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MITSUGIRLY has a JEWEL of a time on my 1st RC cruise in years!

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Looking forward to your review but will take me a while to finish. We leave Saturday too Galveston for a week on the Liberty of the Seas. Cozumel, GC and Jamaica. Only one we haven't been to multiple times and looking forward to is Jamaica.


The Ump



Hiya Ump. Glad to have you here. I hope you have a wonderful cruise!


OMG I'm laughing so hard. I have put my family in some dumps before and they hated me. Now, when I book a room my daughter always asks how many starts it has (ratings)


Haha. Glad I'm not the only one. I REALLY do a lot of research but this was one that I really didn't get to do much of. I ask around here, but no one had any answers for me.



Enjoying your review - what a start - I really hop[e it gets better for you!


Thanks and glad you are enjoying it.



Just posting to let you know that I have been looking forward to this one and will definitely be following along. But holy c**p, this trip isn't starting off too well! That hotel room...AND AIR NOT WORKING! I always thought it would be nice to stay in Old San Juan, but I think we'll continue to stay at our "go to" hotel for any future cruise out of San Juan. But definitely looking forward to the rest because most of the islands are ones we haven't been to, or in the case of Martinique it's been 26 years. Not many pictures to remember it by...we took a ferry to a small beach (Baqua...don't know if that's the correct spelling), walked around a little bit and that's it, the rest is a blur. Some of our friends cruised on the Jewel over Thanksgiving several years ago, but they don't take a lot of pictures, so I'm looking forward to your "ship tour". We've also been kicking around the idea of RCI out of San Juan to get to some of the islands Carnival doesn't go to. Next year, we're looking at a Carnival Journey cruise that's going to some of the lesser visited islands in the southern Caribbean (including a few that you were just at), but it's 12 days and we just don't know if that will be possible.


No worries, I found my "go to" hotel in the end. :D. But, next time I'll stay in a different area. I feel like OSJ is done and over with...been there done that and boy do I know my way around there now. LOL


12 days is a long time (for me) when cruising. I have found that after 10 days, I'm ready to go home (whether that's 10 days by cruise ship or land vaca). That's just pretty much my limit.



Oh my...what a horrible hotel experience. No AC, dirty floor, and those stairs look beautiful but not practical. Yikes. At least you got a yummy meal out of it.

Wow...I remember before you mentioning your daughter's artistic ability but that picture is amazing...you sure she's only 9???


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Yep, quite the adventure we were having so far.



Yep, only 9 years old. She has actually been tested and labeled as "gifted" now. She had to submit a port folio against a lot of people from all the schools. There were only 2 of the 5 out of her school that qualified and she was the only one that made it to the end. I'm not sure about the other schools. She will now be able to go to the arts schools when she goes into 6th grade. I'm so proud of her. She actually received a perfect score in each and every category. clear.png?emoji-grin-1677




I'm so excited to discover a new Mitsugirly report! It certainly sounds like quite an adventure so far! I can't wait to read the rest.


Definitely an adventure and glad you found me.



Yay! We're going to PR for the first time in January and will have to visit that restaurant.


Definitely visit. AWESOME FISH TACOS!!


So excited to read your review, but OMG about that hotel!!! Duly noted. How awful! Can't believe Kendra wasn't even with you and your vacay started out like this!


LOL I know right? Maybe Kendra is rubbing off on me these days. Now I have no one to blame this time around. But oh...just wait until the end. I did her proud trust me.

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Rise and shine...or sweat I guess it was. I woke up in a pool of sweat. Yuck! It was 7:30am and I just couldn't bring myself to wake the family up because if they had a night like mine, then they needed their rest.


It was so hot and humid that there was condensation on the floor, which made it very slippery and you really had to walk with caution.




Shower time to clean up and smell fresh again...and of course to cool down. There was also a weird step up into the bathroom...which I immediately tripped on yesterday when we arrived, once in the middle of the night, and just because third times a charm...this morning headed to the shower. Hey, at least no one would be peeking in the glass door this early morning hour right?


After showering, I went outside to take more pictures of the areas I didn't get the night before because it was too dark. Time to head to the roof, where it's rumored (according to Da House) that there's a nice roof top terrace and swimming pool. Of course remember that they also said there was a/c, phone, t.v. and so on as well and none of this was true.


Yep, you guessed it...up the flight of stairs I went...around and around and around. Whew!


Right outside the door...




Wait, there's MORE stairs to climb?




Some people had their own private terrace off to their room. I'm pretty darn sure that the pictures showing my particular room showed me as having one of these too! But it didn't.






So here we are at the top. Do you see a pool?





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What about now?





Oh wait...there it is! Or is that a hot tub?




Well I just had to go up and check. Yep, it was the pool!




I kid you not, it looks much bigger in the picture than it was. Now I know that you couldn't have some big pool up on this roof top because there just wouldn't be enough room (and I didn't expect it). However, I thought it might be a little bigger than this. But, had I stayed another night (shy of stabbing myself in the eye for booking more than 1 night), I would have actually gotten in here with Sakari. It would make a good "cooling station" for sure. It was hot out and I would have put it to use!


I was thinking that I also read something about a hot tub. Now there was something that was covered up with wood and I have no idea if that is what it "was". You can see the box in this next picture.





The "view" (hey I see a whale tale over there).




And there was another ship docked too!




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I currently do not have any plans to cruise out of San Juan, but I have made note to never book us into Da House! Definitely not my kind of hotel. If for no other reason just looking at those stairs in your pictures made me dizzy, and I love all kinds of roller coasters a,d spinning rides! Besides, you gave me lots of other reasons!


I still use my Olympus Tough TG2, but have been thinking it might be about time to trade up to a newer model. My TG2 really has been tough. It has taken quite a beating with me, but still takes great pictures. The only thing that hasn't been so tough are the 2 detachable lens rings that came with the camera. Those have both broken and are long gone, but the camera has been fine without one of them in place, even underwater. I was afraid to take it on a dive after the second ring broke and was pleasantly surprised when it was fine. I love that camera!

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Remember the broken skylight?




We were fairly close the fort in the distance.





Now take a close look at this picture...is it just me or do you see 2 satellite dishes on the rooftop? So what are they hooked to because it definitely wasn't my t.v.




Here's another picture just to the left of there...yet ANOTHER satellite dish there as well. Somebody's getting some viewing pleasure...it's just not me!




Now let's take a look at some of the chairs they have for you to sit and relax on up here.





Did you notice anything? Let's take a closer look...





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Yep, mold! It was pretty disgusting and this just shows me that this hotel had to have had some water damage from the hurricane.




It was hot and I needed to get out of the sun. Back down all the flights of stairs I go.




The fam was finally waking up and it was almost 10am. I was ready for some breakfast and I knew exactly where I wanted to go! MALLORCA!





Kendra and the kids went here with me on our last cruise and I enjoyed the mallorca sandwich and I knew I wanted another...plus the hubby hadn't been there yet.


It was only 1 block over and a very quick walk.


I was told that they were out of mallorca's but he could whip me up another sandwich that would be just like it and even throw some powdered sugar on it. PERFECT!


It was yummy as well.





The hubby is not too adventurous with his food and plays it safe. I always forget that their "toast" consist of something that looks like garlic bread.





Sakari felt like pancakes today.





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It was all yummy and the service was good.




Sakari remembered the park across from Mallorca and wanted to go over there to see if there were any pigeons. We headed over while the hubby stood in line to pay the bill.





She just loves birds.














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Thanks for the details. I haven't done a cruise out of San Juan yet (just a stop). Looking forward to more.


I feel your pain about the hotel. If you pick a good place then no issues, but the hubby will sure lay on the grief if the place is bad. Though if your hubby is like mine he won't help search. I started selecting two or three places to choose from and he picks the place so I can't be blamed anymore.

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Thanks! Good to be back. Yep, it has definitely started out a bumpy ride but that's ok. We just roll with the punches.


I know, and that's a huge part of why we all love your reviews (other than the amazing pics)... it's an honest adventure, presented in a positive (and most of the times, funny) way, so all of us can learn by reliving your experiences


Loving the review so far! :hearteyes:


OMG... that picture of Sakari in the square out of Mallorca has now made me realize that time flies!!... I can't believe she is that big now!!

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Yep, only 9 years old. She has actually been tested and labeled as "gifted" now. She had to submit a port folio against a lot of people from all the schools. There were only 2 of the 5 out of her school that qualified and she was the only one that made it to the end. I'm not sure about the other schools. She will now be able to go to the arts schools when she goes into 6th grade. I'm so proud of her. She actually received a perfect score in each and every category. clear.png?emoji-grin-1677


Wow...that's amazing! Good for her, and proud mommy for sure!

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I currently do not have any plans to cruise out of San Juan, but I have made note to never book us into Da House! Definitely not my kind of hotel. If for no other reason just looking at those stairs in your pictures made me dizzy, and I love all kinds of roller coasters a,d spinning rides! Besides, you gave me lots of other reasons!


I still use my Olympus Tough TG2, but have been thinking it might be about time to trade up to a newer model. My TG2 really has been tough. It has taken quite a beating with me, but still takes great pictures. The only thing that hasn't been so tough are the 2 detachable lens rings that came with the camera. Those have both broken and are long gone, but the camera has been fine without one of them in place, even underwater. I was afraid to take it on a dive after the second ring broke and was pleasantly surprised when it was fine. I love that camera!


I never even put my rings on. I usually have my fish eye on and when I take it off to snap some pictures, the ring never goes back on...even under water. I've never had a problem either thank goodness!


So excited it's review time!! I hope Decanter is better than Da House. This is making me nervous!



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Why do you have Decanter booked?








Really enjoying your review, Kim - again


Are you using fisheye lens on your camera?



Yes, I have a fish eye. :)




Thanks for the details. I haven't done a cruise out of San Juan yet (just a stop). Looking forward to more.


I feel your pain about the hotel. If you pick a good place then no issues, but the hubby will sure lay on the grief if the place is bad. Though if your hubby is like mine he won't help search. I started selecting two or three places to choose from and he picks the place so I can't be blamed anymore.


Eh, mine isn't bad. He really didn't say much about all the bloopers we had. It was just that look in the beginning. He's a real trooper and always says he's just along for the ride (although this ride he was probably not expecting out of someone like me :'))


When you do get a chance to cruise from PR, DO IT! It's amazing...especially if you can spend some time in PR before or after...or BOTH!



Out of curiosity, where do you store your photos for sharing now that photobucket is long out of the picture?



I have always used Smugmub and have the pro account. It's super cheap and I pay once a year.



Oh my, that hotel left a lot to be desired! I bet you were so happy to get on the ship!




Love your pictures, and enjoying your review



Thank you




I know, and that's a huge part of why we all love your reviews (other than the amazing pics)... it's an honest adventure, presented in a positive (and most of the times, funny) way, so all of us can learn by reliving your experiences


Loving the review so far! clear.png?emoji-hearteyes-1689


OMG... that picture of Sakari in the square out of Mallorca has now made me realize that time flies!!... I can't believe she is that big now!!


Yea, I'm not going to sugar coat anything and for the most part, things that are bad are just those things that by the next day they are almost laughable. We knew we would survive, we knew we were out of there the next day, we knew we were in Puerto Rico in nice weather instead of at home where it was now SNOWING again...and that was fine with me. :)


Yes, Sakari has just shot up over the last year.



Wow...that's amazing! Good for her, and proud mommy for sure!



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We left off after breakfast at Mallorcas.


If anyone read my review from the Fascination cruise the last time we were here, there was a morning that "B" (my grandson who is very hyper) pissed off pawpaw (my hubs) and we all went to breakfast at Mallorcas minus the hubs. Well, he has been a skater all of his life and we own a sports store (inline skates, skateboards, bmx, scooters, wakeboards etc) and he found a skate shop, located there in OSJ, that he went to visit that morning. Well...they were closed.


This time he was on a mission to check them out again since he didn't get to see the store last time. We decided to walk down to the store, truth be known, I really didn't want to walk back to the hotel quite yet either and we had time to kill before checking out.


There was a cute little restaurant along the way called Marilyn's and they had a neat little set up on the sidewalk with tables and chairs and flowers.




We finally made it to the skateshop and it was closed again. Eh





Someone sitting outside in a truck told the hubs that it's not open on Sunday.





I assured the hubs that we'd try again after the cruise since we were staying until Wednesday. We had plenty of time left to see it and off we went.


Down the street there is another park-line setting.




It was one of the trolley stops too.








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They had this gazebo contraption blocked off last time we were here too. Sakari would call this pigeon park the 2nd.



Her and these birds! She actually got one to walk on her hands and she screamed with excitement.




A fountain in the park..I just wanted to jump in.






We finally decided to head back to the hotel and gather our things and check out.

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Kim, I'm anxious to hear whether you were able to speak with a manager and get any financial refund due to the condition and lack of amenities at the hotel. Seriously, no working a/c and then waking up with condensation all over a dirty floor? YUCK.


This is why I explain to my kids that the cheapest type of hotel for me is one that doesn't offer room service! We've stayed in motels where I was afraid to take off my shoes!

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