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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday April 27th, 2023


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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We have returned  from the City and surgery  will be on May 31.I found the cheaper parking lot which was only 2 blocks away.It still cost 30$ for

an hour and a half.I am so relieved to have this settled .

I plan to do absolutely  nothing the rest of the day.


I saw these two beautiful  grandcats when we went to tell DD  the news.




Terry, it's good to hear the surgery date decision has helped your mental health.  I hope everything works out well for you and your DH.  I have to say your DD's cats are gorgeous!




3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Back from the vet. No surgery today. He has a respiratory infection and came home with antibiotics for a week. Will try again in 2 weeks.


What a shame!  Now you have to go through herding cats again to get TT back to the vet!  Lol!  Hope the infection clears quickly.  Good luck!




3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Dinner tonight






The shrimp and Pauline's filet mignon look delicious!  Also that yummy dessert!  I know you both enjoyed that wonderful dinner.🥩




1 hour ago, kazu said:

Just catching up - probably won’t be back - a bit tired and worn and sore (to put it mildly). I think tonight will be an early one after I talk to Ivan’s mother.  I think he is going to have to wait a day or 2 - hopefully Saturday or otherwise Sunday/Monday.  I need to be myself to take care of him properly.  She’s willing to wait - she wants this to work and a day or 2 is not the end of the world.


I wasted my time and energy driving to the dealers.  they swear they don’t have my wheel lock kit.  They had around 30 wheel locks there - do you think one fit?  NOT.  GRRRR.  

If the tire place can’t get the other exchanger (or whatever it’s called) they have to be cut off.  The SUV has been scoured, believe me and I never touch the kit.  It’s there only for changing tires.


But since I was already all the way in town (the city), I hit Costco (have to use those certificates) - forgot I gave away all the beautiful towels I had for the dogs so picked one up for Ivan, the really good dog treats (low in fat) and they had their nice toys so you can guess what went in the cart - LOL.

By the time I got home the elbow was pounding and I was worn and weary.



That is such a perfect way for Sue to end her career.  Love that you are her last patient 👍.   A very happy, healthy long retirement to her 👏 👏 




Well, the thanks goes to you for finding the company.  I hadn’t researched that port yet.  All I did was decide I didn’t want to be on a packed boat and reach out (with a bunch of questions) to see if I could charter it.


Should be a fun day and yes, there will be pics for sure.  The captain is very good at finding sightings so finger crossed.  either way, it should be a nice day with our roll call 🙂 




So happy to hear he is starting to improve, Carol.  Hoping he continues to do so 🙏🏻 




Oh I am so happy to hear this 👍. And with the time you have to go, it should improve even more 🙏🏻. Don’t worry about the packing.  I think your strategy on the carry on is a good one.  I just ordered a new one myself - lighter and smaller.  I’m going with easy for me to manage.  (Not a lot of choice in the matter)




I tried one years ago when I had the cats Gerry and it was a bust.  It ended up gathering dust.  You were smart to return it right away.  I hate vacuuming and would love to save myself some work (and my elbow right now) and back.  I might try a Roomba but I’m not sure how Ivan would react.  Miko (unlike most dogs) loved the vacuum and played with it.  Karen tells me Ivan likes them too and head butts them.  Not sure what he would do with a robot vacuum 😬 




You will love the rolling cart, Roy.  I have one for garbage (we had to buy it) and one for compost (supplied).  They are a godsend.  I started putting out my own a few weeks ago (a kind neighbour did it for me during my recovery) and I can nearly manage them with one arm once they are tilted.  I would never go back to the old garbage containers.




So sorry - I know what that’s like but I do think you are wise to wait.




YAY 🙂.  Glad you feel that you will be a ok for those cruises 👍 




Your post has me thinking 😉 




Best wishes for your PA.  Hope it went goes/went well 🤞 




LOL - I know that one all too well.  Good, let the realization hit home and that they are all going to have to step up to the plate more.




Enjoy your last official function.  You are smart to “get out of Dodge” after it for a bit.  You deserve a vacation and an escape after your years of work.




Excellent news indeed and so glad it is giving you some relief.  It’s about time something took some weight off your shoulders.




Oh no!  After all that work to get him there.  Hope the infection clears up quickly with the antibiotics and he is good to go for his surgery in 2 weeks 🤞 


Good idea to wait a short while until you are feeling up to taking on Ivan.  Get some rest!




27 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@rafinmdI think so too, but you know how they hate to say when they are on a cruise.  I mean steaks like that just dont happen!  LOL.

Roy, I'm glad that you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it's amazing how motivational an upcoming cruise is.


The rain started when I went to walk the neighbors dog.  It has gotten heavier, then lighter and it is in the forecast for some time.


I live in the south, and it has been in the 50's all day.  What's up with this weather?  Oh, wait, the computer says it's 60.  Bring out the bikini!  I think I'm in training for Alaska weather.


DH and I are scratching our heads trying to figure out this crazy weather, too.  It's nearly May and we're still sitting around the house all covered up.  Well at least the cooler temps in Alaska won't be such a shock to the system.  Or maybe it will be warmer up there than way down here!

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I was just looking at photos from our last trip to Ponta Delgada when we simply walked around the town.  I noticed we hadn't really pointed out the famous mosaic type pavements all over the place.  This sidewalk was right in front of the doors of the local brewery I talked about earlier.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLgZBj_TZwPLW-vYhsHSHMT?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136098


Here's a selection of interesting patterns.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLLs4vXR5R669tOTeQcXZPK?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136147






This one is cool, but could be a little dizzying.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK25gL7v1Nwo8embFgLIwOc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136171








This must take a very long time to plan and implement!

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Good evening, everyone!


It was worth the drive to Lake City today.  The whole office was excited that I was there as Sue's last patient.  While I was there some ladies from her church came in and serenaded her on kazoos.  One of her co-workers gave her a beautiful hanging fuschia.  I have it in the dining room on the table right now, but I plan on putting it outside tomorrow.  How cold can it tolerate, Garden Club?   I will bring it in at night until it gets a little warmer at night.  


I passed on all the well wishes from the Daily to Sue and she was really touched that you would think of her.  She says thank you very much.  


Our flights for this summer were changed by Delta leaving us with a 5 hour layover in Detroit.  It is a decent airport, but there isn't that much to do in 5 hours.  So, I spent some time on the phone with Flight Ease.  The agent I talked to was very pleasant and changed the flights so that we get into Boston at an earlier time and we don't have to spend the whole day in the Detroit airport.  I was a very happy camper!


Edited by dfish
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@rafinmd-Thanks, got this tonight from Holland


Dear Ann,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Holland America Line.

While your Cruise History and Status with our Sister/Parent Lines does not carry over to your Mariner Society Status, we are able to upgrade you to our first tier. We have upgraded yourself and Charles to 1 Star Mariners based on your history with Carnival. You can read more about the program and its rewards here https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/mariner-society.html .

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or visit us online a

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5 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@rafinmd-Thanks, got this tonight from Holland


Dear Ann,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Holland America Line.

While your Cruise History and Status with our Sister/Parent Lines does not carry over to your Mariner Society Status, we are able to upgrade you to our first tier. We have upgraded yourself and Charles to 1 Star Mariners based on your history with Carnival. You can read more about the program and its rewards here https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/mariner-society.html .

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or visit us online a


Great news Annie!  It's getting closer!

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35 minutes ago, dfish said:

It is a decent airport, but there isn't that much to do in 5 hours.


At one point I was facing a 7-hour layover, but on my return flight. There's a spa at which I considered getting a massage, which almost always seems in order after several hours in an airplane seat. However, I cancelled the entire trip.


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14 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


At one point I was facing a 7-hour layover, but on my return flight. There's a spa at which I considered getting a massage, which almost always seems in order after several hours in an airplane seat. However, I cancelled the entire trip.


Well, that is a shame.  I was hoping you were going to tell me all about the spa.  We'll be going through Detroit on most of our trips.

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6 hours ago, dobiemom said:

Seafood Boil: Do 3-4-5 Star Mainers get their 25-50% discount?

Not that I’m aware of. It’s in the Lido and lI think you have to reserve it, but not entirely sure. Have to be honest….. I don’t eat very often in the Lido, usually just lunch on port days. 

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Good evening.  Today didn't go exactly as planned, but what else is new?   After getting an email answer to some questions, there were some forms to prepare and get ready to mail tomorrow morning.


We both got good reports from the dermatologist, who only found a few places on both of us to freeze, but nothing serious.  We're good for another six months.  


After stopping at W-M, we decided to get an early supper at Popeyes.  There's nothing like real fried chicken even though my air fryer does a pretty good job.  The red beans and rice were as good as we remembered, but the biscuits seemed a little off.  Still, it was a good supper I didn't have to cook, plus the weather was great for eating in the car.


It was when we got ready to leave that the trouble started.  Our four month old battery was dead for the second time since we bought it.  We keep a rechargeable battery booster in the car for such occasions.  You've probably guessed by now that it needed charging.  The guy in Popeyes was nice enough to plug it in and charge it long enough to get it where it would start the car.  


Needless to say, we'll be taking it in to get the battery replaced.  The first time this happened, we thought we might have accidentally left something on that drained the battery.  Obviously, that wasn't the case today.


11 hours ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Good Morning,  thanks for the daily fleet report.  It's a beautiful, yet cool, day.  The crew came back and finished sealing the house extension.  No new signs of unwanted critters.  Ashlee will be getting groomed this afternoon. 

Ashlee and Jasper taking in the morning sun.



Jake, I know you are glad to get the extension critter proofed. Ashlee and Jasper look very comfortable. 


11 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Good morning!  Haven't read any posts - will do that later.  Just a quick update.  Off to see the PA at the Plastic Surgeons office.  Then after that off to the hearing aid place.  Wire came off the hearing aid.  Wish me luck with the PA.


Mary Kay, I hope all went wll with PA at the surgeon's office.


10 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We have returned  from the City and surgery  will be on May 31.I found the cheaper parking lot which was only 2 blocks away.It still cost 30$ for

an hour and a half.I am so relieved to have this settled .

I plan to do absolutely  nothing the rest of the day.


I saw these two beautiful  grandcats when we went to tell DD  the news.




Terry, I'm glad your DH has a date for his surgery.  The grandkitties are beautiful.


9 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Back from the vet. No surgery today. He has a respiratory infection and came home with antibiotics for a week. Will try again in 2 weeks.


I'm sorry TT has an infection.  I hope he is better soon.


8 hours ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Morning Everyone,


       It has been a bit since I have posted.  Been busy with Dad.  He is doing better now that the infection has cleared.  But he is no longer able to get up and ambulate to his chair and is in bed all the time.  Fortunately, we do have a special mattress which rotates and keeps him changing positions.  He still smiles and occasionally says something that we can understand.

      We have put cruise plans on hold for the moment to care for Dad but I must share the "dream or nightmare" that I had with you!  The other morning I woke up early from a  "dream/nightmare"  I was finally on a cruise!  But while I was looking over my room, preparing to unpack, a lady and three beautiful girls came in the room and said that is was "their" room and they would be staying!  Then her hubby bounds into the room and says he is going to take a shower, he proceeds to shower and come back into the room stark naked!🤩  I then checked the bathroom and was angry as he left it a mess!  I remember waking up and thinking how am I going to share a room with 5 people I don't know even if the girls are cute!😂  When hubby woke up I told him I need a cruise but not this one!

        Prayers and good thoughts for all that need them.  Keep posting your cruise pictures.  I will get back one of these days!





Denise, that is good news your father is doing better now that the infection is gone.  I'm sorry he is not able to get up and walk to his chair.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Well we got half of what we needed to do done.  DH basically had to unplug the alarm system.  We bought a hose, but it made it to the car port, not the back yard.  I bought my glasses at Americas Best, BOGO, and the pair I thought were cute, truly are dorky on me....and the ones that I bought as a flash back to the 60's fit my personality and face perfectly.  DH made much wiser decisions on his, one for the computer and one for far away, and i bought two pairs for far away.


I packed this week for my trip.  It was supposed to be a trial packing, but once I got it zipped up, I figured, nope, I'm done.  I do realize that there are still some items that didn't make it in the suitcase, but DH has decided to do one large suitcase and one carryon in the event that the suitcase gets lost, and I will throw my extra stuff in his large suitcase.


I also had a moment of insanity today, but I'm sticking with it.  A cruise line, not Holland, was having a 50.00 deposit per person for a cruise to Aruba, Curacao,  La Romana and Amber Cove. I booked it.  Cove Balcony.  DH says we can cruise as long as it's places we havent been, but he said he would "suffer" through Amber Cove...one of our favorite ports.  So now 2024 is taken care of.  It cruises from Miami, and I've never been there either.


@grapau27I'm loving the food porn.  Whats for dessert?


Annie, it's never insanity to book a cruise.


6 hours ago, kazu said:

Just catching up - probably won’t be back - a bit tired and worn and sore (to put it mildly). I think tonight will be an early one after I talk to Ivan’s mother.  I think he is going to have to wait a day or 2 - hopefully Saturday or otherwise Sunday/Monday.  I need to be myself to take care of him properly.  She’s willing to wait - she wants this to work and a day or 2 is not the end of the world.


I wasted my time and energy driving to the dealers.  they swear they don’t have my wheel lock kit.  They had around 30 wheel locks there - do you think one fit?  NOT.  GRRRR.  

If the tire place can’t get the other exchanger (or whatever it’s called) they have to be cut off.  The SUV has been scoured, believe me and I never touch the kit.  It’s there only for changing tires.


But since I was already all the way in town (the city), I hit Costco (have to use those certificates) - forgot I gave away all the beautiful towels I had for the dogs so picked one up for Ivan, the really good dog treats (low in fat) and they had their nice toys so you can guess what went in the cart - LOL.

By the time I got home the elbow was pounding and I was worn and weary.



That is such a perfect way for Sue to end her career.  Love that you are her last patient 👍.   A very happy, healthy long retirement to her 👏 👏 




Well, the thanks goes to you for finding the company.  I hadn’t researched that port yet.  All I did was decide I didn’t want to be on a packed boat and reach out (with a bunch of questions) to see if I could charter it.


Should be a fun day and yes, there will be pics for sure.  The captain is very good at finding sightings so finger crossed.  either way, it should be a nice day with our roll call 🙂 




So happy to hear he is starting to improve, Carol.  Hoping he continues to do so 🙏🏻 




Oh I am so happy to hear this 👍. And with the time you have to go, it should improve even more 🙏🏻. Don’t worry about the packing.  I think your strategy on the carry on is a good one.  I just ordered a new one myself - lighter and smaller.  I’m going with easy for me to manage.  (Not a lot of choice in the matter)




I tried one years ago when I had the cats Gerry and it was a bust.  It ended up gathering dust.  You were smart to return it right away.  I hate vacuuming and would love to save myself some work (and my elbow right now) and back.  I might try a Roomba but I’m not sure how Ivan would react.  Miko (unlike most dogs) loved the vacuum and played with it.  Karen tells me Ivan likes them too and head butts them.  Not sure what he would do with a robot vacuum 😬 




You will love the rolling cart, Roy.  I have one for garbage (we had to buy it) and one for compost (supplied).  They are a godsend.  I started putting out my own a few weeks ago (a kind neighbour did it for me during my recovery) and I can nearly manage them with one arm once they are tilted.  I would never go back to the old garbage containers.




So sorry - I know what that’s like but I do think you are wise to wait.




YAY 🙂.  Glad you feel that you will be a ok for those cruises 👍 




Your post has me thinking 😉 




Best wishes for your PA.  Hope it went goes/went well 🤞 




LOL - I know that one all too well.  Good, let the realization hit home and that they are all going to have to step up to the plate more.




Enjoy your last official function.  You are smart to “get out of Dodge” after it for a bit.  You deserve a vacation and an escape after your years of work.




Excellent news indeed and so glad it is giving you some relief.  It’s about time something took some weight off your shoulders.




Oh no!  After all that work to get him there.  Hope the infection clears up quickly with the antibiotics and he is good to go for his surgery in 2 weeks 🤞 


Jacqui, I hope they find a way to change the tires soon.  I think you are wise to wait a few days until you are confident you can take care of Ivan.


5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I have this feeling @grapau27 is on a cruise but I checked the Southampton schedule and didn't find anything so I can't figure out what it might be.




I agree Roy, or they are at a lovely hotel somewhere.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Good evening, everyone!


It was worth the drive to Lake City today.  The whole office was excited that I was there as Sue's last patient.  While I was there some ladies from her church came in and serenaded her on kazoos.  One of her co-workers gave her a beautiful hanging fuschia.  I have it in the dining room on the table right now, but I plan on putting it outside tomorrow.  How cold can it tolerate, Garden Club?   I will bring it in at night until it gets a little warmer at night.  


I passed on all the well wishes from the Daily to Sue and she was really touched that you would think of her.  She says thank you very much.  


Our flights for this summer were changed by Delta leaving us with a 5 hour layover in Detroit.  It is a decent airport, but there isn't that much to do in 5 hours.  So, I spent some time on the phone with Flight Ease.  The agent I talked to was very pleasant and changed the flights so that we get into Boston at an earlier time and we don't have to spend the whole day in the Detroit airport.  I was a very happy camper!



Debbie, I'm glad that Sue got such a good send off for her retirement.  Good you could get your flights changed.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

@rafinmd-Thanks, got this tonight from Holland


Dear Ann,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Holland America Line.

While your Cruise History and Status with our Sister/Parent Lines does not carry over to your Mariner Society Status, we are able to upgrade you to our first tier. We have upgraded yourself and Charles to 1 Star Mariners based on your history with Carnival. You can read more about the program and its rewards here https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/mariner-society.html .

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or visit us online a


Annie, that's good news.  Did BFF also call to get Mariner status?


11 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Chilly here but will warm up into the 50's. Our sprinkler system was turned on yesterday and I need to check the timer. We are still going below freezing at night and I don't want to ice the lawn. Will turn it on and off by hand the next few weeks as needed during the early evening.


Had that last BOD meeting last night and it set an all time record for being quick. I went over some things that are pending and the remaining members sort of had that deer in the headlights look. May 6 in the annual meeting which I will chair and then hopefully I will not be needed for anything. I will be going out of town for about week not long after that.


Otherwise not much on my agenda. I am waffling back on forth on the Grand Australia cruise and will have to make up my mind by the end of May. What I would really love to do is the pole to pole in 2025 which revisits many places I really like.... but it is just too long. I need that crystal ball!!!!!








Susan, I know you are glad to have that BOD meeting behind you.  I bet once they have to do the work you did, they will appreciate you even more.  You are smart to leave and be unavailable soon after the annual meeting.



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DH said that he would get the seafood boil if offered, and so would I.  One thing I really miss in Atlanta is fresh seafood. I know those lobsters are alive at Red Lobster, but I cant afford their airfare.  What we used to go for is crab, but with the crab shortage, even that isn't offered as far as I know.


Every cruise that DH and I have taken I always told him, I miss the cats.  On our last cruise last fall, I told him that I miss the Daily.  I wont have a computer or wifi, so when I leave next Wednesday morning I wont know what's going on for 3 weeks.  🙀


I knew that we wouldnt hear from @bennybear today, but you are in my thoughts and prayers today.



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@Quartzsite Cruiser  I gave him the phone number, but not sure if his 7 days with Carnival would qualify him.  And I dont think he would care.  I found out last night that we are the last group boarding, and that was because he felt he had no rush to get information completed.  I told him, when he offered to book the cruise, it was on him, but I would instruct him.  I didnt realize that he didn't know a lot because he never asked questions. I've been the vacation planner for the last 3 years with him.  Oh well, since he gets into Vancouver before we do, I gave him the mission to find out where to eat dinner in walking distance of the hotel.


Thank you for telling me I was not insane booking a cruise, when I have one next week, and 25 days on a ship October/November.  The cruise is not until October of 24.  Plenty of time to pay it off, and plan something else.  Maybe I should drive around the country and visit with all the dailies.😉



Edited by marshhawk
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3 hours ago, dfish said:

How cold can it tolerate, Garden Club?   I will bring it in at night until it gets a little warmer at night.  

According to what I've read, they can tolerate a small amount of frost, warmer is better of course.  They do best with temperatures between 55 and 80 -- my neighbor has put hers out and it's dipping down to the mid 40's at night here right now.  Hers is doing fine.

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Have never understood Canada’s rule on how many bars can be open on different decks on a cruise ship. As usual couldn’t have a drink in Pinnacle Bar tonight and had to go to Ocean Bar. What purpose does this serve?

Don’t get me started on purpose of Jones Act!

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I heard on the radio that last week there was a reward offered for a Roomba that had escaped out the front door of the house. It was so funny listening to the report.

@cruising sisterI had a call from DGD yesterday (she lives with us) that a horse stepped on her toe and it was broken. She leaves in a week for a 10-day hiking tour in Scotland. She went to the clinic today and had the blood drained from under the nail and it's well-taped for the moment. Luckily, she still had some of the stronger ibuprofen from last month's muscle tear to help with this pain. Her luck isn't so great at the moment. I truly felt for you after watching her limp around.


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St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 


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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I was just looking at photos from our last trip to Ponta Delgada when we simply walked around the town.  I noticed we hadn't really pointed out the famous mosaic type pavements all over the place.  This sidewalk was right in front of the doors of the local brewery I talked about earlier.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLgZBj_TZwPLW-vYhsHSHMT?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136098


Here's a selection of interesting patterns.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLLs4vXR5R669tOTeQcXZPK?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136147






This one is cool, but could be a little dizzying.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK25gL7v1Nwo8embFgLIwOc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526136171








This must take a very long time to plan and implement!

Nice photos Sandi.


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1 hour ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 


I'm so sorry to hear this.

Prayers 🙏 you will be fully recovered soon.


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3 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 



OH NO!  Medical disembarkation is not fun 😔 And a venomous spider sounds very scary 😬.   I hope you are recovering and starting to feel better 🙏🏻 



8 hours ago, dfish said:

  One of her co-workers gave her a beautiful hanging fuschia.  I have it in the dining room on the table right now, but I plan on putting it outside tomorrow.  How cold can it tolerate, Garden Club?   I will bring it in at night until it gets a little warmer at night.  


As long as the temperature outside holds at 10 C (50 F) it should be good outside.   If it’s been inside - transition it  to outside so that it adapts and doesn’t go into shock.  Many of them are quite hardy once they are conditioned.  



8 hours ago, dfish said:

Our flights for this summer were changed by Delta leaving us with a 5 hour layover in Detroit.  It is a decent airport, but there isn't that much to do in 5 hours.  So, I spent some time on the phone with Flight Ease.  The agent I talked to was very pleasant and changed the flights so that we get into Boston at an earlier time and we don't have to spend the whole day in the Detroit airport.  I was a very happy camper!



Excellent.  Glad you were able to get your flights changed. 👍 

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10 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@rafinmd-Thanks, got this tonight from Holland


Dear Ann,

Thank you for your recent correspondence with Holland America Line.

While your Cruise History and Status with our Sister/Parent Lines does not carry over to your Mariner Society Status, we are able to upgrade you to our first tier. We have upgraded yourself and Charles to 1 Star Mariners based on your history with Carnival. You can read more about the program and its rewards here https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/mariner-society.html .

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance or visit us online a

We also emailed and phone Mariner Society and the answer we got was no they do not use the status we have with Princess ( with over 400 days on Princess)  but I think the reason we did not get the status added we are already 3 star Mariners with Holland.  Sue

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8 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

According to what I've read, they can tolerate a small amount of frost, warmer is better of course.  They do best with temperatures between 55 and 80 -- my neighbor has put hers out and it's dipping down to the mid 40's at night here right now.  Hers is doing fine.


I'll put it out for some outdoor time today.   We'll do this gradually.


5 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 



Oh, my goodness!   What an adventure you've had and not one that anyone would want.  Hope your recovery is going well. 


2 hours ago, kazu said:


As long as the temperature outside holds at 10 C (50 F) it should be good outside.   If it’s been inside - transition it  to outside so that it adapts and doesn’t go into shock.  Many of them are quite hardy once they are conditioned.  



Thanks!   I plan to make this a gradual change.


2 hours ago, kazu said:


Excellent.  Glad you were able to get your flights changed. 👍 


I was thrilled.

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5 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 



I'm very sorry this happened to you.  I hope your recovery is going well, and hope you are able to return home soon.



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6 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

I heard on the radio that last week there was a reward offered for a Roomba that had escaped out the front door of the house. It was so funny listening to the report.

@cruising sisterI had a call from DGD yesterday (she lives with us) that a horse stepped on her toe and it was broken. She leaves in a week for a 10-day hiking tour in Scotland. She went to the clinic today and had the blood drained from under the nail and it's well-taped for the moment. Luckily, she still had some of the stronger ibuprofen from last month's muscle tear to help with this pain. Her luck isn't so great at the moment. I truly felt for you after watching her limp around.



Oh no, I hope this doesn't stop her from hiking in Scotland!  And right before a cruise.  Best of luck to her as she heals and prepares to leave.




6 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 



And sometimes the bad things happen ON the cruise!  I'm so sorry to hear about the spider bite!  You had to wait a little while before the ship arrived in Hilo so I hope the medical center onboard was able to keep you comfortable.  As a young newlywed in 1970 I laid my head on my pillow one night and was bitten by a spider on my cheek.  Thank goodness it wasn't a venomous one but oh boy, the swelling!  Ridiculous!  Anyway, you get well and hopefully you will be able to fly home soon.  Certainly that wasn't your plan but you just never know what's going to happen next.  Thanks for sharing and we hope to hear more details when you're better.




36 minutes ago, go fish 44 said:

We also emailed and phone Mariner Society and the answer we got was no they do not use the status we have with Princess ( with over 400 days on Princess)  but I think the reason we did not get the status added we are already 3 star Mariners with Holland.  Sue


Unfortunately your days with Princess don't apply to your HAL day count.  Being a good Princess customer does get a first time HAL sailor 1 star before they board the ship though. 

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6 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long story short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 



Good grief! Hope recovery is quick and complete!

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7 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

St Louis Cruisers:


I see you are still posting our daily fleet report, thank you! I have been unable to read and post lately. 


We were on the Noordams 39 day Auckland  to Vancouver South Pacific adventure, when I got bitten in New Caledonia by a venomous spider. Long stor y short, I'm in Hilo, Hawaii, hospital recovering. I'll try to share details soon. Thanks. 


Oh no. That is wicked. Hope you are doing better and will be able go home soon. Spider bites are nasty!

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10 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Have never understood Canada’s rule on how many bars can be open on different decks on a cruise ship. As usual couldn’t have a drink in Pinnacle Bar tonight and had to go to Ocean Bar. What purpose does this serve?

Don’t get me started on purpose of Jones Act!

Weird; I had never noticed.

Here is the rule section from the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency):

Liquor Outlets and Bars

Liquor outlets and bars must be closed while in port. Under no circumstances should liquor be given or sold to visiting Canadian residents, shore personnel, or stevedoring personnel while the ship is in port.

While in port, one bar per 1,000 passengers, or one bar per deck that provides hospitality services (whichever is greater), may be allowed to remain open. For example, if there are four decks providing hospitality services, four bars may be allowed to remain open.

A letter requesting permission to open bars must be submitted to the FPOA inbox at the beginning of the season. This letter must include the bar location, the time it will be open, and, once suitably endorsed by the CBSA, will act as standing authority to open these bars, while in port, for the entire season. For any amendments to the original request, or if special circumstances exist that require additional bars to be open, another letter must be submitted to the CBSA.

The CBSA will conduct spot checks to ensure compliance and this privilege will be revoked if any bar is open without permission or if any Canadian resident visitor, shore personnel, or stevedoring personnel is served in a bar. In addition, monetary penalties may be assessed to the cruise line.

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