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Norwegian Cruisers -- How are things where YOU live?


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Greetings, NCL Cruisers ~ If an effort to give our members a place where we can discuss how things are where YOU are related to the Coronavirus, hosts are starting these threads so we can chat during the crisis. Let's talk about creative ways our families and neighbors are coping and helping one another out; share ideas for parents who are at home 24/7 with their school age children; you get the idea.....  Our only request is that we AVOID turning this into a political or health debate thread.  This is a stressful time for everyone.  Let's practice some kindness and make Cruise Critic a place members want to visit in this difficult time.

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Hi all 

We live in mainland Spain and have been badly affected.  We are on day 11 of total lockdown, no outside visits at all except to the nearest chemist or supermarket and only one person per car.

Everyone is sticking to the curfew and helping others and its refreshing to see.   Loving life and looking forward to our cruises.  Hope everyone else is fine?



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Thank you for starting this thread and hello from USA's new "ground zero" for the moment (apology for lack of a better word/term to describe where we are) - that is, NYC)  Our neighborhood/home a small town within Queens county (NYC) not far from LGA airport.  Essentially been doing shelter-in-place for the past 10+ days and gradually escalated our stockpiling of food & essentials, including meds & putting prior life skills, career training, knowledge & resources, etc. into practice.  Early-retired last year in relative good health, and fortunately, don't have to worry about commuting, work-from-home ... we should be able to take care of ourselves, check on our extended families nearby as well as neighbors & friends ... and, not be a burden to first responders.  We lived thru 9/11 - about 3/4 miles when the towers fell; and walk away from ground zero in the afternoon - and will survive this again, together.  This isn't the time for politics but crisis management and triage management of limited resources & come together as one to help. 


Each day, I think about my colleague & ex-staff in health care on the frontline, the nephews & nieces working on the front lines ... helping to protect and keep us well (I.T. and medicine, finance & airport/airline operations.)  How to help - do all we can to be self-sufficient ... stretch these food stored & extend those supplies on hand.  Do a basic body wellness check yourself each day, twice a day if you are "at risk" - i.e. on body temperature and use Tele-Medicine for non-urgent care.  


I've been on the NYC Medical Reserve Corp since 2005 and we've been called-up to activate, mobilize retired health care professionals, doctors & nurses, and technicians to volunteer & help staff the surge medical facilities across N.Y. State ... by definition, available retirees ourselves are among the at-risk, by age.  This pandemic existed before as a disaster drill exercise only.  This, is real, and we are already seeing the grim numbers from countries other than China, it is frightening and very difficult to believe.  


The battle has only just begun here in the U.S. and this isn't an easy war to fight.  NY is serving as a reflecting mirror for this country of ours, on the difficult & challenging path ahead , and we love, care and proud of.  As for cruising and when, that's the least of the worries now ... 

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We are a retired couple in our early 60's in New York living a quiet, typical life. The streets and public transit are empty and most things are closed, which is, of course, totally surreal in NY.  Pretty much the only place you see many people together are supermarkets.  We are stocked up adequately so we stay home aside from a daily walk in the neighborhood during which we pick up fresh produce.  The two things in short supply seem to be toilet paper and chicken.  I guess they have their hands full inside the hospitals but as "innocent bystanders" we're really not seeing any drama at all except on the news. Obviously, the severely ill would not be out wandering the streets though.  We have a wide circle of friends and do not know of anyone who is actually ill.  I expect that will change, unfortunately, if predictions are accurate. The "daily life" changes for us are cancelled social events and church services and I also dearly miss the library.  We have suspended our usual family gathering for Sunday dinner with our adult children but can still do Facetime with our little grandson every day.   Several weddings and a dinner party have been cancelled for April and my weekly lunch date with friends is on hold indefinitely.  I really feel sorry for the couples who have put so much effort and money into weddings.  Our big anniversary trip to Europe this spring has, of course, been demolished.  Everyone can only comment on their own experience.  For us, so far, this has the odd feeling of being in limbo and waiting for the other shoe to drop.  My heart really goes out to those who are loosing small businesses and jobs.  The Chinese American community is being particularly hard hit and it saddens me on several levels to see that. 

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Yes, thanks for starting this thread.  We live outside Albuqerque, New Mexico.  We are currently on a “stay at home” order.  For us (retired) it is not a big deal and except for our investment portfolio (ouch) no impacts (but confident it will go back up).  What saddens me the most is the people who are really impacted—those who can’t work, those who have contracted the disease and are very ill, the countries, states and cities with a lot of cases.  Such a feeling of wanting to do something to help, but can only do that locally—food bank donations, etc.  Thoughts and prayers to all as you deal with your challenges.

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I live in the DC area.  Keeping up with things in DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia.  Too many people out over the weekend checking out the cherry blossoms has ruined it for the rest of us.  And too many businesses still operating as usual.  They are shutting all non-essential business down.  Luckily, we can still get out of the house as long as we keep 6 feet + between us.  Getting bored with my neighborhood so I took the dog on some hiking trails.  Hopefully groups won't ruin that for us all.


So sorry to hear what's going on in Spain.  I lived outside of Madrid for many years and have friends over there.  It's heartbreaking.

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Boston area checking in. Still working (insurance agency=essential) but husband on furlough. We are very early 60s but labeled as "at risk" which is messing with my head.  Keeping distant from all friends and neighbors AND my co~workers who are also worried about exposure from everyone and everywhere. Done quite a bit of much needed deep cleaning but that is getting old real fast.  Have a beach condo in Maine to escape to but they just closed the beaches today so no chance for a leisurely stroll to clear the mind and shed some lbs. We have 3 nurse nieces in Boston hospitals which is very worrisome most especially with the shortage of PPE.  I believe WE will be fine but it's them and the hospital and medical staff that concerns us the most. Sending prayers love and appreciation to all those that put themselves in harm's way. A big thank you to all. And well wishes to everyone else.






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Hello from Australia.

We have a total travel ban, state boarders are closed, all national & state parks are closed to camping. Council & private caravan parks are closed. 

Our government put all of this in place because of the upcoming Easter school holidays which is the start of camping season here & so many people travel interstate then

So many people have lost jobs. People are lining up outside social security department at 3am just to try & get help.

We can't see our family but we love FaceTime with our grandchildren, makes our day.

We did have 2 ncl cruises booked for the Med & Baltic waiting for cancellation. 

Stay safe & happy wherever you are. 

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Hello to my neighbors around the globe. I am staying home with my beautiful bride here in Oklahoma. I was scheduled to be in Las Vegas this weekend for the sweet sixteen round of the college basketball tournament. Of course that was cancelled, due to travel restrictions, social distancing recommendations and no more sporting events. My retirement B2B cruise was scheduled for May 1st, but that has also gone by the wayside. My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this pandemic. I look forward to visiting Spain next summer and continuing my search for the perfect liter of Sangria. My bride prefers the Sangria made with Cava and I prefer bubble free, but extra fruit.

Please stay safe and remember that the most important issue is protecting your family and surviving the hurdles to come. 

Respectfully, Jim

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Thanks for starting this thread.  A good way to have perspective how we all are weathering this storm. 

I am retired, a senior citizen and where I live (FL) now required to stay home.  Local drug stores & markets have started senior citizen early hours for shopping.  Everything is closed, churches, restaurants (although pick-up is still allowed,) doctor's offices are using phone or video visiting except for emergencies. 


I resorted to shopping on-line and was successful in getting everything I needed delivered.  I am good to go for the near future.


I have two sons, one in the public health field as an epidemiologist - he's working from home at present;  the other an airline pilot.  He says most of his flights at present are half empty,  he wipes down the cockpit for every flight.  They have cut back hours for the time being.  


All my planned cruises for 2020 have been canceled and I pushed a January 2021 cruise to year end 2021.  Next cruise I am looking at will be Australia in April 2021. I pray that all will be well by then.


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Hello Fellow Cruisers, hope this finds you well.

Here in Miami there is a lot less traffic now. All hotels are supposed to be closed, the Florida Keys: Closed, and several cruise ships resting at port. Only essential businesses are open, and most restaurants, if open, only have take out or delivery.

Hospitals seem to be handling the rush ok, hope that does not change for the worse. Lots of drive by testing stations have opened up, but they have long wait times. One private hospital in Hialeah does not have long testing wait times, but inexplicably is charging customers $150 for the test. I though insurance companies agreed to cover all test costs.

My wife and I have managed to stay put in our home for the last couple of weeks, not much change from our regular routines with the exception of granddaughter's duties and visits.

We managed to cancel a May Alaskan cruise. It was good of NCL to let us reschedule even though they kept our deposit, no big deal for us, but I wish they would consider giving back the money to those that are loosing their incomes.

We keep busy around the house, there is always plenty to do or learn. 

Neighbors are keeping an eye on each other for any needs someone may have. A closed knit neighborhood feels even closer now.

Our prayers for those in all those hot spots such as NY, and Italy, and looking forward to when this all behind us.




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Peachtree city Georgia,  Besides learning how to be a kindergarten teacher overnight things are still kinda normal here. I put my city in there because every county is different in Georgia at the moment. A lot of our restaurants are take out only but getting creative. One local restaurant is doing 10 dollars for a meal choice of 5 dishes and you can order fresh meat for the fridge. I love the local spirit that comes out. Our neighborhood is trying a drive by Easter hunt. We hung 1 picture in each house the kids colored in and the plan is to drive by in our golf carts ( yes golf carts we have 100 miles of cart paths)1 at a time and find them. We still are taking walks riding bikes and playing golf anything you can do outside without contact. I am definitely seeing way to many teenagers hanging out instead of staying apart. My family lives in Massachusetts and it’s a totally different situation.

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18 hours ago, Valchie said:

. We have 3 nurse nieces in Boston hospitals which is very worrisome most especially with the shortage of PPE.  I believe WE will be fine but it's them and the hospital and medical staff that concerns us the most. 



 I hear you, I have a brother in the lynnfield fire department/EMT  and two cousins who are nurses at MCI Concord. There all young and healthy but the situation they are in scares the heck out of me.

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Currently South Jersey, formerly Suffolk County NY. 


Were "locked down" in it's limited sense community wise. Personally my husband has been deemed essential and while that is true in a sense, his company is taking full advantage of the declaration and having him out doing everything normal and not just the 'essential' functions like I'm sure so many other people are dealing with. His jobs have him going in and out of hospitals in the tri state area so likely for us it's not if but when. 


I own a duplex with my parents renting our other unit. Even though we live in essentially the same house I haven't seen them in weeks now because every day my quarantine restarts even though I haven't left the house in.... 3 weeks now? 4? It's all a bit like groundhogs day because I can't quarantine like others so my time spent away to keep them safe feels unending. That's been the most difficult part for me personally, knowing my Mother in particular is bored and scared and I can't just go... right downstairs... to her apartment and spend time either comforting or distracting her without risking her. 


My younger brother lives with them and works at a hardware store which has also been deemed essential which other people have apparently taken to mean is the place to go crowd and hang out in more than ever. His company as well has taken full advantage of the 'essential' declaration and has made no attempts to distance people, provide any amount of protection to their employees or even limit the crowds in their store. To quote a tweet someone in my neighborhood sent out to our Gov. "Please explain how it's too dangerous for 10 members of my immediate family to gather for a funeral for my grandfather but it's safe to have 100+ in walmart right now?" Not trying to get political just voicing frustrations with the current social distancing system protecting some and throwing the rest, and their families, to the wolves. My brother isnt allowed to wear a mask at work but does so at home though other than in the bathroom or for a meal spends all his time in his bedroom now to limit exposing my parents as much as he can as well. I think the reason the situation is bothering my mother as it is is because suddenly her family has been broken apart together, if that makes any sense. 


I suppose thats it from my end in the grand scheme of things seeing what others are going through it's nothing but mindless worry. Apart from grocery stores and hardware stores it seems most are paying head to the lock down, streets are mainly empty from cars... from what my husband has told me at least. Anyway thanks for the rant space, this was a nice idea and felt better writing than just constantly telling everyone around me (via text) how fine everything is going to be and not to worry = )

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Hello from England.


We are in the "lockdown" period here.  We are allowed out to buy supplies and to exercise near to our homes, once a day providing we stay 2 metres apart .

Most people are sticking to this.

It was our Mothers' Day last Sunday but we had to Facetime our children. Better than nothing.

There are several good exercise programmes on the TV which we are trying to follow and, at the moment, although cold at night, we have glorious sunshine during the day so, doing a lot of gardening.

There are lots of humorous videos/jokes going round which make sure that everyone can have a laugh to lighten things.

Last night at 8pm the whole country stood outside and applauded our wonderful health workers in the NHS.

Keep safe.

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Hello from Kuwait.


Schools were suspended from the 1st of March. The following week, cinemas, theaters museums and shopping malls were ordered by the government to shut down.  From the 12th of March, all workers (public and private sectors) were ordered to stay at home, with the exception of essential personnel.  Airport was shut down and borders were closed.


Its been a week now since a partial lockdown was put in place, no one is allowed outside between the hours of 5pm and 4am.


Personally, I have been working on little organizing projects at the house and on my PC.  Also been trying to workout a bit by using Peloton exercise app. My wife was in London when the airport was closed, and she is still stuck there.  I have 3 daughters, and I tried at first to keep them involved with school work but have given up on that (since they won't be back to school until October), so they are dividing their time between TV, reading, arts and crafts, and sleeping.  They are allowed an ipad time twice per day, and each time is for one hour.  I leave the house once every 5 days to go grocery shopping.


Stay safe everyone 🌹🌹

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We're on a resort Island off the coast of Georgia, where local authorities didn't get serious about this pandemic until a week ago.  Prior to that our beaches, bars and restaurants were jammed with spring breakers for two weeks.  Now our beaches are closed, as are all schools, bars, hair and nail salons, theaters, and all restaurants for dining in.  Quite a few restaurants are offering take-out service with curb-side delivery.  The county government is allowing the restaurants to sell alcohol with take out orders.  The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center on the mainland has shut down.  All hotels are closed, as is the Sea Island Resort, which just furloughed all of its employees.  But our golf courses are still open.  All elective surgeries are the SE GA Health Center have been postponed, and all residents 65 and over, or with chronic health issues, have a mandatory stay at home order from the local government.  The state government has pretty much been MIA up to now.  This week we've had an influx of people from out of state, mostly NY, seeking to flee the hot spots back home, but there is nowhere for them to stay.  As I mentioned, the hotels are closed and most rental properties are not available to anyone not from the local area.  Closing the beaches after the spring breakers left is a little bit like locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen.  At the moment, there are four confirmed cases of Covid-19 on the mainland, and it was just announced that a Sea Island resident has the virus.  We only have two grocery stores on the Island, and each has special hours for seniors only.  Today Harris-Teeters was fully stocked with toilet paper, paper towels, Clorox, and all the various disinfectant sprays.  Still no hand sanitizer, though.  Over sixty percent of the residents of the county are over 60.  

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How are things in NY tonight, depends who you listen to and believe in.  We are, IMHO, on borrowed time (that is, not just New York) before America's healthcare system, not just NY's - become overwhelmed and get anywhere near the apex.  Italy and other countries warned us, and health care professionals are telling us ...  We are hearing those ambulance runs with the sirens full on - we are just 6.5 miles from the new, current "Ground Zero" - Elmhurst Hospital (one of the oldest in the city's municipal system) in Queens County with 2.3 million residents.  


On Tuesday, we got our MRC notifications for medical volunteers to respond for surge staffing - with 100 requests posted in the online portal.  Tonight (Friday) - the 2nd. wave of requests pushed out, with 4,000 requests in the portal.  The needs for mental health volunteers are additional ... that's my area and it is not a field assignment and is done remotely.  It is good to be in a position to help and ...  Otherwise, we are doing what others are asked to do, do our share & stay at home, shelter-in-place and limit travel to essential ones. 


The bullet train is heading toward New Orleans, Los Angeles, and other cities & towns, large & small.  Please, get ahead of the curves yourself.  Here is one of the many stories (and issues raised: DNR & Health Care Proxy) that might not make it to major network news https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2020/03/27/teacher-on-life-support--deserves-better---says-family 


DW and I would rather be planning for our next cruise and next vacation - our plans overboard and believe me, I much rather wake up and discover that this is just a bad dream and fake news.  It is not.  Good night, be prepared and stay healthy.  Kindness is contagious.  


P.S.A. - NY's blood bank - depends on volunteers - is running low and this situation will repeat itself across the country as the virus spread.  



Edited by mking8288
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Here in Australia vets are going to donate the use of dog & cat respirators,  as our snake & tick season is coming to an end...whoever would have thought.

Weddings have a limit of 5 & funerals 10.

The government aren't planning on total lockdown yet.

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Greetings, NCL Cruisers ~ If an effort to give our members a place where we can discuss how things are where YOU are related to the Coronavirus, hosts are starting these threads so we can chat during the crisis. Let's talk about creative ways our families and neighbors are coping and helping one another out; share ideas for parents who are at home 24/7 with their school age children; you get the idea.....  Our only request is that we AVOID turning this into a political or health debate thread.  This is a stressful time for everyone.  Let's practice some kindness and make Cruise Critic a place members want to visit in this difficult time.

I live in NY. First, let me say here in US we had 44,000 cases on Tuesday, @500 deaths. As of today (Saturday morning) we have 102,920 cases and 1590 deaths. In NY, we have 45,000 cases and over 500 deaths. We are all helping each other out although some hoarders are making simple tasks like washing your dishes, hands, and butt nearly impossible. Florists are handing out toilet paper with a flower. Lol so when we find a store with stock we text family and friends. My parents are in their 90s, so we try to keep them isolated but it’s so hard for them. But we will all come out of this stronger and cleaner!

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Hello from Illinois Chicagoland Suburbs!  Husband and I are "essential workers"-both retail management. Him for a major pharmacy chain and me for a major gas station/convienence store chain. Our daughter is a police officer for neighboring suburb. The stay at home order not working the greatest. Too many people still out for non essential things. We have rebooked our cancelled March cruise for October and it gives us something to look forward to in all of this craziness. Everyone stay safe!

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I'm in Maryland, people just don't listen, stores are crowded/Walmart, Target, Grocery etc.  We haven't had and still don't have adequate testing happening.  The number of cases is way under reported to be honest.  I've had a death in my family in NY from COVID-19 and have friends that have family in NY with COVID-19 three are on ventilators/not doing well.  Please take this serious, stay safe, only go out if you have too, there are so many asymptomatic and those that think they have "just a cold" or "just the flu" people just spreading this around.  I am a healthcare worker, we have no protective gear, were told "use a surgical mask" "its only droplet" which couldn't be farther from the truth because when someone coughs or sneezes it stays in the air for several minutes before dropping down to the surfaces.

Edited by penutbutterjelly
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@mking8288....Henry, thanks for checking in.  Was wondering how things were going in “ground zero”.


In SW Ohio, things aren’t remotely as dire.  Restaurants are closed except most are offering delivery and/or carry out.....even the higher end places.  Bars and entertainment places are closed.


But, went to the nearest park to walk my dog today, and the basketball courts and soccer fields were full.  Grocery stores liquor stores and pharmacies are open.


it is recommended that we should limit gatherings to no more than 5 people.


don’t know of anyone who has contracted Covid.  And those I know don’t know of anyone infected.

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We live in Maryland and as of now we have  1239 cases and as of last night Saturday March 28, 200 more cases were added.  Everything is closed.  Gatherings of no more than 5 people. Some supermarkets in the area are letting people enter 5 at a time.


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