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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday March 22nd, 2023


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Good morning! Looks a little gray outside but temps will get back in seventies. I couldn’t log on to CC before going to bed last night but seems fine now. I believe I’m taking the night off from cooking and will have some Chinese takeout.

We have been to today’s port of call. Don the cruise blogger stated yesterday that many of Spain’s beaches may be closed at times this summer. Supposedly for some environmental studies. Will need to further investigate that.

Debbie, Jacqui and Carol wishes for successful procedures and evaluations.

Thanks Sandi and all who contribute to the Daily.




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Good morning from a cloudy but warmer central Texas.  I'm up early since I couldn't get back to sleep after waking up about 6 am.


Cruise Critic went down about 11 pm CDT last night.  I was on my tablet and got a message that this site cannot be reached.  I hope everything is working correctly now.


I feel a lot younger than I am, and it boggles my mind when I remember how old I am.  Where did the time go?  I need to goof off more, maybe sometime soon.  I sing out loud when no one is around.  I don't want to scare anyone.


The Churchill quote is very true, and one we should all remember it.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I would love to try the wine, but I do not love the price.


We were in Alicante in September 2001, on a driving trip before boarding Golden Princess for her inaugural TA.  Boy, did the passengers from the previous cruises have some stories.


@dfish  Debbie, wishing you the best for your surgery and recovery.  ((((Hugs))))

@kazu  Jacqui, wishing you the best for your visit with the surgeon.  I hope he is pleased with the progress and can do something about the wires and screws.

@mamaofami  Carol, good wishes for an easy and successful cataract surgery tomorrow.  DH had both eyes done, and said there was nothing to the surgery.  He also had never heard about not bending after the surgery.

@kochleffel  Paul, it is amazing how quiet and empty a house can seem after a much loved fur baby crosses the Rainbow Bridge.  An interesting story about the badgers digging under the train tracks.  They need to get some dachshunds since they were bred to hunt badgers.  Dachshund means badger dog.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I hope today is not too hard a day for you.  Good news the cast comes off tomorrow, and I'm sure you will do the work to regain mobility.

@Gail & Marty sailing away  Thank you for taking on the Linus Project for the world cruise.  And @The Inside Cabin  Thank you for telling us about their work in your post yesterday.

@aliaschief  Another batch of great memes today, Bruce.


Now it's time to work on the list for the grocery store run this morning.  That's my excitement for the day.





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We spent a night in Alicante before our cruise in 2001.  Originally, we were supposed to fly to Spain on 9/13/01, and spend two weeks touring Spain.  We had all our reservations including the Alhambra, but then things changed.  After waiting to see if the cruise would still sail, we flew to Barcelona on 9/18/01, and it was a strange flight.   We flew from DFW to JFK, as our alternative flight from ATL was over booked.  Our flight was practically empty, with one business section completely closed.  We could not even go up there to sleep.  As far as we could tell, of the passengers on the flight, there were probably less than 10 who's first language was English.


We still had a week in Spain before the cruise, and we did not have any problems getting hotel rooms.  Only the Paradores were booked.  All the people we met were very nice and offered condolences for the tragic events on 9/11.   We enjoyed our time travelling around Spain and even went to Andorra.


My pictures from Alicante were taken in the early evening as we walked along the esplanade and had a nice meal at one of the sidewalk restaurants.  While they may some repeats or similar pictures, they should give you an idea of what the town looks like after the ship sails.


A view of the fortress from the waterfront




The marina





The locals come out at night




We stopped here for gelato, but not vanilla 😁🍦



I would love to go back someday and spend more time looking around the town.



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Good afternoon.

I am at work so late posting.

It is a lovely sunny 62°F here.

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for today's reports.

3 good days.

Great quote.

Nice food.

We were in Alicante Spain last March on P&O Iona.

I hope everyone is well 




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Tried to post late last night but couldn’t get in. Nor earlier this morning. Like life, sometimes we need extra patience for things out of our control. That has been my most pressing lesson to absorb recently. 

@dfish, @mamaofamiPraying for AMAZING !  
@marshhawk, @Vict0riann, @kazu and others including ourselves dealing with the ups and downs of medical issues:  there’s a lot of going sideways to make some forward progress. 
@kochleffel A house can be so filled with the lingering presence of a recently lost loved one while it feels so utterly empty. 💔


Yesterday we made frustratingly slow progress. We got email with a link to confirm DH’s eye surgery next week. The link didn’t work. Called John’s Hopkins tech line. They couldn’t help. Tried other browsers. Finally got checked in by smart phone but couldn’t print the QR code. Tried screenshot but got message, No screenshot allowed for security!  Took photo of QR with other phone. 😳. No call back on payment for special implant lens. No pre-op prescription yet. DH miserable with the skin reaction to his eye meds but managing. This has been a long process nearing 10 months. Hoping we can get this stent implant to reduced the number of glaucoma meds needed. And the cataract lens implant done. Then get the other eye scheduled….


Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, patience, courage, or hope. 🙏

Cheers to all celebrating milestones and joys. Life is good!  You help us remember this in tougher days!  🥂

Smooth sailing to all the cruisers!  Enjoy it all!  And a special shoutout to my CC Vancouver friends (not sure they’ve posted so I will use discretion) flying out late tonight to Auckland to board Noordam as soon as they get there which will be Saturday morning!  Noordam will be on a 35 day T-P repositioning back to Vancouver. So many ports we’ve loved!  Living vicariously through our own trying times is a lift!  

I love the quote today. I remember my fire chief telling me when I was so nervous about passing my EMT exam, If you fail, they don’t shoot you, you just take it again!  It was a very difficult state certification exam, only given 3 times a year and we had to travel 200+ miles, stay 2 nights. The morning was the written part: 120 questions in 2.5 hrs; at “halftime” I was only up to question 40 and had skipped 10!  Time for a new approach!  The afternoon was practicals- one trauma, one medical with Autofails at every step. During the day there was absolutely no talking to anyone, had to be escorted individually to restroom, (we didn’t have smart cell phones in those days!). Of my classmates who tested that day 6 of 8 passed, better than the usual 50% rate. No one was shot, the 2 passed the next time they attempted. I was a volunteer EMT 17 years in rural New Mexico. It was a constant learning of life and a great blessing for me. 70% of EMTs in the US are volunteers, similarly for firefighters which we were also. I’m glad we did it but I don’t miss it. I’m content in this chapter of life!  And without that experience we might not have had the motivation or insight ti make the shift from our beloved mountain home to Maryland and all it has to offer us here. Life is good!  


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7 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

They need to get some dachshunds since they were bred to hunt badgers.  Dachshund means badger dog.


Badgers are protected in the Netherlands. The rail operators can't interfere with them--iirc they're allowed to repair the damage, but not while the badgers are present.



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Thanks for the Daily Report!

Sorry for late post today, however I kept getting errors trying to get here this morning. 

We are at Falmouth Jamaica today, arrived early on a bright, humid, hot, sunny day.

Cruise staff wearing masks starting last night and today. We've been told no worries,  crew members that are sick do not have covid, but its protocol now to wear them. Hopefully, it's the flu and they feel better soon. 

We are going to wal to the port shopping area in a few minutes.  They have a new La Casa Del Habano here, so of course I need to buy some cigars. 😀

Will check in later and I hope everyone has a great day!



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Good Morning from a warm but cloudy day at the beach

     Have not been to todays port, thank you for the pictures.   Young as you feel? Depends on thr day. lol   I forget sometimes how old I am although I am still very active and try to keep myself fit. 

     @mamaofami Good Luck with the surgery tomorrow.  You will be fine. I had mine done 2 years ago. I was so nervous but it is really ok. I also had the no bending rule . I found the worst part of the whole thing was the drops. 

       @cruising sister Thinking of you on what would have been your DS birthday.  Hugs to you on this day.

        Rocket launch scheduled for tonite. It is a new company that made the rocket from a 3d printer. Just amazing!  Hope they are successful.

       Going to lunch with a few friends today. Have not done this in a long time. Will be fun to get together.


 Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Most days I have no idea how young or old I feel, I just am.  I think mentally I'm still in my 40's; my family may oppose that thought.  Who doesn't like National Goof Off Day?  I like singing along with the radio in the car; DH doesn't care for it because he likes to hear the music.  I sing anyway.


We've stopped at Alicante twice on trans-Atlantics; love that port.  The first time we were there we took a walking tour which was so nice.  The guide made us feel like we were family with his congenial manner; we were sorry when the tour ended. I like today's quote, and am sure I'd like the wine, but way too much $$.


I think many days as a retired person can be classed as goof off days.  It's nice not having a schedule (well, most of the time) to have to follow.  We often sit in our jammies reading the newspaper till around 9 or 9:30, then decide what we're going to do that day.  This morning we know we have to do a run for Gatorade for DH (who hasn't had leg cramps since he started drinking it), and after making the meatloaf the other day, I realize it's time to replace my large loaf pan.  I bought the pan when I first moved out on my own, way back in 1975; I think it's earned it's retirement, and will likely live out it's days in DH's garage holding screws and nails.  While we're out we'll pick up a few groceries and that will be about it for our commitments today.


@dfishwishing you good luck with your surgery today; prayers for you and your surgical team.

@kazuI hope your surgeon is pleased with what he/she sees, and will give you some relief from that pin trying to come through!

@cruising sister Happy Angel Birthday to your DS.

@Gail & Marty sailing awayI know if I was on the world cruise, I'd be joining your Linus Project; kudos to you for taking on such a worthy cause.


 I like today's menu suggestion, and will look for a version of it on Friday when we order our weekly pizza.  Tonight I've got some pork chops thawing that will be made into a new recipe I found called Cajun Pork Chops.  I think they'll go well with buttered noodles and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially our DH family with health issues.  Cheers to everyone with celebrations going on.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The last thing I read on Monday was that Junior Cat had passed on, and @kochleffel I just started crying,  I am so very sorry, she was mentioned every day that you had posted, and I know how much fur babies mean to all of us, but she was a special child, and thank you for adopting her and changing her life over to a safe and happy home.


@dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need.

@mamaofamiBest wishes on a terrific eye surgery tomorrow.  I hope you don't have a cat, if you are putting things on a counter....DH was not supposed to bend his neck to look down, hence no bending, and he drops everything since his sight is so bad.  I spent several days crawling around on the floor picking up dropped things.  I hope if you are partial to dropping things you did pick up one of those  "picky uppy things" that grab what you need.  Unless you have someone who likes to crawl around?

@kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing.

@Vict0riann I am sorry that you had a bad day at your doctor's office yesterday.  I am hoping that today is a better day, maybe a cloud with a silver lining day?


Today outside, and mentally looks like an extremely cloudy day.

So on Monday DH and I head out at the crack of dawn for early morning blood tests, his was for the endocrinologist, and mine for my new primary physician.  He sees his doc next Monday, I have an appointment with mine when I get back from my cruise...Which brings me to Tuesdays appointment. 


I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


And that was my wonderful day.  I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians.  The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto  and it was absolutely fabulous.  There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place..  A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on.  Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life.  It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.



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8 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The last thing I read on Monday was that Junior Cat had passed on, and @kochleffel I just started crying,  I am so very sorry, she was mentioned every day that you had posted, and I know how much fur babies mean to all of us, but she was a special child, and thank you for adopting her and changing her life over to a safe and happy home.


@dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need.

@mamaofamiBest wishes on a terrific eye surgery tomorrow.  I hope you don't have a cat, if you are putting things on a counter....DH was not supposed to bend his neck to look down, hence no bending, and he drops everything since his sight is so bad.  I spent several days crawling around on the floor picking up dropped things.  I hope if you are partial to dropping things you did pick up one of those  "picky uppy things" that grab what you need.  Unless you have someone who likes to crawl around?

@kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing.

@Vict0riann I am sorry that you had a bad day at your doctor's office yesterday.  I am hoping that today is a better day, maybe a cloud with a silver lining day?


Today outside, and mentally looks like an extremely cloudy day.

So on Monday DH and I head out at the crack of dawn for early morning blood tests, his was for the endocrinologist, and mine for my new primary physician.  He sees his doc next Monday, I have an appointment with mine when I get back from my cruise...Which brings me to Tuesdays appointment. 


I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


And that was my wonderful day.  I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians.  The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto  and it was absolutely fabulous.  There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place..  A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on.  Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life.  It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.





Annie, I am going to pray that those spots don't get any larger before your cruise so you can wait for that surgery after you have a wonderful, exciting cruise to Alaska.🙏   Fingers crossed the PET scan is better than expected next week.🤞  Hopefully the new inhaler is the right one for the job, too. 

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Goodmorning all. Today I am told to expect my luggage. Others on the cruise have already received theirs so I am hopeful. Special prayers for Debbie @dfish, Jacqui @kazu and Carol @mamaofami. It is supposed to warm up today and the rest of the week. It is already warmer then the high yesterday and it is still early. Good to be home, and able to chat each day.  Today is more yard work, laundry and a visit to Costco. My fridge is very bare and I haven't restocked since I got home. Thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the information and all the wonderful pictures of our port of the day.

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The meal looks really good.  I can smother anything (well most anything ) with Tzatziki sauce and eat it. The citric zest in the sausage sounds good.  And @ger_77dont be surprised if I just show up at your house one day and say "feed me".🤗

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23 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The last thing I read on Monday was that Junior Cat had passed on, and @kochleffel I just started crying,  I am so very sorry, she was mentioned every day that you had posted, and I know how much fur babies mean to all of us, but she was a special child, and thank you for adopting her and changing her life over to a safe and happy home.


@dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need.

@mamaofamiBest wishes on a terrific eye surgery tomorrow.  I hope you don't have a cat, if you are putting things on a counter....DH was not supposed to bend his neck to look down, hence no bending, and he drops everything since his sight is so bad.  I spent several days crawling around on the floor picking up dropped things.  I hope if you are partial to dropping things you did pick up one of those  "picky uppy things" that grab what you need.  Unless you have someone who likes to crawl around?

@kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing.

@Vict0riann I am sorry that you had a bad day at your doctor's office yesterday.  I am hoping that today is a better day, maybe a cloud with a silver lining day?


Today outside, and mentally looks like an extremely cloudy day.

So on Monday DH and I head out at the crack of dawn for early morning blood tests, his was for the endocrinologist, and mine for my new primary physician.  He sees his doc next Monday, I have an appointment with mine when I get back from my cruise...Which brings me to Tuesdays appointment. 


I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


And that was my wonderful day.  I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians.  The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto  and it was absolutely fabulous.  There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place..  A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on.  Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life.  It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.





It's all about the timing, isn't it?  We are in the same position here.  Thanks for all the good wishes, Dailyites, we have to make our decision today, too, whether to go or not - we have a call in to our family doctor.  Pat is going to require more, serious surgery, and the question is, can it wait?!  We want a good outcome, and for you too, Annie.  That has to come first, the cruise is secondary.

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@Vict0riann It is all about timing, and waiting and watching, I have to admit that my life decisions have never been this big.  And because I sunk 7k into the cruise, most of it not recoverable, I told DH that if I have to have a small invasive surgery, that I want him to go with our BFF's and have a great cruise.  Penny has already offered to be my care giver.  It seems that the doc is telling me its a rush, but none of the docs seem to be rushing.  I wish you two the best, and my heart and prayers are with you.


I will simply stock up on frozen tv dinners, and chocolate, and I should be good to go for 3 weeks on my own.

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Annie, @marshhawk I get what you mean that the docs say time is important, do this or that soon, but the scheduling systems don’t support that approach. Hopefully this is all a step sideways!  Blessings that the PET scan clarifies this spot and you can experience a calming as the path forward unfolds. Maybe the important part of this visit is the new inhaler!  New paths. I too am wired to share, I get it!  Holding you in my heart! 💖. I know you’ll update us when the timing is right. 



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Good morning.  All of the items highlighted for today are appealing. Especially goofing off.   The honey toddy is exactly how we make them when under the weather.  The photos of Alicante make me want to immediately book a long Med and Spanish Farewell cruise.  We love the Spanish ports.


Extra prayers today for @marshhawk, @Vict0riannand Pat, @dfish, and @kazu. Wondering how @Seasick Sailoris doing.  

@cruising sistersending you hugs on DS’s birthday.

 @mamaofami, don’t be frightened.  My mom had several cataracts removed and it was very quick recovery.  All procedures are scary, though. I know.


@rafinmd, it’s delightful seeing the meal alternatives again.  So glad that you’re feeling up to posting them.


Lots going on here with our Dailyites.  Thinking of all of you today.  ♥️

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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks everybody for your patience this morning.  That goes for my DH too who always waits for me to finish the treadmill before he does his workout.  I tried and tried to get logged into Cruise Critic to post and it went on for what felt like forever.  Then it went off line again before my second post!  Arrgghh!  Hope our problems are over for today.


I have a birthday to celebrate today and that is for my granddog Sadie.  She is one year old so happy birthday Sadie!🎈00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIfZ3B7Mi_aMSSTJ3EhjyocaAUrgnwgvQnZ_1RWb7NZPA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1679483901


Yes, she's the one who started out with reddish-brown fur!  I hardly recognize her somtimes with her lighter fur.  She looks a lot like the late Gracie did except Sadie seems to have a lot more energy than Gracie did.


Tomorrow, March 23, is National Puppy Day so get your photos ready Dailyites!  I will show you both Sadie and her half brother Milo who is nearly 3 months old in a post tomorrow.  What a pair!



Sadie looks gorgeous Sandi.

Thank you for your superb Alicante photos.


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We went shopping in the port area of Falmouth,  Jamaica this morning and it was a night / day difference than Ocho Rios.  Very clean, and no hassle like Ocho Rios.  Royal Caribbean did a very nice job building this port area. 

I bought a few cigars from La Casa Del Habano and that was it. Most stores I named China 1, China 2, China 3... 😀 

Weather is still nice with great breeze both on land and sea view pool area.

We are having lunch at Dive In in a few minutes.  Hoping it's still good.


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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all, I woke up early this morning thinking of my DS. He would have been 45 today. I have a friend taking me shopping for some things I need for my cruise and out for lunch. Later I will watch DGS play soccer and after we will a “drive by” ( drive thru) as he calls it for dinner. Trying to keep as busy as possible today. It is easy to go down that rabbit hole of grief. 

Prayers for Debbie and Kazu today. @mamaofami good luck tomorrow on the cataract surgery. I did not know about the no bending. 

Only 24 hours left in the cast. It went fast but the last week has been very irritating. I know I will be disappointed that even with it off I will still have limited mobility. Dangling a cruise in front of me will motivate me to do the exercises. 


Prayers 🙏 for your dear son on his birthday memory.


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