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Posts posted by 57redbird

  1. On 2/15/2024 at 3:10 PM, klfrodo said:

    Should you or do you HAVE to? No

    Out of courtesy I do though after I have seen what I wanted to see. If you've ever seen 1 glacier, you've seen them all. But, since I live in the northwest and traveled all over Alaska for work, I'm no longer impressed by a glacier, a dolphin, a seal, or a whale.

    Nor am I impressed by the Panama Canal -- seen the Hiram Chittenden locks too many times.

  2. 11 hours ago, SoloAlaska said:

    I can’t imagine having to keep it under 7kg being an easy one. I’ve been known to fly with a 16kg carry on when flying on business. Just a rolling hard shell bag alone can easily weigh 2.8kg which would only leave 4.2kg for actual things.


    This is also part of the reason I don’t take flights within Europe when traveling on business. I’ll fly in from Canada and then take the train from there. My luggage won’t fit the maximums.

    Before there were size limits we bought Victorinox large suitcases....now hubby still uses his but I have a Delsey (which I'll trial next month to Maui).  I'm all about low weight but adequate space.  I think the V weighs 8 lbs empty.

  3. 9 minutes ago, WELDON said:

    Wednesday night, I had a medical incident. About 5 pm, my heart started racing. After about 1/1/2 hrs., I went to an urgent care and they did an EKG. It was abnormal and the MD told me to go to a hospital. I was at the hospital about 8:30 and they did an EKG, chest X-ray and blood work. The results showed an atrial flutter. I was admitted and had to wait for a bed.

    So I am in the ER waiting, then I was moved to the hallway, the I was moved to a room used as a holding room in the ER and then around 4 am, moved to another back hallway used only for patients and medical personnel.This hallway had 6 beds against a wall and also a chair. Each bed and chair was partitioned off. Since this was not a room, there was no TV, you could not order food (you got whatever the kitchen sent up). Sitting in a chair is more comfortable so I sat from Thursday AM until I a bed was ready at 9:30 Thursday night. I stared at a beige wall all day with nothing to do. 

    All my tests were completed and came out fine. The last piece was staying Thursday night for additional blood tests. Early this morning, a couple of the nurses told me you are leaving soon. My nurse asked if I was ready to go and I got dressed quickly. My friend picked me up and I was home by 9:30. I am now taking Eliquis. That hospital was a nightmare. So many hours with nothing to do, no sleep, being moved multiple times, little food.  The heart racing came on suddenly with no warning. I never had heart problems. If anything like this ever happens, go to an ER so you can be assessed. The hospital people told me I did the right thing and came in quickly. You just never know from one minute to the next what can happen.

    Yikes but glad you're home!  Following up with a cardiologist, I hope.

  4. 4 hours ago, SoloAlaska said:

    People with massive packs that when in the plane take the space of 3 bags drive me nuts.


    Carry on only isn’t a problem but people are who don’t follow the rules.

    When we fly to Hawaii my hubby brings his cane (which he does need at times) & claims he needs extra boarding time so he can find space in the overhead bin...I board when it's my turn till our upcoming trip after my spine surgery - I'll see how I feel.

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  5. 52 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


    I don't know.  I'm sure they're all expensive these days!  


    Update on the delivery.  At 11:55 the FedEx truck stopped here and dumped our package on the porch.  Just 24 hours later than promised.


    The problem here is they now deliver our packages from Macon, not Atlanta.  But like the airlines they seem to have a hub system.  The package was driven from Florida past Macon, GA to Atlanta, GA, a distance of 70 miles further up I-75.  Then they turn around and process it for a drive back down 75 to Macon, another 70 miles.  The packages arrive there by late morning and they are put on the delivery truck so they can drive them back north to our house 55 miles away. No idea why the truck that was up here yesterday afternoon couldn't stop here!


    Today, the package was already on the truck and they simply drove back up here and therefore we get our packages earlier on the second day.  Why do they need to drive past our town to take the package to Atlanta when their trucks up there no longer deliver here?  Why doesn't it stop at Macon and process our package there eliminating all that driving up and down the interstate.  Our packages used to come from Atlanta but that changed a couple years ago.   Surely it's not cheaper doing it the way they do now.🤷‍♀️  End of rant!


    Gerry @ger_77 I certainly understand how frustrated you must be having sent the grandsons their Valentines in plenty of time.  I've had our post office deliver birthday cards two week late before.  Who knows where they were during that time?  I'm sure the boys know you would never forget them!

    Our packages have been on the truck from a city 30 miles away, then to one 5 miles away, then one 8 miles from that city then back to the original 30 mile away one...delivered the next day.

    • Like 9
  6. 5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

    Good morning friends!  This morning it is 36F with an expected high of 66 and sunny skies.  Perfect!  If only our nights were a little warmer.🌞


    Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting Rich's @richwmn's Daily and Fleet Information plus the maps for him.  We appreciate it!  Some really different days celebrated and recognized this date!  Annoy Squidward Day is funny and thanks to Graham @grapau27 for the explanation.  International Angelman Day sounds interesting and I respect the thought behind it.  Childhood Cancer Awareness (and all diseases affecting children) should be respected and honored.  Interesting quote!  That is quite a different menu suggestion and one that might come in handy at our next get together.  What a name for a drink!  No thanks!  🍹 I enjoy Sauvignon Blanc wine and would happily give it a try.  A bad day for Socrates, an important date for science, and YouTube folks must be celebrating today.  Thank you to Eva @superoma, Paul @kochleffel, and Ann @cat shepard for your F&B reports today.  


    Prayers said this morning for those injured and for the woman who died at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade yesterday.  I hope they can determine who the suspects are and they are punished to the fullest extent of the law.  I know how traumatizing events like this can be and it will be a long time before these folks feel safe again.  Prayers too for DB and DGD Morgan, Scott and Bob and their spouses, the people of Israel and Ukraine, the hostages held and the U.S. soldiers and sailors at risk in the region.  And of course our many friends here on the Care list in need of prayers and help with their medical issues, personal loss and worry, pain and illness.  Extra prayers and hugs to Vanessa @JazzyV, Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando, Tana and Terry @smitty34877, Jane @lazey1, Maureen @RMLincoln and Richard, Melisa @HAL Sailer and DH just to name a few.  🙏🙏  A cheer from me for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries and all who are cruising!  🥂  DGD Morgan texted us after her presentation yesterday and said it went quite well.  She is optimistic about it. 🎉  Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the great lists each day.  We are so happy you can continue even with all that you are going through.  ❤️


    The port today is lovely Lisbon, Portugal.  This was port of the day before on Aug. 10, 2021 and May 8, 2022.  I will post the links next.  Then I'll begin posting photos for myself and Lenda.  However in noting the number of posts from Lenda's photos I'm going to split them up into groups of 2 and not take over the first two pages of the Daily.  I'll give others time to post in between.





    Once more FedEx has screwed up delivery of a package to our home.  We ordered some supplies from Sam's Club and they have incredible service, usually getting our packages to us in two days time.  However, they use FedEx and they are the ones who are letting us down.  Yesterday our package was on the truck for delivery.  At 1:45 DH saw the truck go up our cul-de-sac and return down again after making a delivery up the street.  She passed us by.  Last night our tracking said they were unable to deliver OR the business was closed and they will try again the next day.  Wrong!  We are not a business, were home and "open" all day, and they just don't deliver all the packages on the truck!  So I imagine we will get our delivery today, a day late.  This is at least the third time we can remember this happening.  UPS would have delivered until the truck was empty but oh, no, not FedEx!  Shame on them!😠


    I will try to not let this aggravation ruin my day!  Hope you all have a good day, too and stay safe and well!

    I agree about FedEx....I wonder if UPS raised their rates so businesses changed to FedEx...bad move in my opinion.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

    Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    Happy Valentine's Day! Lent has started with Ash Wednesday, for those who celebrate. Congenital Heart Defect awareness is important, so it can be corrected. I'll salute Frederick Douglass. I like the quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Barra Norte Sea. 2 good days in history.


    It's been a long day. I was up and out to a medical appointment this AM, then on to labwork. So I was starving when I got home around noon. I had missed a call from the Interventional Radiology nurse, so called back. I'm not optimistic about what I was told. He mentioned 2 shots, one to decrease inflammation of the nerve and one to the cyst. I asked about drainage or rupture of the cyst (which was what I was expecting), and he said that on closer exam the cyst was partly calcified and would therefore not collapse. I suspect I may not get the relief I was expecting, but I hope I'm wrong. BFF came over this afternoon, bearing roses. He helped me do some final removal of stuff from the DR. The moving people will come tomorrow morning, so I have to be up and downstairs. Then we went out for a nice early dinner (we were a bit too early, not knowing that starting at 4 apps were 1/2 price and it was happy hour). 


    So sad about the shootings in Kansas City at the Super Bowl parade.


    @Suslor Happy Birthday to Lorenzo!

    @superoma Happy Birthday to your twins!

    @rafinmd Prayers as you and your family remember the passing of your brother. I'm glad to hear your foot is almost completely healed.

    @smitty34877 Continued prayers for you and Tana.

    @RMLincoln I'm glad a close eye is being kept on DH (no pun intended, lol).

    @Nickelpenny I am glad your DGS benefitted from all the advances in treating congenital heart defects.

    @ottahand7 Congrats on the casino win!

    @lazey1 Thanks for the update. I hope just the right treatment is found for you.

    @Cruzin Terri Very nice job by DH for Valentine's Day.

    @luvteaching I'm sure today is hard; hold onto the good memories.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


    I"m sorry you didn't get better news about your cyst...hope there are more options.

    • Like 13
  8. 6 minutes ago, julia said:

    Loving it so far! 


    We did this cruise last year, and if you think your pre-sail has been a cluster, then just wait til you're on the pier in San Diego! 😲😲  It was the clusteriest of all clusters, and was the talk of the cruise for weeks. (Remember, when everyone has priority, then there is no priority).


    We did enjoy the ship, staff, and itinerary though... great cruise!!

    I agree!  Neptune Suite/CO ---no priority at the pier.

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  9. 19 hours ago, slidergirl said:

    Today was a good day at work.  No boss 😉  Nice people in house.  Quite a few owners.  I had to explain to some of them that I always work on Sundays, even Super Bowl Sunday.   One owner brought down some sliders for me to eat.  The couple who own the villa in Tuscany made sure I came up to their condo for awhile (brought the desk iphone and my keys) to watch the game and eat more food.   The guys were talking about all the bets they made.  I said I bet that Usher would take off his shirt.  They thought I was crazy.  Well, I proved them wrong!!!  We had a good laugh over that one.  They leave tomorrow to go back to the Villa until the end of March.  I wish...


    OOTD:  black jeans, my Deer Valley hockey sweater hoodie.  

    Well you'll probably score more goodies....


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  10. On 2/1/2024 at 8:25 PM, Haljo1935 said:

    You can do either. To pre-purchase, just go to "packages" from inside your booking. It will give you the price for your cruise. No discount to prepay, so if you want to use OBC, you can do it onboard.

    Safe travels - enjoy your cruise!

    We prepurchased it along with Club Orange but got a paid upgrade to a Neptune which included both - we were refunded the price of both.

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