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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 8th, 2023


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Good evening everyone. What a crazy few days but my dad’s house is sold, over asking and no conditions,  which is saying a lot since mortgage rates just went up a quarter point yesterday. We close on July 21. We should be totally wound down by year end which makes filing income tax so much easier if we don’t bleed into 2024. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.


prayers for those that are struggling and a celebratory shout out to others.

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Well I did work today, but not for long, and I am not working tonight.  I went down for a nap after the first shift, coughed for a while, and fell asleep.  DH was very good about waking me up to go to work, but I didn't go back to work.  In fact with what is going on in the North East, I feel kind of stupid rasining money for outdoor events.  Maybe if NYC wasnt orange....


My other boss Lisa now has me working two campaigns, so I have to figure out a life, work and dog walking schedule to work 3 campaigns.  


@Vict0riannNo sign of Fawn.  We cleaned off her porch, and the two reds like to go out on the porch and check out the stray cats who come through at feeding times.  I heard Bubbles howling in the yard behind us, he was Fawn's friend, and he has pretty much stayed in the yard with us since she disappeared. Thank you for asking, and I guess we can take her off the list now too- @JazzyV.


I lost my best friend last November, and three most excellent cats this year. I always called Fawn my girlfriend, and we would bump heads together when I went out to give her her Temptations.


Well, Chuck has to use the computer, so "ta" for now.



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12 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Yesterday we received unwelcome  news from DH’s surgeon. The pathology report was not good and treatment will be further surgery and chemotherapy. I am grateful to live where I do as  there are specialists of all types. We spent the day gathering information and informing the rest of the family.


I am so sorry to hear this and your update on what you and your DH are facing 😔.  I am so glad you have specialists near you and will pray that they can help your DH 🙏🏻 



12 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


One of my old friends contacted me yesterday asking for prayers for her DB.  He has bile duct cancer and needs his bile numbers to go down right now so they can start a new chemo.  I told her I'd be praying for him, and I know she and her DH include my brother in their prayers each day.  That's what best friends are for! 



So sorry to hear this 😔. I’ll add him to my prayers and hope he can begin his new chemo and it will help 🙏🏻 



@OceanSounds Bon Voyage!





11 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Would you believe that we are still completing forms to get DBIL’s estate settled?  It is almost two years.  I just cannot believe there can be so many papers to fill out.  I still say that I will never put a penny in Capital One Bank. The amount of grief that they have generated is beyond the pale.


Sorry you are going through this Terri 😔. It adds to the pain of loss when you have to keep dealing with the stuff.  Sadly, I get it all too well.  I am caught in a mess in one lousy thing and have had to hire lawyers to get it rectified.  It’s going to take time. ‘Sigh’



10 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cool and sunny morning. The air is not quite as bad as yesterday, but I’m still staying inside . 


A happy belated birthday to your BF.





I bet he is right - his father probably held on for his sake.  So sorry for the sad memories today.  💔 



10 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Sue has been having occasional periods of rapid (160 bpm) heart beats about 1-1/2 - 2 months apart. She had an echocardiagram yesterday and was fitted with a 30-day monitor to wear. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.


Oh dear, Jack!  😬 I hope that the monitor and the specialists can get to the bottom of it and the problem can be resolved easily 🙏🏻 



10 hours ago, summer slope said:

I’m having a minor health problem and would like to be put on the prayer list please. 


I hope it really is minor.  I fear you may be downplaying it.  Prayers for you, Dixie 🙏🏻 



8 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Just finished touring Seville Cathedral the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world and third largest Cathedral in Europe. The altar all coated in gilded gold is the largest altar in the world.

The monument of four figures holding a casket is the burial chamber of Christopher Columbus.

Today Seville is bustling as it Corpus Christo day a Holy Day and in this area of Spain also a holiday.

Two night’s here tomorrow another tour and adventure.


thank you for bringing back beautiful memories of our day there 👍 



41 minutes ago, superoma said:

Good evening everyone. What a crazy few days but my dad’s house is sold, over asking and no conditions,  which is saying a lot since mortgage rates just went up a quarter point yesterday. We close on July 21. We should be totally wound down by year end which makes filing income tax so much easier if we don’t bleed into 2024. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.


That is great news 👍. I know it is hard to do but so glad that you can get some closure soon.  I hope everything can be done in 2023. You’re right it makes income tax a lot better.  You don’t want to go through the pain of another tax return in 2024.   



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9 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Just finished touring Seville Cathedral the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world and third largest Cathedral in Europe. The altar all coated in gilded gold is the largest altar in the world.

The monument of four figures holding a casket is the burial chamber of Christopher Columbus.

Today Seville is bustling as it Corpus Christo day a Holy Day and in this area of Spain also a holiday.

Two night’s here tomorrow another tour and adventure.



Did you climb the Giralda?  I did that back in 1982.  My legs would not let me do it now.

Hope you had a great day in Sevilla.


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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Thanks to all the wonderful people here who wished us well with DH's newest diagnosis.I have been worried  about Lou for many months and it took a while to get the testing done. The tumor is an aggressive one and has been staged as 4a.This is his second bout of cancer. My DB is an oncologist and has been in contact with the surgeon.We will know more by next week.

I realize many of you are going through or have experienced  this situation  and thank you for your insights.It is very helpful.






If this gives you, Lou & your family any hope….


I have a great friend in Baltimore who in May 2021 was diagnosed with a rare stage 4 cancer linked to a certain female hormone. She was the 8th known “case” and the oldest woman. The other much younger victims lived no more than 6 months. She started preparing for the inevitable, but went through at least three surgeries and the prescribed chemotherapy. This was made extremely difficult by her allergies to so many components of drugs. She can’t even take Tylenol. But her oncologist worked diligently to find the right combination.

She just celebrated her second anniversary of the diagnosis. She still has a year of immunotherapy to go, but her John Hopkins oncologist has declared her cancer free.  It was a grueling journey, but her medical team was phenomenal. 

I am so thrilled you are located where you are! I pray Lou’s journey ends as successfully as my friend’s Cyn will!


❤️ Ann

Edited by cat shepard
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7 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all, and thanks for all the info today and in days past, when I have read, but not posted.  We've been pretty busy here with visitors, parties, doctors, etc.  I've been thinking of you all, and sending up prayers, too, for those with worries.  @smitty34877, I hope your DH can get the treatment he needs, pdq.  Pat's biopsies are still not in (surgery was May 5), and we're supposed to get a call when it does.  He still has radioactive pellets floating around inside, so he can't have radiation, and chemo is contraindicated for someone his age, so we have to just hope and pray that all is well.  I am now pretty well trained in taking care of his "attachment" but I'm not enjoying it - I was never cut out to be a nurse.




@Vict0riann  Ann, seems a long time to wait for results, can you contact Pat's doctor to enquire about the biopsy results? 

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@summer slope 




@Cruzin Terri



🙏 Blessings for you all and all the Dailyites in need. 

We’ve dealt with the cancer diagnosis 2019, treatment that took us out of state to MD Anderson for 15 weeks. We’ve made it this far! 🙏. No matter what, one day at a time is Everything!  

And thank you for your concern and support for our needs too for recovering from our banking account fraud strike. We made more progress today, maybe more tomorrow. But tonight was a good time for a little lite wine!  

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7 hours ago, dfish said:


Hugs to you, Terry, and to your DH.   Prayers and warm, healing thoughts to  you.



Debbie says no pasta as well.  I miss it now and then as well.



I had Sue listed as beneficiary on all my bank accounts and on my retirement investments.  I'm hoping that makes it easier for her if I go first. 



Let's hope  you get to the bottom of it quickly and there is an easy treatment.  It must be scary not knowing what the problem is.


You're on mine.  Hugs across the miles.


I kept trying to post these this morning, but CC kept freezing up on me.  I couldn't close out of it or anything.  


My neighbor came over this morning and helped me do my morning inspection.  I showed him one area of the house where I have concerns about the paint job and he agreed with my assessment.  When they were preparing the house for painting, they first scraped and then were supposed to sand, but they skipped the sanding step.  There are places where the paint is going to easily chip off.  We have a two year guarantee, so we will probably see them back next year to fix that side of the house.  Otherwise, the house looks great!   



Debbie @dfish.

Paulines late dad was a painter and decorator and Pauline learned a lot  from him.

She said I would get the company back immediately because they might not be in business in 2 years time.

Sanding is a must for any paint job.

It will look bumpy and not look perfect and they have not done a perfect job.



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5 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Did you climb the Giralda?  I did that back in 1982.  My legs would not let me do it now.

Hope you had a great day in Sevilla.


Guide offered but this old coot knows my limitations.

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7 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

And thank you for your concern and support for our needs too for recovering from our banking account fraud strike. We made more progress today, maybe more tomorrow. But tonight was a good time for a little lite wine!  


I hope that you get this taken care of quickly.  We had a similar situation in September 2020 and had to change bank accounts, credit cards and all the automatic billing.  It was a nightmare.  It took forever to get it all straightened out.  It is exhausting.  And just when you think it is all done, you find that there is more that you forgot about.  Prayers that you get it all done quickly and without any glitches.


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7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Debbie @dfish.

Paulines late dad was a painter and decorator and Pauline learned a lot  from him.

She said I would get the company back immediately because they might not be in business in 2 years time.

Sanding is a must for any paint job.

It will look bumpy and not look perfect and they have not done a perfect job.




I think they will be in business.  They've been around since the 1980's.  I think the real issue is that the manager of the job underestimated the time needed and the guys painting had to scramble to get done on time.  

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10 hours ago, cat shepard said:




If this gives you, Lou & your family any hope….


I have a great friend in Baltimore who in May 2021 was diagnosed with a rare stage 4 cancer linked to a certain female hormone. She was the 8th known “case” and the oldest woman. The other much younger victims lived no more than 6 months. She started preparing for the inevitable, but went through at least three surgeries and the prescribed chemotherapy. This was made extremely difficult by her allergies to so many components of drugs. She can’t even take Tylenol. But her oncologist worked diligently to find the right combination.

She just celebrated her second anniversary of the diagnosis. She still has a year of immunotherapy to go, but her John Hopkins oncologist has declared her cancer free.  It was a grueling journey, but her medical team was phenomenal. 

I am so thrilled you are located where you are! I pray Lou’s journey ends as successfully as my friend’s Cyn will!


❤️ Ann

Thank you so much Ann for relating your friends’story. Lou’s tumor is being presented at the hospital on Friday and my doc says he will let us know what the experts think. I really appreciate hearing such great news!

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8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

@summer slope 




@Cruzin Terri



🙏 Blessings for you all and all the Dailyites in need. 

We’ve dealt with the cancer diagnosis 2019, treatment that took us out of state to MD Anderson for 15 weeks. We’ve made it this far! 🙏. No matter what, one day at a time is Everything!  

And thank you for your concern and support for our needs too for recovering from our banking account fraud strike. We made more progress today, maybe more tomorrow. But tonight was a good time for a little lite wine!  

Maureen I really appreciate your optimism and positivity. I have been living “one day at a time “ for over 39 years now and completely understand. Thank you.

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1 minute ago, dfish said:


I think they will be in business.  They've been around since the 1980's.  I think the real issue is that the manager of the job underestimated the time needed and the guys painting had to scramble to get done on time.  

Pauline learned a lot from her late dad who was a professional painter and decorator.

They should have sanded the surface before painting and a professional should have known that. They were rushing which is not fair to you getting a job done which is not up to standard.

You sounded as you were not happy asking a neighbour's opinion and if you are not happy you should insist they do it again at least before your guarantee is up or ideally immediately.

Best wishes.



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13 hours ago, erewhon said:



@Vict0riann  Ann, seems a long time to wait for results, can you contact Pat's doctor to enquire about the biopsy results? 


They have told us they will contact us when the results are in.  We'll give them a little more time, and then call them!    Hopefully, no news is good news...

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On 6/8/2023 at 11:01 AM, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all, and thanks for all the info today and in days past, when I have read, but not posted.  We've been pretty busy here with visitors, parties, doctors, etc.  I've been thinking of you all, and sending up prayers, too, for those with worries.  @smitty34877, I hope your DH can get the treatment he needs, pdq.  Pat's biopsies are still not in (surgery was May 5), and we're supposed to get a call when it does.  He still has radioactive pellets floating around inside, so he can't have radiation, and chemo is contraindicated for someone his age, so we have to just hope and pray that all is well.  I am now pretty well trained in taking care of his "attachment" but I'm not enjoying it - I was never cut out to be a nurse!


@Heartgrove, hope things are okay with your DW.  I had a lot of silly extra heartbeats after I had Covid, it seems to be settling down now.  Could have been worry, too, though.  But Covid is good to blame everything on...


@summer slope, hope you feel better soon,.   And for those losing pets, I feel for you - @marshhawk, any sign of Fawn?


DD and her BF had a great time here, I think/hope, although we didn't do much for them except feed them, they saw a lot, and even went to Tofino to fish.  They came home with two enormous salmon, (about 30 pounds in meat) which we will be eating for ages. 


Now Tofino is cut off from the rest of the island by forest fires, Cathedral Grove is threatened, and it would be a tremendous loss if it burns.  Some of the trees are as much as 900 years old.



Hi Ann


All the best with Pat! Hoping for positive info soon!


Did you by any chance get a package on Wednesday? I sent Pat an email on Tuesday


You two take care! 😃



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4 hours ago, Copper10-8 said:



Hi Ann


All the best with Pat! Hoping for positive info soon!


Did you by any chance get a package on Wednesday? I sent Pat an email on Tuesday


You two take care! 😃



Wow, John, Great minds think alike!  I just sent off an email to you!. A parcel arrived this afternoon - thank you so much!   I do hope we will see you and Maria here again soon.  Don't forget we owe you a trip to the Aviation Museum.  They are working now on getting one of the Martin Mars water bombers in the display.

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11 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Wow, John, Great minds think alike!  I just sent off an email to you!. A parcel arrived this afternoon - thank you so much!   I do hope we will see you and Maria here again soon.  Don't forget we owe you a trip to the Aviation Museum.  They are working now on getting one of the Martin Mars water bombers in the display.


Great Ann! Hope it arrived in one piece! Taking a closeup look at one of those Martin Mars aerial firefighters / water bombers would be awesome! We'll stay in touch! Give our love to Pat and all the best!!



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