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what happens if part of cabin reservation doesn't make the boat?


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OP does not say where her sister is driving from. Could be from many different states. OP says she is from Cape Cod so I went to map quest and entered directions from Bourne, MA (the nearest part of the Cape to NY). It said 3 hours 46 minutes. OP also said cruise is on a weekday (Monday) so there will be lots of traffic all around New York. With bathroom stops and traffic it will be AT LEAST 5 hours.


Clearly we are all in agreement with the OP that sister's plans are ridiculous and inconsiderate of OP's daughter. I hope all works out.


OP --- could you please update this thread after your cruise to let us know what happened?

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These plans drive me crazy. The Cross Bronx is probably only 6 miles so google maps will say 6 minutes. I have rarely gotten across the Cross Bronx in less than an hour, especially in the middle of a work day. There is a joke in New York that the LIE is the longest parking lot in the country. The only reason the Cross Bronx does not have that title is that it is not long enough.


And then it could be another hour to get down to the pier. It would be great if some New Yorkers would chime in on midweek traffic.


I would call the cruise line immediately and make sure your reservations are set up so that your family can get on the ship when your sister does not make it and also that you can get on the ship before she arrives and not have to stand outside for hours.


I still think she should drive down the night before and stay at a less expensive hotel out of the city. You can find some ideas on the East Coast departure board.

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Listen to EGG. Take care of your families reservation situation and let your........ fail. on their own. Call CCL directly with full details and ask them how to handle situation if they fail to arrive and you will stay in childs cabin. At checkin may be to late to change when in line with thousands of others. Get it in WRITING too. Maybe you need reservations separated??

Edited by zoncom
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As a long time Connecticut resident I can report that if they're driving down from Cape Cod they'll NEVER make it in time. The main highway through our State (I-95) is a total mess with backups virtually all the time, especially the closer one gets to NYC. This is due to the huge volume of daily traffic and does not even take into consideration extra delays caused by road work or accidents. Leaving a day early would be the ONLY way I'd do it.

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Now you threw a different point in the equation. It is still too close for me, but if Google maps says 3 hrs 20 minutes it is probably about 2 hours 45 minutes. While still troubling it is not as bad as previously thought.



WRONG! If Google Maps says 3 hours 20 minutes without traffic - and someone is driving into Manhattan, and down the West Side Highway, they WILL hit traffic, regardless of wherever they started; and they will need more than 3 hours 20 minutes. Have you ever driven from New Jersey across the G W Bridge or one of the tunnels, or from Long Island on the LIE, or from the north down the Bronx River and the Henry Hudson Bridge, or the northeast down I-95 and the RFK Bridge? If it is a weekday, that traffic will be heavy and they will need a lot more.

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What happens if my sister/her husband/and her daughter don't make the boat? Can my daughter still go in the cabin she is registered for?


It is a 5 hour drive and they (sister's family)are planning to leave 5 hours before last aboard at 3 pm. That is why we are worried.


Is there any reason besides stupidity that they are planning to cut it so close. Inquiring or nosy minds want to know.



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This could be a real mess. You will not be able to check your daughter in until your sister does or doesn't show up. The real problem as I understand it is that the reservation for the room your daughter is staying in is in their name, not yours. I don't see how you will be able to take over that room when neither of the daughter's parents are on that reservation.


If I understand the rules of room occupancy, your daughter will not be allowed to board if your sister doesn't make it in time since she is a minor and the person responsible for her room reservation misses the ship. The problem is that your daughter is not on your reservation.


I am concerned that your cruise is also at risk.


I would make sure all the bookings are "linked" any reason why this can't be done and any reason why (assuming the parents are paying her onboard account) she can't have her own boarding pass?



This is a case where you have to absolutely sure your reservations are linked.


Daughter will not be denied boarding if one of the parents says they will share the cabin with her but not having the bookings linked could create a snag. EASY to do and no reason to not.


Your sister will need Trump's helicopter to make it from Cape Cod to the ship on time under her scheduling.


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Do you have a third berth in your cabin? If so, and they won't let you move into daughter's cabin if the others don't show, you could be able to move your daughter into your cabin. Unlikely you'd get a refund for the difference between 3rd person and 2nd person in a cabin, but at least you all can sail.

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One of these times - and it might be THIS time - your sister is NOT going to make her sailing :eek: - and she pretty much will deserve that for being ... oh I don't know - too lazy to get up and get going? Seriously - what is their thinking? Any cruise is a chunk of change - why would anyone risk that loss by missing the ship? Do what you need to do to ensure your daughter makes it onboard and next time - I'd be booking her into YOUR cabin.

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.... if Google maps says 3 hrs 20 minutes it is probably about 2 hours 45 minutes. While still troubling it is not as bad as previously thought.


WRONG! If Google Maps says 3 hours 20 minutes without traffic - and someone is driving into Manhattan, and down the West Side Highway, they WILL hit traffic, regardless of wherever they started; and they will need more than 3 hours 20 minutes. Have you ever driven from New Jersey across the G W Bridge or one of the tunnels, or from Long Island on the LIE, or from the north down the Bronx River and the Henry Hudson Bridge, or the northeast down I-95 and the RFK Bridge? If it is a weekday, that traffic will be heavy and they will need a lot more.


I am with you, navybankerteacher! The amount of misinformation that some people post on these forums is mind boggling. Why would people post risky or flat out wrong advice? Do they have an evil streak and gleefully enjoy watching setting people up to get into trouble? :eek:


Poster zgvol is the same person who continually tells people that flying in the day of your cruise, even in the dead of winter, is a perfectly safe thing to do. Time after time the advice given is to not worry about it and don't waste your money flying in early.


As usual, zgvol sits in the comfort of his/her own home typing away on his/her keyboard perfectly happy to gamble with SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY by giving the riskiest advice instead of the safest. After all, it's not zgvol's money being gambled with, so zgvol won't suffer in any way if it goes terribly wrong, so what's the big deal?! :rolleyes:

Edited by sloopsailor
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This is not always true. I definitely have read on these forums where the person who boarded and was solo in a cabin was forced to pay the solo rate despite the fact their booked cabin mates will not get refunds. The rationale is the loss of on board spending by the 'no shows'. It seems to be hit or miss if they enforce the solo supplement but don't be shocked if that happens....... IF your sister does not get to the ship on time.



This happened to me, on Silversea. Which is an all-inclusive line, so the only revenue they lost from my roommate not coming was from excursions (and we usually book our own anyway). To make matters worse, her no-show was due to a medical emergency. Insurance covered both her loss and my upcharge of the single supplement, so Silversea was paid twice by the insurance company for the same berth--my roommate's fare and my 100% single supplement.


The guy at the insurance company said that this was common.

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Our reservations are linked. I am on Cape Cod, my sister in Wellesley. Nobody has cruise insurance. My Husband is willing to go home if necessary to let me and daughter go on cruise. Last minute is how my sister and her husband live. If no one cancels since not necessary to cancel for cruise insurance purposes then maybe there won't be a singles supplement? And she will most probably make it.


Will update when we get home-hopefully the 29th and not earlier!

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Our reservations are linked. I am on Cape Cod, my sister in Wellesley. Nobody has cruise insurance. My Husband is willing to go home if necessary to let me and daughter go on cruise. Last minute is how my sister and her husband live. If no one cancels since not necessary to cancel for cruise insurance purposes then maybe there won't be a singles supplement? And she will most probably make it.


Will update when we get home-hopefully the 29th and not earlier!


From Wellesley - they COULD make it in five hours. There must not be any delays on I-95 - from construction (there are several widening projects underway now) or from accidents (which frequently close one of the two - sometimes three - lanes); they must speed and not get stopped; they must have zero delay in dropping off their luggage and getting their car into the parking area.


I wish them, and you, luck.

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Now that you said Manhattan this is even more insane. On any given day it can take you 30 minutes to go one block depending upon the situation.


I'm sure this kind of "planning" has bitten them in other areas of their lives already. And if they are not on the same page with this attitude, we may read about the fallout in the papers the next day.



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Our reservations are linked. I am on Cape Cod, my sister in Wellesley. Nobody has cruise insurance. My Husband is willing to go home if necessary to let me and daughter go on cruise. Last minute is how my sister and her husband live. If no one cancels since not necessary to cancel for cruise insurance purposes then maybe there won't be a singles supplement? And she will most probably make it.


Will update when we get home-hopefully the 29th and not earlier!


I'm sorry but the more I read this thread and hear the rationale of "that's how they live" the more ridiculous the whole thing is. I guess they have no respect for you or your family and how their decisions and actions could affect you. I know I would not sit idly by if it were my sister and hope that it all works out without risking any aspect of my vacation. Again, good luck!

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Ok, so what do cruise lines do? The norm would be that those who make the ship will be in the cabins that were booked and will not have to pay any additional fees. The ones who miss the ship will not get any refund (unless they have insurance). As to loss of onboard revenue, while that is somewhat of an issue for the cruise line, they also keep the entire fare of those who missed the ship which is an OK consolation prize :).


As to your sister, she is simply being very reckless. Driving into NYC (or in NYC) is always subject to traffic issues (we just returned from a weekend in NYC where we often visit our DD who lives in the East Village). If your sister misses the ship she is going to lose all the money she paid for the cruise. As long as the daughter is an adult there should be no issues. If she were a minor (or even under 21) there might be some problems because of various rules involving minimum ages of those in a cabin and proper parental permission for a minor.


As to your sister, there is no accounting for bad travel judgement. Hopefully things will work out for her, but if not, there will unlikely be any tears or sympathy from seasoned travelers. If your sister is driving to the port it will take a few minutes to simply pay the parking fee, park the car, and get back to the ship. If she is arriving by any kind of public transit then she is gambling her entire cruise fare that nothing is running late (never a wise gamble). Carnival is likely to close check-in about 90-120 min before debarkation and may not have any sympathy to those who show-up a few minutes late. Carnival has to comply with the US Authorities (CBP) who have rules regarding when they must receive the final passenger manifest. So this is not just about Carnival but also about the US Government. So if Carnival is saying check-ins must be done by 3 pm they may actually mean by 3pm!




Edited by Hlitner
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Curious about the risk involved, I went on a site to identify the cruise and cost. A five day Canada itinerary on Carnival Splendor - not overly expensive, but still absurdly silly to time it that closely --- especially when Carnival's web site specifies that passengers should check in 60 minutes before sailing - or risk losing their reservation. That means the five hours before last on board time really means four hours to check in time.


The notion is so stupid that I am inclined to think that OP is kidding --- just wanting to create a bit of drama - and will report a happy ending upon return.


But, just in case it is not a fake, I will be careful to stay off I-95 tomorrow in early afternoon as there might be a lunatic tearing along.

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Do they realize they must be ON the ship 90 minutes before the scheduled departure time? If not, they won't be cruising. Actually, I just can't buy the "it's just the way they live their lives". Something else is at work here, IMHO. There's really no good excuse to cut things so short.

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Well, I don't know you or your family, of course, but it seems to me that your sister and her husband are acting stupidly AND selfishly here. Right now they should be tucked up in a hotel somewhere within an hour or so of NYC, ready to leave for the port tomorrow morning, or at home planning a pre-dawn launch to be sure to get there in time.


How thoughtful of your husband to offer to go home if necessary, but really, if you can still do it, you need to do whatever YOU need to do be sure that you two and your daughter can all get onboard. Too bad, so sad for your sister and her husband. I do feel sorry for their daughter, though.

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This may be in the responses somewhere, if so I missed it. For you to travel with a 14 year old without parents you would need a notarized statement from the parents giving you permission. Also what are you going to do if Carnival doesn't let the 14 year old travel with out her parents? Leave her at the pier by herself?


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This may be in the responses somewhere, if so I missed it. For you to travel with a 14 year old without parents you would need a notarized statement from the parents giving you permission. Also what are you going to do if Carnival doesn't let the 14 year old travel with out her parents? Leave her at the pier by herself?




There won't be a 14 year old traveling without a parent.


Either both daughters will cruise and both sets of parents.


Or one set of parent with their daughter, the other family (parents and daughter) missing the ship.

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OP stated in the first post in this thread, the 14 year old is their child. The girl is not the sister's child.


They booked three cabins. One for OP and spouse.

One for sister and OP's daughter and one for B-I-L and a child.


In other words, that could mean the two couples will each have a cabin and the two underage children (cousins) will share a cabin... I am guessing. :D ;)




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I'm sorry but the more I read this thread and hear the rationale of "that's how they live" the more ridiculous the whole thing is. I guess they have no respect for you or your family and how their decisions and actions could affect you. I know I would not sit idly by if it were my sister and hope that it all works out without risking any aspect of my vacation. Again, good luck!



This this this!!! How inconsiderate to put you and your family thru this... This thoughtless issue has a potential of huge financial loss to you, not to mention the stress!

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If the daughter is a minor, they will not be able to occupy the stateroom alone, which will cause another issue at boarding unless one of the parents stays with her.


We have sailed with our 13 year old daughter, and we got 2 cabins. Our daughter was in a single cabin next door to us, and everyone was ok with it. Now that being said, technically my husband was registered in the single, and my daughter and I were registered next door. But when we boarded, and went to our cabins, we explained to our steward, and it was fine. In fact, we had other friends on that sailing, and the girls had a "sleepover" in our daughters room. We did have to get permission from the Hotel officer in case of an emergency, but everyone was ok with it. It worked out great.

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