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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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1 hour ago, firefly333 said:

When I called he said he needed a deposit. That attachment sent later says it was disclosed that this was a brokerage fee to sell the move to movers. Lie. Saying we need a percentage as a deposit is not the same as saying it was disclosed it was a brokerage fee just for selling movers the contract. It was a partial pack, meaning it was sold that they woukd partially pack up  y stuff. Movers kept acting like this was news to them. I was shipping 1 bedroom and a 2nd bedroom of stuff including 80 small boxes already packed. 


Theh told me 2 to 12 days. Then it was business days, then it was business days counting from the delivery date I selected. I said friday may 31 would give me time to rest. Ok may 31. Twice the moving guy said he couldnt promise delivery that exact day. At no time did he or anyone else say to me the 12 business days starts from the delivery date. I think it's a  normal assumption to think the 12 days starts from the date of pick up. Didnt cross my  ind to ask when the 12 business days count starts. 


Email said all drawers have ro be empty. Another lie. Movers said makes no difference to them. Just takes more wardrobe space and cubic feet and them packing work to hang up my tee shirts.


I moved from a 1107 sf teensy 2 bedroom house. Most of it was a very long large kitchen. 2 small closets. 1 bedroom set plus a 2nd triple dresser. I had 2 built in desks in both bedrooms so not even a desk to move. If this was a large home I could understand but this was a tiny house to be near my parents I bought about 3 years ago in a very tight market. 


How they have 10 stars on google someone is only submitting high or fake reviews. I saw someone above mentioned BBB. I will also submit a complaint to them. My stuff has sat on a hot truck 3 weeks as of yesterday. And including the new charges this 18 wheel trucker yesterday now is adding. If he cant park next to elevator and the $200 elevator fee. I was told for sure no charges for elevator. But I admit having 1 out of 2 out of service will be a pita. Still no call, idk how big of a job they had up in Jacksonville. It's just about Noon here. It took over 3 hours to pack in the first place because they were taking things apart and wrapping them for safety. Even the legs of my kitchen table were removed. It's a tiny eat in kitchen table though. 


Hopefully I hear soon. I'd say it's a good hour from jacksonville to here. If they dont arrive soon they will be working in the dark. Allowing a  hour drive to here. Waiting still too hear they are on the way. 


Jacksonville is at least 2 and half to 3 hrs, give or take to Cape Canaveral and Melbourne. And it really depends upon traffic, which is most of the time horrible near Jacksonville so factor that in.

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39 minutes ago, reallyitsmema said:


The company I used to work for would pay moving costs for some of their new hires, usually executives and account managers.  They paid moving costs, real estate costs, short term rentals and much more, depending on what they had negotiated into their employment offer.  Once all costs had been reimbursed, we would then figure out the tax impact all this would have on the employee and issue a check for that, which was also adjusted for the tax impact.

The weird thing about my move was they gave this generous package to everyone in the company. I also met my wife at this company she joined after we were in Texas.

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1 hour ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Garden doing good. 

Thursday harvest...



Yesterday morning Sharon brought in this Orange Kentucky Beefsteak. 



Yesterday afternoon...





We have been enjoying 



We also pulled the last garlic Yesterday.   We got 215 bulbs this year.

So far we have harvested 45 regular tomatoes 🍅 and over 100 cherry tomatoes!  The neighbors are loving it!

Love the pictures. You  did great on the tomatoes!

And that sandwich inspires me to make it! Tomorrow perhaps!
I am happy to see you posting and think about you very often.

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Had another PT appointment this morning.  Evidently my first one was really only an evaluation.  This time I had lots of exercises to do…trying to build up all my leg and back muscles.  Yikes!  I was told I should be only using the walker…no wheelchair or crutches.  Oh dear.  I’d just mastered 50% weight bearing with the crutches.  The PT showed me how I’m supposed to be using the walker…basically having it in front of me.  I can’t support 50% of my weight with my arms out in front of me.  I decided the best I could do is at first walk with it closer to me.  And now that I was told I’m only supposed to be using the walker…the basic one I ordered is going back and I’m getting one with a seat and storage.  

I was tired and discouraged when I got home and Minnie sensed it and hasn’t left my lap.  ❤️




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2 hours ago, reallyitsmema said:


Take a deep breath.  There is nothing you can do about the rain or the elevator situation.  Movers deal with elevators all the time, so just let them deal with it.  If they have to wait, they will wait.  The more you play into it with them, the more he is going to try to add more charges.


I would pull out anything you have in writing from the movers and read it over a few times to try to find out what you included in your agreement and what was disclosed as possible extra charges.  Ask for everything in writing from these guys if they try to charge you more and take pictures of anything that they might have damaged and get it documented, in writing, before they leave your condo.  You can also take pictures now of your rooms so if they damage something as they are bringing stuff in, you will have before and after pictures.  Take pictures of doorways, hallways, and anywhere they might bounce something off of as they come in.  Do what you can to protect yourself now, so you can file a claim later.  Point it out when it happens and take pictures.


Take control of what you can now.  It is going to be a long day but hopefully, you will have your stuff at the end of the day and you can then start settling in.  Hang in there!


@firefly333 Jane - This is great advice.  Your movers will likely ask you to sign something when they are done unloading, saying that everything was delivered without damage.  Anything that is missing or even slightly damaged should be noted on their form before you sign anything.  Don't feel pressured to sign.  Take your time.  Go through the document thoroughly before signing.  Definitely take pictures in detail of everything that's damaged...including doors and walls. 


For our moving company (Allied), they sent a separate claim form a week or so after the move to fill out for compensation of our damaged goods.  I had to separately list each damaged item with an estimate of what it would cost to repair and/or replace.  They then sent a local repair person to our house to inspect what was damaged.  He then sent a report to Allied, who agreed that everything I claimed was indeed damaged and had an accurate repair/replace cost.  They ultimately sent a check for the full $2,485 in damages that I claimed.  Yup...almost $2,500 in damages.  The repair guy told us that ours was one of the worst cases of moving damage that he'd seen...most times there are few or no problems.  I don't tell you our story to scare you, but to help you to know what to expect, and be properly covered should there be a problem.  

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2 minutes ago, helen haywood said:

Had another PT appointment this morning.  Evidently my first one was really only an evaluation.  This time I had lots of exercises to do…trying to build up all my leg and back muscles.  Yikes!  I was told I should be only using the walker…no wheelchair or crutches.  Oh dear.  I’d just mastered 50% weight bearing with the crutches.  The PT showed me how I’m supposed to be using the walker…basically having it in front of me.  I can’t support 50% of my weight with my arms out in front of me.  I decided the best I could do is at first walk with it closer to me.  And now that I was told I’m only supposed to be using the walker…the basic one I ordered is going back and I’m getting one with a seat and storage.  

I was tired and discouraged when I got home and Minnie sensed it and hasn’t left my lap.  ❤️





It's amazing how pets can sense when something's not right.  Hang in there...You'll be good as new before you know it!

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39 minutes ago, helen haywood said:

Had another PT appointment this morning.  Evidently my first one was really only an evaluation.  This time I had lots of exercises to do…trying to build up all my leg and back muscles.  Yikes!  I was told I should be only using the walker…no wheelchair or crutches.  Oh dear.  I’d just mastered 50% weight bearing with the crutches.  The PT showed me how I’m supposed to be using the walker…basically having it in front of me.  I can’t support 50% of my weight with my arms out in front of me.  I decided the best I could do is at first walk with it closer to me.  And now that I was told I’m only supposed to be using the walker…the basic one I ordered is going back and I’m getting one with a seat and storage.  

I was tired and discouraged when I got home and Minnie sensed it and hasn’t left my lap.  ❤️





My Mom uses a rollator and does so much better with that instead of her walker.  Having the seat with storage is great.  It makes her so much safer since she can just put whatever she needs to carry on the seat, instead of trying to hold something and the walker at the same time.  Great for when she gets tired of waiting in a line and needs to sit down too.  We originally got hers at a lending program but bought one once we knew she liked it.  I know lots of senior centers have lending programs and other organizations like the Elks or Masons.  Not sure where you are in Florida, but I know LaPorte Farm in Sebastian has a large lending program.  Good place for cats to sit too. 😄 


I hope you start improving with PT soon. 🙂 

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2 hours ago, Arzeena said:

Love the pictures. You  did great on the tomatoes!

And that sandwich inspires me to make it! Tomorrow perhaps!
I am happy to see you posting and think about you very often.

Not sure you can see it, we diced up garlic and browned it in the frying pan before sprinkling over the egg.  Not sure if I ever mentioned 🤔 it, I really like garlic! 

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3 hours ago, ATG said:

Our last (and hopefully final) move to South Carolina was quite an experience.  The movers were scheduled for packing on Tuesday, loading on Wednesday and unloading at our new house on Friday. Monday afternoon we had major thunderstorms and the power went out.  It was still out Tuesday morning so I went to the sporting goods store and bought battery powered lanterns. Packing was not bad except for the basement where it was rather dark and quite hot and humid. Power still off Wednesday while they loaded the truck. We had planned on cleaning Wednesday and early Thursday before driving to the new house.  We did what we could without power Wednesday and went to sleep on the floor.  Power finally came back on Thursday morning.  We did a few things then packed the cars and left. Unloading went uneventfully.

I have always laughed that it happened that way to keep me from being emotional about leaving the house we had lived in for almost 30 years.  We moved into the house before we had kids and they had left before we moved. Lots of memories in that house.

 I know this to be true:  Those wonderful memories will always be with you as you create new ones wherever you are. 


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3 hours ago, Arzeena said:


Jacksonville is at least 2 and half to 3 hrs, give or take to Cape Canaveral and Melbourne. And it really depends upon traffic, which is most of the time horrible near Jacksonville so factor that in.

Wow I didnt realize it was that far. I'd say from this that I should assume they arent co ing to ight. I tried to call the trucker phone number who called me last night and he called me back about 2:30 pm and said I was still on his list today.  The Jacksonville job was a really big job. I asked if he could give me a estimate when he would arrive.. he said no, still a ,ot more to do before they could leave. That must be a full pack job on a huge house.


I told him the gates here closed and locked at 8 pm. He said he was still planning on coming. It's going on 6 pm here now. I'd say the chances are slim and none the truck is arriving here by 8 pm tonight and after that too late. The weather forecast for tomorrow for rain is even worse than today. I was afraid to jump in the shower and moved stuff around all ready for them today. Moved the night stand and cardboard box. The night stand is really too heavy but I can bring the cardboard box back in from the balcony. 


A small storm is crossing into tampa and tomorrow crossing the state tonight to go up into South Carolina. Probably wouldnt be a hurricane, just a tropical storm. It would have been a lot better to come in today. My hopes are dashed they will make it tonight before 8 pm. 


Wellmthanks for the information. 



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Good advice about taking pictures, though I had someone in here before I arrived who painted agreeable grey and his daughter's cleaning company cleaned and steam cleaned everything. It would be documenting the walls are perfect and this place is empty and clean as a whistle. 


I called the guy just now and he said they are looking at the map. They must be thinking what Arzeena said about how long it's going to take to drive. They finally finished the jacksonville drive and now calculating if they can make it here before 8 pm. I assume jacksonville has some kind of rush hour and she is right, they cant make it by 8 pm. 


I didnt ask what time they open the gates in the morning. I could go downstairs and hope someone knows I can ask. He said they would look at the map and call me right back.

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With all of the recent Mai Tai talk here, something Mai Tai related popped up in my YouTube feed.  Purely coincidence, I'm sure.  Greg...you've mentioned the Ultimate Mai Tai site a couple of times so you may have seen this.  It's an almost hour-long PowerPoint presentation about the (De)Evolution of the Mai Tai, by Kevin Crossman.  It goes through the history of the Mai Tai and how it evolved from the original recipe to what he now calls the "tourist version" that you see everywhere.  The presentation was made at Tiki-Kon last year.  I found it interesting, although long.


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Well he finally told me more just now. The lady up in Jacksonville woukdnt let them start until noon. So they coukdnt start her job until this afternoon, it's not because the job was extra extra big. I got bad news for him with this slow elevator I spent 2 hours going up and down and didnt quite empty my car, the elevator up to the 8th floor is that slow. And he wouldnt be the only one using it, residents too. Only the 1 elevator. 


He said ok about 8 am he will come. I said I wouldnt mind if he came earlier. I think a better chance he can park that huge truck and someone else isnt there unloading. I'm monitoring the chances of rain here by the hour, today would have been better. The light tonight is wierd on the bldgs across the water. It's as if they are lit up ultra white tonight. 


One more day .... fingers crossed.





Edited by firefly333
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On 6/8/2024 at 4:01 PM, mo&fran said:

I thank everyone for their responses. A little background, Mo has been having issues with walking for several years now. In early may she was diagnosed with a cancer in her tongue .  Wewent to Moffit cancer center in Tampa, where a small section was removed and akk was good. Onlt issue was the procedure required a trach tube so she could breathe.  7 days later the tube was removed and she was discharged. two weeks later she went back and everything was good. But she was having difficulty walking.   Issue was the her throat was having issues swallowing. I became concerned and called our local oncology dr and thursday they had to go to our local er for an MRI and tests.  Every is good, except she can no longer walk. This morning, i woke up early and I heard her moan. EMS showed up, put her on the gurney , and started CPR. No pulse. Mo was gone.

So very sorry.  

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3 hours ago, Ozark_Kid said:

Not sure you can see it, we diced up garlic and browned it in the frying pan before sprinkling over the egg.  Not sure if I ever mentioned 🤔 it, I really like garlic! 


I love garlic!!!!!  You've got quite a bounty of tomatoes, etc. already, John!  I've only got flowers on my (2) tomato plants, and my( 2) pepper plants are starting to look promising.😉  Our (2) cherry tomato plants have been producing tomatoes for the past month or so. 😊

We've given up on vegetable gardens since moving here.  The Groundhogs won out.  We only have  our plants in box planters now.  

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1 hour ago, bobmacliberty said:

With all of the recent Mai Tai talk here, something Mai Tai related popped up in my YouTube feed.  Purely coincidence, I'm sure.  Greg...you've mentioned the Ultimate Mai Tai site a couple of times so you may have seen this.  It's an almost hour-long PowerPoint presentation about the (De)Evolution of the Mai Tai, by Kevin Crossman.  It goes through the history of the Mai Tai and how it evolved from the original recipe to what he now calls the "tourist version" that you see everywhere.  The presentation was made at Tiki-Kon last year.  I found it interesting, although long.


I have not seen this. I will watch it tonight. I love Kevin’s website https://ultimatemaitai.com


Its amazing how many different recipes there are for a Mai Tai but one things for certain some of them are really bad while others are incredible. I have made a lot of different recipes but I keep coming back to the Ultimate Mai Tai recipe. We are planning on visiting the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach before our October Navigator cruise. They apparently have a Mai Tai (I think $75) that is made with the new $500 bottle Appleton Estate 17 year. It is used in  same recipe as the original Wray and Nephew 17 year that Victor Burgeon of Trader Vic’s used when he came up with the original Mai Tai. Here is an interesting video of my friend “Spike” Matt Marble going to the Royal Hawaiian and doing a taste comparison of the two Mai Tai’s.



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