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Oceania's Action Plan for Coronavirus


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7 hours ago, irr said:

.....Now you tell me. Why is it so important for you to know whether or not I am going. Inquiring minds want to know 

In all honesty, and while I am disappointed that your decision may cost you significant dollars, I could care less whether or not you go.

Rather, your ultra-repetitive and "large font dramatics" would be barely tolerable only if folks knew that you've "put your money where your mouth is."


And, FINALLY, you've done that. 


Though I am in disagreement with your decision, I do respect it. But, my perception is that your constant badgering/guilting posts are disrespectful to the vast majority of CC participants who have weighed the pros and cons of the current situation and are intent on going. (Remember that it has often been mentioned on the CC Oceania forum that it is estimated that only an average of about 10% of the passengers on any given Oceania cruise subscribe to CC and/or read/post on the Roll Calls. If that is true here, the relatively few naysayers [among those who have actually paid for the cruise] on this thread should indicate to you that your view, no matter how defensible with YOUR interpretation/analysis of facts, represents a significant minority of this cruise's passengers.


On behalf of all of us who are in any way involved/paid for Asia related itineraries on Nautica/Insignia through the rest of their time in that region: We are monitoring the situation. We are researching legitimate news/knowledge. We are considering the risks. We will take all advised precautions and use all advised protections should we go (and when we return).


So, show us the respect we're showing you.


Stop lecturing to people with over dramatizations and worst case scenarios (peppered with guilting) suggesting that anyone who does the cruise will be exposed to and contract the virus. Stop looking for validation that you've made the right decision.


And, once again, disappointed that your hard earned dollars will be flushed if you don't change your mind.

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2 hours ago, mircha said:

.....I very much doubt that the May Insignia Cruises will be cancelled. Instead, creative rerouting will likely occur — problem is an itinerary that emphasizes West/South Pacific ports in no way resembles the Asian itinerary........

Further, what are folks not using Oceania supposed to do for air transportation? Buy a ticket to Singapore and another to Tahiti? 

As for our plans, read IRR’s post. That cruiser nailed it.

IRR's post "nailing it" still doesn't indicate whether YOU are booked on any of the cruises in question and intend to travel. As I posted to IRR, "putting your money where your mouth is" carries a whole lot more weight. So, are you booked? Are you going?


And, of course, the May Insignia cruises will not be cancelled. If these related coronavirus threads' few naysayer posts are any indication, the majority of bookings will remain intact (above and beyond the ATW folks).


We all agreed to the T&Cs. But, now, some of us want to fault a company that didn't cause the virus issue. This includes folks who don't do the research and read the fine print of travel insurance policies before picking one (if they even buy it!). 


BTW, as for air ticketing: DIYers have TAs who can assist them in looking at options. Having originally picked appropriate airlines and flexible routings (e.g., airlines who are consortia members and/or will "reassign" tix on partner carriers) would help to ease any potential fix costs, particularly since most have waived rebooking/rerouting fees.


Where I will agree with you is that even those of us who are Platinum O Club members are "rounding errors" in Oceania's bottom line.



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21 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

IRR's post "nailing it" still doesn't indicate whether YOU are booked on any of the cruises in question and intend to travel. As I posted to IRR, "putting your money where your mouth is" carries a whole lot more weight. So, are you booked? Are you going?


You seem to have a real hangup on this issue. I didn't realize that this site required hands on experience in order to speak up. If it does then please give a citation to support that. Otherwise....

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16 hours ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

I'm too lazy to look back in the thread.

That said, has anyone in this discussion actually cancelled or will cancel? Who intends to cancel? 

If things go the way the seem to be trending as all empirical data would lead us to believe, then yes, we will not be going on our May Insignia cruise.  We've already changed our flight once. I HONESTLY do not expect the Singapore cruise ports to stay open for much longer - maybe 2 weeks unless something remarkable happens.


That pains me to say, and I hope I'm wrong because I've spent the past year working on this trip.  But stuff happens.


We will see.

Edited by corpkid
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10 minutes ago, corpkid said:

If things go the way the seem to be trending as all empirical data would lead us to believe, then yes, we will not be going on our May Insignia cruise.  We've already changed our flight once. I HONESTLY do not expect the Singapore cruise ports to stay open for much longer - maybe 2 weeks unless something remarkable happens.


That pains me to say, and I hope I'm wrong because I've spent the past year working on this trip.  But stuff happens.


We will see.

Thanks for sharing this. Anyone can send a link to the same source material (as if we can't decide ourselves to bookmark an updating site) or, perhaps even worse, opine on whether they do/don't like Oceania's decisions (that just takes up useless space/data).


But, actual "I'm going (or not)," along with a comment on the major decision factor(s) really puts some added "meat on the bone" for others who still may be undecided.

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Sun Feb 16th Update:


CAMBODIA:     Open                   1 case (nc)
CHINA:        Closed                 68,502 cases (+4,647)
HONG KONG:    Closed                 56 cases (nc)
INDIA:        Open                   3 cases (nc)
JAPAN:        Open                   43 cases (+14)
KOREA:        Closed                 29 cases  (+1) 
MALAYSIA:     Mixed (Kota Kinabalu)  19 cases (nc)
MYANMAR:      Open                   0 cases (nc)
PHILIPPINES:  Open                   3 cases (nc)
SINGAPORE:    Open                   72 cases (+5)
THAILAND:     Open                   33 cases (nc)
UAE:          Open                   8 cases (nc)
VIETNAM:      Closed (Unofficial)    16 cases (nc)




Johns Hopkins CSSE Tracking: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

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4 minutes ago, Flatbush Flyer said:

Thanks for sharing this. Anyone can send a link to the same source material (as if we can't decide ourselves to bookmark an updating site) or, perhaps even worse, opine on whether they do/don't like Oceania's decisions (that just takes up useless space/data).


But, actual "I'm going (or not)," along with a comment on the major decision factor(s) really puts some added "meat on the bone" for others who still may be undecided.

I'm in a weird middle spot where I completely empathize with those who are on the March sailings and are worried (and us May folks, though I think the situation will be much clearer well before WE sail).  Not an easy situation.  I'm also understanding Oceania is a business and pulling out completely prematurely would be irresponsible from a shareholder standpoint. Too bad we can't buy a drink for the folks scrambling behind the scenes - they are earning it.


The reality is - if you went now, chances are good you'd be fine. We've been through scarier stuff in our travels.  But that's us, and our level of risk tolerance is pretty damn high.  Many will not agree, and that's understandable.


ALL that to say, at some point, when 1/2 or even 3/4 of your cruise is modified, you should probably be allowed to take a FCC and bail out.  We have zero interest in French Polynesia and have spent months in AUS/NZ so are good on that front as well.  We love Oceania (why I'm writing this in the first place) and I think they will do the right thing once we all know WHAT that right thing is.


I had the most amazing night planned for Bangkok - you have no idea how sad I am at the prospect of this not happening, but again, @#$@ happens.  Fingers crossed.

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In case anybody is interested in first hand information from the concerned places:

1. Singapore is quiet AT THE MOMENT - this is of course subject to change if a lot of new cases should appear.

2. Saigon is still receiving non-commercial ships, such as "semester at sea" which are mostly American students.

This is an update which I got from people/friends living in the 2 cities.

At this stage I prefer to resort to real time information  from the concerned places.

But everybody has to find the decision in his/her own comfortable way! A good Sunday to everybody 

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2 minutes ago, manuwolf said:

In case anybody is interested in first hand information from the concerned places:

1. Singapore is quiet AT THE MOMENT - this is of course subject to change if a lot of new cases should appear.

2. Saigon is still receiving non-commercial ships, such as "semester at sea" which are mostly American students.

This is an update which I got from people/friends living in the 2 cities.

At this stage I prefer to resort to real time information  from the concerned places.

But everybody has to find the decision in his/her own comfortable way! A good Sunday to everybody 

Very useful info.  Thank you!!  

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46 minutes ago, manuwolf said:

1. Singapore is quiet AT THE MOMENT - this is of course subject to change if a lot of new cases should appear.

Just heard from a friend who is on a Princess cruise (?Majestic) from Sydney to Singapore (scheduled to arrive in Singapore on 3/2)

They have been informed that their cruise will end in Perth on 2/22. I guess it is the segment from Perth to Singapore that is being cancelled.Not sure if it's because Singapore will not take them or Princess chose not to go there.

FWIW - here are the Princess changes:


Edited by Paulchili
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I feel like this is a good inflection point where I can bring up our 2015 Beijing to Hong Kong Nautica trip.  You want to talk about not anything you signed up for?  Let us also talk about happy mistakes.  We'd already been in Beijing for a week. Fantastic and the pollution was not so bad. Everything is going according to my very detailed plan. Oops. Now the driver I had to bring us to Tianjin is sort of saying there's a problem .  But good luck trying to figure out that problem as you're careening down the Tianjin Highway running your phone through a VPN.  And then the guide I booked from 2 days before calls me. She tells me it's a total <expletive> at the port.  Bad weather and no ship.  Oceania was there.  They got us, dropped us off at a perfectly fine hotel (an ENTIRE other story  that involved me behind the bar for our fellow travelers) and finally got us on the ship and THEN... Stuck sitting outside Shanghai for 3 days.  Cancelled other ports and then spent 3 days in Shanghai and YES!  We had such a blast with 3 overnights.  Best happy mistake ever!  Shanghai is one of those times we will never forget.

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latest news update with links

  • 3 new cases in Singapore: a family member of a previously confirmed case and 2 persons linked to the Grace Assembly of God church, including a Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) serviceman.
  • 1 new death in Taiwan: a 61-year-old man with no travel history abroad but - as a taxi driver - serving clients from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, who had underlying conditions (diabetes and hepatitis B).
  • 2 new cases in Taiwan.
  • 6 new cases in Japan.
  • 1 new case in Hong Kong: 54-year-old man with no travel history and no known contacts with confirmed cases. 
  • 70 new cases onboard the cruise ship in Japan. Nearly 1 out of 10 passengers and crew (9.6%) have tested positive to the virus so far (355 cases out of 3,711 passengers and crew).
  • 1 new case in South Korea: a 82-year-old South Korean man in Seoul, with no travel history to China.
  • 166 new cases and 3 new deaths occurred outside of Hubei province in China on February 15, as reported by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China

American woman from cruise ship tests positive again for coronavirus in Malaysia


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6 hours ago, Paulchili said:

Just heard from a friend who is on a Princess cruise (?Majestic) from Sydney to Singapore (scheduled to arrive in Singapore on 3/2)

They have been informed that their cruise will end in Perth on 2/22. I guess it is the segment from Perth to Singapore that is being cancelled.Not sure if it's because Singapore will not take them or Princess chose not to go there.

FWIW - here are the Princess changes:


Hi Paul - I guess if your friend is able to discount the inconvenience of the last minute change, perhaps some extra expenses, and having to change the return flight back to the U.S., yes - after all of that.....There are certainly worse places in the world "to be stuck in" than Perth, WA.  One of the loveliest places on earth, along with some of the world's friendliest people.  Okay, full disclosure, my Mom was an "Aussie War Bride" from WA, so I'm "half-kangaroo".


If your friend has some flexibility/money, and time he/they could "make lemonade out of the lemons" they've been served and sight see around a beautiful part of the world very few travelers ever get to go.  If they rent a car and take a week or so (no longer than their original itinerary), they could drive down the southwest coast to Albany - on the southwest "tip" of OZ.  The Albany region is one of the most beautiful places on earth....far enough "off the beaten path" that it has not been spoiled with over-tourism.  Most Australians have not even been to Albany!  On their drive, they would pass through the coastal towns of Mandurah and Busselton (a former whaling port were some of the first Australian "pioneers" settled in the 19th century and where my great grandfather arrived from America), and a huge coastal national forest where "The Valley of the Giants" is located - towering Eucalyptus trees on both sides of the highway that form a "tunnel-like" driving experience for miles.  They'll pass through the charming little village of Denmark (where my cousin once served as the postmistress for the village), before arriving in Albany itself, where the Southern Ocean and Indian Ocean meet.


Middleton Beach, outside of Albany is a wonderful place to spend a day near the crystal-clear turquoise water.  They can drive up to the top of Mount Melville and Mount Barker - these were the last sights of their country that many WW I Aussie soldiers  saw before sailing off to die in the battle of Gallipoli - there's a monument to this.   There is also a memorial to the U.S. Navy sailors who used Albany as one of the first "safe harbors" in the southwest Pacific at the start of WWII.


From Perth, they can take a circular drive east along the southern coast to Esperance, than north to Kalgoorlie, before turning west again back to the coast heading back north to Perth.  Hotels in Perth include the Hyatt-Regency, Ritz Carleton, and  Crowne Plaza, but there are also many more reasonably priced hotels, as well.  In Albany, check out The Dog Rock Motel.  At the moment, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the AU Dollar is extremely favorable for U.S. travelers.  It hasn't always been that way!  So if they have the time, I would highly recommend this opportunity for them.  Just a suggestion. Regards  😉 

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Did you know?


14,000 people have died from the flu this year and 250,000 infected. Imagine how many are not reported. 


Meanwhile.  There are 69,000 cases of Coronavirus with 1,669 deaths. 


If the same logic held then everyone should be cancelling all cruises to anywhere and staying out of all airports and public places as you might be exposed to a deadly virus like the flu. 


Perhaps we have a media fueled hysteria going on here. 

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While I agree the flu needs to be taken seriously so does this virus. Death rate from the flu is far lower than this virus and around .01% Death rate from this virus currently estimated to be 2%.However, about 20 percent of people with coronavirus will get seriously ill and no one knows what happens to that population over time. Flu is primarily spread by symptomatic people. This virus can be spread by asymptomatic people. There are currently vaccines and antivirals for the flu but not this virus. Currently this is novel virus without immunity in those not previously exposed and unknowns about outcomes. The reason there are less deaths is that so far less people have been exposed but if that exposure increases you may see this be as much if not more of a problem than the flu. Taking precautions for this virus, especially for those at high risk in no way decreases the need to take precautions about the flu. 

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26 minutes ago, pingpong1 said:

Hi Paul - I guess if your friend is able to discount the inconvenience of the last minute change, perhaps some extra expenses, and having to change the return flight back to the U.S., yes - after all of that.....There are certainly worse places in the world "to be stuck in" than Perth, WA.  One of the loveliest places on earth, along with some of the world's friendliest people.  Okay, full disclosure, my Mom was an "Aussie War Bride" from WA, so I'm "half-kangaroo".

Thank you for your suggestions and details - I will pass them on 😊

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2 hours ago, ORV said:

Did you know?


14,000 people have died from the flu this year and 250,000 infected. Imagine how many are not reported. 


Meanwhile.  There are 69,000 cases of Coronavirus with 1,669 deaths. 


If the same logic held then everyone should be cancelling all cruises to anywhere and staying out of all airports and public places as you might be exposed to a deadly virus like the flu. 


Perhaps we have a media fueled hysteria going on here. 


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2 hours ago, irr said:

While I agree the flu needs to be taken seriously so does this virus. Death rate from the flu is far lower than this virus and around .01% Death rate from this virus currently estimated to be 2%.However, about 20 percent of people with coronavirus will get seriously ill and no one knows what happens to that population over time.

Agree with this.

Even if I had not gotten the flu shot somehow I feel I could deal better with the flu than the corona virus - at least that is my impression.

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That is correct. The other thing that is different is the impact on the health care delivery system. The screening process and treatment of those that are ill is overwhelming health care delivery systems. Then whistle blower from China was an eye doctor because all health care professionals had to be utilized to just address the virus. Thousands of healthcare professionals have become ill straining the system even further. Currently our only defense with this virus is to limit the spread as much as we can and put off and decrease the number that get sick at one time. I have been in health care for many decades and have never seen anything overwhelm health care systems the way this has when there are large numbers of people impacted in one place. The response to this virus is not just "hysteria". It is a legitimate attempt by countries and communities to address an evolving crisis with a virus with more unknowns than knowns. 

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15 hours ago, corpkid said:

Sun Feb 16th Update:


CAMBODIA:     Open                   1 case (nc)
CHINA:        Closed                 68,502 cases (+4,647)
HONG KONG:    Closed                 56 cases (nc)
INDIA:        Open                   3 cases (nc)
JAPAN:        Open                   43 cases (+14)
KOREA:        Closed                 29 cases  (+1) 
MALAYSIA:     Mixed (Kota Kinabalu)  19 cases (nc)
MYANMAR:      Open                   0 cases (nc)
PHILIPPINES:  Open                   3 cases (nc)
SINGAPORE:    Open                   72 cases (+5)
THAILAND:     Open                   33 cases (nc)
UAE:          Open                   8 cases (nc)
VIETNAM:      Closed (Unofficial)    16 cases (nc)




Johns Hopkins CSSE Tracking: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

Philippines has refused several ships as well.


It looks like Princess has canceled all of its cruises beginning or ending in Singapore for the next few months.

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18 minutes ago, npcl said:

Philippines has refused several ships as well.


It looks like Princess has canceled all of its cruises beginning or ending in Singapore for the next few months.

Thank you.  I will add this info to the list.


This is not promising:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/16/world/asia/china-coronavirus.html

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On 2/6/2020 at 1:43 PM, manuwolf said:

Where do you got this information from??? We have friends on the Westerdam on Feb. 29 leaving from Yokohama. They had 2 more changes in their itinerary but they are still scheduled to sail. This is the latest news from 3 hours ago - we keep each other updated.

Can we please stick to facts in this roll call?

The situation is difficult enough so no need to create more insecurity, especially by people who are NOT scheduled to sail on March 4 or March 18.



It is now posted that the Westerdam Feb 29th cruise is CANCELLED.

Sorry, my previous post caused you to over react.


Oh, I did not understand your point about: "people who are NOT scheduled to sail on March 4 or March 18. And I was not aware this was your ROLL CALL.

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