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DH and I were "nominated" by one of his Dr's (who is always looking out for him) to get our vaccines.  We got the first one in January, no problem what so ever.  We got the second one (Pfizer) last week.  I too never felt the needle, but boy oh boy I have felt the memory of it for a week.  I felt awful two days later (could have been pre Valentine's chocolate overdose) and DH felt fine.  Now that he is done with his radiation, and I am catching up with my appointments,  I have to cook again.....After 3 meals in, DH wants Pizza...ah, the good life.


My old bosses and I got laid off in August of 2019.  I decided to retire and work party time, trust me, as of the end of February  2020, I have not worked, the office was closed, and the job of selling symphony tickets across the country is gone right now.  One of my ex bosses, lets admit it, she's a friend, got a job at the end of December 2019, and was laid off mid March 2020.  She got pneumonia in November, and went to the emergency room, as she has no insurance.  They gave her a Covid test, and just to be sure, admitted her into the hospital and treated her as a Covid patient.  It took 4 days to get the test results back, and they told her it was pneumonia and released her.  The bill came to 56 thousand dollars.  No insurance, no job, they whittled the bill down to 17K, which of course she cannot pay either.  Her BF was a flight attendant until last March when she got Covid, she has lost her balance, her vison is still blurry and she gets terrible head aches, she cant work.  This is one serious disease, and not only is it making folks sick, but those who might have something else are not getting the medical attention that they need.  Any way, sorry i rambled, but things are still not great here.

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Things are starting to look up. In my area, all the malls have been reopened. Restaurants have outside dining, but inside dining are set to resume next week. My child's school will have in class learning in 2 weeks. It's starting to feel a little normal around here.

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Governor set to open things up more this week? Maybe......he has press conference Thursday. Schools back in modified opening, less covid tests so hopefully cases are down and it's not because tests aren't done. Had both vaccines so after next weekend will be considered protected. Big issue here with folks from SC showing up here for vaccines.

    Hope all of you are well and sane.....hard to believe it's been a year!!😪😕

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As of Feb. 20, 2021, Florida has had 30,000 deaths due to COVID, or 1% of its 30 MIL population.


There have been over 4 MIL COVID vaccinations administered.


Positivity rates have dropped to 6.82% from double digits.


So good and bad news.......

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1 hour ago, evandbob said:

As of Feb. 20, 2021, Florida has had 30,000 deaths due to COVID, or 1% of its 30 MIL population.


There have been over 4 MIL COVID vaccinations administered.


Positivity rates have dropped to 6.82% from double digits.


So good and bad news.......

Pop of FL is 22 Mil and 30,000 of 22M is 0.13%.  1% of 22M is 220,000 people

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Pretty New Normal.  Most everything is open.  Many schools have been in person since August. Some had choice of virtual or f2f.  Some waited two weeks past New Year to reopen for Holiday exposure.  Daughter's High School won the State One-Act Competition two Saturday's ago in an auditorium with social distancing but no masks on stage (She is the TEACHER - had C19 last September and missed 4 weeks of school). 


Masks are common in metro Atlanta but not as much in rural areas.  Camped at a state park last week and saw almost NO masks. Most people I know who have had C19 got it from teens or college students - either from family members or they work in that environment.  Took my 84 yr-old mother and her 92 year old sister for their first shot this morning - easy-peezy.  Overall optimistic.

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Teacher in AZ here.  We have had high rates for a while, but still have been in person at a good amount of schools since October.  Thankfully, my family (husband works from home, 5-year old daughter attends in person) have been safe from covid.


Tomorrow will be three weeks since my second dose.  I am grateful that, as a teacher, I was able to get in early.


Had a third cruise canceled today.  Not concerned.  I understand.  We're rebooking all three.  There are some logistical things that will make it harder than when we originally planned, but such is life.  


Hope you all are well and happy!

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Here in Wisconsin we have been seeing a rapid decline in case positivity, and yesterday, for the first time in many months we had no COVID related deaths in the State. On the other hand we are just coming out of a prolonged deep freeze and everyone was hunkered down for a good part of this month. Guess it will take a few more weeks to see if the downturn in cases will hold.


Schools in our area are open, but a lot of parents are still keeping kids home due to fear. Most other businesses (restaurants, salons etc...) are open and have adapted with new processes & procedures to limit exposure.


I'm still holding out hope for our 6/19 cruise on the Mardi-Gras, but I admit my hopes are rapidly dimming now that CCL has cancelled the month of May. I thought the vaccines would turn the tide, but their rollout is not happening as fast as I had thought earlier this year. Oh well, nothing I can do about it except re-book (for the 5th time).

Edited by ableman
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Here in North Carolina things are slowly starting to turn. Bars and Restaurants can return to inside usage starting last night.  We have received our Covid Vaccines but still maintaining masks and social distancing, we have not been to eat at Restaurant for a year but have done curb side pick up.  Keeping fingers crossed

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My friend in RI will be getting his vaccine (firs t) on Thursday-my friend in NJ has been trying for 4 weeks, and unable to connect with any number that will hook him up with a vaccine.


It's been two weeks since our second shot, and while our local friends have had theirs, we still have not gotten together for a meal in more than a year.  


I miss my book club, miss meeting friends for dinner, miss going to my art classes at the senior center.

Miss cruising the most though.

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Very brief update from Michigan.  The reopenings continue, slowly but steadily. It's not nearly as wide open as other states you may have heard about.  I continue to come into work about once a week, which is kind of fun and sort of not.  Numbers may or may not be stabilizing; ask me again in two weeks.  There is also talk about our former Health Dept. Director.  He got a separation agreement and a bit of a payout after resigning.  All parties continue to be very quiet.  The world may never really know what happened here.

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Thanks for updates. Some restrictions eased in NC last week, lots of people getting appointment for vaccines but a lot still scared of side effects. Bar and restaurant workers can get now so my son and one of his bartenders driving to Shelby, about 60 miles away, to drive through clinic Saturday.  I had my shots in February.

       Interesting to see how Spring Break affects our lowering case numbers.......

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Good Morning!  We are finally heading for a weather warm-up as of tomorrow - will hit the 50's.  Will be glad to shed the heavy winter coat for a bit.  Dh is getting his 2nd Pfizer shot Friday, with dd and mine 2 weeks after.  Hoping no side effects, but will gladly accept them to be protected more than we are now.  Cuomo (who has his own major problems going on now) just announced restaurants can go to 75% capacity as of 3/19, except in NYC, which is still 25%.  Interesting, as NYC pretty much has lowest infection rate in NY, and Long Island has highest.  Most restaurants where I live have not been following the restrictions.  We still have not eaten out in a restaurant, and will wait until after 2nd shot to try - maybe.

Schools still on hybrid, with infection rates creeping up in high schools due to parties that are being held.  Hope all is well with everyone else on this thread.  Have a great Monday!

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Hi.  Thanks, all, for your continued updates.  I have several items from Michigan in general and me in particular:


  1. Deaths are continuing to go down (yay!)
  2. Cases are running counter to the national trend and heading up.  I'm blaming the variants for this rise - in particular the B.1.1.7 one from the UK that somehow got in one of our prisons and seems to be running riot across most of the state.
  3. Most everything is open, but there's still a ruling that workers in the state that CAN work remotely MUST do so.  My employer is holding strictly to this, so I head into the office about once a week to do what must be done.  I think it's time to head back full-time, but I'm not sure the Governor will let us.  So into limbo we stay.
  4. We're rapidly getting through the categories as supplies become more abundant and predictable.  Early this week we started scheduling 50+ with comorbidities, starting on March 22 all 50+ will be eligible along with all Michiganders with comorbidities, and on April 5 all adults will be eligible for a jab.  
  5. My appointment is scheduled for 10 days' time.  Wish me luck!
  6. I scheduled a music-themed all-inclusive in Cancun for October.  In addition to current top-of-mind worries, let's hope the hurricanes all stay away!
  7. I continue to watch my next scheduled cruise (also a music-themed charter) in March 2022.  Nothing canceled yet.  I hope the potential vaccine requirement doesn't scare anyone off.
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Happy St. Patricks Day!  Ate "out" inside a restaurant for the first time in 1 year yesterday. (my birthday). We missed my bd dinner last year as NY locked down 3/15.  The staff was very accommodating in our neurosis of having a table away from others.  Had a great meal (seasons52) though I will say we were still nervous to be without our masks.  Ate early (5:00) and by the time we left the restaurant was definitely at more than the 50% occupancy allowed. On Friday restaurants here go to 75%, which probably means 100% for some!  Not sure we will eat out again until April 7, which will be 2 weeks after our 2nd vaccination.  Hopefully by then weather will be warm enough that restaurants here will begin outdoor dining again.


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The good news, bad news continues in the state.  The good news is we had no reported COVID deaths in the state today - the first time that's happened since August.  The bad news is we had a lot - A LOT - of new cases recorded.  The optimist in me would like to say that the vaccines are protecting those who needed protecting and all these new cases are among college kids and the like who catch it, but don't (and won't) get very sick.  The rest of me is thinking something else is at work and the hammer might come down on us soon.

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I hate doing back-to-back posts, but since the situation in most states is under better control, I feel I'd better report.  Several sources have reported how cases are skyrocketing here.  Too true and it shows no signs of stopping.  It's a complicated story, as best I understand it.  I'll take a little time to go through what's going on:


  • In a month we've gone from top-5 states with the fewest per capita cases to top-5 with the most per capita cases.  It's the equivalent of an A student suddenly giving all the wrong answers.
  • Cases are up all over the state, across the board, though not equally everywhere
  • Positive test rate hasn't gone up as fast as the case rate
  • Detroit's vaccine take rate is poor, probably the worst among large cities in the U.S.
  • Otherwise the vaccination rate is OK, I guess
  • Hospitalizations are starting to tick up, which is distressing
  • Deaths are relatively low.  They may stay low if we've truly vaccinated the right people, or drift back up if we haven't.  We'll see.
  • Cases seem to be going up fastest among the 18-24 crowd and least fast among the 50+ bunch.  I'm going to credit the vaccines for this one.
  • B.1.1.7 is a four-letter word around here.  I'm hoping that none of the other variants are running wild.

Anyway, things are getting too bad here to ignore.  It seems to be more a matter of WHEN and WHAT gets closed rather than IF we have to start restricting activities again.  I'm expecting indoor dining and bars to get shut down (again), and maybe high school sports (though not necessarily the schools themselves).  There could be more, depending how naughty the MDHHS and the Governor think we've been.  I'm bracing for it.  Let's get it out of the way now, because if we do it next week or later, it's going to be worse and last longer.


On a personal note, I got my first shot last week.  I'm part of Team Moderna.


Come on guys, tell me how you guys elsewhere have beaten back (for now) this virus!  Tell us about those mask burning ceremonies!  I don't want to have to write the third post in a row here!!

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1 hour ago, Honolulu Blue said:

I hate doing back-to-back posts, but since the situation in most states is under better control, I feel I'd better report.  Several sources have reported how cases are skyrocketing here.  Too true and it shows no signs of stopping.  It's a complicated story, as best I understand it.  I'll take a little time to go through what's going on:


  • In a month we've gone from top-5 states with the fewest per capita cases to top-5 with the most per capita cases.  It's the equivalent of an A student suddenly giving all the wrong answers.
  • Cases are up all over the state, across the board, though not equally everywhere
  • Positive test rate hasn't gone up as fast as the case rate
  • Detroit's vaccine take rate is poor, probably the worst among large cities in the U.S.
  • Otherwise the vaccination rate is OK, I guess
  • Hospitalizations are starting to tick up, which is distressing
  • Deaths are relatively low.  They may stay low if we've truly vaccinated the right people, or drift back up if we haven't.  We'll see.
  • Cases seem to be going up fastest among the 18-24 crowd and least fast among the 50+ bunch.  I'm going to credit the vaccines for this one.
  • B.1.1.7 is a four-letter word around here.  I'm hoping that none of the other variants are running wild.

Anyway, things are getting too bad here to ignore.  It seems to be more a matter of WHEN and WHAT gets closed rather than IF we have to start restricting activities again.  I'm expecting indoor dining and bars to get shut down (again), and maybe high school sports (though not necessarily the schools themselves).  There could be more, depending how naughty the MDHHS and the Governor think we've been.  I'm bracing for it.  Let's get it out of the way now, because if we do it next week or later, it's going to be worse and last longer.


On a personal note, I got my first shot last week.  I'm part of Team Moderna.


Come on guys, tell me how you guys elsewhere have beaten back (for now) this virus!  Tell us about those mask burning ceremonies!  I don't want to have to write the third post in a row here!!

Ok you asked.  Our state was closed for part of March and April last year.  Since then I have been getting my nails done every other week, getting my dogs groomed, we have been eating in restaurants at least once a week, I visit with my son every other week sometimes driving over to the casino in Mississippi (ahead a little on that but no big wins), our holidays were normal, and I have been meeting with my regular group of friends weekly to knit.  Our town had a Christmas parade and a Mardi Gras parade.  My state has never had a mask mandate although some stores, personal care businesses and dentists ask that you wear one.  Our mayor tried to have a mask mandate at the beginning but the city council over ruled her and the county commission refused to take up the matter. I had my second moderna shot February 7th.  My husband had his first moderna shot two weeks ago and will finish on April 13th.  The numbers for our county are no worse then nation wide and have been low for the last month.

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Can't believe been over a year since this thread began! Sorry.to hear about Michigan, not what anyone wants to hear. More people have worn masks last couple months and with bar curfew and vaccine things have calmed down. Numbers down so more things really opening up but mask mandate still in effect. Our governor has walked a delicate balance--- for the most part it has worked.

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Numbers here tanked at beginning of year and then another dive beginning of February.

Leveled off since first of March with the 7-day average of about 30 new cases/day.  Still see 10-20 deaths in the state each day and new cases have went up slightly the past few days.  Fingers crossed it stays level or better yet, falls again.


Masks are still required in most places but the restaurants have went all out with most allowing full capacity.  Some are still following distancing.


Got the JNJ on Monday......

Good news, don't have to go back for a 2nd shot (unless we get boosters someday.)

Bad news, it kicked my tail.  Chills, sweats, headache, body ache, fatigue.  Took 24hr to get through it.

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Good Morning!  NY on the way to re-opening a bit more.  Indoor family amusement centers, movie theaters opening 4/2 - still limited capacity, but better than it was.  Curfew lifted for bowling alleys, fitness centers- but not bars.  Vaccinations appts still hard to get, even with more vaccines available.  3/4 of us are fully vaccinated (Pfizer) and 2nd dd getting first vaccine today.  Just had sore arms, nothing else.   We even ate out inside a restaurant for my birthday!   Have to say we were a bit nervous, and did so before indoor capacity went to 75% - can't be too careful. Weather is getting better, but covid numbers still kind of high here on Long Island.  Deaths in NY still ranging above 50 each day - so sad.  Each day our local high school reports 1 or more cases popping up now that organized sports began again.  Hoping everyone has a great weekend.  

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Going great out west! Lots of vaccinations happening and only 4.6 transmissions per 100K and 0.03 deaths per 100K. For a large as state as we are, we are doing great. Lots of places moving to the orange tier this week, more next week. Things are looking up and I feel very safe traveling within the state to vacation. 

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Seems everything is relaxing in Georgia but in my county ( Dekalb) masks are a must for entering any establishment.  I am OK with that.  Heard on Monday on the news that 900 people in the US are dying daily from Covid, which at that rate would be 46,800 a year, and when you look at that rate, it is WAY too high. But I also notice that all that things that are going on, seem to make the news, open air concerts, events, sports, and the news talks less and less of mask wearing, deaths, updates on Covid.  Now that is local news, which makes me think that they are burned out on the bad news, want to give the good news, which makes people forget about the bad news, and therefore they put themselves more into the public and more at risk.


A neighbor of mine works for the unemployment office.  She retired two years ago, and when Covid hit the US, she was called back into work.  She has had to work from home since December, when a Covid case was reported (3 weeks after the event) in her office.  She goes in one day a week, but is at home working 14 hours a day.  6 days a week.  She gets paid for 8 hours a day, but she says there are so many claims that have to get done, she works the other 6 hours on her own time.  She told me several weeks ago, that there are jobs available, Lots of jobs, but they pay so little, folks were making more on unemployment.


For all the fears of the vaccine, most folks don't feel well after the second shot, which means that the vaccine is working.  But not feeling well for one day, is so much better than dying from this disease.


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