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Amazingly horrible incident on Celebrity Solstice


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I've been buzzed on exit from a Celebrity cruise. I had a penknife when I boarded that had a 1- 1/4 inch blade. Security kept it, gave me a receipt, and I forgot about it. At the end of the cruise, as I exited, the buzzer went off, and a security person returned the pocket knife.


To me, the irony is that whenever I ordered beef in the dining room, I was given a serrated blade 5 times longer than my puny penknife, but I'm sure that Celebrity's logic is that many other diners have a similar weapon, so mine is neutralized!:D

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Nobody is insinuating you are crazy or unreasonable; just overly dramatic. To clarify, you were NOT “detained”, or “held against your will” or locked up or held back or handcuffed or imprisoned. You were simply asked to stand-by for 30 minutes while they figured out what they needed to close off with you before you left. In your haste, you experienced 30 minutes of bad customer service. Your life of privilege was interrupted with a small hiccup, you received an overly apologetic email from the office of the president, and now it’s time to move on.

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I'm pretty sure they are careful about picking them all up so you don't leave the MDR with the knife. That may be the difference. That said, it was really nice of them to make sure you got your knife returned so sometimes the buzzer is a good thing.




I've been buzzed on exit from a Celebrity cruise. I had a penknife when I boarded that had a 1- 1/4 inch blade. Security kept it, gave me a receipt, and I forgot about it. At the end of the cruise, as I exited, the buzzer went off, and a security person returned the pocket knife.


To me, the irony is that whenever I ordered beef in the dining room, I was given a serrated blade 5 times longer than my puny penknife, but I'm sure that Celebrity's logic is that many other diners have a similar weapon, so mine is neutralized!:D

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Private drivers are usually rather flexible with their schedule, as there are many variables at a port... weather, immigration, long lines, etc. Your driver basically blackmailed you, and you were under NO obligation to pay him extra.


I'm guessing the "incident" you refer to involved alcohol.... *&^% happens. :eek: Sorry it affected your cruise, but you should really move on....


Exactly !!!! I have hired many a private car, in many ports, and they all know that things happen when it comes to disembarking a cruise ship. Why didn't the OP call his driver and explain what was going on? BUT, I have to disagree with Julia about the obligation to pay more. You hire a private driver for a certain period of time. If you exceed that time, they can make you pay additional. After all, they set their schedules and if they are overly late, they can miss their next appointment and therefore they lose money.

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I think OP would have gotten more sympathy and agreement if he hadn't referred to the incident as "amazingly horrible". It wasn't good, by any means, but stuff does happen. The subject line sort of indicates a life and death sort of situation. I still would have been ticked.




Nobody is insinuating you are crazy or unreasonable; just overly dramatic. To clarify, you were NOT “detained”, or “held against your will” or locked up or held back or handcuffed or imprisoned. You were simply asked to stand-by for 30 minutes while they figured out what they needed to close off with you before you left. In your haste, you experienced 30 minutes of bad customer service. Your life of privilege was interrupted with a small hiccup, you received an overly apologetic email from the office of the president, and now it’s time to move on.
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When things like this start to spiral out of control, its time to start to worry. Sounds like it was a pretty precarious situation to me!



Then the security officer threatened me and said; if you try to leave this ship we will call Immigration (CBP) and they will hold and detain me.

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I'm pretty sure they are careful about picking them all up so you don't leave the MDR with the knife. That may be the difference. That said, it was really nice of them to make sure you got your knife returned so sometimes the buzzer is a good thing.




Lol!! You think the waiters in the MDR count the knives as they clear tables. Really? I bet you could escape with a whole set of steak knives. Those waiters are way too busy for that kind of scrutiny.


To the poster who doubted the veracity that some security folks in the "nasty room" had side arms, I saw them, no BS. And while no one was rude, no one in there was smiling or joking around.



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While I am sure some of you think I am crazy or unreasonable - I really am not. After 25 cruises I have never sent in or reported a complaint. I am *NOT* one of those people.


Just to get a few facts correct:


- I was only a witness in a drunken passenger "assaulting" someone I know.

- I never called my attorney - how ever after being threatened with "stopped and detained" by border police - I was considering it.

- I asked for an apology from 1 crew member and $40. After spending tens of thousands of dollars with a company - this response was an insult. It so was not about $40 - but admitting they could have done things a whole lot better.


Lastly; while I do appreciate everyones comments - please ask yourself:


how would YOU feel if security held you against your will for 30 minutes on deck over an incident which you were only a witness to - which happened 5 days prior?



A little confused now since you said you had called your attorney but since it was 5:30 am (??) he did not answer. I was detained by Delta when boarding a flight from London to the states for about 15 minutes...I assume just a routine, random selection. But it is an unfortunate part of travel in these times and I never expected an apology or compensation.

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The OP should be glad the lawyer didn't answer, that call surely would have cost at least $40 in billable hours!


Even though I can store numbers in my cell phone there isn't one for a lawyer. I would either have to call AAA to use their bail bond service as part of the membership or call the only other number that I could think of: CALL SAM. :D


I guess some people have to have a lawyer's number as they have a need for one. Am glad that I don't.




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While I am sure some of you think I am crazy or unreasonable - I really am not. After 25 cruises I have never sent in or reported a complaint. I am *NOT* one of those people.


Just to get a few facts correct:


- I was only a witness in a drunken passenger "assaulting" someone I know.

- I never called my attorney - how ever after being threatened with "stopped and detained" by border police - I was considering it.

- I asked for an apology from 1 crew member and $40. After spending tens of thousands of dollars with a company - this response was an insult. It so was not about $40 - but admitting they could have done things a whole lot better.


Lastly; while I do appreciate everyones comments - please ask yourself:


how would YOU feel if security held you against your will for 30 minutes on deck over an incident which you were only a witness to - which happened 5 days prior?


I would not be happy about being held for 30 minutes if it was something that could be handled earlier. Not the end of the world though. It would stress me.


As for the $40 though. That driver was a jerk. You can not gurantee the time anyway coming off a cruise ship. I would be complaining to the drivers company for a refund, not the cruise line.

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I'm sure all you regular cruisers know that there are very few public places on a cruise ship that are not captured by security cameras, so when the OP got a response from Celebrity that the Global Security Team looked into the situation and they did not agree with the OP's assessment I assume there was a review, by camera, of the disembarkment situation. Could be wrong, but the camera tells no lies.


OP, you lost me with the lawyer, the time you called and then didn't call. It made no sense.


The title of your thread was at best misleading and bordering on poor taste.

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Even though I can store numbers in my cell phone there isn't one for a lawyer. I would either have to call AAA to use their bail bond service as part of the membership or call the only other number that I could think of: CALL SAM. :D


I guess some people have to have a lawyer's number as they have a need for one. Am glad that I don't.





Only people from Michigan will understand your post. :p




While I am sure some of you think I am crazy or unreasonable - I really am not. After 25 cruises I have never sent in or reported a complaint. I am *NOT* one of those people.


Just to get a few facts correct:


- I was only a witness in a drunken passenger "assaulting" someone I know.

- I never called my attorney - how ever after being threatened with "stopped and detained" by border police - I was considering it.

- I asked for an apology from 1 crew member and $40. After spending tens of thousands of dollars with a company - this response was an insult. It so was not about $40 - but admitting they could have done things a whole lot better.


Lastly; while I do appreciate everyones comments - please ask yourself:


how would YOU feel if security held you against your will for 30 minutes on deck over an incident which you were only a witness to - which happened 5 days prior?


I would have been really upset and as the time went on gotten more and more upset. You're right about the fact that they had 5 days to discuss this with you and their procrastination shouldn't have affected you.

Everyone who has criticized this post should envision standing around waiting for that Security person to show up and how much more upset you would have gotten with each passing minute.

We are hearing the story after the fact but while you are going through it you really don't know exactly how long you are going to be detained.

It was a screw up on Celebrity's part and their "apology" should have reflected that. Maybe if it had the OP would have felt better about the response.

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I'm sure all you regular cruisers know that there are very few public places on a cruise ship that are not captured by security cameras, so when the OP got a response from Celebrity that the Global Security Team looked into the situation and they did not agree with the OP's assessment I assume there was a review, by camera, of the disembarkment situation. Could be wrong, but the camera tells no lies.



Read the original post again. They never said they didn't agree with the OP's assessment - just that they couldn't reimburse him. They did offer a half hearted apology.


OP, you lost me with the lawyer, the time you called and then didn't call. It made no sense.


The title of your thread was at best misleading and bordering on poor taste.


The lawyer thing WAS a little confusing and I do agree that the title was misleading.

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Jim you made 2 errors of judgment. First you were a bit histrionic in both your complaint and in your opening post here.

Your second error was not having this happen on a Carnival ship and complaining about this incident on CC's Carnival forum.

You would have gotten much love and sympathy and generated much hatred against the evil corporation.;)


Having said all this, your grievance is real and justified and Celebrity should offer a full apology and full compensation .

Good luck.

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Sorry you had such a bad experience at disembarkation.


I'm not surprised by Celebrity's response because your complaint email was terrible. It was too long, too emotional, you buried your "ask", and one of the things you asked for - the apology from the head of security - came across as petty and was never something they were going to give you. You didn't provide any proof of your damages. Additionally, you did two complaint letter no-no's: you pulled a DYKWIA and you seemed to threaten not to sail again, which makes a business much less inclined to do anything for you. If you truly think you are owed something, it's best to ask for a credit because you have to use the business again to get the credit. That's a win/win for everyone.


Taking you at your word, with the help of your lawyer, you could've sent a different type of letter to the General Counsel's office. Celebrity's detention of you could rise to the level of false imprisonment. (Even a detention of this limited duration could qualify and the threat to have CBP stop you would make the GC cringe). The legal route is a hard and long road and I don't think your harm is enough to go that route. Legal claims are fought more than settled.


Obviously, you are still angry about this. My guess is that well meaning people made mistakes and you were slightly harmed. You made your flight and you did get an apology - of sorts - from Celebrity. Other than this, wasn't it a great cruise? Can you let it go?

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Really? I was floored. What have I done wrong to be held against my will and threatened with being "detained and held" by the Border Police?! I called my attorney back in DC; but of course it being only 5:30am; he didn't answer. I continued to request to see the head security person immediately.



I think you lost the CEO's Office at "I called my attorney at 5:30 am DC time", which would be 2:30 am west coast time. You lost the rest of us this evening when you proclaimed that you "never called your attorney".

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I fail to see how this is even slightly embarrassing. As noted by many people here already, you can be "buzzed" upon exit for a variety of reasons. I doubt anyone else even notices which strangers are quietly waiting nearby for a security escort.

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I don't think "security" should be detaining anyone at disembarkation. Any issues should be brought to the passenger's attention beforehand. In cases where that might be difficult ( such as a banned item not picked up, as was given as an example here). then the passenger should be immediately informed and given the choice whether he wants to wait or just go. How hard could it be to have a "detained" passenger list with the "offenses" at the exit point? To me this seems like a process problem that could be easily addressed.

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At the start of a recent X cruise, one suitcase was not delivered to our cabin. We got a call to report to security immediately. We reported to what we dubbed "the nasty room." Several burley guards with holstered guns made no effort to coddle us. He demanded to know if I had something in my suitcase that did not belong there. I had no idea what he was talking about. He ran the case through the scanner so we cold see what he saw. Ah, it was my sewing scissors! He opened my case, took the scissors out, and told me I could pick them up at the end of the cruise. No smiles from him. No welcome aboard. Just stares at us from other passengers who seemed to know we got in trouble.


As we schlepped our suitcase back to our cabin, I was happy. Happy that security was doing its job, even if I was made uncomfortable/embarrassed.


To the OP: the word horrendous means someone suffered a terrible tragedy, not someone with hurt feelings and out forty bucks. Grow up!




Security on cruise ships do not carry guns on them.:p

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Lastly; while I do appreciate everyones comments - please ask yourself:


how would YOU feel if security held you against your will for 30 minutes on deck over an incident which you were only a witness to - which happened 5 days prior?


You want an honest answer, or one you want me to tell you?


Honest answer: I would consider it a minor inconvenience. I would accept that they had a job to do, and do my best to assist them and not make a scene. If I was a party to an assault of a friend as a witness and they were attempting to do due diligence by getting a statement from me, I would be to help in every way I could. And if I was the person who had been assaulted, I would have been thankful that they took that additional step.


Answer that you want: they were rude, inconsiderate, unlawful and should all be fired. The CEO of Celebrity should pay you a personal visit and give you a certificate for a lifetime of future cruises. And you should post your incident on every forum and news agency you can find so you can get your full revenge.

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