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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday March 30th, 2024


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Good morning everyone.  I woke at 6:15 when John woke and was ready to turn the TV on to wake up but he called an audible and said he didn't feel like driving a long way in the rain.  Yippee!   Back to sleep.    I had planned to watch the Dubai World Cup races today so I am happily seated in my easy chair watching all the pageantry and horses from all over the world.   Then another wasted afternoon watching all the races from Gulfstream Park for Florida Derby day.  

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @kazu and for the maps @rafinmd.   Doctors deserve their day for sure!  Our local Western Michigan University residents voted to have a union because they are worked so much.  That is always the way it has been so I don't know where the hospital will get the necessary backup and that they will get the extra hours of experience.   A good friend is a retired Ob/Gyn and he said all his residents were always looking stuff up on their phones versus learning it from the book.   A good quote by Wilde.   Thanks for the photos of Rio @StLouisCruisers.   I will have to see what I can find in the computer versus what is on my phone.   

Vanessa I hope that you got some sleep last night and I pray that you get your needed relief with your surgery next month.   Prayers for all on our care list and for those that are ailing that are not on it.  Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  Prayers for all involved in the collapse and clean up of the Key Bridge.


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Good morning Daily-ites from a cloudy 64 moving up to 80 today.


Gerry, so happy to hear no further pain this morning. Thinking of Gord.


Vanessa, I have you in my prayer book. No one should have to endure that amount of pain.


Thinking of Tana, Terry, Penni and Sandi's friends and family. 


Prayers for the innocents caught up in war, our soldiers, victims of terrible crimes. 


Allen's Jardiance was finally approved. Express Scripts wanted a doctor's signature acknowledging the possible negative effects of the drug. 


Oliver seems to be fine after swallowing/barfing up the placker yesterday. We took lots of rides on Elvis and he helped me wash Elvis when we got home. 


Debbie, the chicken recipe doesn't ring any bells for me today. I hope River is feeling well and will enjoy her Easter.


I'll celebrate doctor's day, earth hour (wish it was earth hourS) and I guess folding laundry day too. Who in the world came up with today's drink??











Wishing you peace, blessings, and love on this Holy Saturday.

Edited by Seasick Sailor
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  God bless the doctors in our world - what would we do without them???  I thought Earth Hour was last week, but maybe we can convince our household it's Earth Hour at 8PM and everyone will go to bed.  Yeah, right.  LOL  There just might be some laundry folding here today, as a certain 4 year old spilled a glass of juice on himself and a good portion of his brother yesterday.


Thank you for your prayers and concern for our friend Gord; at this time he's stable, in an induced coma and on a ventilator.  The doctors said yesterday they may try to reduce the sedation to see how his body tolerates it, and if all goes well, may extubate him tomorrow.  We keep our prayers going for his recovery, and for our sweet friend Ollie as well, as she doesn't have any family close by, so we're stepping in for them.


@summer slope I'm glad there aren't any new aches for you today; treat yourself gently, as your body has been through quite a trauma.  I forgot to ask if your DH was injured in any way?  How was your golf cart after the incident?


Wishing a very Happy Birthday to @Suslor and @cruzn single, with many happy and healthy returns of the day!


Bon Voyage to @ocean sounds, enjoy your cruise!


@kazuI hope the stress of finding a dog sitter for Ivan is quickly brought to a close so you can relax again and look forward to your cruise.


Speaking of cruises, I'm delighted to be a part of so many Daily-ites going on the trans-Atlantic in 2025; it will be lovely to put faces and voices to the names we're so accustomed to seeing here on the boards.


Quiet time right now as the rest of the house is still asleep.  Soon little feet will be running down the hallway to find me and it'll be time for Grandma's special breakfast again, and lots of fun and games.  The boys want to take us out to their dad's favourite burger place for lunch, so we'll go there and enjoy burgers and milkshakes with them.  Following lunch DH and I will head over to Ollie's and take her to the hospital so she can be with Gord for a few hours.  After that we'll be colouring Easter eggs, something we haven't done in a very long time.  I think I'm looking forward to it as much as the boys are.


I'm going to take a pass on the drink; I'm a purist when it comes to beer.  I'd like to try the Cava, as I do enjoy a sparkling wine from time to time.  Today's menu suggestion is one I'm tucking away for another day, as it's both quick and easy, my kind of cooking.  For us it's porcupine balls, mashed potatoes, green beans and chocolate cake at the dining room table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in wars not of their making.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says its 53 degrees and sunny.  It is sunny and I think it could be in the 50s.  Yesterday morning when we took off to the doctors, it was 34, and got up to 50 in an hour.  The house is always cold though.  


We got to the end of season 22 of Midsomer murders, and then found out that if we wanted to see seasons 23 and 24 we would have to pay.  So we are done watching for the time being. I might have to start watching more Netflix to get me through the summer.  I left work early yesterday.  When I get to the point where I am calling someone twice a day?  I think they have been harrassed enough.  My boss was not happy with me.  I now have no job, and have no idea for how long, as the other boss said he was meeting with the customer, but we have not heard anything about coming back to work.  Oh well, the Lord always has a plan. 


DH is sleeping in late this morning, Tigger cat is always jumping on the stove when I am cooking, so he is on the porch right now, and breakfast is almost ready.  I need to go up to dollar tree to pick up a few Easter items (milk chocolate) for my neighbor who will be with us on Easter for BBQ..











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@ger_77i’m resting as much as possible, two areas still hurt if I accidentally press against them. D.H. has a huge bruise on his back from where he swung around holding the steering wheel. The golf cart is now at the golf cart dealer getting an assessment on repairing it to send to her insurance company.

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We were in Rio last February 2023.  We did no tours because they all involved heights and the land based were cancelled because of Carnival.  The Carnival photos were not mine but shared with permission from our Facebook group.  There were several people in the group who got the reserved seats which were primo and that is who published these photos .I remember @lindaler told me the regular HA seating was crowded and people would not sit down.  Still hoping GSA is offered in 2026. 



















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Good Saturday morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report. I will give kudos to most doctors but have work with a few who shouldn't be practicing, I probably will be folding laundry today, and since Earth Hour was the 23rd, I will celebrate National I am in Control Day!  😉  Not sure I like the quote, meal sounds good, I have had a Singchelada and do not like them, maybe on the wine, and I have not been to Rio.  What a deal Alaska was!


It was a beautiful day yesterday and today should be a repeat - presently 57F heading up to around 80F under partly cloudy skies.  Tomorrow rain is predicted as a storm is coming over from CA.  My cold is in full bloom and I am sure I caught it from the kids.  I do need to go grocery shopping so may just order everything online and then pick it up.  


I called about my free cruise and found out it doesn't expire (Yeah!!) and I can use it for a different cruise.  If I understood her correctly, I could use it for $900.  I want to wait to see how close I am to 4* before I use it.  I should know soon 🤞.


I contacted the surgery scheduler and decided it will happen May 13th.  That fits into my schedule so it should be fine.  


I am hoping the SpaceX launch from Vandenburg happens today but CA still has a storm so who knows.  I see where FL is getting a launch also today.


The pictures of Angkor Wat brought back memories - I was there in Feb 2016.




Happy Birthday @Suslor and @cruzn single.  Happy Anniversary @USN59-79, Welcome Home @Suslor and @lazey1, and Bon Voyage @ocean sounds and to those who are celebrating something.  Thoughts for those who need a little extra support.  Have a great day everyone!!

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Looks like a nice enough day now with clouds moving in later on, mostly 50s!  

Niece texted late last night that her mom was transferred to hospital. Apparently something went terribly wrong with her care at the rehab facility. I’ll try to call my brother today. I don’t press him for info, mostly ask how he’s managing and if there’s something we can do. It’s a difficult time and a difficult relationship. Thank you for your positive thoughts, that is the best!  

I folded laundry yesterday. I don’t appreciate the quote. The drink sounds awful to me. We were in Rio for a very hot, hectic day. The Christ statue was in fog. We went up to it, waited at the ready for about 20 mins and managed a few wispy shots as the engulfing cloud swirled around us. The rest of the full day tour was memorable and I’m glad we had that day, not planning to go back. We also stopped at Salvador on that cruise, a picturesque and historical place but oppressively hot there too. I love my souvenir tablecloth from there, made of coconut fiber, open weave like a delicate lace, strong as steel. Brings a good memory!  

We crunched numbers yesterday for taxes, separating dividends between when we lived in Maryland from time as NJ residents for the more picky NJ tax return. Last year we transferred our investment accounts to be managed by Fidelity. They do a lot of shifting of funds so there were hundreds of dividends to add up just from mid/Nov when we moved here to year end. Not hard but tedious. There’s still a question unanswered by DH’s 1971-2 employer about his retirement plan contribution. They are looking into their archives and supposed to call Tuesday. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lots of happy days to Celebrate 🌈. Life is Good. Your celebrations uplift us all 🎆. I love all the creative memes shared here!  


Blessings for all on our Care list and all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Near and far. Hoping for a good outcome for Gerry’s friend Gord!  He’s made it this far, showing he’s a fighter!  Thinking of Ollie too, it’s very traumatic. 

Happy visits and smooth travels to all away. Thanks all for being here! Enjoy something beautiful in your day of life today!  


Note to @marshhawk We used to do guarantee bookings a lot…. When we booked it would be for a given category or better. Often but not always  the given category was the lowest of that type of room. Sounds like you booked into lowest category of verandah or better so they could give you any verandah room or better.  Only once out of several guarantee bookings did we get assigned the lowest category but it’s a possibility. But you’ll be on the ship! 🤞 Watch the pricing and maybe you’ll be able to snag an upgrade rebooking on a price dip closer in but you have to be vigilant watching and then ask. 60-30 days out would be hopeful windiw. Inside 30 days it might be an upsell but keep an eye on it. 

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Photos from Rio de Janeiro


We stayed at the Sheraton in 2012 and this was a view from the hotel of the beaches.




Area around the hotel





As a group we decided to risk walking along the roadway path to an overlook to get a better look.  Wearing no jewelry and hiding our tiny point and shoot cameras as we walked, we made it safely there and back. 



This was Feb. 17, 2012 so close to Carnival there.  The beaches were crowded.  The following morning we got a brief tour of the city as we headed to the port for embarkation.  It was utter chaos there.  The buses were parking a block or two away and letting you drag your bags to the end of the line at the terminal building.  As you approached the line, men ran out of the building and tried grabbing your bags with no identification or anything, so most of us refused until we got to a point where we were entering and could identify the people in charge of luggage.  The lines snaked all through the building.  We vowed then and there to never embark in Rio again!







Another odd thing here was just as you left the building your carry on luggage and purses were X-rayed and examined by local authorities, then you walked out the door and up the gangway and the cruise line employees X-rayed and checked your bags again.  I have no idea why it was necessary to do it that way.


Later in the afternoon we prepared to sail.  The sun was setting and we were able to get several cool shots of Christ the Redeemer. 











Exactly three years to the day that we embarked the Star Princess, we arrived in Rio on the Ruby Princess on our route from Florida to California going all the way around South America.  On Feb. 18, 2015 we went on that tour to the top of the mountain to see Christ the Redeemer in person.  It was a very cloudy day but it wasn't raining so we dealt with it.  We got on a tram like this to head to the top.  By the way, that's a photo of the statue on that wall behind the tram.  It looks life like, doesn't it?







view from the top





Christ the Redeemer statue





Sugarloaf Mountain



After our visit, walking down.







And photos along the beach on our way back to the ship.





The bus stopped and let us out to walk on that esplanade, walk in the sand, take photos, buy goods from vendors on the beach, etc. 





Awesome photos Sandi.

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Good morning from a sunny and not windy now Quarzsite.  It was 49F when I got up and is now 53F with a predicted high of 75F.  We are under a wind advisory with 22mph winds this afternoon.  It looks like we'll get some rain overnight, and lower temperatures tomorrow.  After I finish cleaning house, we'll do more work to get ready to leave Monday.  The main thing will be getting DH's storage building straightened up and what needs to go into it put away.  Also, I'm going to try to get most except the last minute items loaded in the motorhome today.  It will be another busy day, but I'm hoping  tomorrow will be an easier day.


I'll definitely celebrate all but two of the doctors we've seen in the past two years.  I folded laundry yesterday, but will be folding clean towels later today.


I think the quote applies to men than women.  I think women can be a mystery to most men.  


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today.


We have been to Rio de Janeiro twice, but only once in the digital age.


The US really got a bargain when they purchased Alaska, even though most called it Seward's Folly.  It was not a good day for Paris in 845.  We've enjoyed our two visits to Salvador da Bahia.


@aliaschief  Bruce, thank you for the pictures of Angkor Wat.  We passed on an opportunity to take a side trip there in 2002.  I doubt if we'll make it there now.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of the days.

@Denise T  I'm sorry that Chase's tumor was malignant.  I hope they got it all and there is not reoccurrence, Denise.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope they are able to reduce the sedation for Gord and that he will recover from this setback.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm glad there are no new aches and pains.  Quick healing for you and George.

 @Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you get over your cold quickly.

@RMLincoln Maureen, I'm sorry your DSIL was transferred back to the hospital.


The last I saw yesterday afternoon, the earliest the Starlink satellite launch would be 7:30 tonight.  That will depend on the weather though.
















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We were in Rio on February 17 and 18, 2015, on Ruby Princess.  I'll divide my pictures into two posts by days.


On February 17, we took a tour to Petropolis, named after Pedro II, the last Emperor of Brazil, and where Pedro II built his summer palace.  The town is about 42 miles northeast of Rio in the mountains.


A few scenes from Petropolis.   The large white building may have been a grand palace or house, but is now a hotel.







Our first stop was lunch at a restaurant that served many varies of meat that was sliced at the table.  There was also a salad bar, so we had more food than we could possibly eat, but it was all good.  I normally don't like to show pictures of people I don't know, but the one of the server slicing the meat is the only one I have like that, and it can't be cropped and still show the server and the meat.







The next stop was the former summer palace.  We got to tour inside, but couldn't take pictures.  To protect the floors, we had to wear some type of shoe covering that would not stay on and was very slick on the floors.  We wound up sliding our feet around the palace.  At least, we could take the covering off to climb the stairs and to come back down.


The entrance to the palace grounds and the outside of the palace.







One of the residents of the palace's extensive gardens and grounds.





Our last stop was the Catedral Sao Pedro de Alcantara.  Pedro II and is family are entombed in the cathedral.









Rio at night from the ship.






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The second day we were in Rio, we took a tour to see the Christ the Redeemer.  The tour also included riding the tram up and back down, and a stop at Copacabana Beach.


Not only were there crowds looking at the statue, but there were crowds waiting to board the trams.  While we waited, we had a chance to tour their workshop and displays.









A vintage tram car



Scenes on the way up the mountain.







Christ the Redeemer with most of the crowd on the stairs omitted.



We also had a cloudy day.  Rio looking down from the mountain.





Looking up as we descended the mountain



The area outside the tram station as we waited for our bus.



Copacabana Beach on a windy day.







That afternoon, we took the H. Stern shuttle into town, and walked around the area a little.  We stopped in a grocery store to pick up something, and wound up talking to a nice lady in line.  She even guided us to the senior line so we'd get the senior discount.  In the entrance to H. Stern we saw this display of Carnival costumes.



We also saw some of the floats from various parades parked along the streets near the dock, but we were unable to get pictures from the bus.



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