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MITSUGIRLY has a JEWEL of a time on my 1st RC cruise in years!

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Back on the boat where I was confronted by another guy that said "Hey, you're mine!" and pointed at his jacket. His jacket said I'm hers and mine said I'm his. I was almost sure they had told me mine went with the hubbys that said "Married". I would leave the boys to battle it out for my love and take a seat in the back of the boat.


Now one thing Big Beards does is count and count again. They make sure they have everyone. There's 3 staff members and they all have to count everyone on the boat. They all have to count the same amount of people. If it's not, they recount again and go looking for those that are missing. We had 2 missing when they thought everyone was on the boat. They were still in the water. I guess it's a good thing they count.


We zoomed off and across the island we went.




There was an "extra" guy on the boat with us. He had came with the other morning group that was the 1/2 day sail. After they were done, he took a group of ours to do the snorkeling (I guess we had more people on our sail).


So he sat on the very back of the boat and we went through this little channel.





Then he did this...(video-sorry, at this point my camera was fogging from being in the cool water and now the heat)




I have no idea where he was going.


They served rum punch on the ride back. I swear every rum punch I have had taste different and looks different. Why is rum punch such a big thing in the Caribbean. Every excursion I have been on serves this stuff. It's not really my favorite I have to say. Maybe it's just very cheap to make for everyone.


(Sakari doesn't appear happy back there...she's never happy when we have to get out of the water).




Here's the back of the boat. This time around when you went down the steps and to the water, it was a pretty big drop. The water went up to your neck. Not an easy thing to do holding your bags and trying to keep them from getting wet.





We came to the beach area that we were going to have lunch. It wasn't the prettiest beach.




There was a lot of seaweed on the beach and in the water. But, that's mother nature and you can't control it.




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Now I know some that have been on this excursion say they went to a private island and others have corrected them to say it's actually back on the main land. It is very primitive. I can understand why they think they are on another island. There's absolutely nothing around here but the beach and a little set up for this excursion.





Getting off the boat, I would find the girls doing all the work again...carrying everything from the food, drinks, coolers, supplies...in the water and up to the lunch area. They immediately went to work preparing everything and cutting up the food. Our Captain did the cooking on the grill.




This time around, I decided to forego the rum punch and just do fruit punch. Now I know what I didn't like...it was the fruit punch they used that made the rum punch taste funny.





Bags of chips...





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We decided to head back out to the water since it was going to take a bit to get lunch cooked.







I almost managed to get an over-under picture.





Very primitive. No restrooms or anything here.




There were some houses in the distance.




I heard a commotion back at the food area and discovered that it was time to eat.


They had one of those games that you have a string with a round ring attached to it and then a hook on the tree. You try to swing the ring to get it to attach to the hook. Sakari tried it several times and just when she was ready to give up, she made it!






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Hamburgers, hotdogs and chips. I would say it was definitely a "cheap" lunch you received for that extra $30 per person!!! I can assure you we each didn't eat $30 worth of food. They are making a killing off of this. So we basically paid $85 for our lunch between all 3 of us (Sakari's was $25 extra). I thought it was a rip off because that's the only thing extra we did on the full day sail.


Here's my $30 plate.





Now remember I said this place was primitive. Well there's not really any lunch tables or anything to sit down and eat. Your choice was to sit on a bench (and there really wasn't a lot of them) or stand at this crate-type of thing and eat. See the picture above? The wood was broken in areas, there was actually some rusty nails sticking out of it on the side I stood on, and for some reason there were tons of spider webs all over it (once again, nothing they can control).





After a day of swimming and snorkeling, I would like to at least sit down to a picnic table or something to have my $30 meal at.


After biting into my hamburger...I about puked. It wasn't even cooked! There's one thing that I can't stand and that's uncooked food. I know some like it, but not me! My food has to be fully cooked. I ended up pinching off the entire hamburger and feeding it to the mongoose! Yes I said mongoose.




The Mongoose of St Croix: They are native to Africa and were intentionally placed on the island in 1884 to help control the black rat population. During that time, sugar cane was the biggest export from St. Croix and rats love to eat sugar cane. So, it was thought the mongoose would naturally prey on them. Most reports claim that the mongoose introduction did not have the desired effect of rat control. (This may be because rats are nocturnal and mongooses aren't.) The mongoose hunted birds and bird eggs, threatening many local island species. They have now become prey of the red boa. The tree climbing boas swing down and snatch the mongoose from the ground.


So there's your history lesson on the mongoose.


They really enjoyed my hamburger.









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There was a hug crab with big pincers that was sitting there by the mongoose. I have no idea why it was so far away from the water and they didn't seem to bother each other. (Now mind you, a mongoose can kill a king cobra).







I was still pretty hungry, but had lost my appetite from the uncooked hamburger. I decided to head back out to the beach because I knew we didn't have much time here.












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Sakari was doing her job to clean up the ocean and finding trash. She found this glass bottle too.




So it was time to get back on the boat and start our sail back to Christiansted. I knew they had said, in my email, it was about a 30 min sail back. When we asked the captain, he replied "Oh about 30-45 minutes back". SAY WHAT? There's a big difference between 30 and 45 minutes when you are on a time crunch.


It was now 2:47pm and people were still getting back on the boat. COME ON PEOPLE!! We have a ship to catch.





This whole time I still can't understand why the full day trip has a sailboat. We have to get back to the ship by a certain time and sailing is not the way to do it (although they did have some motors on the back, it was still a slow ride).


We were finally pulling up to the dock area and notice the other boat there docked... you know...the "fast" boat the half day sail gets.





According to my timestamp on my picture here...still in the water and not even docked...it is 3:32pm already. Oh geesh. I'm starting to get really nervous! They had better have those taxi's sitting there waiting on us like they said.


We all got off the boat and we were trying to find out what "taxi" we were taking and everyone was searching where to go. They told us to head down the street walking and there were buses down there. We were told to go with the man "in the light blue shirt". There were A LOT of us following him and a bus pulled up and people went running. However, there was a second bus and he told us to come that way because the first bus only held 25 people. More walking.


We walked way up a hill for blocks and blocks. Seriously? Why couldn't they have picked us up at Big Beards the same way they dropped us off. When I was told they would have a taxi waiting to zoom us back to the port, I'm pretty sure I wasn't thinking in the back of my mind that we would be walking a long distance to get to it.


We finally made it to the bus and all piled in. The bus driver got off the bus! And walked away! What the heck! Trust me, I was not the only one agitated about this situation. There was a lot of talk going on at this point about missing the ship.


At one point he came back on the bus and stood there and looked at everyone and someone spoke up and said "Can we please go??? We are going to be late. What are we waiting on? We are going to miss our ship! We have to be back on the ship at 4:30pm!"





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Finally we were on our way. The other van that we were unable to get on was now pulled up behind us and waiting. I guess I picked the right bus because we were now pulling out and they were sitting there.


Now let me tell you, this driver was on a joy ride. Going along very slow, being very cautious, a few times coming on the speaker and telling about the area we were in like if we were on an island tour. Shhh, blurp "Yes, this is the oil refinery. It is closed. We lost over 25,000 jobs when they closed" Shhh, blurp.


I felt him put on the brakes over and over and every time I looked up, there was nothing in front of him. I just didn't understand it or his driving. He was more than aware of our time frame since everyone had said something to him and I can't imagine him not hearing the talk between the cruisers along the way. We were a nervous bunch of people at this point. I did not want to be a pier runner. Although it would make for a better story line, "Mitsugirly and family almost miss the ship...watch them on youtube as pier runners", I did not want to be that person!


The ship was finally in site and I was dreading the long walk in port and down the pier.





He told us to pull out our ship cards. We all did and security glanced in and we drove in...and KEPT DRIVING!!!





All the way down the pier and right to the cruise ship door!! Ok, I'm feeling better now.


Only look at this...See the gray and red van in front of us? That's the van that was still sitting back in Christiansted when we left. How the heck did they manage to pass us? (We were in the white bus).





It felt so good to be back. Look at that beautiful wall of windows.




We walked onto the ship at exactly 4:30pm...all aboard time! This is the closest I have EVER cut it to getting back on the ship.


Our picture from that morning...in happier times and before the nerves started.




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Hamburgers, hotdogs and chips. I would say it was definitely a "cheap" lunch you received for that extra $30 per person!!! I can assure you we each didn't eat $30 worth of food. They are making a killing off of this. So we basically paid $85 for our lunch between all 3 of us (Sakari's was $25 extra). I thought it was a rip off because that's the only thing extra we did on the full day sail.


Here's my $30 plate.





Now remember I said this place was primitive. Well there's not really any lunch tables or anything to sit down and eat. Your choice was to sit on a bench (and there really wasn't a lot of them) or stand at this crate-type of thing and eat. See the picture above? The wood was broken in areas, there was actually some rusty nails sticking out of it on the side I stood on, and for some reason there were tons of spider webs all over it (once again, nothing they can control).





After a day of swimming and snorkeling, I would like to at least sit down to a picnic table or something to have my $30 meal at.


After biting into my hamburger...I about puked. It wasn't even cooked! There's one thing that I can't stand and that's uncooked food. I know some like it, but not me! My food has to be fully cooked. I ended up pinching off the entire hamburger and feeding it to the mongoose! Yes I said mongoose.




The Mongoose of St Croix: They are native to Africa and were intentionally placed on the island in 1884 to help control the black rat population. During that time, sugar cane was the biggest export from St. Croix and rats love to eat sugar cane. So, it was thought the mongoose would naturally prey on them. Most reports claim that the mongoose introduction did not have the desired effect of rat control. (This may be because rats are nocturnal and mongooses aren't.) The mongoose hunted birds and bird eggs, threatening many local island species. They have now become prey of the red boa. The tree climbing boas swing down and snatch the mongoose from the ground.


So there's your history lesson on the mongoose.


They really enjoyed my hamburger.









There are many foods I like on the underdone side, but hamburgers are not one of them. That could easily get somebody sick, especially out on a tropical island. Great review, loving how thorough you are. Feel like I was there (helps that we just did this cruise last year for our 20th).

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You had a good 30 minutes. The all aboard time is intentionally 30 minutes prior to departure. Aim for that time as a cutoff, and you actually have 30 minutes emergency time. I've seen people running down that pier at 2 minutes before DEPARTURE time.


I'm kind of a sick puppy because I sit out on deck before departure to catch a view of people running to catch the ship. I've never seen anyone left, but it did bite me in the butt once. I'll tell you the story if you want me to.

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I'm happy to hear that Sakari had a great birthday! I would be SO nervous about coming in so late from the tour. We always book things on our own too, and I make sure to have a one-hour buffer before all aboard. One time my husband wanted to stay longer. I wasn't worried, until it was 15 minutes before all aboard. I went down to the waiting/party area (Gotta love NCL dock parties!) and waited for him out there. He was one of the last ones in. Not a pier runner, but I was still scared! The staff was bringing me those iced towels to keep me cooled down. I hate taking chances.

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Wow. I would have been freaking out. I get so nervous about the time. Our last tour got us to the ship a good half hour before we had to be back and I was still uncomfortable the entire time. I could not relax.


Great review so far!

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So here's my recap of our day and final thoughts...


The cost of the full day sail was $105.00 per adult and $85 per child. (For us a total of $295 was paid).




Here's the information they sent me on what's included and what to bring:




You are not allowed to wear shoes on the boat and they must be removed and they put everyone's shoes in one huge bag. At the end, they take the bag, turn it upside down and tell everyone to find their shoes...kinda like a Find Waldo moment.


You must take a taxi to get to Christiansted, costing another $16 per person. So, we now had $343 invested in this day.





Here's the information that was given to me over various emails about the day:




Let's see how it holds up to what really happened.


They said 1 hour spent at Turtle Beach on Buck Island. We spent 1 hour there.


They said 1 hour at the reef snorkeling. We spent 1 hour there basically from the time we pulled up to pulling away (so not quite an hour snorkeling).


They said 1 hour and 45 minutes at North Shore Beach/Big Beards Beach for the BBQ. We spent 1 hour 30 minutes there.


So as you can see, their times are pretty spot on for the most part. They have this down to a science as far as times spent at each place. However, I think getting the whole trip going was the issue and a late start put us behind. I can tell you it wasn't because they were waiting on people or people checking in. We were all waiting at the boat dock (remember standing in the hot sun instead of allowing us to get on the boat and at least sit?)


They said there would be enough taxis waiting for us to return us right back to the ship on time. This is were the problem came into play. There wasn't ANY taxi's actually waiting on us there and there was no mention of having to walk a bit of a distance to find them. Then the confusion of who is getting on what taxi and how many they can actually fit. When you tell me that taxi's will "be there" waiting, I expect them to actually "be THERE" not blocks and blocks up a hill and around the corner away.


They said 30 minute ride back to the port. The next problem was the very slow ride, people passing us, breaks being put on for no reason, joy ride that we had back to the ship and already being late. With this driver, it actually took us 40 minutes to return. Had they not went all the way down the pier with us in the van, we probably would have been pier runners and late. This is a serious problem with me in the whole full day tour.


So...would I recommend this tour?


I'm on the fence about it honestly.


I can say that I wouldn't recommend the full day tour for sure. It just cuts it too close for comfort and if anything was to go wrong (flat tire, construction and so on), you just might miss your ship!


If you have the chance to book the half day tour, sure.


Even if they got you back way ahead of time...is it really worth paying $30 extra for a meal that consists of hamburgers and hotdogs and chips? (Especially when the hamburgers weren't cooked) I don't think so. I would have rather went back on the ship and ate for free or found a local place to eat something decent.


The beach at Buck Island: Very beautiful island and beach. But, not really much there to see in regards to snorkeling at the beach and nothing there except the beach. No restrooms or shade. Just a beautiful beach that I can now say I've seen.


Snorkeling Buck Island Reef:

I'm on the fence about this one too. Basically because there's so much damage to the reef (either by hurricane or whatever) that there really wasn't much to see as far as fish. A few parrot fish, grunts, surgeons, but that was about it. OTHER than the awesome green moray eel and the schools of blue surgeons. So...that made it totally worth the trip for me (not the full day sail, just the snorkeling itself). Any time I see something new, no matter where it is at, it's worth it! But the corals, yea there were some big ones and decent things to see. But, maybe I've just snorkeled so much that I just didn't get that "wow factor" I was expecting.

So, there you have it. MY experience (and although it may not be yours) it's what we encountered. If I was to go back, I probably would book with another vendor because there are others out there that offer half day trips, but I have already been there and done that, so I probably would not return. It's just not on my "gotta do it again" list.

And one last picture from our day to brighten things up. Although you can't remove anything from Buck Island, since it's a National Park, you can remove things from the main island and Sakari collected some fine pieces of sea glass and some shells from the BBQ area.


Now take a look at the sea glass. Do you notice the dark blue one and the turquoise one? Here's some info on them.

ULTRA RARE COLORS: First off, orange is the rarest color. They did not make much orange glass.

The second rarest is turquoise/teal. There were very little amounts of turquoise glass made and not mass produced. These come from Seltzer bottles, decorative glass, canning jars, and electric pole insulators.


Dark blue. This color came from bottles used for medicines in the 1880's and other medicine from the 1950's like Noxzema, Vicks, Pepto Bismol, Milk of Magnesia and even poisons were put in this color of glass. So, it's very rare as well and you are considered lucky if you find one.

Of course the green are not rare and found all over the place when searching.

Sakari has collected sea glass before in ports. She gets a kick out of the different colors she can find. I didn't even know she was finding any at the time. She does know that the dark cobolt blue is rare. Maybe I need to tell her about all the other colors that she might be over looking. She didn't even know about the turquoise/teal colored glass being rare.

I would say this was a good find to have collect 2 rare sea glass pieces on this day. :D


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After getting back on the ship and gathering my wits again...we met up with Kia and hung out at the pool until 5:30pm.


My plan was to shower and get ready to go to the MDR for dinner tonight, then I found out it was formal night and I nixed that idea.


At this point, I discovered I had forgotten my next item...ANY dress pants whatsoever! I had tons of dressy tops, but no dress pants. How could this have happened? I always bring dressy pants. Ugh! I would also discover that Sakari didn't pack my dress shoes with all the cute little diamonds on them. She was in charge of pulling out the summer shoes and putting them in the luggage. Failure on both our parts this time around.


So, we ended up at the buffet and ran into Kia and Xander eating.




Once again, everything tasted fabulous with the exception of the corn on the cob. It seemed like it had been sitting under a heat lamp for way too long. Very dried up for the most part. But everything else was good. Including the desert.




Sakari went back to change out of her dress (we were semi-dressed up with what we had to go on lol) and put shorts on so that she could head to the kids club for awhile.


The hubs and I headed to the casino for about an hour. Did "ok"...maybe lost $20, but that was alright and then I was bored really quick and decided I wanted to head to the show and see this fabulous entertainment everyone always says RC has on the ships.


Tonight's show was "Production Showtime" featuring the Royal Caribbean singing and dancing. Hmm, there's no name for the show or what it's about? That's weird.


We watched the show for awhile and it had something to do with "love" and "being beautiful". They kept singing "I am beautiful" and said a few "damn's" in their songs too. LOL I couldn't help but laugh. Now honestly, I did not like the show. I thought it was kinda cheesy. I didn't think their voices were the greatest (some ok) but the dance moves...hmmm. Many were off beat at any given time or playing catch up a beat behind and I seen a couple, here and there throughout the show, that were definitely behind on the others doing the same thing. I wasn't impressed at all. Actually disappointed. I have always read that they have wonderful shows on RC. Ok, maybe the next time would be better.


I was impressed with the curtain screen on the stage though. It was pretty colors, that represented the ocean and coral, and it actually had moving fish swimming back and forth. How cool! Of course this was the curtain prior to the show starting.


I would find out later that we missed the comedian on the first night. Darnit! I love to go to the comedian shows. The first night is always a blur to me every cruise and it takes me until day 2 to get the swing of things.


We looked around in the shops for awhile and picked out some "at a later date" purchases and then picked up Sakari from the kids club at 10pm.


Back to our room and we would find our first towel animal. A sea turtle!!!




They were playing Finding Dori on the big screen at the pool and as much as I wanted to watch it (I love this movie), I knew I had homework to do. Dedication I tell ya! School before fun.


I decided to check the weather back home and found that the kids were having an enjoyable snowball fight while I'm in the Caribbean (sarcasm).




I started on my homework (although I had started on my reading assignments on the plane trip to PR, I still needed to finish it).




We have a test every Tuesday and I had a decent connection on the internet tonight in the room and I decided since my readings were still fresh in my mind, I would proceed to just go ahead and take my test. 100%! Boom, I'm good to enjoy myself until Thursday. I'm glad that's done and out of the way.


Meanwhile, Sakari is doing her nightly drawing. Her imaginary friend Gola and Gola's love Goldy.





I did a little bit of packing for our adventure in port tomorrow and texted my son back home to make sure that the dog and fish were still alive and we were in bed by 1am.


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It cost $12 for the cab ride to the port and we arrived at 12:20pm.


Our driver was CRAZY! At one point he pulled out into the road with oncoming traffic both ways. Then all of a sudden a huge bus was coming and I thought I might just tinkle myself. The bus wasn't stopping and he wasn't moving out of the way. He floored it and barely made it out of the way. The bus would have hit my side and I kinda like my side and would like to keep it intact.


At that point, I put away my nice tip I had for him. Like seriously, almost the entire ride there was like that. I wasn't in a hurry and I did say that when we got in the cab "no hurry, we have until 7 tonight" lol.


He sang all the way to the port...ALL.THE.WAY. Of course it was in Spanish and we didn't understand. My husband asked if the taxi job was just a day job and he was really a singer. He laughed and said "I only sing to my customers to welcome them to our beautiful place and entertain them". Then started talking more. So, since he was going out of his way to sing to us, I put the tip back in my hand. He got lucky.


So the first thing I notice here is that we didn't have a place to drop off/check in your luggage and you had to carry it with you in the lines. This just must be a PR thing.


We went and got in line. It was moving FAST!





We checked our luggage in and went through security by 12:50PM. Prior to putting our carry-on's on the security/x-ray belt, I asked the lady about what do we do with our wine we had brought. Do we leave it in our bag or take it out and carry it. She said leave it.


At the end of the security belt, we picked it up, noticed that they had pulled a few people over to a table to check their wine and we were told "that way please"...which was to the lines to check ourselves in with Royal. Hmmm...ok, so they didn't check us for some reason. I'm good with that.


Now let's talk wine. I have NEVER liked wine. It just taste bitter to me. I like the fruity fru-fru drinks that taste like cool-aide. People on here have given me suggestions of things to try and I have just never liked it.


Kendra is the same as me with wine. However, last year she found a wine at a party and told me I had to try it and try it I did and liked it! Thank goodness it's a cheap wine.





We have been drinking this ever since. Then about 2 months ago, we went to Olive Garden and they were giving samples of their wine and we liked it too... probably more than the Arbor Mist.




So now I have 2 options. We decided, for the first time, to bring 2 bottles with us and I decided it would be the Poggio!


After checking in with Royal and flashing my RC-Anchor-bright-pink-tee-shirt-with-all-of-the-ship-names on it that my neighbor let me borrow, we had our pictures taken by the ship photographer.





Then we headed to the ship. This was the weirdest way I have ever gotten on a ship that I can remember. It was on the ground level and you walk out to the deck and around to the ship and on the ship. I'm used to walking up the ramps that wind back and forth leading up to the lobby area.


Here's a picture of where you get on.








It was a super fast experience from stepping out of the cab to walking onto the ship.

Great review, best one I've seen around in a while. Question, is the Poggio wine a sweet or dry wine? I ask because I'm always trying to find a wine my wife likes. She likes semi sweet to sweet. None dry. Thanks.

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Someone ask about the room pictures. I totally forgot to post them. Oops. There's always a first for everything (forgetting).


So, we were on the 3rd floor, which I REALLY liked! We did get an interior because it was such a port-intensive cruise that we wouldn't be in our room much anyhow...and honestly, if you have followed my reviews, I'm not overly "wowed" by a balcony to begin with. We just don't spend enough time in the room to justify it unless it's a really GOOD deal.


We had room 3083. This room was right down the hall from the elevators and the first one you came to. I purposely pick those rooms every time if they are available.




I thought the room was wonderful with enough room for all of us to be comfortable.


I do want to draw attention to the bed. It is rounded at the bottom. Now I haven't spent any time on the RC boards to know if this is a concern with cruisers or not. I know that some of the complaints with NCL was that on the Epic, the beds are rounded at the end and therefore those that are of "taller height", this creates a problem with feet hanging off the ends.




Is this a problem with RC cruisers? Is this normal for their beds to be like this?


I personally didn't have a problem with it but just wondering.


And here's our living room complete with a couch. I really liked this. Plenty of room to move around and a couch if you wanted to sit and watch t.v. instead of being on the bed. The t.v. does come out and swivel to which direction you wanted it to face.




This is my new school desk for the remainder of the cruise.




And of course you can see all those cabinets and drawers for space.


The safe is normal size (normal = small) compared to other ships.





They do have a refrigerator, but I have no idea what for since you are not allowed to bring your own pop. We did put our wine in there and it was pretty cold, but would have liked to have our pop in there instead! We don't have any medications that need refrigerated so that leaves that out as well.




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The bathroom. It was a standard bathroom and reminds me of every other interior bathroom on all the ships I have been on.




The only thing I did notice was just how itty bitty tiny the shower was. It was rounded, which really made it small. Don't drop your soap in this shower or try to shave your legs. It's not happening. (Remember I use a fish eye, so it appears bigger than it is). Even the comedian was making fun of it later in the cruise.


But...I did like that it had glass doors. That meant no shower curtain that would stick to you or drip all over the place if it got outside the shower.





This was pretty much the same set up however, instead of having glass shelves along the side of the mirror, they actually had cabinets with the glass inside the cabinet and a mirror as a door. I actually liked that.






Closet space





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One of the things I really liked about RC is this paper. It makes it so nice to just be able to check off what your desires are and leave it for the room steward. All cruise lines should adopted this policy. It eliminates confusion, missing your room steward and not getting the things you want until another day and so on. It's sweet and to the point!





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Love your reviews! Thank you so much for doing them [emoji4]. We had no problem bringing soda onboard Oasis a couple of weeks ago. I bought cans and packed them in an extra suitcase with water.



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