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Getting very nervous


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Going on Vista in a few weeks with my boss and a co-worker. It was my idea to book this cruise so I am getting very nervous about a couple of things, number 1 being getting 3 women to the port on time! Boss is habitually late, co-worker decided to work "a couple hours" that morning and I don't know what to do. We live about 4 hours from MIA so I would like to be on the road by 8:00. NOT gonna happen now due to co-worker:(. Boss thinks it only takes 3 hours to get there so she would like to leave around 9-ish, which really means 10 or later for her;p. I bought us the FTTF and it says our time is 12:30. Is this a static thing or can we be a bit later and not have an issue?

Next is the ability to communicate with one another while onboard, if we are going separate ways (please, God, yes) for part of the time. I must be getting senile because I can't figure out on the Carnival page how to work this out without it costing too much. Help!

Lastly, you all post such marvelous ideas. How do I implement some of them without seeming like I am being a....being pushy? I want to have fun, not think about work and not be pushed into doing anything I don't enjoy. Too much to ask? LOL Thanks for any insights you have! Don't be afraid to answer in detail. I can re-read it if I need to. :D;)

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Going on Vista in a few weeks with my boss and a co-worker. It was my idea to book this cruise so I am getting very nervous about a couple of things, number 1 being getting 3 women to the port on time! Boss is habitually late, co-worker decided to work "a couple hours" that morning and I don't know what to do. We live about 4 hours from MIA so I would like to be on the road by 8:00. NOT gonna happen now due to co-worker:(. Boss thinks it only takes 3 hours to get there so she would like to leave around 9-ish, which really means 10 or later for her;p. I bought us the FTTF and it says our time is 12:30. Is this a static thing or can we be a bit later and not have an issue?

Next is the ability to communicate with one another while onboard, if we are going separate ways (please, God, yes) for part of the time. I must be getting senile because I can't figure out on the Carnival page how to work this out without it costing too much. Help!

Lastly, you all post such marvelous ideas. How do I implement some of them without seeming like I am being a....being pushy? I want to have fun, not think about work and not be pushed into doing anything I don't enjoy. Too much to ask? LOL Thanks for any insights you have! Don't be afraid to answer in detail. I can re-read it if I need to. :D;)


You can board any time after your assigned check-in time as long as you are on the ship before cut-off time. Download the Carnival Hub App now (each of you) and you can use the chat feature onboard for a small fee to stay in touch with each other.

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Look, you are not your brothers (or boss/coworkers) keeper, these are grown women that will get there when they get there. Why are you stressing out about what others do??? Get yourself to the port when you WANT to, get settled in, have some lunch and probably a drink from the sounds of it!!! No way am I going to be responsible for a grown person that is completely capable.


I am sorry but sometimes people stress themselves out based on what others do (self imposed) when you have NO control over those people. This is exactly why we book ourselves and then (only then) do we share our plans with others if asked. If they are interested then they can do what they want with the info and if we see you on the ship I am sure we will have a good time. My vacation time is very precious and I refuse to worry about others or make plans for others (mostly because I do not want to hear the complaints :loudcry:)......Good Luck!!!!

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If your not going to arrive for early boarding (looks like your arrival will be @1:30-2) and have a habitually late cruiser (early tender if you have a tender port) I'm not sure if FTTF is worth it... you will breeze through Embarcation and rooms will be ready anyway. I would cancel it and save the money IMO. For arrival, you need to be there before 3:15 or so, so I would keep that in mind. I personally prefer to arrive later and not deal,with the crowds... the social media package includes messaging if that helps. And IMO, you choose what YOU want to do and let the others either follow or not... have fun, it's your vacay too

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Actually, with FTTF, you can board anytime you like. I would make up some kind of excuse and tell them you will have to meet them at the port (or arrange to meet them a certain time/place on the ship). I would go nuts having to wait on someone. Your FTTF will not cover them checking in anytime unless they are sharing your room. Therefore, you might tell them you have this assigned check-in time and have to be there. If you are going to check-in anytime after 12, I would just cash-in the FTTF.

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Going on Vista in a few weeks with my boss and a co-worker. It was my idea to book this cruise so I am getting very nervous about a couple of things, number 1 being getting 3 women to the port on time! Boss is habitually late, co-worker decided to work "a couple hours" that morning and I don't know what to do. We live about 4 hours from MIA so I would like to be on the road by 8:00. NOT gonna happen now due to co-worker:(. Boss thinks it only takes 3 hours to get there so she would like to leave around 9-ish, which really means 10 or later for her;p. I bought us the FTTF and it says our time is 12:30. Is this a static thing or can we be a bit later and not have an issue?

Next is the ability to communicate with one another while onboard, if we are going separate ways (please, God, yes) for part of the time. I must be getting senile because I can't figure out on the Carnival page how to work this out without it costing too much. Help!

Lastly, you all post such marvelous ideas. How do I implement some of them without seeming like I am being a....being pushy? I want to have fun, not think about work and not be pushed into doing anything I don't enjoy. Too much to ask? LOL Thanks for any insights you have! Don't be afraid to answer in detail. I can re-read it if I need to. :D;)

You need to handle this BEFORE YOU GO ON THE CRUISE.

Best thing is get together after work for drinks outside of the office. You should let them know in advance that 'we should get together and talk over a few things about our upcoming cruise " You need to lay the groundwork that the 3 of you are not attached to the hip and can do things apart without fear of offending anyone. You didn't say if you've traveled with them before, but if not there's lots of things you all need to discuss. Wakeup times ;mealtimes ;BATHROOM time (I'm assuming you're all sharing a cabin?) do any of you work out at the gym? Pool times, show times.....etc.

In other words you all need to talk out each enjoys doing and come up with a plan TOGETHER! if someone says, don't worry, we'll work it all out, DON'T BELIEVE THAT! I'm not saying you need to have a planned itinerary for every hour, but you need to understand what each person wants from this vacation and what they enjoy and don't enjoy doing. Not doing so is a recipe for disaster and an awkward work environment after the cruise!


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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Going on Vista in a few weeks with my boss and a co-worker. It was my idea to book this cruise so I am getting very nervous about a couple of things, number 1 being getting 3 women to the port on time! Boss is habitually late, co-worker decided to work "a couple hours" that morning and I don't know what to do. We live about 4 hours from MIA so I would like to be on the road by 8:00. NOT gonna happen now due to co-worker:(. Boss thinks it only takes 3 hours to get there so she would like to leave around 9-ish, which really means 10 or later for her;p. I bought us the FTTF and it says our time is 12:30. Is this a static thing or can we be a bit later and not have an issue?

Next is the ability to communicate with one another while onboard, if we are going separate ways (please, God, yes) for part of the time. I must be getting senile because I can't figure out on the Carnival page how to work this out without it costing too much. Help!

Lastly, you all post such marvelous ideas. How do I implement some of them without seeming like I am being a....being pushy? I want to have fun, not think about work and not be pushed into doing anything I don't enjoy. Too much to ask? LOL Thanks for any insights you have! Don't be afraid to answer in detail. I can re-read it if I need to. :D;)


I agree with others, you paid for your vacation, enjoy it. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing. If you purchased FTTF, use it or cancel it. You can be there when the terminal opens with FTTF and have priority boarding. Everyone in your cabin can benefit from that. Why would you want to work to delay your vacation? You go, let them work.


As far as communications, you don't need to buy any Internet plan. Simply download the Hub app (now) and once you're on board. each of you add the chat feature to it. It's $5 per device and that is for the duration of the cruise. You can use the Hub app to chat as well as see menus, pictures, see your Fun Times as well as your portfolio and other things.


Again, enjoy your cruise and have fun. Don't try to be a babysitter of other adults. Let them do their own thing and you do yours.

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This sounds like a recipe for disaster...



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I agree. Those other travelers seem to only care about themselves so let them fend for themselves. Sounds absolutely horrid. If I were you I would not ever go through that again.

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I would cancel the FTTF because it looks loke you won't be there before 1:00 anyway.

Then just get there when you get there. By that time, you should be able to just walk through check-in and go to your room. Just be there at least 1 hour before sailing time, which is most likely 3:00.

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I traveled (air) with three other women, two that I did not know that well. We had two cabins so using the bathroom to get ready wasn't an issue. We all agreed at the airport that we were not attached at the hip so if someone wanted to do something the others didn't then we would split up and just agreed to meet at a specific time and location like for dinner etc. it worked out better than I thought it ever would. Don't stress just let them know what your intentions are for the trip to the port and stick with it. Everyone should be somewhat flexible throughout the duration of the cruise. I hope you all have a great time. One more thing, We also agreed that at night nobody would be left alone. This was easier to follow with four people though.



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If you are only 4 hours away, EACH person can manage their transportation any way they wish. Why aren't you doing this? Late people get later, time goes by, gone. You're already heightened about this now, it's going to continue until you get to the ship. Sounds like a lot of fun?


Dump them drive yourself and leave when you want.. Frankly it's a simple short easy trip,


Why compromise so severely. They have NO intention of compromising for you and get their rears going.

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I have to agree with other posters. Get yourself to the ship and ON the ship on YOUR schedule. You will see ALL of them ON the ship ... tell them 5pm for a drink and name the bar. THEN all of you can discuss that each of you can come and go as you wish. Meet up with each whenever you want .... at dinner .... a comedy show or at the theater, etc.

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There is only one reason I can come up with to cruise with my boss.......in hopes that she goes overboard!?!?!? JK...I wouldn't wish death upon her but I certainly wouldn't spend my vacation with her! You must like your boss a lot!


I would simply set your departure time, tell them you need to arrive by 12:30 and let them know if they don't want to leave that early then you all would need to drive separately.


HUB app for each of you downloaded in advance so you can chat via the app.

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Why not Go down the night before and spend the night!! No way I would travel 3 or more hours to my Port on Sailing Day. Too many things can go wrong when driving...( Accident,..Car breaks Down...Police Etc:(.) Just Reserve a Hotel with Parking or park on your own and not worry about missing the Boat.:)


Hope This Helps




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If your boss paid for this cruise and you are getting "rewarded" from work, then it sounds like you are screwed.


If you paid for your cruise yourself, then you go on your own when you feel it's best for you. Even if you are all sharing a cabin, you don't have to be together all the time. Hopefully you have your own cabin. Arrange to arrive at a time suitable to your needs and continue being independent whenever necessary throughout the cruise.

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I would go by myself the night before, stay the night, and just meet them on the ship after they get there. My second choice would be to drive out the day of the cruise by myself and meet them on the ship. I would not wait for someone who is always late or for someone who chooses to work the morning of the cruise when you have to make a long drive. I just wouldn't do it. If you let them know you will meet them on the ship, that will solve the problem of letting other people stress you out on your vacation.


As far as what to do on the ship, you guys can discuss options ahead of time regarding things to do at the ports. If you guys can agree on the same thing, great. If not, then there's nothing wrong with doing your own thing. Same goes for what to do each day. It's fine for everyone to do whatever they want to do while on vacation, whether it's joining each other for dinner and shows or doing your own thing.

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I am with the other posters. I would just take my own car and get to the port whenever I wanted to (and if I had FTTF and a 4 hour drive, I would probably find a hotel with cruise & park for the night before and enjoy a night by myself in Miami pre-cruise. As long as you clearly and politely communicate what you are doing ahead of time, to me they are all adults and it is up to them to figure out how they get to the cruise port, and what time they want to leave. If they are late it's on them.


Same thing with activities on board ship. You don't have to spend the whole time with them, as long as you all stay in touch through the day and have a general idea of where the others are at. Then you won't all be sick of each other by dinner.

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Three options


1) Drive yourself and let them get there (or not) when they get there


2) All of you drive down the night before. Your coworker wanting to get in a couple of hours work before leaving on the day of the cruise is the most stupid thing I've read in a long time (his or her actions are stupid, not what you wrote).


3) Put your foot down and tell them "We are leaving at this time. If you are not ready, I'll take my own vehicle and you can join me later". If they are not ready when you have told them you're leaving, refer to #1 on this list.

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