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MSC Seascape 5/7 – 5/14 – Yacht Club Room 16022

Bead Pirate

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Hello and thanks for taking the time to read the review. I felt compelled to share the experience!

First let me save the haters some time, this was the most positive experience we have ever had on a cruise ship. This was cruise #142 and our second on MSC (we have high tier status on Disney, NCL, Celebrity and Royal). Our first MSC cruise was in an Aurea suite on the Seashore in October 2022 so we were the “steerage” passengers on that one (and yes, I get the frustration with the elevators).


A little about us will help with perspective. DW is early 50’s and DH is mid 60’s . He has some mobility issues (mainly steps and inclines) and uses a cane when required. We both enjoy the casino and are “foodies” as well as amateur chefs. We live in Florida, so we drive to all the ports in Florida. We sail about twice a month (currently have 13 booked on Royal, 4 on Celebrity and just today booked 6 more on MSC).


Boarding Day 10:30 AM

Sigh, Miami is not my favorite port on a normal day due to the traffic, congestion and crazy cab drivers, added to the mix today was the Grand Prix traffic which made I-95 even more “fun”. We got to the port and found our ship right up the road from parking garage “C” and very close to the Norwegian parking garage. We were directed to the drop off zone and popped the back of the Explorer open. The porter was right there in an instant and started pulling our 4 bags out. Then he noticed our tags were yacht club. He stopped in his tracks and said you have to drop these bags over there (indicating a white tent back toward the terminal) and started to walk away. I stopped him and asked if he would be so kind as to drop the bags for me and he agreed (after I tipped him $20). So moral of the story is take a cab or uber and they can drop both you and your bags at the white tent. We drove down to terminal “C” and found a great place to park and walked back to the white tent where we were promptly met by a butler offering cold towels and urging us to come in the terminal to get the registration completed. The young man held the doors and stood by our side as we were ushered into the registration room. We filled out a couple of forms (health despite having filled out on line) and were issued a handful of papers in the language of our choice (English) and presented with both a room key card and a band that the butler promptly attached to our wrists. The butler then introduced us to “our” butler (Gusti) to take us up to the Yacht Club where we are to sit in the Top Sail Lounge (TSL) deck 16 while we wait for the lunch service to open on deck 18. By the way, there are no deck 17’s on MSC ships.

As mentioned above he has difficulty with inclines and steps and he had no issues with boarding. All inclines were very gentle. When we got onto the ship Gusti presented us with a glass of Prosecco so we would not get thirsty on our elevator ride. This is when I learned the first secret of many that will follow. Your butler has the power (a magic button) that will bring you the elevator at once and drop you on your floor with no stops in between.

When we exited the elevator and walked through the glass doors to the Yacht Club, we were met by the officer in charge of the yacht club (I believe he is called the YC manager) and he assured us we would want for nothing.


We sat down in the TSL and Gusti pulled out a pad and started writing. He called over the two bartenders and introduced us and then he called our assistant butler who came running down the hall into the TSL. This delightful young woman is named Maronette. As the cruise went on DH would have her giggling on a daily basis as he mispronounced her name repeatedly (finally settling on something like marinara).


They both sat down with us and proceeded to ask many questions about where we were from, why this cruise (we were invited to participate in a special casino event, more on that later), what we liked to eat and drink, etc. This was all done in the tone of normal conversation not an interrogation. Little did I know that these folks are “pros”, not a detail escaped them as we were to learn as the cruise went on. Next we were introduced to the cocktail server (Caroline) who we would come to appreciate for her smile, sparkling eyes and sense of humor each and every evening.


It was then lunch time (12:30) and the chance to try the much-ballyhooed food in the Yacht Club! We got in the YC elevator and off to deck 18 we go. The dining room is beautiful, and the menu is creative offering seafood and meat protein as well as vegan options. DW had Hamachi and avocado carpaccio DH had asparagus panna cotta.




Followed up by Garbanzo Octopus Soup for DW and Pakora for DH. He never stopped raving about this dish the entire trip!




We decided to skip dessert as the meal was very filling. Right on cue Gusti shows up at our table and offers to take us on a tour of deck 20 where the pool, hot tubs, outdoor bar and buffet are located. Once again, a “walking drink” is thrust into our hands (champagne this time). Deck 20 is wonderful (albeit the scene of much sunburn in future days). We were introduced to the bartenders and chefs at the grill and Gusti informed us that our luggage was in the room and Maronette was waiting to help us unpack.



Gusti took us down to deck 16 in the YC elevator and showed us to the room. Indeed, Maronette had lifted the two large suitcases onto the bed and offered to help us unpack. We declined the offer, however she still had much to show us in the room. We had a very nice fruit bowl on the desk, 1 bottle of cabernet and 1 bottle of Champagne, a chocolate assortment, and a tray with four doughnuts. An odd assortment to be sure and then I remembered that all these things were discussed during our earlier initial meeting. We were then offered a sampling of pillows, and we each selected the pillows we wanted.


By the way a point of contention on this board is often “will I be charged for items from the mini bar”, we were never charged for anything from the mini bar during our stay. In fact, the items we consumed the most became more frequent in the bar and on the desktop.


Maronette stood by and dutifully inspected each clothing item we removed from the bag (we travel with our clothes on hangers) and she was sorting out those that should be pressed from those that were “OK”. We quickly explained that we are not that high maintenance and do not need to worry about a few wrinkles. When Maronette took the first two empty suitcases and stowed them under the bed she tossed the other two suitcases on the bed, and we began to unpack.


As I mentioned we were invited on this trip by the Casino (thank you John, Floyd and Jamelle). Part of the schedule was a pirate costume night and we both brought our pirate costumes (which took up a lot of room). Maronette was taken aback as the costumes emerged from the bag 😊, “are you pirates” she asked?

We finished unpacking and Maronette  went zooming off to get us a couple of Ice Buckets and Gusti came in and asked if we would accompany him to the concierge desk.


We were introduced to the three-person concierge team and the night butler (William, more on this special guy later). We went back to the room and ice buckets (Champagne was already chilling) had arrived as well as more chocolates. Also, 6 pillows had arrived on the bed.


We had a welcome aboard event in the casino at 5 so we snuck out of the back hallway (an exit where you do not go by the concierge team). We renewed acquaintances with the casino team (whom we had met and loved on our previous cruise) and had some cocktails. I noticed that they had Beluga vodka on the casino bar and was quite happy to enjoy a chilled beverage. I blame Celebrity for my addiction to this vodka as they serve all three variations with the caviar tastings.


I turned around and there was Gusti much to my surprise. He had heard my comment that I appreciated Beluga vodka and he assured me that there would be two bottles of the “good stuff” in the Top Sail Lounge. Gusti then explained that he would be happy to escort us anywhere at any time and we should please allow him to drive our elevator. He then walked us back to the elevator and took us up to deck 18 for dinner (served from 5:30 to 9:15).  As we are walking down the hallway to the Yacht Club DW spotted a duck up high on a light. She retrieved it and was proud of her first duck acquisition on the cruise, this was not unnoticed by Gusti as ducks sporadically appeared in our stateroom over the balance of the cruise. DW usually brings a bag of crocheted ducks on every cruise and enjoys hiding them (a pic of both is provided below).




Dinner was Duck and Chicken Terrine for DW and Fried Vegetable Dim Sum Dumplings for DH.




Next course was Risotto with cream of leaks and clams for DH and Veal Chop with Sage and Rosemary coating (both were delicious).




For dessert we had a selection of cheeses from the cheese trolly. We then headed down to our cabin on 16 to change clothes for the evening. As we left the dining room Gusti met us and rode with us down to the room. While we were having dinner a selection of petits fours had arrived. As we changed clothes, we were discussing the frequent appearance of our butler staff (Are we chipped? Is it the bands?)


We went down to Top Sail Lounge around 8 and spent the evening there with the ever-smiling Caroline who already had two chilled beluga vodkas ready for us. There was only one entertainer tonight as the previous duo had departed the ship today and a new duo would be onboard for tomorrow. So, we sat and listed to a wonderful man (Bernard) do three sets this evening. He is an excellent storyteller and musician.




The bar menu in the Top Sail Lounge is quite adventurous, tried a drink called the Queens and it became a favorite. It is two parts Whitley Rhubarb and Ginger Gin, one part prosecco and one part ginger ale on ice. Closed TSL down at 12:30 and headed to Casino (open all night). On way out the night butler (William) asked where we were off to, and we chatted for a while. I mentioned that we usually get back to the room around 2:30 or 3:00 and he asked if we would be hungry when we returned. I mentioned that I would love to try the pizza (everyone raves about the pies on MSC).


We went down to the casino and had a little luck on the slots.




Got back to the cabin around 2:45 and William greets us and mentioned that he had just delivered a supreme pizza to our room 10 minutes ago. He also refreshed our ice and minibar.


Time to go to sleep as the alarm goes off at 9 AM.


I will just get this out of the way right now. There are a lot of discussions on tipping on these boards. I will share with you what we tipped on this cruise. This is what we are comfortable doing and I will not judge you for your tipping habits so please return the favor. There are a lot of folks who may be traveling for the first time in the Yacht Club, and this will at least provide guidance as to our experience.


Butler, Asst Butler and Night Butler, $50 on Day 1 and last day, $20 all other days.

Entertainers $20 per day.

$5 for every pair of drinks served.

$10 for breakfast and lunch, $20 at dinner.


These are long (sorry) but I want them to be complete and answer any questions readers might have. I will work on future days and post them here as I get time.

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MSC Seascape 5/7 – 5/14 – Yacht Club Room 16022 – Day 2

 Up at 9 AM and thankful for the new supply of doughnuts (my goodness they are fantastic with the very yellow “eggy” look to the inside). DW has a couple of Teams meetings today and DW has three zooms scheduled. Looks like we will miss breakfast, but we will make up for it at lunch.

By the way, the pizza is as good as everyone says. The best pizza at sea and maybe in my top 3 pizzas I have ever had.


Maronette heard us moving around and brought in the doughnuts, refreshed the ice, and restocked the bottled tea in the mini bar (I found a new brand of bottled tea that is really good, Brodies). She offered to bring us a bloody Mary or a Mimosa 😊 explained that work would not appreciate that!

Got work out of the way for the day and decided to have lunch in Hola Tacos. Gusti escorted us down to deck 8.


DW loved the roasted molcajete salsa, we had it on the Seaside and it was fantastic. We have been struggling to reproduce it at home, so we were looking forward to it again. It turns out that it was slightly different this time and I asked if the chef had a moment. She came out and shared that the salsa’s are made on each ship (not a brand or bottle) and helped us out by sharing what goes into her version.


We had all our favorite’s DH gets habanero everything and I wonder why he does not catch on fire 😊



After lunch it is time to report to the casino for the first slot tournament. There are about 150 invited guests and there will be two rounds of qualification rounds with the top 10 playing for the prize money in a couple of days. We get up from the table and guess who is standing right there (Gusti) who promptly takes us down a deck to the casino on 7.


After an exciting 2 minutes we both make the top 20 leaderboard for round 1.




We somehow managed to get back to the Yacht Club without Gusti’s company (We would later be reminded that he is supposed to drive the elevator). We went to the room and changed into swimsuits and went up to deck 20 to enjoy the pool. Kind of an overcast day with lightning far in the distance. Had a couple of Moscato’s and enjoyed the stiff breeze. Surprisingly still got a little red after only an hour (the rain started closing in on us). Dried off and were promptly met by a pool attendant with cool hand towels for your face. Made it to the elevator and there is Gusti to take us to the room.


Changed clothes for dinner and went up to deck 18 at 6:00. We had a different server tonight and he was quite fun (Lucky) he became a favorite. DW had the Twice Baked Blue Cheese Souffle and DH had the Burgundy Snails. All I can say is just WOW the food here is fantastic.




We both had the Grilled Lobster Tail and the Shellfish Bisque.




 After dinner we went down to deck 16 (with Gusti’s help) and there was the ever-smiling Caroline with two of the Queen drinks.




Bernard was just getting ready for a set, and he came over to sit with us for a moment and shared that a new duo was going to be coming in after his set and asked us to give them some confidence and support as they were a little nervous.


We enjoyed the evening’s entertainment very much and the new duo came over to chat after their first set. DH has an ear for music and talent and suggested some songs that would fit their style. Turns out the couple is from Brazil, and it is her first time ever out of the country. They are both very talented as he is a classically trained pianist, and she can belt out torch songs with the best.




Closed down the Top Sail Lounge and headed down to the casino. Stopped by to speak to the Night Butler William again. Thanked him for last evenings pizza and he inquired when we would be in tonight. I said around 2 AM.


Went to casino and had no luck tonight but had a great time nonetheless. Walked into Yacht Club and William said we had a vegetable pizza tonight and he sent us a bottle of Muscato as well. Sure enough it was awaiting us when we walked into the room. Up at 8 AM tomorrow (they are setting the clocks back right now an hour so that is sure to create confusion 😊

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2 hours ago, Bead Pirate said:

Hello and thanks for taking the time to read the review. I felt compelled to share the experience!

First let me save the haters some time, this was the most positive experience we have ever had on a cruise ship. This was cruise #142 and our second on MSC (we have high tier status on Disney, NCL, Celebrity and Royal). Our first MSC cruise was in an Aurea suite on the Seashore in October 2022 so we were the “steerage” passengers on that one (and yes, I get the frustration with the elevators).


A little about us will help with perspective. DW is early 50’s and DH is mid 60’s . He has some mobility issues (mainly steps and inclines) and uses a cane when required. We both enjoy the casino and are “foodies” as well as amateur chefs. We live in Florida, so we drive to all the ports in Florida. We sail about twice a month (currently have 13 booked on Royal, 4 on Celebrity and just today booked 6 more on MSC).


Boarding Day 10:30 AM

Sigh, Miami is not my favorite port on a normal day due to the traffic, congestion and crazy cab drivers, added to the mix today was the Grand Prix traffic which made I-95 even more “fun”. We got to the port and found our ship right up the road from parking garage “C” and very close to the Norwegian parking garage. We were directed to the drop off zone and popped the back of the Explorer open. The porter was right there in an instant and started pulling our 4 bags out. Then he noticed our tags were yacht club. He stopped in his tracks and said you have to drop these bags over there (indicating a white tent back toward the terminal) and started to walk away. I stopped him and asked if he would be so kind as to drop the bags for me and he agreed (after I tipped him $20). So moral of the story is take a cab or uber and they can drop both you and your bags at the white tent. We drove down to terminal “C” and found a great place to park and walked back to the white tent where we were promptly met by a butler offering cold towels and urging us to come in the terminal to get the registration completed. The young man held the doors and stood by our side as we were ushered into the registration room. We filled out a couple of forms (health despite having filled out on line) and were issued a handful of papers in the language of our choice (English) and presented with both a room key card and a band that the butler promptly attached to our wrists. The butler then introduced us to “our” butler (Gusti) to take us up to the Yacht Club where we are to sit in the Top Sail Lounge (TSL) deck 16 while we wait for the lunch service to open on deck 18. By the way, there are no deck 17’s on MSC ships.

As mentioned above he has difficulty with inclines and steps and he had no issues with boarding. All inclines were very gentle. When we got onto the ship Gusti presented us with a glass of Prosecco so we would not get thirsty on our elevator ride. This is when I learned the first secret of many that will follow. Your butler has the power (a magic button) that will bring you the elevator at once and drop you on your floor with no stops in between.

When we exited the elevator and walked through the glass doors to the Yacht Club, we were met by the officer in charge of the yacht club (I believe he is called the YC manager) and he assured us we would want for nothing.


We sat down in the TSL and Gusti pulled out a pad and started writing. He called over the two bartenders and introduced us and then he called our assistant butler who came running down the hall into the TSL. This delightful young woman is named Maronette. As the cruise went on DH would have her giggling on a daily basis as he mispronounced her name repeatedly (finally settling on something like marinara).


They both sat down with us and proceeded to ask many questions about where we were from, why this cruise (we were invited to participate in a special casino event, more on that later), what we liked to eat and drink, etc. This was all done in the tone of normal conversation not an interrogation. Little did I know that these folks are “pros”, not a detail escaped them as we were to learn as the cruise went on. Next we were introduced to the cocktail server (Caroline) who we would come to appreciate for her smile, sparkling eyes and sense of humor each and every evening.


It was then lunch time (12:30) and the chance to try the much-ballyhooed food in the Yacht Club! We got in the YC elevator and off to deck 18 we go. The dining room is beautiful, and the menu is creative offering seafood and meat protein as well as vegan options. DW had Hamachi and avocado carpaccio DH had asparagus panna cotta.




Followed up by Garbanzo Octopus Soup for DW and Pakora for DH. He never stopped raving about this dish the entire trip!




We decided to skip dessert as the meal was very filling. Right on cue Gusti shows up at our table and offers to take us on a tour of deck 20 where the pool, hot tubs, outdoor bar and buffet are located. Once again, a “walking drink” is thrust into our hands (champagne this time). Deck 20 is wonderful (albeit the scene of much sunburn in future days). We were introduced to the bartenders and chefs at the grill and Gusti informed us that our luggage was in the room and Maronette was waiting to help us unpack.



Gusti took us down to deck 16 in the YC elevator and showed us to the room. Indeed, Maronette had lifted the two large suitcases onto the bed and offered to help us unpack. We declined the offer, however she still had much to show us in the room. We had a very nice fruit bowl on the desk, 1 bottle of cabernet and 1 bottle of Champagne, a chocolate assortment, and a tray with four doughnuts. An odd assortment to be sure and then I remembered that all these things were discussed during our earlier initial meeting. We were then offered a sampling of pillows, and we each selected the pillows we wanted.


By the way a point of contention on this board is often “will I be charged for items from the mini bar”, we were never charged for anything from the mini bar during our stay. In fact, the items we consumed the most became more frequent in the bar and on the desktop.


Maronette stood by and dutifully inspected each clothing item we removed from the bag (we travel with our clothes on hangers) and she was sorting out those that should be pressed from those that were “OK”. We quickly explained that we are not that high maintenance and do not need to worry about a few wrinkles. When Maronette took the first two empty suitcases and stowed them under the bed she tossed the other two suitcases on the bed, and we began to unpack.


As I mentioned we were invited on this trip by the Casino (thank you John, Floyd and Jamelle). Part of the schedule was a pirate costume night and we both brought our pirate costumes (which took up a lot of room). Maronette was taken aback as the costumes emerged from the bag 😊, “are you pirates” she asked?

We finished unpacking and Maronette  went zooming off to get us a couple of Ice Buckets and Gusti came in and asked if we would accompany him to the concierge desk.


We were introduced to the three-person concierge team and the night butler (William, more on this special guy later). We went back to the room and ice buckets (Champagne was already chilling) had arrived as well as more chocolates. Also, 6 pillows had arrived on the bed.


We had a welcome aboard event in the casino at 5 so we snuck out of the back hallway (an exit where you do not go by the concierge team). We renewed acquaintances with the casino team (whom we had met and loved on our previous cruise) and had some cocktails. I noticed that they had Beluga vodka on the casino bar and was quite happy to enjoy a chilled beverage. I blame Celebrity for my addiction to this vodka as they serve all three variations with the caviar tastings.


I turned around and there was Gusti much to my surprise. He had heard my comment that I appreciated Beluga vodka and he assured me that there would be two bottles of the “good stuff” in the Top Sail Lounge. Gusti then explained that he would be happy to escort us anywhere at any time and we should please allow him to drive our elevator. He then walked us back to the elevator and took us up to deck 18 for dinner (served from 5:30 to 9:15).  As we are walking down the hallway to the Yacht Club DW spotted a duck up high on a light. She retrieved it and was proud of her first duck acquisition on the cruise, this was not unnoticed by Gusti as ducks sporadically appeared in our stateroom over the balance of the cruise. DW usually brings a bag of crocheted ducks on every cruise and enjoys hiding them (a pic of both is provided below).




Dinner was Duck and Chicken Terrine for DW and Fried Vegetable Dim Sum Dumplings for DH.




Next course was Risotto with cream of leaks and clams for DH and Veal Chop with Sage and Rosemary coating (both were delicious).




For dessert we had a selection of cheeses from the cheese trolly. We then headed down to our cabin on 16 to change clothes for the evening. As we left the dining room Gusti met us and rode with us down to the room. While we were having dinner a selection of petits fours had arrived. As we changed clothes, we were discussing the frequent appearance of our butler staff (Are we chipped? Is it the bands?)


We went down to Top Sail Lounge around 8 and spent the evening there with the ever-smiling Caroline who already had two chilled beluga vodkas ready for us. There was only one entertainer tonight as the previous duo had departed the ship today and a new duo would be onboard for tomorrow. So, we sat and listed to a wonderful man (Bernard) do three sets this evening. He is an excellent storyteller and musician.




The bar menu in the Top Sail Lounge is quite adventurous, tried a drink called the Queens and it became a favorite. It is two parts Whitley Rhubarb and Ginger Gin, one part prosecco and one part ginger ale on ice. Closed TSL down at 12:30 and headed to Casino (open all night). On way out the night butler (William) asked where we were off to, and we chatted for a while. I mentioned that we usually get back to the room around 2:30 or 3:00 and he asked if we would be hungry when we returned. I mentioned that I would love to try the pizza (everyone raves about the pies on MSC).


We went down to the casino and had a little luck on the slots.




Got back to the cabin around 2:45 and William greets us and mentioned that he had just delivered a supreme pizza to our room 10 minutes ago. He also refreshed our ice and minibar.


Time to go to sleep as the alarm goes off at 9 AM.


I will just get this out of the way right now. There are a lot of discussions on tipping on these boards. I will share with you what we tipped on this cruise. This is what we are comfortable doing and I will not judge you for your tipping habits so please return the favor. There are a lot of folks who may be traveling for the first time in the Yacht Club, and this will at least provide guidance as to our experience.


Butler, Asst Butler and Night Butler, $50 on Day 1 and last day, $20 all other days.

Entertainers $20 per day.

$5 for every pair of drinks served.

$10 for breakfast and lunch, $20 at dinner.


These are long (sorry) but I want them to be complete and answer any questions readers might have. I will work on future days and post them here as I get time.

thank you for a great review!!!  

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6 hours ago, Bead Pirate said:

Butler, Asst Butler and Night Butler, $50 on Day 1 and last day, $20 all other days.

Entertainers $20 per day.

$5 for every pair of drinks served.

$10 for breakfast and lunch, $20 at dinner.

Love your tipping regime. Will have to up our breakfast tip from $5 to $10. One learns so much on social media. Thank you for your postings.

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Excellent review!  Very impressed by your description of the attentiveness of your butler/jr. butler.  We've sailed with MSC a few times now and have never had the type of attention you have described and I thought our butler on Seashore couldn't be topped!  We are on Seaside in June and August and I can't wait.  Thank you for your great write-up!


Oh and congrats on your "big win"...I never have luck on Buffalo 🙃.

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Nice review..sailing YC in Sept on Seaside..2nd YC cruise, I now know a lot more about what to expect. 


On a side note, I thought I stayed up late at the casino. Nighttime pizza date sounds good. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

Excellent review!  Very impressed by your description of the attentiveness of your butler/jr. butler.  We've sailed with MSC a few times now and have never had the type of attention you have described and I thought our butler on Seashore couldn't be topped!  We are on Seaside in June and August and I can't wait.  Thank you for your great write-up!


Oh and congrats on your "big win"...I never have luck on Buffalo 🙃.

Perhaps it's all that tipping!

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21 hours ago, Bead Pirate said:



Boarding Day 10:30 AM

Sigh, Miami is not my favorite port on a normal day due to the traffic, congestion and crazy cab drivers, added to the mix today was the Grand Prix traffic which made I-95 even more “fun”. We got to the port and found our ship right up the road from parking garage “C” and very close to the Norwegian parking garage. We were directed to the drop off zone and popped the back of the Explorer open

Since you are coming from the north, you might want to consider catching Brightline in West Palm.  I think the difference in parking would just about pay for it.  And  they now have a service to the port.

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MSC Seascape 5/7 – 5/14 – Yacht Club Room 16022 – Day 3

Up at 8 AM today as we are in Jamaica, DW is off early to grab a croissant in Top Sail Lounge as she is scheduled for a 4-hour cooking excursion at Prospect Plantation. It is a small group excursion, and the plantation is no longer a working plantation. What is cool about the place is it is used as a community center and it houses a program where outreach is conducted to the poorer areas of Jamacia and young men (age 14 -18) are identified and tested as potential candidates for the program. If they test out OK and are accepted, they stay in the program for 3 years. They live on the grounds and do all of their own cooking, laundry, cleaning and are expected to excel at an advanced learning program. They are also expected to either learn a musical instrument or participate in choir. Every other Sunday afternoon there is a community dinner and church service where the music is featured. Upon graduation they move into the military or police force. High performers are given the option of continuing their education at Rollins College in Florida.



Gusti walked DW all the way to the excursion bus (quite a way) and provided cold water and a cold towel (it is warm early today and the forecast is right at 100).


DW has a lot of work to do today so no time for the daily newspapers (we get Wall Street and USA Today every morning).


Maronette came to check on DH early as she noted he was not with DW. She brought the usual 4 doughnuts, a pitcher of orange juice and promised to have something special for him at lunch.

Around 1 PM Maronette came knocking and presented DW with a charcuterie tray and a bottle of Cabernet (most welcome after the morning work).




4:30 PM is round 2 of the slot tournaments and DW arrived back at ship around 2:30 PM. She hoped in the shower and shared a recap of the excursion and off we go (with Gustie of course) to the casino on deck 7.


DH made the final 10 and will play in the final on day 4.




Off to dinner on deck 18 next, Gustie was full of questions this afternoon (wondering what he is up to).


DH had the Assorted Chinese Dumplings and DW had the Herbed Gravlax Salmon.




Next, Dh had the Seared Diver Scallops with Ginger Lime Butter Sauce and DW had the Pistachio Crusted Rack of Lamb.




Once again, we opted for the cheese selection from the cheese trolly.



Off to The Top Sail Lounge (accompanied by Maronette, what is Gustie up to?)

Explored the drink menu a bit further with Caroline and we tried the Italian and Tunisian. Both interesting but it is back to the Queens for us both.


Bernard did three sets tonight. Since we are in Jamacia today (where he has spent his whole life) he took us from early folk music from the 50’s through modern day with many entertaining stories along the way. If you can be sure to attend all three sets on Jamacia night. This was a very informative and entertaining history of the island and culture.


The Duo came in and performed two sets in between Bernards performances. They are beginning to calm down and feel more at home and displaying quite the sense of humor.


12:30 we closed the Top Sail and said goodnight to Caroline. We stopped on the way to the casino to talk with William and he asked when we expected to return.  I said around 3 and he said that Gustie had something special “cooked up”.


Went down to Casino and DW had some luck!




Headed back to the room on deck 16 and William asked us to let him know if we needed anything else. In the room was a very interesting selection of chocolates, a bottle of Oberon and a selection of pizza slices. All of our ice was refreshed and a selection of mixed Brodies Iced Tea bottles.

Set alarm for 9 AM, let’s see what tomorrow will bring!

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What a fabulous review. Thank you. I had a broader question for other yacht club users as i have booked the yacht club for the first time this year. All the extra touches and service Pirate has received, the bottles of wine, in the cabin, the waiting pizza delivery late at night, all the little treats every day. Are these normal yacht club expectations i should expect?


Many thanks in advance

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15 minutes ago, Bead Pirate said:

MSC Seascape 5/7 – 5/14 – Yacht Club Room 16022 – Day 3

Up at 8 AM today as we are in Jamaica, DW is off early to grab a croissant in Top Sail Lounge as she is scheduled for a 4-hour cooking excursion at Prospect Plantation. It is a small group excursion, and the plantation is no longer a working plantation. What is cool about the place is it is used as a community center and it houses a program where outreach is conducted to the poorer areas of Jamacia and young men (age 14 -18) are identified and tested as potential candidates for the program. If they test out OK and are accepted, they stay in the program for 3 years. They live on the grounds and do all of their own cooking, laundry, cleaning and are expected to excel at an advanced learning program. They are also expected to either learn a musical instrument or participate in choir. Every other Sunday afternoon there is a community dinner and church service where the music is featured. Upon graduation they move into the military or police force. High performers are given the option of continuing their education at Rollins College in Florida.



Gusti walked DW all the way to the excursion bus (quite a way) and provided cold water and a cold towel (it is warm early today and the forecast is right at 100).


DW has a lot of work to do today so no time for the daily newspapers (we get Wall Street and USA Today every morning).


Maronette came to check on DH early as she noted he was not with DW. She brought the usual 4 doughnuts, a pitcher of orange juice and promised to have something special for him at lunch.

Around 1 PM Maronette came knocking and presented DW with a charcuterie tray and a bottle of Cabernet (most welcome after the morning work).




4:30 PM is round 2 of the slot tournaments and DW arrived back at ship around 2:30 PM. She hoped in the shower and shared a recap of the excursion and off we go (with Gustie of course) to the casino on deck 7.


DH made the final 10 and will play in the final on day 4.




Off to dinner on deck 18 next, Gustie was full of questions this afternoon (wondering what he is up to).


DH had the Assorted Chinese Dumplings and DW had the Herbed Gravlax Salmon.




Next, Dh had the Seared Diver Scallops with Ginger Lime Butter Sauce and DW had the Pistachio Crusted Rack of Lamb.




Once again, we opted for the cheese selection from the cheese trolly.



Off to The Top Sail Lounge (accompanied by Maronette, what is Gustie up to?)

Explored the drink menu a bit further with Caroline and we tried the Italian and Tunisian. Both interesting but it is back to the Queens for us both.


Bernard did three sets tonight. Since we are in Jamacia today (where he has spent his whole life) he took us from early folk music from the 50’s through modern day with many entertaining stories along the way. If you can be sure to attend all three sets on Jamacia night. This was a very informative and entertaining history of the island and culture.


The Duo came in and performed two sets in between Bernards performances. They are beginning to calm down and feel more at home and displaying quite the sense of humor.


12:30 we closed the Top Sail and said goodnight to Caroline. We stopped on the way to the casino to talk with William and he asked when we expected to return.  I said around 3 and he said that Gustie had something special “cooked up”.


Went down to Casino and DW had some luck!




Headed back to the room on deck 16 and William asked us to let him know if we needed anything else. In the room was a very interesting selection of chocolates, a bottle of Oberon and a selection of pizza slices. All of our ice was refreshed and a selection of mixed Brodies Iced Tea bottles.

Set alarm for 9 AM, let’s see what tomorrow will bring!

Congrats on that casino win! Really enjoying your YC review. We'll be on for 2 weeks in September and recently booked our flights and pre-cruise hotel in Miami, so starting to get excited. Do any of the YC areas seem crowded to you? Did you book that excursion in Jamaica thru MSC or a 3rd party provider?


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1 hour ago, jonnyenglish1 said:

All the extra touches and service Pirate has received, the bottles of wine, in the cabin, the waiting pizza delivery late at night, all the little treats every day. Are these normal yacht club expectations i should expect?

I would say ‘no’ unless you are tipping daily at the level Bead Pirate is!

We have sailed twice in YC and while we had very good service and no complaints, we did not receive bottles of wine or treats except for a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries and some macaroons. We are pretty low maintenance and didn’t ask for anything extra from our butler, I’m still somewhat uncomfortable with the whole idea of having a butler!

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5 minutes ago, mackfam said:

I would say ‘no’ unless you are tipping daily at the level Bead Pirate is!

We have sailed twice in YC and while we had very good service and no complaints, we did not receive bottles of wine or treats except for a plate of chocolate dipped strawberries and some macaroons. We are pretty low maintenance and didn’t ask for anything extra from our butler, I’m still somewhat uncomfortable with the whole idea of having a butler!

I may have to dip into the savings I have from rescheduling my Royal cruise to go on my YC Seascape cruise and pop out some 20s!!

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2 hours ago, jules815 said:

Congrats on that casino win! Really enjoying your YC review. We'll be on for 2 weeks in September and recently booked our flights and pre-cruise hotel in Miami, so starting to get excited. Do any of the YC areas seem crowded to you? Did you book that excursion in Jamaica thru MSC or a 3rd party provider?


Never seemed crowded in the YC areas. In fact, we wondered where the folks went to!


Booked the excursion through MSC (always like the security of the ship waiting if need be).

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On 5/16/2023 at 1:09 PM, Bead Pirate said:

"As I mentioned we were invited on this trip by the Casino (thank you John, Floyd and Jamelle). Part of the schedule was a pirate costume night and we both brought our pirate costumes (which took up a lot of room)."

Thank you for the lively narrative of your cruise.

Since MSC tightened the room offerings on their casino rewards program some months ago, I'm curious as to the level of play required these days for a Yacht Club invite from MSC casino management. You mentioned having your first MSC cruise in October of last year. The former, more generous rewards program was still in effect back then (I think). Was that the source of the invitation, perhaps?

Also, was pirate night a casino event, or ship-wide? I cannot recall any social media mentions of pirate night, the way white and flower parties are often noted.

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14 minutes ago, no1talks said:

Since MSC tightened the room offerings on their casino rewards program some months ago, I'm curious as to the level of play required these days for a Yacht Club invite from MSC casino management.

We booked our room in the YC with a 30%off casino voucher back in November shortly before they changed the rules excluding YC. I mentioned this a while back in another thread and a respondent said if one calls the casino booking number they can bypass thst No YC rule. Idk but may be worth a try. 

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5 minutes ago, Georgia_Peaches said:

"I mentioned this a while back in another thread and a respondent said if one calls the casino booking number they can bypass the No YC rule."

While I've little doubt such bypasses can occur, there is still the matter of garnering the entry-level room voucher under the current rules. It's many more points to procure and it's only good for a 10% discount.

Although the prior gambling math was very favorable for getting a 30% voucher without losing the cash equivalent of the savings, that's no longer the case.


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12 hours ago, no1talks said:

Thank you for the lively narrative of your cruise.

Since MSC tightened the room offerings on their casino rewards program some months ago, I'm curious as to the level of play required these days for a Yacht Club invite from MSC casino management. You mentioned having your first MSC cruise in October of last year. The former, more generous rewards program was still in effect back then (I think). Was that the source of the invitation, perhaps?

Also, was pirate night a casino event, or ship-wide? I cannot recall any social media mentions of pirate night, the way white and flower parties are often noted.

The posted sign in the casino indicates 35K for a YC 3-5 nights, 55K for 10 nights.


The Pirate night was just by invitation to the casino invitees.


For comparison purposes DH ended up with ~57K and DW ended up with ~38K.

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