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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday, January 16th, 2024


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2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good still snowing afternoon. I need to ask for prayers for a friend Steve. He fell getting out of his truck this morning and was unable to walk. He had to crawl in the snow to get to his place. Nothing was broken but he did tear something and will be in a brace for 3 months and therapy for 6 months.🙏




Oh my that sounds awful 😢. My prayers are winging his way 🙏 

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Happy Tuesday, we're at 1F today, supposed to hit the 40's next week. I'll take that.  We need a fire breathing dragon here.  Icicles dripped on our back door stoop, and then the sub zero temps came.  The ice is very thick and we can't even chop it.  That step is treacherous right now!  

Haven't been to the port, but the pictures look very nice today.  The chard might be interesting, tried to grow it once, but didn't have much luck.  

@rafinmdHoping your appointment went well today.  Be careful with the snow shoveling.  Ours was very heavy and wet, not fun to shovel.  

@ottahand7Good to hear that you're feeling better.  Last year we were on a bus with a cougher right behind us, and of course no mask.  Finally I asked her if she was OK?  We had our masks on, but most did not.  By the end of the cruise, there were lots of coughing people all over.  

@RMLincolnHope you get to your appointment ok.  Our county ex. just sent an email about our roads, the snow came so fast and then the sub zero temps which made it hard for the plows to keep up, leading to hard packed snow on the roads.  

Have a good rest of your day, Karen





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8 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Port of the day, Papeete. Was not impressed. Is too commercialized. Give me Bora Bora and Moorea over Papeete anyday! 

I agree.

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Good afternoon.  We're still waiting for our mail to be delivered to the PO box.  The two packages are ready for pick up, but I don' want to have to go into town twice today.  As for this morning, after reading @ottahand7 Nancy's post that John had gotten the RSV vaccine and she hadn't and where she thought she caught the virus, we decided to see if we could get the vaccine.  DH called and checked several area pharmacies for price and availability, and found we could get the vaccine at CVS in Parker without an appointment.  My arm is slightly sore, but that's a small price to pay.


We also discovered on the way to Parker they were still working on the highway, with it down to one lane.  There was a fairly long wait until we were able to proceed.  We decided to take a longer route through Ehrenberg back home.  I think even with a lower speed limit part of the way, we still made better time.


5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Oh my, what a quirky set of days - I don't have, never have had and don't anticipate having a dragon; not a fan of overly spicy food. Book publishing is something I can certainly celebrate!

Not aligned w/the quote, pass on the meal, would try the drink and wine, not been to the port.

The history days were impactful. 

Skipping PT again today, but continue at home exercises. 

Currently 16°, feels like 1°, headed to 30° which sounds like a heat wave! I think the heat pump will be close to working at that temp.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



I hope the heat pump starts working, but the heat strips (auxiliary heat) should have worked at the lower temperatures.


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites.  Good day for us dragons!  My mother was born in the year of the dragon, as were I and our elder daughter.  With three dragons in the household, you can imagine the fire-breathing going on!  Fortunately, Pat was born in the year of the rat and rats and dragons are compatible...

Now I will be humming Puff all day.  Pat has gone to get some bloodwork done for the cardiologist and run some errands.   We will be making appointments to get the RSV vaccine.  The skies are blue today, with a few wispy clouds.  We are threatened with snow, but it does not look like a snow sky.   Temps around freezing.


We were in Papeete in 2016 with Jacqui on Westerdam, we had had a lot of itinerary changes due to weather, and we just walked around during the day and visited the church and the market.  That evening we went ashore, too, to see all the night market food trucks.  It was bustling ashore, but we had eaten on the ship.


One of our favourite Tamarind servers, Apinya, sent us a picture yesterday of herself with Tony and Martha on Rotterdam.  Now we are so envious and want to join them!    I also checked on the wandering AirTag on Sunday and it was in Fort Lauderdale, but is slowly dying - it is calling out for a new battery.  So sad...  I have enjoyed following it around as it cruised.


I called Guest Relations yesterday to ask (again) about our refund for our Covid expenses in September 2022.  A very helpful agent said he had approved it and would be sending an email.  The email eventually arrived and all it did was ask for the same information - for the third time.  It's never going to end!






Ann, I've finally met someone else, Pat, who was born in the year of the Rat. 🐀  I hope you can get the long overdue refund of the Covid expenses soon.


3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good still snowing afternoon. I need to ask for prayers for a friend Steve. He fell getting out of his truck this morning and was unable to walk. He had to crawl in the snow to get to his place. Nothing was broken but he did tear something and will be in a brace for 3 months and therapy for 6 months.🙏




I'm sorry your friend Steve fell and was hurt, but I'm glad nothing was broken.  


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning and checking in from the Pacific Northwest, 

We're still in the low 20's and it's a nice day out. Rain, snow, and ice are on the way for tomorrow and then we go back to the normal rain, rain, rain (if we believe the weather forecast!). If the rain/ice/snow mix happens tomorrow morning I'll probably stay nice and snug at home and not go to the pool even if it is my "happy place." Today I'll salute Book Publishers as I love to read! Don't you wish your favorite authors would write as fast you read them?


I've done very well and my water hasn't froze up this cold spell so very grateful for DS and a new pumphouse. The neighbor who comes for tea froze up on Friday, had something burst in her pumphouse, have fixed it but now have to wait for the pipes to thaw. She's down her for tea (Earl Grey Cream today) and took water home with her. She may be back later for a shower. 


Nothing else too exciting around this place. I'm working on getting my craft room cleaned, baking cookies, and I need to start making payments for my summer Alaska cruises. 

Happy Tuesday! 



Karen, that is good news your pipes did not freeze, but I'm sorry your neighbor is dealing with frozen pipes.  We thought once in SE Pennsylvania that our pump had frozen, and of course, DH was out of town.  Our neighbor who was the builder came up and found an uninsulated pipe in an outside corner of the basement had frozen.  A few minutes with the hair dryer solved the problem.


56 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Ugh, just lost my whole post!

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily @kazu and @richwmn.

I appreciate dragons, as a fan of GOT. Book publishers are important. I like hot and spicy food sometimes; I've had some very hot Indian dishes. Strange quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the wine. I haven't been to Papeete.


It's 17F and cloudy. It started snowing last night, and instead of the 1-2" predicted, we got about 4". Early this AM schools had a 2 hour delay, but as the snow continued, most closed. My guys came and did the sidewalk and up to the porch, but since I had to go out I had to shovel from my back door to the garage. My back wasn't happy. I couldn't walk around the corner to the salon, so I had to slog through their unplowed parking area to their back door. Then I went to PT and the roads were fine. I'm hoping to hear something soon about the radiology procedure; I just hope the MRI disc went where it was supposed to. Same old same old as far as sleep and pain. -10F wind chill tomorrow AM, and I have a medical appointment.


@ottahand7 I'm glad you're feeling better and out of quarantine. I know about the high dose of steroids; they work, but we have to put up with side effects.

@kazu With all you do for us, no need to apologize. That sounds like a lovely lunch with your BFF.

@StLouisCruisers Great photos from Papeete. I didn't think you needed any criteria to get the RSV vaccine, just be over 60. The stocking is coming along nicely; it will be a treasured heirloom in the family.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. Your meal is one I'd like. I don't like to hear about you shoveling snow; be careful.

@Denise T It sounds like you've got a good plan for controlling your blood sugars.

@ger_77 I hope the blood tests can help the doctor figure out why your DH hasn't been feeling well lately. 

@Cruzin Terri Sorry you're still in a funk. You do have the cruise to look forward to, at least.

Are you looking for a new cleaning person? Internet down again?; not fun.

@marshhawk Prayers for DH's procedure tomorrow.

@Nickelpenny My Apple watch has the fall alert. The issue is with the pulse ox measuring, as some other company says it's proprietary to them. I heard Apple removed that feature to avoid the import ban. I have version 9; I get a new one about every other model, but one needn't.

@kochleffel Ah, Filene's basement! I went to school in Boston and it was fun to visit there sometimes (and try not to get trampled).

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

@RMLincoln Safe trip to the allergist today.

@1ANGELCAT Prayers for your friend Steve. 

@luvteaching I'm glad your water hasn't frozen. My kitchen sink is on an outside wall, so I've been leaving the cabinet below it open and the faucet dripping. Last year my dishwasher wouldn't drain as the line to the sink is against that outside wall and froze up.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, next time try to ask your guys to shovel a path to the garage.  I hope the shoveling didn't mess up your back and that it feels better now.  I hope you hear from the radiologist about the procedure soon.



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Quite the day. We visited the ancient city of Chan Chan home of the Moche. Huge ruins and very preserved. The Moche resided here from 900 until 1,400 AD until Incas took over. Then we had lunch at the beach. Pisco Sours followed by a huge plate of ceviche. Very good. Then we visited more Moche ruins the Temple of the Moon and Sun  Very well preserved. The Temple is huge. Will post pics tomorrow. Right now camera is charging.

Tonight another dinner poolside, some Peruvian Cultural entertainment followed by our guest guitarist Emilio Valle.

We are 240 nautical miles from Lima and we will be arriving around noon tomorrow.

Trujillo is a large city and this area is very desert like. They only get a major rain if there is an El Nina weather system. Shockingly they have not head any major rain since 2017!

Have a great evening.

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Good day and thanks to all!  
@RMLincoln we live also on the deeply frozen tundra, AKA prairie provinces,  but have escaped from the frozen north to the more sunny climes of Hawaii.   We feel like this is our second home after over forty years!  @ger_77 unfortunately they’ve fixed the airport, or we would just stay forever, lol! 




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Many thanks for your positive thoughts @JazzyV and @quilty964 and others. We just got home. It is Not nice out! Car was iced in, DH did most of that hard part.   Roads were snow-slush, slow going, hard to see through the snow and road spray but we left plenty early, found our way ok, only got there about 15 mins early, enough to fill out the clipboard of forms. Then waited almost 90 mins. Ugh. Got home in the dark but roads were just wet, snow had stopped.  Rush-hour was light. 

The allergist doctor visit was underwhelming. No need to expound on that now. We have the eye surgery trip coming up to deal with first, leaving Monday for John’s-Hopkins Maryland. So glad to be home!  Grateful!  Time to just breathe! 

@bennybear, how wonderful for you to be in the soft air of Hawaii!  Enjoy it all!  No wonder I couldn’t make the time zones make sense 😆.  Thank you!  

@marshhawk Turning my heart and prayers to you both for tomorrow!  Praying for Amazing!  



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Afternoon check-in, 


Our temperature is above freezing - barely - but it's there! We have a winter weather advisory in effect until tomorrow morning with freezing rain as well as snow and ice accumulations. If that's the case I'll be staying home and forgoing the pool tomorrow. I'm at a bit higher elevation and town can be raining and we'll have snow so no sense taking chances. 


I'm rather proud of myself. For the first time in months my leg with the stuck hip muscle allowed me to fill the front bird and squirrel feeder and get on the ladder and hang the hummingbird feeder up in the back. I was careful and all went well. I'm on hiatus from PT since mid-December but do need to go back. Had to wait for the Medicare coverage to restart. 


Have a nice evening everyone!



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7 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@Nickelpenny@kazuI have 2 friends who are both on their own. They arranged a time for a daily check-in by text. Doesn't take long and you're not interrupting anything.

And does anyone have any idea why it always takes 2 tries to do the blue bubble? Never works the 1st time.


thanks Susie - I’m going to ask my neighbour down the street.  I’m not so worried about falls but more of not waking up - no one  knowing and Ivan slowly starving to death.  II am in good health but so was DD DH. 😢 



6 minutes ago, luvteaching said:


I'm rather proud of myself. For the first time in months my leg with the stuck hip muscle allowed me to fill the front bird and squirrel feeder and get on the ladder and hang the hummingbird feeder up in the back. I was careful and all went well. I'm on hiatus from PT since mid-December but do need to go back. Had to wait for the Medicare coverage to restart. 


Good for you Karen 👏


I am always shocked by the Medicare in your country and what you have to go through and appreciate ours more.  



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The good news is we got our mail plus the two packages.  It looks like they had been in the box for a while, and someone forgot to scan them as delivered.  


37 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Many thanks for your positive thoughts @JazzyV and @quilty964 and others. We just got home. It is Not nice out! Car was iced in, DH did most of that hard part.   Roads were snow-slush, slow going, hard to see through the snow and road spray but we left plenty early, found our way ok, only got there about 15 mins early, enough to fill out the clipboard of forms. Then waited almost 90 mins. Ugh. Got home in the dark but roads were just wet, snow had stopped.  Rush-hour was light. 

The allergist doctor visit was underwhelming. No need to expound on that now. We have the eye surgery trip coming up to deal with first, leaving Monday for John’s-Hopkins Maryland. So glad to be home!  Grateful!  Time to just breathe! 

@bennybear, how wonderful for you to be in the soft air of Hawaii!  Enjoy it all!  No wonder I couldn’t make the time zones make sense 😆.  Thank you!  

@marshhawk Turning my heart and prayers to you both for tomorrow!  Praying for Amazing!  




Maureen, I'm glad you made it safely to and from the appointment, but YIKES! on the 90 minute wait for an underwhelming doctor's visit.  I hope the weather cooperates next week, and that your DH has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.


23 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Afternoon check-in, 


Our temperature is above freezing - barely - but it's there! We have a winter weather advisory in effect until tomorrow morning with freezing rain as well as snow and ice accumulations. If that's the case I'll be staying home and forgoing the pool tomorrow. I'm at a bit higher elevation and town can be raining and we'll have snow so no sense taking chances. 


I'm rather proud of myself. For the first time in months my leg with the stuck hip muscle allowed me to fill the front bird and squirrel feeder and get on the ladder and hang the hummingbird feeder up in the back. I was careful and all went well. I'm on hiatus from PT since mid-December but do need to go back. Had to wait for the Medicare coverage to restart. 


Have a nice evening everyone!




Karen, I'm glad your temperature is a bit warmer.  I'm glad your stuck hip muscle allowed you to fill the feeders and get on the ladder to hang the hummingbird feeder.  



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MDR seating and serving tonight are [redacted]. It’s a formal night and I think that two things happened. First, people who might have eaten in the WJ but wanted to dress up all came to the MDR, while people who didn’t want to dress up just came as they were. Second, people stayed longer than usual at their tables.


Anyway, my regular table wasn’t available and I was given one at the junction of two traffic paths, which makes me jumpy. At least, being on my own, I could choose the side of the table with a post behind me, so there aren’t frail or drunk passengers clutching at my shoulder as they lurch by.

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Well, it took four hours, but got my iPhone repaired today.  I learned that everyone who works at the "Genius Bar" is not a genius.  The person we dealt with (I was going to call her a lady, but am not sure.  The person wore a tag that said "Ask me about my pronoun" and also wore a tag that said "They Them".  So I assume that it wasn't a he and wasn't a she, but something else.  As they and them are plural pronouns and there was only one person, one can only wonder.  Anyway, they told me that I needed the upper speaker for the phone, but they had none in stock.  So I had a few alternatives.  I chose the one where they would loan me a phone and send mine elsewhere for repair.  Told to come back in half an hour while they took care of it.  Came back, and they had different news.  While they didn't have the speaker, they had the circuit card that it was on and they could do the repair.  The part costs $279., but is included in the warranty for my battery replacement in December.  Would take another hour to complete.  Came back after an hour and they needed another half hour.  Came back and they needed another 15 minutes.  Finally got it and tested it and now I can hear the caller.  They tried to charge me the $279. plus tax, but after I told them that it was supposed to be free, they agreed to that.  We got home while the weather was still mild, so everything worked out well for us.  By the way, I knew better than to "Ask me about my pronoun".


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@USN59-79 Ask My Pronouns

It's a simple way to respect identities... because you can’t judge a book by its cover, and you can’t tell someone’s gender by their looks. This campaign raises awareness of gender neutral pronouns and diversity in gender identities, demonstrating that asking someone what pronouns they use is a simple way to show respect. 

Gender neutral pronouns are singular third person pronouns that function exactly like he/him and she/her in a sentence. Common gender neutral pronouns include the singular they/them.

People choose to use gender neutral pronouns for all kinds of reasons. Some examples:

  • To demonstrate a non-binary, trans, genderqueer, agender, gender fluid, creative, and/or gender questioning identity.
  • To indicate that gender is not relevant in many contexts, or to make a political statement about gender.
  • To act in solidarity with a friend or loved one who uses gender neutral pronouns.

The gender neutral pronouns they/them/theirs have been used in the singular since at least as far back as the 15th Century: “There's not a man I meet but doth salute me / As if I were their well-acquainted friend” — Shakespeare, Comedy of Errors

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Good afternoon from the Volendam,

I continue to have a good time on this long voyage.  I am enjoying getting to know the dailyites on board. The food has been good and the ship is in good shape for her age. The weather in Kansas City has been awful so it seems it was a good year to leave for 3 months.


@ottahand7 I am sorry you are ill.  My niece who is an intensive care doc says one of the big illnesses that puts adults and especially seniors on ventilators is RSV.  So watch your illness closely. You can get RSV repeatedly so every senior even those with no lung problems should get the vaccine. When I hear people say they don’t need to get it makes me crazy!! 


Take care and be safe in the storms.



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We got our RSV vaccinations this afternoon.  The pharmacist said it is a one-time vaccination - I wonder how they know that?  I think it is a rather new vaccine.  He suggested our daughter who lives with us (and is 60) get it too, as she is an asthmatic and lives with us.  He said that way she will protect us and we will protect her.

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Good evening. I was finally able to reach a supervisor at Captel who approved the replacement of DM’s phone. First thing he said to me was that he saw how many times I had called over the last two months. I estimate that I’ve spent 5 hours on phone calls to customer service. Now I just hope it arrives in time for Craig to install it prior to our cruise. DM is getting anxious about certain things before our cruise with the phone being one of them, wine and pedicures are two more. 

@1ANGELCAT, I am so sorry about your friend’s fall. He must be in a lot of pain even though he didn’t break anything. I’m hoping for a quick recovery. 

I got some things done for our cruise, mostly for Blue. His dog tags are due while we are gone so I needed to get that done. And I emailed a current vaccine record to the pet resort. I am splurging on a deluxe room without a doggy door. I think the other dogs upset him. 

I also canceled a tour that we decided we didn’t need and booked some specialty dining. I hate booking specialty dining ahead of time because sometimes I just don’t feel like it but penciled it in anyway.

Plus Craig’s vehicle tags are overdue.  I don’t know what is happening but we didn’t get a notification. I did notice that the DMV had a wrong email and I updated that. Anyway our DD is currently borrowing the car so she’s going to have to take care of the emissions test. 


My skin rash is still a problem and I’m hoping that the biologic kicks in before we sail otherwise I might have to cancel a few tours. It’s a wait and see thing now. I did order a nifty injection pen cooler that holds two injections for the cruise. This will be a new traveling experience. 

Have a good evening!

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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

Sorry I'm late with Father David's sermon as I have had no internet since Saturday.

I will post it again on today's daily.

My sympathies, Graham. I was hoping that you & Pauline were off having fun. 

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