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agree travel for pleasure is a delight. where we choose to go is personal and we all have different reasons for our decisions. respectful of others decisions even if they are not matched to my own.


we do not know the other persons circumstances or experiences that may guide their decisions.


luckily we have many choices so happy travelling to all.

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The thought to cancel our upcoming Rhine cruise never entered my mind. The Chinese have a saying, "May you live in interesting times!" Well, we're living in those interesting times. You can live life or you can stay home - those are the choices. I'm living - at least until I die which could be crossing the street or slipping in my bathtub tomorrow.


I do believe in minimizing risk, so I will be more aware of my surroundings. I will avoid anything that triggers those internal warning signs, and I am registered with the state department. Seems like a wise thing to do.


And sorry all those who believe we each have a set expiration date - I hope yours doesn't go off when I'm on a plane with you :D

Agree completely. We're currently on Viking Grand European cruise from Budapest to Amsterdam arriving in Amsterdam tomorrow. We are sad hearing of what is happening but not afraid. Aware of our surroundings but not fearful. Enjoyed a beautiful part of the world we'd never seen. Hope those who are cruising soon enjoy too.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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Thank you for all your opinions and replies...

We are new to river cruising...not new to traveling as we have traveled to Egypt China and other countries in years past...

We have not experienced the "in your face" threat levels before. I truly wanted others opinions on how they feel..

Your opinions helped me say...of course we should go...and I started my packing again...feeling a bit relieved..as family were giving us grief on going.

As of today we are still leaving Tuesday...but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that.....

Will go with the flow...

For everyone that posted...thank you...


For the couple doing the Grand European now...would love to hear your feedback!

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So glad you decided to go. I really hope you can enjoy yourselves and not worry to much about what's going on. Hopefully the strike won't interfere to much. Looking forward to your reviews if t you are able to post while travelling.



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We are booked on Viking Grand European tour Budapest to Amsterdam

Departing August 5th. We have a pre cruise stay in Budapest 2 days.

With everything that has happened in this area...Germany Bavaria...needless to say we are nervous and apprehensive.

We want to go...but is it the smart thing right now...

We are lucky enough to have "cancel for any reason" insurance through Vikings promotion back in January.

Can Experenced river cruises lend me your opinion....this is our first river cruise.


Go and enjoy yourself. The chance of a terror attack is still very small. Driving to the airport is probably more risky.

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......but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that........


Go and enjoy yourself. The chance of a terror attack is still very small. Driving to the airport is probably more risky.



I would be concerned about the strike than any act of terrorism. Terrorism is of course more serious, but so very, very rare. Strikes are in your face and take days or weeks to recover from. Idiots.


And yes, more people did from so many other things every year that we forget about.

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Thank you for all your opinions and replies...

We are new to river cruising...not new to traveling as we have traveled to Egypt China and other countries in years past...

We have not experienced the "in your face" threat levels before. I truly wanted others opinions on how they feel..

Your opinions helped me say...of course we should go...and I started my packing again...feeling a bit relieved..as family were giving us grief on going.

As of today we are still leaving Tuesday...but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that.....

Will go with the flow...

For everyone that posted...thank you...


For the couple doing the Grand European now...would love to hear your feedback!


Also glad you're going...just trust your instincts. Is there any way you can rebook your flight? We were caught up in Lufthansa strike when we were in Russia and missed our flight from Frankfort to NY but they put us up in a hotel and fed us like royalty and we were all on the first flight out the next day. I think they really try not to impact the transatlantic flights as much as possible but it's still nerve-racking. If you booked with the cruise company they should take care of this for you....if you booked your own air, I would call the cruise company and see what they might be able to do for you. It's always something, isn't it. :(

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Took your advice...booked everything through Viking...they could not have been more helpful and re booked us on a delta flight through Amsterdam then on to Budapest...just about the same flight times...Thank you again.

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Thank you for all your opinions and replies...

We are new to river cruising...not new to traveling as we have traveled to Egypt China and other countries in years past...

We have not experienced the "in your face" threat levels before. I truly wanted others opinions on how they feel..

Your opinions helped me say...of course we should go...and I started my packing again...feeling a bit relieved..as family were giving us grief on going.

As of today we are still leaving Tuesday...but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that.....

Will go with the flow...

For everyone that posted...thank you...



Have a great time!


BTW...I think it would be perfectly normal to have some concerns about traveling to Europe now. How can you read the news reports every day and not wonder? Good grief - we ride the trains all over Germany when we travel there. We've visited Würzburg a bunch of times - we were certainly taken aback reading about an axe-wielding madman on the train there! If that doesn't make you think twice...


Our families have given us lots of grief about our various trips. They went bonkers when we visited Jordan and Egypt. They freaked when we visited Paris two months after the Charlie Hebdo shooting. I think we (as people) tend to feel safer when we're in familiar places...therefore, traveling in the USA seems safer to us because it's home...when in reality, statistically, it probably is not as safe as France or Germany. Familiarity breeds a (false) sense of security. But, that is a hard bias to overcome in your mind.


The biggest danger in touristy parts of Europe (IMO) is the usual bunch of scammers, pickpockets, etc. I figure that if a terrorist is going to shoot me, or blow up a car bomb next to me, I don't have much of a chance whether I'm being "careful" or not. But, if you keep your eyes open and pay attention to your surroundings, and you've done your homework ahead of time so you know what to expect, you can avoid many of the travel scams that are out there. So I concentrate on those.


So - odds are extremely high that you'll go, see nothing out of the ordinary, and have a great time. Enjoy Budapest! We spent a few days there in April before our Danube cruise and enjoyed it tremendously. I hope you have as much fun on your trip.

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Thank you for all your opinions and replies...

We are new to river cruising...not new to traveling as we have traveled to Egypt China and other countries in years past...

We have not experienced the "in your face" threat levels before. I truly wanted others opinions on how they feel..

Your opinions helped me say...of course we should go...and I started my packing again...feeling a bit relieved..as family were giving us grief on going.

As of today we are still leaving Tuesday...but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that.....

Will go with the flow...

For everyone that posted...thank you...


For the couple doing the Grand European now...would love to hear your feedback!


I knew you would go! And I am so pleased for you. I have the feeling that you will have a wonderful time and like the rest of us here, you will be hooked on this relaxing way to see the world. Have fun on your well-deserved vacation!

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Have a wonderful trip! I agree with others who have said that it is a very personal decision. We have our second river cruise coming up in a few months, and we'll be in Budapest, Austria and all throughout Germany - including a number of days on land throughout Bavaria. We have traveled extensively for decades, including to lots of places that many (if not most) people have probably never heard of in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Micronesia as well as Egypt and throughout South America, etc. Although a number of these places have had their share of travel warnings in the past, I'm not sure I've ever had such a heightened sense of awareness of potential danger - both at home and pretty much anywhere I might travel. For all of us, I think it comes down to our own perception of the risk vs. the reward. (I said to my DH the other day that in a way I was happy my mother isn't alive anymore as she'd be flipping out even more than she used to!)


I remember one trip to PNG where I actually plotted out my route at the airport to get from the international terminal to the domestic terminal beforehand since I had heard that shootings at the airport were not a rare occurrence! :eek:


To all of my fellow travelers: Stay aware, and stay safe - but most of all, have a wonderful time!

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On our last Christmas Market cruise in December, I opted to not take one of the afternoon side-jaunts. We'd done the cruise before and I just needed an afternoon to recharge my batteries. I was hanging out in the lounge reading a book when another female passenger approached me. She opened our conversation with a massive complaint dump about Viking's lack of onboard armed security and her ongoing fear of terrorism and how at any second our ship was going to be attacked, or those out walking around were going to be attacked. She refused to take any of the day trips because she felt so unsafe.


It was a little disconcerting to have such a discussion...I think she assumed I was feeling the same way and she got defensive when I offered a different perspective.


It made me very sad for her to be so consumed with (irrational) fear that she was so incredibly miserable--and by default, making me miserable. She said she and her husband had cancelled their post-cruise stay in Prague because she was so afraid of terrorists.


Life is a risk. I can die in my own bathroom by a misplaced step in the shower. That doesn't stop me from taking showers.


Life is too short. I don't want to be on my deathbed full of regrets of the things I didn't do, rather than regretting the things I did.


Life is a choice. I choose to get out and live it within my comfort zone. Nope, I am not about to bungee jump. But I'll be happy to stand on the bridge and hold your hand if you do.


You need to determine what your comfort zone is. Think of what you'll miss if you don't go. The world is a big safe place--when you think of how many billions of people are sailing around on it every day and the very few who meet an unsavory end...the odds are pretty much in your favor. ;-)

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Thank you for all your opinions and replies...

We are new to river cruising...not new to traveling as we have traveled to Egypt China and other countries in years past...

We have not experienced the "in your face" threat levels before. I truly wanted others opinions on how they feel..

Your opinions helped me say...of course we should go...and I started my packing again...feeling a bit relieved..as family were giving us grief on going.

As of today we are still leaving Tuesday...but now we are faced with a air France cabin crew strike that may alter that.....

Will go with the flow...

For everyone that posted...thank you...


For the couple doing the Grand European now...would love to hear your feedback!


WHOOPS!! Never mind my post. Have a blast!! You'll LOVE Budapest. It's my happy place. (And Amsterdam and Vienna and Bratislava...and and and...)

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We are booked on Viking Grand European tour Budapest to Amsterdam

Departing August 5th. We have a pre cruise stay in Budapest 2 days.

With everything that has happened in this area...Germany Bavaria...needless to say we are nervous and apprehensive.

We want to go...but is it the smart thing right now...

We are lucky enough to have "cancel for any reason" insurance through Vikings promotion back in January.

Can Experenced river cruises lend me your opinion....this is our first river cruise.


Just back ( 7-26-16) from our 1st river cruise in France. Security was heavy @Paris- we were there during the Tour de France. Our hotel was 2 blocks from Louvre and we were on the street watching as the Tour did its final laps. Streets were closed off with Police on every corner. My handbag was inspected 4 times . Felt safe. CDG very tight security with carry-ons being inspected 2 times. Go & enjoy your cruise, be alert.


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On our last Christmas Market cruise in December, I opted to not take one of the afternoon side-jaunts. We'd done the cruise before and I just needed an afternoon to recharge my batteries. I was hanging out in the lounge reading a book when another female passenger approached me. She opened our conversation with a massive complaint dump about Viking's lack of onboard armed security and her ongoing fear of terrorism and how at any second our ship was going to be attacked, or those out walking around were going to be attacked. She refused to take any of the day trips because she felt so unsafe.


It was a little disconcerting to have such a discussion...I think she assumed I was feeling the same way and she got defensive when I offered a different perspective.


It made me very sad for her to be so consumed with (irrational) fear that she was so incredibly miserable--and by default, making me miserable. She said she and her husband had cancelled their post-cruise stay in Prague because she was so afraid of terrorists.


Life is a risk. I can die in my own bathroom by a misplaced step in the shower. That doesn't stop me from taking showers.


Life is too short. I don't want to be on my deathbed full of regrets of the things I didn't do, rather than regretting the things I did.


Life is a choice. I choose to get out and live it within my comfort zone. Nope, I am not about to bungee jump. But I'll be happy to stand on the bridge and hold your hand if you do.


You need to determine what your comfort zone is. Think of what you'll miss if you don't go. The world is a big safe place--when you think of how many billions of people are sailing around on it every day and the very few who meet an unsavory end...the odds are pretty much in your favor. ;-)


I feel sorry for that woman. She was on a wonderful cruise and missed much of the enjoyment of the experience.


I'm with you - I'd rather die living life than cowering somewhere. We're all going to die, one way or another.


But I do push the edges of my comfort zone a bit from time to time. I don't think I'll bungee jump, but I did parasail - twice! - and I went river rafting. The latter turned out to be enjoyable, but not the thrill ride I was expecting because the water level was low. What's with these water level issues anyway :)


Anyway - I hope everyone who goes, enjoys their trip and stays safe with no untoward incidents. I know I intend to enjoy mine!

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A well lived life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of experiences that take our breath away.


My Wife and I have gone on two European river cruises. We plan to take others in the future. We also plan on extended stays in London, Paris, Rome and Florence.

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.... and her ongoing fear of terrorism and how at any second our ship was going to be attacked, or those out walking around were going to be attacked. She refused to take any of the day trips because she felt so unsafe. ..


I too feel sad for that woman. Even more sad for her husband who has to live with this stuff. There are some people that just do not take a moment to think things through.


In a group discussion recently about our next trip to Europe the question came up (it always does) asking if were concerned. My answer is that based on the news, it is more dangerous to stay home. No, we are not overly concerned.


I really feel for that husband. Think what his life must be like.

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I was working at the WTC when it was bombed in 1993 and continued to work there until my company moved in the spring of 2001. There were people I know who found jobs elsewhere after that attack and certainly others who never went back to work in NYC after 9/11. For them, it was just too hard to cope every day with the memory of what happened.


Feeling a building shake because someone is trying to blow it up and kill you and everyone else in it is a strange experience. For me, it kind of cemented my attitude of "live life like there's no tomorrow because you never know what's going to happen" (although I do still save in my retirement account!) For others, it was a reminder of how precious their life is and how careful they need to be. There's simply no right answer, and I think it's kind of shameful for anyone to scold anybody about their choice -- whatever it is.


Have a wonderful time on your trip.

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I was working at the WTC when it was bombed in 1993 and continued to work there until my company moved in the spring of 2001. There were people I know who found jobs elsewhere after that attack and certainly others who never went back to work in NYC after 9/11. For them, it was just too hard to cope every day with the memory of what happened.


Feeling a building shake because someone is trying to blow it up and kill you and everyone else in it is a strange experience. For me, it kind of cemented my attitude of "live life like there's no tomorrow because you never know what's going to happen" (although I do still save in my retirement account!) For others, it was a reminder of how precious their life is and how careful they need to be. There's simply no right answer, and I think it's kind of shameful for anyone to scold anybody about their choice -- whatever it is.


Have a wonderful time on your trip.


Wise words.

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I agree with the sentiment that we should carry-on and not let the current crop of problems curb our travels.


I feel great sadness for those who can't get past their anxiety, it must be dreadful to feel that way. I can't empathize, we just don't feel that way and can't imagine feeling that way but I can feel sad for them.


Like many of you, having people using bombs, rockets, guns etc., to try and kill me just for living and working in the 'wrong' city, is not exactly a new experience, so nothing recently alters anything for me.


As for not traveling to stay safe, I have told my staff in Dallas to leave the office early today, as the protest march which was the scene of the shooting of police officers so very recently, is due to resume again tonight...


As it is only a few yards from the office and the DART station, it seemed like the right thing to do for safety...


Where exactly is 'safe' these days?

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Heading on a Rhine cruise this fall.

Anyone worried about terrorists had best also avoid NYC (9/11), Boston (Marathon), Orlando...etc.

I wander around alone or with my wife through European cities, although I avoid any problematic areas and am no longer out and about after 1AM.

If you're seriously stressed after considering all aspects then you should cancel regardless of cost since you'll be miserable.

River cruises and their patrons are a relaxing experience.

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I am no longer a clueless innocent traveler of the past. I am always aware of my surroundings and try my best to not have "tourist or target" written across my forehead. I don't dress showy or wear jewelry (not even fake).


I am not going to stop traveling. I will be aware and not travel to places that are truly dangerous. Will I travel right now to the Middle East, no or take an Amazon Cruise this month, no. I am grateful I had the chance to spend 5 days in Istanbul and while I won't travel there this year, I can't wait to go back.


Taking my 13yr old granddaughter to London & Paris and will feel perfectly safe. But cautious!




I'm not going to let the bad guys stop me if I can help it.



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