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Posts posted by superoma

  1. We have been promised rain and storms starting after lunch, then a cool down. If the storms move around us we might get a swim in this afternoon.


    working on cleaning up my old laptop to prepare to get rid of it. Not much on it that I care about except some genealogy files. I think all the pictures on it are duplicates which are on my desktop. The laptop is probably 15 years old. Now the desktop is another story. It was state of the art in 2005! It certainly owes me nothing. I really only use it a couple of times a year especially at tax time. But, there are files on that I need. I will work with a local IT company to make sure I don’t lose any files. I have been away from any computer issues for too long to feel comfortable tackling this myself. Should be interesting and educational.



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  2. 29 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    We had a wonderful time at our brunch today at the Vineyard in Florence.  A beautiful afternoon. The food and wine were fabulous!


    That ended abruptly when we got home. I moved several flower pots and lifted a very heavy stone to move it only a few feet.


    Well, I felt a pull in my shoulder and neck and dropped the stone on my foot! I have a big gouge on my ankle where the stone dropped and had blood everywhere! I grabbed my emergency kit and have a heavy bandage on my ankle, trying to stop the blood. 


    I don't care if that dam stone stays where it is for the next 20 years!!

    Oh I felt that pain just from your description! Hope you got the bleeding to stop and didn’t break any bones in your foot!

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  3. Just now, Seasick Sailor said:

    Lenda, nice golf cart! Lot's of fun riding!


    I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding the no smoking cartoon from @Copper10-8 Can someone enlighten me?


    @Vict0riann sorry to hear your news. You are in my prayers. 



    I got it but maybe because I am German. In Germany and maybe Holland The jacket he had on is known as a smoking, hence he takes it off for no smoking! 

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  4. 2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

    Good morning.  Thanks for the Report.

    Cool and clear this morning.  No, change that to cold, we've got a bit of frost!  Ugh! 

    Three good days to celebrate.

    I like the quote.

    I'll pass on the meal, the drink sounds good, I hope the wine is good too.

    Prayers for everyone on the Care List.  Cheers for all the celebrations.

    Have a terrific day.

    We didn’t get frost overnight but it was chilly this morning. We had small hail yesterday during a thunderstorm that dumped 1.5 inches of rain in less than 1 hour.


    @kazuhappy birthday. Hoping your pain is a least slightly less each day until it is totally gone.

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  5. Happy alternate birthday @ger_77. Half birthdays work well if you are born in the dead of winter! We often celebrate in July for the grandchildren born in January. Pool is open and more fun than making snowmen.


    i seldom drink mixed drinks but I do like a manhatten.

    I’m finally ready to send off for the clearance certificate from my dad’s estate. Once that comes it only remains to close the reserve account and split it with my sister.  

    have a great day everyone.

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  6. San Diego always brings back good memories. It was the turnaround point of our first cross country road trip. We had planned on meeting our Windsor neighbours in Palm Springs where they were spending a few days with the whole family. We both, independently, decide to visit old town San Diego on the same day. As we were parking our car we hear our names being called across the parking lot. Turn around and there are our neighbours. We still visited them in Palm Springs a few days later. Not sure if we went and bought lottery tickets but we did crack a beer in the parking lot!


    Quite hot today, possible afternoon thunderstorms. Our Wednesday group will be in the pool this evening, assuming no storms. 

    have a good day everyone.

    • Like 27
  7. I have never been this early to the party! I woke up in a fit of coughing so decided to get up so dh could still sleep peacefully. I am feeling much better but the lungs still want to clear phlegm hence the coughing fit.


    quiet day today as it is our Victoria Day holiday. Stores closed or on holiday hours. Weather looks good until early afternoon when thunderstorms are forecast.

    prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating.


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  8. 50 minutes ago, dfish said:

    Oh, my!  I am beat!  But, the patio furniture is all put together and so is the fire table.  The only thing lacking is a propane tank.  That's for tomorrow.  So, here are the pictures.


    First is the deck we stained.  It was red.  This is right off the dining room.  




    Next is the patio paver which is in back of the dining room and off the deck above.  This is where the new furniture went.  






    The box still doesn't have a bottom, but it is fine for now.  We'll deal with it when we feel like it.  Which may be never.  Anyways, we didn't have furniture for this patio.  The fire table is to replace the ring below.




    I'm sure you can understand why.   Sue will plant something there.  




    Very nice

    • Like 15
  9. Been missing for a few days. First we had company, my cousin from Montreal and her dh and after they left, I was laid low with a cold and cough. Like @ger_77dh I am pushing the fluids, the chicken soup, etc. and naps, very important. The only good thing is the weather is kind of grey so not too upset about staying inside and doing nothing.


    have a good weekend, especially Canadian dailyites as this is the unofficially start of summer. 

    • Like 25
  10. Welcome back Rich. I enjoyed your trip thread very much. Thanks to @kazu @StLouisCruisers and @rafinmd for filling in while you were cruising, what a great group we have.


    i am looking forward to gaspe pictures since we plan a road trip there this summer.


    we had a lovely day yesterday, sunshine, just warm enough. And everyone was able to make it. All 4 grandchildren were there. Plus we met our oldest DGS’s girlfriend for the first time. Bonus.


    my cousin and her husband who live in Quebec are here for another day and my sister and brother-in-law will join us for lunch. Will be lots of sharing of old memories!


    prayers for those that need them and a celebratory shout out to cruisers and others celebrating.

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  11. Happy Mother’s Day. We will be gathering at DD’s house later with both families. My cousin and her husband are visiting from Quebec and will join us. Lovely sunshine this morning. Just needs to warm up a tad so we can sit outside around the fire table.


    DH woke up with a black eye this morning and seeing as I didn’t hit him in my sleep, we have no idea why. He is on blood thinners so the slightest bump gives him a bruise but never like this. Will monitor it and take him to emerg if necessary. 

    prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating or cruising.

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  12. My chestnut tree is in full bloom. The bees are starting to find it. Once they all know it is ready you will hear a buzz when standing under the tree. If you are on iPad or a phone you can enlarge the picture to see the masses of blooms. They don’t show well just on the picture. Sadly, not edible chestnuts.



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  13. 2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:


    Lovely flowers Eva! I think the first picture are Lupines and the second may be Dianthus. Not sure about the third...

    Yes of course the first is a lupine. I always name them incorrectly. The second is not dianthus, of that I am sure. They are pink cornflowers also called bachelor buttons as are the blue ones in the last picture.  No rain so far tonight so they should survive. We still have a severe thunderstorm watch  but the tornado threat seems to have passed.

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  14. Some pictures of my early flowers, delphinium and bachelor buttons(I think). We are expecting thunderstorms tonight so who knows what they will look like tomorrow. Hoping the pics bring a little joy to those suffering.


    In other news, my lab work came back with no concerns. However, I am being referred to a dermatologist to look at some interesting lesions we have discovered. 




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  15. 41 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

    Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    No to lumpy rugs and two different colored shoes. I hope special-abled pets are adopted and cared for. Good quote. I like the carrot cake (that and key lime pie are my favorites). Yes to the drink and if someone buys me the wine. I haven't been to Marseille. Gone with The Wind was a great book.


    It's cloudy here, with probable rain later. BFF and I had a nice dinner out - Mexican, to celebrate Cinco de Mayo a little early. No big plans today, but BFF may do some spraying of my mossy green garage walls (with me supervising, lol). I think I might try to sleep upstairs tonight.


    @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today, despite your traveling. Sorry to hear you didn't sleep well and are uncomfortable. Enjoy seeing Morgan's new apartment. Lovely Marseille photos.

    @Haljo1935 Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DF and Happy 2nd Birthday to DGD!

    @1ANGELCAT Keeping good thoughts for Houdini and his treatment.

    @dfish Good news on how the injection helped your back. Sorry to hear about your neck acting up now. Thanks for the carrot cake recipes (no coconut for me, it's a texture thing). Congrats on getting the 

    @Mr. Boston Nice photos.

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Marseille.

    @ger_77 So happy we can all celebrate Maurice getting scheduled.

    @aliaschief Lovely sunset photos.

    @superoma They make perforated parchment paper or silicone mats that can be used in air fryers to reduce spatter. Your planter looks very nice.

    @Cruising-along @bennybear Nice Marseille photos.

    @RMLincoln Prayers that things are going well.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


    Thanks for the tip for the air fryer. Will look for one or both!

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