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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday, Mach 31st, 2024


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Happy Easter to those who celebrate and Happy Sunday morning for the rest of us!  I will gladly celebrate Cesar Chavez, haven't use a bunsen burner in ages, and I am a fan of the Medieval era so maybe I will hug myself.  Thought provoking quote, pass on the meal and wine, the drink sounds intriguing, and never been to the port.  Interesting days in history.  




Rain is expected today but right now it is 58F under partly cloudy skies.  It won't get much warmer - maybe to 60ish - with the temps going down to low 50s when the rain hits.  I was going to go out last night to see if I could see the SpaceX rocket but it was pushed back several times until around 2240 so, nope, not doing it.  Laundry was done and groceries picked up yesterday, so I did accomplish something.  My cold is doing better so I think I am on the downhill side.  




I did pick up a sliced ham and plan on it with some broccoli with cheese sauce and maybe some fondant potatoes for dinner.  Plus maybe some homemade yeast rolls.  Lets see how the day goes.  Oh, and some deviled eggs.  🙂 




Thoughts for all needing support and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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It’s a pleasant day, high clouds and 50s. We’ll drive south an hour and over to Staten Island to my parent’s cemetery. Not sure if we’ll stope at hospital to say hello to brother visiting his very sick wife.  They’re on the NJ side very close to where we’ll be but they have enough to deal with. SIL situation is grim but I remember my mom rallying after doctors were giving up, then she had 4 more good years so we’ll just wait. 

In September I will have a 70th birthday so I’m looking beyond DH’s next eye surgery and checking out potential cruise options!  May a b2b HAL out of Boston to Quebec City or Montreal?  There are some options out of Brooklyn on Enchanted Princess or MSC. But I think the Boston option really grabs me. We could take the train from the grandkids, leave our car there, spend extra time in Boston which we’ve always planned to do…. fun thoughts!  

Blessings to Gord and Ollie. If Ollie isn’t driving that must be very hard for her not to be with him. And everyone in a US hospital needs an advocate, I hope it’s better in Canada. 
And blessings to all in pain- physical, emotional or mental suffering.
Extra caution please Paul ⚠️. I’m pretty sure I broke my tailbone many years ago but the X-ray didn’t show it. It’s still painful if I sit wrong or too long. Slipped down the two steps outside our trailer door. Steps had snow and feet had slick-soled slippers. 

Happy Easter to those who celebrate it.
Happy cruising to all aboard. Cheers to everyone with happy events today, Life is Good!  🌈


Caesar Chavez left his mark for the better. I’m not celebrating medieval anything, it was a brutal era. Haven’t been to that port in Greece. I could probably enjoy the drink and the food. Today we’ll do car snacks while out and about, leftovers from freezer when we get home. We had a nice dinner in our dining room last night- I had ham, DH had sliced beef tenderloin. The ice cream servings were bigger than usual and we enjoyed ever spoonful!  Chocolate and mint chocolate chip, yum!  
Thanks all for being here to share! Especially Jacqui, Roy, Vanessa, Ann, Debbie and Dixie (🤞that you heal perfectly!). 

Tomorrow we can remember today’s bunnies, April 1st! 😉


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Happy Easter to all who celebrate!


Thank you all for The Daily and all who contribute.....mornings would not be the same without it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day....I know those who are on cruises will!


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 Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach.

     Happy Easter to all who celebrate. May you all have a wonderful day.

    Sunrise Service on the beach was packed! Could not believe the number of people. I was happy to watch and listen from my patio. The singer had a beautiful voice. Amazing

   We will also celebrate DS birthday today. Picked up his cake yesterday. We are having prime rib for dinner.  We got him new golf shoes. Unfortunately he is on the bench for golf. He has a bursitis in his elbow and they are going to drain it under ultrasound on Wednesday. Looks painful but he doesnt really say much.

   Stay safe and enjoy today



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Happy Easter to all who celebrate. I will celebrate Mr Chavez and fondly remember chemistry classes and Bunsen burners. The recipe looks great .

Yesterday we watched my DGS play lacrosse in chilly weather. I was grateful for my big coat, hat and hood. It eventually warmed up to 50 much later in the day.

My kitchen jobs were making deviled eggs and scalloped potatoes. DS is making ham and asparagus. DDIL is making a roasted beet salad. It all smells great and we eat at noon.

Sending best wishes for the day to all of you.


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Posted (edited)

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Easter to all who celebrate; for those who don't, I wish you a Happy Sunday so you can enjoy the day.  Gosh, I haven't used a bunsen burner since high school chemistry.  A big salute to Czesar Chavez for his work as a civil rights advocate.  I'm a hugger, but don't know any medievalists.


I wish I had better news about Gord, but there isn't any today.  Yesterday the doctors were hoping to lessen the sedation to see how his body would tolerate it, and it didn't go as well as hoped.  Late yesterday they did a CT scan and by evening there weren't any results, so Ollie went home.  Upon arrival, a nurse called to say they would like to have her come in for an appointment this morning at 10; I'm dreading it as much as she is.  I will drive her over there and will stay as long as I can.  Ollie does drive, but Maurice and I feel that's one thing she shouldn't have to worry about, since at least one of us can take her there.  She always takes a taxi home, as she's never certain when she'll go home.  We've invited her for Easter dinner today so she's not alone all day; sometimes just being in the company of others can lighten your heart a little.


I have to be careful walking on the main floor, as the Easter Bunny paid our house a visit last night.  Our son was out with friends, so I got out our stash of Easter treats and put them all over the kitchen, living room, dining room and hallway, and when I got up this morning I saw there were many more in different places.  It's a fun time and I really can't wait for both boys to get up.


@sailingdutchyBon Voyage; enjoy your cruise!

@kazuFingers crossed that today's interview goes well.

@kochleffelsorry to hear about your tumble; hopefully you're not too sore today.

@Seasick Sailorhow is Ollie today?  Hope he doesn't have any side effects from that darn placker!!


Busy day today, I have 3 pies to bake, then the ham, I'll do a bunch of baked potatoes in the air fryer, then get the table set, etc.  I'll enlist the help of our DDIL to do some small things, as she won't do anything unless I ask.  I think she doesn't want to interfere with a well oiled machine.  LOL


I'd love to try the drink (putting it on the list for our BHB next year!), despite the high falutin' name of the wine, it isn't pricey, and it's red, so yes!!  Think I'll pass on the menu suggestion, but I know we'll be enjoying a nice baked ham dinner with 10 family and friends who have become family around the dining table tonight.  And wine.  Lots of wine.

Hand drawn easter bunny collection


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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My advisor in college was a medievalist but I don't think he would have appreciated being hugged.


I might have eggs and spinach today, but more likely in the form of shakshuka. The drink would be OK. The wine is a Rhone blend and only one of the three varieties in it grows here, so I would substitute a Syrah, maybe the 2022 from Hector Wine Company.


55 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

the 3 sisters, black beans, squash and corn


A misguided recipe in one of the major newspapers, published on the east coast, insisted that one had to use tepary beans. That's from a different species than most of our common beans; it's typical of Mexico and the desert Southwest, because it will grow with very little rainfall. I don't know what bean variety the peoples of my region used, but it certainly wasn't that, and tepary beans are very difficult to obtain. The recipe was more on point with suggesting hominy instead of unprocessed corn, because nixtamalization makes the nutrients more available.


My injury is improving, but I think it will hurt for several more days. I slept well but that was a case of better living through chemistry.



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Happy Easter to all who celebrate.  I am sorry to hear about so many issues with so many of the dailyites.  


Bon Voyage to those cruising. It seems these will be the last of the Caribbean cruises for HAL and then off to Europe and Alaska until next season.  


Not much on our agenda for today. The weather has been beautiful so we may take a nice walk later to one of our local preserves.  



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I hope all the Dailyites celebrating Easter have a wonderful day.


It is a sunny and non-windy morning in Quartzsite after an afternoon and night of rain.  I don't know how much rain we received since the rain gauges are already stored for the summer.  It was 50F when I got up, and is now 53F with a predicted high of 66F.  Unfortunately, the clouds will move back in this afternoon, and we'll get more rain overnight.  The rain is supposed to end about 4am in the morning.  Depending on when the rain ends and the wind conditions tomorrow, we may have to postpone leaving until Tuesday.  However, I'm going to continue getting ready to leave tomorrow.


I have not laid eyes on a Bunsen Burner since my last college chemistry lab class.  Cesar Chavez did a lot for farm workers.  I don't know any Medievalists to hug.  A medievalist is a specialist in medieval culture and history.


I think Stephen King is write with his quote.


We'll skip today's meal and drink.  The wine sounds like a winner and doesn't break the bank.


We anchored in Nafplio Bay in 2019 on Veendam for our visit to Napflion.  I'll retrieve my pictures shortly.


The 240 BC passage of Haley's Comet must have been something intriguing to those who saw it. 


@RedneckBob  Welcome home, RNB.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope you and George are feeling better today.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your interview goes well today, but I'm glad you have several backup options even if they are not ideal.

@dfish  Debbie, please wish DB Jeff a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.  Good luck with the Beef Wellington.                                              

@doobieb  I'm sorry your DH has been diagnosed with diabetes.  That is good news you have your dog sitter for your trip.

@aliaschief  Safe travels to Bangkok today, Bruce.  I loved the pictures of Angkor Wat and how nature is reclaiming the area.

@marshhawk  Annie, that documentary sounds interesting, and I hope the changes work well for you.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I'm glad you are feeling better.

@RMLincoln  Safe travels today, Maureen.  I hope your DSIL rallies.

@cunnorl  Charlene, please wish your DS HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy you are having a wonderful time with your New Hampshire family.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm glad your injury is improving.  From experience, I know it will take time to stop being sore.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope that what the doctors have to tell Ollie isn't bad news.  I'm glad you will be with her.















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Happy cruising to Martha and Tony, hope to see you next week!  Good morning, Dailyites, and Happy Easter.  We're off to church in a few minutes, but I wanted to pop in and say I will be praying for all in need!  Jacqui, I hope the dog sitter works out,  And for those falling down, I hope the bumps and bruises heal quickly.  DD is still struggling with her fractured humerus, but she has an appointment at the hospital on Tuesday, and the decision as to whether we will cruise next Sunday will be made then!


Pasque flower



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In 2019, the Veendam took us to Napflion in the Peloponnese.  When we couldn't rent a car, we walked around town and then took the Ho-Ho which took us up to the fort overlooking the town.


From our walk around town






The fort from town and on the hillside.  We opted to skip going into the fort. Plus the view of town from the hilltop.





Town as seen from the Ho-Ho






A smaller fort on the harbor



Napflion is an interesting town.  There are also several places to visit outside of town including Corinth.



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Good morning from the Pacific Northwest!

We have a nice sunny day with highs about 60F so quite a treat. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. Yesterday I got the homemade lasagnas done and then ran the steamer over the floors! I did two pans - a 9x13 and an 8x8 so plenty of lasagna and leftovers will go home or in the freezer. All I have to do today is put them in the oven and put together the cheesy bread which is easy. There will be 5 of us around the table which is a nice size. 


Have a lovely day!


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Good morning and Happy Sunday from a cloudy Tucson. Rain is expected at 11:00 am and will continue throughout the day, tonight and tomorrow. Happy Easter to all who celebrate. 

The meal suggestion would be great but not today. I don’t know what is on the menu for lunch at DM’s senior center. Probably ham and potatoes. It’s always a buffet. I’m taking a bottle of wine for us to enjoy. I’ve never cared for the wine they serve. 

Roy @rafinmd, your entree looks like prime rib and Yorkshire pudding, yum, but not the chicken in your description. Personally I prefer the prime rib and HAL really does make a good one. 

Jacqui @kazu, I hope you narrow down and select Ivan’s sitter today. Thank you for your hard work yesterday for the Casablanca tour. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, I think the SpaceX launch has been postponed until tomorrow. Maybe Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserknows for sure. 

Bon Voyage @sailingdutchy!  Enjoy!


Have a great day everyone!



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon everyone.  Thanks for the daily reports and the maps Jacqui and Roy.  I used Bunsen Burners a lot in college but that was a long time ago.  Cesar Chavez did a lot to help the labor movement in the southwest to help people who couldn't speak for themselves.  Wages and working conditions got somewhat better.   I agree with Steven King's quote.  Reading the words makes them "live" in our brains, helps with spelling too.  Haven't been to today's port so thanks for the photos @Quartzsite Cruiser.   I hope you can leave on time tomorrow and safe travels on your way to your summer home in Texas. 

I will pass on the spinach eggs and the fussy cocktail but will take a double dose of today's wine. Thanks for finding these for us each day! 

@JazzyV thanks for the cares and celebrations reports.   I pray that your surgery will give you the pain relief that you need and you can sleep very well.  Prayers for Tana today in addition to Gord.  Prayers for everyone in our group needing them and those suffering in war zones, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  I pray that they can return to peace in Haiti.

Originally John said let's go out for dinner today but we didn't make a reservation and the only walk in place is the buffet at the casino at $54 per person.  On top of that they have switched to plastic drinkware which I think is gross.   We are going to have a nice restaurant dinner later this week in a good restaurant with real glassware.  I have a big box of Gulf shrimp in the freezer and we are going to have scampi on linguini.  We are going to really blow the carbs because I found some beautiful ear corn at the grocery.  Please enjoy your time with family today everyone!  Nancy

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2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

   We will also celebrate DS birthday today.


A very happy birthday to your DS!





@Vict0riann very best wishes to your DD for her appointment on Tuesday.  I hope it is safe for her to cruise 🤞 



@ger_77so sorry to hear the sad news 😔. It’s very kind and thoughtful of you to have his wife over for Easter dinner. ♥️ 



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