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P&O Cruisers - What are things like where YOU are?

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I hope you can have a nice day Josy, and forget about the nasties.  People! There’s always someone to spoil things

Indiana - sounding good for your mobility.  🤞 you continue to improve


We had a super day yesterday.  Lovely weather, beautiful walk & trencherman’s pub lunch.  Perfect!

(I don’t think that was a gravy boat my onion sauce was served in - looked a little more like a cream jug.  Perhaps it’s dual purpose?






Edited by Eddie99
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28 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I hope you can have a nice day Josy, and forget about the nasties.  People! There’s always someone to spoil things

Indiana - sounding good for your mobility.  🤞 you continue to improve


We had a super day yesterday.  Lovely weather, beautiful walk & trencherman’s pub lunch.  Perfect!

(I don’t think that was a gravy boat my onion sauce was served in - looked a little more like a cream jug.  Perhaps it’s dual purpose?






I enjoy trying to guess whereabouts in Dorset you took your wonderfull pictures. Gave up on this one..Warbarrow Bay?.

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3 hours ago, zap99 said:

I enjoy trying to guess whereabouts in Dorset you took your wonderfull pictures. Gave up on this one..Warbarrow Bay?.

We walked the SW Coastal Path from Osmington Mills towards Ringstead, then returned slightly inland.  The panorama pic is from the first part of the walk, looking back towards Weymouth. You can just about make out the causeway and Portland in the far distance.   It’s a bit up & down, lots of steps, but handrails where you need them, and only one ford, which isn’t running very deep, at the moment, fortunately.

The pub is the Smugglers Inn at Osmington 

The pie was chicken and ham hock!


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Here’s a little story to counter all the negative press currently being dished out to GPs by certain gutter newspapers.


My wife was bitten a few days ago by a False Widow spider. Her leg’s been very hot, itchy and increasingly puffy, and the usual treatments such as Hydrocortisone cream haven’t worked. 

Messaged our practice at 0815 this morning via AskMyGP, she had a phone call at 0845, and saw the GP at the surgery at 0945. Home by 1015 complete with necessary course of antibiotics, with the usual ‘Don’t hesitate to get back to me if that doesn’t sort it out.’


Don’t believe everything you read in newspapers that have an agenda to push. Getting on for half the GPs we have are saying they are considering retiring in the next 5 years and if anything like that happens the situation will be beyond critical. Not enough doctors want to go into general practice, and one of the reasons for that is the pressure of work and the constant abuse. Those newspapers are part of the problem.

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1 hour ago, Eddie99 said:

We walked the SW Coastal Path from Osmington Mills towards Ringstead, then returned slightly inland.  The panorama pic is from the first part of the walk, looking back towards Weymouth. You can just about make out the causeway and Portland in the far distance.   It’s a bit up & down, lots of steps, but handrails where you need them, and only one ford, which isn’t running very deep, at the moment, fortunately.

The pub is the Smugglers Inn at Osmington 

The pie was chicken and ham hock!


Should have guessed better. We stayed in the Caravan park down the road last year.😉

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1 hour ago, Eddie99 said:

We walked the SW Coastal Path from Osmington Mills towards Ringstead, then returned slightly inland.  The panorama pic is from the first part of the walk, looking back towards Weymouth. You can just about make out the causeway and Portland in the far distance.   It’s a bit up & down, lots of steps, but handrails where you need them, and only one ford, which isn’t running very deep, at the moment, fortunately.

The pub is the Smugglers Inn at Osmington 

The pie was chicken and ham hock!


That pub looks lovely and I think it is dog friendly so may give that a try when in that area.

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48 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Here’s a little story to counter all the negative press currently being dished out to GPs by certain gutter newspapers.


My wife was bitten a few days ago by a False Widow spider. Her leg’s been very hot, itchy and increasingly puffy, and the usual treatments such as Hydrocortisone cream haven’t worked. 

Messaged our practice at 0815 this morning via AskMyGP, she had a phone call at 0845, and saw the GP at the surgery at 0945. Home by 1015 complete with necessary course of antibiotics, with the usual ‘Don’t hesitate to get back to me if that doesn’t sort it out.’


Don’t believe everything you read in newspapers that have an agenda to push. Getting on for half the GPs we have are saying they are considering retiring in the next 5 years and if anything like that happens the situation will be beyond critical. Not enough doctors want to go into general practice, and one of the reasons for that is the pressure of work and the constant abuse. Those newspapers are part of the problem.

I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated  him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push.

The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind.


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10 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated  him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push.

The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind.


You are way more generous than me. I just don't believe any of it!

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2 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated  him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push.

The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind.


If only there were more people of your admirable calibre, Avril. Hope you’re both well, and looking forward to that cruise. I know I would be!

By the way, we gave up on renewing that cemetery plot down the road from you - too expensive and too far off for most of the family. We did discover though that it already holds the body of a little child (a very distant relative) who died aged about four.  Our daughter thought we ought to renew it just to keep him company, but I’m afraid he’ll now be getting someone else.

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35 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

If only there were more people of your admirable calibre, Avril. Hope you’re both well, and looking forward to that cruise. I know I would be!

By the way, we gave up on renewing that cemetery plot down the road from you - too expensive and too far off for most of the family. We did discover though that it already holds the body of a little child (a very distant relative) who died aged about four.  Our daughter thought we ought to renew it just to keep him company, but I’m afraid he’ll now be getting someone else.

I would'nt say 'admiral calibre' Harry, I'm simply not a sheep and won't be told what to think. I have my own mind and know how use it, however, thank you for the compliment🙂

We're both fairly well at the moment and ready for the cruise. 3 years since our last one and we're chomping at the bit now.

I wouldn't worry about the little boy Harry, I'm sure he won't be lonely for long.



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1 hour ago, Adawn47 said:

I can only speak of our own experiences, and our GP's practice is wonderful. Even in 2020 when Frank had an inner ear infection and couldn't get to the doctor, he came out and treated  him, he even came back 3 days later to see how he was. However only negative stories are newsworthy nowadays, and as you say, also those with an agenda to push.

The way I read news is disbelieve half or it, take the other 50% with a large grain of salt and then make up my own mind.


A sales manager where I worked told lies half the time. Problem was you didn't know which half. We all tended to ignore him. We found the customers did as well. He got the sack.


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6 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Here’s a little story to counter all the negative press currently being dished out to GPs by certain gutter newspapers.


My wife was bitten a few days ago by a False Widow spider. Her leg’s been very hot, itchy and increasingly puffy, and the usual treatments such as Hydrocortisone cream haven’t worked. 

Messaged our practice at 0815 this morning via AskMyGP, she had a phone call at 0845, and saw the GP at the surgery at 0945. Home by 1015 complete with necessary course of antibiotics, with the usual ‘Don’t hesitate to get back to me if that doesn’t sort it out.’


Don’t believe everything you read in newspapers that have an agenda to push. Getting on for half the GPs we have are saying they are considering retiring in the next 5 years and if anything like that happens the situation will be beyond critical. Not enough doctors want to go into general practice, and one of the reasons for that is the pressure of work and the constant abuse. Those newspapers are part of the problem.

Glad your wife received such good service from your GP but you are one of the lucky ones. We have to request appointment online and then it is triaged by the surgery to decide next course of action. If you haven't got a computer then it is back to the telephone which can take hours just to get an answer never mind seeing a doctor. If it is urgent you usually get the "go up A&E" if it is not urgent you are lucky to get an appointment within 7 days and sometimes up to 14 days. Whilst there might be over reaction by certain members of the gutter press there are widespread serious problems with many GP surgeries depending on the area you live. You seem to be very lucky and you should be thankful but it certainly isn't the norm around other parts of the country. I wish your wife well and hope the antibiotics do there magic and hope she recovers soon.

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21 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

Glad your wife received such good service from your GP but you are one of the lucky ones. We have to request appointment online and then it is triaged by the surgery to decide next course of action. If you haven't got a computer then it is back to the telephone which can take hours just to get an answer never mind seeing a doctor. If it is urgent you usually get the "go up A&E" if it is not urgent you are lucky to get an appointment within 7 days and sometimes up to 14 days. Whilst there might be over reaction by certain members of the gutter press there are widespread serious problems with many GP surgeries depending on the area you live. You seem to be very lucky and you should be thankful but it certainly isn't the norm around other parts of the country. I wish your wife well and hope the antibiotics do there magic and hope she recovers soon.

Thanks for the good wishes.  Our surgery uses the same triage system as yours - most do. It works extraordinarily well, but the phone alternative does involve a wait. Urgent cases are normally dealt with the same day, less urgent within a day or two. How one defines urgent might be a little subjective though....

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37 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

Glad your wife received such good service from your GP but you are one of the lucky ones. We have to request appointment online and then it is triaged by the surgery to decide next course of action. If you haven't got a computer then it is back to the telephone which can take hours just to get an answer never mind seeing a doctor. If it is urgent you usually get the "go up A&E" if it is not urgent you are lucky to get an appointment within 7 days and sometimes up to 14 days. Whilst there might be over reaction by certain members of the gutter press there are widespread serious problems with many GP surgeries depending on the area you live. You seem to be very lucky and you should be thankful but it certainly isn't the norm around other parts of the country. I wish your wife well and hope the antibiotics do there magic and hope she recovers soon.

Non-urgent wait here is currently over 3 weeks which is terrible in my opinion. 

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10 hours ago, majortom10 said:

Glad your wife received such good service from your GP but you are one of the lucky ones. We have to request appointment online and then it is triaged by the surgery to decide next course of action. If you haven't got a computer then it is back to the telephone which can take hours just to get an answer never mind seeing a doctor. If it is urgent you usually get the "go up A&E" if it is not urgent you are lucky to get an appointment within 7 days and sometimes up to 14 days. Whilst there might be over reaction by certain members of the gutter press there are widespread serious problems with many GP surgeries depending on the area you live. You seem to be very lucky and you should be thankful but it certainly isn't the norm around other parts of the country. I wish your wife well and hope the antibiotics do there magic and hope she recovers soon.

That is such awful service, it’s just not right in this day & age. What if someone for example is really not capable and too ill to sit on the phone for hours?

I have had a chest infection for two weeks now and I am currently just about to finish my second round of antibiotics. I rang on Monday at 8am, I had a second lot of antibiotics by 11 and a chest X-ray-ray by 12. It doesn’t seem right that one area can be so good and one so bad


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Pre-covid, if you wanted to see a GP, but not urgently, you could ring the surgery and arrange an appointment for five or six days in the future. Easy and practical.

Now, however, this is not possible. You have to ring at 8pm and join the queue, waiting on hold for an eternity,  to get a same day appointment, if you are lucky. How is this an improvement? 

My mother's surgery uses the same system.  The last time she made an appointment,  she rang dead on 8pm. She was number 55 in the queue ! Finally got through after holding on for 65 minutes - she was told that she could have an appointment,  but it would have to be in thirty minutes time ! Not easy when you are 96 and need to arrange a taxi.

The actual medical treatment she receives is excellent,  but the delivery of the service is dire

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