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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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It has been a depressing few days with everything that is going on in the US right now. Ā I have missed you all posting for the past few days, sad to say, your posts are often the highlights of my day! šŸ˜‚ I wish I could say our Florida county is doing a good job with vaccines but it is still a mess. Ā 


OOTD: Still wearing jammie pants and an old t shirt. Ā I am going to put on exercise clothes in a few minutes,Ā go for aĀ walk and probably stay in those clothes and do another walk late afternoon, after which, I will probably shower and go back to jammies!Ā 

Kit, that picture is gorgeous! Ā I do miss snow and ice a teeny, tiny, bit. Ā Enjoy your day off!



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I forgot to add that once a week I meet with my crafting friends.Ā  All in all I am usually only home 3-4 days a week.Ā  Those days are laundry, cleaning and baking.Ā  I need it to warm up a bit so I can work on the flower beds.

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Kat...gorgeous photo. What a wonderful view you have! I love the mountains. I haven't yet lived IN the mountains...I take that back...I did, but it was briefly and I was in elementary school. The Santa Cruz mountains where it doesn't snow. It's the snow...so lovely. I love the quiet insulated quality of a good healthy blanket of snow...and the crystal effect on the bare tree branches. Thanks for sharing.


I've been reading along...it's entertaining to read about your work adventures.Ā I've been going "to work" with our house projects. We go out and about but don't hang out anywhere or with anyone. In and out of the home improvement stores and groceries, etc.


I have no idea where I am in the vaccine hierarchy...no idea how our county is doing. I think I'm one of the few that are happy to be low on the priority list to wait and see how it all goes. I'm following all the deaths in the EU and a couple here in FloridaĀ following administering the vaccine. Odds are that they aren't related to the vaccine but still...I'm super cautious with any and all medication...I am allergic to penicillin though my latest research says that I may have out grown that reaction in adulthood...but I've only had to have antibiotics less than 5 times in my life so I'm not too concerned about it except as it relates to this vaccine. I'm not antivax necessarily...just super cautious for any medication...I don't even like taking pain pills and will avoid.


Hope you are having a good day off!

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I think I was feeling a little lonely and depressed. Ā Missed the conversation. Ā 

I did what I seem to do every 1st day off - try to recover from work. Ā It's like I used all my physical and emotional energy the 5 days of work, then just collapse. Ā I'm really glad that we are so slow at work that I can just hang out and sit most of the time - I'm a little afraid to think how I'd be if I had to do the same amount of work I did last year (loading luggage, pushing bell carts, shoveling sidewalk)!!! Ā 


I'm sorry that cruises were cancelled for the two of you. Ā Honestly, with the way vaccinations have been going (poorly), I didn't think things would be running that soon. Ā I'm sticking to camping again this year, I think. Ā There was a small canal barge trip in France that I really wanted to do but I just couldn't bring myself to commit to the flights and hotels and such yet. Ā I believe my first trip is set now for the week after I finish work. Ā Springtime in Southern Utah/Northern Nevada is nice, as long as it doesn't rain (knock on wood). Ā 


Vaccinations are just squirrely everywhere, it seems. Ā My county is following the state guidelines to a "T" so unless they decide they have surplus and can speed it up, I'm not eligible until maybe February (depending on what they decide for the priority for certain co-morbidities), but now it seems more like March. Ā For now, the only age population they have separated out from everyone else is 70+. Ā So, it should be interesting to see what happens when EVERYONE is eligible if they don't break out more age groups. Ā  Sherrie - I did hear that the Brevard system was totally swamped - like people on hold for hours to try to get in. Ā Look at it this way - more people in Brevard seem to want to get vaccinated than want to wear masks... Ā 


Oh - on my work front. Ā Remember I said my co-worker had mono? Ā Well she may have actually tested positive for COVID instead!!!! Ā She was out 10 days (back yesterday). Ā My boss told me she couldn't tell me about her, but told her to talk to me while she was out. Ā Pisses me off to no limit. Ā I'm not worried, since we are always masked and distance ourselves, but if she really tested positive, I think I should have been told. Ā  I would rather had her lie to me and say she took the time off to go skiing at Vail. Ā Management is hiding behind HIIPA, saying they can't discuss an employee's medical situation. Ā Bull. Ā 


Lois - I know all about not being able to post what I feel!!!!! Ā  Good thing I have Facebook and a few groups on there of like-minded women. Ā Most of my venting goes there. Ā I try to stay PG here. Ā 


OOTD. Ā I do have to go out and get some food for the week. Ā It'll be my oversized Natural Life tie dye Sweatshirt (love that site - boho hippie stuff) and a pair of leggings. Ā It's not cold enough to wear a jacket to go from car to store and back (in the low 30s). Ā 


Have a good day, ladies!!

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1 hour ago, slidergirl said:

I think I was feeling a little lonely and depressed. Ā Missed the conversation. Ā 

I did what I seem to do every 1st day off - try to recover from work. Ā It's like I used all my physical and emotional energy the 5 days of work, then just collapse. Ā I'm really glad that we are so slow at work that I can just hang out and sit most of the time - I'm a little afraid to think how I'd be if I had to do the same amount of work I did last year (loading luggage, pushing bell carts, shoveling sidewalk)!!! Ā 


I'm sorry that cruises were cancelled for the two of you. Ā Honestly, with the way vaccinations have been going (poorly), I didn't think things would be running that soon. Ā I'm sticking to camping again this year, I think. Ā There was a small canal barge trip in France that I really wanted to do but I just couldn't bring myself to commit to the flights and hotels and such yet. Ā I believe my first trip is set now for the week after I finish work. Ā Springtime in Southern Utah/Northern Nevada is nice, as long as it doesn't rain (knock on wood). Ā 


Vaccinations are just squirrely everywhere, it seems. Ā My county is following the state guidelines to a "T" so unless they decide they have surplus and can speed it up, I'm not eligible until maybe February (depending on what they decide for the priority for certain co-morbidities), but now it seems more like March. Ā For now, the only age population they have separated out from everyone else is 70+. Ā So, it should be interesting to see what happens when EVERYONE is eligible if they don't break out more age groups. Ā  Sherrie - I did hear that the Brevard system was totally swamped - like people on hold for hours to try to get in. Ā Look at it this way - more people in Brevard seem to want to get vaccinated than want to wear masks... Ā 


Oh - on my work front. Ā Remember I said my co-worker had mono? Ā Well she may have actually tested positive for COVID instead!!!! Ā She was out 10 days (back yesterday). Ā My boss told me she couldn't tell me about her, but told her to talk to me while she was out. Ā Pisses me off to no limit. Ā I'm not worried, since we are always masked and distance ourselves, but if she really tested positive, I think I should have been told. Ā  I would rather had her lie to me and say she took the time off to go skiing at Vail. Ā Management is hiding behind HIIPA, saying they can't discuss an employee's medical situation. Ā Bull. Ā 


Lois - I know all about not being able to post what I feel!!!!! Ā  Good thing I have Facebook and a few groups on there of like-minded women. Ā Most of my venting goes there. Ā I try to stay PG here. Ā 


OOTD. Ā I do have to go out and get some food for the week. Ā It'll be my oversized Natural Life tie dye Sweatshirt (love that site - boho hippie stuff) and a pair of leggings. Ā It's not cold enough to wear a jacket to go from car to store and back (in the low 30s). Ā 


Have a good day, ladies!!

Kat, I believe HIIPA only appliesĀ Ā to healthcare agencies, you are right that you should have been informed. Ā I would be furious about this.


Edited by sjb317
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HIPAA would not be applicable to an employer as far as releasing private health information of employees. see: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-individuals/employers-health-information-workplace/index.htmlĀ  Ā IMHO, allĀ employersĀ would (should!) keep their employees health information private.Ā I donā€™t think workplace leadership (or other employees)Ā should be discussing or releasing myĀ private information (of any sort) to anyone without my expressed permission.


That said, I also think employers should have long ago had a plan in place (and in writing for all employees) regarding COVID-19 and the workplace. There are many items such a policy would cover and one of them would be contact tracing, which would have allowed an employer to inform particular staff that they may have been in contact with someone who tested positive and/or is currently ill with the virus. Contact tracing would notĀ have to identify the employee who tested positiveĀ or is ill,Ā though employees may be able to figure it out (thenĀ should keep the speculation to themselves).


I am glad my bosses have never told my co-workers reasons Iā€™ve had to miss work in the past. Itā€™s up to me how much of my personal life I want or need to share with a boss/colleague when I have to miss work. Ā Each person has to make that decision for themselves. I am a part of an organization with a very strict plan of participation regarding C-19, where weā€™reĀ required to inform the leader of a positive test, exposure, and/or actual illness so the leader can inform those in closeĀ contactĀ (without saying who!!) and/or to suspend meetings for a time.


OOTD: an old logo t-shirt,Ā waaaaaay worn out yoga pants, and flip flops. Does anyone else miss wearing lipstick everyday?!?!?

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1 hour ago, gotta cruise again said:

HIPAA would not be applicable to an employer as far as releasing private health information of employees. see: https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-individuals/employers-health-information-workplace/index.htmlĀ  Ā IMHO, allĀ employersĀ would (should!) keep their employees health information private.Ā I donā€™t think workplace leadership (or other employees)Ā should be discussing or releasing myĀ private information (of any sort) to anyone without my expressed permission.


That said, I also think employers should have long ago had a plan in place (and in writing for all employees) regarding COVID-19 and the workplace. There are many items such a policy would cover and one of them would be contact tracing, which would have allowed an employer to inform particular staff that they may have been in contact with someone who tested positive and/or is currently ill with the virus. Contact tracing would notĀ have to identify the employee who tested positiveĀ or is ill,Ā though employees may be able to figure it out (thenĀ should keep the speculation to themselves).


I am glad my bosses have never told my co-workers reasons Iā€™ve had to miss work in the past. Itā€™s up to me how much of my personal life I want or need to share with a boss/colleague when I have to miss work. Ā Each person has to make that decision for themselves. I am a part of an organization with a very strict plan of participation regarding C-19, where weā€™reĀ required to inform the leader of a positive test, exposure, and/or actual illness so the leader can inform those in closeĀ contactĀ (without saying who!!) and/or to suspend meetings for a time.


OOTD: an old logo t-shirt,Ā waaaaaay worn out yoga pants, and flip flops. Does anyone else miss wearing lipstick everyday?!?!?

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you regarding privacy but during a pandemic involving a very contagious disease I believe employees have everyĀ right to know whenĀ someone they have been in close contact with has tested positive so they can take any steps necessary to protect their health.


Havenā€™t missed lipstick at all as I never wear it! šŸ˜‚


OOTH: back in my jammies for the evening.




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Let's put it this way: Ā There are only 5 of us total at the condos. Ā It's pretty easy to know who doesn't come to work. Ā 

I keep thinking I'm going to check the "close contact" box on our daily COVID check-in so I can get a few days off with pay... Ā 

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I agree with you Sherri, we all need to be informed if weā€™ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive or is ill with COVID-19! Absolutely no argument from me on that front. However, I doĀ not need to be informed of who the person is.


As I noted in my earlier post, the organization Iā€™m in has had to informed us of various COVID-19 health situations over the last many monthsĀ because the policy states they will keep members as safe as possible, which includes letting us know of possible illness.Ā OnĀ occasion I think Iā€™ve been able to figure out who leadership was talking about. But it isnā€™t an absolute necessity for me to know who it is, but is is a necessity for the group to follow the policy and inform members when needed.Ā 

I have found this topic very interesting and did more googling. I found this short article, among many others, on the topic of employer disclosure of employee health information, especially COVID-19.


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Hello All, wow I really am behind ! Glad to see so many checked in and it appears that all of us are just bored with this whole pandemic thing. Like everyone else I donā€™t have a lot to share since we are continuing to be very cautious which results in a pretty boring life! Zoom and FaceTime Ā get togethers with family and friends, long walks and every day household stuff is about all there is. Things are bad in CA so for the time being we will Ā order everything and use car side pick up. Our daughter shops at T Jā€™s and I textĀ our listĀ to her.Ā 

Our county is doing its best with vaccine but things are constantly changing. Earlier this week, 75+ were moved ahead of others in the same tier and then the Gov announced that 65+ should be included. That created Ā confusion as some counties scrambled to comply. We were able to get an appointment and went for our first dose this morning. Took about an hour but much better than another site here that used first come first served and had lines of cars snaking up and down surrounding streets and then had to turn some people away after they had waited for hours.Ā 


Actually, I donā€™t see much changing even after the second dose because we will still have to wear masks and keep our distance until the virus is under control-at least that is what we have been told. The good part is that hopefully the vaccine will fight off the virus or at least result in a mild case if one does catch it. So I for one wonā€™t worry so much and will be able to take care of necessary things at least. Since there is no information yet as to the vaccineā€™s ability to keep one from transmitting the virus, I can see the importance of being careful for everyoneā€™s sake.

Kat, what a great view! The mountain backdrop is lovely. As for your co worker, it is awful that she did not share her results with the rest of you. This virus is just too serious to not share so others can take precautions.


Debbie, glad your quarantine is over without a bad outcome and I hope the wait for the vaccine is uneventful. Ā If your age group comes up can you get it that way or do you have to wait because you were part of the trial? I ask because things are moving fast here in CA and could move even faster after Jan. 20.Ā 

Sherri, I hope your county gets the vaccine thing figured out soon.

Iā€™m sorry about all the cancelled cruises. Just donā€™t know how cruise lines will get back on their feet. Lois, didnā€™t you have some cruises planned? Have they been cancelled?


Melody, how are you doing now that some time has passedĀ since your surgeries?


Every one else, hang in there, this canā€™t last forever, can it?




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Good morning,Ā  Sharon, good to see you.Ā  I have a deposit down for a cruise in October. Who

knows if it will sail.Ā  I also have a deposit down for a cruise in March 2022.


Well, I had a surprising visit to the Pharmacy yesterday and was not happy.Ā  I didn't know

my CVS is NOT contracted on my new Insurance PlanšŸ˜¦....I have been using them for,

well, forever.Ā  When I bought this plan (It is part of ACA) it didn't tell me which pharmacy was

included and I guess I just assumed CVS would be on it. (that is what I get for assuming).

FORTUNETLY,Ā  my Publix Pharmacy IS accepted.Ā  So, the CVS transferred all my prescriptionsĀ 

to Publix.Ā  I realize it is not a the worst thing in the world but I was just shocked when I could

not re-fill something that had been done like clockwork before.Ā  Ā And the Publix is quite close

to where I live as well. It was just so surprising.Ā 


And one of the meds I take is a "Specialty Medication" and I normally order it each month from

CVS "SPECIALTY" Pharmacy.......it gets shipped to me UPS overnight.Ā  Well, come to find out

my new plan has a different pharmacy I need to use-----(not Publix). And the Dr's office needs to send a pre-authorization for it. I had to call the Dr yesterday

and hoping they did what was needed.

I will follow up today.Ā  I have enough of these meds to get me through to

Monday.Ā  Ā I actually called the Insurance company (Florida Blue) while I was at Publix yesterday talking to the Pharmacist.

Ā  In order for me to get the meds,Ā  Insurance has to approve, then

the new pharmacy can process.


I just didn't know all this was going to take place......wow......what happens when you change

insurance companies!Ā 


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Lois, so frustrating. Be sure to check with all of your doctors & care facilities too. Many likely will not be in the covered group. Tgat is very irritating.Ā 

I'm doing ok since the surgery insanity of November & December. Just waiting to get the vaccine now. Iā€™ll be 70 next Friday so maybe thatā€™ll move me up in the queue.Ā 

Kat, thatā€™s just wrong on you not being notified. Iā€™d contact your local public health & get the word on how you shouldā€™ve been notified. Your employer shouldā€™ve told you that youā€™d been exposed (not tell you whom). In Colorado your employer could be fined for not notifying you. Melody

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Hi Melody, oh, I gave a list of my meds to the pharmacy yesterday......they are all covered on

my new plan.Ā  As for my Drs? All but one.Ā  It is ok on that one as he is my GP and I have usedĀ 

him for many years. I will just pay him out of pocket when I have a Dr's visit......It is about 75.00

(or there abouts). But all my specialists are on my plan. I made sure to check that before I hit


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Hi there, trying to get caught up & sorry if I miss someone :)


Kat, totally unacceptable that you weren't notified, at the very least they could protect privacy & just say you were possibly exposed, whether from a coworker or guest...


Sharon: congrats on getting the vaccine! Ā  Right now Los Angeles County is still doing healthcare workers, no one else. Ā  My In-laws live in OC, & they will get vaccines soon. Ā To answer your question, if I take a vaccine out of the clinic, I would have to drop. Ā & Since they have my vaccine there from the very beginning, it would get wasted since it's tied to my trial participant number... Ā so hard to wait!


Lois, the complications of health insurance & what is/is not covered are so frustrating... Ā our health insurance got cancelled at the beginning of 2020 with zero warning... Ā so I had to scramble to choose something new & I'm not thrilled with it... Ā after I can get vaccinated I'm going to transfer all of Steve's RX to Costco pharmacy which will save quite a bit of $$.... Ā you don't have to have a membership to use their pharmacy, so you may want to check their prices. Ā 


Melody, keeping my fingers crossed that you & your husband can get vaccinated ASAP...pretty sure I will cry when I get mine (in a good way)


well, time to go, "see" you all soon! Ā 


PS: Ā on topic: Ā wearing black running shorts with a paint stain & white sleeveless workout shirt.... & adidas golf hat... Ā worked on roses today for hours :)

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Good morning,Ā  I should have added to the other gals........Kat, you should have been informed!


Debbie, my Publix is good for my new meds.Ā  Ā Actually, one of my medications is 0.0 dollarsšŸ˜ƒ

And the others are very reasonably priced (thankfully) And my specialty medication got done

last night (another thankfully).Ā  It will be delivered via Fed Ex on Tuesday.Ā  It took a bit aĀ 

persistence and actually one of the folks I spoke with told me they are really overloaded. They

are getting ALOT of new customers because Blue Cross is not contracting with CVS right now.

This pharmacy is called Accredo.Ā  I had never heard of it until now.Ā 

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Lois we had that issue when CVS dropped Express Scripts a few years ago...they picked them back up, but we never went back. If we donā€™t get prescriptions on base we get them at Costco. (Even our favorite pharmacist from CVS moved to Costco, & sheā€™s very happy)

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Hi Melody,šŸ™‚ well, at least I will know for next year and will keep an eye out for changes afterĀ 

2022 starts.Ā  It is just so strange for me since this is the first time in my life I am not on an

employer's policy.Ā  Finding one that was affordable and covered my meds and my Dr's.........then the new year comes I find out my favorite pharmacy is not!

Ā  Well, it is done now and hoping going forward things will go more smoothly.

(this year anyway).......

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I just had to change my health insurance also, as my past employer terminated our coverage. It was very difficult and frustrating to find health, dental, drug and vision insurance. I preserved and did it. I also am waiting for the Covid vaccine. I was wondering if the cruise lines will require proof.Ā  I am also a solo traveler. Can't wait to get back to cruising.Ā Ā 

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5 hours ago, ASolosailer said:

I just had to change my health insurance also, as my past employer terminated our coverage. It was very difficult and frustrating to find health, dental, drug and vision insurance. I preserved and did it. I also am waiting for the Covid vaccine. I was wondering if the cruise lines will require proof.Ā  I am also a solo traveler. Can't wait to get back to cruising.Ā Ā 


Hi there :) Ā  I agree, very frustrating, I wish I'd taken more time when I did mine :)


Regarding cruising, I can't wait too!

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Well, the co-worker DID have COVID. Ā She is kind of weirdly happy about it, saying she now has antibodies and doesn't have to worry for a couple of months. Ā Ah, stupid children (she's 22)... Ā Her 10 days was up on Wednesday so she came back to work. Ā But, she also went skiing for a couple of hours each day before work. Ā THEN, she tells me that someone we checked into one of the small units probably has COVID - the family booked the unit for the son at the last minute and they have another one. Ā Sounds like they didn't want to cancel their vacation... Ā No way to know. Ā  AND, we had some new yahoos come in yesterday that are anti-maskers and pissed they we are making them wear them. Ā Sigh. Ā 


Lois - I went through some of what you are going through when I switched to Medicare instead of finding another full time job with benefits. Ā I've used the same pharmacy for decades. Ā Now, I have to split my meds between them and Walgreens. Ā I didn't want to move everything because of the great relationship I have with them. Ā I HATE Walgreens. Ā And, the one new larger dose of Jardience that I started taking costs me $135/month (I checked everywhere and no one has it cheaper). Ā I got it refilled at the end ofĀ 

December to take advantage of having met my deductible. Ā I shudder to see what it's going to cost next month when I have a new deductible. Ā 


To all working on getting those vaccines - keep plugging away!!! Ā 


OOTD: Ā today I "dressed up". Ā leggings. one of my embroidered tank tops from Sundance and my blue Athleta wrap. Ā My earrings matched the colors on the embroidery (earrings I bought about 14 years ago in Prague, so totally coincidental that they match). Ā Tomorrow, I may wear my boho hippie sweatshirt since no boss will be around and the stuff my co-worker wore today would make it look like formal wear!!!


OOPS. Ā I forgot to send this yesterday!!!


It got stranger at work today. Ā We sent our other co-worker home 2 hours early because she was not feeling well - she's had a headache all day and her stomach is very nauseous. Ā She has to get a test now before she can come back. Ā  Sigh. Ā I'm not happy. Ā 


OOTD: I wore my boho hippie sweatshirt to work with leggings and boots. Ā I have a scarf from Florence that goes great with the sweatshirt so I added that for a bit of "style." Ā I still looked better than the other 2!!!



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Good morning girlsšŸ˜€........well, for those of you who are interested, today

is Betty White's birthday and she is 99!!!!!!!


Here is an article about her.

Betty White is 99: Her best advice about living a long life (usatoday.com)


Happy Birthday Betty!


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Kat, get a Medicare supplement, some of them are free. They really help with costs, etc. I agreeĀ about Walgreens, I donā€™t like them either. Check with goodRX for a lower cost on your meds.Ā 

sounds like youā€™re having a ā€˜timeā€™ with your guests (& coworkers). What is so difficult about wearing a mask anyway?


still no word on vaccines for us

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