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Drink Prices Not That Bad

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On our most recent cruise in April the Bloody Mary my husband ordered in the morning was $14 (w/tip). It wasn't top-shelf liquor to my knowledge.


He also ordered a simple vodka and cranberry juice for a friend and that was $12. Again, didn't request top-shelf so I assume it wasn't.


These prices seem pretty high to me both in comparison to local restaurants and to previous prices we have paid on cruises. However, the Crown Royal he ordered was about the same as he has usually paid. The price increase doesn't seem to be "across the board".

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You are all failing to look at the mark up. What the cruise line pays for

duty free liquor is way less than what a bar has to pay by going through

the distributors they have to. A lot of you people are going way out of your way to justify the new pricing of alcohol drinks on a cruise. I don't have a clue why any of you do that.


I wish there was someone here that was in the liquor distribution business that would explain what restaurants, sporting venues and bars pay for alcohol and contrast that to what cruise lines pay. Not to mention a bar or restaurants over head (lease cost, real-estate cost, taxes, unions, employment payroll laws).

A bars overhead?? Are you joking?? Do you have any idea what the overhead is on a $1.5 billion dollar ship? The price Royal pays for a bottle of booze is but a tiny, microscopic fraction of what goes into the price of their drinks. What do you think it cost to purchase, staff and maintain a one and a half billion dollar ship? There isn't a bar in the world with those kinds of expenses. Are RCI's drinks relatively expensive? Yes, but I'm shocked they're not much, much more.

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A bars overhead?? Are you joking?? Do you have any idea what the overhead is on a $1.5 billion dollar ship? The price Royal pays for a bottle of booze is but a tiny, microscopic fraction of what goes into the price of their drinks. What do you think it cost to purchase, staff and maintain a one and a half billion dollar ship? There isn't a bar in the world with those kinds of expenses. Are RCI's drinks relatively expensive? Yes, but I'm shocked they're not much, much more.


If you believe all of the gratuity threads the staff doesn't cost them much at all. I certainly hope that the cruise price supports the rest because I'm sure I'm not alone in my simple refusal to drink at these prices. You see, at this level they can raise the price to $100 a drink and it won't make any more money for them. All these prices do is encourage the drink packages which is exactly what they want to do.


To suggest that the cruise line needs to jack up drink prices to pay for the boat is ridiculous.

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Talk about first world problems.....and not for nothing, the majority of the valid complaints here have to do with the fact that the drink prices were raised such a large percent in a relatively short period of time. We were lucky to have had the prices we were paying for as long as we did, all Royal did was get with the times. And what do we expect them to do? They are running a business, a business with a captive audience. A business that sails with full ships week after week. Do you think you are hurting their business by skipping alcoholic drinks? Not likely. Pay or don't pay, it doesn't really effect the bottom line. And the ones who don't pay don't really care if you choose not to imbibe.


Sent from my KFTHWI using Forums mobile app

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Here's my beers and DW's house wine from our local pub. I won't be losing any sleep over $5.50 beers on a ship no matter what the mark up is.




That's what you get for living on the east coast. Drink prices as absurd as on the cruise ship................:rolleyes::):D

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Talk about first world problems.....and not for nothing, the majority of the valid complaints here have to do with the fact that the drink prices were raised such a large percent in a relatively short period of time. We were lucky to have had the prices we were paying for as long as we did, all Royal did was get with the times. And what do we expect them to do? They are running a business, a business with a captive audience. A business that sails with full ships week after week. Do you think you are hurting their business by skipping alcoholic drinks? Not likely. Pay or don't pay, it doesn't really effect the bottom line. And the ones who don't pay don't really care if you choose not to imbibe.


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Poor, poor RCCL. They were offering drinks at a loss for so many years as a public service and now they're finally getting it back. I feel so much better for them. Uhh, yeah hello the price of drinks DOES affect the bottom line..... People skipping drinks DOES affect the bottom line.... What loser business school did you go to, the socialist non-profit university? :D:rolleyes: And re-think your posts, the last few lines make no sense whatsoever........... Your odd comments about a "captive audience" and "full ships", what do they have to do with anything or drink pricing????? But no worry, RCCL loves guests like you who gladly pay for over-priced drinks and feel they are doing their civic duty to support the corporation :)

Edited by bouhunter
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And dont even think of going to Temple Bar. :)


I don't have enough arms and legs to spare to go drinking there (plus, I hear there's some sort of law on going on murderous rampages against hen and stag dos).

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I'm sorry, but i have to disagree with this one. I don't think sporting events (which sell notoriously overpriced concessions) are a fair marker for what's "reasonable". A measure of "reasonable" would be looking at prices from perhaps a chain restaurant or bar, not a specialty bar/restaurant, and certainly not a sports arena. Sporting events, movie theaters, places like that are all selling to a captive audience pretty much. . . and can charge whatever they want because people are willing to pay to add to their experience. I think the cruise industry has followed along with that logic by bumping prices astronomically on some things. That said, you can still choose to imbibe or not. We do, we just get the package now. ;) But I still don't think the prices can be considered reasonable.


This circular logic exemplifies the ridiculousness of the pointless argument of whether drink prices are reasonable or not.


How can passengers on a ship at sea not be characterized as a "captive audience"? Drawing a price comparison to a chain restaurant or bar is flawed; guests can easily walk out and go somewhere else if they feel the prices charged are unreasonable. It would be a little challenging for cruise passengers to do the same when in the middle of the ocean. Therefore, the analogy of "sporting events, movie theaters, places like that sports arenas" is on target.


It really comes down this: if consumers feel the prices are "outrageous" (as they have every right to feel), they can choose not to drink. Those that don't feel the prices are "outrageous" can drink to their heart's (and wallet's) content.


Prices will change depending on what the market will bear. In many cases, the market will bear an increase in price with insignificant decrease in demand. Until that becomes an inverse relationship, don't expect much different.


Pretty simple.

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Talk about first world problems.....and not for nothing, the majority of the valid complaints here have to do with the fact that the drink prices were raised such a large percent in a relatively short period of time. We were lucky to have had the prices we were paying for as long as we did, all Royal did was get with the times. And what do we expect them to do? They are running a business, a business with a captive audience. A business that sails with full ships week after week. Do you think you are hurting their business by skipping alcoholic drinks? Not likely. Pay or don't pay, it doesn't really effect the bottom line. And the ones who don't pay don't really care if you choose not to imbibe.


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Amen,if you have the money you can afford it and if you do not have the money do not buy it!:cool:

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That's what you get for living on the east coast. Drink prices as absurd as on the cruise ship................:rolleyes::):D


It's all relative my friend. I can afford 3 - 4 cruises a year and still pay for my drinks. :D Now if you wanna' talk taxes, that's where I'm getting killed. That just might make me move. ;)

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I think $5.50 for a beer is outrageous! I mean, that's the price of a 6-pack. I know about mark-ups, but this is way overpriced. I think $5.50 for a mixed drink is high, but better than $7.00!


You all must live in expensive cities, if you think those are fair prices!



Try buying a beer at an NFL game or a NASCAR Track!



Cruisers are the ultimate "captive audience/purchasers" and can expect higher prices. Pirates.gif



The alternative to paying higher prices on a cruise ship is to stay home, pick up a cold 6-pack at your local 7-11, and drink it while sitting on the curb!

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It's all relative my friend. I can afford 3 - 4 cruises a year and still pay for my drinks. :D Now if you wanna' talk taxes, that's where I'm getting killed. That just might make me move. ;)


You are right everything is relative, always a great perspective on things:) We too could afford 3-4 cruises a year but do 1-2 and focus on other vacations the rest of the year. Flying to Reno/Tahoe tomorrow!! Not that it matters, but drinks will be cheaper there:D


Sorry about your taxes, move to Michigan and they might be lower but you'll be driving on roads that are falling apart................

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Try buying a beer at an NFL game or a NASCAR Track!



Cruisers are the ultimate "captive audience/purchasers" and can expect higher prices. Pirates.gif



The alternative to paying higher prices on a cruise ship is to stay home, pick up a cold 6-pack at your local 7-11, and drink it while sitting on the curb!


Come on, that is silly and doesn't have a place in the debate...............:rolleyes:


Go ahead and make excuses for them........doesn't make it right. BUT, we don't drink much on a cruise, so I suppose I should be happy that other people are subsidizing our vacation at 10-15.00 per drink..........:) Or maybe they're overpaying up front for the "free" drink package.............

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Go ahead and make excuses for them........doesn't make it right.


There are lots of excuses in this thread. There are people here that would defend EVERY single thing Royal Caribbean does.


There are also those that insist that if you have a problem with the outrageous drink prices obviously you are broke and cannot afford to cruise and should just sit at home and drink a six of PBR :rolleyes:


I dont like the fact that gas is going back up and have been pretty vocal about it elsewhere. Doesnt mean I cant afford gas though. How absurd.


And as far as his Nascar track argument goes, the last time I went to Atlanta Motor Speedway, I drank nice margaritas all day for around 8 bucks a piece.


And first world problems was mentioned above? Of course these are first world problems. Cruising is a first world vacation last time I checked and this is a forum about cruising. :rolleyes: ANYTHING posted here is a "first world problem".

Edited by ryano
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I'm from New York so my idea of "high" prices is pretty flexible.


Here are some numbers from my May 3 cruise on Adventure. I report, you decide (or in the case of MSNBC - decide not to watch LOLOL);


Jack Daniels and water ashore:


Suburban restaurant -- $7.00 - $7.50

Manhattan restaurant -- $10.00 -$12.50

Waldorf Astoria bar------ $21.00 :eek:


2014 cruise on RCI -- $7.00 (incl. 15% gratuity)

2015 cruise on RCI -- $9.44 (incl. 18% gratuity)


Umbrella drinks were generally $10.00 - $14.00 BEFORE 18% gratuity.


So based on what you are used to, you can decide. No matter what, it is an approximately 40% increase from 2014.

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Sorry about your taxes, move to Michigan and they might be lower but you'll be driving on roads that are falling apart................


I live in New York and lived in Rhode Island.


We have the taxes AND the horrible roads. Best of all worlds.:cool:

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i would say $5.50 to $6.50 for a beer is pretty good. any nightclub or bar in the NYC area is at least that



Atleast that try double that in nyc... On Long Island happy hour specials r 4-5 dollar beers. Regular beers r 7-10, if you get mixed drinks they r atleast 10-15 depending where u r.

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There are lots of excuses in this thread. There are people here that would defend EVERY single thing Royal Caribbean does.


There are also those that insist that if you have a problem with the outrageous drink prices obviously you are broke and cannot afford to cruise and should just sit at home and drink a six of PBR :rolleyes:





And first world problems was mentioned above? Of course these are first world problems. Cruising is a first world vacation last time I checked and this is a forum about cruising. :rolleyes: ANYTHING posted here is a "first world problem".



The funny thing about it is a lot of us who can afford $14 drinks choose not to because it's just outrageous. Speaking personally and professionally, I can tell you that generally people with money don't acquire wealth by blowing it.


Like I said, I can understand people from places with a very high cost of living be content with paying (IMO) outrageous prices for drinks, but I can't understand people defending a massive corporation tooth and nail for jacking up prices 40% overnight. It's really comical. Last time I went to a bar I didn't think to myself "I'd really rather them be charging $15 for this $10 gin and tonic!"

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Here we go again. It's really a very simple process. If you can't afford to drink on a cruise ship, don't order drinks. I can't afford to drive a hard loaded F250... so I drive a Ranger.


Who said anything about affording it? It's about value and 6 bucks for a bud light isn't value.

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There are lots of excuses in this thread. There are people here that would defend EVERY single thing Royal Caribbean does.


There are also those that insist that if you have a problem with the outrageous drink prices obviously you are broke and cannot afford to cruise and should just sit at home and drink a six of PBR :rolleyes:


I dont like the fact that gas is going back up and have been pretty vocal about it elsewhere. Doesnt mean I cant afford gas though. How absurd.


And as far as his Nascar track argument goes, the last time I went to Atlanta Motor Speedway, I drank nice margaritas all day for around 8 bucks a piece.


And first world problems was mentioned above? Of course these are first world problems. Cruising is a first world vacation last time I checked and this is a forum about cruising. :rolleyes: ANYTHING posted here is a "first world problem".


Ryan, I am not defending anyone, I was just pointing out the prices that we are used to paying when we go out locally. I think the huge increase on the frozen drinks is nuts, so I won't drink them.


We are not huge drinkers but were going to buy my DH an Ultimate drink package under the new promotion so that I could have a free replenish package. The cruise line is claiming there was an error in that flyer and it was supposed to be a free refreshment package. Many bought the Ultimate package because of this promotion and the cruise line is now telling them they will not get a replenish even if they were told they were getting it and they have the flyer that shows it. Because they handled this situation so poorly, we did not buy the Ultimate, which would have been over $500 for our 8 night cruise, and we will now likely only pay as we go.

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