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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 28th, 2022


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7 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It will be back to hot and humid here but it was nice to have a day off.We have been to the port and very much enjoyed it.It was on a British Isles cruise with my DB and SIL.As we noted last year, Sandi and I were on the European Rivers cruise at the same time in 2018 but did not cross paths unfortunately. That was our last cruise.

We have a Farmers Market type store here that routinely  has cut up and peeled butternut  squash.I like all of the recipes and  will try the second one soon.Thanks, Tina @0106!

Tana's  son now has Covid.We tested everyone else and so far are negative. He says he is feeling "a little  lousy" and is very worried  about Mom getting it again.This is his second time.



Prayers 🙏 for Tana's son.

I hope he feels better soon.

Take care.


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Good afternoon from the lovely ms. Rotterdam.  We actually have WiFi today.  It has been out since Tuesday afternoon.   First was the fjord excuse followed by maintenance issues followed by repairs.  I’m not buying any of it. I guessed I missed the news of all the falls.  Please be careful!  No more tumbles!  @kazu Jacqui, I am thrilled Shadow is with you.  Enjoy!!! 

We made a last minute second visit to Eidfjord yesterday.  It is as supposed to be Ulvik, a replacement for Stavanger.  No problem as we love Eidfjord.  It is such a cute little town.  Sue and I hiked from town to the lake and back. Donna walked around town and went to the art museum.  

Today is Kristiansand and we did a lovely cruise through the islands around the town.  There must be hundreds of them.




Jellyfish in Lillisand.



I love those rock layers.




The lake in Eidfjord.




The trail.  Breathe deeply and smell the pine trees.  Ahhhhh!




We walked along the River.  Just a wonderful day.

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39 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Tina for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


Here are a couple of photos from the wedding. First is my sister and BIL with my niece. Second is the happy couple.






- Jack

Beautiful photos Jack.

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1 hour ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good morning from beautiful Southwest Florida.

I like the quote.

Believe or not, we have never been to a water park though have been on a few water rides at various amusement parks. Those from Chicago will probably remember the great Chute the Chutes water ride at Riverview Amusement Park.

I liked chocolate milk in my grammar school years.

Saharan dust has invaded Florida again, pretty bad today. 
Thanks for The Daily, stay well and have a great day.



For some reason I can't edit my original thread but I wanted to mention that I felt like I lost an old friend with the passing yesterday of Tony Dow of Leave It To Beaver fame. He was my age and I related to many of the predicaments that came on the show especially with Wally Cleaver. ME TV has re-runs of the show from Monday through Friday and every once in awhile I get nostalgic for TV from the 1950's and watch an episode or two.

May Tony Dow rest in peace.


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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  A waterpark would fit in well with the heat.  I like the quote today and the meal would be good sans chick peas.  Looking forward to hearing about the wine (it’s white 😉).  We’ve been to Portland once and, like Roy on the EE.  Did a lovely private tour and enjoyed the day and area very much.


Busy day yesterday trying to get Shadow to eat and drink (I succeeded).  She is one nervous nilly.




Has to be picked up to be taken out and brought in right now.  That will hopefully change with time.




She was petrified going in the kennel last night.  I think she thought she was going on another plane ride.  She finally plopped exhausted in the front hall.




So I decided to put my “dog ears” on for movement put some towels down on the floor “in case” and stayed with her downstairs.


She’s very sweet - and it’s going to take time (and patience) and hopefully I can help her.  Thanks for all the wonderful well wishes and welcomes yesterday.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  Have a great Thursday everyone!  





Sounds like what I would expect and she does look really sweet ..... those international flights are hard even on well socialized and secure dogs. She will get the idea soon.... just give her room and lots of verbal reassurance. Monty, whose life I am sure was much easier, would not come out of his crate willingly for the first couple of days he was here. Last night was the first night I have seen Monty and Bandit with the zoomies around the house.... it was fun to watch.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH's favourite is milk chocolate, while I prefer dark - especially if it has almonds in it.  We both like chocolate milk though.  We used to have a great waterpark in our city "Penguin Park" that drew huge crowds.  It closed suddenly when it was discovered one of the owners had been siphoning off money for needed repairs and the others couldn't afford to make them.  People still talk about it today with fond memories of summers spent there.


@kazuthank you for the great photos of Shadow!  I hope she doesn't take long to realize she hit the jackpot when she came into your care.

@smitty34877sorry to hear the teenager has tested positive; hopefully he won't feel miserable for long.

@1ANGELCATsending healing vibes to Fluff for a good outcome.


To all who had falls yesterday - yikes!   Falls at any age can be awful, but as we get a little older, can really take a toll on our bodies.  Hopefully everyone will heal quickly and fully.


It's a clear, quiet day out there this morning and looking up from the computer, I see a hot air balloon almost directly over our back yard.  It's a perfect morning for a ride, and I wish I was up there with them!  I went up in one a number of years ago and totally enjoyed the experience; I'd love to go again.  


Not a lot happening here today, just making sure all the plants get watered and maybe it's time to take a wet mop to the deck floor.  I'll do it later in the morning, that way it'll dry quickly and Sochi won't get to cat track all over the place.  I'm not a fan of butternut squash or chick peas, so will give today's menu suggestion a pass.  I've got a half pork loin that will be in the slow cooker soon and will be turned into pulled pork sandwiches this evening.  Pulled pork and coleslaw will be what's happening on our table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are assisting them with their struggle.  We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




Edited by ger_77
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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update. It’s a sunny and humid day here but thunderstorms are expected later.

Yesterday, took our female cat Fluff to the vet. She’s developed a lump on her belly and the vet thinks it’s cancerous. She did blood work and is waiting for the results. Also, said her lungs were a little raspy but X-ray was inconclusive., possible asthma but no treatment needed as she is not in pain. She believes surgery will take care of the cancer. It’s always something.

Now I want some Hershey kisses to celebrate the day. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏🎉

I am sorry to hear the news that Fluff probably has cancer, but glad to hear the vet thinks surgery will get rid of it.  Hugs to Fluff and you!




42 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It will be back to hot and humid here but it was nice to have a day off.We have been to the port and very much enjoyed it.It was on a British Isles cruise with my DB and SIL.As we noted last year, Sandi and I were on the European Rivers cruise at the same time in 2018 but did not cross paths unfortunately. That was our last cruise.

We have a Farmers Market type store here that routinely  has cut up and peeled butternut  squash.I like all of the recipes and  will try the second one soon.Thanks, Tina @0106!

Tana's  son now has Covid.We tested everyone else and so far are negative. He says he is feeling "a little  lousy" and is very worried  about Mom getting it again.This is his second time.



Oh no!  What a shame Tana's son came down with Covid now.  I really hope and pray she doesn't come down with it again.  Putting them both on my prayer list!




30 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good afternoon from the lovely ms. Rotterdam.  We actually have WiFi today.  It has been out since Tuesday afternoon.   First was the fjord excuse followed by maintenance issues followed by repairs.  I’m not buying any of it. I guessed I missed the news of all the falls.  Please be careful!  No more tumbles!  @kazu Jacqui, I am thrilled Shadow is with you.  Enjoy!!! 

We made a last minute second visit to Eidfjord yesterday.  It is as supposed to be Ulvik, a replacement for Stavanger.  No problem as we love Eidfjord.  It is such a cute little town.  Sue and I hiked from town to the lake and back. Donna walked around town and went to the art museum.  

Today is Kristiansand and we did a lovely cruise through the islands around the town.  There must be hundreds of them.




Jellyfish in Lillisand.



I love those rock layers.




The lake in Eidfjord.




The trail.  Breathe deeply and smell the pine trees.  Ahhhhh!




We walked along the River.  Just a wonderful day.

Nice to get a trip report from you Debbie!  I liked Eidfjord too.  Lovely fresh air and I'm sure an enjoyable hike to the lake.  




23 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

For some reason I can't edit my original thread but I wanted to mention that I felt like I lost an old friend with the passing yesterday of Tony Dow of Leave It To Beaver fame. He was my age and I related to many of the predicaments that came on the show especially with Wally Cleaver. ME TV has re-runs of the show from Monday through Friday and every once in awhile I get nostalgic for TV from the 1950's and watch an episode or two.

May Tony Dow rest in peace.


I was sad to hear of Tony Dow passing too.  Those were the good old days of television, weren't they?   By the way we got an email in our neighborhood letting us know a friend on our street got a hole in one Sunday on the golf course here.  Pretty exciting news for a golfer!  I thought of you, our resident golfer on the Daily, and wondered if you've gotten a hole in one before?  You might have even had several with all the golf you play.  


Edited to add that posts can only be edited for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Then the edit feature goes away when you click on the 3 dots at the upper right of your post.  You have to be fast!




12 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  DH's favourite is milk chocolate, while I prefer dark - especially if it has almonds in it.  We both like chocolate milk though.  We used to have a great waterpark in our city "Penguin Park" that drew huge crowds.  It closed suddenly when it was discovered one of the owners had been siphoning off money for needed repairs and the others couldn't afford to make them.  People still talk about it today with fond memories of summers spent there.


@kazuthank you for the great photos of Shadow!  I hope she doesn't take long to realize she hit the jackpot when she came into your care.

@smitty34877sorry to hear the teenager has tested positive; hopefully he won't feel miserable for long.


To all who had falls yesterday - yikes!   Falls at any age can be awful, but as we get a little older, can really take a toll on our bodies.  Hopefully everyone will heal quickly and fully.


It's a clear, quiet day out there this morning and looking up from the computer, I see a hot air balloon almost directly over our back yard.  It's a perfect morning for a ride, and I wish I was up there with them!  I went up in one a number of years ago and totally enjoyed the experience; I'd love to go again.  


Not a lot happening here today, just making sure all the plants get watered and maybe it's time to take a wet mop to the deck floor.  I'll do it later in the morning, that way it'll dry quickly and Sochi won't get to cat track all over the place.  I'm not a fan of butternut squash or chick peas, so will give today's menu suggestion a pass.  I've got a half pork loin that will be in the slow cooker soon and will be turned into pulled pork sandwiches this evening.  Pulled pork and coleslaw will be what's happening on our table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra for the people of Ukraine and all who are assisting them with their struggle.  We'll raise the glasses to celebrate all on the happy list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wear masks when needed, and stay well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




A hot air balloon almost directly over your backyard is a pretty big deal!  I doubt any of us can say that has ever happened to us.  Did you get any photos?


Edited by StLouisCruisers
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30 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am sorry to hear the news that Fluff probably has cancer, but glad to hear the vet thinks surgery will get rid of it.  Hugs to Fluff and you!




Oh no!  What a shame Tana's son came down with Covid now.  I really hope and pray she doesn't come down with it again.  Putting them both on my prayer list!




Nice to get a trip report from you Debbie!  I liked Eidfjord too.  Lovely fresh air and I'm sure an enjoyable hike to the lake.  




I was sad to hear of Tony Dow passing too.  Those were the good old days of television, weren't they?   By the way we got an email in our neighborhood letting us know a friend on our street got a hole in one Sunday on the golf course here.  Pretty exciting news for a golfer!  I thought of you, our resident golfer on the Daily, and wondered if you've gotten a hole in one before?  You might have even had several with all the golf you play.  


Edited to add that posts can only be edited for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Then the edit feature goes away when you click on the 3 dots at the upper right of your post.  You have to be fast!




A hot air balloon almost directly over your backyard is a pretty big deal!  I doubt any of us can say that has ever happened to us.  Did you get any photos?


Sandy, Thanks for the info on editing.

I’ve had 7 hole in ones and posted here on The Daily about my on my 6th one on Memorial Day. Well I didn’t post that I had my 7th 12 days later on the same hole which was like insane but It happened.


Edited by MISTER 67
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5 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

Sandy, Thanks for the info on editing.

I’ve had 7 hole in ones and posted here on The Daily about my on my 6th one on Memorial Day. Well I didn’t post that I had my 7th 12 days later on the same hole which was like insane but It happened.


That is amazing!  Congratulations!!

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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  A waterpark would fit in well with the heat.  I like the quote today and the meal would be good sans chick peas.  Looking forward to hearing about the wine (it’s white 😉).  We’ve been to Portland once and, like Roy on the EE.  Did a lovely private tour and enjoyed the day and area very much.


Busy day yesterday trying to get Shadow to eat and drink (I succeeded).  She is one nervous nilly.




Has to be picked up to be taken out and brought in right now.  That will hopefully change with time.




She was petrified going in the kennel last night.  I think she thought she was going on another plane ride.  She finally plopped exhausted in the front hall.




So I decided to put my “dog ears” on for movement put some towels down on the floor “in case” and stayed with her downstairs.


She’s very sweet - and it’s going to take time (and patience) and hopefully I can help her.  Thanks for all the wonderful well wishes and welcomes yesterday.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and a 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.  Have a great Thursday everyone!  





Jacqui, Thanks for all the pictures of Shadow.  She is a beautiful dog, and hopefully in time she will feel right at home with you.  I think that she and you will make a great match and will be very good for each other.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Tana's  son now has Covid.We tested everyone else and so far are negative. He says he is feeling "a little  lousy" and is very worried  about Mom getting it again.This is his second time.


Oh no!  Hoping he can recover quickly and you are all safe.  None of you need this complication - especially Tana 🙏🏻 


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:


2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:


Also, said her lungs were a little raspy but X-ray was inconclusive., possible asthma but no treatment needed as she is not in pain. She believes surgery will take care of the cancer. It’s always something.

Now I want some Hershey kisses to celebrate the day. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.❤️🙏🎉


Poor Fluff 😔 Hopefully the surgery will take care of her cancer and she will continue to have a good life 🙏🏻 


55 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Great photos of Shadow.  Does she accept a leash yet.  @kazu be careful when that happens, as you don't need a fall.




No - she doesn’t - at least not with her collar.  She fights like heck.  I’m wondering if she was dragged at some stage.  I saw a video where she did walk hesitantly with a make shift harness.  I have lots of harnesses so once she’s a little more comfortable, I’m going to make sure it’s fitted well on her and then tackle it slowly.

LOL - on being careful.  it’s a lot trickier to pick her up to bring her in and out.  She’s scared of the door and the ridge.  I’m getting her closer though 😉 

Today will be a no added stress day for her so she can slowly start to relax (or as relaxed as she can be).  She’s had several tough days of travel and different homes.

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Good morning from sunny, breezy central Texas.  Nothing big on the agenda today except a haircut for me.


I used to like milk chocolate until I discovered dark chocolate.  However, in a pinch, I'll take milk chocolate just because it's chocolate. 😉  We used to go to a water park near our home when we lived in The Woodlands.  It was a nice way to spend a hot, humid summer day.  I'll gladly celebrate Buffalo Soldiers, who played a big part in taming the western part of Texas.  There are several old forts in Texas where the Buffalo Soldiers were stationed, but the best preserved is Fort Davis in Fort Davis, Texas.  We've been there many times, but I can't find any pictures of the fort.


The Stephen King quote is interesting.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and the wine today.


We have been to Portland, England, once on Prinsendam.  I'll repost my pictures in a few minutes.


Speaking of England, if any of you are like us and have some leftover pounds, the Bank of England is withdrawing the paper 20 and 50 pound notes, and the 10 pound paper note have already been withdrawn.  The paper 20 and 50 pound notes will be withdrawn on September 30, and they are being replaced with polymer notes.  We have several 20 pound paper notes which we'll give to our SDIL before he goes to England next month.  I guess our paper 10 pound note will become a souvenir.


@marshhawk  I'm glad you are feeling better today and hope the soreness goes away soon.  Also, I hope your DH gets a good report from the oncologist today.

@MISTER 67  Wow, on seven holes-in-one, and two on the same hole so close together.  Have you thought about buying a lottery ticket?  🤣

@kazu  Jacqui, thanks for the pictures of Shadow.  She looks sweet in the pictures, and I hope she settles into her new home soon.  I don't blame her for being reluctant to go into the crate after being in one and put on a long flight.  I know with patience, she will become a more trusting dog and a great companion for you as you will be for her.

@smitty34877  Terry, while I'm not surprised, I am very sorry Tana's son has Covid for the second time.  I am sure he will do his best to keep her and the rest of you from getting it.  Sending positive thoughts for both of them and that he has a mild case and recovers quickly.

@Heartgrove  Thanks for the pictures from the wedding.  Your niece looks lovely and very happy.

@1ANGELCAT  I'm sorry Fluff has a possible cancerous tumor, and sending good thoughts that surgery will take care of it.  She's a pretty kitty.

@dfish  Debbie, thank you for the report and the pictures.  We enjoyed our day in Eidfjord in 2017.  I know you will enjoy Kristiansand too.



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On August 18, 2017, we visited Portland and Weymouth on the Prinsendam.  These pictures were taken when we got off the shuttle in Weymouth and after we returned the rental car when we walked around before taking the shuttle back to Portland and the Prinsendam.


Our early morning stroll while we checked with the rental companies.  We finally found one vehicle for rent, and we spent most of the day visiting Bath.





Our walk around the harbor area after coming back from the car rental company.













Our chariot for the day.  It got us where we wanted to go and back.  What more could you ask for?




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Good morning all!

I like all the days (I prefer dark chocolate but will take any offered!).  Will pass on the meal and drink, but I love white blends so would like to try this one.  Have never been to the port, thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserfor the photos!  Love or hate Stephen King, the quote is true.


@1ANGELCATprayers for Fluff.  Good news that the vet believes surgery will take care of the problem.

Jack @Heartgrovegreat photos from the wedding!

Terry @smitty34877oh no about Tana's son getting Covid.  Prayers that none of the rest of the family gets it.

Debbie @dfishthanks for checking in!  You must be doing well to take that hike up to the lake.  Great photos!  "Hi" to Sue 🙂 

Jacqui @kazuShadow looks so sweet!  She's very lucky to have you!


Last night I read that they hope to have the booster against this variant available in September.  Fingers crossed because we'd love to get it before our early October cruise.  They said early-mid Sept...which would be perfect if true.


Today DH and I have a lot of outside "stuff" to get done, so I'll hurry along....have a great day everyone!

Edited by Cruising-along
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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report, and thank you Tina for today's recipes. And thank you all for being here!


Here are a couple of photos from the wedding. First is my sister and BIL with my niece. Second is the happy couple.






- Jack

Lovely  photos.

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1 hour ago, MISTER 67 said:

Sandy, Thanks for the info on editing.

I’ve had 7 hole in ones and posted here on The Daily about my on my 6th one on Memorial Day. Well I didn’t post that I had my 7th 12 days later on the same hole which was like insane but It happened.


Well done George.

They should name that hole after you.


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