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travel anxiety


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Is anyone experiencing travel anxiety??   I have been home so much during the pandemic...not even going to eat in restaurants etc...  Seems like such a far stretch to be travelling again finally..Covid is not going away so why stay sequestered??  Is anyone else going to be masking during the cruise/tours etc??

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We have unfortunately decided to hold off on cruising as still covid on the ships & quarantine.  We have flown a couple times within our own country (Canada) to see our grandkids that live across the country.  We really miss cruising though.  As 4* we would really love to be on a ship and hoping early next year.  

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I always have travel anxiety unfortunately. Even before covid. Best thing for me is to over prepare and plan. 
I’ve flown out west and back and to the states and back this year. I wore a n95 mask on the plane. I’m not sure what I’m going to do on the ship yet. I’m immune suppressed but I’ve had 5 shots so I think that should balance out. I will avoid elevators and always have a mask at hand in case I feel uncomfortable. But I really can’t see masking the whole week.
I’m going to guess there will be very few people masking. 

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Well no plans to travel

we moved recently & need to find a cat sitter if we want to travel

We have done a couple of day outings exploring the new area

Only eaten out a few times & most older people here are still masking up indoors


 I want to Cruise  but maybe next year  will be the time  for us


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In 2022, I've travelled in Europe, US and Canada. I was very anxious on my first trip out, but my comfort level with all aspects of travel has improved the more I ventured out.   Basically in Europe and US everyone has declared it over and moved on and you rarely see masks and no one stares if you cough etc.  I mean no one is denying its around, but it just feels like in those countries they are moving forward "back to normal".   In Canada I see this happening more and more - lots fewer people wearing masks, but I still see masks way more than in other countries.  I was on the a flight from Paris back to Toronto on the first day when no masks were required - the flight over masks were mandatory but I'd say only 20% of the plane wore a mask on the way home and there was lots of coughing.  I have had covid twice now - the first bout was a lot of heavy coughing but the second bout was just sniffles.   Everyone has their own comfort level and if you wore a mask while traveling I don't think anyone would give it a second thought.  As you say, this is going to be around for a while - someone said to the the other day - prior to covid I used to get a cold twice a year, now I expect I'll get covid twice a year.   

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I always have travel anxiety, but it has nothing to do with Covid, only my fear of flying. We've traveled internationally twice this year and to the west coast once. Both of us wear our masks in airports, on flights, and in crowded situations whether indoors or out. What other people do is up to them. We will shortly leave for a 28 day cruise, which means we will be away for over a month, and will continue with these same precautions.

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I'm in a weird position where I've realised that, while covid isn't over, it's never going to be truly over-over, and I'm not willing to live sequestered as I have the past two years. I'm flying to London in a week and a half, spending a week there, then boarding the QM2 for a westbound transatlantic back to this side of the pond. 


I will be masking in airports, on the plane, and on public transit, as well as indoors, and hopefully minimizing the number of restaurants I eat in during the week in London, because I *really* don't want to test positive the day before boarding (Cunard is still requiring observed covid tests for some voyages, including the one that I'm taking.) 


I've gotten my bivalent booster (5th jab), and got my flu shot at the same time (one of my colleagues came back from London last week and said that the flu is absolutely RAGING there right now,) so I'm about as well protected as I can be.  


So there is definitely some anxiety - what will happen if I test positive (I do have cancellation insurance), am I going to get nasty looks for wearing a mask, am I going to forget anything (so, the usual pre-travel anxiety,) but mostly I'm just excited to get away. 

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We did a 14 night TA in May and the wife got Covid , she has had worst colds , sore throat for a day, we did get vaccinated 2 weeks before the cruise , which we believed stop her from getting sick 

we also did a 21 day Baltic and Arctic TA in September, I got a cold that always goes around the ship 

I wear a mask on a plane but not on the ship 

I think as long as you get your vaccination and don’t do raspberries with your grandchild that goes to daycare ( I have caught two virus from him 🤣) you should be fine 

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We are in our senior years and were looking forward to resuming some leisure travel.  We had two family emergencies in the UK in 2021 and one earlier this year.  Masking on planes and testing was required.  Although, especially this year, many in the UK were not masked, we were and despite the circumstances of the trips, at least we didn't catch Covid.  We have done 3 cruises, 2 of which required masks and testing at the time, and we were fine.  We just returned from a 10 day "use the FCC or lose it" cruise, in Canada/New England.  No testing or masks required. We tested ourselves before boarding and were fine.  We stayed masked as much as possible but had to use the elevators from time to time.  We are vaccinated with primary and 2 boosters but the bivalent booster was not available here before we left so have not had that one.  Felt like we had a cold the day we returned, tested, and after all this time and other trips, it has finally caught up with us.  Fortunately, very mild symptoms very difficult to distinguish from cold/flu when mild.  All anyone can do is take whatever level of precaution they are comfortable with and hope for the best.  Perhaps land based travel is "safer" than cruising but I'm sure many would disagree.

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It seems that every time we start to relax, another wave arrives. We've cancelled a number of cruises - or they've been cancelled - and currently have nothing booked. That's the first time in a decade or more. In our mid-seventies, we've been able to avoid COVID while so many around us, including our kids and grand-kids, have caught it. Fortunately, none had serious cases. But DW and I continue to wear our masks when heading out shopping or otherwise mixing with now mostly unmasked people, and yesterday had our 5th shots.


Other than a trip to Toronto - driving - there's been no travel since 2020. We'd love to be able to cruise as we've done in the past, but for the time being, we'd rather be safe than sorry. It's all a question of comfort level.

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We are in our 70’s, fully vaccinated and wear our masks everywhere.  We did a 14 night Alaska cruise in May return from Vancouver as we didn’t want to fly into any US airports.  We wore our masks consistently, washed our hands frequently and got off elevators if unmasked guests got on.  We didn’t go to any social events or shows and spent lots of time on our balcony.  We are so used to wearing masks it just doesn’t bother us at all.  We’ve booked a 14 night Norwegian fjords/Iceland cruise for May out if Southampton and a 14 night Mediterranean out of Athens for September.  We will be wearing our masks regardless of rules or other passengers and I’m sure we’ll have an amazing time.  

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We travelled twice this year, once in Canada and the second on a Pacific Cruise LA-LA with no issues. We took precautions as others have noted e.g., wearing masks in crowded areas, took the stairs rather than elevators onboard, etc.  We did not socialize with other passengers as we would normally do, ate at tables for two only and had an amazing time.  It felt so good to be cruising again. We are looking forward to our 2023 cruise and depending upon the Covid situation, will maintain similar precautions. In the meantime, we will keep up to date with our boosters while we research our future ports of call.

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Travel has always kind of given us a bit of anxiety mixed with excitement.  Pre-pandemic, I felt we were pretty seasoned travelers and comfortable with most of the typical processes during our trips.  However, we always have the fear of "did we forget something," "did we get the time wrong," etc so we're always building in too much buffer and backup plans.  


Nowadays, our anxiety is about being able to stay on top of ever evolving travel rules and if we caught covid mid-trip, how that would impact our travel/plans.  That's why we only travelled within Canada in 2021 and are only dipping our toes with relatively basic trips to US and a simple cruise out of LA to the Mexican Riviera in 2022.  The airport chaos this summer didn't help either.  I suspect we'll travel further abroad in 2023.  


For us, life is getting closer to normal.  We generally don't wear masks nowadays but it's situation dependent like indoors in close quarters with many people we don't know, meeting with our GP/pharmacists, if we're feeling off, wearing one to reciprocate, etc.  We also regularly grab a few of the free test kits so that we can easily test when we're feeling off or before getting together with the extended family.  


In addition to getting our boosters, we did catch covid about five months after getting the base series.  Our symptoms were relatively mild so hoping if we do catch it again, it will be mild again.   


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I believe that there are inherent risks to travel Covid or no Covid.  With or without a current pandemic like Covid, it all started at person zero which could be any of us in the future with something new from any country that we travel to.


I get your anxiety.  I had a great deal of anxiety in the beginning, and do everything science tells me to do to be safe.  I have had 5 vaccinations and I got Covid.  We still wipe down our groceries and our phones when we come home and wash our hands every chance we get.  We wear masks in close quarters and I don't care what anyone thinks of that or says.


I however got to the point that I was not going to let this control me.  Life will happen with me locked away or with me participating - and I prefer the latter.


We have been on a Panama cruise, a Homelands cruise, and spent 10 days land based in Spain in the last 6 months.  It felt great to be back out again.  


I went to South Africa for work and that is when I got Covid - on the way back.  No one that I work with had Covid, so I can only assume that it was airports or aircraft?  I masked with N95's and gasped when I finally got home and took the mask off - oh, to breath again.  I washed my hands every chance I could get.  I disinfected the seat and tray table on the plane and everything I might touch.  I raised my mask after every sip of wine.  I still got Covid.


I realize that I am likely not doing anything to relax your anxiety.  I think that I just want to say, that I felt trapped and very unhappy.  I decided to accept the risk while still taking the precautions I feel necessary.  Since making this decision, I do feel free again and enjoying life.


We are cruising in December 22, again in March 23, and again in August 23 and this is just what we have booked now.


I hope you find your comfort zone.

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20 hours ago, flosit said:

Is anyone experiencing travel anxiety??   I have been home so much during the pandemic...not even going to eat in restaurants etc...  Seems like such a far stretch to be travelling again finally..Covid is not going away so why stay sequestered??  Is anyone else going to be masking during the cruise/tours etc??

The greatest anxiety I have these days is the lead up to a trip not knowing if someone will get sick and the trip planned for months will go in the toilet.  In past years rightfully or wrongfully if I got a cold or flu I'd likely still get on the plane and go.  Perhaps society is getting better in ensuring that doesn't happen anymore, but it adds to anxiety when you have prepaid hotels, cruises, etc.

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I can fully understand your anxiety, as we feel the same.  We are in our early 60s and have miraculously not had Covid, although everyone we know has, some several times. Several people have debilitating long Covid problems.   We get our bivalent booster this week, so will have 5 shots.  We are still not eating indoors and we mask in all public places (N95s).  It has been an anxious time, as we are not ok with getting Covid even once, let alone several times, as an earlier poster said.  I have heard too many medical/science experts share serious long Covid problems in asymptomatic, mild, and severe cases, and in people of all ages and pre-Covid infection health levels.  The more times infected, the worse the long term effects.  We would never want to lock down again and want to live our lives, but we are patiently protecting ourselves and limiting some activities right now.  We have postponed many booked cruises and will likely do so again for our Spring 2023 cruises.  In March 2020, we read a very telling article about the history of pandemics.  It said that the average pandemic goes on for 3 to 5 years.  With today's advances in vaccines and treatments, etc., we feel confident things will be better in the future, but, for now, with all the new waves (with new variants that easily escape immunity), hundreds of cases on ships, and reported packed planes and airports with unmasked, coughing travelers infecting others, we won't be going that route.

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We have friends and family who feel we're "paranoid", which adds to the anxiety.  They have been  travelling all over the world, some taking some precautions and others not, so they've had Covid (some twice or more).  Some are still having health issues.  We considered flying to EU and staying in a condo, but we have put that on hold as well as we hear many more reports of transmission on planes and in airports, even while protected.   I did order elastomeric respirator masks (fantastic comfortable Canadian product!) and planned to order some protective glasses, portable air purifier, air monitor, etc. and that helps my airport/plane anxiety somewhat.  I don't care what others think of me wearing or using these items.  I will likely stick to this routine forever for travel on any kind of public transportation.


For now, we will stick to land travel to a warmer place, as we did last winter.  We felt safe driving our car down to South Padre Island in Texas (nice mild winter weather) and staying in a lovely condo, walking daily on the beach, hiking, eating on patios.  We're hoping to leave the end of November.  It is "low anxiety" travel, as we are in our own car, pick up food quickly (while masked), stay in our own hotel rooms as we go, and then live our lives down there exactly as we do here. 

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Fear is the great limiter. Follow only science based data, wear your mask, wash your hands. Plan your movements wisely and enjoy life. Don't be cavalier re basic public health rules. Our first return to cruising is in a few weeks, and we will be wearing a mask on plane and probably in theatre of ship. Outside we will simply stay away from people and enjoy the fresh air, sun and fun. 

This pandemic is far from over, flu season is setting in. Life goes on, and so to should your life. Just manage it a bit better to include the things you always loved, and weed out the stuff that really no longer matters. I don't think life as we knew it will ever be the same, but we can certainly enjoy it in a different manner. I've had five shots, a flu shot, and Omicron once. 

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We travelled twice in 2021 (2 short trips of about 3 weeks each in Europe) and twice in 2022: one 2.5 month long trip in Europe in February, March and April, travelling around on our own; and then our first cruise since covid (over 20 days in northern Europe and TA in August and September). We always mask on planes and tend to mask when we are in indoor public spaces (whether on a cruise, travelling on our own or shopping at home). We never caught covid while travelling but we did catch it in early October, in our home from our grandson. We had just received our 5th covid vaccine, the bivalent vaccine. Very mild, probably would not have noticed if our grandson was not sick (he had a fever for one day which is why we all tested ourselves). So really, you can catch this thing anywhere. You have to protect yourself as best you can (for us it means keeping our vaccines up to date and masking) and go on with your life.

Edited by ringers0815
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I have been traveling for work this year.  Around 4 airline trips in western Canada or Ontario or Quebec.  


The first two were maskers were still mandatory.  The second the masks were optional.   I sticking to using the masks.   


Before COVID after getting back from a trip always had a good chance of picking up a cold or flu or some other bug.  Now add COVID to the mix.  I am finding using the mask I just don't get sick as frequently as before.

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21 hours ago, zook50 said:

We have friends and family who feel we're "paranoid", which adds to the anxiety.  They have been  travelling all over the world, some taking some precautions and others not, so they've had Covid (some twice or more).  Some are still having health issues.  We considered flying to EU and staying in a condo, but we have put that on hold as well as we hear many more reports of transmission on planes and in airports, even while protected.   I did order elastomeric respirator masks (fantastic comfortable Canadian product!) and planned to order some protective glasses, portable air purifier, air monitor, etc. and that helps my airport/plane anxiety somewhat.  I don't care what others think of me wearing or using these items.  I will likely stick to this routine forever for travel on any kind of public transportation.


For now, we will stick to land travel to a warmer place, as we did last winter.  We felt safe driving our car down to South Padre Island in Texas (nice mild winter weather) and staying in a lovely condo, walking daily on the beach, hiking, eating on patios.  We're hoping to leave the end of November.  It is "low anxiety" travel, as we are in our own car, pick up food quickly (while masked), stay in our own hotel rooms as we go, and then live our lives down there exactly as we do here. 

You know, that if you can find peace in doing this kind of warm vacation, then more power to you.  You have to feel comfortable in what you do, and I am happy to hear that you can find a get away that is safe and gets you into a different environment.  Walking the beach and patio dining is wonderful!

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Covid is here to stay so get on with life...we started cruising again in Nov 2021 and have been on 4 cruises since...we are fully vaxed and boosted...have been away for weekends...flown...stayed in hotels...been to concerts...life is to short...one of my best friends just died at 66yrs from cancer...there are a lot more worse things out there than Covid...go cruising 🛳️

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I get the anxiety. I just went to my first in-person meeting this week since March 2020. I just decided that I had to get out and resume living my life.


I did fly across the country twice to see my grandchildren but interestingly, did not feel anxiety. For some reason my brain felt safe doing that.


I booked a solo cruise for March 2023. I will mask in airports and on the plane, avoid crowded indoor places. Try to sit outdoors on the ship as much as possible. If I go to the buffet, try to time it when it's not too busy, etc. I think covid will be around forever now, so it's best just to figure out how to live with it and mitigate the risks. Whoever, in their wildest dreams, thought that wearing masks would become a normal thing?

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3 hours ago, PG_traveller said:

I booked a solo cruise for March 2023. I will mask in airports and on the plane, avoid crowded indoor places. Try to sit outdoors on the ship as much as possible. If I go to the buffet, try to time it when it's not too busy, etc. I think covid will be around forever now, so it's best just to figure out how to live with it and mitigate the risks. Whoever, in their wildest dreams, thought that wearing masks would become a normal thing?


The Spanish flu never went away.  Many died, those that serviced became immune and lived on.  The vaccine just helped dramatically improve the survival rate.


Before COVID mask were normal in Asia.  In countries like Japan, if you had a cold or the flu it was considered responsible behaviour to wear a mask when around others.  Same thing for anyone handling food. 


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On 10/29/2022 at 1:10 AM, em-sk said:


The Spanish flu never went away.  Many died, those that serviced became immune and lived on.  The vaccine just helped dramatically improve the survival rate.


Before COVID mask were normal in Asia.  In countries like Japan, if you had a cold or the flu it was considered responsible behaviour to wear a mask when around others.  Same thing for anyone handling food. 


That seems like common-sense, and I hope that is what happens here going forward. Unfortunately mask wearing and other covid protocols have become politicized so probably not going to happen. It is pretty rare to see anyone wearing a mask now where I live.

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