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44 minutes ago, crystalspin said:

What an adorable church! Remind me which beach/island this was? I took extensive notes from Mitsu's original postings but have not put them in any sort of order! (Our cruise is 1.5 years out.)

It's Valley Church on Antigua, and Valley Church Beach.

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On 6/8/2019 at 2:45 PM, pghsteelerfan said:

I'm so glad I shared with you then!  When that popped up in my news feed this morning from a friend's post, I immediately thought of you and Sakari.  "Mermen" tails, love it!!!  😂


Yea thanks. They even have the black merman tails. 



On 6/10/2019 at 9:33 PM, jenseib said:

Gosh I got so far behind and finally had a chance to catch up tonight.


First, I wish you the best of luck with your health issues.  I am undergoing tests too right now and am borderline and need more testing and it makes me so anxious. I can only imagine all you are feeling. Just live life to the fullest!


Loved the review as always. Those boats looked so fun and I might have to keep that in the back of my mind for the future!


Yay for booking a cruise for Aug. What date are you going?  I would love to cruise this summer, but I don't think it is in the cards for us.  But I am hoping for a winter cruise again.


And I am one for Alaska!  Go!!! It's so amazing.  I have the Joy booked for June 6th next year....so you know...that's a good date to choose!


I'll be down in your next of the woods in about a month.  We are going to visit my sister the weekend of July 12.  We usually go down once or twice a year to just hang out and do different things....and the Cheesecake Factory!

I typically fly out of Columbus too, and spend the night before our flight at her place too. She wants to move back to Toledo area but I told her she can't as I need that free place to stay the night before a flight. hahaha.


Thanks again for an amazing report!


Thanks so much and I hope you health issues turn out ok as well. We just never know how much time we have here and I try my best to live life to the fullest. 


Glad you enjoyed the review. The boats were so much fun!


We are going August 4th on the Breakaway, western caribbean. 


Some day I'll make it to Alaska (hopefully). 


Yummy! We love the Cheesecake Factory! LOL Tell her she's not allowed to move...for personal reasons. 😄



16 hours ago, MzShae said:

Watching Chopped on Food Network and there is a male chef named Sakari! 


I did some extensive searching when I read this (and told Sakari about it) and can't seem to find any information. Is it season 42? or are they on 43? I looked for a list of contestants and can't find anything with a Sakari. 


On another note...Sakari said "Well, I'm pretty sure I was the first known Sakari and I'm still the only Sakari". LOL  😄


15 hours ago, noche_caliente said:

We were there in January 2010 and it is still one of our all-time favorite beaches.  If you ever return, there is a local bus that goes there.  It was a great adventure, and our first time using local transportation in a port.  It was less than $1 pp each way.  The bus actually let off in front of Valley Church 🙂





It definitely was a very nice beach and we are glad we stayed there for the remaining part of the day. However, if we ever return, we will probably try out a new beach (or go back to the first beach because it was just so nice there and our favorite). But who knows...I'm glad we made it there. 

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Watching Chopped on Food Network and there is a male chef named Sakari! On Food Network's site, it says season 41, episode 13 Team Ice Cream. But if you look on Wikipedia's site under list of Chopped episodes, it's under season 42, #514 Team Ice Cream on June 11, 2019. The chef's name is Sakari Smithwick, eliminated after dessert. Your Sakari was the 1st in my mind though! 😁

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On 5/10/2019 at 3:04 PM, mitsugirly said:

Ok, so only one other thing that happened this day that I want to bring up. This is my b*tch session so sorry in advance. 


We had went to the photography studio to take a look at our pictures taken so far. I know from past experiences that collecting your pictures during the week and putting them together never seems to end good for us. People will spread them out, take them-never to be seen again and so on. So, we have started gathering them nightly and taking them to the desk and having them hold on to them until the end of the cruise and then we'll pick what we want. (They have folders and cabinets they will put them in with your room number on them). 


Well, after gathering the pictures, we went up to the counter, and a guy helped us out.


Then our conversation went like this....


Him:  "Are you interested in our special? Tonight's the last night for it and it's only $69.95 for the package". 

He continued to tell me "For $69.95 you can have ALL of your pictures taken throughout the week...all of them!". 

Me: "Wait, what? ALL of them for $69.95?"

Him: "Yes, only if you do it tonight"

Me: "So there's got to be a catch to this. Is it only the port pictures?"

Him: "Nope, it's everything. Everything the photographers take of you during the cruise for only $69.95. But only tonight."

Me: "So what about the photographers that set up around the ship with props? Are those included in the $69.95 price?"

Him: "Yep...EVERYTHING! Even the pictures taken around the ship like in the MDR or by the pool and even embarkation"

Me: "So if it's only $69.95, why wouldn't EVERYONE on the ship do that then? That makes no sense."

Him: "I'm not sure. It's a great deal."

Me: "So when we see the photographers set up around the ship with a back drop, we can go to each one of them with no limit every night?"

Him: "Yes"

Me: "So there's no limit?"

Him: "No. You can go to each set up every single night of the cruise. The only "limit" is you can only do 6 pictures at each setup. How many are in your cabin?"

~me now thinking~ "Well, there are 4 booked in our cabin but 1 of those people belong to my older daughters fiance in another cabin and since she's his relative, she's in most of the pictures with them."

Him: "Well, since she's booked in your cabin, any pictures that include her are free with the package as well, even if you are not in them."

~Um ok. That meant that most of Kendra's pictures were going to be free too because Shawna was in most of them. The weird thing was, he never once asked me to prove she was in my cabin or anything. He just asked me to show him a picture of her in all the other pictures and they'd be included.  

Him: "So would you like to do the package for $69.95?"

Me: "Absolutely! Here's my card and I'm going over to get the other pictures as well" 


Then I ran off to grab Kendra's pictures with Shawna in them. 


When I returned, he gave me the slip to sign and ..... it said $269.95. "WAIT WHAT? You said $69.95 and you just charged me $269.95!!!" He started back tracking...well it's $269.95. I said over and over...NO! "You said $69.95 four times and I repeated it back to you several times and you assured me on the price." His reply was "Well, it was the $299.95 and now it's $269.95 and I was just saying the $69.95 is the changed part" WHAT THE HELL-O ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????? You don't just "cut off" the first two hundred dollars of the price and quote the $69.95? At this point I'm pissed and I don't get pissed...like seriously, pissed often. My husband said..."ahhhh, the bait and switch program at it's finest!" I was livid. 


He said "No problem mam, I can remove it". 

Me: "Ok, remove it and charge me the $69.95 you quoted me!"

Him: "No, I can remove the charge all together and we won't do the package"


After going back and forth a bit...he knew I was pissed, the hubby and I talked it over and decided that we usually pay about $150 in pictures each cruise just buying them individually and Kendra usually spends about the same (or has been known to do the professional pictures and dress up and spend over $500). So, I said "I'll just go ahead and take it but this is BS that you did this to us!" I figured I could split the cost with Kendra and still pay less than I normally do.


I remembered that there were a few pictures of us that I wasn't going to originally buy and went back over to grab them as well and when I returned and handed them to him, he handed me yet another receipt.


I said "What's this?"

He said "I credited your account and took it off". I'm totally confused now.

Me: "What do you mean you took it off? We are still getting the package right?"

Him: "No, I removed the package and charges"

Me: "OH MY GOSH!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? After I just told you we would take it. What type of salesman are you? I can't deal anymore...get me someone else. I'm done with you!"


He went over and grabbed a lady...I explained the entire situation to her and all she had to say was "Do you want the package or not?" Like no sympathy, no getting the supervisor, no discount, no nothing! She just charged my card and then told me that they still had to take my pictures from me and they would not release them until the last day of the cruise. 


This whole situation put the worse taste in my mouth and I'm totally convinced they hired incompetent people in the photography studio. We had been there for well over an hour and I was so done with the situation and had it not been so late, I would have insisted on a manager or someone else to speak to. 


Or course, I would continue the week taking as many pictures as I could get our bodies in whether or not we were dressed up. It didn't matter. 


But, I wanted to let everyone out there know what kind of crap they pulled on me. It was NOT a misunderstanding. I did NOT hear him wrong because it was repeated, by him and myself, over and over during the long conversation. This is some BS!!!!


Loving your review as always!

We had a very similar interaction with staff on Freedom but having to do with dining. They insisted we had late seating but I had booked early seating and had proof...and were just overall NOT helpful. I requested to speak to a manager and they said he was busy. We liked the Freedom overall but that interaction really rubbed me the wrong way. 

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4 hours ago, MzShae said:

Watching Chopped on Food Network and there is a male chef named Sakari! On Food Network's site, it says season 41, episode 13 Team Ice Cream. But if you look on Wikipedia's site under list of Chopped episodes, it's under season 42, #514 Team Ice Cream on June 11, 2019. The chef's name is Sakari Smithwick, eliminated after dessert. Your Sakari was the 1st in my mind though! 😁


And if you watched last night's episode on Food Network, it says it's Team Ice Cream, Season 40, Episode 67, but it also says (in my TV guide) that it is a new episode.  But there is/was a chef named Sakari on the one I mentioned!

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I am not sure how I missed the part about your health issues when I first read your review.  This is absolutely awful to hear.  I hope your situation does not turn out to be as devestating as you report.  Make sure you take time out to take care of yourself.  You have such  a joy for life.  I know I speak for a lot of people on here when I say that you really are inspirational and have motivated me and my family to try all kinds of new things... and new cruise lines.  You have a beautiful family and really do live life to the fullest.  Thanks again for taking us along on your journeys.  Have a great time on NCL!!


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23 hours ago, MzShae said:

Watching Chopped on Food Network and there is a male chef named Sakari! On Food Network's site, it says season 41, episode 13 Team Ice Cream. But if you look on Wikipedia's site under list of Chopped episodes, it's under season 42, #514 Team Ice Cream on June 11, 2019. The chef's name is Sakari Smithwick, eliminated after dessert. Your Sakari was the 1st in my mind though! 😁


Well it sounds like they just can't figure out which episode they want to call it. LOL  Pretty neat either way. 



23 hours ago, Gopherpharm said:


Loving your review as always!

We had a very similar interaction with staff on Freedom but having to do with dining. They insisted we had late seating but I had booked early seating and had proof...and were just overall NOT helpful. I requested to speak to a manager and they said he was busy. We liked the Freedom overall but that interaction really rubbed me the wrong way. 


Yea, it just puts a bad taste in your mouth when things like this happen. 


18 hours ago, kpark895 said:


And if you watched last night's episode on Food Network, it says it's Team Ice Cream, Season 40, Episode 67, but it also says (in my TV guide) that it is a new episode.  But there is/was a chef named Sakari on the one I mentioned!


LOL, yet still another season and episode. I can't find anywhere online to watch the "Team Ice Cream" episode. It looks like you have to pay for everything. 


15 hours ago, Cafedumonde said:


I am not sure how I missed the part about your health issues when I first read your review.  This is absolutely awful to hear.  I hope your situation does not turn out to be as devestating as you report.  Make sure you take time out to take care of yourself.  You have such  a joy for life.  I know I speak for a lot of people on here when I say that you really are inspirational and have motivated me and my family to try all kinds of new things... and new cruise lines.  You have a beautiful family and really do live life to the fullest.  Thanks again for taking us along on your journeys.  Have a great time on NCL!!



Aww, it's ok. It really wasn't part of the review and just an answer to a post. Thank you SO MUCH for such kind words. I really appreciate it. 

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I would have been livid about the photo scam too.  Does anyone know if those guys are actually with RC or if they are subcontractors like the salon people are?  I feel like my worst interactions are always with those two groups of people while on RC.  Both are very pushy and I never get the feeling that they are being honest about the "deals" they are offering.  Glad I've stuck with my gut on the photo deals they push.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 4:48 PM, mitsugirly said:

Ok Robin.... HERE YA GO....GET A LOAD OF THESE!!!!


Did someone say is Spring blooming season? hehe














Hi Kim.  I just want you to know that I've read every single one of your reviews, and enjoyed all of your pics, but THESE??!!!  These are so beautiful, it almost took my breath away.  WOW!


Great review.  Thank you so much for doing these.  I like to live vicariously through you.  Do you know when your next cruise will be yet, because I need another vacation. 

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I was so happy to come here and find your review on the first page! We are going for the first time to St Kitts, Barbados, St Lucia and St Croix this fall. You have me wishing we were going to Antigua instead of St Croix though.  Would you feel safe taking a taxi on your own at any one of these islands? That is what we usually do at the islands we are more familiar with but I am very unsure this cruise.  Most of the excursions from the ship don't appeal to us because they limit your time there.

I loved your picture from the Buccaneer Beach Bar. The Royal Palm Beach, the wide V shape resort in the back is one of our time shares. Before the last hurricane we went on a cruise and took a taxi there to check it and another resort out to see which one we wanted to stay in. Then the hurricane devastated them both and they are not set to open again until Fall of 2020. So thanks for the happy memories! 

Love your detailed report.

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On 6/25/2019 at 5:02 PM, EasyPeasy said:


Hi Kim.  I just want you to know that I've read every single one of your reviews, and enjoyed all of your pics, but THESE??!!!  These are so beautiful, it almost took my breath away.  WOW!


Great review.  Thank you so much for doing these.  I like to live vicariously through you.  Do you know when your next cruise will be yet, because I need another vacation. 



Aww, thanks so much and glad you enjoy the reviews. That coral was amazing!! I don't think it had ever seen them "in bloom" before. When they aren't open, it reminds me of bubble coral (which I have some in my tank at home and it's bright green and pink too). 


Our next cruise is coming up in august.   We decided not to do a land vacation in Aruba this summer and use our cruise certificates instead. We will be cruising with NCL next. 




On 6/25/2019 at 11:01 PM, FloridaGram said:

I was so happy to come here and find your review on the first page! We are going for the first time to St Kitts, Barbados, St Lucia and St Croix this fall. You have me wishing we were going to Antigua instead of St Croix though.  Would you feel safe taking a taxi on your own at any one of these islands? That is what we usually do at the islands we are more familiar with but I am very unsure this cruise.  Most of the excursions from the ship don't appeal to us because they limit your time there.

I loved your picture from the Buccaneer Beach Bar. The Royal Palm Beach, the wide V shape resort in the back is one of our time shares. Before the last hurricane we went on a cruise and took a taxi there to check it and another resort out to see which one we wanted to stay in. Then the hurricane devastated them both and they are not set to open again until Fall of 2020. So thanks for the happy memories! 

Love your detailed report.


Glad you found my review. 


It's really hard for me to answer about the taxi (other than Barbados...and probably St Kitts) because we usually do something that has the taxi ride included or pick up at the port. Are there any excursions that might interest you at those places? That might make you feel more comfortable. I feel like Barbados and St Kitts are super easy but I haven't explored any of St Croix or St Lucia since we did excursions there.


Did you see my one review that we did after the hurricane and our cruising friend, Kia, took us around the entire island (we rented a car) and we were able to see all of the devastation from the hurricane. Kia used to live in St Maarten and her and her family have a time share there and stay right by Buccaneer as well. She was so devastated to see the place as well. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/7/2019 at 11:49 PM, skidawg79 said:

She can correct me but  there is a tour called Mad Max Dune Buggies.   I actually booked them on my cruise in 2 1/2 weeks!   I'll be happy to report back what i think!

We did Mad Max and had a great time! I'd recommend it!

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On 5/13/2019 at 7:48 PM, mitsugirly said:

Ok Robin.... HERE YA GO....GET A LOAD OF THESE!!!!


Did someone say is Spring blooming season? hehe













  What camera did you use ?   great pictures 🙂

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Thank you for the review. Your review is what got me looking at the Freedom. I’m happy to say I booked a cruise on Freedom for next year. I even made sure to get an ultra spacious room with the bunk beds. I appreciate your time writing this and all the pictures. Royal owes you commission because you sold me on Freedom! 

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22 hours ago, mickeygirl78 said:

Thank you for the review. Your review is what got me looking at the Freedom. I’m happy to say I booked a cruise on Freedom for next year. I even made sure to get an ultra spacious room with the bunk beds. I appreciate your time writing this and all the pictures. Royal owes you commission because you sold me on Freedom! 



You are gonna love it...especially that room! It's amazing!


I won't argue with Royal paying me commission....hehe

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome review Kim!  I need to sail from San Juan again at some point.  The airfare always seems so cost prohibitive, especially since I usually cruise during traditional school breaks.  I’ll be curious to read your review of Breakaway- we are getting on the ship as you are getting off.  I’m sorry to hear of your health problems- wishing only the best for you and your family!

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I just saw that y’all are on the Breakaway right now. Aug 4th sailing. Our family of 5 is on the RCCL Liberty Aug 4th sailing. We’re at Paradise Beach right now for the first time & love it. 

Enjoy your cruise & best of luck with your health!!!

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On 7/29/2019 at 7:09 AM, my_crib_too said:

Great review, as always Kim.  





Thanks Bruce!


On 8/9/2019 at 3:33 AM, JinxyB said:

Awesome review Kim!  I need to sail from San Juan again at some point.  The airfare always seems so cost prohibitive, especially since I usually cruise during traditional school breaks.  I’ll be curious to read your review of Breakaway- we are getting on the ship as you are getting off.  I’m sorry to hear of your health problems- wishing only the best for you and your family!



Thank you!


Cruising out of PR airflight is getting VERY expensive...but the cruises seem to be a lot cheaper so it seems like it ends up being about the same price as a regular Caribbean cruise. So, very worth it to us.


I hope you have a better experience this week than we did last week. It was CRAZY! And VERY crowded!!!! Probably one of the worse NCL cruises to date. :(


On 8/9/2019 at 10:11 AM, CruiseMomTX said:

I just saw that y’all are on the Breakaway right now. Aug 4th sailing. Our family of 5 is on the RCCL Liberty Aug 4th sailing. We’re at Paradise Beach right now for the first time & love it. 

Enjoy your cruise & best of luck with your health!!!


Well hello there!! I seen the Liberty in port with us several times and I knew that it looked like a ship I'd like to sail! Did you like the ship and have a good time? I hope you had a wonderful cruise!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I am kind of late to this particular party, but I have only just started looking for information on Freedom. 


First, let me say that I always love reading your reviews! Love the pictures and your commentary.


The family and I have our first Royal cruise planned for next summer on this ship. Thanks for all the info and look forward to your next set of adventures!



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21 minutes ago, mytee4ever said:

I know I am kind of late to this particular party, but I have only just started looking for information on Freedom. 


First, let me say that I always love reading your reviews! Love the pictures and your commentary.


The family and I have our first Royal cruise planned for next summer on this ship. Thanks for all the info and look forward to your next set of adventures!




Hey, better late than never right? :)  


Thanks and glad you love the reviews.


I hope you have a wonderful cruise. This ship has definitely been one of my favorites to date!

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