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Carnival “Best Price Guarantee” on Excursions is a Complete Scam.


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We just got back from a Western Caribbean cruise from New Orleans on theCarnival Triumph. We thought the cruise was lackluster and the servicenot very good compared to our prior cruise, ship was dirty, etc. We thinkDonald Arnold’s cost cutting is having a distinctly negative effect on theCarnival Cruise line.



However this rant is not about the quality of the cruise but about the “bestprice guarantee” on excursions. Prior to our prior cruise we had bookedthe Cozumel Beach, Snorkel and Wave Runner excursion with Carnival over thephone. We booked it for my wife and 17 year old daughter. My 10year old son wanted to go but we were told at the time of booking that he wouldbe free and that we just needed to get tickets on the ship. I could not go because I had to work on the day we would be in Cozumel.



When we visited the Excursion desk to get our tickets we were told byLoyson Peneina that we would need to pay for our son - $49.99 passengerrate. We decided to just go ahead and pay even though we were a littleupset at the “bait and switch” tactics.


On the morning in Cozumel I decided to walk with my family to the rendezvouspoint for the excursion. Upon arrival we had to wait for other passengersto arrive. I was asked by Edwin (the tour operator) if I wanted to goalong as a passenger. I asked how much and he said $29. I told himI could not go because of work but did verify that indeed the “passenger” rate of $29 was for the same “passenger” rate that we had bought for our son.


The next day I talked to Minnie at the customer service desk and then toLoyson again at the Excursion Desk. I was told that it was “impossible”that I was offered this rate and that Carnival would not honor their low priceguarantee. I told him this was true and my family were all witnesses.



I sent an email to Icare@carnival.com outlining the issue thinking thatthey had to refund 110% of the difference as all their claims stated. Ipromptly received a an automated response



“Depending on the nature of your request, and the amount of researchrequired, our response time may vary; however, a member of my team will be intouch with you within the next seven days. “



I did not hear back for 10 days so called. I discussed the excursionand the pricing. After some deliberation I was told that theexcursion that was offered to me by Edwin was not equivalent because it did notcarry a guarantee that I would not be left in port if I was late back to theship and that the only excursions that carried this guarantee were Carnivalones. I pointed out that my family was on the same excursion so I wouldreturn at the same time as my family and if we were late the ship would waitfor them. I also informed the operator that I had insurance that wouldpay for me to go to the next port and meet the ship if I was late. The operator discounted both of my protestations and said that the best pricepolicy was that it had to be exactly equivalent.



Do not waste your time and expect Carnival to make good on their ExcursionBest Price Policy – it is a sham. Also do not expect your Carnival Cruiseto be what it was 2 years ago. The cost cutting is having a profoundlybad effect.

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We just got back from a Western Caribbean cruise from New Orleans on theCarnival Triumph. We thought the cruise was lackluster and the servicenot very good compared to our prior cruise, ship was dirty, etc. We thinkDonald Arnold’s cost cutting is having a distinctly negative effect on theCarnival Cruise line.



However this rant is not about the quality of the cruise but about the “bestprice guarantee” on excursions. Prior to our prior cruise we had bookedthe Cozumel Beach, Snorkel and Wave Runner excursion with Carnival over thephone. We booked it for my wife and 17 year old daughter. My 10year old son wanted to go but we were told at the time of booking that he wouldbe free and that we just needed to get tickets on the ship. I could not go because I had to work on the day we would be in Cozumel.



When we visited the Excursion desk to get our tickets we were told byLoyson Peneina that we would need to pay for our son - $49.99 passengerrate. We decided to just go ahead and pay even though we were a littleupset at the “bait and switch” tactics.


On the morning in Cozumel I decided to walk with my family to the rendezvouspoint for the excursion. Upon arrival we had to wait for other passengersto arrive. I was asked by Edwin (the tour operator) if I wanted to goalong as a passenger. I asked how much and he said $29. I told himI could not go because of work but did verify that indeed the “passenger” rate of $29 was for the same “passenger” rate that we had bought for our son.


The next day I talked to Minnie at the customer service desk and then toLoyson again at the Excursion Desk. I was told that it was “impossible”that I was offered this rate and that Carnival would not honor their low priceguarantee. I told him this was true and my family were all witnesses.



I sent an email to Icare@carnival.com outlining the issue thinking thatthey had to refund 110% of the difference as all their claims stated. Ipromptly received a an automated response



“Depending on the nature of your request, and the amount of researchrequired, our response time may vary; however, a member of my team will be intouch with you within the next seven days. “



I did not hear back for 10 days so called. I discussed the excursionand the pricing. After some deliberation I was told that theexcursion that was offered to me by Edwin was not equivalent because it did notcarry a guarantee that I would not be left in port if I was late back to theship and that the only excursions that carried this guarantee were Carnivalones. I pointed out that my family was on the same excursion so I wouldreturn at the same time as my family and if we were late the ship would waitfor them. I also informed the operator that I had insurance that wouldpay for me to go to the next port and meet the ship if I was late. The operator discounted both of my protestations and said that the best pricepolicy was that it had to be exactly equivalent.



Do not waste your time and expect Carnival to make good on their ExcursionBest Price Policy – it is a sham. Also do not expect your Carnival Cruiseto be what it was 2 years ago. The cost cutting is having a profoundlybad effect.


I would pursue this further up the chain since "it has to have a guarantee that you get back in time" would of course disqualify all independent excursions.


But I can say it is not a total scam as we did get a price guarantee OBC in 2016 for the Harrison Caves in Barbados. I was wondering if they would turn it down since the private excursion we looked at said "they would pick you up at your hotel". I did e-mail the provider and they said they would pick up at cruise ships and added that as a comment on my form requesting the price guarantee.


And the positive response to my request came much quicker than I expected.

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Have you ever bought a mattress? I remember going back into the 1970s, at least, the bedding stores claiming, "If you can find the same mattress for less, we'll refund the difference!" The reality is that you truly could not get the same mattress anywhere else, because each retailer was granted its own set of models. Sometimes, they would differ in the ticking: The mattress sold at Sears would have blue and green ticking while the mattress sold at Macy's would have black and green ticking. Sometimes, only the model name was different. Voila! Different excursion.


I am a bit surprised, though, about the explanation you received. My guess is that, rather, the excursion did not meet one of the key criteria for the Best Price Guarantee, "Lower rate must be publicly advertised and available to the general public at the time your claim is filed." The guarantee doesn't accept "witness" statements, and a guy willing to take some cash, perhaps even under-the-table, does not constitute public advertising. Also, the chances that Edwin was standing there offering the excursion at the time you filed your claim is pretty slim. Furthermore, Edwin might have violated his agreement with the cruise line. In some cases, the cruise lines are signing exclusivity agreements (not preventing the excursion operator from offering the excursion through other cruise lines, but rather solely preventing the excursion operator from offering the excursion to the general public).


Your core message, though, is quite important: It's like the mattress example... the guarantee is primarily built on the idea that for many excursions no one actually could offer excursions that the cruise line offers, so there's practically no way to collect on the guarantee. However, if you go back in the archives, you'll find examples where it was honored, where the exact same excursion by the same operator was offered publicly.

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I'm not saying that you don't have a claim. However, I did find an excursion by a private vendor for an excursion that Carnival offered and they did hold true to their guarantee when I submitted the claim. However, I found the private vendor before leaving for the cruise and submitted a website for verification. I wasn't refunded the money, it was OBC on the cruise. I just thought this might be helpful information for those who want to try the guarantee.

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Carnival books all the spots on the excursion, so this guy was just making a few bucks on the side and will probably loose his job over it! The company makes a deal with Carnival and if they don't honor the deal then they will find one that will!

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Maybe I misunderstand the OP's situation but if not, it sounds like he was was effectively negotiating price with the Carnival-contracted tour provider then wanted to claim the price guarantee rebate for the difference. I'm pretty sure that the guarantee only applies to a totally separate provider than Carnival's (which in this case it was not) and as I think someone mentioned, that provider rep the OP talked with could find themselves in violation of that contract with Carnival and be therefore dropped. I may misunderstand the details but it sounds to me like there would be no price guarantee payment warranted.

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Maybe I misunderstand the OP's situation but if not, it sounds like he was was effectively negotiating price with the Carnival-contracted tour provider then wanted to claim the price guarantee rebate for the difference. I'm pretty sure that the guarantee only applies to a totally separate provider than Carnival's (which in this case it was not) and as I think someone mentioned, that provider rep the OP talked with could find themselves in violation of that contract with Carnival and be therefore dropped. I may misunderstand the details but it sounds to me like there would be no price guarantee payment warranted.
I think you got it.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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Edwin the Tour Guide was probably just trying to be nice to you. Some tours operate even if the ships aren't in port, but when Carnival books a block, they obviously make a certain margin on those spots...they have to. Edwin may or may not have even been sure what the going rate was that day. Bottom line - Edwin was probably just trying to include everyone in your group and you've probably gotten him in a lot of trouble over a couple bucks.

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So this is neat. This OP is running around and copy+pasting this same exact thing to multiple boards.


What's really, really funny is that you can actually tell from the formatting - there's places where the copy didn't format correctly making words runtogether likethis. I thought it was odd at first, then realized that OP is just too dumb to whine online properly.


So, either a trolljob, or just another vindictive blowhard wanting to crap all over Carnival, the tour operators, guest services and everyone they possibly can because it's the only power they'll feel in their tiny, insignificant life.


My guess is the latter.


Note the similar times of posting, the same username, the single post ever. Don't get snowed by the (_!_)

Edited by Don Kehote
Added another copypasta link
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So this is neat. This OP is running around and copy+pasting this same exact thing to multiple boards.


What's really, really funny is that you can actually tell from the formatting - there's places where the copy didn't format correctly making words runtogether likethis. I thought it was odd at first, then realized that OP is just too dumb to whine online properly.


So, either a trolljob, or just another vindictive blowhard wanting to crap all over Carnival, the tour operators, guest services and everyone they possibly can because it's the only power they'll feel in their tiny, insignificant life.


My guess is the latter.


Note the similar times of posting, the same username, the single post ever. Don't get snowed by the (_!_)



Good points...

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Furthermore, Edwin might have violated his agreement with the cruise line. In some cases, the cruise lines are signing exclusivity agreements (not preventing the excursion operator from offering the excursion through other cruise lines, but rather solely preventing the excursion operator from offering the excursion to the general public).
The Minister of Tourism for the Bahamas is going up against these agreements.




Of course, he has no authority to enforce his personal perspective about this, and without support from the House of Assembly and Senate he is just blowing smoke.

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And if the OP got his $20 from Carnival on a verbal complaint with no written proof, can you imagine how long the lines at guest services and the excursion desk would be with imitators claiming so and so told them their excursion was cheaper??????

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The Best Price Guarantee DOES work; for the OP to call it a scam based on his/her verbal offer from a street vendor is pretty ridiculous. I found my identical tour for a lower price online, and submitted the claim form with my documentation to Carnival for review. I received OBC for the 110% difference in the price that I found, compared to the Carnival advertised price, within a couple days of submitting my request.


Just because you didn't get your way does not make it a scam. Follow the procedures, submit your documentation, and the guarantee works as advertised.

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Welcome to cruise critic. I have used the price match before and had success. You have to follow the rules and submit proof just as the rules state. It sounds like cruising is not for the OP, he did not seem to like anything about the cruise. Although, I am not familiar with every excursion it does seem odd that a 10 year old would be free. I have seen under 2 free on some excursions.

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Carnival books all the spots on the excursion, so this guy was just making a few bucks on the side and will probably loose his job over it! The company makes a deal with Carnival and if they don't honor the deal then they will find one that will!


Yep. Several years ago we went on a air/land vacation to Cozumel. I'd found a fun activity on TripAdvisor we wanted to do so I contacted the company. When they asked which cruise I'd be on and I explained that we were staying at a hotel on the island they informed me that they really only book through cruises but since there was only the 2 of us and it was "low season", they'd go ahead an allow us to participate but it would have to be at the "cruise rate".

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  • 11 months later...

If you had read the fine print, you would have found this: In order to be eligible to receive the Best Price Guarantee, you must (1) reserve the applicable shore excursion(s) prior to the commencement of your cruise; and (2) complete and submit an online Shore Excursion Best Price Guarantee claim form at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of your cruise. Failure to meet any of the following conditions will result in your claim form being rejected.


Just because you didn't do your due diligence doesn't mean Carnival is at fault. I just got $33 x2 refunded for an excursion for an upcoming cruise. Reading always helps!!

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We just got back from a Western Caribbean cruise from New Orleans on theCarnival Triumph. We thought the cruise was lackluster and the servicenot very good compared to our prior cruise, ship was dirty, etc. We thinkDonald Arnold’s cost cutting is having a distinctly negative effect on theCarnival Cruise line.



However this rant is not about the quality of the cruise but about the “bestprice guarantee” on excursions. Prior to our prior cruise we had bookedthe Cozumel Beach, Snorkel and Wave Runner excursion with Carnival over thephone. We booked it for my wife and 17 year old daughter. My 10year old son wanted to go but we were told at the time of booking that he wouldbe free and that we just needed to get tickets on the ship. I could not go because I had to work on the day we would be in Cozumel.



When we visited the Excursion desk to get our tickets we were told byLoyson Peneina that we would need to pay for our son - $49.99 passengerrate. We decided to just go ahead and pay even though we were a littleupset at the “bait and switch” tactics.


On the morning in Cozumel I decided to walk with my family to the rendezvouspoint for the excursion. Upon arrival we had to wait for other passengersto arrive. I was asked by Edwin (the tour operator) if I wanted to goalong as a passenger. I asked how much and he said $29. I told himI could not go because of work but did verify that indeed the “passenger” rate of $29 was for the same “passenger” rate that we had bought for our son.


The next day I talked to Minnie at the customer service desk and then toLoyson again at the Excursion Desk. I was told that it was “impossible”that I was offered this rate and that Carnival would not honor their low priceguarantee. I told him this was true and my family were all witnesses.



I sent an email to Icare@carnival.com outlining the issue thinking thatthey had to refund 110% of the difference as all their claims stated. Ipromptly received a an automated response



“Depending on the nature of your request, and the amount of researchrequired, our response time may vary; however, a member of my team will be intouch with you within the next seven days. “



I did not hear back for 10 days so called. I discussed the excursionand the pricing. After some deliberation I was told that theexcursion that was offered to me by Edwin was not equivalent because it did notcarry a guarantee that I would not be left in port if I was late back to theship and that the only excursions that carried this guarantee were Carnivalones. I pointed out that my family was on the same excursion so I wouldreturn at the same time as my family and if we were late the ship would waitfor them. I also informed the operator that I had insurance that wouldpay for me to go to the next port and meet the ship if I was late. The operator discounted both of my protestations and said that the best pricepolicy was that it had to be exactly equivalent.



Do not waste your time and expect Carnival to make good on their ExcursionBest Price Policy – it is a sham. Also do not expect your Carnival Cruiseto be what it was 2 years ago. The cost cutting is having a profoundlybad effect.


Do your cutbacks include the spacebar? It's missing quite a bit.

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