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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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5 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Morning Josy. Like you, the hub I was at yesterday was busy beyond belief. I hope your patients were all nice and polite because I can honestly say I came across some of the rudest, obnoxious excuses for humanity ever. We were short of a vaccinator due to illness on the day and admittedly ran up a 30 minute delay while we were on the phone begging anyone we could contact to come and help. However, this was explained to everyone in the queue and this was met with a word I've learned to hate - "ridiculous".


The delay was "ridiculous", being asked to wear a mask was "ridiculous" and even the chairs I put out for people to sit on while they waited were "ridiculously uncomfortable". I give up on people -give me animals any day!


Anyway, I got my booster and feel a bit flue-like today, came home and watched Strictly, which I completely loved, then went to bed. What a day!


I hope your arms are ok today Josy - brilliant you got the flu jab at the same time.  Have a good day. Best wishes. Jane.x 


There's 'now't as queer as folk' Jane, dealing with Joe Public  in any capacity are the most thankless jobs of all. I hope you're feeling much better this morning and you have a well deserved calm, relaxing day.


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1 hour ago, Beckett said:

The delay was "ridiculous", being asked to wear a mask was "ridiculous" and even the chairs I put out for people to sit on while they waited were "ridiculously uncomfortable". I give up on people -give me animals any day!

Hi Jane I think you will find what is  "ridiculous" is the people who act in a  "ridiculous" way 

I don't know why they act "ridiculous" ,maybe they think it makes them look intelligent :classic_unsure:

To be fair some do look intelligent and where it seems to go wrong is when they begin to speak !They have difficulty in thinking back one year to pre vaccinations and people were dying in their  droves and thanks to good people like yourself our lives are for the better :classic_love: 

I think it's "ridiculous" that they do not see you are trying to help them and their families back towards normality .

The good news is they are rare and most of us would rather say thank you for what you do :classic_smile:

Stay safe and take care everyone :classic_love:!  

Edited by kalos
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1 hour ago, Beckett said:

Morning Josy. Like you, the hub I was at yesterday was busy beyond belief. I hope your patients were all nice and polite because I can honestly say I came across some of the rudest, obnoxious excuses for humanity ever. We were short of a vaccinator due to illness on the day and admittedly ran up a 30 minute delay while we were on the phone begging anyone we could contact to come and help. However, this was explained to everyone in the queue and this was met with a word I've learned to hate - "ridiculous".


The delay was "ridiculous", being asked to wear a mask was "ridiculous" and even the chairs I put out for people to sit on while they waited were "ridiculously uncomfortable". I give up on people -give me animals any day!


Anyway, I got my booster and feel a bit flue-like today, came home and watched Strictly, which I completely loved, then went to bed. What a day!


I hope your arms are ok today Josy - brilliant you got the flu jab at the same time.  Have a good day. Best wishes. Jane.x 


You could have phoned me, I would have helped. I have never given a jab in my life, but you could pass the obnoxious folk through my booth. I would have a try. Do you have a box of special, blunt needles for them?. I hate injections so always smile, say thank you and please and smile when matron says ' you may feel a little.........🤣'

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2 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

There's 'now't as queer as folk' Jane, dealing with Joe Public  in any capacity are the most thankless jobs of all. I hope you're feeling much better this morning and you have a well deserved calm, relaxing day.


Thanks Avril. Yes, calm and relaxing day today for me. I don't have to go anywhere, no visitors coming, just me and my Teddy on a few little walks.  Bliss! You have a good day too. Jane.x

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2 hours ago, Beckett said:

Morning Josy. Like you, the hub I was at yesterday was busy beyond belief. I hope your patients were all nice and polite because I can honestly say I came across some of the rudest, obnoxious excuses for humanity ever. We were short of a vaccinator due to illness on the day and admittedly ran up a 30 minute delay while we were on the phone begging anyone we could contact to come and help. However, this was explained to everyone in the queue and this was met with a word I've learned to hate - "ridiculous".


The delay was "ridiculous", being asked to wear a mask was "ridiculous" and even the chairs I put out for people to sit on while they waited were "ridiculously uncomfortable". I give up on people -give me animals any day!


Anyway, I got my booster and feel a bit flue-like today, came home and watched Strictly, which I completely loved, then went to bed. What a day!


I hope your arms are ok today Josy - brilliant you got the flu jab at the same time.  Have a good day. Best wishes. Jane.x 


We only had the odd one who was obnoxious.  Most of our people were over 70s and I they were so grateful  to be getting their booster that it made me realise how much the few younger ones that we had in act as though the world owes them something. 

I am sick of people who say that wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, last week we had one guy who refused to wear one and walked out saying that he would get his jab where staff are more reasonable.


I feel fine today other than my arm that had the covid vaccine still aches a little.


I think that the next several weeks are going to be extremely busy because all of the people who had the early jabs will be in for boosters and there are still a lot of youngsters who are coming for their 1st and 2nd jabs.

We managed to get through yesterday  pretty much on schedule.

I was pleased to get my flu jab because I  don't have to go into Boots to get it now.  I  wasn't  sure about having the covid vaccine because I took part in the trial and still have one appointment left but decided that as the Novavax one doesn't  look like it will be rolled out here I might as well have the Cominaty (Phizer) one.

Best of luck with your next clinic.

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1 hour ago, kalos said:

Hi Jane I think you will find what is  "ridiculous" is the people who act in a  "ridiculous" way 

I don't know why they act "ridiculous" ,maybe they think it makes them look intelligent :classic_unsure:

To be fair some do look intelligent and where it seems to go wrong is when they begin to speak !They have difficulty in thinking back one year to pre vaccinations and people were dying in their  droves and thanks to good people like yourself our lives are for the better :classic_love: 

I think it's "ridiculous" that they do not see you are trying to help them and their families back towards normality .

The good news is they are rare and most of us would rather say thank you for what you do :classic_smile:

Stay safe and take care everyone :classic_love:!  

Thanks Kalos. Hopefully I've had my fair share of the entitled for a few weeks. We don't expect, or need, thanks - just civility. I very much regret that this is the world we live in now - ridiculous!!!!!! Have good  day and keep well. Best wishes. Jane.x 

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37 minutes ago, zap99 said:

You could have phoned me, I would have helped. I have never given a jab in my life, but you could pass the obnoxious folk through my booth. I would have a try. Do you have a box of special, blunt needles for them?. I hate injections so always smile, say thank you and please and smile when matron says ' you may feel a little.........🤣'

Thank you Zap, we need you in our hub.  I  can’t  speak for Jane but I really feel appreciated when any of our people smile or say thanks.😀

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43 minutes ago, zap99 said:

You could have phoned me, I would have helped. I have never given a jab in my life, but you could pass the obnoxious folk through my booth. I would have a try. Do you have a box of special, blunt needles for them?. I hate injections so always smile, say thank you and please and smile when matron says ' you may feel a little.........🤣'

Zap, most of yesterday's charmers were little ******. You're on my list for calling  now. You can have your own sound-proofed booth, a stack of blunt needles, and full permission to tell them to get over themselves. Best wishes. Jane.x 

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36 minutes ago, P&O SUE said:

Morning all, not much happening here. 

Jane - I’m so sorry you have to put up with such rude people. So many people without empathy and understanding.

Or manners Sue. They were truly appalling. Never mind - over it now till next time. Jane.x 

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2 hours ago, Beckett said:

Morning Josy. Like you, the hub I was at yesterday was busy beyond belief. I hope your patients were all nice and polite because I can honestly say I came across some of the rudest, obnoxious excuses for humanity ever. We were short of a vaccinator due to illness on the day and admittedly ran up a 30 minute delay while we were on the phone begging anyone we could contact to come and help. However, this was explained to everyone in the queue and this was met with a word I've learned to hate - "ridiculous".


The delay was "ridiculous", being asked to wear a mask was "ridiculous" and even the chairs I put out for people to sit on while they waited were "ridiculously uncomfortable". I give up on people -give me animals any day!


Anyway, I got my booster and feel a bit flue-like today, came home and watched Strictly, which I completely loved, then went to bed. What a day!


I hope your arms are ok today Josy - brilliant you got the flu jab at the same time.  Have a good day. Best wishes. Jane.x 


Come on Jane,they're not all bad in Tottenham,lol.Good luck today,we can do with the Gooners winning.Up the Hammers.

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15 minutes ago, Josy1953 said:

We only had the odd one who was obnoxious.  Most of our people were over 70s and I they were so grateful  to be getting their booster that it made me realise how much the few younger ones that we had in act as though the world owes them something. 

I am sick of people who say that wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, last week we had one guy who refused to wear one and walked out saying that he would get his jab where staff are more reasonable.


I feel fine today other than my arm that had the covid vaccine still aches a little.


I think that the next several weeks are going to be extremely busy because all of the people who had the early jabs will be in for boosters and there are still a lot of youngsters who are coming for their 1st and 2nd jabs.

We managed to get through yesterday  pretty much on schedule.

I was pleased to get my flu jab because I  don't have to go into Boots to get it now.  I  wasn't  sure about having the covid vaccine because I took part in the trial and still have one appointment left but decided that as the Novavax one doesn't  look like it will be rolled out here I might as well have the Cominaty (Phizer) one.

Best of luck with your next clinic.

Thanks Josy. Glad you're not feeling too many side effects. The funny thing re yesterday was that ours were all over 70 too and I expected more patience and goodwill. As I said to a few "We're doing our very best but if you don't have the time to wait a little longer I will re-book you in a future clinic" but no-one did.


What was really funny was the daughter of one old grump marched into one of the occupied vaccine rooms and just shouted "You -nurse or whatever you are. How much longer does my mother have to wait before she'seen?". The vaccinator replied "It's Doctor - and I'm your doctor actually. I recognised your voice. Your mother will be seen in turn, like everyone else here. Now please go back and take up your place in the queue because shouting at me will get you nowhere". Yes! Well done that woman!


We really should write a book Josy - "Tales of the Entitled and Obnoxious - a True Story".


Have a good day. Jane.x 

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17 minutes ago, brian1 said:

Come on Jane,they're not all bad in Tottenham,lol.Good luck today,we can do with the Gooners winning.Up the Hammers.

Brian, I'd rather be in Tottenham than the land of the "me, me, me" in NW London. Yes I want the Gooners to win today obvs. Great game yesterday - Brentford v Liverpool - oh and The Hammers did ok too!  Jane.x 

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On another thread there is a discussion about the formal night table settings on P&O and if they have changed.


I know things have changed but I still like using my good wedding china, fish knifes, pastry forks etc and a different glass for each wine when having people over for a formal dinner party.


Does anyone else still do this or am I really a dinosaur (and a dying out!).

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4 hours ago, Beckett said:

Thanks Kalos. Hopefully I've had my fair share of the entitled for a few weeks. We don't expect, or need, thanks - just civility. I very much regret that this is the world we live in now - ridiculous!!!!!! Have good  day and keep well. Best wishes. Jane.x 

Sorry to hear you had to put up with all those moaners Jane.

You are helping them by giving the injections not the other way around.

I always thank my doctor,nurse etc and whoever gives me my covid19 vaccinations for their time in doing something for me.

Graham x.

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7 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It is currently 21°C and sunny.

We had a nice church service this morning then went out for lunch.

We are now having a coffee in the garden.

Take care and stay safe everyone 😷.





They must have known you were P&O cruiser  - green beans !

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48 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

On another thread there is a discussion about the formal night table settings on P&O and if they have changed.


I know things have changed but I still like using my good wedding china, fish knifes, pastry forks etc and a different glass for each wine when having people over for a formal dinner party.


Does anyone else still do this or am I really a dinosaur (and a dying out!).

I'm sure that still happens in posh households, but unless you entertain on a frequent basis, then you have a lot of expensive tableware sitting in the cupboards not earning their keep.

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51 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

On another thread there is a discussion about the formal night table settings on P&O and if they have changed.


I know things have changed but I still like using my good wedding china, fish knifes, pastry forks etc and a different glass for each wine when having people over for a formal dinner party.


Does anyone else still do this or am I really a dinosaur (and a dying out!).

I don’t have ‘best’ china and never host formal dinner parties, just informal suppers. Never owned fish knives or pastry forks (can’t use them anyway as I’m a leftie!). Got rid of all cups and saucers a good few years ago so just mugs now. We’re not wine drinkers so don’t have wine glasses! 

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7 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I'm sure that still happens in posh households, but unless you entertain on a frequent basis, then you have a lot of expensive tableware sitting in the cupboards not earning their keep.

Ah but I have been using the table wear for many decades so it has been used a lot.


We were given silver asparagus tongs as a wedding gift and I admit that I have never used them for the purpose intended. I use them for bread.


Ps I’m not at all posh - just getting old.

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4 hours ago, Beckett said:

Thanks Josy. Glad you're not feeling too many side effects. The funny thing re yesterday was that ours were all over 70 too and I expected more patience and goodwill. As I said to a few "We're doing our very best but if you don't have the time to wait a little longer I will re-book you in a future clinic" but no-one did.


What was really funny was the daughter of one old grump marched into one of the occupied vaccine rooms and just shouted "You -nurse or whatever you are. How much longer does my mother have to wait before she'seen?". The vaccinator replied "It's Doctor - and I'm your doctor actually. I recognised your voice. Your mother will be seen in turn, like everyone else here. Now please go back and take up your place in the queue because shouting at me will get you nowhere". Yes! Well done that woman!


We really should write a book Josy - "Tales of the Entitled and Obnoxious - a True Story".


Have a good day. Jane.x 

Jane and Josy.

I saw this on another thread and thought of you 2.



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17 minutes ago, Ardennais said:

I don’t have ‘best’ china and never host formal dinner parties, just informal suppers. Never owned fish knives or pastry forks (can’t use them anyway as I’m a leftie!). Got rid of all cups and saucers a good few years ago so just mugs now. We’re not wine drinkers so don’t have wine glasses! 

I really don’t like tea from a mug. I know there is no basis in fact for this view but I think tea tastes so much nicer out of a thin China cup.


We do informal suppers and bbqs as well but I still like to dust off the China and glass wear for birthdays, Christmas and special events.


I drink lots of wine so have a wide variety of wine (and whisky) glasses.


It must be difficult to find left handed items.



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16 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:

I'm sure that still happens in posh households, but unless you entertain on a frequent basis, then you have a lot of expensive tableware sitting in the cupboards not earning their keep.

We are not posh but if we have people round to dinner I always get out good crockery, cutlery and crystal glasses.  I like to make an effort for our guests and they do the same.  When it is just the two of us I still set the table properly with a table cloth, napkins and cutlery.  I accept that a lot of people like things to be more casual and I don't criticise them for that but my parents and parents-in-law did exactly what we do and I guess that it is just normal for us.

We do have several complete Wedgwood and Doulton dinner sets because living in Stoke and having family members who have worked for these companies means that they have been bought from the employee shops.


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28 minutes ago, Ardennais said:

I don’t have ‘best’ china and never host formal dinner parties, just informal suppers. Never owned fish knives or pastry forks (can’t use them anyway as I’m a leftie!). Got rid of all cups and saucers a good few years ago so just mugs now. We’re not wine drinkers so don’t have wine glasses! 


7 minutes ago, Eglesbrech said:

I really don’t like tea from a mug. I know there is no basis in fact for this view but I think tea tastes so much nicer out of a thin China cup.


We do informal suppers and bbqs as well but I still like to dust off the China and glass wear for birthdays, Christmas and special events.


I drink lots of wine so have a wide variety of wine (and whisky) glasses.


It must be difficult to find left handed items.



My mother always said that mugs spoiled the taste of her tea.  I use mugs but I don't like tea made with a teabag dumped into a mug of hot water, I always use a teapot even if I am alone and making a cup just for myself.  I also use a coffee pot to make coffee after a meal If we have guests.

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