them open, but then I sat down?"

"Yes," was the reply.

I responded that I planned on fixing my bag and moving on. Then asked where his wife is.

He said, "She's over there."

She was seated at the (high tops) raised tables some 20 feet away.... :rolleyes:

Since I had no plans of sitting, I gathered by belongings in my bag and moved on. I gave the gentleman a, "Make sure you enjoy your cruise (enunciated in a rather sarcastic tone)."

Moral of the story is some individuals believe one can stake a claim by looking at an item...:confused:

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Not necessarily rude behavior, but rather an odd encounter.

The setup: on Quantum I was walking around 270 during the mid-afternoon shooting video. (No shows or video screens playing - I was shooting some "stock footage" of the space.) The camera bag on my back was open, so I put it down on an unoccupied table near the bar area. As I sat, I decided to consolidate some equipment I was carrying.

The encounter: suddenly I hear, "Excuse me, excuse me, EXCUSE ME."

I look around and an older gentleman is approaching ME. At this point I'm somewhat bewildered. He says, "My wife and I were coming down to move to these seats." He motions towards the seat and table area I'm sitting in.

My retort was that of confusion, "You're talking about the sitting area I'm in?"

He answers, "Yah, we saw them open and came down here to move into them before you sat down."

Still confused I asked, "So, you want me to move because you saw them open, but then I sat down?"

"Yes," was the reply.

I responded that I planned on fixing my bag and moving on. Then asked where his wife is.

He said, "She's over there."

She was seated at the (high tops) raised tables some 20 feet away.... :rolleyes:

Since I had no plans of sitting, I gathered by belongings in my bag and moved on. I gave the gentleman a, "Make sure you enjoy your cruise (enunciated in a rather sarcastic tone)."

Moral of the story is some individuals believe one can stake a claim by looking at an item...:confused:

You were to nice.

If someone got a table before me i would just accept it and walk away.

The man was extremely rude and because you moved he will be encouraged to do it again to someone else.

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Your on vacation, you have to let it roll off. Your dealing with people from all walks of life. Some care and some do not. Manners and etiquette are different around the world. I hate the inconsideration but I take this quote to heart, "Never argue with idiots, they will take you down to their level and then beat you with experience"



I always to remember that one point when I’m travelling:


Standards are different in different parts of the world.

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I'm sure, all who cruise have encountered inconsiderate and just plain rude cruisers. So what does one do about it--ignore then, stand your ground etc.

My example on our last cruise. We were on the Jewel of the Sea Trans Atlantic. We went to the Quest show and were seated on the back side of the aisle in the chairs along the rail in the Safari Lounge. As people kept coming in, they stopped right in front of us but when we asked them to move, they did. EXCEPT for the 'rude couple' They just stopped right in front of us. I asked them to move, they did at first and then just stopped and planted themselves right in front of us. I went over, politely asked them to move as they were blocking our view and we had been here for a while. The lady told me to "Piss off' they paid for this cruise also. I told them they were blocking our view and it was rude. She told me to stand if I couldn't see.

So what do you do?

I went back to our seat and gathered our stuff and left. (The Quest, while great for some, really wasn't to our liking anyway) but I was mad. Should I have made a scene? When I mentioned this to some one else later, they said I should have 'accidently' spilled a drink on them when leaving. Sorry, just not my style, but it did bother me for a couple of days.

So what would you have done, or what have you encountered with rude cruisers?




You did the right thing. In the fantasy world of my brain, I would have knocked them out cold for disrespecting me but the reality is, I would have walked away too. Not worth it to start stuff. I am generally non-confrontational. I feel like Karma is a powerful thing and some day, they will get it back, hopefully worse. That is enough for me.


Now if they did something serious like hit someone or hurt my kid, take my stuff, I would unleash the dogs (okay, I would report them. I like to sound like a bad A, but really I am not)

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The elevator shoehorns who decide they can fit onto an already full elevator are the people I feel are rude. When there is no place to move back except too close to someone else and they step onto the three inch space available, I wish an alarm would go off so they would back off and wait for an elevator with space for them.


When an elevator is full, it is full, and additional people should not try to compress everyone else just to avoid waiting for another elevator. It is especially rude if there are two, three or four people who want to squeeze on. It is such a relief if someone gets off on the next floor. I actually should get off.


I hate being trapped on an overly full elevators, but I never say anything to the shoehorn who happily squeezes on. :rolleyes:


If its a situation that can be avoided by waiting for the next elevator or taking the stairs, then I agree. But I have also been in the situation where its get on now or never. Not an elevator but here is an example- A couple of weeks ago we were in the airport in Denver. You had to take a train from the terminal to the baggage claim area. We are 2 stops before baggage claim so you can imagine how full it is. Every single train is packed to the gills with people and no one is getting off. Next train, same story. And trains are 5 minutes apart, so they every train there is a huge number of people piling on. Maybe we could have waited around for it not to be crowded when no flights were arriving (pretty sure that does not happen often). I am sure the droves of people behind us would have loved it. Or we could squeeze on the train with 100 other people. After 4 trains passing through, guess which one we choose (hint, I am not still at Denver airport). :)

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Sadly we have. There were the "Sand Sitters" at Labadee who kept moving closer and closer to our clam shell while chain smoking even though the beach is not a designated smoking area........There was the, "Elevator Drunk" who leaned on me for 10 floors. There are always the "Stair Sitters", who manage to come late to every show and then sit on the stairs in everyone's way. There are the "Elevator Jumpers" who simply cannot wait for people to get off, before plowing in. Don't even get me started on the "Chair Hogs" LOL. I understand your frustration and I often share it but, I generally do not engage. No one is going to ruin my cruise. No matter how much of a butt they are.


Just thinking about Labadee when we visited last year , we had just come out from a swim & drying off when a couple asked would we look after their bags while they had lunch , no problem , now it was a large backpack each & 1 bag each , they came back almost 2 hours later &'apologised they said they met a couple of friends and had a few drinks together needless to say we were unable to take another swim & missed lunch it was cleared when we made our way up


But now what do I do if that ever occurs again say NO then I will be considered rude ?

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