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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 7th, 2024

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Hope everyone had a good Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

I spent the day packing up my office as the lease expires this month and the landlord chose not to renew. I was not told way. Been there for over five years. A little sad. Very hot today. Highs in the 90s. Just have to move the big pieces of furniture out. 

Bon voyage to @luvteaching.

Crisp Mini on Embarking/Disembarking in DzC | Frontline Gaming


Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I watched the Dr Pol finale. Very touching. Sad to see that it’s gone. Although I did see an advertisement that Nat Geo was rerunning the entire series from beginning to end on Saturdays. 



Everyone’s comments about being called both first and middle names is hilarious. Weirdly, I don’t remember ever being called by both, Sharon Gayle. But I have always been told that I was a perfect child. I think that was out of not wanting attention and knowing what trouble my brother had gotten into. On the other hand, Craig doesn’t have a middle name. When I asked his mother about why she just said the name Craig was just right on its own. 

I don't have a middle name either because my mom didn't like hers (Corinne).

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Nancy @ottahand7, the cake looks professional!  Did you have it made?  I love the idea of celebrating your father. The fireworks looked amazing. 

The cake was the cake was for my dear friend Frank who passed away last year.  We just enjoyed it.  The fireworks were amazing! 

Edited by ottahand7
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Happy Sunday everyone, and thanks for the Daily, wine and food details, maps, and  quotes.  I love pina colada's on a BHB, and will try the shrimp dish and maybe the wine.I know why people vacation in  New York in the summer: because it is 10 degrees hotter where they live!  Visiting where the high is only 90 sounds good to me.


Downsizing always is a mixed blessing experience. You are happy to be moving for whatever reason, and sad when  you realize how much stuff has to be sorted and dealt with. We moved 10 years ago from a large two story home, across the street to a recently renovated one story, half the size. It took us 30 minutes to stick a post it note on anything we wanted to keep, and sold everything else. It felt so good.😁


Blessings for those dealing with illness, worries, and big decisions. Safe travels for those on adventures, and prayers for all in danger or risky situations. 





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Remember the conference? The one that waited until July to respond to session proposals for presentation in July?


They publish memorial notices in the program book for people in the field who died in the past year. I wrote one for a rabbi who had participated in some of the past conferences although most of her activity was in another area where she was very prominent, and sent it in on time. They later decided to dedicate the entire conference to her memory, but by then they had mislaid what I wrote.


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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

I don't have a middle name either because my mom didn't like hers (Corinne).


Two of my mother's sisters, who were twins, didn't have middle names. As teenagers they chose their own.


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I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. 

Well, here goes.


When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick.

i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father.  He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult.  i am still trying to forgive him for that.


That is all I have to say today.  It has been on my mind all day.



Hope everyone had a good day today.  



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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. 

Well, here goes.


When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick.

i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father.  He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult.  i am still trying to forgive him for that.


That is all I have to say today.  It has been on my mind all day.



Hope everyone had a good day today.  



Hugs, Terri.  We all need to remember not everyone had the same experience.  My great niece will have the same issue as her father told the court he didn't want anything to do with her.  She is 7.  How do you explain that to her?

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I had a rather interesting day, so I will go backwards, we are currently having rain, this is after a REALLY WEIRD thunder and lightning storm, now since we live near the bottom of a hill, in a one level ranch, what was going on in the sky was mostly lost on us, but think of lightning that went across the sky, from left to right, and then back again, we lost power several times, but while long enough to make us reset the clocks, and turn the computer back on (which takes forever) but I opened the door wider to the porch,and the wind blew through.  When the storm started, there was a stray dog out in the street, about the size of Donna's dog, it was eating trash from a plastic bag, and an old yogurt container.  I texted Donna, nope Hope was right with her.  We are now under a flood watch until 2:45 am.  The dog disappeared in the rain, but the kittens and Momma Munchkin stayed in the window watching the rain, and the lightning skipping through clouds.  BIG BANGS, and only Tigger was scared.  I have to admit that Furnando did come in from the porch,  and want a hug and kiss, but all in all it was pretty exciting for us humans, just another weird day for kittens.  DH was cleaning the litter box, when the power went out.


We went grocery shopping, and before the shopping we went to our not so favorite Mexican restaurant.  It's in the same strip mall that the Krogers was in, so an easy place to get linner.  I had dunch, and DH had linner. ( I ordered from the lunch menu, DH ordered from the dinner menu) but then we went to pay, and the bartender (we must have been in the dive bar section of the restaurant) told us that a couple at the bar paid for our lunch.  Which couple? He said they had already left, so our meal was free, and we dont know who did that for us.  We definitely need to pay that forward.  Maybe they knew us, maybe they realized that DH was having a hard time, I dont know, but I thanked God for them. And left a nice tip for the bartender. 


Before my father passed away, we shared some good meals -burgers from a food truck at the beach, but our last walk was in the mid 80's.  We were in Sanibel, and dad and i were walking the beach looking for shells, and all of a sudden a lot of people came off the sandbar quickly and walked on to the beach.  there was still a man standing on the sandbar, with a shark's top fin  standing about three feet above his head, right behind him.  My dad just shook his head, and mentioned something about survival of the fittest, and  we kept walking. 


The storms are coming back in, so I am going to turn off the computer.  Good night dear friends.


@Cruzin TerriYou were a baby when your father left, and you had nothing to do with why he left.  That's on him and him and your mom.  Not you, so dont be upset, that a man that couldnt be man enough to see you grow up was not in your life.


My father was a beater.  Not to my mother, she goaded him into beating me.  Not to my brother.  Only me. and my mother put him up to it.  I was 19 before I stood up for myself, and told him, if he raised his hand to me one more time, I was calling the cops.  My neighbors knew, my aunt and uncle knew, but that was back in the 60's and no one said a word, but I was was provided safe havens at friends houses.  He cracked my skull from repeated beating.  Sometimes, having something that someone else has, isnt always the best thing.

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30 minutes ago, dfish said:

Hugs, Terri.  We all need to remember not everyone had the same experience.  My great niece will have the same issue as her father told the court he didn't want anything to do with her.  She is 7.  How do you explain that to her?

Some men don't deserve to be Dads.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. 

Well, here goes.


When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick.

i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father.  He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult.  i am still trying to forgive him for that.


That is all I have to say today.  It has been on my mind all day.



Hope everyone had a good day today.  




Terri, I'm glad you felt safe enough here to share your story.  I'm sorry your father was not man enough to stay in your life, but that's on him and not on you.  Just remember you have a family here.  HUGS


6 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I had a rather interesting day, so I will go backwards, we are currently having rain, this is after a REALLY WEIRD thunder and lightning storm, now since we live near the bottom of a hill, in a one level ranch, what was going on in the sky was mostly lost on us, but think of lightning that went across the sky, from left to right, and then back again, we lost power several times, but while long enough to make us reset the clocks, and turn the computer back on (which takes forever) but I opened the door wider to the porch,and the wind blew through.  When the storm started, there was a stray dog out in the street, about the size of Donna's dog, it was eating trash from a plastic bag, and an old yogurt container.  I texted Donna, nope Hope was right with her.  We are now under a flood watch until 2:45 am.  The dog disappeared in the rain, but the kittens and Momma Munchkin stayed in the window watching the rain, and the lightning skipping through clouds.  BIG BANGS, and only Tigger was scared.  I have to admit that Furnando did come in from the porch,  and want a hug and kiss, but all in all it was pretty exciting for us humans, just another weird day for kittens.  DH was cleaning the litter box, when the power went out.


We went grocery shopping, and before the shopping we went to our not so favorite Mexican restaurant.  It's in the same strip mall that the Krogers was in, so an easy place to get linner.  I had dunch, and DH had linner. ( I ordered from the lunch menu, DH ordered from the dinner menu) but then we went to pay, and the bartender (we must have been in the dive bar section of the restaurant) told us that a couple at the bar paid for our lunch.  Which couple? He said they had already left, so our meal was free, and we dont know who did that for us.  We definitely need to pay that forward.  Maybe they knew us, maybe they realized that DH was having a hard time, I dont know, but I thanked God for them. And left a nice tip for the bartender. 


Before my father passed away, we shared some good meals -burgers from a food truck at the beach, but our last walk was in the mid 80's.  We were in Sanibel, and dad and i were walking the beach looking for shells, and all of a sudden a lot of people came off the sandbar quickly and walked on to the beach.  there was still a man standing on the sandbar, with a shark's top fin  standing about three feet above his head, right behind him.  My dad just shook his head, and mentioned something about survival of the fittest, and  we kept walking. 


The storms are coming back in, so I am going to turn off the computer.  Good night dear friends.


@Cruzin TerriYou were a baby when your father left, and you had nothing to do with why he left.  That's on him and him and your mom.  Not you, so dont be upset, that a man that couldnt be man enough to see you grow up was not in your life.


My father was a beater.  Not to my mother, she goaded him into beating me.  Not to my brother.  Only me. and my mother put him up to it.  I was 19 before I stood up for myself, and told him, if he raised his hand to me one more time, I was calling the cops.  My neighbors knew, my aunt and uncle knew, but that was back in the 60's and no one said a word, but I was was provided safe havens at friends houses.  He cracked my skull from repeated beating.  Sometimes, having something that someone else has, isnt always the best thing.


Annie, I wish things had been been better with your parents.  Every child deserves two parents who want to be parents and involved with their kids, and not in the way your father was.  And it's never the child's fault, but sadly they are the ones who suffer.  That was nice of someone to pay for your meal today.


10 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Some men don't deserve to be Dads.


Susan, that is so true, and I think of them as sperm donors not parents.



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5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Young lady is headed for her first ever 7 day cruise!



OMG!!  Bruce this is hilarious!  We actually encountered someone with a humongous suitcase disembarking from a cruise once. She was directly in front of us and could hardly manage the huge suitcase. 


4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

The cake was the cake was for my dear friend Frank who passed away last year.  We just enjoyed it.  The fireworks were amazing! 

Ooppps, I got my facts mixed up. Anyway, it was a beautiful cake and a lovely way to remember your friend. 

Thoughts with Terri @Cruzin Terri and Annie @marshhawk today. Hugs to you both. 

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. 

Well, here goes.


When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick.

i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father.  He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult.  i am still trying to forgive him for that.


That is all I have to say today.  It has been on my mind all day.



Hope everyone had a good day today.  



Hugs @Cruzin Terri

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19 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Best wishes to you as you prepare for your new home.  We all collect much more than we need — I guess a result of being fortunate.  When my DH and I left our home 6 years ago there was a lot to sort through and decide what to do with assorted stuff.  Now I try to not start collecting again!


Prayers for your health issues and for a quick pain free resolution.  Katherine


Thanks Katherine.



19 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@kazu Jacqui we retired to Montana after working at Boeing for 20 years. I was 43, but we decided to retire when Allen turned 55.


After 5 year's of running a bed and breakfast and taking care of 11 acres, we decided to move on. We moved everything to Coeur d'Alene. 2 moving trucks. A big house. (Thinking our son, DIL and grandkids would visit, but never did)


After 6 years we found a new development we fell in love with and started building. It was small. 1600 ft. I spent at least 2 months going through the must haves, and the rest went to our estate sale, then St. Vincent's. It was painful but I am one that won't keep stuff in boxes. If I didn't have a space for it, out it went.


When we decided to move to Texas, we sold everything except treasures and a few antiques. Even the car and jeep. Loaded what is called a U box, flew to Texas and started new. 


I can't believe we did it! I still have my treasures and memories. It's refreshing to start anew and hoping you have the strength to do it too. Hugs my friend. 


Thanks Joy for your story and encouragement.



19 hours ago, richwmn said:

I am on the Majestic Japan, and I thought I mentioned on the FCL. I'll mention it again on the new list.


I  thought you had mentioned it too and added you.  II’m perplexed.  not sure if something didn’t save properly and I missed it or what?  My sincere apologies.  Please post again so I don’t forget and I will make sure it saves properly.    



18 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

I like a good ham. That 🐙 is creepy


The octopus looked yummy to me 😘 but I’m a big fan.



6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My father was a beater.  Not to my mother, she goaded him into beating me.  Not to my brother.  Only me. and my mother put him up to it.  I was 19 before I stood up for myself, and told him, if he raised his hand to me one more time, I was calling the cops.  My neighbors knew, my aunt and uncle knew, but that was back in the 60's and no one said a word, but I was was provided safe havens at friends houses.  He cracked my skull from repeated beating.  Sometimes, having something that someone else has, isnt always the best thing.


How sad, Annie.  Huge hugs to you for such sad childhood memories 🤗 



8 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

I have spent all day deciding whether or not to post today. 

Well, here goes.


When I saw the days we are honoring today I felt sick.

i never had the privilege to take a walk with my father.  He decided that he wanted no part of us when i was 18 months old and I never saw him again until I was an adult.  i am still trying to forgive him for that.


That is all I have to say today.  It has been on my mind all day.



Hope everyone had a good day today.  




Hugs Terri 🤗 As was said earlier, some men don’t deserve to be dads.

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8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My father was a beater.  Not to my mother, she goaded him into beating me.  Not to my brother.  Only me. and my mother put him up to it.  I was 19 before I stood up for myself, and told him, if he raised his hand to me one more time, I was calling the cops.  My neighbors knew, my aunt and uncle knew, but that was back in the 60's and no one said a word, but I was was provided safe havens at friends houses.  He cracked my skull from repeated beating.  Sometimes, having something that someone else has, isnt always the best thing.

How horrible!  Hugs to you!  I am glad you occasionally did find safe havens.


8 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Some men don't deserve to be Dads.

Very true.  

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Beryl made landfall in Texas as a category 1 hurricane.  Prayers for all those in its path. 🙏 

Rain started here during the wee hours and continues very lightly but steady. Had some winds as there's all kinds of stuff in the yard. But no damage from either. This is the good part of the storm.

I'm off to check on conditions further south by the coast. 🤞🙏

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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Beryl made landfall in Texas as a category 1 hurricane.  Prayers for all those in its path. 🙏 

There is considerable flooding in Matagorda County with early reports that about half the county is without power. There's a video on the weather channel of a travel trailer being blown over.




Houston will likely flood.



The storm will track north beyond Memphis 🙏 everyone is safe from the possible flooding.



The rain we're having is predicted to stop by 11 am. And our high will only be 83°.


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