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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday January 23rd, 2023


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@StLouisCruisersit was wonderful that DS was able to join us. He received word of a layoff a couple of weeks before we were to leave. DH asked him to join us and he would foot the bill. Unknown to me, DH had called HAL and was able to book an inside cabin right down the hall from us. So DH and DS shared the inside cabin and DD and myself had the signature Suite. lol.   Dh made some deal with our son and he was to go on excursions with me or stay with his sister .it was wonderful having him there as he carried all my stuff . He also pushed his sister up some really steep hills that DH never would have been able to do. So all worked out, he did a few telephone interviews while we were gone and luckily started back to work about a week after our return! 

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  @Cruising-along, my condolences on the death of poor Patricia.  She will be missed, I'm sure, by all who knew her, especially her daughters.


Well, this morning was a partial success.  My laptop is back in action.  In the shop "Kim" forced it to start and said the battery was empty.  I explained what had happened and he said I should NEVER have left it on my upholstered (and blanketed) footstool. I had no idea there was a vent in the back of laptop, just in the hinge area.  Evidently the blanket smothered the vent and the poor baby overheated and had to shut itself down.  But all is well now.


But our visit to the coffee shop was a dud - it was closed for the holiday!  We'll pop in tomorrow after the  doctor appointment and drop off our gift.  We went to Timmie's instead.


It seems like Spring, suddenly the snowdrops are blooming furiously, my hellebores are showing their noses above ground, and there is some weak sunshine!  Of course, February is the cruellest month...

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @rafinmd.

I like some pies, my favorite being key lime pie, but don't eat it often. I've been complimented on my good handwriting in the past. My DM was a teacher and had perfect "Palmer Method" handwriting. I did measure my feet, as they seem to have grown with age, and upped my sneakers a half size. Interesting quote. I love London broil; I'll have to defrost the one in the freezer. I'll pass on the drink and yes to the wine. And also yes to Roy's chilled banana soup.

I haven't been to Uturoa.


We got some snow overnight, about 2", but the roads aren't too bad (there were some accidents). It seems to not have stuck to my walkways, so no shoveling needed. I'll see what the news says before deciding about a run to the big box store. My eye has been irritated and somewhat red yesterday, but I think I beat back a flareup by using extra drops yesterday. I see the eye doctor on Thursday and I'm hoping the commute is ok, with some snow forecast then.


@Cruising-along Thinking of you and your family today.

@Seasick Sailor Nice photos from your St. Kitts excursion. Enjoy your remaining days onboard!

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos of Uturoa.

@kazu That's a lot of snow. Glad you're safe inside and got provisions the other day. 

@RedneckBob That's a great shot!

@smitty34877 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎂 

@Sharon in AZ Enjoy GWTW! 

@cunnorl Nice pictures.

@aliaschief Happy Birthday to Susan! 🎈

@Vict0riann How sad for Jenny; prayers for her. I hope your cold symptoms are gone soon.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos, thanks.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.

Thanks. Very lucky to get photo of spinner dolphin out of water. We had been snorkeling just to left of dolphin and were departing the area on our tour boat when the photo was taken. Amazing how it all happened. There were ten of us who got together prior to arrival, went ashore to information booth,  arranged a private snorkel excursion for $25 each and the rest is history.

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47 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I can't like this but  Thank You for letting us know.  I'm not sure but I have a feeling people in Patricia's condition may be aware of the presence of their lived ones around them, at least I hope so.  Patricia will be deeply missed.



Thank you, Roy.  I hope so too -- I hope she was at least able to be aware of their touch and maybe voices, at least in a comforting way even if her damaged brain couldn't understand completely.

And thank you for keeping her on the care list and rotation for so long.  

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1 hour ago, cunnorl said:

@StLouisCruisersit was wonderful that DS was able to join us. He received word of a layoff a couple of weeks before we were to leave. DH asked him to join us and he would foot the bill. Unknown to me, DH had called HAL and was able to book an inside cabin right down the hall from us. So DH and DS shared the inside cabin and DD and myself had the signature Suite. lol.   Dh made some deal with our son and he was to go on excursions with me or stay with his sister .it was wonderful having him there as he carried all my stuff . He also pushed his sister up some really steep hills that DH never would have been able to do. So all worked out, he did a few telephone interviews while we were gone and luckily started back to work about a week after our return! 


What a gift to your family that layoff was!  It sounds like everyone enjoyed his addition to the cruise immensely.  Great memories!

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Thank you all for your warm welcome. I’ve met some of you over the years and miles… and emailed with others- Jacquie helped me with our first visit to Spain and Lisbon. Jeanette and Phil have “been with me” a decade now. I remember meeting Ann and Pat but not sure which ship!  Maybe Amsterdam, Panama Canal?  Sorry, it gets blurry. 

Thank you Carolyn for the sad update. Strength and comfort to the family in releasing Patricia’s tether to a life she could no longer live. 
Hoping for news from Kathi. 
Thank you Roy for the maps!  And to those with photos of Riatia, great memories!  Unlikely I’ll return but glad we kayaked the river there!  The sailaway took us through the pass between Ta’ha and Riatia… stunning. 
Blessings to all facing challenges, and to those celebrating!  
Off to book group tonight, busy week. Thanks all for being here!  Please be safe. 

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@dfish the new baseboards available for sale today are MDF (?), AKA fake wood and some look like  plastic and most of them are already white. If the ones in your home are wood and you want to keep them, I would also recommend that tool as pictured on the previous page.  A bit of work, but worth it in my opinion.  


@Cruising-along sorry to hear about Patricia's death.  


Happy birthday to all that are celebrating today.

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Last Dressy Night. I ordered the 15 oz lobster. Delicious!


As many of you know, I am allergic to garlic. 43 days in board and our steward should have remembered. My spinach had garlic and 15 minutes later I was barfing in the ladies room, grabbed Allen and continued barfing in our cabin. Never got a chance to tell our waiter.





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This morning we watched the beautiful Konigsdam arrive in Hilo, Hawaii. DH managed a quick photo from our balcony at the Grand Naniloa Hilton. If we return from dinner (and apple pie!) from DD home, we will look for a sunset sail-away. 



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Thanks for all the suggestions on the paint job.  In my old house I was working with hardwood floors, so I just taped them off and painted away.   I think the tool that @Rowsby showed is the way to go.  I really don't want the hassle of taking off baseboards and putting them back up.  I'm guessing these are wood if they are original to the house.  So, I am ready to banish the puke pink from my bedroom!

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46 minutes ago, dfish said:

Thanks for all the suggestions on the paint job.  In my old house I was working with hardwood floors, so I just taped them off and painted away.   I think the tool that @Rowsby showed is the way to go.  I really don't want the hassle of taking off baseboards and putting them back up.  I'm guessing these are wood if they are original to the house.  So, I am ready to banish the puke pink from my bedroom!


Debbie, I've done this with a paint shield/guide like Rowsby mentioned.  They sell pretty long ones, so that makes it a quicker job.  If you get a sturdy one, it kind of holds the carpet back so you can get in deep.  I just feathered the paint down at the below-carpet area, so it wasn't very wet.  And sloppy painter that I am, I did tape the wall at the top of the baseboards.  

Good luck, Debbie.  Tedious job, but mine did turn out well.

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@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for posting the locations of the Holland America Line Fleet, and the "Daily", and for the Care and Celebration lists.  Also, thanks for listing a New Zealand wine.

Happy Birthday greetings to @smitty34877  and to Susan wife of @aliaschief.

@Cruising-along thank you for the update of Patricia, we send our condolences.


It's an overcast day, temperature only 16 C.   

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Good evening.  The graham cracker crust turned out better than I expected, and the key lime pie was a hit.


Today was nice and sunny until about 4 this afternoon when the clouds started moving in.  Our forecast is still for rain tomorrow, but north and west of here, they are expecting rain and snow.  The Panhandle is expecting snow.  I'm glad we live south of I-20.


7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Looks like paradise Lenda.


Graham, just about any place in Ftench Polynesia is paradise.  Our favorite is Bora Bora, with Mootea a close second.


5 hours ago, cunnorl said:

@StLouisCruisersit was wonderful that DS was able to join us. He received word of a layoff a couple of weeks before we were to leave. DH asked him to join us and he would foot the bill. Unknown to me, DH had called HAL and was able to book an inside cabin right down the hall from us. So DH and DS shared the inside cabin and DD and myself had the signature Suite. lol.   Dh made some deal with our son and he was to go on excursions with me or stay with his sister .it was wonderful having him there as he carried all my stuff . He also pushed his sister up some really steep hills that DH never would have been able to do. So all worked out, he did a few telephone interviews while we were gone and luckily started back to work about a week after our return! 


Charlene, that sounds like a lovely cruise, and the timing worked out well.


5 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

  @Cruising-along, my condolences on the death of poor Patricia.  She will be missed, I'm sure, by all who knew her, especially her daughters.


Well, this morning was a partial success.  My laptop is back in action.  In the shop "Kim" forced it to start and said the battery was empty.  I explained what had happened and he said I should NEVER have left it on my upholstered (and blanketed) footstool. I had no idea there was a vent in the back of laptop, just in the hinge area.  Evidently the blanket smothered the vent and the poor baby overheated and had to shut itself down.  But all is well now.


But our visit to the coffee shop was a dud - it was closed for the holiday!  We'll pop in tomorrow after the  doctor appointment and drop off our gift.  We went to Timmie's instead.


It seems like Spring, suddenly the snowdrops are blooming furiously, my hellebores are showing their noses above ground, and there is some weak sunshine!  Of course, February is the cruellest month...


Ann, that's good that they got your laptop working.  Sorry your coffee time did not work out as planned.


4 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks. Very lucky to get photo of spinner dolphin out of water. We had been snorkeling just to left of dolphin and were departing the area on our tour boat when the photo was taken. Amazing how it all happened. There were ten of us who got together prior to arrival, went ashore to information booth,  arranged a private snorkel excursion for $25 each and the rest is history.


The picture of the spinner dolphin was incredible.  What a lucky shot.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Last Dressy Night. I ordered the 15 oz lobster. Delicious!


As many of you know, I am allergic to garlic. 43 days in board and our steward should have remembered. My spinach had garlic and 15 minutes later I was barfing in the ladies room, grabbed Allen and continued barfing in our cabin. Never got a chance to tell our waiter.






Joy, how unfortunate about the garlic.  I hope you are buetter now.


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Thanks for all the suggestions on the paint job.  In my old house I was working with hardwood floors, so I just taped them off and painted away.   I think the tool that @Rowsby showed is the way to go.  I really don't want the hassle of taking off baseboards and putting them back up.  I'm guessing these are wood if they are original to the house.  So, I am ready to banish the puke pink from my bedroom!


Debbie, I would risk the carpet to get rid of the "puke pink" too.  The last house I painted had stained baseboards, so I just taped them and put a plastic drop cloth on the carpet.  We have often used a tool like the one shown, and they work well.


6 hours ago, richwmn said:

We are currently in Uturoa. Here is the view from my balcony and the Lido aft20230123_062855.thumb.jpg.ef9a9698582fffd44de102fee40f9dc7.jpg














earlier today.




Rich, thanks for the pictures.  It looks like you had decent weather.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Last Dressy Night. I ordered the 15 oz lobster. Delicious!


As many of you know, I am allergic to garlic. 43 days in board and our steward should have remembered. My spinach had garlic and 15 minutes later I was barfing in the ladies room, grabbed Allen and continued barfing in our cabin. Never got a chance to tell our waiter.





Oh no Joy.

I'm sorry to hear you were given garlic when you are allergic to it.

I hope you are feeling better now.

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8 hours ago, dfish said:

Thanks for all the suggestions on the paint job.  In my old house I was working with hardwood floors, so I just taped them off and painted away.   I think the tool that @Rowsby showed is the way to go.  I really don't want the hassle of taking off baseboards and putting them back up.  I'm guessing these are wood if they are original to the house.  So, I am ready to banish the puke pink from my bedroom!

Paulines late dad was a painter and decorator and he always used masking tape to get a perfect finish.

He would put a dust sheet on the carpet and use a plastic piece to protect the carpet.

Edited by grapau27
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13 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Well, this morning was a partial success.  My laptop is back in action.  In the shop "Kim" forced it to start and said the battery was empty.  I explained what had happened and he said I should NEVER have left it on my upholstered (and blanketed) footstool. I had no idea there was a vent in the back of laptop, just in the hinge area.  Evidently the blanket smothered the vent and the poor baby overheated and had to shut itself down.  But all is well now.


Whew - it could have been burned right out.  So glad ‘Kim’ was able to fix it 👍 


13 hours ago, Vict0riann said:


13 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

It seems like Spring, suddenly the snowdrops are blooming furiously, my hellebores are showing their noses above ground, and there is some weak sunshine!  Of course, February is the cruellest month...


Ok, I am jealous.  January and blooms - how lovely 🙂 


13 hours ago, cunnorl said:

@StLouisCruisersit was wonderful that DS was able to join us. He received word of a layoff a couple of weeks before we were to leave. DH asked him to join us and he would foot the bill. Unknown to me, DH had called HAL and was able to book an inside cabin right down the hall from us. So DH and DS shared the inside cabin and DD and myself had the signature Suite. lol.   Dh made some deal with our son and he was to go on excursions with me or stay with his sister .it was wonderful having him there as he carried all my stuff . He also pushed his sister up some really steep hills that DH never would have been able to do. So all worked out, he did a few telephone interviews while we were gone and luckily started back to work about a week after our return! 


Did that ever work out well !!!  

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10 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I laughed at the painting project, because getting paint on carpet creates color, and it  gives me the opportunity to get new carpet, or find my wood floors.  But I dont want it on the base boards, unless I am willing to paint the base boards. 🙄


 The base boards have already been painted, so they need to be freshened up.  

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