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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 15th, 2023

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57 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

@kazu sorry your iPads are giving you grief, both at the same time!  I'm glad to hear you used Prime to secure a new one.


Me too, Gerry.  My “want” became a “need” yesterday afternoon.  My friend told me that the Prime deal was the best sale on IPads (I rarely see them on sale) so I said what the hey.  Mine is so old it’s embarrassing.  



1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu Sorry to hear about the electronics woes. I usually get every other edition of the iPad. I have the 8th gen and the 10th is out, but I usually trade in my old one with Apple, for a credit towards the new one. 


I don’t normally upgrade every time, Vanessa.  I may upgrade to the 10th or 11th (when it comes out)  and I’ll trade in both these IPads  and heck - they can have my really ancient one if they want it 😉.  That’s a great idea on the trade in.  The sale at Amazon was really good - but it was the 9th generation, not the 10th.  Two IPads at the same time come in very handy when I’m doing the Future Cruise Listing and my spread sheets 😉 



1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Birthday boy n the left with Barney. They flew together in Vietnam. And our sweet Oliver. Our little guy sure needs TLC! 











Great pictures 🙂.   Oliver is a sweetie ♥️ 




2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@kazu Jacqui I’m impressed with your vets getting Ivan feeling so much better.  


My vet is super!  We’re not out of the woods yet.  The test comes when the pain meds start being given less frequently and terminated after his 2nd injection.  I sure hope it works.



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4 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Afternoon from Karlskrona, Sweden where we are taking a break from going ashore.

Short day as all aboard is 1:30pm and we will be on our way to Stockholm.


Thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for filling in for Rich for a few days.

Prayers for all on the Cares List and thank you to Vanessa for your dedication to keeping it up to date.  

Thank you in advance to Debbie, Dixie and Ann for keeping us fed and hydrated.


My internet situation seems to be “fixed” as best it can be.  I have a new login name, which I will not post here so that the hacker will not be able to access my account.  The Guru was not able to determine the identity of the offender, who will probably now try to hack into someone else’s account.  My theory is that it is one of the many young people on this cruise that cannot part with their cell phones.  They are seen all over the ship with their phones.  Since only one login is permitted per stateroom at a time, and if you require more, it is $30 per day for each additional account, I imagine Mommy and Daddy do not want to fork up that kind of money.  Therefore the young ones are left to their own devices—in this case a Samsung.


We have a considerable amount of shipboard credit and have been mulling about what to do with it.  It is non-refundable so it is use it or lose it.  I saw a very nice diamond necklace in the boutique and if DH does not fancy to buy anything for himself, I may decide to buy the necklace.  It would just use up all the non-refundable OBC.  I did not expect the OBC from the first twenty days to be carried over to this cruise, but it was.  There are no tours that interest us, so we have to do something with this “ funny money”  DH doesn’t care what I do with it.  Everybody should have such problems!


Prayers for all.

God Bless,




Terri, I'm horrified that someone has been stealing your internet.  How low can you go?  As for the non-refundable OBC, YES, definitely buy the pretty diamond necklace!  I have purchased at least 3 pieces of jewelry with OBC we needed to use, and love them all.  Once we bought a gorgeous Tanzanite slide on a ship but that was our own money, not OBC.  Still, it's beautiful and I'm glad I bought it.




2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Saturday daily, Sandi. and thanks for filling in for Rich.


Great collection of days - all worthy of celebrating.  I’m not sure about today’s quote nor the meal.  Love La Coruna aka A Coruna.  Nice in its own right and so close to Santiago de Compostela.  


@Cruzin Terri  buy that necklace 🙂 


Making my first batch of jam yesterday and had my Ipad open to the recipe and Jose’s on a movie to listen to while I worked and charging.

All of a sudden my Ipad started turning the page of my recipe. After several corrections, I closed my page and re-input it to bring it back up.  Keyboard wasn’t working!  Then I saw Jose’s Ipad was not charging 😬. My keyboard is dead and my Ipad is fighting for it’s life.

Jose’s will only charge if it is shut down and the battery doesn’t last at all -  so I think its life is short too.  WTH?  Good thing I splurged on Amazon Prime day and bought a newer generation Ipad.  Both of these are not young by any means.  So, what I thought was a want on Prime day is now a Need.




My posts will be brief mostly as I hate one finger typing.


Raining here so hopefully I can get another batch or two of jam done - then, I probably need more supplies.  LOL.  Or stop.  I’ll figure it out.




Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering health challenges and losses & those that need them.  Cheers to those celebrating.




Have a good Saturday everyone.


Jacqui, I'm sorry about your Ipad issues.  How inconvenient both are giving you grief at the same time.  Also what a bummer about Roy's @rafinmd battery problem.  I am joining you both in device problems today.  I was using my bluetooth headset with no problem first thing this morning, but took it off when we ran to the grocery store.  When I got home and turned the headset on, the left side is having an issue not playing while the right is fine.  So it's like mono instead of stereo.  It works when I play around with the wire on the left side but it's on, off, on, off.  I actually have a second set I have paired to the laptop for listening to YouTube videos and Port Everglades ship toots so I'm going to switch them out and re-pair so the mono headset is for the laptop and not the TV viewing.  


In addition the laptop charging cord has been acting up all week.  You think it's plugged in and charging but it's not and you're suddenly low on power.  I guess it's my turn for gremlins!👿




2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thank you for starting the Fleet Report and Daily for Rich @richwmn today.  I thought we'd had the port of the day before and found it was the port twice, but under A Coruna.  Here are the links to Friday, July 16, 2021 and Friday, September 2, 2022.  I hope you don't mind my posting these links.




Now, I finish reading the Daily.




No, I don't mind you posting the links.  If I'd ever been there I might have realized today's spelling is not the same as used before.  It sure makes things more challenging!  I'd better update my spreadsheet.  Thanks too for posting your photos.




2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning, 

We had quite the storm last night. It ripped the front storm door open and broke the little thingy on the bottom that hooks to the pneumatic closer. There are power outages around me but I was spared. The humidity is thick this morning making all the windows sweat. DGS is still asleep, he is not a fan of storms. He was woke up for a tornado warning last year and is hyper vigilant whenever it looks suspicious. 

The news I received on Murphy last night is that they are planning to pull the chest tubes today and put in a feeding tube. Slow progress. 

@Cruzin Terri buy the necklace if you like it. I am sure your husband would love you to have it. He appreciates all the hard work you have done with the house and how wonderfully you have taken care of him. 

Have a great day everyone.


Sorry to hear about the storm damage last night.  Those must have been some powerful winds!  And I appreciate you keeping us updated on that precious new baby, little Murphy.  She will continue to be in my prayers.




1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

It is Father David's birthday celebration at church.

We are early setting everything up.









Looks like so much fun!  Father David must have been very pleased you all thought to put this shindig on.🥂🎉🎈




1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Birthday boy n the left with Barney. They flew together in Vietnam. And our sweet Oliver. Our little guy sure needs TLC! 











Joy, your little Oliver is so cute!  He is going to love living with you and Allen.  And your party looks great, too.  I'm glad it worked out so well.🎈🎂🍷




1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for taking over the daily today so that Rich can get a break.  


 I am sorry that so many batteries are passing over the electronic bridge.  Which scares me as I am totally electronically challenged.  I need ink in the printer, and dont know where or how to put it in.


We had a storm last night, but more rumble than rain.


DH is still without his luggage.  He called last night,  he and one brother had an early dinner in town while they were raising Cain about a washer dryer set that was supposed to be delivered over a month ago.  It should be installed today.  Hopefully the three of them will be able to sit down together today.

The other brother left his wife at home because they could not find a place to board their dog.  So, technically it is the three brothers.  Money may be the root of all evil when it is being divided by family members.  My money is the root of paying bills.


I need to do my PT (as Maureen calls it-physical torture) this morning at home.  I watched the last of the Father Brown series last night, went to bed, and slept for 10 hours.  I used DH's pillows behind my back, which took some of the pressure of the shoulder, and as no cats showed up to snuggle, I slept!  It was wonderful.  Today i have to do the exercises, shower, work, run to Michaels, and I am having dinner with my friend Debbie at the Vietnamese restaurant that is halfway between the two of us.


Have a great day!




Annie, hoping the brothers can get things worked out financially and that Chuck has a memorable visit with Momma Norma.  Also that the darn luggage comes today!  Good luck with that PT!




1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily - and thanks @StLouisCruisers for giving Rich a break.  Sochi is on our emergency list, should there ever be a fire or other calamity at our house.  I don't think I've ever seen a Respect Canada Day, but thanks, we're pretty happy up here.  We celebrated Give Something Away day a couple of days ago when we brought a bunch of decorative plant pots to a centre where they use them for folks who are in care homes.  They plant little things like baby tears, succulents, or African Violets that don't grow large or require a lot of care - it helps brighten up a small room for someone who can't get out.


Our smoke continues - it lightened up yesterday evening, but before going to bed, there was a notice on the television advising us that it would intensify overnight.  And it did.  When I went out to get the paper from the mailbox (1 step from the front door), the air smelled like wet smoke after you've poured water on a campfire.  Already on the radio I'm hearing warnings that visibility on the highways is reduced, so am glad we don't have to venture out today.  Sad event yesterday, a young female firefighter, only 19 years old lost her life in the Revelstoke BC fire.  She was found pinned under a fallen tree - just a young kid; so sad.


@kazu sorry your iPads are giving you grief, both at the same time!  I'm glad to hear you used Prime to secure a new one.

@rafinmd I know what it's like having a laptop and not being able to get a replacement battery.  I had a cute little netbook that was so handy, but after 3 years, it was declared obsolete and no batteries could be found anywhere.

@Cruzin Terri I'd be really ticked if I knew someone had hacked into my onboard internet account!!  I'm glad the tech guru finally changed your login so that the cretin couldn't continue to use your account.  Oh, BUY THE NECKLACE!  And post photos so we can see you wearing it!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I can understand your frustration with the medical system and the referrals - or lack thereof.  I detest incompetence or people not doing their proper follow up.  Hopefully your DH gets in sooner rather than later!

@marshhawk glad Chuck made it safely, even though his suitcase didn't.  One wonders how that can happen on a direct flight.  Interesting family drama, but we all have those - I like to think our family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional.  LOL

@Seasick Sailor oh my gosh, thanks for sharing your photos of Allen's party!  Your table looks like a groaning board, it's so full!  And Oliver is adorable; I know he's going to have the best life ever with the two of you as his family.


Not much happening here today, so I think I'll put on my N-95 mask and sit outside where I'll deconstruct a couple of afghans.  I bought 2 really large (and well made) afghans at the thrift store the other day for $2.99 and $3.49, respectively, but when I got to the cashier, realized it was Seniors Day and got an additional 30% off the price.  I can't buy a single skein of yarn for that price, and I know I'll have enough from the two of them to make several blankets for children in crisis.


I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), and could likely open and pour myself a glass of Cardboardeaux in the time it would take me to say the name of today's wine (although it is affordable).  We've had pumpkin ravioli - it came in a meal kit a friend of ours gave us for Christmas a couple of years ago - it was quite tasty, but I wouldn't want to make it from scratch.  I've got hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that DH will do on the barbecue, but because of the smoke, we'll be enjoying them along with Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, how sad about the young female firefighter losing her life like that.  Prayers for her family and friends with their shocking loss.🙏




1 hour ago, grapau27 said:




22 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

We all sang happy birthday to Father David.




Love the photos of the party, the cake, the food and Father David in the costume.  I'm trying to figure out what he is?!

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21 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Terri, I'm horrified that someone has been stealing your internet.  How low can you go?  As for the non-refundable OBC, YES, definitely buy the pretty diamond necklace!  I have purchased at least 3 pieces of jewelry with OBC we needed to use, and love them all.  Once we bought a gorgeous Tanzanite slide on a ship but that was our own money, not OBC.  Still, it's beautiful and I'm glad I bought it.





Jacqui, I'm sorry about your Ipad issues.  How inconvenient both are giving you grief at the same time.  Also what a bummer about Roy's @rafinmd battery problem.  I am joining you both in device problems today.  I was using my bluetooth headset with no problem first thing this morning, but took it off when we ran to the grocery store.  When I got home and turned the headset on, the left side is having an issue not playing while the right is fine.  So it's like mono instead of stereo.  It works when I play around with the wire on the left side but it's on, off, on, off.  I actually have a second set I have paired to the laptop for listening to YouTube videos and Port Everglades ship toots so I'm going to switch them out and re-pair so the mono headset is for the laptop and not the TV viewing.  


In addition the laptop charging cord has been acting up all week.  You think it's plugged in and charging but it's not and you're suddenly low on power.  I guess it's my turn for gremlins!👿





No, I don't mind you posting the links.  If I'd ever been there I might have realized today's spelling is not the same as used before.  It sure makes things more challenging!  I'd better update my spreadsheet.  Thanks too for posting your photos.





Sorry to hear about the storm damage last night.  Those must have been some powerful winds!  And I appreciate you keeping us updated on that precious new baby, little Murphy.  She will continue to be in my prayers.





Looks like so much fun!  Father David must have been very pleased you all thought to put this shindig on.🥂🎉🎈





Joy, your little Oliver is so cute!  He is going to love living with you and Allen.  And your party looks great, too.  I'm glad it worked out so well.🎈🎂🍷





Annie, hoping the brothers can get things worked out financially and that Chuck has a memorable visit with Momma Norma.  Also that the darn luggage comes today!  Good luck with that PT!





Gerry, how sad about the young female firefighter losing her life like that.  Prayers for her family and friends with their shocking loss.🙏






Love the photos of the party, the cake, the food and Father David in the costume.  I'm trying to figure out what he is?!

Thank you Sandie.

He Is A Dalek from Doctor who.

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2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Called yesterday to reactivate my sub position to get ready for the school year.  Need to buy a travel waterpik; should have done it during Prime Day.  Oh, well.



I thought you retired??  Miss work already?  😉 

Costco has a nice package - portable (for your cruises) & the regular combined.  When I bought mine it was cheaper than Amazon.!




42 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Jacqui, I'm sorry about your Ipad issues.  How inconvenient both are giving you grief at the same time.  Also what a bummer about Roy's @rafinmd battery problem.  I am joining you both in device problems today.  I was using my bluetooth headset with no problem first thing this morning, but took it off when we ran to the grocery store.  When I got home and turned the headset on, the left side is having an issue not playing while the right is fine.  So it's like mono instead of stereo.  It works when I play around with the wire on the left side but it's on, off, on, off.  I actually have a second set I have paired to the laptop for listening to YouTube videos and Port Everglades ship toots so I'm going to switch them out and re-pair so the mono headset is for the laptop and not the TV viewing.  


In addition the laptop charging cord has been acting up all week.  You think it's plugged in and charging but it's not and you're suddenly low on power.  I guess it's my turn for gremlins!👿


Oh no!  So sorry you too have been bit by the electronic gremlins.  I hope mine wasn’t contagious and travelled through the internet.  



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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to A Coruna twice on BHBs.  In 2004, on the old Noordam, we stayed in town, took the bus to the lighthouse and then walked around town.  In 2011, on the Prinsendam, we took the tour to Santiago de Compastela.


I'll begin with A Coruna.  The lighthouse which is still working and built on the foundation of the old Roman lighthouse.  The Tower of Hercules is the oldest extant lighthouse and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.




We went up in the lighthouse, and DH went to the very top.  This is A Coruna from the top.



Various sites as we walked around the town






This picture is from 2011 after our tour when we were searching for an ATM



The view of the Tower of Hercules as we sailed to the next port.



These are a few of the pictures I took in Santiago de Compastela. The first is as we were walking from the bus to the square.



A monument to the pilgrims and one entrance to the church. plus the interior of the church.  We saw St. James tomb, but no pictures.  There was a long line to walk through the narrow passage and view the tomb.  Basically, we had to keep moving.





A different view of the square where the pilgrims gather



After touring the church, we went to a hotel for refreshments in the courtyard, where we were entertained by these gentlemen.P1020158.thumb.JPG.29db0ff0815ca932e863c4c70fb8bb19.JPG




Super photos Lenda.

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Good Afternoon, I did some weeding this morning until the heat and humidity said that was enough.  As I was finishing up I noticed that we got someone’s GrubHub order last night.  The animals had a feast on the delivery.  I have no idea which neighbor placed the order.

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8 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good Afternoon from Karlskrona, Sweden where we are taking a break from going ashore.

Short day as all aboard is 1:30pm and we will be on our way to Stockholm.


Thank you to @StLouisCruisers Sandi for filling in for Rich for a few days.

Prayers for all on the Cares List and thank you to Vanessa for your dedication to keeping it up to date.  

Thank you in advance to Debbie, Dixie and Ann for keeping us fed and hydrated.


My internet situation seems to be “fixed” as best it can be.  I have a new login name, which I will not post here so that the hacker will not be able to access my account.  The Guru was not able to determine the identity of the offender, who will probably now try to hack into someone else’s account.  My theory is that it is one of the many young people on this cruise that cannot part with their cell phones.  They are seen all over the ship with their phones.  Since only one login is permitted per stateroom at a time, and if you require more, it is $30 per day for each additional account, I imagine Mommy and Daddy do not want to fork up that kind of money.  Therefore the young ones are left to their own devices—in this case a Samsung.


We have a considerable amount of shipboard credit and have been mulling about what to do with it.  It is non-refundable so it is use it or lose it.  I saw a very nice diamond necklace in the boutique and if DH does not fancy to buy anything for himself, I may decide to buy the necklace.  It would just use up all the non-refundable OBC.  I did not expect the OBC from the first twenty days to be carried over to this cruise, but it was.  There are no tours that interest us, so we have to do something with this “ funny money”  DH doesn’t care what I do with it.  Everybody should have such problems!


Prayers for all.

God Bless,








Treat yourself Terri and buy the necklace.

Don't forget to ask for more discount off the price.

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Getting here late in the day, but I had to rest up from yesterday's activities. DS took me to Baltimore for an Orioles' game last evening. Because of the rain, the game was delayed for an hour & 20 minutes. They won! After the game, there was a very nice fireworks display, so it was after 11pm before we headed home(about an hour's ride). DS reminded me that the last time I went to an O's game, Cal Ripkin was still playing! That was a LONG time ago - lol!

I was tired and a bit dehydrated this morning, so I just lazed around for most of the morning. Then AAA called to remind me that the currency I ordered for the cruise had arrived, so I zipped over to pick it up.

DS's birthday is next weekend, after I leave for my cruise, so we're going out for a nice dinner tonight.There will be wine...!!!

 Prayers for those on the care list, and cheers for all celebrating!

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28 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Getting here late in the day, but I had to rest up from yesterday's activities. DS took me to Baltimore for an Orioles' game last evening. Because of the rain, the game was delayed for an hour & 20 minutes. They won! After the game, there was a very nice fireworks display, so it was after 11pm before we headed home(about an hour's ride). DS reminded me that the last time I went to an O's game, Cal Ripkin was still playing! That was a LONG time ago - lol!

I was tired and a bit dehydrated this morning, so I just lazed around for most of the morning. Then AAA called to remind me that the currency I ordered for the cruise had arrived, so I zipped over to pick it up.

DS's birthday is next weekend, after I leave for my cruise, so we're going out for a nice dinner tonight.There will be wine...!!!

 Prayers for those on the care list, and cheers for all celebrating!

I hope you have a Wonderful birthday meal tonight with your son.

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Well, we bought the necklace.  For obvious reasons I am not posting the photo of it right now.

I will after we get home. 

I do not know who is reading this and after my problem with the internet, I am just laying low.,

I am happy with it and it is beautiful.

DH is happy that I got also.

Nice memories of this cruise.

Thank you all for the advice.


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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

We all sang happy birthday to Father David.



Father David loves Doctor who so one of the congregation bought this for him.

Father David is a great fun character and put the costume on for a laugh and to please the congregation member who got it for him.


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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy with hazy skies central Texas.  No I didn't get lost doing the yard work.  I was a little later getting outside than I intended, but I still finished about 10:30.  Without any rain, there is less to mow since the sprinklers only cover the area where we planted grass.  Right now, it is 100F and feels like 107F, so I'm happy to be doing inside stuff how.


Before I got back inside, DH and I finally got the smoker working.  It turns out it was not the heating element, but some of the wiring between the plug cord and the element.  The first fix was to replace a corroded connector.  That didn't completely solve the problem, but DH checked more of the wiring, and found a bad connection.  Once that was fixed, we tested the element and it worked.  Now, we have a spare element.  After we put on gloves to handle the fiberglass insulation that DH need to put back in the back of the smoker, it was my turn to put the back on the smoker.  I can manage to screw things back in place, but it takes me 3 or 4 times longer than DH.  


However, that was not the end of the repair jobs, thanks to my clumsiness and not checking what I was doing.  We have a sprinkler head that sticks up higher than it should, and again, I hit it with my foot and knocked it out of place.  That would not have been a problem, if I'd paid attention when I screwed it back in place.  It did seem to be looser, but I thought I'd gotten it fixed until we checked the system.  It turns out, I somehow missed the pipe and screwed the head into the dirt.  That meant, DH had to take the sprinkler head apart and after I cleaned it better, reassemble it.  It is now working, but another that was working isn't,  That repair is for another day.  By then I was ready to call it quits and head to the shower.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

It is Father David's birthday celebration at church.

We are early setting everything up.









Graham, the congregation did a great job with the party for Father David, and what a great cake.  Father David is a good sport for putting on the Dalek costume and letting you post it.  Your church looks so (for want of a better word) cozy and inviting.  I have always liked the smaller, more intimate churches.


6 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a rainy start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  We have strong hope that it will clear up as we planned to go to an art fair in the park today.  We do have our Canadian umbrellas that will accompany us.  We bought them when we got caught in a deluge in Quebec and had to walk a couple of miles back to the ship.  The shop was doing a brisk business in umbrellas that day.  


I am pleased to read @cruising sister's update on baby Murphy.  Also, I am wondering if Chuck ever got his luggage.  @marshhawk you need a score sheet to keep track of Momma Norma and the family situation there.  I think they may have outdone my brother's family.  @Cruzin Terri get the necklace!  @Crazy For Cats I'll see you in a week.  We are sooo excited.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, I hope the weather cooperates and you and Sue won't need the umbrellas while you're at the art fair.


6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. A beautiful morning right now.


Allen's party turned out to be so much fun. We had "taco truck" food and everyone brought delicious dishes. I'll post a few pictures from my phone. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. 


Today will be a bit calmer. 4 friends with birthdays this month, meeting at a new restaurant this evening. 


Prayers lifted to all on our prayer list. Blessings to you and have a wonderful weekend. 



Joy, I'm happy that Allen's birth day party was a big success.  Thanks for the pictures of the party and of cute Oliver.  Enjoy the birthday party for your friends, and I hope the new restaurant is good.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for taking over the daily today so that Rich can get a break.  


 I am sorry that so many batteries are passing over the electronic bridge.  Which scares me as I am totally electronically challenged.  I need ink in the printer, and dont know where or how to put it in.


We had a storm last night, but more rumble than rain.


DH is still without his luggage.  He called last night,  he and one brother had an early dinner in town while they were raising Cain about a washer dryer set that was supposed to be delivered over a month ago.  It should be installed today.  Hopefully the three of them will be able to sit down together today.

The other brother left his wife at home because they could not find a place to board their dog.  So, technically it is the three brothers.  Money may be the root of all evil when it is being divided by family members.  My money is the root of paying bills.


I need to do my PT (as Maureen calls it-physical torture) this morning at home.  I watched the last of the Father Brown series last night, went to bed, and slept for 10 hours.  I used DH's pillows behind my back, which took some of the pressure of the shoulder, and as no cats showed up to snuggle, I slept!  It was wonderful.  Today i have to do the exercises, shower, work, run to Michaels, and I am having dinner with my friend Debbie at the Vietnamese restaurant that is halfway between the two of us.


Have a great day!




Annie, I'm another one who can't believe they lost Chuck's luggage on a direct flight.  I wonder if someone picked it up by mistake.  I'm glad you got a good night's sleep, and hope your at home PT wasn't too bad.  I also hope that Chuck and his brothers are able to resolve things peacefully.  I think every family has some dysfunctional members.


5 hours ago, lcand1923 said:

Please wish Fr. David a Happy 50th Birthday from The Daily, GRAPAU27.

His weekly message means so much.

(The food and decorations and CAKE look wonderful.)


I’ve been reading the Daily but, as all of you know, I’m not much of a poster.


I’ve had several friends come down with COVID recently, so want to remind 

everyone to Stay Safe!



I hope your friends are better now, and that you stay well.


5 hours ago, kazu said:

My vet is super!  We’re not out of the woods yet.  The test comes when the pain meds start being given less frequently and terminated after his 2nd injection.  I sure hope it works.




Jacqui, sending positive thoughts that Ivan stays healthy as the pain meds are being decreased, and that the shots keep him pain free.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Super photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:




Thanks for the explanation of the Daleks.  The DDs used to watch Dr. Who, but DH and I never did.


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Afternoon, I did some weeding this morning until the heat and humidity said that was enough.  As I was finishing up I noticed that we got someone’s GrubHub order last night.  The animals had a feast on the delivery.  I have no idea which neighbor placed the order.


Jake, I bet they are wondering what happened to their dinner.


48 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Didn’t apply to anyone on the Daily but there’s a couple out there.😁


Just a couple?  That is partly why I mostly stick with the Daily.


41 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Getting here late in the day, but I had to rest up from yesterday's activities. DS took me to Baltimore for an Orioles' game last evening. Because of the rain, the game was delayed for an hour & 20 minutes. They won! After the game, there was a very nice fireworks display, so it was after 11pm before we headed home(about an hour's ride). DS reminded me that the last time I went to an O's game, Cal Ripkin was still playing! That was a LONG time ago - lol!

I was tired and a bit dehydrated this morning, so I just lazed around for most of the morning. Then AAA called to remind me that the currency I ordered for the cruise had arrived, so I zipped over to pick it up.

DS's birthday is next weekend, after I leave for my cruise, so we're going out for a nice dinner tonight.There will be wine...!!!

 Prayers for those on the care list, and cheers for all celebrating!


Edi, I'm glad you got to see the Os win at home.  Enjoy your dinner with DS for his birthday.  Please wish him an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us.


12 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, we bought the necklace.  For obvious reasons I am not posting the photo of it right now.

I will after we get home. 

I do not know who is reading this and after my problem with the internet, I am just laying low.,

I am happy with it and it is beautiful.

DH is happy that I got also.

Nice memories of this cruise.

Thank you all for the advice.



Terri, I'm glad you bought the necklace.  It will be a great memory of the cruise.  I can understand not posting a picture now.  I can't wait to see what it looks like when you get home.  



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22 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, we bought the necklace.  For obvious reasons I am not posting the photo of it right now.

I will after we get home. 

I do not know who is reading this and after my problem with the internet, I am just laying low.,

I am happy with it and it is beautiful.

DH is happy that I got also.

Nice memories of this cruise.

Thank you all for the advice.


Delighted for you Terri that you bought the necklace.

Edited by grapau27
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Well, I'm back from my quest.  Micro Center in Rockville seemed quite a daunting and confusing place but the staff was very helpful and I THINK I have a replacement battery. although it will still be a while before I get around to trying it out.  I also stopped at the mall for a luggage scale and put in quick stops at the UPS store to pick up mail, the fire house and the grocery store.  I got home about 3 and the heat was intense but between the car and the buildings I was almost never away from air conditioning.



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Good still hot and sunny afternoon.It’s now down to a real feel of 98.  At least it’s better than Rome , which is expected to be 109 on Tuesday.

I have noticed the 2 $1 threads have disappeared, but a new one has started. 
Stay cool.

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6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily - and thanks @StLouisCruisers for giving Rich a break.  Sochi is on our emergency list, should there ever be a fire or other calamity at our house.  I don't think I've ever seen a Respect Canada Day, but thanks, we're pretty happy up here.  We celebrated Give Something Away day a couple of days ago when we brought a bunch of decorative plant pots to a centre where they use them for folks who are in care homes.  They plant little things like baby tears, succulents, or African Violets that don't grow large or require a lot of care - it helps brighten up a small room for someone who can't get out.


Our smoke continues - it lightened up yesterday evening, but before going to bed, there was a notice on the television advising us that it would intensify overnight.  And it did.  When I went out to get the paper from the mailbox (1 step from the front door), the air smelled like wet smoke after you've poured water on a campfire.  Already on the radio I'm hearing warnings that visibility on the highways is reduced, so am glad we don't have to venture out today.  Sad event yesterday, a young female firefighter, only 19 years old lost her life in the Revelstoke BC fire.  She was found pinned under a fallen tree - just a young kid; so sad.


@kazu sorry your iPads are giving you grief, both at the same time!  I'm glad to hear you used Prime to secure a new one.

@rafinmd I know what it's like having a laptop and not being able to get a replacement battery.  I had a cute little netbook that was so handy, but after 3 years, it was declared obsolete and no batteries could be found anywhere.

@Cruzin Terri I'd be really ticked if I knew someone had hacked into my onboard internet account!!  I'm glad the tech guru finally changed your login so that the cretin couldn't continue to use your account.  Oh, BUY THE NECKLACE!  And post photos so we can see you wearing it!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I can understand your frustration with the medical system and the referrals - or lack thereof.  I detest incompetence or people not doing their proper follow up.  Hopefully your DH gets in sooner rather than later!

@marshhawk glad Chuck made it safely, even though his suitcase didn't.  One wonders how that can happen on a direct flight.  Interesting family drama, but we all have those - I like to think our family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional.  LOL

@Seasick Sailor oh my gosh, thanks for sharing your photos of Allen's party!  Your table looks like a groaning board, it's so full!  And Oliver is adorable; I know he's going to have the best life ever with the two of you as his family.


Not much happening here today, so I think I'll put on my N-95 mask and sit outside where I'll deconstruct a couple of afghans.  I bought 2 really large (and well made) afghans at the thrift store the other day for $2.99 and $3.49, respectively, but when I got to the cashier, realized it was Seniors Day and got an additional 30% off the price.  I can't buy a single skein of yarn for that price, and I know I'll have enough from the two of them to make several blankets for children in crisis.


I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), and could likely open and pour myself a glass of Cardboardeaux in the time it would take me to say the name of today's wine (although it is affordable).  We've had pumpkin ravioli - it came in a meal kit a friend of ours gave us for Christmas a couple of years ago - it was quite tasty, but I wouldn't want to make it from scratch.  I've got hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that DH will do on the barbecue, but because of the smoke, we'll be enjoying them along with Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I thought I'd added your post to the multi-quote, but I guess I didn't.


How sad for the young firefighter who lost her life.  Our condolences to her family, friends and fellow firefighters.  I hope the fires are contained soon and without further loss of life or injuries.  I hope your smoke clears up soon.


Gerry, we are also hoping for an early appointment.  I'm not sure how much incompetence was involved.  It could have been a case of the Nurse Practioner promising more than could have been delivered.  We've found that the medical personnel don't always know how long scheduling an appointment or sending a referral can take.  Even when the medical personnel put in the order and think it will be done soon, the urgency is not conveyed to the non-medical clerical personnel.


Still it's frustrating when you don't hear from the doctor's office when you're expecting a call, especially when it is beginning to seem you need to get things done sooner rather than later.


It sounds like you got a good buy on the afghans to make more lovely blankets for those who need them.


8 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Well, I'm back from my quest.  Micro Center in Rockville seemed quite a daunting and confusing place but the staff was very helpful and I THINK I have a replacement battery. although it will still be a while before I get around to trying it out.  I also stopped at the mall for a luggage scale and put in quick stops at the UPS store to pick up mail, the fire house and the grocery store.  I got home about 3 and the heat was intense but between the car and the buildings I was almost never away from air conditioning.




Roy, I hope the battery solves the problem.  I have an old laptop that works when it 's plugged in, but even after a new battery wouldn't start on the battery.



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