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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday January 31st, 2023


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Well, something knocked me for a loop today.

After breakfast I went back to bed until noon,.  Jim then went to the podiatrist at noon.  At that point I was awake.  A few minutes later I went back to bed and slept until 2 pm.

Arms and legs just awfully sore.  I have a headache.  

I have so much to do and no energy to do anything but just sit still.

The only thing I can think of the the PMR and the fact that I had two sleepsless nights on Saturday and Sunday.

Guess it all caught up with me.

I’ll check back later.


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25 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Oh no!  Let us know when you arrive safely, and yes we can wait until tomorrow.  Hope you get there soon!





Graham is pretty darn good at keeping his promises to Pauline!

Thank you Sandi.


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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

I'm a combination 😂  My typical night is sleep 1-3 hours, awake 1-3 hours (or longer) then sleep a few hours.  Last night I slept 1 hour, was awake 3 hours, then slept 4-5 hours.  Not enough sleep and yes it makes for a long day!  

your pattern is similar to mine….I have always had difficulty sleeping but as I get older,oh my! Have you always been like this?

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Hello from the Dream!  It is very different being on a ship with so many kids. The grands are having fun and that is what is important. My 5 yo has taken the deaths pretty hard. Hoping to reset the year. 

Roy I am sad I am not there to help you. If there is one thing us pediatricians  know it is poop. 

For every one day you are down it will take at least two to get stronger. It will happen but frustrating for someone who has been independent as you have been. 

Prayers and good thoughts for all. 


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Greetings Dailyites…. Blessings to all those in need of healing and hope. Smooth travels to those away. Seems some are have more fun, and some aren’t there yet.  Cheers for all celebrating!  

Green Chile Clam Chowder is something that shows up in New Mexico!  DH was born in Boston but they moved away when he was 8. But DMIL eventually found herself in New Mexico, and did not appreciate the locals adding green chile to an otherwise classic New England clam chowder!  I must admit it took me a long time to get used to having green chile with just about everything there.  Now I miss it!  But I sure enjoy Maryland crab cakes😁

Roy, Glad you are being treated for your multiple needs. Steps forward often have a few sideways. No hurries. Lots of blessings. 

Still hoping we hear from Kathi…. 


Working on plans for our family cruise Feb 25, and the drive to FL!  It’s going to get a lot colder here and a lot of places soon. Stay safe everyone!  m—


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49 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

your pattern is similar to mine….I have always had difficulty sleeping but as I get older,oh my! Have you always been like this?

It has definitely gotten worse over time. I know my Mom had the same problem and when I was young I wondered why she had so much trouble --- now I know.

It's yet another reason I love cruising because all that rocking gives me the best sleep ever!  

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5 minutes ago, CruisingGrandmaW said:

Wanted to Update you on San Diego Local TV Fox News -- Re: HAL that aired today, Tues Jan 31st.

HAL Officials were in San Diego Today at Cruise Pier - With Koningsdam docked in the background of newsclip.


HAL Officials had a HUGH $450,000 Check displayed - the kind of Check used when Large $$ are won/donated.


TV Coverage - Announcement of HAL donating $450,000 to Ukraine.

HAL officials explained how the $450,000 was raised via HAL passengers participating in the

"Walk for a Cause" while On Board a Cruise.


So, a BIG THANK YOU SHOUT OUT to all 2023 GWV passengers - that may be participating in the "Walk For a Cause".  Know that your efforts do make a significant difference & are recognized.


This was posted on the Inside Cabin’s World Cruise thread.


Positive thoughts to all on the care list, cheers to those who are celebrating.



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Good afternoon from a cold, 27F, and wintery central Texas.  First we had sleet, then rain and more rain.  The sleet on the road and driveways has turned to ice with the addition of the rain.  Except to go out to take a few pictures, I along with all our neighbors have not ventured out today.  The only vehicle I've seen today belongs to a neighbor's caregiver that comes for about four hours a day.  My guess is his truck has four wheel drive.


At least, it was a good day to clean house, which is done for a while.  The first load of towels has been folded and put away.  I'm just waiting for the second load to finish washing.


The only thing I did to celebrate backward day, was tackle the house cleaning in reverse order.  We have a couple of orgininal pieces of art, and some decent prints.  We started planning a trip a few weeks ago, but decided to give DH a little more time to heal.  We'll see how things have progressed at his next post op visit on March 1.


The Dr. Seuss quote is so true, and I'm amazed at what I've learned reading.  Some even helps when playing trivia on a BHB.


We both like New England clam chowder, but I'm not sure about adding green chili.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would love to try the wine.  Maybe the next time we're in NZ.


@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you got a better night's sleep.  As others have said, you are where you need to be, and I hope that everything the doctors are doing will help you heal and be back home soon.  


10 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Ahh, I see Roy is up early.  I hope you got some sleep last night.  Probably about as much as I did as I wake up off and on all night long.  I will be waiting for further news from you today and hope it is all good!


It's quite foggy outside and about 50 degrees.  We're not expecting much in the way of weather today so nothing great to talk about there.  As for the Daily today we have several interesting days to celebrate.  Backward Day.  I'll have to think of how to celebrate that.  Maybe wear something backwards?  Doesn't sound too comfortable.  Inspire your heart with art.  I'm not a great artist but appreciate those who are.  And finally national plan for vacation day.  Maybe I'll look for some shore excursions for my summer cruise on Zaandam.  The quote by Seuss is very popular and rightly so.  I wouldn't eat the menu suggestion but DH likes clam chowder.  The drink and wine would be a no from me.  


Here is the one photo I posted on July 18, 2022, and why.


Kodiak, Alaska was our port last Dec. 5, 2021 and in looking back I posted one photo late in the day of a darling baby otter we saw.  We had driven home from Orlando on Dec. 5 after the raucous youth soccer nationals down there, which besides July heat may be a good reason we are not down there this week for the nationals.  Too stressful.  Therefore I didn't post a whole large batch of photos of Kodiak. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKLPpnFZpedy0hx7z9eY7kP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1568232859


Prayers for all those listed on our Care list today.  In addition we can always say a prayer for the people of Ukraine who are still fighting for their lives and country.  I'm hoping and praying my neighbor Rudy and his surgeons have a very good day during and after his bypass surgery.  It's been a week since his heart attack but they had such a busy schedule he had to wait this long!  🙏  Cheers for those traveling and cruising and anyone else having a happy event.  🥂  Time to go walk my 2.5 miles.  Have a wonderful day everyone!


Sandi, thank you for all the hard work you are doing to keep the Fleet/Daily going.  I think many of us would suffer withdrawal without our Daily fix.  I love the picture of the sea otter.  They are one of my favorites to see when we're in Alaska.  They always look like little old men, but they are not little.


8 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning and thank you Sandi for getting our daily started for us.   Prayers for all on our Care list, Roy, Jacqui, Kathi and Tana and for Sandi's neighbor Rudy. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. 


Our Canaletto dinner was a flop last night. I brought one special bottle of Italian wine from home to enjoy with Osso bucco and brought it there to have Carl or Fernando decant it in advance.  We arrived at 6 for our reservation with Carl there to pour our first glasses.  So far so good.  The only thing is we didn't get our soup until 6:50 and by that time I was checking my watch.  Our fine wine was meant to be enjoyed with our dinner but it was gone when our meal arrived at 7:05.  I asked for a bottle from cellar 2 with a screw cap so we could have a single glass with our osso bucco but another Pinot Noir was delivered so I waved that off.  I had booked and prepaid that dinner before boarding to avoid a dressy night that John is not fond of. They had booked a private party for a private travel company at 5:30. I thought they would have had the decency to tell us to come back at 7 but no they seated us and we had to watch all the meals from that large group be paraded in front of us. I saw they refunded our dinners but it doesn't make up for a special bottle being enjoyed minus food.  I am going to complain on the Navigator next. If they get a large group cancel the others in that time frame.IMG_20230130_185318289_HDR.thumb.jpg.d699ed5a7ca3ca659ca7b2c5c9370ec9.jpg




Nancy, I'm sorry about the mess with the Canaletto dinner.  At least, they refunded you money, but nothing will make up for not having the wine with your dinner.


10 hours ago, Nodakboiler said:

Got to love Dr Seuss!


Welcome to the Daily, and I hope you join us often.  Our DDs would bring Dr. Seuss and Curious George books home when they were in elementary school.  It turns out, DH did not like reading Dr. Seuss, and I did not like reading Curious George.  So we each read the ones we liked to the DDs.


7 hours ago, kochleffel said:


Does it count if I'm starting a vacation? I plan to be off for New York around 10:00 a.m. It is majorly inconvenient that snow fell overnight, but chiefly because I have to take out trash before I leave. The roads will be clear.


I'll pass on clam-anything. Don't think I would like the drink but at least it doesn't claim to be a martini. I would probably like the wine. I haven't been to Kodiak but I see that it's on the itinerary for some TPAC cruises using a northern route, and I'm looking for one for 2024.




Safe travels today.  


7 hours ago, Rowsby said:
I've only been able to sleep about two hours in my bed...before my shoulder pain forces me to move to a recliner for another few hours...
Yesterday...my new adjustable bed arrived...I put the mattress pad and fitted sheet on...then tried it out...
Only had one problem....I elevated the head and turned on the massage...and didn't want to get out and finish making my bed.....😅
And....success....I slept all night and even had a little massage before getting up this morning...........doesn't cure the shoulder pain...but it sure made things better.....!!!
Thinking of all those going thru tough times right now....take care....


Sue, I'm glad the new bed helped you sleep better last night.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 55 and cloudy. Cloudy=fog lifting.


Feral Fawn is still on the porch.  Her ear does not look as bad, and I went out yesterday and spent an hour giving her belly rubs and love.  We also figured out how to give 1/3 of a baby aspirin in cream to her.  But by last night, she was shaking her head again, she still is not eating, and she has only used the litter box 3 times in 5 days.  So something, still not right.  Mr. Bubbles is back in the car port.  Soft bed, and no dogs going after him.  Chuck put a lock and hasp on the house next door.  So hopefully no more break ins.  He said as far as a crime, breaking in, with no real theft of anything just looks weird.  But we have never been in that house before so we would not know if something of value was stolen.  Yesterday when i went and picked up their mail there was a small package for the wife.  I thought that was weird because why would you order something while you are out of the country and wont be back for another month?


I spend every moment of my life it seems planning my next vacation.


@NodakboilerWelcome to the daily!  The nicest place on CC.


One of our favorite restaurants does a spicy shrimp corn chowder.  I make a great corn chowder.  I do like clam chowder.  


@grapau27I too think you are on a cruise.  Or someplace vacationing.  The food porn has been wonderful.




Annie, I wish there was some way you could get the vet to see Fawn.  Maybe she could be wrapped tightly in a heavy towel or blanket while they looked at her ear.  The situation at your neighbor's house seems weird, and from what you said in the past, it's has been weird for a while.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice collection of photos Lenda.

Thank you for sharing them.



Thank you for your nice comments about my pictures.  I'm not asking, but guessing you are not far from home and Sarah as she recovers.


6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 

Thank you Sandi for your dedication for filling in for Roy and Rich. Great job.


I finished my prayer book and started on Sandi's. Lots of prayers being sent this morning! Tana, Sarah, Jacqui, Kathy and of course our Roy and Sandi's friend/neighbor. And always, Ukraine. (Let's hope Roy can poop today)


My extraction yesterday was no picnic. But today I'm feeling much better and gingerly drinking a lukewarm coffee. Thank you for your thoughts. One thought, when my dentist pulled out the first root in one piece it made a loud pop, like a champagne cork! He showed it to me and it looked like a slug..


2 friends came by and sat with Allen while I was having surgery. Several neighbors stopped by with mashed potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese,  potatoe soup, and my sweet friend brought Allen Vegan Jambalaya and rice and a chicken pot pie.


Our weather is due to be cold and nasty with freezing rain. The forecast goes into Thursday. I hope everyone stays safe. Sure wish I stocked up on more wine...


Sending blessings for an awesome day!


Joy, I'm glad your are doing better today.  I had to have a crown removed and the underlying tooth cut out since it basically disintegrated  under the crown.  It was not fun either, and to add to it, the oral surgeon went ahead and put the post for the implant in at the same time.  One thing that helped was rinsing my mouth with warm salt water, beginning the next day.  I'm glad you had neighbors who stayed with Allen and who fed both of you.  


6 hours ago, kochleffel said:


On some of the other Alaska ferries, vehicles drive right onto the parking deck. Foot passengers also board through the parking deck. Here's a motor home being loaded on the Matanuska.P8030039.thumb.JPG.64f7e92949e7fd379036087641cf35b0.JPG

And here's someone's best friend in a compact SUV.




We've also put two motorhomes on drive on Alaska ferries.  The one I showed the picture of is the only one that has the elevator arrangement, and at the time, it was the only one rated as ocean going.  The rest did their runs along the coast and the inside passage.  One of the other ferries we took was the Matanuska from Haines to Prince Rupert.


4 hours ago, *Miss G* said:


The drink of the day sounds good.  I haven’t been to Kodiak but I am enjoying the pics.  I can’t believe @Quartzsite Cruiser has been there



@ottahand7, I am sorry to hear of your disappointing evening at the Canaletto.  The last time I went they ticked me off in a similar fashion and I haven’t been back.  I can hold a grudge for a pretty long time.  🫠


Today’s weather is completely the opposite of yesterday.  We reached a sunny high of 61f/16c yesterday (easy temperature conversion to remember and my nod to Backwards Day).  Today it is raining and the temperature is dropping.  But I got to see the Green Comet last night!


Here is today’s sunrise pic for Roy.  September 15, 2018 - Zuiderdam arrives into Boston.





The main reason we wound up in Kodiak so many times was we did between two and four b2b cruises each time we did the 14-day Alaska cruise.  We like longer cruises, plus knowing Alaska weather, we felt the more times we visited each port, the better our chances for good weather were.  For us, good weather in Alaska is cloudy, but no rain.  Sunshine and warm temperatures are a bonus.


4 hours ago, superoma said:

So, I have an update from Roy. Will add info as I get it from him. Sorry @*Miss G*tmi, again!


from Roy,

Not much change; slept better with pain medication, early am coughing fit, and haven’t seen the Doctor yet.  New concern is bowel movement; typically I must strain and not enough energy, nurse said she is reporting to the Doctor.


Thank you for posting Roy's emails even if there is TMI.


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. No snow here, thank you Mother Nature. It is supposed to warm up as the week goes along and maybe even make it to 40F by the weekend.


Have been to Kodiak once but my sight seeing was limited by a really rotten head cold that I did not want to pass around. So I walked around a bit by myself. I will have to try again.


Little new here. Some idiot is dumping puppies around town (it is obviously the same litter). Wish they would just bring them to us but I guess they don't want to be asked for a $ donation. We would take them without. I hope we have found all of them it is really cold out there. Pit Bulls, naturally.


Still clearing and tossing, and not very fast. Am also waiting on one last piece of tax info so I can get that started.






Susan, I cannot understand people dumping puppies, especially in wintertime.  If they don't want the puppies, they should get their dogs fixed.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Woohoo. Just got an email saying my passport has shipped. I did an online application (it's in beta testing,  but I was able to do it). I applied Dec 28, with expedited processing.


Vanessa, that is great news.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's 33F and we had a little snow earlier.  Not much, it didn't last long or even stick.  Fine with me!

I haven't decided what to do for Backward Day -- and I always appreciate good art.  Seems like every day is Plan for Vacation day for me 🙂  I like the quote, will pass on the meal.  I like clam chowder, but wouldn't like green chilis in it.  Will pass on the red wine, the drink sounds good.  We've been to Alaska but not to Kodiak.  


Roy @rafinmdI'm glad the doctor is going to give you something for the problem -- I'm sure you already know that pain killers can cause that...😞


Welcome to the Daily @NodakboilerI hope we see more of you here!


Jack @HeartgroveI'm sorry to hear your DSIL tested positive.  I hope you and Sue continue to avoid getting it.


Today we have an appointment at noon with a blind company to measure and talk to us about installing a motorized blind for one of the skylights upstairs.  The sun tracks right over that skylight and in the summer lets in a lot of heat.  Best of all, the blind is a Christmas gift from our DS and DDIL 🙂  


Tomorrow I'll be at the dentist getting a filling and also he will remove a little bump inside my lower lip.  I have mixed feelings about that, it really isn't noticeable and hasn't caused any problem.  Not looking forward to it, but have put it off long enough.



The motorized blind for the skylight sounds like a great solution.  That is why we didn't have skylights added to the house in Arizona or here.  The summers are just too darn hot as it is.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Thanks to everyone who keeps this thread going. It's snowing at the moment in my area of the PNW but it is lightening up. I've called the hospital to let them know I may be a bit later than normal. It's supposed to warm up in the next hour or two. 

DH is continuing his progress. He moved up to the next level in food after the swallow test yesterday so that's good. He also, during PT, sat up on his own and dangled his legs over the bed. He had great body control so that was good to see. I'm to bring in his shoes today when I go in. He's also a bit on the ornery side, which is unlike him, but that's ok. His heel wound is continuing to heal and I'm impressed with the coordination between the wound care center in Bellingham and our local hospital. 

Have a good day everyone! Off to take the oatmeal butterscotch cookies out of the oven and then get them ready to take in to the nurses. 



Karen, thanks for the update on your DH.  It sounds like he is making good progress.


1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

It’s turning out to being a long day of travel. Didn’t make first flight due to weather. Got to a rebooked to Atlanta and as we were boarding the plane the next plane was declared dead and a no go. Changed terminal and now awaiting another flight to Cancun.

Hopefully this one is a go!


Bruce, I hope you don't have anymore delays.  I guess this is the joy of flying in the winter when the weather can upend the best laid plans.


35 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, something knocked me for a loop today.

After breakfast I went back to bed until noon,.  Jim then went to the podiatrist at noon.  At that point I was awake.  A few minutes later I went back to bed and slept until 2 pm.

Arms and legs just awfully sore.  I have a headache.  

I have so much to do and no energy to do anything but just sit still.

The only thing I can think of the the PMR and the fact that I had two sleepsless nights on Saturday and Sunday.

Guess it all caught up with me.

I’ll check back later.



Terri, I think you might be correct and your body was catching up on needed sleep.   I hope the Prednisone helps with the pain.    BTW, I also hope the people installing your new HVAC system are as good as the ones who installed ours a few years ago.  The inside unit is in the attic with access through dropdown stairs in the closet.  They covered the clothes and the floor before beginning any work.  When I went up to the attic after they left, I found it neater than it had been in years, if ever.  After having to move a lot of stored stuff, they did a great job of putting things back, but much more neatly.


Sorry this is so long, but that is what happens when you're late reading on a busy day.  I'll go back and catch what I missed commenting on in another post.




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8 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Double-thank you Sandi, thank you Debbie, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for your daily contribution! And thank you all for being here!


DSIL started feeling ill on our drive home Sunday. Spent the day in bed and did a rapid test last evening. She unfortunately tested positive. It is the second time for her with COVID. We did have two staterooms although the sisters hung out together so I probably will remain negative. Because she was positive, Sue and I did the test as well with negative results. Sue and DSIL will go get a PCR test today to perhaps get medication.


I wanted to share Sue's photo of the sunrise from Sunday just after we went under the Francis Scott Key Bridge over the Outer Baltimore Harbor. It is one of two obstacles (Chesapeake Bay Bridge is the other) that limits what class cruise ship can enter Baltimore due to the air draft.


Stay Safe!


- Jack







Jack, I'm sorry your DSIL has Covid for the second time.  I hope it is a mild case, and that neither you or Sue get it.  Great picture of the sunrise.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Joy, glad you're feeling better this morning.  It didn't sound like much fun!  And how nice you had friends come by while gone to keep Allen company and they brought food for you two.  Sorry about your weather there.  DS is not happy this morning because they told him they wouldn't be cancelling any practices, but they did already this morning.  If they cancel all week it will be a wasted trip.  Fingers crossed for the guys and the folks in the area struggling with the weather.



Sandi, I can imagine how frustrated your DS, the boys and the other father are with the practices being canceled.  However, in fairness, the weather turned out to be worse that what was predicted before the storm arrived.  Remember too, that people in Texas don't have snow tires or studded tires, since a storm like this normally happens only once a year.  So in addition to not knowing how to drive in snow, most Texans don't have the proper tires for the conditions.  Last night, on I-35 between Dallas and Denton, traffic was at a stand still as late as 9 pm because cars could not make it up a hill.  I saw a video today of a car backing down the on ramp to a highway because the driver couldn't make it up the ramp.  It was just safer for everyone to cancel.  From the weather forecast for Dallas for tomorrow, it will be more of the same, and the temperatures will be climbing above freezing beginning sometime tomorrow.  Thursday's high is supposed to be 41F with rain, so it might be possible to have a practice session on Thursday.  To make things more frustrating, Friday will be sunny and warmer.


Sandi, this may sound strange at first, but we just got a message from our trash company.  They are suspending pickup again tomorrow because of the conditions of the roads.  The message did say, the roads should begin thawing tomorrow afternoon.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

I am sitting here wondering why some of us wake at two am and others don’t start sleeping until then , Sandi and I are in the former category and Vanessa is in the latter. It makes for a long day either way.

I got word last night that DS and family have rented a house on the Cape again and the lucky grandparents are invited. I am excited to have a vacation to plan and contacted the dog sitter for the July timeframe. 
The pictures of Kodiak are so interesting. Thanks to all who post them.

The recipes look lovely as well.

@Seasick Sailor, Joy, the dental surgery sounded painful just reading it. I hope you were able to take something for the pain. The neighbors are wonderful to bring food as well as keep Allen company. I hope you feel better today.

@rafinmd, Roy, hopefully the doctor has been able to help with the problem. I am sorry you are having the coughing fits. It takes a while for pneumonia to begin to clear. 
@Rowsby, I am glad you have the recliner to escape to. So many of my patients with shoulder problems could only sleep in the recliner. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to have the surgery.





Great news about a summer vacation.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I'll be darned. Just tried to get our mail and the boxes are frozen solid. We will continue having freezing rain for a few days. I may need to send an sos out to my white wine drinking friends..


Joy, I didn't even try to get to our cluster box, but I bet it's frozen shut too.  Fortunately, as far as wine is concerned, I believe in being prepared, and stocked up recently when the store had buy 6 or more and get 25% off.


1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

Hello from the Dream!  It is very different being on a ship with so many kids. The grands are having fun and that is what is important. My 5 yo has taken the deaths pretty hard. Hoping to reset the year. 

Roy I am sad I am not there to help you. If there is one thing us pediatricians  know it is poop. 

For every one day you are down it will take at least two to get stronger. It will happen but frustrating for someone who has been independent as you have been. 

Prayers and good thoughts for all. 



Another great picture.  I'm glad the kids are having fun, and I bet the grownups are too.


36 minutes ago, 0106 said:

This was posted on the Inside Cabin’s World Cruise thread.


Positive thoughts to all on the care list, cheers to those who are celebrating.





Thanks for the information.  I remember on Koningsdam last spring, they were walking for Ukraine relief.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Loved to see the check for Ukraine! Many of us who recently sailed contributed to Walk for a Cause.


As for sleep deprivation: my sweet husband was put on a CPAP when he had heart surgery. I could not stand the noise! I was nut-up all night! I was a wreck with no sleep and trying to care for Allen. 


My doctor prescribed a light sleep med so I could wake up if Allen needed me. 


Well, 5 year's later I'm still taking them although Allen came off the CPAP over 2 years ago.  Can't sleep without them.


Lenda no one should be on the streets today. Have you seen all the accidents and freeway pile ups! Crazy. Our neighbor works for Fed Ex and he was told to stay home today. Probably tomorrow too.

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2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Loved to see the check for Ukraine! Many of us who recently sailed contributed to Walk for a Cause.


As for sleep deprivation: my sweet husband was put on a CPAP when he had heart surgery. I could not stand the noise! I was nut-up all night! I was a wreck with no sleep and trying to care for Allen. 


My doctor prescribed a light sleep med so I could wake up if Allen needed me. 


Well, 5 year's later I'm still taking them although Allen came off the CPAP over 2 years ago.  Can't sleep without them.


Lenda no one should be on the streets today. Have you seen all the accidents and freeway pile ups! Crazy. Our neighbor works for Fed Ex and he was told to stay home today. Probably tomorrow too.


Joy, I can imagine the wrecks, but I haven't had time to check the news yet.  Surprisingly, the big UPS truck came down the street about an hour ago.  No package is worth the risk to the driver and other drivers.



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7 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Joy, I didn't even try to get to our cluster box, but I bet it's frozen shut too.  Fortunately, as far as wine is concerned, I believe in being prepared, and stocked up recently when the store had buy 6 or more and get 25% off.


Lenda, we had PLENTY of wine. I say HAD.. We had a football party Sunday and the bottles vanished!! Yesterday I was in no frame of mind to stop by the market. There's always plan B.. margarita's. 

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Good afternoon from sunny & cool Southern California.  After a fun 10 days in Hawaii and a very delayed flight returning to the mainland (the airlines did give us some $ for a future trip 🙂) , we are rested and packing for our Oceania Marina adventure, February 7-April 6, 2023.  Thankful for the time with family on the Big Island, thankful for dear Walla Walla sister and husband spending all of January in AZ and spending so much time with DM.  DM prefers no birthday celebration for #103 (April 7, 2023) but rather visits of small  groups of family and friends.  DH and I hope to spend a week with her at the end of her birthday month. 

Prayers for all who need them, thanks to the Dailyites who are keep this thread a  part of every day good  reading. ❤️ to Roy.  

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a cold, 27F, and wintery central Texas.  First we had sleet, then rain and more rain.  The sleet on the road and driveways has turned to ice with the addition of the rain.  Except to go out to take a few pictures, I along with all our neighbors have not ventured out today.  The only vehicle I've seen today belongs to a neighbor's caregiver that comes for about four hours a day.  My guess is his truck has four wheel drive.


At least, it was a good day to clean house, which is done for a while.  The first load of towels has been folded and put away.  I'm just waiting for the second load to finish washing.


The only thing I did to celebrate backward day, was tackle the house cleaning in reverse order.  We have a couple of orgininal pieces of art, and some decent prints.  We started planning a trip a few weeks ago, but decided to give DH a little more time to heal.  We'll see how things have progressed at his next post op visit on March 1.


The Dr. Seuss quote is so true, and I'm amazed at what I've learned reading.  Some even helps when playing trivia on a BHB.


We both like New England clam chowder, but I'm not sure about adding green chili.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would love to try the wine.  Maybe the next time we're in NZ.


@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you got a better night's sleep.  As others have said, you are where you need to be, and I hope that everything the doctors are doing will help you heal and be back home soon.  



Sandi, thank you for all the hard work you are doing to keep the Fleet/Daily going.  I think many of us would suffer withdrawal without our Daily fix.  I love the picture of the sea otter.  They are one of my favorites to see when we're in Alaska.  They always look like little old men, but they are not little.



Nancy, I'm sorry about the mess with the Canaletto dinner.  At least, they refunded you money, but nothing will make up for not having the wine with your dinner.



Welcome to the Daily, and I hope you join us often.  Our DDs would bring Dr. Seuss and Curious George books home when they were in elementary school.  It turns out, DH did not like reading Dr. Seuss, and I did not like reading Curious George.  So we each read the ones we liked to the DDs.



Safe travels today.  



Sue, I'm glad the new bed helped you sleep better last night.



Annie, I wish there was some way you could get the vet to see Fawn.  Maybe she could be wrapped tightly in a heavy towel or blanket while they looked at her ear.  The situation at your neighbor's house seems weird, and from what you said in the past, it's has been weird for a while.



Thank you for your nice comments about my pictures.  I'm not asking, but guessing you are not far from home and Sarah as she recovers.



Joy, I'm glad your are doing better today.  I had to have a crown removed and the underlying tooth cut out since it basically disintegrated  under the crown.  It was not fun either, and to add to it, the oral surgeon went ahead and put the post for the implant in at the same time.  One thing that helped was rinsing my mouth with warm salt water, beginning the next day.  I'm glad you had neighbors who stayed with Allen and who fed both of you.  



We've also put two motorhomes on drive on Alaska ferries.  The one I showed the picture of is the only one that has the elevator arrangement, and at the time, it was the only one rated as ocean going.  The rest did their runs along the coast and the inside passage.  One of the other ferries we took was the Matanuska from Haines to Prince Rupert.



The main reason we wound up in Kodiak so many times was we did between two and four b2b cruises each time we did the 14-day Alaska cruise.  We like longer cruises, plus knowing Alaska weather, we felt the more times we visited each port, the better our chances for good weather were.  For us, good weather in Alaska is cloudy, but no rain.  Sunshine and warm temperatures are a bonus.



Thank you for posting Roy's emails even if there is TMI.



Susan, I cannot understand people dumping puppies, especially in wintertime.  If they don't want the puppies, they should get their dogs fixed.



Vanessa, that is great news.



The motorized blind for the skylight sounds like a great solution.  That is why we didn't have skylights added to the house in Arizona or here.  The summers are just too darn hot as it is.



Karen, thanks for the update on your DH.  It sounds like he is making good progress.



Bruce, I hope you don't have anymore delays.  I guess this is the joy of flying in the winter when the weather can upend the best laid plans.



Terri, I think you might be correct and your body was catching up on needed sleep.   I hope the Prednisone helps with the pain.    BTW, I also hope the people installing your new HVAC system are as good as the ones who installed ours a few years ago.  The inside unit is in the attic with access through dropdown stairs in the closet.  They covered the clothes and the floor before beginning any work.  When I went up to the attic after they left, I found it neater than it had been in years, if ever.  After having to move a lot of stored stuff, they did a great job of putting things back, but much more neatly.


Sorry this is so long, but that is what happens when you're late reading on a busy day.  I'll go back and catch what I missed commenting on in another post.




Thank you.

Sarah was asking us to take her out for a meal and said she is feeling great.

Tonight's dinner.

Shrimp cocktail.

Lobster Bisque.

Rib eye steak.







Edited by grapau27
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16 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Sarah is feeling great!  Had to re-read that.  Excellent!  That lifts the spirit!  Thank you Graham. Now you and Pauline can enjoy those beautiful meals with more peace!  

Thank you so much for your nice words Maureen.


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35 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you.

Sarah was asking us to take her out for a meal and said she is feeling great.

Tonight's dinner.

Shrimp cocktail.

Lobster Bisque.

Rib eye steak.








That's some of the best news I've seen in awhile.  Glad Sarah's feeling like going out.



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1 hour ago, Norseh2o said:

Good afternoon from sunny & cool Southern California.  After a fun 10 days in Hawaii and a very delayed flight returning to the mainland (the airlines did give us some $ for a future trip 🙂) , we are rested and packing for our Oceania Marina adventure, February 7-April 6, 2023.  Thankful for the time with family on the Big Island, thankful for dear Walla Walla sister and husband spending all of January in AZ and spending so much time with DM.  DM prefers no birthday celebration for #103 (April 7, 2023) but rather visits of small  groups of family and friends.  DH and I hope to spend a week with her at the end of her birthday month. 

Prayers for all who need them, thanks to the Dailyites who are keep this thread a  part of every day good  reading. ❤️ to Roy.  

Welcome home from Hawaii!  Your Oceania cruise sounds wonderful!  Enjoy, and check in every once in a while if you can.  And bon voyage!!




1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

A little late but we have arrived Cancun and it’s warm!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Very good to hear, Bruce!  Enjoy your two weeks in the sun.





1 hour ago, kochleffel said:


Looks like a nice meal this evening for you too, @kochleffel.  (sorry I don't know your name)  Have a wonderful cruise to Bermuda and enjoy the balcony.





38 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you.

Sarah was asking us to take her out for a meal and said she is feeling great.

Tonight's dinner.

Shrimp cocktail.

Lobster Bisque.

Rib eye steak.






Very exciting news about Sarah Graham.  Tell her we're all relieved she's up on her feet dining out now.

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12 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Welcome home from Hawaii!  Your Oceania cruise sounds wonderful!  Enjoy, and check in every once in a while if you can.  And bon voyage!!




Very good to hear, Bruce!  Enjoy your two weeks in the sun.





Looks like a nice meal this evening for you too, @kochleffel.  (sorry I don't know your name)  Have a wonderful cruise to Bermuda and enjoy the balcony.






Very exciting news about Sarah Graham.  Tell her we're all relieved she's up on her feet dining out now.

Thank you so much Sandi.

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