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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday April 10th,


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Good afternoon everyone.  We’ve been busy getting our house ready to sell so I’m late to this thread today.  Thank-you for the daily updates, where would we be without it.  Three nice days to be recognized, I saw all my siblings over the Easter holiday.  The meal suggestion sounds nice but I’ll pass on what sounds like a sweet drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list and for those that need them.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!

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From 1957. My oldest sister will turn 80 in two weeks and is throwing herself a party - why not??!! I'll be there to cheer her on. Our middle sister died at 19 from kidney failure - I still miss her.

Thanks to everyone who posted such great pictures today. I'd love to see Petra, but not sure that will happen. So this was great!

Prayers for everyone on the Cares list and cheers for all who are celebrating. I now have 3 new toilets and a new HVAC system, so I'm celebrating those!!


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Good afternoon, 


Wanted to check. in and let everyone know that I had a wonderful birthday yesterday (and remembered DD DH on our anniversary) and I was totally ok which was good. I tell folks I'm a tough old broad and yesterday was proof I guess. The day went really well. That decadent chocolate cake DS made was absolutely delicious and so rich!! It was two layers and the German Chocolate filling was in the middle but the cake itself was a very moist dark chocolate. For his first try at baking I'd say he hit it out of the park! I had lots of calls, emails, texts, etc.  and we (DS, DDIL, and myself) had a lovely late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden. I had the cheese ravioli and have enough for dinner tonight. I got my free dessert there (cheesecake) and got my treat at Starbucks so it's a good thing water aerobics was on the top of the list this morning. 


I also checked in with my brother-in-law and he's doing ok. My sister-in-law's service will be the 19th at a local church with a reception and then graveside to follow. He was an awesome caregiver for her as she battled breast and brain cancer. He did everything possible to keep her home and make life meaningful for her. She did some amazing quilting and when I get a few pictures taken I'll post them, .


Enjoy the afternoon/evening! 



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Good afternoon from a cool and very windy central Texas.  It is 63F with a 18mph wind from the northwest, so it feels like 59F out.  While there are still heavy clouds, it looks like we won't get more rain until next Wednesday.  Since Monday evening, we've received about 1.5 inches of rain.  Our yard is to soggy to go check the rain gauge closely.  It has been a busy day, but the house is clean as is the motorhome.  The last load of towels are in the drier.  I was going to cook fish and vegetables in the air fryer, but I think instead we'll have the rest of last night's pizza.  It's easier.


The two hour window for the people to come hook up the fiber optic internet was 3:15 to 5:15.  It is 6:00, and they are not here yet.  I saw one of their trucks about 4:45 minutes ago going through the neighborhood, and DH  said they are down the street.  I imagine all the rain today slowed them down.


6 hours ago, dfish said:

My siblings and I are pretty close as siblings go.  Well, Sue wanted to trade the brothers for a pony, but Dad wouldn't go for it.  Mom's biggest worry was that when she and Dad were gone that we'd kind of go our own ways.  We sort of have done that, but we make a point of getting together as siblings each year.  We also have a family picnic in the summer and all the grandkids and great grandkids come.  




Dad liked to take pictures on Sundays after church, so we had to sit on the couch or the coffee table and pose.  You can see that we were very happy to do this.  




This was a Saturday in early fall.  




A variation of sitting on the couch was standing on the porch.  This was in winter and Sue is showing  you how cold it was out there.


Great pictures of the siblings Debbie.


8 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites from a soggy Georgetown. Wow did we have a major storm last night. Blew 2 heavy pots off from the patio,  and the hummingbird feeders were against the fence this morning. It's gloomy and windy.


Prayers lifted for all on our growing lists. Our dear friend who has had double pneumonia and covid the past few weeks is now healed and trying to recover her strength. Vanessa, please remove Ron from the cares list, he has a long,  winding road ahead of him. Prayers for our innocents caught in war, our veterans and soldiers, the hostages caught in the middle of a crazy world.


I do like cabbage rolls, but found an easy, yummy cabbage roll soup we like better. I just may make that today and have French bread along side.


I love farm animals. My dad volunteered at a farm in the winter and we got to go along and play in the barn.







I have 1 sibling sister, but have some precious friends I call my sisters. Hi Denise!! @DeeniEncinitas!!


I had a brother who died in a motorcycle accident 41 years ago. 





Wishing all of our friends here on the Daily a blessed day. Know you are loved. Be kind!



Joy, that must have been some storm last night to blow pots off the patio.  We had some wind and thunder, but mostly rain.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today is the only sunny day this week, so I'm going to take advantage of that and try to do some gardening.  It's also a lull in the week because tomorrow our 4 bags will arrive from Luggage Forward (plus the 15 bottles of NZ wine!) So a lot of unpacking in my future.


Good days, and I will celebrate Sibling Day.  I have 2 older sisters, the eldest passed away in 2011 after a 10-year battle with Lymphoma.  I miss her a lot. She and I had a lot in common, including a love of gardening and travel.  


Will pass on the meal, would try the drink out of curiosity, and pass on the red wine.  Have not been to this port, but would love to go.  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the as always great photos.


These are some of my favorite photos with my sisters.

I'm the baby here.   We were at Mt. Baker, our Dad's favorite place.



When our sister was fighting cancer, every time she went into remission we did a "Sisters' Weekend".  We chose a different location every time.










Carolyn, I'm sorry your oldest sister lost her battle with lymphoma.  Great pictures.


6 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

@dfish I love it - trade for a pony 😊

Those are great pictures. 


This is all 4 of us taken when my younger brother was on Christmas break from Notre Dame; a rare time when we were living in the same area. Who knew all these years later he would be gone. 💔


This is a framed sketch a friend did for me from a picture I found when cleaning out my dad's house. My younger brother had been born, but for unknown reason was not in the picture, so this is the 3 of us now, just younger, lol.



Elizabeth, thanks for sharing the family picture and the sketch.  I hope the picture brings back good memories.


8 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:



Cute picture.


5 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My mother took all of us on a cruise from NY on the Queen Mary. She was already very sick but really wanted to go. My sisters in law were unenthusiastic initially but we have all continued to cruise. She started a dangerous habit!





Terry, thanks for sharing such a wonderful picture.  I'm glad your DM got everyone cruising.


5 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

The Universe must celebrate Siblings Day... I was preparing to back out of Dr parking lot, sister pulled in next to me; she uses same PCP.

She gave me a box and said it would make me think of Baby Brother. ❤️

Already cleaned w/icy cold tea in it.





What a lovey cup and a lovey gesture by your sister.  I hope the doctor signed the FT leave for you.


4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

The next day I drove down to Petra. I parked and started to walk down and this cute young man with 2 horses asked me if I wanted to ride the horse up to the top.  I asked how much and he said $50.  I had brought a tad over $100 so I said - Why not?  I got on the horse and then he said - Oh, but it is 2 horses as he had to ride one so it is $100!  I got scammed but I would do it again in a heartbeat.  He took me up to above Petra and I walked down.  Then as I was walking back up after a couple of hours, he picked me up and took me back to my car.  Amazing!!


Just some of the pics of my day at Petra:






I am on the horse




After walking down from the top




Starting the amazing views
















Just some camels along the way


















I was so glad to be able to go!!




Pennie, thanks for all the pictures from Petra.  It is the top of my bucket list, but I doubt we'll make it there now, and Covid ruined our two chance to go a couple of years ago.  I agree that part of the are looks like AZ.  This area of the Judean Desert reminded us of the area around Borrego Springs, CA.





4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily, @kazu @rafinmd & maps @rafinmd.

I'll salute farm animals and the Salvation Army's founder. I have no siblings (at least that I know about). Excellent quote. Maybe for the meal and the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Aqaba. A good day in history.


It's cloudy and rainy here, but warm. More rain the next few days, with wind warnings and severe storm warnings for tomorrow night. I had my pre-op exam with my PCP this morning. Now I am very sleepy. I just made my morning coffee and am having my bagel with it. Maybe the caffeine will help. I may see if I can nap soon. I need to write out checks to pay taxes owed, and for estimated payments for next year. Tomorrow I have to be up at o'dark thirty to take BFF for his Mohs procedure. 


@MISTER 67 Good to hear you're better and I hope DW hasn't caught what you had.

@kazu I hope you can get some answers about your foot. Sorry to hear of the flight issues getting home. 

@StLouisCruisers Excellent Petra photos!

@smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear the aide won't be there, and that last night's sleep was interrupted. I hope things stabilize for Tana, and you all have better nights. Nice photos.

@kochleffel That must have been quite a fall; good to hear the pain is subsiding.


@Haljo1935 I hope you can get the work/medical issue worked out satisfactorily. Thanks for the siblings photo.

@RMLincoln Prayers for DSIL and all the family, especially those making decisions.

@dfish Fun photos of you kids.

@Cruising-along I'm jealous of the wine that's coming! Thanks for the photos.

@Nickelpenny Thanks for the great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.




Vanessa, I hope everything went well at your pre-op exam.  Best wishes to your BFF for a successful MOHS surgery tomorrow.


4 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:

Goodmorning from my home in Maui!

@Seasick Sailor


Mahalo and thank you Joy! I bet it’s 5 years now when you joined Fleet Report we became close.

Happy Wednesday to all and prayers where needed and Happiness in life to all!!

Joy my only ( Kaikamahine ) meaning sister virtually here on the Daily! 
Have a great day all!





Wonderful painting, Denise.


3 hours ago, superoma said:

My sister and I. No, we didn’t have a pony but there were itinerant photographers who went round with a pony and took and sold pictures. I am surprised my parents took advantage because money was tight so this would have been an extravagance.  Our mother often dressed us alike but we are 13 months apart. My sister and I are having lunch together tomorrow. And I got a really nice text from my DSIL in Germany regarding sisters. All 3 of my DSILs are like sisters to me. 

first and last time for me on a horse!



Cute picture, Eva.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

My older brother carrying our Persian cat Monty and me over 50 years ago at our late parents house.



Nice picture, Graham.


2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

On Sunday I went to pick up some meds at the pharmacy.  
The pharmacist informed me It was time for my Covid shot, my RSV shot and my Shingles shot.  I said really?  How much, and it turned out to be 0.00.  Can you do all 3 at once? They said yes.  And I said no.  So I just got back from the pharmacy having shingles 1 shot, and the RSV shot, both in the same arm, and I am set to go for 14 days, then come back for the Covid, and then after 60 days come back for the 2nd shingles shot.  So far, I feel fine, my arm hurts, and I may put off the kitchen cabinet clean out.  Krogers was having a buy one get one on very chocolaty popsicles Magnum, and I figured I needed a treat.  So I indulged, got the chocolate with chocolate and the chocolate with raspberry.  That one has dark chocolate on the outside, a drippy gooey liquid raspberry dip, and that surrounds the raspberry ice cream.  It sounds almost healthy.  LOL.


Im loving the pictures of the family and siblings, and loving the pictures of Petra.  Thank you.


Annie, I hope you don't have a reaction to the shingles shot.  A bit of advice I was given when I had my first shingles shot.  The second shot has to be between two months and six months after the first shingles shot.  When I got mine, the pharmacist told me that if I had any reaction to wait as close as possible to the six month date to lessen the reaction for the second shot.



50 minutes ago, NextOne said:

From 1957. My oldest sister will turn 80 in two weeks and is throwing herself a party - why not??!! I'll be there to cheer her on. Our middle sister died at 19 from kidney failure - I still miss her.

Thanks to everyone who posted such great pictures today. I'd love to see Petra, but not sure that will happen. So this was great!

Prayers for everyone on the Cares list and cheers for all who are celebrating. I now have 3 new toilets and a new HVAC system, so I'm celebrating those!!



Edi, a lovely picture of three lovely girls.  I'm sorry your middle sister died so young.  I hope your oldest sister has a wonderful 80th birthday.


21 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 


Wanted to check. in and let everyone know that I had a wonderful birthday yesterday (and remembered DD DH on our anniversary) and I was totally ok which was good. I tell folks I'm a tough old broad and yesterday was proof I guess. The day went really well. That decadent chocolate cake DS made was absolutely delicious and so rich!! It was two layers and the German Chocolate filling was in the middle but the cake itself was a very moist dark chocolate. For his first try at baking I'd say he hit it out of the park! I had lots of calls, emails, texts, etc.  and we (DS, DDIL, and myself) had a lovely late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden. I had the cheese ravioli and have enough for dinner tonight. I got my free dessert there (cheesecake) and got my treat at Starbucks so it's a good thing water aerobics was on the top of the list this morning. 


I also checked in with my brother-in-law and he's doing ok. My sister-in-law's service will be the 19th at a local church with a reception and then graveside to follow. He was an awesome caregiver for her as she battled breast and brain cancer. He did everything possible to keep her home and make life meaningful for her. She did some amazing quilting and when I get a few pictures taken I'll post them, .


Enjoy the afternoon/evening! 




Karen, I'm glad your birthday went so well.  How nice that your DS's first baking attempt tasted as good as it looked.  Maybe, he has a new career.  I'm glad your DBIL is doing all right.  


@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope your brother and niece are doing all right with all the decisions about your DSIL that need to be made.



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Good evening everyone.  

I know it is late and I have not read the posts.  I will do so later or tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask that you keep us in your prayers tomorrow.  DH has an appointment with the Neurologist for his 3 month appointment.  Don’t know what to expect and hope he does not put the kabash on the Italy trip.

DH seems to be doing okay from what I can see.  Will be interested in what the Doc says.

More tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Prayers for all of you.

God Bless,


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23 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening everyone.  

I know it is late and I have not read the posts.  I will do so later or tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask that you keep us in your prayers tomorrow.  DH has an appointment with the Neurologist for his 3 month appointment.  Don’t know what to expect and hope he does not put the kabash on the Italy trip.

DH seems to be doing okay from what I can see.  Will be interested in what the Doc says.

More tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Prayers for all of you.

God Bless,


I’m still up Terri!  Sending out extra blessings!  Have a good sleep, tomorrow will be here soon!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for your extra caring. It’s not going too well…  and more troubling news with other brother’s family… I’ve been busy reaching out to the nephews and niece there too. 

And Very glad for Steve’s’s progress!  

I knew when we moved from NM to the east and we’d be closer to my family - siblings, cousins all older than I- there’d be impact of loss, but it comes in waves or bunches. Not much I can do but try to be supportive to those who I can connect with. It’s draining but I’m glad I’m connecting with them.  

@JazzyV Blessings for a smooth day with BFF’s MOHs. You two are quite a team!  Impressive. 

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3 hours ago, bennybear said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  @StLouisCruisers @kazu @dfish@JazzyV @smitty34877  so appreciate your kind use of blue bubbles and multiquotes   It makes it so much easier (and shorter) when I read later in the day. I know it takes extra effort but it’s appreciated! 




@bennybear Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate the considerate posters who either multiquote or use the blue bubbles.

@Quartzsite Cruiser congratulations on your multiquote today ......post number 83. A splendid example to us all. Thank you for being so considerate. 


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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening everyone.  

I know it is late and I have not read the posts.  I will do so later or tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask that you keep us in your prayers tomorrow.  DH has an appointment with the Neurologist for his 3 month appointment.  Don’t know what to expect and hope he does not put the kabash on the Italy trip.

DH seems to be doing okay from what I can see.  Will be interested in what the Doc says.

More tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Prayers for all of you.

God Bless,


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts DH appointment tomorrow goes well.

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening everyone.  

I know it is late and I have not read the posts.  I will do so later or tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask that you keep us in your prayers tomorrow.  DH has an appointment with the Neurologist for his 3 month appointment.  Don’t know what to expect and hope he does not put the kabash on the Italy trip.

DH seems to be doing okay from what I can see.  Will be interested in what the Doc says.

More tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Prayers for all of you.

God Bless,


Sending my prayers for your DH at the neurologist tomorrow that he is well.

55°F and sunny here at 07.27am.

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8 hours ago, NextOne said:

From 1957. My oldest sister will turn 80 in two weeks and is throwing herself a party - why not??!! I'll be there to cheer her on. Our middle sister died at 19 from kidney failure - I still miss her.

Thanks to everyone who posted such great pictures today. I'd love to see Petra, but not sure that will happen. So this was great!

Prayers for everyone on the Cares list and cheers for all who are celebrating. I now have 3 new toilets and a new HVAC system, so I'm celebrating those!!


Nice photo.

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6 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

I’m still up Terri!  Sending out extra blessings!  Have a good sleep, tomorrow will be here soon!  

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, thank you for your extra caring. It’s not going too well…  and more troubling news with other brother’s family… I’ve been busy reaching out to the nephews and niece there too. 

And Very glad for Steve’s’s progress!  

I knew when we moved from NM to the east and we’d be closer to my family - siblings, cousins all older than I- there’d be impact of loss, but it comes in waves or bunches. Not much I can do but try to be supportive to those who I can connect with. It’s draining but I’m glad I’m connecting with them.  

@JazzyV Blessings for a smooth day with BFF’s MOHs. You two are quite a team!  Impressive. 


Maureen, I'm sorry it's not going well with your DSIL which  makes it hard for your DB and neice.  I'm also sorry there is troubling news from your other brother’s family.  It's good you are near by and can offer support as needed.


5 hours ago, erewhon said:


@bennybear Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate the considerate posters who either multiquote or use the blue bubbles.

@Quartzsite Cruiser congratulations on your multiquote today ......post number 83. A splendid example to us all. Thank you for being so considerate. 



@erewhon and @bennybear, thank you for your nice comments.  For some posts I like to reach out to others individually because of circumstances.  Other times, there are a lot of multiquotes because I couldn't read the Daily during the day.  Multiquoting in that case helps me remember everyone who I want to mention and why.  Glad it helps you, too.


7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening everyone.  

I know it is late and I have not read the posts.  I will do so later or tomorrow.

Just wanted to ask that you keep us in your prayers tomorrow.  DH has an appointment with the Neurologist for his 3 month appointment.  Don’t know what to expect and hope he does not put the kabash on the Italy trip.

DH seems to be doing okay from what I can see.  Will be interested in what the Doc says.

More tomorrow.

Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Prayers for all of you.

God Bless,



Terri, I hope your DH has a good report from the neurologist today, and he says you can go on the trip to Italy.  You both need to get away and relax.  HUGS!



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