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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 25th, 2022


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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Rosh Hashanah to those who celebrate. Best to those living with deafness. I used to like comic books and still have a collection of Star Trek ones. Good quote, except for taking tests where you had to have memorized things.

I like the meal recipes. Pass on the drink, but I'll take the wine.

I haven't been to Monterey. Thanks for the photos.


I'm cold. I can't get used to these lower temps yet. It's 64F. We had some rain this morning and more possible this afternoon. I didn't sleep well last night with hip pain (bursitis) and knee pain. Getting old isn't for sissies, as they say!


@grapau27 Thanks for today's sermon. I have the same as you; some loss of high pitch sounds and tinnitus (which is being particularly annoying recently). Prayers for Fr. David's biopsy report to be not serious.

@kazu It's good to hear you came through Fiona relatively unscathed. I saw on the news how PEI and other areas suffered tremendous damage. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope you are out of the way of storms, but best to be prepared. I do hope you get to your anniversary trip.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@HAL4NOW Sorry to hear the Bolt Creek fire is expected to flare up and travel again.

@smitty34877 Good to hear that Camilla's Dad is ok. 

@dfish Thanks for checking in. Yay on finding a house you and Sue like, and prayers that your offer is accepted!

@TiogaCruiser Early Happy 96th Birthday to your DD!

@Cruising-along Nice way to spend your self-isolation time. And a nice surprise for DH's birthday, having his DS there!

@*Miss G* I had that same reaction to the shingles vaccine, chills, headache, fatigue for about 36 hours. 

@rafinmd Good to hear that your relative in NS is ok.


Prayers for the Care List. Prayers for those affected by Fiona and those in the path of Ian.

Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.


Vanessa, have you had steroid shots in your hip that target the bursa?  DH had the shots over a few years, and they helped not only with the bursitis but the pain from the sciatica.   Last year, he had a new procedure that used ultra sound to break up the build up on the nerve that was causing the bursitis.  The probe also used water to flush out the debris.  It helped relieve the pain.



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I think I missed a day of saga posting…


September 12th


Up somewhat early, dressed and down to the amazing breakfast buffet that is included. Though not as extensive a choice of fresh fruit, still ripe, sweet and juicy and delicious. But the rest of the buffet was amazing. All the hot dishes were in lidded le Creuset pots, so we got a workout just serving ourselves. 😎. Actually the scrambled eggs were a bit too moist, unless one served oneself from the top outside edge of the contents.  We went back to the room and collected our hoodies. 

Then we went outside to wait for the Viator bus. My friend chose this tour because she wanted something easy that included everything she want to see on Vancouver Island as well as transportation. I had my doubts. Bus, ferry, bus, ferry, bus did not sound fun to me. Surprise! Our driver, Eric Cooper, would also be our guide for the day. So we would not be bouncing around as much as I feared. 

We hit a bit of construction and traffic on our way to pick others up & then we were off. Eric was entertaining and personable. I discovered that he had lived in Massachusetts working for an IT firm. But he was back in the land of his heritage and loved it.

We made it in plenty of time to board the ferry and we enjoyed the gorgeous weather on our way to Vancouver Island.  We pulled in to Butchart Gardens with the recommendation to get some of their delicious ice cream and then start exploring. So we did. It was good stuff. We only had two hours, so tea was not an option. In hindsight, we should have stayed the night in Victoria, which would have given us so much more time to explore the gardens. Two hours sounds like a lot of time until you start exploring. Some sections seemed very familiar to me, even though it had been almost 30 years since my last visit. But I had never seen the Ross or Dragon fountains,  nor the Japanese Garden before!












We all returned to our bus promptly, and headed to Victoria. Here, Eric made some dinner suggestions that would allow for a bit of exploring time as well. 

We enjoyed dinner outside. And it was a spectacular afternoon.  We walked a bit around the harbor before returning to the bus.


The iconic Empress Hotel.



The Parliament building.




Back to the ferry terminal, where we were the first big vehicle to board. It was now almost dark. And we were tired. Another long day. But spectacular. When the ferry arrived - the poor driver of the bus behind ours was running up and down, looking for a missing passenger. He figured he’d got on the wrong bus. Hope he found him. 

Our bus was very quiet on the ride back to Vancouver. Ours was the second stop. We thanked Eric for a great day. And then we went to the hotel bar to spend the last of our credit. We each had a glass of very nice Blasted Church Viognier from Canada. Seriously that is the vintner’s name. It was a perfect end to a great, though short, visit. 

Tomorrow we return to the States.



Edited by cat shepard
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@rafinmd No, the Pride Transatlantic was added on after I booked the Pride-Greece cruise.  Chuck asked when does the ship come back to the states, he has always wanted to do a transatlantic cruise, and it was the cruise after Greece, so I tagged it on.  Carnival, no longer (we were told) has the book a cruise while you are on a cruise.  It was explained that it was far too easy to do it on line, because you can choose the cruise, the cabin, etc. and as they did explain that they may take money for the cruise, but couldnt actually book anything after that.


There were so many cuts on this cruise, that if I didn't like being on the water so much, I doubt if I would go on another Carnival cruise, if they were not already booked.  I paid off the Greece trip today, and will pay off the rest of the transatlantic over the next 3 months with money from the part time job.


I did hear on this last cruise that Carnival is going to come up with another level of membership between Platinum and Diamond to cut down on the amount of Platinum cruisers with benefits. But that was not from a Carnival employee, just another loyal patron.  Another reason to start cruising with HAL, and I cant wait to try it out in May!

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Vanessa, have you had steroid shots in your hip that target the bursa?  DH had the shots over a few years, and they helped not only with the bursitis but the pain from the sciatica.   Last year, he had a new procedure that used ultra sound to break up the build up on the nerve that was causing the bursitis.  The probe also used water to flush out the debris.  It helped relieve the pain.




Lenda, I've had no treatment for the bursitis. It was mentioned by the Rheumatology PA when it was seen on a past MRI. I will talk to her when I have an appointment the end of next month. Thanks for the information.

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1 minute ago, JazzyV said:


Lenda, I've had no treatment for the bursitis. It was mentioned by the Rheumatology PA when it was seen on a past MRI. I will talk to her when I have an appointment the end of next month. Thanks for the information.


Glad I could help.  With the shots DH got, the doctor used an ultra sound to guide the needle to the right spot.



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10 hours ago, 0106 said:

Mozzarella cheese is made by kneading cheese curds


Ok, I am tired but have to say this - fresh -really fresh cheese curds beat mozarella cheese any day of the week.  If they don’t ‘squeak’ they are not fresh.


Recipes are great - forgive the disruption.



9 hours ago, dfish said:

We found a house we like and are putting in an offer.  Here’s hoping this one goes through.


Woo hoo!  So happy to hear this - I hope this one is a LOT smoother for you - (remember the commercial?) You deserve a break today (my adlib) so get to going and move away.  

Prayer it is smooth and easy this time 🙏🏻 


7 hours ago, irishjim said:

I cannot  hear  very  well if people  are  wearing  masks unless

they  speak  very  loud.



It’s not just you Jim, nurses had a hard time understanding me at the hospital with my mask on at times.  I had to repeat several times.  thankfully most of the screeners knew me and stopped the foolishness and just asked the one key question “has anything changed since yesterday?”.  The newbies got it quickly 😉 


7 hours ago, summer slope said:

Hurricane shutters are going down. 


Oh my Dixie, stay safe.  I know what it’s like to wait out a storm - not fun.  I hope you escape unscathed.  My prayers are with you 🙏🏻 


3 hours ago, fatcat04 said:

Just announced on NS we will be going to Saguenay (8am - 6pm) tomorrow and skipping both Charlottetown and Sydney. Totally understandable. Still praying for our Maritime friends. 


Not surprising and for anyone disappointed - believe me - you wouldn’t want to go there right now.  Saguenay is a nice spot.  Enjoy.


6 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good Morning All,

Somehow we’ve made it to Sunday. It’s been a long week in our household. We’ll celebrate Dad’s 96th birthday today, a little early.


Wow 96 years!  That is certainly worthy of celebration.  A very happy birthday to your dad.





I started clean up at 10 and came in around 3 pm.  Went back out at 4 but the best I could do is another hour.  There is more clean up to do but my legs were hurting too much at that stage.  I have 7 bags of compost - have already begged to share compost space with neighbours and the bin is full.  there is more to do but will have to wait.  I am out of energy and need a 1) hot bath, 2)  massage (none here ) and 3)  wine.  I guess I will settle for 1) and 3).  I am either getting old or feeling it from not having my partner to work on the driveway and deck while I did the rest.  I am beat.


Prayers for those in the path of the hurricane and thank you all for the kind posts and caring. ♥️ 

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6 hours ago, *Miss G* said:


Thanks Lenda.  I was just about to hit the button to confirm an appointment for today when it told me to download and read the PDF.  The moment I saw chills, fever, headache, etc, I said “Oh HELL no” and backed right out.  😂  I’d rather do that (well, I wouldn’t rather do it at all) when my husband is here and I don’t have a million things to cram in before my happy hols.



And I’ll bet my last dollar that he wasn’t the one looking it up!!


A wise choice, the new shingles vaccine can hit quite hard. 

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Well, I am me again. Within two days of returning from our cruise I came down with covid, even though everything should have been good. And my sister tested positive two days later.  What can I say, Alaska was beautiful and we didn't get sick until we were safely home and we had a good time and enjoyed the cruise a lot. But today is my freedom day. I have cleared the requirements to be around others and one of my sons came over and filled my gas cans for the generator in case the hurricane doesn't like Florida and decides for come our way.  I am experiencing my first fall away from the northwest. Even though a few leaves are changing, the evenings are still warm and everything is still green. It will be fun to learn about the different seasons in the south. Thanks everyone for being here, including Rich and all who regularly add to the thread. Prayers for those in need and cheers for all.

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28 minutes ago, kazu said:

I am either getting old or feeling it from not having my partner to work on the driveway and deck while I did the rest.  I am beat.


@kazu Glad to read that you are safe and your home/property mostly unscathed. What you didn't get done today will be there tomorrow. For tonight just luxuriate in your bath, dine, and wine, wine, wine.



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20 minutes ago, lindaler said:

Well, I am me again. Within two days of returning from our cruise I came down with covid, even though everything should have been good. And my sister tested positive two days later.  What can I say, Alaska was beautiful and we didn't get sick until we were safely home and we had a good time and enjoyed the cruise a lot. But today is my freedom day. I have cleared the requirements to be around others and one of my sons came over and filled my gas cans for the generator in case the hurricane doesn't like Florida and decides for come our way.  I am experiencing my first fall away from the northwest. Even though a few leaves are changing, the evenings are still warm and everything is still green. It will be fun to learn about the different seasons in the south. Thanks everyone for being here, including Rich and all who regularly add to the thread. Prayers for those in need and cheers for all.


Linda, sorry to hear about your Covid diagnosis after your cruise.  But it sounds like if you were going to have it, you got it at the right time.  Quarantine at home instead of missing your cruise!  Hope you stay safe from Ian, and I'm glad your sons are there in case you need anything.  Take care!

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5 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Linda, sorry to hear about your Covid diagnosis after your cruise.  But it sounds like if you were going to have it, you got it at the right time.  Quarantine at home instead of missing your cruise!  Hope you stay safe from Ian, and I'm glad your sons are there in case you need anything.  Take care!

Or stranded in a hotel at the end of the cruise.



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4 hours ago, lindaler said:

Well, I am me again. Within two days of returning from our cruise I came down with covid, even though everything should have been good. And my sister tested positive two days later.  What can I say, Alaska was beautiful and we didn't get sick until we were safely home and we had a good time and enjoyed the cruise a lot. But today is my freedom day. I have cleared the requirements to be around others and one of my sons came over and filled my gas cans for the generator in case the hurricane doesn't like Florida and decides for come our way.  I am experiencing my first fall away from the northwest. Even though a few leaves are changing, the evenings are still warm and everything is still green. It will be fun to learn about the different seasons in the south. Thanks everyone for being here, including Rich and all who regularly add to the thread. Prayers for those in need and cheers for all.


Linda, I'm sorry you and your sister got covid after your cruise.  At least, it wasn't on the cruise. I'm also glad you are feeling better and back to normal life.



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