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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 24th, 2023


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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I forgot to mention this but you asked about helping with links on Tuesday.  Our port that day is a new one and there won't be links or photos to move over.  Of course if you or anyone else has been there, we will all be happy to see photos.  We leave here early for the airport and I won't be using the laptop since it will be packed.  


Weather at home Tuesday will be 82 for a high and cloudy skies.  That should feel cool by comparison.

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Good afternoon from a sunny and windy central Texas.  The last few weeks when there has been less area that needed mowing, and with cooler weather spoiled me.  Today, it was back to mowing and trimming the entire yard since many areas started turning green after the 3 1/2 inch rain we got the week before last.  It was also much warmer, and more humid.  (Like summer had returned.)  I managed to get everything done in about 2 hours 20 minutes, and before the temperature reached 90F.  It is now 93F and feels like 101F.  Needless to say, I'm enjoying the a/c now.  Rain is still predicted for tonight into tomorrow, but this being Texas and also since rain often goes around our lake, I'll believe it when I see it.


3 hours ago, lindaler said:

Happy Sunday everyone.  Thanks Rich and all who are so good about posting while most of us miss days. I am packed with nothing to do now. I leave seven days from today when I fly out to San Diego. It's like waiting for Christmas or your birthday when you were a kid. I get to do one more grocery shopping trip to make sure things are in the freezer for when I get home. I need to come up with a snack to take on the plane. I used to make a PB&J but hear that they will confiscate it because of the peanuts. I hope everyone has a good day. It just warmed up enough here that I had to close the windows as the AC came on. It should only get up to 90 today so a cooler fall day. 


Linda, I'm glad you are ready to leave for your cruise.  I am not one who likes to pack early.  I guess it's because I don't like having suitcases sitting around in the way.  I do go through my clothes to decided what to take, and get the odds and ends gathered in HAL bags ready to pack the day before we leave.  Once or twice, I broke down and pack a day earlier.  DH's stepmother always had her bags packed and by the front door two weeks before she was due to leave.  That would drive me crazy.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We have a bunny rabbit that comes around our yard once in a while - it's always sweet to see him/her.  I love cherries jubilee, but don't remember the last time I had any; perhaps it was on a BHB. While I've never gone hunting, I've certainly been fishing and even though some of the outings have just been giving the fish their appetizers, it's always been enjoyable.  Fishing isn't always about catching something, it's often about the peace and serenity of being out on the quiet water, enjoying friendships. 


While we don't have rain in the forecast for the next 10 days, we do have an overcast and rather gloomy looking morning.  It's going to be typical fall weather with the morning starting around 8C (46) and we will likely reach a high of 23 (73) which is quite comfortable.


Yesterday morning I went out and bought a new comforter for our bed - a king size for our queen sized bed.  DH has suddenly turned into a blanket hog and I find myself clinging to an edge of it in the middle of the night.  I figure there should be lots for him with the extra size; last night I wasn't fighting for it, so I may have solved the issue.


@AncientWanderer I laughed out loud when I read that your DGD wouldn't let you tame her curls and it turned out to be photo day! 

@kazuI'm so sorry to hear about your hydrangea being ruined; I hope you might be able to take cuttings from it to root for future plants.

@marshhawk congrats on the extra sale - your telephone presence must be very sweet and convincing!

@smitty34877 I'm happy your neighbours are helping you through this difficult experience.

@Lady Hudsona good idea to get DH to his regular doctor when you return home.

@RMLincoln this is an exciting time for you - I'm so glad you found a place you feel will be comfortable for the two of you and close to your family as well.  

@StLouisCruisers be sure to bring an umbrella, sunscreen and lots of water if you're going to be able to watch the entire game today!


Not a lot on the agenda today, just some tidying up and DH will work on the computer, so it'll give me more time to work on blankets.  I've got another 8 finished and when I reach 12, I'll bring them over to the donation centre.  I'd like the drink of the day, am sure I'd like the wine, and would definitely like to try today's menu suggestion.  Because we went out with friends for dinner last night, the portions were huge, so we both have leftovers for tonight.  We'll be enjoying baked lasagna (me) and 4 cheese fettuccini (DH) on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I got a king size comforter for the queen bed in the motorhome.  Since the bed is on a platform and high off the floor, it worked better.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Went to bed at midnight, woke up this morning, and thought, well, if it's before 8 I'll try to sleep until 8.  It was 7:20, so I went back to sleep and woke up at 9:30!  How nice, and I could very well go back to sleep.  However, the F1 raced in the middle of the night, so I have to watch that now, make breakfast and then go work on the tree.  Donate more blood to the mosquitos out there.


It is 67 degrees, and I expect that since the sky is blue and cloudless it will remain sunny.  I talked DH into taking me out for BBQ tonight, and we can do the shopping tomorrow morning.  This way I can spend more time cutting clipping and being smothered in muscadine.


I have some leftover spinach souffle (stouffers) and i am going to blend it into the scrambled eggs this morning.  Will let you know how that turns out.








Annie, I'm glad you got some sleep last night and managed to sleep in this morning.  Good luck with the trees.


2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I love rabbits but at one time we did try to raise them for........ enough said.  For some reason they would have their babies super early so we never had kittens.  Have done tons of hunting and fishing in my life - one of the found memories of my grandpa.  Love to have a freezer full of venison or clean some trout and cook it!!  Ok, now I am hungry!! 


I will pass on the jubilee (not a fan) and the drink but the phyllo pie and cabernet sounds delicious.  Great days in history!!  


I actually slept in today until 0630.  That rarely happens but when the alarm went off I decided I didn't want to get up!!  Rebel, I am!!


Accomplished a lot yesterday.  Decided I would take my 40# backpack on this trip but check it in on my flights.  Mainly because I will be taking the train home and it is easier to lug around with the layovers I will have.  I will have my "carry on" (a nice little London Fog rolling carryon which I love because it is so small) for odds and ends and some clothes so that maybe I won't have to open the backpack while visiting a friend pre-cruise.  So I packed my backpack and it is already to go.  Car wash and all the bugs are gone!  She looks so lovely.  Dropped off some clothes for donation.  And I went for my torture (gym) and today I am sore!!  


Today is cleaning house day and finishing up any small details.  I am subbing M and T and my flight Wed is at 0600 so I don't want to have much to do in the next couple of days.  Luckily I am done early on M and by 1500 on T.  


As I have been feeling a little melancholic lately, I am really looking forward to do absolutely nothing for a while.  


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!


Penny, I'm glad you're ready for your trip and will have a couple of easy days before you leave.


17 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

Good Sunday, everybody!

The memes are exceptional today. A big thanks to all who go to the trouble to find and post them!

I am very excited to be on the "about to cruise list"!  During the last few months of DH's two hospitalizations, we have been most cautious about getting excited. 3 solid Doctor "Yes!"es last week really lightened up his attitude and we are full on this week. Today was the piece de resistance (insert diacritical marks) though. I went to PetSmart to buy 120 cans of Fancy Feast, and what was the music playing?  Andy Grammer's Honey I'm Good. That's the music of my favorite song from Humanity - you know, the one where they're throwing paint.   No question about that being a perfect omen.  My omens, whether good, bad, warning, or celebrating are always

delivered with music. I'm ecstatic!


That is good news that you and your DH are getting excited about your upcoming cruise.  It helps when three doctors say yes, go cruise.


12 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Rabbits are cute, except when burrowing in my yard. I'm not sure I've ever had cherries jubilee. I don't hunt or fish. Funny quote. The meal looks interesting. Pass on the drink, but yes to the wine. I haven't been to Isle of Pines. 2 good days in history.


Fall is definitely here. It's only 59 now and we may make it to 64. My bedroom was chilly, and I didn't want to come from under the comforter. I was awakened about 6:25 by leg pain. I sat up in the position that helps it, waiting for @richwmn to start today's Daily. I posted the Cares list, then managed to fall back asleep until almost 9! Again I sat up and leaned forward for a bit, enabling me to get up without too much pain. I will be composing a message to my Rheumatologist today, to see what she thinks. My teams football game is late, and I probably won't stay up until the end.


@grapau27 I hope you feel better soon, after all your vaccinations. Mine will be coming up in the next few weeks.

@ottahand7 Enjoy the game! I hope all the rain is gone by kickoff.

@StLouisCruisers Can you take a folding chair with you for the games, to sit in the shade? I couldn't stand for that long, and sitting on the ground is a no go for me. That's so sweet that your DS is a joy to be around. 

@1ANGELCAT Sorry to hear of your church member Stephanie's accident; not a nice birthday celebration for her, sadly.

@Ichiban Nekko Your meal sounds delicious. I'll have to check it out. I'm an Ina fan. I want to get a Nest thermostat, but I think my current wiring isn't right for it. I'll have to get my boiler guy to check it out.

@smitty34877 Hugs to you and the family. You all had obviously endeared yourselves to the neighbors and I'm glad they are being so kind, as well as DD's workplace.

@Lady Hudson Wonderful scenery. Good idea to get DH Bill checked out once you're home.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. And for the picture of friends enjoying food.

@kochleffel Have a meaningful Yom Kippur.

@RMLincoln I'm glad you got some good sleep. Great photo. I know with your positive attitude that you will be fine before, during and after your move.

@Haljo1935 Enjoy this 2nd leg of your cruise and thanks for your photos.

@marshhawk Congrats on getting that bonus from work. 

@Live4cruises I can feel your excitement!


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, I'm glad you could sleep late this morning.  I hope your Rheumatologist has some answers to help with the leg pain.


17 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I hear it is half time at the soccer field.  Ren did not start but is coming in next.  Score is 1 to 0 Dallas.


Sandi, I think you were wise to skip the game since you get dehydrated easily.  I just checked the Frisco weather, and it's hot.  The app says it's 9%F and feels like 104F.  I'm glad Dallas is ahead at the half.



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11 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I hear ya, Graham!  I wouldn't want you to be on a cruise with your two family members either!  We honestly thought about cancelling when they bragged to us about their many cruises booked.  But then I thought, why should we be the ones to cancel?  And then I thought, maybe they will cancel some of them.  Obviously if and when we discuss this with those particular people we will let them know we want to do our own thing - no assigned dining with them or scheduling the same tours.  And if they want to know why, we will tell them!




Paul, when we started cruising more and more each year, they became interested in the idea too.  So now that they are retired and with no dependents human or otherwise, they are doing their best to "catch up" with us.  And I agree, exceptional bad luck!


I often wonder if they are lurking here on Cruise Critic finding out what we are up to.  Maybe I will have to go incognito and change my username here.  What a disaster!



I hear it is half time at the soccer field.  Ren did not start but is coming in next.  Score is 1 to 0 Dallas.

I think they are lurkers Sandi and seen your cruise plans on here.

One of the reasons I never say when or where we are going on cc is because I don't want these people to find out.

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6 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I forgot to mention this but you asked about helping with links on Tuesday.  Our port that day is a new one and there won't be links or photos to move over.  Of course if you or anyone else has been there, we will all be happy to see photos.  We leave here early for the airport and I won't be using the laptop since it will be packed.  


Weather at home Tuesday will be 82 for a high and cloudy skies.  That should feel cool by comparison.


Sandi, with Tuesday's port being new, that will make it easy for both of us.  We have been to Nassau but not Freeport, so no pictures.  


We've been to the ports on Thursday (9/28) and Friday, (9/29), and could you repost my pictures for those days?  I may be able to post the ones for Thursday, but since we have to leave by 8 am in order to get to UTSW by 10, it might not be doable.  Since DH will be in the hospital overnight, and I won't have my computer on Friday, I won't be able to post pictures that morning.  He could be discharged Friday, but it depends on how he is doing that morning.  You won't have to worry about my pictures on Saturday since we have not been to the port.  It is difficult to repost the pictures on my tablet.



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Hello again Dailyites!


Many of you have made/are making plans to cruise to and/or visit Europe this summer. This article indicates the new Schengen Visa/ETIAS has been postponed to 2025. In any event, it's something for everyone thinking of European travel to keep an eye on.




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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sandi, with Tuesday's port being new, that will make it easy for both of us.  We have been to Nassau but not Freeport, so no pictures.  


We've been to the ports on Thursday (9/28) and Friday, (9/29), and could you repost my pictures for those days?  I may be able to post the ones for Thursday, but since we have to leave by 8 am in order to get to UTSW by 10, it might not be doable.  Since DH will be in the hospital overnight, and I won't have my computer on Friday, I won't be able to post pictures that morning.  He could be discharged Friday, but it depends on how he is doing that morning.  You won't have to worry about my pictures on Saturday since we have not been to the port.  It is difficult to repost the pictures on my tablet.




Sure, I will post your photos for you.  Hope it all goes well and you're both home again ASAP.


Final results today is a 1-1 tie.  We are just now getting a late lunch.  Pick up and brought back here so we can all relax until DS goes to the airport.  Way too many airport runs this week!

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Sure, I will post your photos for you.  Hope it all goes well and you're both home again ASAP.


Final results today is a 1-1 tie.  We are just now getting a late lunch.  Pick up and brought back here so we can all relax until DS goes to the airport.  Way too many airport runs this week!


DFW is not the easiest airport to navigate either.  At least, after 24 years in this area, we are fairly familiar with the airport -- that is until they do some work or change it again.


I'm sorry the team didn't win, but at least they didn't lose either.  😉


I appreciate your taking care of the pictures for me.  Thursday will be hectic getting there on time.  Thanks for the good wishes.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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19 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


DFW is not the easiest airport to navigate either.  At least, after 24 years in this area, we are fairly familiar with the airport -- that is until they do some work or change it again.


I'm sorry the team didn't win, but at least they didn't lose either.  😉


I appreciate your taking care of the pictures for me.  Thursday will be hectic getting there on time.  Thanks for the good wishes.




Not being an easy airport is sure the truth.  It's fast to get to baggage claim and out the door to the pick up point, but I've never seen an airport where you have to know which terminal and even gate numbers to find the right place to pick someone up!  Atlanta seems easier to drop off or pick up in comparison and most people are scared to death of ATL.  

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5 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Not being an easy airport is sure the truth.  It's fast to get to baggage claim and out the door to the pick up point, but I've never seen an airport where you have to know which terminal and even gate numbers to find the right place to pick someone up!  Atlanta seems easier to drop off or pick up in comparison and most people are scared to death of ATL.  


I think it boils down to what you are used to.  IAH (Houston) took a while to learn, and we learned DFW after a few years.  The problem is, it keeps growing.



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Good afternoon, Dailyites, and thank you, everyone, for posting.  Always interesting news on this thread!  Thinking of those with losses and ailments.   @RMLincoln, happy you had a good cruise.  Our DD and her BF are leaving today for a cruise on NCL Viva, and I copied your post yesterday to her, she was interested in your comments.  Hope that was okay.  


Jacqui, I'm sorry about your climbing hydrangea, it may resprout, don't you think?  If it's been around for 25 years, it should have a good root system!  Glad that Ivan is feeling better.   Hide that cheese!


@kochleffel, do you know lots about Spanish wines, too?  We would like to get a couple of bottles of, probably a rioja, in Barcelona.  There's a nice wine shop right beside the Boqueria, and I would like to have an idea to start with, and then we can take it to the Pinnacle when we go there.  


We have rabbits, rats, squirrels, and deer here.  They all eat stuff.  And at the moment, there's not much for them to eat.  But we got a little rain yesterday, and an atmospheric river is supposed to start moving in tonight and last for a few days over the island.  Hopefully, that will help with the forest fires, and begin the refill of our reservoir.  We have been told there may be flooding, as the ground is hydrophobic from the drought, but that small amount of rain yesterday may have softened the earth a bit.


For the last two days, we have been to all the ports the fleet is visiting, that doesn't happen often!  My wandering AirTag is still on the move on Rotterdam, and Jacqui, please don't put yourself out looking for it.  I can't always contact it, it depends on whether it can snag some internet,  and DD gave me one new AirTag for my birthday,  To get to Barcelona, we have four flights, so I'm pretty sure one or both suitcases will be lost somewhere, and every bit of luggage is going to have an AirTag installed!

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24 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Atlanta seems easier to drop off or pick up in comparison and most people are scared to death of ATL.  

I have been flying in and out of ATL for a long time and never had any problems. In truth, after dealing with ATL, other airports seem easy to me.

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@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, in all the back and forth this afternoon, I forgot to wish your DS a safe and on time flight home.


7 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

A sad trip home for @ottahand7 but at least the Orioles won.




Roy, I'm sorry the Ravens lost, but good news about the Orioles.



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13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good afternoon, Dailyites, and thank you, everyone, for posting.  Always interesting news on this thread!  Thinking of those with losses and ailments.   @RMLincoln, happy you had a good cruise.  Our DD and her BF are leaving today for a cruise on NCL Viva, and I copied your post yesterday to her, she was interested in your comments.  Hope that was okay.  


Jacqui, I'm sorry about your climbing hydrangea, it may resprout, don't you think?  If it's been around for 25 years, it should have a good root system!  Glad that Ivan is feeling better.   Hide that cheese!


@kochleffel, do you know lots about Spanish wines, too?  We would like to get a couple of bottles of, probably a rioja, in Barcelona.  There's a nice wine shop right beside the Boqueria, and I would like to have an idea to start with, and then we can take it to the Pinnacle when we go there.  


We have rabbits, rats, squirrels, and deer here.  They all eat stuff.  And at the moment, there's not much for them to eat.  But we got a little rain yesterday, and an atmospheric river is supposed to start moving in tonight and last for a few days over the island.  Hopefully, that will help with the forest fires, and begin the refill of our reservoir.  We have been told there may be flooding, as the ground is hydrophobic from the drought, but that small amount of rain yesterday may have softened the earth a bit.


For the last two days, we have been to all the ports the fleet is visiting, that doesn't happen often!  My wandering AirTag is still on the move on Rotterdam, and Jacqui, please don't put yourself out looking for it.  I can't always contact it, it depends on whether it can snag some internet,  and DD gave me one new AirTag for my birthday,  To get to Barcelona, we have four flights, so I'm pretty sure one or both suitcases will be lost somewhere, and every bit of luggage is going to have an AirTag installed!


Ann, I'm not an expert on Spanish wines by any means.  However, we've enjoyed the Torres reds when we were in Spain, and we've found them in the US too.  It's the wine with a bull on the label, and sometimes, a small bull hung around the neck of the bottle.



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Popping back in to read what I've missed.  Gotta agree with @Live4cruises...great memes today!


It's also fun reading about everyone's travel plans and how they prepare and pack.  During covid, it was nice to hear about daily routines.  Now that lots are on the go again, fun to hear about itineraries chosen, plans made, and how the trips go. I admire those who can manage with just carry-on for a cruise.  I did that for a 10-day trip to Hawaii, but that's Hawaii -- just a few lightweight things needed.


@StLouisCruisers, that is so odd that your relatives booked the same cruises as you.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?  

Seems like some cruises we run into the same people over and over.  Other cruises, you meet someone once and never see them again.  I hope you get the latter situation.  Or don't run into them at all!!  OMG...if certain of our relatives were onboard, I'd probably hide in my cabin the whole time.  


Well, back out to do more garden clean-up.  Saying good-bye to the squash plants.  Summer is over.



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32 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, in all the back and forth this afternoon, I forgot to wish your DS a safe and on time flight home.



Roy, I'm sorry the Ravens lost, but good news about the Orioles.




Thank you.  I'm hoping he gets off from DFW on time since he gets home after 11 as it is.  He will be tired tonight I'm sure.  He has recently started using American Airlines for flights to and from Dallas.  They status-matched him to Delta which has been his airline for decades.  So he has a very nice status level with AA but he complains they don't have free wi-fi on their planes like Delta does.  That is something AA needs to step up with their planes.  I feel sorry for him this week - he will be alone at home for the first time with his family scattered many miles away.  That's why he comes down here so much, to see them and continue to support Ren's sport.

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Ann, I'm not an expert on Spanish wines by any means.  However, we've enjoyed the Torres reds when we were in Spain, and we've found them in the US too.  It's the wine with a bull on the label, and sometimes, a small bull hung around the neck of the bottle.




Thanks, Lenda, I just looked and we have Torres'  "Sangre de Toro" here in our wine store;  we may have to buy a bottle to try it out..  Also a Riojo Crianza.   Must be prepared!

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12 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning.  Very early morning here in San Diego.  I can't sleep.  Perhaps worrying too much about the high price of fish on the other thread.  🤣


Of all things, the cherries jubilee sounds nicest today.  A phyllo meat pie would be a good start to the meal.


I plan to have a quiet day today -- after a hectic week.  When DGD spent the night with us while her baby brother was in the hospital, she wouldn't let me brush her hair before school and really had wild curls flying everywhere.  I found out later it was picture day.  


Many thanks to all our contributors here at the Daily.  Wishing everyone a pleasant and peaceful Sunday.

I’m thinking that some times those make the best photos! 

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