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Live from the Baltic Scenic cruise on MS1


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3 minutes ago, Germancruiser said:

Thanks Miami- will try that. Do you know how to translate „ Glühwein“? I have no idea. LOL. 

I have to catch up on your „ Live from“  now. Got a bit behind . Hehe. 


Sure, mulled wine...

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4 hours ago, wrk2cruise said:


MS 1 was the Galaxy and has been replaced by a new build in 2018.  MS 2 was the Mercury but was also replaced by a new build but the Mercury is still in the fleet as MS Herz.   Galaxy now sails as Marella Explorer.


Thanks.  Can't keep track of all that.  Remember seeing the old Mercury (MS2) in the Caribbean a few times.  She was my first Celebrity ship.

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Enjoying you blog,pity you didn’t get ashore in Stockholm.

Had to Google your reference to Scharen when you wrote 

“The journey through the Schären takes about 5 or so hours.”


In the UK it is the ‘Stockholm Archipelago’ and yes a beautiful sail-in.

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Sorry for the delay in writing- i was just plain lazy. Thanks Miami- yes mulled wine- thank you- that one is served every day in one of the bars on deck. 


Days 4 to 5 


Well, as nice as the weather was arriving in Sweden - during the journey back to the Baltic Sea it got worse by the hour. 


The captain came on the public system two times a day with updates- and wished he had a switch on the bridge to turn the weather around. He also mentioned that we would be kind of pioneers to sail in that area at this time of the year- not since world war two anyway. Nice words to make for a better mood. Not really necessary in my case since my mood is never bad when I am on board a ship. Come rain or shine. LOL


I asked at the pursers desk how many passengers we are on this voyage- i was quite surprised to hear that we are only 698 passengers - on a ship that carries usual roughly 3000. 

It really is a sight to see - the MDR on both floors almost empthy at dinner time- so many opt for the Buffet Restaurant- Ankelmann- Platz- or the Night and Day Bistro. 

I had breakfast in the MDR, the Day and Night Bistro and even in the. Specialty Restaurant - The Esszimmer- i never was really happy - cold eggs- Toast seems not very popular on German ships they  either don't even offer it ( Day and Night Bistro ) or it´s dry and only fit to feed the birds with it. 


Anyway breakfast is the only meal I can complain the other Lunches and Dinners were quite nice and very comparable to X or Cunard ( Britannia Class) 


So yesterday we sailed through the Archipelo of Finnland- which is - according to the Captain the biggest in the world. 

It was raining, it was cold, it was windy- very windy at that 10 on the Beaufort  Scale - which also means that most outer decks were  kept closed- I took the time to finish my book- have one hot chocolate then the next and some tea in between.  I enjoyed the day mostly in the Diamond Bar and watched those sometimes tiny little. Islands go by. 


Went to the Musical Evening with two Musical stars the Ladys had great voices - the selection was just not to my liking. 


I had some nice talks with some of my fellow passengers. Also with the staff- very nice and bending over backwards to be helpful and doing everything they can to make one comfortable. 

One crew member asked me while walking by- „ oh a fellow Country men of mine“ and asked „ You are also from Turkey“. Good laughs followed - since - of course I am not- i just look the part- ever since that happend from time to time. 

We had a nice chat then- and some more good laughs. 

He told me from his time in Lock Down - him being transferred between

MS 5 , 4 and 3 and now finally again in Service on board No.1 and happy to do so. 


I have to mention though some fellow passengers would be better of on camping ground- and they dress the part- I know it sound terrible snobbish - but it just does not fit in with this really nice ship. 

Tui Cruises does not have a dress code - other then no  bathing attire in the Dining Rooms- and it is kind of nice too, but there is difference between downright shabby and casual. 


I really look forward to the time I can board another X or Cunard ship- since I really miss the more international flair on their ships. 


Don‘t get me wrong - i enjoy every minute on board this great ship - and. I am really thankful to be able to sail in our troubled times. 

Also I feel totally safe - everyone adheres to the hygiene rules- wearing masks when necessary and keeping in with social distancing.

A very funny example- when one has used the public restroom one has to use the hand sanetizer in order to open the door- automatic - no need to touch the door handle. Of course it opens anyway- just shows how serious the take cleanliness. 


As a ship buff today is a highlight  of the voyage- we are to visit- or sail by the Turku Shipyard- where RCI Vision Class and many other well known ships have been built. It was bought by Germans Meyer Werft a few years ago. 

I have no idea what ships there are in the process of being built- I will find out soon. I know that the German Meyer Werft is dire straits these days, caused by the crisis. 


All  new“ Mein Schiffs“had been built there, too- so the Captain told us we are going back to the birth place of our ship in 2018. 


Off to breakfast now- sustenance is needed. LOL. 

By for now. 




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A visit from our sister ship- Mein Schiff 2 in Stockholm










A bit closer now: 




An this is what I thought, when telling they went a bit overboard with their modern design: 


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36 minutes ago, Germancruiser said:

Anyway breakfast is the only meal I can complain the other Lunches and Dinners were quite nice and very comparable to X or Cunard ( Britannia Class) 


I really look forward to the time I can board another X or Cunard ship- since I really miss the more international flair on their ships. 


We found that the quality was comparable (most of the time). However, we really found the choice to be very limited in comparison. Extremely adapted to German taste - bread, cold cuts, cheese and Nutella and a German is happy. We missed the international selection.

And I was downright disappointed not to be able to have my beloved Eggs Benedict for breakfast 😞 
Of course I did not starve 🙂 

To the second part: Amen to that!

However, as long as this is what we can do, it´s more than good enough...


Happy cruising to you!

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4 hours ago, Germancruiser said:

I asked at the pursers desk how many passengers we are on this voyage- i was quite surprised to hear that we are only 698 passengers - on a ship that carries usual roughly 3000. 

It really is a sight to see - the MDR on both floors almost empthy at dinner time- so many opt for the Buffet Restaurant- Ankelmann- Platz- or the Night and Day Bistro. 



How things function with an increased passenger load will be interesting.  At 698 passengers the ship is only at 24% capacity and the new maximum is supposed to be 60%.  How well do you think things will function if there were more than twice as many people?  Would there be long lines at the buffet or bars?  How about seating for the shows?  What about elevators?


Thanks for all of the info about the cruise.

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On 10/5/2020 at 12:15 PM, Happy Cruiser 6143 said:


Thanks.  Can't keep track of all that.  Remember seeing the old Mercury (MS2) in the Caribbean a few times.  She was my first Celebrity ship.

Our first as well.

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Days 6 and 7


Time goes by so very fast on cruise, I always found - and so as I write I am already on my way home from Kiel to Ulm. 


The last two days were spent almost entirely inside this really nice ship, due to the inclement weather, with winds up to 10 Beauford.. With the exception cuddled up warmly in a blanket  on my balcony. That I enjoyed very much indeed. So soothing looking out to the ocean- well — the Baltic Sea this time. Even in inclement weather it has tranquility of its own. 


Mein Schiffs one and two have on both sides of the Diamond Bar an almost enclosed part of the Prommenade Deck. One side for smoker the other for nonsmokers. Very connvenient in such bad weather. They even have heathers above- so one can sit outside an have tea or a hot toddy - whatever and is still outside in the sea air. 


That should be adopted from X or Cunard. I am not sure, but i think the new Edge Class has something similar attached to Eden- which compares to the Diamond in board Tui Ships. 


I was asked if they could manage with more then our 698 passengers- i suppose up to 60% of the usual capacity they could handle. On on a fully  booked ship - well that I can not imagine.. !


I went to another two shows in the theater and one in the „ little Theater“ called Schaubühne.


The first show was - again. Lilo Wonders part two. At least as funny as the first one. The crew pay very close attention that all rules are adhered. If they see a passenger wearing his mask askew- they step in and reminds them of the proper use of the mask. 


If  guests  try to change seats the crew tells them.  very politely  not do so.  So all that helps to make one feel  really safe in our little „ Bubble“ called Mein Schiff 1. 


The Musical Stars on board ,, two very nice Lady´´s - the call them selves DIVASTROES- preformed another evening in the Theater this time „ Mamma. Mia“ with the best songs of ABBA— my even with a Theater on even half filled to capacity that was a roaring success. It is not exaggerated when I tell they audience went wild- myself included- one could just not resist. Believe me when I say- it takes bit to get a German out of his shell. LOL. 


More in part two of my installment. 





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Sorry- i took so long for the conclusion of my 7 night cruise in the Baltic with, including a visit to Turku. Just got settled in at home.


Always great, when the last day of a cruise is a sea day- of which we had seven in a row. I hat it when it ´s a port day prior going home. Always such hussle with all the packing and such.


As a ship buff the visit to Turku - even though in misty ugly weather was a highlight for me. We got as close as we could- or as close it is allowed. We had a good view to the ready to cruise new Mardi Gras for Carnival- the ship is - of course - not yet delievered. According to the captain the ship completley ready to go.

Behind the Mardi Gras, Costa´s new ship- Costa Toscana is also in an advanced stated of construction. Both ships I will probably never sail - but who knows.  I wouldn´t have thought to sail with a " German only" ship, before Covid stroke.


When we made our short stop in front of the shipyard both the Mardi Gras and the Mein Schiff1 greated each other via their ship horns.


So as the Apex, the Mardi Gras is ready for her first passengers. Whenever that will be.


I agree with Miaminice- the breakfast selection is not very impressive- and not very good at that- apart from the Omlettes in Speciality Restaurant  ( The Esszimmer).

They also offered Eggs Bennedict there- also a favorite of mine- but that was - well - bland to say the least.

Two things I liked in the Buffet Restaurant for breakfast- first- they offered little Glases with different smoothies- every day another compositon. Very nice touch- and very good. Also they offer Passions fruits for breakfast- that i have never seen on board a ship. Also a big plus.


I met some nice fellow passengers ( from Germany- of course) to chat with or even have a cup of mulled wine ( thanks Miaminice) or two. Always in keeping with social distancing. 


In the debarkation letter one is asked - if possible - to carry ones luggage from the ship to avoid congregations in the terminal. I did so- not much trouble- i packed very light and made good use of the cleaning service. From that service X- or Cunard can learn a thing or two- it is always- washing and pressing- not just washing and folding as with X. For that one has to pay extra on board X- ships. Also the laundry challenge is offered- also including pressing.


Just before my debarkation slot ( between 9 and 9.30 am) i ran into the Cruise Director " Wilma"- and another high ranking officer-  i have no idea in what function though. We had a nice chat and they asked me what they- or X are doing better in my opinion- since I told them I usualy cruise X- or Cunard. Well the both could learn this or that from each other. 


All in all very comparable.


Conclusioin- would I go again on board a Tui- ship. Yes in a heartbeat- even when the Covid Crisis is over and the other cruise lines take on passengers again.


For this troubled year 2020 I am done with cruising. So I wait and see what the next year may bring. Hope for the best- and fear the worst- NO- my glas is and alway will be half full.


Thank you for you kind and encouraging comments and answers.

Bye for now.


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Theater Entrance:




Outdoor eating: Bosporus





Sunrise of October 8th. 2020




Nice fruit selection- ugly tables:



Around the Deck:




Partly Covered outdoor bar- named Überschaubar:



Instead of pillow animals they use the bedspread



Meyer- Turku and Mardi Gras- behind Costa Toscana:




My favorite part of the ship- The Diamond- here the Diamond Bar:



Dinner at surf and Turf- table clothes are obviously a thing of the past- since all tables on board a " bare":



Lumas Bar:



Covered outdoor seating:



Again- the Diamond Bar Corridor which divides two Speciality Restaurants - Turf and Surf and Cucimare:



Diamond Bar- in the background- Cucimare:





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I just read that there are rumors of TUI sailing into more warmer climates after their last three Baltic voyages- but that involves flying I suppose - and I am not sure want to fly in these times- with cases exploding here in Germany again. 

So as I wrote- I will wait and see.

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@Germancruiser  Thank you so much for your "live from" report.  So many of us are wanting to know how things are going on the ships at this time.  I really enjoyed your postings.  Please do keep us updated in case you hear of any problems following the cruise.  I hope no one calls you and says that you need to quarantine because someone on your cruise came down with the virus!  It did sound like they had all that covered pretty well with the testing and the fewer people onboard but you never know.  Thanks again!

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@cruzingnut- that have been exactly my toughts when I left the ship- I hope i do not hear from them any bad news which would put me into quarantine. So fare I have heard nothing- so presume everything when without a hitch.


Cruise Director Wilma and another senior officer told me that the whole crew of MS1 had to go through a Anti- Gen - Test-  all following a strict time table- since 900 crew had to tested that day.

If only one of them came up with a postiv test- I am sure I would have been informed already. Also it would have been traged through the press - they jump on such news as vultures on a dead camel.



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