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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday March 23rd, 2023


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First, to Bruce @aliaschief great memes as usual.  And you are right, it is Thursday not Tuesday!  I actually was downstairs on my treadmill about 15 minutes after I posted and thought to myself "did I type Tuesday or Thursday?"  I decided it was too late now to edit so will have to let it be.  I'll blame the early hour!


Happy Birthday to @seagarsmoker!!  Not a bad way to celebrate, eh?


Roy @rafinmd nice post today.  Looking like you are feeling better every day.


Ann @cat shepard that is some expensive wine!


Terry @smitty34877 good luck at that doctor's appointment, whether for you or DH.  So nice of your old friends and coworkers to volunteer to help out with Tana's needs.


Tina @0106 cute pups!  For Punta Arenas, look into some tours to see penguins.  Most people enjoy those type of excursions.🐧


Debbie @dfish take it easy today and sleep as much as you want.  Dr. Sandi prescribes more ice cream.🤓


Terri @Cruzin Terri good luck at your medical appointment.  Enjoy a relaxing morning beforehand.  I hope the glass for your bathroom doesn't take long to come in and get installed.


Vanessa @JazzyV great job as usual on the lists.  I know you posted wonderful photos of Punta Arenas last time so I hope you post them again today.



Edited by StLouisCruisers
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10 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

Melba toast is OK but I would usually choose a whole-grain cracker such as Wasa. Chips and dip aren't on my list. I always like it on Dr. Pol when they're examining a litter of puppies. One of the veterinarians said that the first step was to check for cuteness, but all puppies are cute.


I would probably need Lactaid with the feta pasta. I'd like some real New England apple pie, but I'll skip it as a cocktail. The wine might be above my budget. I haven't been to Chile.


The situation at work continues to bother me, and it won't be resolved until the project either takes place or the time frame for it ends. Very possibly another bloodbath meeting next month. I'm having trouble sleeping. I have an appointment to donate blood this afternoon.


Another animal story: Mr. and Mrs. Pickles, of Houston, have three new babies. Mr. Pickles is 90 years old and a first-time dad; Mrs. Pickles is 56. They are tortoises. https://www.houstonzoo.org/blog/oh-sweet-baby-pickles/





An excellent and interesting article about the new baby tortoises.  They're adorable.  Sorry to hear about your poor sleep.  The problems with work are probably the reason why, and I'm hoping things improve with that soon.

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Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas.  It's currently 69F with a predicted high of 80F this afternoon.  Rain is predicted overnight and into tomorrow morning, but then it was supposed to rain overnight last night, but didn't.


I'm going to repost my pictures from Punta Arenas, then finish reading the Daily.  Below is what I posted on August 17, 2022.


We have been to Punta Arenas twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III.  We did not see much of the town because we did a flight over Antarctica which was wonderful.  The airplane was a very old 737 with no doors on the overhead bins, just elastic cords.  All we saw was the drive to and from the airport and the airport.  I did get a t-shirt at a shop in the airport.  This was also in pre-digital days.  We were back in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi and her DH.  I'll post my photos in another post, but be warned, there will be repeats.


These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess.  We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal.  Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999.  We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat.


The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage.






This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town.



When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church.







Palacio Sara Braun



The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping.  The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck.  You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture.





The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site.



Below are various scenes of the town as we wandered around.







This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about.



On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel.



Back at the pier, we saw this clock.



We also saw the street vendors on our walk.





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5 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas.  It's currently 69F with a predicted high of 80F this afternoon.  Rain is predicted overnight and into tomorrow morning, but then it was supposed to rain overnight last night, but didn't.


I'm going to repost my pictures from Punta Arenas, then finish reading the Daily.  Below is what I posted on August 17, 2022.


We have been to Punta Arenas twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III.  We did not see much of the town because we did a flight over Antarctica which was wonderful.  The airplane was a very old 737 with no doors on the overhead bins, just elastic cords.  All we saw was the drive to and from the airport and the airport.  I did get a t-shirt at a shop in the airport.  This was also in pre-digital days.  We were back in 2015 on Ruby Princess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi and her DH.  I'll post my photos in another post, but be warned, there will be repeats.


These are the pictures I took in 2015 when we stopped in Punta Arenas on Ruby Princess.  We had planned to take an excursion to see the penguins, but we were told they had left the rookery two weeks before, which was much earlier than normal.  Instead, we walked around town to see what we'd missed in 1999.  We also visited Shackleton Bar, but those pictures I will not repeat.


The first two our Punta Arenas as we sailed to the anchorage.






This whale tail was near the end of the pier as we walked toward town.



When we reached Sacred Heart Cathedral, there was not a service in progress, and we were able to walk around the church.







Palacio Sara Braun



The statue of Magellan with a different dog napping.  The legend is anyone who rubs the feet on the statue will have good luck.  You can see how shiny the foot is in the second picture.





The demonstration was either just breaking up or was just getting organized when we reached the site.



Below are various scenes of th town as we wandered around.







This was an interesting display, but I don't remember what it was about.



On the way back to the tender, we walked to the waterfront and came across this new hotel.



Back at the pier, we saw this clock.



We also saw the street vendors on our walk.






Lovely photos Lenda.

I think a few of us would benefit by rubbing the foot of the Magellan statue for good


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I haven't had melba toast in ages; I might have to put it on my grocery list for next week. Chips and dip are hard to resist, so we don't stock them in the house too often.  Who doesn't love puppies?  Even those of us who are cat people can't resist them!


We're starting out cold this morning (-20C), but are told that the sunshine should start warming things up and we may very well see melting with our high of +1C (33.8F).  Looking ahead, we aren't going to be getting any warmer than -4 for the next week or so, but that's not uncommon for us in March.  While many of you are heading out to the garden centres, picking up plants, we can only dream of what we'll be seeing there in maybe another month or so.  I do know we want to get more papyrus plants, as they did very well for us last year; I hope the centre we got them from last year will have more this year.


Gosh, the drink of the day sounds like it would be better for a dessert!  And the wine?!?  Wowee, the price!!!  I'm happy to hear that our Daily family are getting good medical results, and will send good vibes to those with continuing problems.


@Quartzsite CruiserI believe you said that  dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers - really?  Badgers are known for their ferocity, not sweet little dachshunds;  I can't imagine, it!


I really like today's menu suggestion and have to say I never did make that particular recipe during lockdown.  I'm going to tuck the recipe away and will make it when we head to see our family in Calgary next month, as I know they love pasta meals, or as the boys say "Oh yay, noooooodles!"  LOL  I'm going to make something we haven't had in a while, a favourite of DH's - hot dogs in the air fryer.  They're as close as we're going to get to having them over a bonfire, so we'll be enjoying a light meal of hot dogs and potato salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all of our Daily family with needs, and cheers to all who have celebrations. 


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning aboard the NS. 

Celebrating my birthday on a windy day today as we move towards the Bahamas. 

Last night was a relaxing evening and not much new to report except the crew are back wearing dust masks. Supposedly not covid, but still amazed 3 years later they have not supplied all the staff with N95 masks for these occasions. 

No plans today, a sea day, except we are having pinnacle grill delivered to the cabin for dinner. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and will report back later. 


Happy Birthday! May your new year be filled with laughter, love, great health & a cruise or two!



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Happy Thursday Morning Dailyites!  Yesterday was an interesting day...The phone problems were back on the work phones, our garbage guys didn't pick up the trash on the last 4 houses on the street (includes ours) and the bowl released the top 20 sales people, and it turned out I was 12th out of 40.  If I lived in California, I would be receiving two bench seats at the bowl. For one concert.  But I dont, so I dont win anything.  Nice to see that I am outselling my next co worker.  Who gave me a long lecture about selling last week,  (that was funny as she doesn't know me or my history)  Heck, I once sold parking to a guy who didn't have a car....( I didn't know that at the time).  Because I never try to sell too high to those who cant afford.  Get them what they want at a price they can pay, and the customer is happy, and if the customer is happy, they will return.


I got the results of my blood tests back, from my new doc.  Everything was good she said, except my glucose levels were too high, and to see my endocrinologist.  And I know what I should be doing to get that corrected, but I am way too lazy to actually exercise.  I didn't even have to walk the dog yesterday, as Donna has such bad allergies she stayed home and went to the doc to get meds.   So I spent my day crying my eyes out watching the end of After Life.  What a terrific show and cast!  And working the later shift.


I still have not heard back from the scheduling department, so today I will try to call and see if I cant get that PET scan scheduled.  


And for the "puppy" within us all-





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4 hours ago, 0106 said:

I frequently make this pasta.  It is an easy dinner party dish.  I have substituted Boursin cheese for the feta.  I have added spinach and broccoli.  I hope you try it and enjoy it too.

Thank you for all these recipes.  

When I first read it, I thought not for me.  But seeing the photos and ingredients, I love the look of the feta pasta.  I’ll definitely be trying it.


P.S.  I’m often at a loss for ideas for a side dish for church lunches.   This will be a go-to !

Edited by ocean sounds
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20 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I missed it.  Where did it say Tuesday?  Have the mods fixed it?




Roy, I said Tuesday instead of Thursday in my last comment of my second post, the one with the photos of Punta Arenas.  The original post of the Daily is fine.

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Good Thursday morning!   We arrived home yesterday afternoon and that was followed by a visit from DS who watched my place while we were gone.  We got everything unpacked we took home with us on our drive home, the big load will come today when luggage forwarding is delivered.    I have a hair appointment and I hope I can get my nails done, they are so long I can barely type.    


@mamaofami I hope your cataract surgery goes well today.    


@seagarsmoker Happy birthday aboard the NS.


Thanks for the Daily Reports Sandi and Vanessa for the Cares Reports.   Prayers for all who need them and for the people of Ukraine.   

We were in Punta Arenas but I recall it was a tender port with not the greatest weather so we may have passed on going ashore.   I wanted to go to the Magellan replica ship.  Last night on our public television they had an acted documentary on Magellan, it was very well done.   I forgot he died in a battle with natives in the Philippines.   His crew was able to take one boat and found the Spice Islands and return to Spain with the spices to repay the investors.   


Thanks for the pictures of the pups, Bindi looks like she was looking for a treat.  Sadie and her friend look like they were waiting for treats too.   So cute!   

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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:




Hoping everyone here has a Terrific Tuesday!  Stay safe and well.  I am off to the treadmill then later the gym.

  Don't confuse me, I haven't had me second cup of coffee.  I had to go back and read the title to make sure I was on the right day.  I think today is Thursday but what do I know, no one is changing the days of the week rugs for me. 

One of my suitcases came last night. Two wheels torn off and a dent in the top of the new suitcase I bought while on the cruise to replace the one I went on the cruise with that also got damaged. I am not having good luck with luggage forwarding.

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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      Who doesnt love puppies? Although it has been awhile since we had one. No chip and dips here, I like them too much LOL

      Todays port is on our booked trip for October. Thanks for the pictures. I have booked an excursion out to see the penguins.  

      @seagarsmoker a very Happy Birthday to you! May you have many more

        @dfish Glad you are feeling better. Rest and give yourself time to heal.

     THe rocket went off last night after a brief delay. They said it exceeded expectations,. It is just amazing to me how far technology has come that this thing was built from a 3D printer! It was much quieter than the usually rockets. 

      Taking DD to the doctors today for her 6 month check up.  The doctor is really kind to her  but she gets real nervous. 

       Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning all,

We have clouds as it is getting light here, after 3 days of rain. Yesterday we had periods of heavy rain, hail, then 10 minutes later, portions of blue skies only to return to rain. There was even a tornado that touched down in one of the towns in LA. We’re supposed to be dry for at least 5 days. Loving the rain. 

@0106 the Boursin cheese is intriguing. Don’t think I’ve had it, but have seen the package. 

@kazu yah- one more step towards freedom. You can drive!

Here’s my contribution to Puppy Day:


Our Golden, at about 8 years of age, still acts like a puppy and even does zoomies. They just don’t last as long as when he was younger. 

Yesterday I got the table decorations done for next week’s tea. I’m happy with them but surprised at how many flowers they used. The theme is the Art Nouveau works of Alphonse Mucha, all done in paper. 






The rest of the day will be cleaning and maybe start packing for our cruise. (Like my pup, my zoomies don’t last as long as they had in the past.)

Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Good morning again.  It is still cloudy and still 69F.  It turns out, I'm not sore today after moving the washer and dryer.  I did miss a bet though.  While I had the dryer moved and no washer, I should have gotten the step ladder out and cleaned and straightened the cabinets above them.  At least, I can to that with the cabinet over the washer before they get here with the new washer.  I'll also do the one over the dryer, but it will not be as easy to reach.  However, I'm NOT moving the dryer again.





I've always liked Melba toast, but haven't seen it in years.  We both like chips and dips, but for the sake or our waist lines, we don't have them often.  And who doesn't like a cute puppy?


When I read today's quote, I thought of another epitaph that is also a trivia question.  Rodney Daingerfield had this put on his tombstone, "There goes the neighborhood."


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.  I'm not a fan of Syrah/Shiraz wines, and if I were, the price would be way out of our price range.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on your DGS being the second one in his class.  Very cute puppies.

@grapau27  Graham, again I learned something (two somethings) on the Daily.  Thank you for the explanation of two of today's days.  Thanks for your nice comments on my pictures.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope your cataract surgery goes well and smoothly.

@RedneckBob  RNB, the Redneck caviar looks suspiciously like Texas caviar.   😉

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping well, and that you are back posting sunrise and alternative meal pictures.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the doctor's appointment goes well.  I'm glad you found  someone to stay with Tana is knows about medical issues and is calm and capable.  Loved the picture of the two dogs, Fred and Zoey.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the doctor visit goes well.  Enjoy your free time and dinner with friends.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the blood test shows the levels are in the normal range.  Like Dr. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Dr. Lenda also prescribes more ice cream -- lots of ice cream.

@aliaschief  Bruce, another batch of great memes.  I hope your neighbor's flight is not delayed by the fog.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm sorry the work situation is so bad.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know it doesn't seem possible that dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, but that is why they have short legs and long bodies.  That way, they could go into the badger burrows.  I never found out if they were good at hunting badgers.  I do know that our two dachshunds would sniff at every critter hole they found in the desert.  And they would dig at the holes to make them bigger.

@marshhawk  Annie, congratulations on being one of the top sellers for the bowl.  I hope you can get the PET scan scheduled soon.

@ottahand7  Welcome home, Nancy.

@lindaler  Linda, I'm sorry your suitcase was damaged getting to you.  Will they pay for repairs to the suitcase?

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm still amazed that they could build a 3D rocket and that when launched, it met expectations.  I hope all goes well with your DD's doctor visit.





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8 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning again.  It is still cloudy and still 69F.  It turns out, I'm not sore today after moving the washer and dryer.  I did miss a bet though.  While I had the dryer moved and no washer, I should have gotten the step ladder out and cleaned and straightened the cabinets above them.  At least, I can to that with the cabinet over the washer before they get here with the new washer.  I'll also do the one over the dryer, but it will not be as easy to reach.  However, I'm NOT moving the dryer again.





I've always liked Melba toast, but haven't seen it in years.  We both like chips and dips, but for the sake or our waist lines, we don't have them often.  And who doesn't like a cute puppy?


When I read today's quote, I thought of another epitaph that is also a trivia question.  Rodney Daingerfield had this put on his tombstone, "There goes the neighborhood."


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.  I'm not a fan of Syrah/Shiraz wines, and if I were, the price would be way out of our price range.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on your DGS being the second one in his class.  Very cute puppies.

@grapau27  Graham, again I learned something (two somethings) on the Daily.  Thank you for the explanation of two of today's days.  Thanks for your nice comments on my pictures.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope your cataract surgery goes well and smoothly.

@RedneckBob  RNB, the Redneck caviar looks suspiciously like Texas caviar.   😉

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping well, and that you are back posting sunrise and alternative meal pictures.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the doctor's appointment goes well.  I'm glad you found  someone to stay with Tana is knows about medical issues and is calm and capable.  Loved the picture of the two dogs, Fred and Zoey.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the doctor visit goes well.  Enjoy your free time and dinner with friends.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the blood test shows the levels are in the normal range.  Like Dr. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Dr. Lenda also prescribes more ice cream -- lots of ice cream.

@aliaschief  Bruce, another batch of great memes.  I hope your neighbor's flight is not delayed by the fog.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm sorry the work situation is so bad.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know it doesn't seem possible that dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, but that is why they have short legs and long bodies.  That way, they could go into the badger burrows.  I never found out if they were good at hunting badgers.  I do know that our two dachshunds would sniff at every critter hole they found in the desert.  And they would dig at the holes to make them bigger.

@marshhawk  Annie, congratulations on being one of the top sellers for the bowl.  I hope you can get the PET scan scheduled soon.

@ottahand7  Welcome home, Nancy.

@lindaler  Linda, I'm sorry your suitcase was damaged getting to you.  Will they pay for repairs to the suitcase?

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm still amazed that they could build a 3D rocket and that when launched, it met expectations.  I hope all goes well with your DD's doctor visit.




Lenda, I hope the washer delivery goes smoothly today.  I am always nervous when something large and heavy is delivered because I am afraid they will drop it on my wood or tile floors.  You can breathe a sigh of relief the moment they drive away!


Something else DS mentioned about his oldest boy is that certain universities will reduce the exorbitant yearly tuition charges by 50% (like USC) if you are a National Merit Finalist.  DGS is a NM finalist along with second in his class.  He hears tomorrow from USC supposedly.  He has been accepted at UCLA but I think he liked USC more.  Berkeley should let him know by next Friday.  Both DS and DDIL are graduate student alumni of Berkeley.  Anyway, exciting times for a nearly 18 year old!  

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29 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning again.  It is still cloudy and still 69F.  It turns out, I'm not sore today after moving the washer and dryer.  I did miss a bet though.  While I had the dryer moved and no washer, I should have gotten the step ladder out and cleaned and straightened the cabinets above them.  At least, I can to that with the cabinet over the washer before they get here with the new washer.  I'll also do the one over the dryer, but it will not be as easy to reach.  However, I'm NOT moving the dryer again.





I've always liked Melba toast, but haven't seen it in years.  We both like chips and dips, but for the sake or our waist lines, we don't have them often.  And who doesn't like a cute puppy?


When I read today's quote, I thought of another epitaph that is also a trivia question.  Rodney Daingerfield had this put on his tombstone, "There goes the neighborhood."


We'll pass on the meal, the drink and the wine.  I'm not a fan of Syrah/Shiraz wines, and if I were, the price would be way out of our price range.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on your DGS being the second one in his class.  Very cute puppies.

@grapau27  Graham, again I learned something (two somethings) on the Daily.  Thank you for the explanation of two of today's days.  Thanks for your nice comments on my pictures.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope your cataract surgery goes well and smoothly.

@RedneckBob  RNB, the Redneck caviar looks suspiciously like Texas caviar.   😉

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you are sleeping well, and that you are back posting sunrise and alternative meal pictures.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the doctor's appointment goes well.  I'm glad you found  someone to stay with Tana is knows about medical issues and is calm and capable.  Loved the picture of the two dogs, Fred and Zoey.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope the doctor visit goes well.  Enjoy your free time and dinner with friends.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the blood test shows the levels are in the normal range.  Like Dr. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, Dr. Lenda also prescribes more ice cream -- lots of ice cream.

@aliaschief  Bruce, another batch of great memes.  I hope your neighbor's flight is not delayed by the fog.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm sorry the work situation is so bad.

@ger_77  Gerry, I know it doesn't seem possible that dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, but that is why they have short legs and long bodies.  That way, they could go into the badger burrows.  I never found out if they were good at hunting badgers.  I do know that our two dachshunds would sniff at every critter hole they found in the desert.  And they would dig at the holes to make them bigger.

@marshhawk  Annie, congratulations on being one of the top sellers for the bowl.  I hope you can get the PET scan scheduled soon.

@ottahand7  Welcome home, Nancy.

@lindaler  Linda, I'm sorry your suitcase was damaged getting to you.  Will they pay for repairs to the suitcase?

@cunnorl  Charlene, I'm still amazed that they could build a 3D rocket and that when launched, it met expectations.  I hope all goes well with your DD's doctor visit.





Very similar but our recipe includes a surprise ingredient, whatever is available roadkill. 😳

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33 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good morning all,

We have clouds as it is getting light here, after 3 days of rain. Yesterday we had periods of heavy rain, hail, then 10 minutes later, portions of blue skies only to return to rain. There was even a tornado that touched down in one of the towns in LA. We’re supposed to be dry for at least 5 days. Loving the rain. 

@0106 the Boursin cheese is intriguing. Don’t think I’ve had it, but have seen the package. 

@kazu yah- one more step towards freedom. You can drive!

Here’s my contribution to Puppy Day:


Our Golden, at about 8 years of age, still acts like a puppy and even does zoomies. They just don’t last as long as when he was younger. 

Yesterday I got the table decorations done for next week’s tea. I’m happy with them but surprised at how many flowers they used. The theme is the Art Nouveau works of Alphonse Mucha, all done in paper. 






The rest of the day will be cleaning and maybe start packing for our cruise. (Like my pup, my zoomies don’t last as long as they had in the past.)

Have a great day everyone!


The table decorations turned out very pretty.  I know they'll be a hit at the tea.


17 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Lenda, I hope the washer delivery goes smoothly today.  I am always nervous when something large and heavy is delivered because I am afraid they will drop it on my wood or tile floors.  You can breathe a sigh of relief the moment they drive away!


Something else DS mentioned about his oldest boy is that certain universities will reduce the exorbitant yearly tuition charges by 50% (like USC) if you are a National Merit Finalist.  DGS is a NM finalist along with second in his class.  He hears tomorrow from USC supposedly.  He has been accepted at UCLA but I think he liked USC more.  Berkeley should let him know by next Friday.  Both DS and DDIL are graduate student alumni of Berkeley.  Anyway, exciting times for a nearly 18 year old!  


Sandi, I'm sure there will not be a problem with the delivery today.  We had our refrigerator delivered a few years ago, and they were very careful.  I was more worried about getting the washer out of the laundry room (glorified closet) without any damage.  The only casualty was the wall clock which fell when I opened the outside door to fast and knocked it off the wall.  We now have a major gluing job to put it back together.


Sandi, that is good news that your DGS is a NM finalist and can get a reduction in tuition.  College costs have gotten way to high since we were in school.  The University of Texas admits anyone in the top ten percent of their class in Texas high schools, and IIRC, waives tuition for the top two in their class.


Just now, RedneckBob said:

Very similar but our recipe includes a surprise ingredient, whatever is available roadkill. 😳


RNB, I'll stick with our Texas caviar then.  Most of the roadkill around here are skunks, and I don't think the aroma would enhance the dish.  😀



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